and Lamp HAM. "q.o's-n J, was; ffZers nd Ameri- Store, in Pal-tn no very Stable "ACK. 'Pmont TS School @740 are L. Grant, 010$ Bill. 'a'xweil 52mm, H "IS caving tr stair " ‘M _ W43," rr'.,' IA:, be: (is) We Qi Insnecmm tl on! MS S. SCOTT. TWEEDS d YARNS 'iii':,,':))')'.':..,'.),'),,.')),,',, GROGE’RIES :JAKE KRESS . 1“.. " - a. “mm --- W', H. BEAN We have a full line of thrs and WalMcun Work; smee-d Wheat Bisattuts, per box We can give you Bargains:. Lulu-5' Long Sleeve Vests. White Red Spreads. largo size, such Flanneletw Blanks“, " ipair Bad Comlorters, 60 by 72 in. ouch Faek LI Wool Dress Surges, Black Ind Colors, 42 In wide, per yd Heavy Melton Dress Goods 42 in. , " li Ll NUS HAND-MADE SHOES b MONEY TALKS In I4 kt Gold filled, war- ranted to wear " years with solid Gold Bow. Only $12.00, CASH ONLY. A. . GORDON wear 20 years $10.00. oec00ls'rs a B00KMiLLERs. IO MacFarlane & Co. - ...-ast “ The Best Quality cheaper than ever 'd ndertakz'ng PROMPTLY ATTENDED To. Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with the tiypophosphitat: Lower Town Durham “wet Town, niy Glass table tsoug, FO R DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. 4001‘s & SHOES, ae., Strengthening WEAK LUNGS GENTS WATCHES. In Nicklecase $5.50. In kt Gold filled warranted to Many persons catch cold easily and tind it difficult to get rid of an ordinary cold, to such we / would strongly advise using our wide, st (H he.ut quality. lake Kress. LADIES‘ WATCHES. Kym/ring a 6rreeiut SALADA CEYLON TEA. 1 Green and mixed in lead packets ', 35c, 30c. and 40c 1 lb. HE SELLS CHEAP! I BIG 4 large bottle 35c or 3 for 8t. It is a wonderful strengthener and healer, and fortiies the Lungs against serious Paul-loam dis. eases. . NOV. 27, 1902 FURNITURE “ken, .' :pair $1.00 , 60 by 72 in. ouch $1.50 Call and spa them (lhltft 3W Jewelle per yd each each $1.15 15c Me 25¢ [ At'roTsmith--Mcyilla.n--Thieports i, 0n ward appropriations in wards 2,3 and i 4, he accepted as follows: ; Appropriation. wardi2. $212.76; Spec. , iobs in ward 2. $75.50; Statute Labor [JFund m ward 2. $11.00; Appropriation ii" ward 3, $225110. Appropriation in ', ward 4, $225.“). i Mrs Pitt, who has been ill for some t,", time died at the home of her sowin- , law Henry Tucker, 18th Con. on Non- day last, aged 78 yrs. Her son Chas I came home about a week previous and I was with her at the last. Other payments were as follows t James Anderson. damage to waggnn, $5: Wm Black. cement for bridge, $23.- 50; Haskell bros., cement 75c. Work on bridge: Ronald McDonald, 81600; W Arrowsmith, $5.63; John M2,r:titon: '1c,60AArchie McLeljan, $7.50. "ms: "ifeii'aiiGi," -iGiiiTiiii"G'i"r'ii'it ing 89,00tgohn Barry gmvel 81.5; M. Atrowsmith - McInnis - That Alex Black be paid 821 for till at lot 2A, con o.--Carried. McMillan-Meinl-That Petition of Archie McLean and others asking charity for Geo. Roy be considered and that we pay him $2 for the present tnonth.--Carried. McMillan-Minis-That the follow. ing accounts be paid t E North 9 pieces qglygmtg Riggs: 8tu8,At'eight on same 83.00. N "Whitniore ’2 dn iiwiril W‘ bu00.. The; Davis 2 a; wzmd superlnteu in tt3.00, . t - Carried. g 83 m tll 817.78.-- Mclnnis - Arrowsmith - That Geo Furneux he paid $1.50 and Colin Mc- Arthur 8100 for removing trees off baseline at lots '20.21.--Carrfird. Davis-Melt-That Alex. Bell he paid $14.50 for widening road at lot 5, Durham road.-Carried. McInnis---McMillan--That selectors of J more; te paid 83 eaclt.