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Durham Review (1897), 27 Nov 1902, p. 2

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Ili Theoretical work will go hand In hand wlth practical employment. Graduates will be placed on an equal- ttr with men trained in tho exlmlng hultutlons. They will also be ell- qible for positions under tho Mulls- try of Agriculture. Although no “to has been fixed for the opening :of the school. 32.G young women have ahead: been enrolled a; union". Russian Government Approves New Agricultural Institution. St. Petersburg, Nor. P.4.-Atnsala is About to open the tirst agricultural training school for women over ea- ‘tnbliahed in Europe. Tho Govern- .nent has approved tho full curricu- Iam, which extends over three years. and embraces tho general principles of tanning. gardening, doirying. bee- keeping. poultry, sheep, and cet- tie-raising. WOMEN'S FARMING SCHOOL Mr. Either. the inspector, explained the work. and while not declaring the remedy perfect, stated his be- to! that it was the best yet found. sad that the trees treated would have been far worse had it not been used. nap were seen to he still rather badly ullected with the scale, while In tho next row where the lime and sulphur had been used at. the same tune there was a considerably bet- in showing. though still some scale. and the bark of the tree looked more healthy. Mr. Archlbald and the trees treated with the latter remedy bore one-third more fruit than those on which the soap was used this year. MWalist up? at the Ameri- nor. his plant would prepare 2.000 muons“ slag. which, with six pump“. would cover 1,000 ordinary peach trees. Besides. without .lespls'mg the value of other tried remedies, Mr. Fisher declared the sulphur- Jime Preparation to be the safest, no tar as injury to trees was con- cerned. the, cheapest and the most “(active he had yet seen. After dinner the visitors made a tour of the orchard in which the spraying was being done with an ordinary spray pump. Some "ees sprayed last spring with whale-oil the Ontario experiments. Further- more. Dr. L. 0. Howard, the Ento- mologist of the United States De- partment of Agriculture, had stat- ed that the remedy had been used on trees continually for ten or ntteen years with the best results. Mr. Fisher thought the sulphur- iime preparation could be prepared. as he was preparing it, at a cost ot 15; cents a gallon, compared with 10 cents a. gallon tor the whale-oil soap mixture. of the for- glue. from which run two pipos, carrying respectively steam and cold water to each of the barrels. Mr. Fisher explained that his for- mula was one pound of quickllme to one-half pound of sulphur in one gallon of water. The barrels were only quarter filled at first, the rest of the water dropping in slow- ly to keep the etfervescent lime so- lution from boiling over. This-"cook- ing' process goes on for twohours, m the end of which time the li- nuid must be used. within, any. 18 or 20 hours, for when it cools it is useless for spraying purposes. Mr. Fisher said he had secured the best results from using it in April.‘ This remedy had been toty1trtiuedettr. ful in California, trom which he de- rlved his suggestions, but the ex- perimentallsts of the Eastern States had not yet adopted it, un- der the impression that the rainfall in their districts was too heavy. Tins. Mr. Fisher thought. was drown to be toundationteG, in view ot the success which had attended On arriving. the visitors Iound hear the Archibald house a line of twelve barrels, from which sulphur 'mueo Inseam. enveloping men who were stirring the liquids In amn- ner very suggestive ot the witches' cauldrons in “Faust." At one end stood in ordinary threshing en- Federation bf Labor eonGiiGG, 9 within 400 votes of locating _b_ody'a endomtlon of their M. Catharina; report: A prac- tical orchuru demonstration here to-day was the omcia1 introduc- tion to Ontario fruit growers ot Inspector Geo. T. Fisher’s new line- Iulphur remedy for the San Jose Beale. do interested in it were the trait growers that probably one Hundred men of this vicinity visited Mr. Archibulti’s farm on Lake n'rect during the day and watched the, various. stages ot the process. The‘ Provincial and Dominion Depart- ments or Agriculture were respect- ively represented by Mr. George C. Creelman. secretary of the On" ,tarlo Fruit Growern' Association.’ and Mr. Alex. Alexei", of Walker- rille. Dominion "Fruit Inspector. l GOOD RESULTS FROM ITS USE Demonstration of the Sulphur- Lime Treatment. SAN JR SIE PEST. 11m robbers flagged the train. As it I Mowed up they ran alongdde the en- l the and covered the crew with re-i, volvers. They then compelled the em. ir aineer to alight, and, after placing a 1 tuck filled with dynamite under then Trinidad. Col. Son M.-Four unsk- I ed robbers held up a manager train ' on the Colmado & Southern road, IS I In“ Mouth ot here, last night. One of z the robbery was shot by expreu mes- If anger Shrrwick, of Fort Worth, , Texas. i Express Messenger Brought One Down . and the Others F led. FOUR 'lift ROBBERS IE f up l TRAIN. - ' o The Anarchism Have Been on the Trail or the President for Some Time. New York. Nor. SU.--). L. Dot. Atm. heimcr. of Hoboken, is reported to hare related a story of alleged An- nichist plottings against the life ot President Roosevelt. According to Mrs. Doxiicimer there have been in USE Lt',' last fourteen month three per- prac- .soiis assignc-n to the task of "re.. here moving" tho President. One of odacs these. a Frenchman. named Melon P.' ot she mrsmded LO return to Paris, 'lt','; where he was killed by a streetcar. a the She proiesses to believe that he put one himself in the way of death in or- halted trier to spare his relatives the humil- treet lotion of regarding, him as a suicide. the Next. according to Mrs. Doxheimer, The tho nesnssin‘s task was assign-3d part- to a man named Mueller, living in peut- this city, who a "ew days later M, Lawn: of poison. selr-adtumlgtereu. . pd-ot:' last of the three designated for tion, tho mi'rrnh-rous work. Mrs. L'oxheimer lkcr- I alleges. was a Mrs. Schroeder, of Hap. _ I loin. who also ended her lite by means 1 _ , of poison. Mrs. Doxheiuwr asserts , in"; 5 than; among the plotters were several 4 ". 0 imiilioyuitis. liar yonSerrtion of what I ',"l1',1t.ysy1ytre) a millionaire is indicated i W'olby her statement that these men I EMF: ! “owned houscs," Mrs. lioxheinwr says i 'ttcs .thut rmontly she has been under ( r'tyi)idlijicidit of Mr formor Anarchlitie l 1"rlitssLruiris, and that they have tol- t pi‘-"v;lowmt NT and her husband about 6 1,n1ilont 391100 to plum. so that they a is. lhnn: rtqnirml the protection of de.. L Pr- I ironies. TLC Rev. ('li‘nrlcs L. M'titrie, b, Itue MIN. Iroxhcimvr's pastor, will make b 1'/lrno stzitrnir‘nt regarding the socall- n l'", (, mi connexion. Ci Manchester. Bum. Nov. f?A.--Detr. patch this morning pubitshea an ar- ticle relative to "the disappearance of a well-known peer whose name was freely mmtioned in an odious connec- tion.' The correspondent of the Deo. patch says: ' ' "I am tod that his case was recent- ly' tho subject of a consultation he. tween the Lord Chancellor. 'the At- torney-General and other (amour men. at which it has agreed that tho present state or the public mind u undesirabie tor an indictment. and this altogether disreputable offence will be allowed to lie against a mem- ber of the Home ot Lords. The noble Ion-a to when this refers, ha- three or .?y.1r,,thntai narrowly escaped proce- m'flnn. ' It Recalls a we place, and. tho bandits appearing at either dnor. ordered the men to hold up their hands. Tho score of players and attendants were then HUI-mod on our skin of the room. and while the bandit leader kept them novcrm with his revolver, his as- sistant rifled pockets and tills. Harvcy Howard, tho porter, went in tho room to learn tho cause of the trouble and was shot in each leg. The second robber then went into tho, saloon in tho front of the place, whore, he secured $80 from the cash drawer. , The proprietor mved 8865 by hiding tho money. The robbers then backed out ot the place and disappeared. DISAPPEARANCE OF A PEER. fixer. There are the place. and, the at either door. or hold up thoir han Displayed Extraordinary Nerve In Holding Up a Gambling Room. Minnoapolis'. x-vport: Two bandits hold up a gambling-room in tho Col- umbia might; last night and secured $1.943 from the 990m ot players and Proprietors. Thoy wounded Har- vey Howard. the negro porter. Each robber used " dark-colored handker- $11in to which! tho lower part of his .