ttdd I l-Sri'; r - " "T" -.----.....v.. - A‘“j"\-Augul 0110p. ;;IEI:‘II()iade;ufuï¬'lxï¬f’w'li‘vlze‘t'rlzï¬az‘lts if,', 3:2! " J UL\UI1LV " I.) U l\LV LU l 1 Es v, " "a , T ,' bk \ n ui ing were not satisfaetorv to th i, , " - 'f%f Rui r'i',l! we mar some ufour ent rr ri . r D q - i . rt , " A . . wr' W“ ----'qT-------eer, .._‘W ',,W!l"11?e.':llrael"11?rIl Eddaedw. 31M 11e8hTsh'hY,51hy, A...“ 1l'rlh1!!h1?e.Si,', ' .. "-----------=c-----i----e _ --- ___‘_h -_-_-- ----_------ - 7mm --_-- - - v _ MM , UVWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMM“WWWWWWWHWWWWWWW , , e A! P"-- n....-_. - H ’I‘LII‘. “In nmrxnn ill l it-i" DON'T FORGET F FOR MEN Hunter Block Try a pair of Kant Krack Lamberman's Rubbers guaranteed. We are sole We have the latest up-to-date ready-to-wear Clothing in the County, also a nice range of Black and Fancy Worsteds for ordered Clothing. Men’s Near Scarfs, Ties, Shirts, Collars, Hats and Caps Rubbers, Overshoes, dx. . E. THEOBALD, -l,'_i"it'i"i agents for the Geo. A. Slater Invictus Shoe. Nearly opposite McKinnon's Implement Shop 'Ti' yiit "i'iT'del Evety pair THE DURHAM REVIE W TORONTO {3:333}: I At the meeting of this body in Mark- dale last week, it was decided to bay [the Marsh property instead Of the Thibadeaa farm. The tenders for the ’building‘ were not satisfactory to the council so the matter is still open and I we hear some of our enterprising Dur- l ham men are going to bid. LATER. ---A copv of the ' Intelligen- cer , has reached us with a long write- up. We Can only refer this week to the startling statement that .Mr. Pink- erton was offered $100,000 in Toronto to give up‘the Belleville proposition and in Durham this offer was increased to $125,000! Bat no, Sir, he clung to Belleville. Now don't all speak at onee--who made Mr. Pinkerton this; offer in Durham ? I l Mr. Ford, of the "Iutelligeneev, " ‘gave us an interesting call, and no doubt the Belleville papers this week will have some interesting .. write-ups." They had a special car and formed a folly com any. Col. Ponton called on Lieut P. finntcr, and most of them interviewed Mr. Neil Mekeehnie and other leading citizens in the quest for information. rr" w... -"'"'""""'t up no well-known, Is an old printer and spent his devil days in Belleville some 60 yearsago. _ . r,..-..v...--uu uuu nuwuuuo. and IS good for many more years of Senate activity. Sir Maekenkie, as m "n.“ I-___A,,, . _ A __ - _.- v... lel wouvll' \tGJD- They have in view the founding of a plant in or near Belleville and are an- xious not to "tto it blind l As a party [ they had to come under the rule of res- triction enforced by the Company and were not allowed entry tothe grounds. This was no doubt a disappointment but unpreventable by the town from whom we think they received due consideration. They were a sub- stantial, intelligent body of men, and knew how to ask questions. We were pleased to have an interview with several of them including ex-premier Bowel], who is a well-preserved gentle. man, .most approachable and taeetious, _ 7 My.-." F.. ... ........,, son, Dr. Caldwell, Arch. Wallace. Karl Stron Thos. Hanley, W. S. Me- Dinrmid, Jas. D Ford. editor of the 'Intelimimser', and others. The party was in Marge of Mr. Pinkerton, well kn'givn here in our any gexneim days. Lass F riday 24 prominent residents of Belleville visited Durham with a view of obtaining information as to the workings of a cement plant and its inflaena on the material prosperity of a town or city. The visitors included Mayor Graham and 6 Aldermen--. Chown, Sinclair. Price, Galbraith, COWper. Pope; Sir Mackenzie Bowen, Col. Pnnton. Ex-Mavor Johnston, Jas Cummins, E J. Lille. Jae Knox. T. S. Carmen, “Ls Phippen. W. EuTtynp- Bit? BELLEVILLE DEPUTATION. Mr IacKenzle Bowel! in Town. COUNTY COUNL - --_wr--- r ty a} 3%“ a; W" 'ii'r? iilii'tii4ta 53E we; RF' ES “all? a; an; git ii'i'i' a; UR. '.ril.! 'di. It g5 as: If "h'lh'0fih1 N to the p pa an