--Uarried. The council met Nov. 8. pursuant lo :uliourmnenl. All the. members pres- ant. The. reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. C'ommunicatiotiy as follows '. Flow John McQuzur‘e declining the office of collector. From Arm Black an account for cetttettt. From J. McKenzie, certificate re Statute Labor. from the report. of work on Pomona bridge. from E North an tu.cottnt for voncrete pipes, from art-hie McLean and others asking (-lnrity for Geo Roy. from the committee re retiring Treasurer their report, from ()onunissioners for Wards 2. Band 4, their report. from Walter Nichol. M Stonehouse and John Barry. account. for ravel, By-luws, 423. and 424, was in'l','.u'Jl.7d' and read a. first and second time. McNnis..- Arrowsmith--. That Wm. Kingzzon he paid $23.75 for grading at lot 27, con. 2, E. G. ft.-Carried. -"_" "eeM_v. uu, -1!lullal\’ll. Mrs. D McIntyre, at Balsam Valley, is at present visiting her parental home Mr. and Mrs, Isaac. She has with her a pair of tine bouncing twin boys. Congratulations. Miss Wilson of Boothville is visiting at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenton, this week. We are sorry to Stttf that Mrs. Wm. Snell is Very poorly at present, also Mrs. Pitt is very ill and not likely to recover. Miss Mary Isaac is at present visiting at her sistev's Mrs H. Baird, Lnuriston. Mrs. D McInm-m m Ream“. Unna- will uuve better success. Thrashmg is agum the order of the day. Mr D. Eccles and his little steamer has a few barns yet around here to clean out. n7. H.†van, uucu “It: umur for the evening. Thev all spoke to the interest of the Library, and we hope the next time our library board gets up anything of the kind they will have better success. The concert in Russell Hall last Friday evening in behalf of Dromore ip. Library we are sorry to say was Very poorly attended. We dont know why, but the cause was surely a good one, and we are sure the entertain- ment was good. It is needless to say the singing was first class, when We mention the names ot‘Miss E. Whelpley, leader, Miss H. Whelpley. Miss Large. Mrs llocket and Arthur Pickering, of Mt. Forest, assisted hv Dr. Brown, of Holstein, and our own little singer Miss Jean Renwick . The speakers were Rev. Mr. Camp- bell, Mr. Robert Renwick and Mr. Jas. I Coleridge, who ablv filled the nhnirl swre. The brick work is almost completed. and with the material for the rooflying ready for the last brick to be laid and a number of willing hands ready to take hold, we expect in the next few days to see the outside work completed. The trpiidine is of solid brick. 24x60, 2 stories and to all appearance will give credit to the place when finished. Mr. Findlay is an old timer in Dromore, having serv- ed four years " clerk for the late Alex. Taylor. after whose death he rented the store where he has done a good business for the past five years. and has gained confidence enough in the people of this community to enable him' to build. Mr Findlay is a straight forward honest good business man and we wish him every success. Mrs. Taylor We understand intends resum- ing business in the spring and we also I wish her success. tl lam -ir,; Glenalg Council. ,__-__,.. Tr. mum to satisfy the people, but pass through Dromore would Jet that our streets were a. AL- - - - - J "came sorry to say was y attended. We dont know ;he cause was surely a good we are sure the entertain- good. It is needless to my ably "iihiiriii'/isitiii'i. Dromox-e. This business of trying to tix the responsibility on a few persons is, to use an expression more forcible than chssical, played out. The electors of Ontario are on trial. The li'ig,e; of Ontario have the matter In t eir own ihands. They are on trial now. not the aovernment-not the Alliance. They have to say thelut word. What On the other hand. if he thinks har- rooms are a nuisance. a standing menace to the welfare of the country. as a patriotic Citizen he ought to try to have them removed. Never since thc day Sir Oliver faced the Jesuit, Estate‘s excitement. did any mun in Ontario stand such a storm as George W. Ross had to face last Spring