‘n,\ ML; Dublin. Nov. 2l.--The educational sobemes of the Department of Agri- culture and Technittal Instruction are being taken up throughout the country with most encouraging eu- thusiasm. At the present time the itinerant instruction schemes are in operation in quite a number ot Irish counties, and several others are on the lookout for eligible candidates ‘ior these appointments, bat the number available is unfortunately so limited that many counties are un- able to obtain suitable men. The con- sequence is that the oiiicinls ot the department are being: obliged to in- duce various County Councils to post- pone making appointments ot itiner- ant instructors until next year, when a special batch of young men,; who are at present being trained; at the College of Science, Dublin. will _ in all pmbub'iity have acquired the necessary diplomas to enable them to act as lecturers and demonstra- tors: but so keen is the demand for instruction that even in the tace ot this dearth of suitable men the Coun- ty Councils of Wicklow, Donegal. King’s County, and others are ad.. vertising tor candidates suited to act as instructors. ' Educational Schmnv Taken 1' Enthusiasm Throughout Co, TEACHING FARMING T0 IRISH t IlhVDDllilRD Welcome Return or Min Whose Att- sence Cooled XhoteArdor. Winnipeg‘ despatchjz' Immigra- tion Officer Roy, who existed in driving the Doukimhors back to their . , villages. arrived in Winnipeg yester- .dsy. and says there was great re- "r--------.--- l glazing on the return of the Doukho- men. The women since being Brought One DOW" separated from the men, appear to . there cooled in their frantic ardor there Fled and are quite. contented to remain " . at home. The leaders were still pos- r their crazy notions, but , baggage car and attaching a fuse. sessed o . . 1 ordered the engineer to ignite the t have 1o,st their hold on their follow- _ fuse. lie attempted to do so several ' ere. Mr. Roy dom not believe that ' timed, but the fuse would not burn. I a: attt,'rl,tet',"t1g1' ci1t,i,,"ti,att,1nt Drin this roccedln the robbers n 0 ty 000 e o co - _ keptgup a t'1'ffii1e,l f,, shots in the 3 centrate their inhabitants in anoth- . direction ot the train to intimidate} er Tly mission. James T. Richard- the passenger son. o Yorkton, discussing tho re- _ While prepzrations were being: cent trouble, said: “Pamphlets made to fix the fuse, Messenger Sher- f written in the United States by Rus- ttt q JiWpgltg,1 tgiedijlghsgoin 1:1: 5.1m” 'e1ttttg1e,'t,'g,.te, cg Uteipgn t ' e a ens, 8 ar 19 movemen ' an e fired at the nearest robber. The latter! fanatical notions advanced were fell'in hit tracks. His startled com- fanned by their “John the Baptist” 133:3": e,?.'",'.?".',?,..!.',?,:"", fled. A, and other misguided leaders." l While prepa'ratlona were being made to tlx the fuse, Messenger Sher- wick extinguished the lights in his car, quietly opened a dds door and fired at the nearest robber. The latte: tell In his tracks. His startled com- panions picked him up and fled. A posse Is now in pursum TWO BOLD BANDITS PLOT TO KILL ROOSEVELT Howard, mo porter, went m to learn tho cause of the M was shot in each leg. :41 .-r=ts-, .. _ . Beam! Scandalous State oratraus. Pr, Eng., Nov. 24.-Des- morning ppbllahec an ar- are two eaitraneera to 'ou n t ry . With -----, first " Tr the hoaatt can .be taken from a baby alter death and the regular beat temporarily restored by im- mersing it in a. solution of salts." argued Dr. Lyons, "why cannot .