in regard to the Referendum. (When almost. crushed with domestic jberenvement, the whisky men, some of the Prohibitionists and of course. his political opponents, came down on him without mercy. The Premier stood the storm in " manner that challenged the admiration of his enem- ies, and hound the hearts of his friends to him With hooks of steel. Now the people that assailed Ross and his Referendum are on trial themselves. They must vote Yes or No on the 4th, or sulk away like cowards. A good man of them will sulk. They must 21'll their ballots or hide behind the wood- pile. Some of them are hiding already and will keep behind the wood-pile or under the barn until after the fourth of December. Ross will vote for Prohibi- tion, but some of them who shed crocodile tears for Prohibition last Spring will not vote at all. Ross" vote will do more for Prohibition than their tears." . bt But the issue is here. Ross may he a very had man. hut what should be done. about the bar rooms? Some of the Prohibitionists may have said and done foolish things. butthat does not atfect the treating system. Is it a good thing or not? The people have, the matter in their own hands now and must decide one way or another. Every man in a free. self-governed country like Ontario will have a duty to perform when the polls are opened on the 4th of December. If a man thinks the liar-rooms are " beneficent Institution he should vote to maintain them. He should encourage others to vote for their nmmtenance. In fact he I should try to have more of them put.) into operation. If some do good more i might do more good. i .. Who are on trial Now in this Refer- endum Business? The people of Ott, turio. Tt.rsrcet'titinly, ' The(lovernnu-nt had their trial last, spring. and the l'rohihitionists had their', Inter on. The issue is now squarely before the people of Ontario. Do um want to retain the bar-rooms? Yes or no? Do you want to continue the treating system? Yes or no? However these questions may have come befote the people they are there now and must. he dealt with) The whole people are on trial. The part of the World that takes an Interest in Ontario is waiting to see how we stand our trial. .. Knnxnnmn," in hst week's l’rvvhy- H-rinn, has the following pithy [mum-ks un the approaching vote of Dec. Ith. Div. No. 1-issts. s'. Patterson t W. Sin-s. Wm. Allan. No.2-Geo. Lothian. R. Renwick, Jm. Findlay. No. 3-Geo Freeman, lh. Brown, D. Allan, Sp' No. 4--lt. Dodds, Johp.lmtruoch,"-ovr. Sr. No. 5--Thos. Gordon, J. Randall, Jas. Mcdougull, No. 6-J. Dillon, Jun. ttoss, Jus. Rowland. In Hentiuck the names we have so far are: No. lenhel-t, Lvdinghum. Hugh H. lindde-ll. No. 2-AIr (‘ur-lm'. And. Derby. No. 3 (Allan Pack)- Jun. Milligan, Arch. Park. In Gleuels,r for No. cr-it, T. Edwn w. L. F'alliirsgltatn. In Nurnmnlpy for No, 1--Thos. New, Dun. Mcllw ide, Jas. Watson -'" - _ -V . - --"-- The View. President for Egremnnt Mr. Wm. Allan. has made a vnry thor- ough round of hm township and reports the committees in the respective wards as follows t - V --"'"r""" _ FTPVe' "'9" "Would be the most disastrous. blow tlu. twnpemnce cause in this province could conceivahly suffer." Go Out And Vote. Before the bulk of our readers get next week's paper the cauupaign for the Referendum will be over and in a Short time thereafter it will be known whete I the Province stands on the great ques- tion of provincial prohilnliou of liquor selling. The qu:st.|on voted on is put this way: “Are you in favor of bringing into force the Liquor Aer 1902?" There is only one Way to vote in the "ffivtnative. and that, is to make a cross opposite .' yes." There are two ways to vote in the negative: by voting .. no.†and by staying: at home. Let IN know the exam truth. 'Go out and vote and shoulder mnnfully the responsibility. i The At't has been pint-ml on the Statute hook '. it you want it, to stay there. any so by voting "yrs " and help to avert, a defeat which Pi0cival (‘nven mm»- Davit-rArrowsmith-/rhat this coun- oil consider that the council of Holland Should take the initiative in getting Droper titles and passing By-Laws in regard to Lynch dewan and that this council shalt Gear a reasoimhue and just share of dislmrmnenls in regard thereto. provided copies of sun-h Hr Laws whun passed are filled With this council. and that the Clerk notify the council of Holland to that effect. The Council adjourned taili.e"n,er It3th, at 10a. m. umnenouse gravel 83.50: Walter N ichnl I use; Then Davin letting and imyrettng _ 81.3; Peter McInnis letting and inspec- ting 8211);.) A McMillan letting and inspecting 84.78. Bv-Law 409, closing up road,. By-Law 42& appointing collector. and By-an 424 appointing polling places, and de. puty Relurning ofrirfers was read a lhinl time and passed. Repoet of Committee re Ex-Treasurer. “ms udnpud and engrossed address (min-ed to he Pt'e ared l Slnlutv Lalrov chm-gm! against (l)',',", N McDonald l J Ellisun and Thos. and Nicholas. Melosh, I wm-e null-red to be struck " the‘ eollvetors roll, the same having been: pwfurmed. ' 1t.eeteyse yaw)!_83.50 l Walter WHO IS ON flllll NOW? ORGANIZATION. J. B. BLACK. clerk- THE LIST WORD 'h Prim-11ml 11aven says the most _dtsustrous. Islow ards .THE DUKHAM REVIEW Mc- Sheep and Lambs-The run was fairly large and the demand “as gem]. Every- thing was sold comparatively early in the dly. Sheep were steady and lumbs were be higher, at. 98.50 to 83.90 per cwt. A few gqod awe: and weathers sold at " per cwt. Hogs-Ste) unchanged at $6.12} per Ma' cwt for selects tutd M,87k tor lightsandtats Shorts Milch Cows-- Receipls Were barely up to the average in quantity and high prices were not paul. The run of the market was from $40 to $50 and 952 was paid for a moderately good cow. Ietsders and Stoekeris--TlMs market is quiet with prices unchanged. Heavy steers are wanted and there is particularly good demand for short keep feeders at $3.75 to $4.50. Butchers' Cattle-There was a. scarcity ol the high grades and the market for gilt?. edged stock was strong, There is a feel- in of weakness among the inferior grades and they "re slow of sale at $3.70 to $4.80. Export csttle--Tue Inst. steamer for this season from Montreal sails on Monday and shippers are preparing to send forward their cattle. Most of the buyers are well supplied and they do not require any large quantity. Business was rather quiet, but a good tone prevailed a sil there was no weakness. Prices for all shipping cattle were steady at $4.25 to M.15. The quality of the offerings at the Tor- onto Cattle Market to-day was not all that could be desxred, and there was a dragging tendency among the lower grades All the good stuff sold readily " satisfac- tory prices and there was a call for more of the kind. shall that word be? If they say they want the bar-rooms continued. of course continued they must be until another day." 'is'ct"e?y, ROWE; ot) 1lffl'l; llllil)-lillllf SHOES R , ' The HOUSEWIFE'S BURDEN and the terrors of baking day are banished by using Rowe's bread. It is as good as the best home-made bread, and infinitely superior to nine-tenths of what some people call bread. It is made of the best flour,the dough is thorough1y and properly mix- ed under absolutely clean and sa nitary conditions and carefull baked under our own supervision gag“ " if T VI. I J .41? l t if; ","'.,ririi:i-r_iiii,T.i1 _-,is':ti-iCc:i'.r.;i:i-:-:'i_ 'ls':? DARlLttgtg'tg DRUG sriiiiis,iLiiai,-. ll)illljllil'8 DRUG STORE 'a""',,,"-'.;,..:.,,'.::,!"-',",.