‘the heart of warm-Mot' animals be restored by the injection tif salts into the veins, if done when the ani- mal is at the point of death ?" Mice, Dogs and Cats the Subject. Dr. Lyons began his experiments with the lowest forms of mammal lite, mice, then dogs, and cats. Taking the animals kept in the University of Chicago laboratories for experiment, he gave them such treatment as would bring them to a condition where we was practicalLy extinct. Then by ini~ctions of sodium and cab. cium solutions into the veins ot the rating mammals, ho was able to ran store tor varying periods of time the heart-boa: In its normal rhythm and strength. The experiments were completed several wyseitto, but not until Dr. - _ -"-__ .-v- Hui-BI Arr. Loeb spoke ot the matter In illus- trating a point to his clan tn phy- siology yesterday had it been given to _tho public. on with the idea. of ascertaining the prcperiies of solutions ot sodium and calcium as " We restorer, the an- muncemeut made 'by a Russian specialist some time ago regarding sxperimente made g?f the heart of n. dead chi'd are an d to have been the immediate motive. l While the instructor in preparing to Itake a position at tho University or ’(faurornia, Prof. Lou!) and his corps rot scientists have shed a new light on the prubivm which has occupied the biologist fur yrnrs. Salt and water, the "ciixir of life," discovered by Dr. Loch two Jan's ago to be efficient in making turtlcas' hearts beat again with rythmk, throw, has been; found to be u puwcrtut restora- tive lor dying mammals, and the scientist is a. strap nearer towards the goal ot prolonging human life indefinitely. Experiments Made at University. The experiments of which Dr. Loch told his class were matte by Assistant Professor Barnard 1'. Looms in the laboratories at tho university. While Dr. Lyons' ewerimfmts were carried Chicago, Aov. '..'A.-h new discovery in relation to the prolonging of life has Just been announced by Prof. Jacques Loch. or the University of Chicago. EXPERIMENTS 0N ANIMALS. New Discovery in Connection With Salt Elixir, HA5 illllllWIfll DEATH C. A. Hinckley, known on this side of the line as ('. H. Morris, has boon a familiar figure? in Westerm Canada for mum years. During: tho Lake of the Woods mining; boom ot the lute '90's he was a prominent citizen ot Rat Portage, was thorn ongagmi in mining operations, and was. In tact, secretary and camera! manager of the local mining bureau. Later, he followed the mirnnml development west to British Columbia. The situation developed at that time resulted in amendments to the Extradition Act, whereby similar offences were made extraditable. Morris lived in Toronto, Rat Port- age, and latterly in Boundary, where he speculated in real estate and min- . ing property. Tue Fidelity L‘asunltyl people were on his bonds for $12,- ooo, and, having been compelled to deliver this sum to the West Side Bank, enter-ml the action to recover tho amount. with ten yenm’ inter- est. from Irinelrley, which name was adopted by Morris under the Brit- ish flag. Tho case, has been proceed- inp: for several months. but action is now suspended. pr-ndlng a settle- ment. whereby. it is stated. the Cluavuntsxe Company will secure the full amount of its claim. , Rossland, B. L'., Nov. 2h..-.1n in- terestin stage has been reached in the actEm or the Fidelity Casualty Company ot New York, vs. C. A. Hinckley, otherwise known as c. B. Morris, the man who absconded from New York ten years ago with $90.- ooo belonging to the West Side Na- tional Bank of the metropolis. The matter became a cause celebre through the efforts of the United States authorities to secure Morrls' arrest and punishment. He escaped soot free, however, the extradition arrangements not applying to his Morris Compromises With His Pursuers. llftillUi Mfll Iljllllllft DOUKHOBOR WOMEW giving this to you for the IQ." aid the professor. "It Factor in Mining CRIME 0F TEN YEARS AGO ONTARIO Afrairrs. TORONTO Dowvlsa to remove the wante prodmt from' the body. Dr. Chase's kidney-Liver Pills are phenomenally successful in curing kidney and liver derangement; stomach troubles. bi.'iommesii, and constipation. Mame of their direct and continued action on than an. it Is very seldom that eithbr the liver or kidneys are affected Inde- pendently of one another. They are botii filtering organs. and conse- quently when one becomes sluggish and torpid in action tho other is ehnilnrly deranged, and both are to a. large extent dependent on the bowvls to remove the waate prodmt from the body. The Source of Stomach Derangement: Regulated by Dr. G _ His Mail-st)- Brings Down l-IighiV-l'nur in Twenty Minutes. London, Nov. 24.--Pcnu the German Emperor and the King of Portugal spent the day out shooting, the loss mer with the Earl of Lonndalo. and tho latter in company with King lirr. ward in tho Royal preserves near Windsor. The Emperor tlisting;uhrh.. cd himself an tho last day of his pre- sent visit to England by bringing down 84 rabbits in 20 minutes. An authoritative statement was is- sued this evening saying the German Emperor in highly gratified at the friendliness with which the English‘ people have everywhere received him, and His Majesty will leave the shores _ of England to-morrow with the most] agreeable impressions. Sluggish Liver Tho Chicago police were commu- nicated with. and asked to find the man and woman, it posslblo, who sent the telegrams. and also find Mrs. Lombard. Mr. Dubrula has not heard from his sister for some time, and het' address is not in his posses~ tion. Her age in the message stated she was 26 years of age ,but her correct age is 33. KAISER 0EATd 0N RABBITS Later on Mr. llnhz'nle called the woman up by long dista nee telephone and sho 393mm} to send the remains by tIre first train, and Duhrule anxi- ously waited ti'l &ttumiay for them. When the body did not arrive the express agency in Chicago was no- tified to make Mlquirics at the hos- mm]. It was thor, !enrned that no woman by the name of Mrs. Lom- bard hy) been a patient there. "1etegtrnphett a “'mulstock Man That Mis Filmer “he Dead. Woodstock dosputch: Julius Du- brulv, Lin-um.” in the vmpoy of the u. N. W. Telng-uph Couipany, was nearly the victim of Home (‘hicago swindlers during the past week. On Monday lust ho received a telegram from Chicago announcing the death of his sister. Mrs. Josephine Lom- (tiiv:i', in the County Hospital in Chi- lcago, and asking what he wanted done with the remains. This tele- gram was signed with a man’s name. Dubrule telegraphed back to send tho remains to Woodstock, and re- ceived in reply nnothef telegram signed, supposed to be by the wife ot the sender or the first message. It asked him to send 8B2 for ex- penses. He replied that he had de- posited the money with the agent ot the American Express Company here, who would pay when the re- mains reached Woodeork. I T1 If? . r n p h . ‘(l "_-__ "nu w.'., “Hub” vuust. New fortifications are also being! rapidly constructed along; the banks! of the Thames. I - -- - -- 'r""' “Bun-vat a possible attack in case of war, from which, judging from statements undo to-night, it has hitherto been quite inadequately protected. An announcement to the effect that the extensive buildings have been com- pleted at Wokirttthum, Surrey. eleven miles south of London, for use as in mobilizing centre in the scheme for tho defence of London. reveals tor the first time the existence of such important War Office operations. It is stated that when Lord Roberts took over his post as (‘ommnnderw in-Chief of the British army. he; personally investigated the defencesi of London and found them to be Very l imperfect. Since then powerful but- tm'ies hnve been mounted on elem-l tions commanding“ the principal roads between London and the south coast. I x?:... P-_atrs A . Fortmcationn are Being Rapidly Con- sin-noted. London, Nov. 24.