-,),,;,; fy _., Nothingpm Now is the time to wear - v - -_- ...V. was a all. s _ A FINE STOCK OF RUBBER GOODS. O Q Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes, Atomizers, &c. Chamois Vests and Shoulder Braces WE TAKE great satisfaction of preparing every prescription and Family Receipt that comes to us in the most cleanly, careful manner, and from the highest quality of Drugs and Chemicals. A quarter of a cent.u.ry's experience has taught us how to do things right in the prescription case. If you think your sick ones en- titled to the best of everything, we shall be glad of your preserip. tion business. No extra charge. Just extra service, that 's all. - - A nr\vn nml\l‘-" -..-. ------ Live Stock Market Toronto. £153 WE GIVE THEM the sunniest room, the ole; sweetest flowers, the daintiest toast; the most delic are surely entitled to the best and purest medicine CCPYRIGH' The Bell property, near Dromore, be- ing lot 15, con. 19. and lot 15, con. 20. 100 acres in each, On both farms are good huildlngs, and land in a. Rood state of cultivation. School on Migining lot. convenient to church and ost otBce. Ens? terms. For further particulars app y on the premises to the progietor or to C. Ramage at .the Review o ca. Any Customer found using any larger Powrir than 10' Candle Power Electric Lump. without first giving the Compah due notice of same will he ;'ld,'l'd'l'd,ll. Also after this date all Chur'ches, Halls and Dwelling Houses will he charged ty,.',',':',',.' 16 Candie Power Light install- ed in tyil1iing per year and all business places 83,00 per 16 Candle Power Li ht installed in building per year. Ffl), above charges will he strictly enforced, payable monthlv. l; ,._.‘....-.hunu ulll‘l'B fine residence prnpt-rty in V, nunpied by Mr. A, Little down stairs, 4 ahove with kitchen mu! wood shed. damn " of an acre of gnud with fruit trees, stuall fun! it fine tummy stably. hut-IRS Post office, G. T. It. Slum)“ at the (inm'. School near hy application to Q. Pu'l'rummv, or OrcGt.d. m , u--...- _ . . so.,"- "v _ A r.- l - That 200 acre farm In the Township of Glenelg. known as the McRae Farm. 'There is about; 110 acres cleared and [ suitable for running machinery on, and the balance is prmctpnlly of hardwood timber. There. is supposed to be over' 2000 cords of good cordwood ieudy for. cutting. The farm is situated about six miles from Berklpy. and ten miles from Durham. On the farm is a good frame house and cedar post barn. This farm Will he sold at, a Inn-gain during; the next sixty days. For futthet in"; formation or terms of sale» mmh- .._ um ueorge Lamb farm. North lGlenelg. Lot ll, Con. 14, containing 100 l acres. 90 cleared well watered, bv spring and creek making a good stock farm. First class buildings throughout. Bank barn 54 x tlt with large cistern. Roomy comfortable house, orchard of nearly 100 bearing fruit. trees. Fencing above the average. 5 min. walk from Glascott P. 0. For terms and conditions apply at the REVIEW office, personally or hy etter. c, RAMAGh. Agent 1 Hides, per cwt.......... Calfskins, per lb........ Sheepskms............... Tallow rendered perlb Lard. perlb.............. Dressed Hogs, per ewt Hop, Live weight"... Butter, fresh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Eggs.... Oats..-.... ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Flour......... ............. Oatmeal................... Wheat..................... Peso........................ Barley..................... Lambs..................... The George Lamb Glenelg, Lot ll, Con. M, acres. 