--Etrorts of a far- reaching character have been set on toot to “Intify the metropaiis against " “an”... _¢‘.A,L a - 'raN. What the next step will be the scientists refuse to say. They will. they say. proceed with their exper- iments. and believe that human life may be prolonged only when they hare proved it. , _ y Then filmed the announcement by Dr. b and Dr. Mhthews last winter that the human body was like a. complicated battery with currents having toxic --or poisonous --and anti-toxic effects. Now it has been discovered that not only can salt solutions be applied to sections ot the ventricle muscles of a. turtle's heart, but that the entire heart of a. warm blooded animal while still in the body and while still beating, though faintly as death approaches. may be restored by one ot the simp- lest articles in the Materiel Medica--. i Long Step in Advance. This latest discovery is consider- ed it long step in advance of Dr. Loeb’s announcement in the Ameri- can Journal of Physiology nearly two years ago that experiment had shown the possibility ot restoring the rhythmic beat ot turtles’ hearts after death, or cause the musciel of a trog's leg to twitch by immers- ing the one or the other in solutions of sodium or caisium salts. At that time it was only cold-blooded ani- mgis thet_were used in experiments. THE DEFENCE OF LONDON. Dr. loch. In accordance wbth his custom. refused to be interviewed on the subject to-(ky. In telling his class yesterday he gave all the cre- dit to Dr. Lyons, who, he said, had originated and carried out his own experiment. is a. new discovery. and has not been announced before." A NEW SWINDLE _- v w-nwuw ulue- ' l'lll‘ mother. They are be,', ttttr, and comet.. M become te2uggitry ron' ion tho other is add and both are to pro] ’Rendent on the Lin thexgam. That tWy cure tl, .de_fch'ronic and complicated (use: kidneys. liver, and bowels hp: are proVPn in thousands ot causes. me- Mrs. Yoke, 223 Church! ctr: glen ronto, states: "r am Ptets is add my testimony to the _ 21:0 properties, ot Dr. Chase's the Liver Pills. A combination ' mt and kidney troubles brought a. View low condition, and an m... - ‘- - W“! 7 - _V.... ._...u LJUI‘CH‘ street. To. ronto, states: " am pleased to add my testimony to the curative Properties, of Dr. Chaae's Kidney- Liscr Pills. A combination of liver and kidney trowblea brought me, to a very low condition. and before coming to Toronto I was continually mic:- doctor’s care, both at Chat- hau and Guam. I mu subject to stomach troubles and continuum; regt,pt.Cetgifiot7iri1'l'l ttttst I could My see to law. _ Kanka Kee, tll., Nov. 2i-Edward Iieatores who is visiting relatives in Kaukukoe and who is about to visit friends in Chicago. is said to be the largest man in the world. He is tt {not 3 I-u, Inchvs tall, weighs 370 lbs.. wears a No. 10tsat, a No. ap. shoe 3nd a, No. 21 collar. 11is chest measure is C6 inches. He 15:31 years old and was born near Winnipeg- ot French-Cana- dian parents whose natures Were not above the average. “Where did I get by height t" asked BeaupI'e; repeating the question of u. friend 10-day. "J e naming pas." and he shrugged! his massive shoulders. "Am I strong- In proportion to my size t" he went on: “In“ - __-__, 7 7”- _.. v" mun al.1151111," Arou- l tier. found a strong tttwer at Gamat. ti, hold by six outlaws, who refused to surrender. The shells from the British guns made 1ltt1e impression on the fort till evening, [when the tower was stormed and all of its de- fenders were killed. The British lone- [were comparatively heavy. Col. Tan- nochy was mortally wounded, and hill since died. Capt. G. White, ot the ‘Third Sikhs, was. killed while leading fine storming party, and Capta. Davies and Houston and Lieut. Airy and eight of the native troops were 'wounded. The tower WM razed. Gen, Egerton arrived at Shh". yes- terday and captured the headman and several of the villagers. Col. McRae. commanding the first column, signalled from Spimvan on Monday": that ho had surprised and captured‘ the village. and had taken 250 pris- oners. Sumo war munitions also tell I into the hands of the first column LARGEST MAN IN THE WORLD Edward Beanpre I: village Surprised. Simm, India, Nov. 2A.--Coi. Ton- nochy. commanding tho fourth col- umn of the British expedition engaged in putting down tho uprising ot the (“312151 .1tyru1tyn on 'he Afghan fron- The Brit ish Loss in The t1o1'resmonuertt adds that the story of the survivors has caused a feeling of horror in Wellington, their action being ragarded as inexcus- able; as tho raft was only tour days and a half afloat. mu died of oxhhudtion thrbuéli Ga" Jr blood taken by this process. London, Nov. 2t.-l1he correspond- , eat of The Daily Mail at Wellington. N. 2.. cables that the eight surviv- om of tho steamer Elingtunite. who were rescued on a. rate by the Brit- iah survey steamer Penguin, admit that while their minds were uniting- cd by hunger, some of them prolong- ed lite by drinking tho blood of their companions. This was mostly done by mutual consent of two parties” incisions being made in their skins, and each sucking the blood of the‘ other trimultaneouais. 'Dhose ot the: Castaways refusing to do this were ' "tappcd" while they were asleep, "nuuitillyrcu, that tho steward. f or the stocks. 8TtaP.0.'29 t- In preferred Cataract Co.; C862” common Cataract; 818,7“). Hamilton Steel & Iron Co.; $2,880. in Hamilton Prosident Loan, and $2,700 In stock ,in tho Masonic Hall Company. ! His real estate boldlnga include homaotead. $8.000: houses on George 'street. $10,200; lots on Bold street 23M King street east, $4.6m: “or. ' No. 88 King street welt. $15.“: No. 16 King street. $18,600; property Victoria avenue north, $800; hour; on Lincgln avenue. Detroit. $3.500. MANY MADE THE SACRIFICE How Survivors of Shipwreck Kept Alive. Mllll(illllllllilfilllljlfllllgi The will. which was made ttuit Jan- uary. just before Mr. noodle went to l Hamilton deupstcli can: ! This morning the wilt of the late Mr. John Noodle wan entered tor pro- bate at the Surrogate Court by Miran. Chisholm a Logic. aollclton tor we executon. In. Janet Moo- die, the widow, and Jane. B. and Chas W. noodle. The out“. is valued at $206,923.22. composed of bank and other stocim,t18tis116.29; money secured by mortgagei. Wi,- 701.10: book accounts. $880; lions: hold turniture, $500; cash on hand, $165: cash in bank, $3,910.83; rial‘ estate. $60,700. -- __ -- . . I THE WAZIRXS TROUBLE. Left an Estate Valued at $206,923.22 to Wife and family. THE LATE Milt. J. M00iNE'S WILL hat th'oy cure the Id complicated (“seal Yer, and bowels has thousands ot cases. te, 223 Church! ctr-ac up ..- Its, Bodily Palns and Aches and Endless ttumsrinq ' Chase's Kldnoy-leor Plus. hat th'oy cure the nos” "r '3. Pr-....,- A a - d "otttNieatat ailmn-n- -" --, , Clogged kili/iiiri pre Lifts a Horse With One Arm. - - _ “um ing- the question at u e ne sais pas," and he sslve shoulders. 1n proportion to my to new}: ; "ieeit, FG Storming a Tower, ‘e first column. m on Monday" and captured like" 250 pris- Ltionu also fell first column, daggers; _ ‘0...“ a l\nutlrl‘ ---...u “IVE? Pills. To my mind they 1mm will, no equal a. general health: restor- Chat- an" ' It to Dr. China'- Klrlney-Liver Pills. one ltloI: pill a done. 25 out: a box. at all ht l denial-b. or mason. Bate- & 0h _ [Mum ts,'s'?fittfu' , 255%! l '0. recommended to try Dr. CtttuseN 1cidtte.vCiiv%". Pills. and nt- mbute my pro-eat good health ma clear Halon to their n-guI-u yse. Choy Ieemed to he exactly suited to my one, and did morn good than any medicine. I ever used. To pvt- eonl ot sedentary habits and “who who alt new!!! all day long I strong- ly recommend Dr. Chase's Kidney- leer fills. To my mind they was a gun] no general health renor- “the. and c which, With an {atomic e crowd Which Gaming Occurrence in Capital- B'trext by Broken Wire. Ottawa deqxuch: The burning of t street car on the track Is the un- usual Incident which occurred at " o'clock to-nlght on the Somersvt {mo ot the Otuwa Electric Railway The car was tn alumnus of Molnrmnn (‘oughum and had rmmhml Bullmun'l Corner, {when the trolley who "ul- 10me and the dead end fell upon the our, Petting tire to it as to so much kindling mood. The fire out a lurid reflection. which gave the reflwnwn of ll house! on ttro, and an :alnrm ma mug n. bringing out tho fire brigade. The passengers who were In the on " the the escaped unhurt, but tho cu- m. [ant-ll» an...“ __I TN-- Unpleannt Experience or Parisian Who and Artttgcut Nasal Organ. Paris, Nor. Lu.