90 cleared well wal and creek nmkim. " r... FIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE. The ypdersigned ofievs for DURHAM MARKETS. FIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE, VILLAGE LOT FOR SALE the -niost_ _dsiiiGiTaiiiie' Farm for Sale. Electric Light Notice '. E. MICKLEBOROUGH. Holstein . Farm for Sale ' the cleanest linen, the Prmgnud ofievs for sale the we prnpt-rly in 1'arney, lately y Mr. A, Little. it rooms S, 4 above with good hack d wood shed. Welt at, the an More of good garden land CRAWFORD & Mclsrvrue, terms: of sale. apply'tbn W. CALDER. Durham. stualrtimt7, etc. Also 1MP. buggy house ette,t , It. Stalinâ€. and church WM. BEL; “Prop. llo 2 5o 68 25 oo 12 oo Ir, Go 60 14 14 IO 35 95 C. HAMAGE, Durham ', they Terms on 110 2 tio 10 IM '28 8 60 7 75 25o 15 16 oo l5 A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est allowed at our-rent rates. SAVINGS BASH. -nterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and every facility "ordisd customers living " distance. CAPITAL. Authori: CAPITAL, Paid up. RESERVE FUND.. AGENTS in all p Ontario. Quebec. .‘ States and England. DURHAM AGENcy (illlll)lll) BANK irliifift BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME CCLRT NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMICGIONER, ere. Collections of all kinds Farms b I promptly attended fo and new 5037. BRIGHAM 0Fr'1CE--sieatttyre wld ARTHUR H. JACKSON OFFICE. " MoKNulo‘. Old Stand Durham Barristers, Jompwy and private Fund- to Loan (Ill Ilortgugen at lowest rate: ot Interest. Valiant! mule by ncompotentnnd careful Valuntor. an RRIS Ten, arsorstr%rC:i:, no‘rRY PU.LIC d2oarreraare:ro. Cc- omee-----LowER TOWN. DURH‘I. '___. w u" - mluuul ttmt Wednesday of each 6 p. m. Canoctiouu and Agency prom] Wills. Deeds, Hangman. Lott ac.corroctly prepared. Estates sons looked titer and Executoru trators' Accounts prepared and! Court Buaiueu, Prob.“ of Wit ministration and Guardianship _ chu made in Beam†one. nu nu Licensed Auctioneer the County of Grey. Orders taken at my residence. Ben tinck. at the Review otBee, Durham or at Alun Park P. o. Terms moderate. arrister, our" , Gan b vegancer, -" to., 'il',,.'.".'.'. Money to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. Insurance Agent. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post (Mice. w. c. PICKERING n. n s., L OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST Gr the Du nun Pharmacy Calder" Block. Resident-e first door In“ of the Old Port OMce. Durham. fate â€shun: to the Royal London Ophthnhnlc . ospiul, England. wd the Golden Squue No. ad Throat I osplul. a. SPECIALIST EYE, FA It, THROAT A. Kan" Plum“ a SUIGIOI. , Om†our Mancini-n" Sun. Will be " CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR “stars. - Solicitors. Conveyancers. &c. Omees : Hunter's New Block. op posits Chronicle . NOTARY PUBLPC, COMMISSIONER, he MONEY TO LOAN DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. DENTISTRY. Garatraxa St., Durham . MIcKay K.C. w. F. OFFICE 8008' '-" s. In; A--d p. I. RESIDENCI qgM8 owner-om a... UPPER TOWN, DUBRLI. MACKAY d; DUNN, Head Office, Toronto. ' - Spechl mum given to Db..- 00 Women and Children. ARTHUR GUN ' DR. GEO. S. BURT. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. uncanny-uh- all“. cL_1il1i'R0Y McCAUL. ROBT- BRIGHAI. Allan Park .0 BUTTON. a. D., Tolephono Coo-nucleon No.10 , in all principal points ttt Quebec, Manitoba. United ( .P-..i-" HOURS a KELLY, Agent; S. DAVIDSON. Authorized Paid up. . . . Priv-to Money to Loan . TELFO RD,, Paid up........... 1,000,000 FUND............ 8501“) Ind Amway promptly “bended to ' Mung-non. lanes. Agreement prepared. Estates of deceased por- .tter and Executor‘a and Adminis- nnt- prepared sud pushed Sums-to “A Pugh-o- no um .. v ___ - - - lye yiddguph House, . ,r~___ _..‘. run-"WU Haring.“ ' Prob.“ of wuh. 14mm of Ad- q (1..-..n_,._,,|.zr __. - . - \iunnhip obtdiGii. EOE: onion and Titus “pom ttto 10 A... mcmh mim' Madezate “Over the Bunk ......82,00o,oot: ' 111an 4- IVA-F: F.'xi'titVEi.v. " W. F. Dun Win: Durham 'h " In. an Mu rht " ck -or ttti ,0!‘ Ft