-teon L‘tHiPYI'Q“. having IOIt his nose. trot a surgvon to replace It with a u-llulold mum- tion. While he was lighting a cigar- ette on the boulevard the other men- ine hit none tuck tire. Godorroy Jumped about in pain, and " as car- ried through a. hon-mm crowd to " drug store, where the extraordinary yPnnturration, which had ittvolrod his moustache. heard, (-yt‘lailmu. and eyebrow: and had injured his .591. was extinguished. 'r at the time owed unlmrt, out 10 on was totally destroyvd. For length of 100 feet the trolloy wire III at a yhlta heat. hissing. unint- SHINE, NOV. '.N.-'mr, British " sirr'il.- tione under General l-Igerton :35: mt the rebellious Waziris on thr Afghan frontier entered the Kabul Kiwi country yesterday. A large w::.on of the Waziria became aluuwd. And can: rMrearentativet, to the Br lish commander to ask for terms of pun-we. The fourth column of the upruimou ha. met with determined opposition. The commander ot the column. Col. 'nennochy, has been badly woundt-d. Major Berestord. the second in mm- mod. ha. aka] for reinforcr-mvnm The political officer at Gumatii has prom-ed to send all available- ttet-et- anoo to lab T STREET CAR WAS BURNER Brit ish Mort With Determined Up- Position-Coronet Wounded. T When Beam wu 10 years on he m ’6 hot ' Inches tall. “That {an enabled in to canoe One thing few bore do w" remarked the gin m when comment was made on his early growth. “My lather? clothes were 'never out down to tit um He was only 5 teat a" , For a ulna Beaupre was a cowl-o; in Montana. Bis dze will too V'rr"ttt for the horse. he had to ride, an he gave up the occupation. During his: coway experiences a pony kicked mm and broke his jawbone. leaving " mm war. But tar this he would be a. hand-one no he in “rang. In mum, he he: to sleep on the “our inn-guy all bed. are too whoa-t for 3:le .n looping-cars he Milly-u two . u,-m-r berths. "I get along all right," ...:1 he. "except for one f.liinq--i rm m big tho girls are all scan-d at [w 'lar me; and I havollot yet found:, an. t wt- heart." CELLULOID NOSE ON FIRE We." With the remark he waiked out of a local peanut-ant into the attest. throw one arm around me born of a. tuner" home and Mm] the animal oft its feet. A. the will is entered the Govern.. meat will be entitled to abouttno, 840 mention duty tax. An the Man would bring the eaten» to within 3200.000. it my ham to My only In" tint mum. Thu, law ptOVM-l tint from 8100.000 m 3200.000 state- my " per vent, tttfe.""'"," over 8200.000 G iter cc ' Tho "at ot the property is to divided canny between Jammy locale. Chang W. locale and b, locate. To“. can. Mr. John, 1!... helm; h!- stock In tho Hamilton Steel & Iron ce, 318.700. A brother In Sour. land receive. $1.000; a New in no..- ton mocke- ll.000; the Orphan up In! aid “ad Women‘- Homo, t1). Bmn8, ot the Frtendit-, the Pity Hospital. the Home Mission tio. cloty ot the Presbyterian Church, can]: receive $1.000: the Boys‘ Rome and the fitie'Armne 'ret.8a?o earn. FIGHT WITH THE WAZIRIS California, provide- that $30,000 worth ot real estate he set a”. to provide on malty of 32,000 tor In. Iondie during her life time. and at her death It I. to be mm“, divided noon the tow children. um locale I. 11100 to have the tree “a. ot one ot the George street realm-mo. and all the (mutate. -.-s'o-'.'rWk. " h-A .100 feet the trolley wire flute heat, hissing, mim- emlttlng ulmtric marks. the burning car. mused excitement amongst the h Quickly gathered. uni-g0 of Motormal had reached Bullman'u tpe trolley wire wok uni tho I .810?! thing: (mm po'rtr ayes Pills All weak M men. canon-n when. indium old-e. who a! “law tthook health. will n u her oz amid be.' llknwlsv mm! the advicv of practising in “in: Dr. Wi before long ti movement in the tune slur (he was onoe) at health an! pound- in Td “who ail at Dr. Will but“ com 'nrew'.' ducm r mus p (HR " V a!) su? u ll u P""' "IS Mm ftttdrlee mu» b tht “divs in! “In Marked by I “on. In: Lamina]: q but“! iui hi hi d bu he Sh: " W; In! ou, th, tn m it! tri l n d h ts NR] Ion In)" 'ul., iaut.s ”PM knew Girls mm: to th Parim " o Ski tor MM. tr the In". ll bu} I] ttt " I

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