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Durham Review (1897), 18 Dec 1902, p. 4

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44 xpmexEEssREssesnsssAesceseRsRe 9 ® & > he @hAhristmas {{nnual. & To Subscribers to the REVIEW Gx Ven TheÂ¥ Annual is a 40â€"page magaz 4 attractive illustrated reading matter : ornament to any parlor table. If n 1e scriber, become one and get it FREE, 13 JOHN LIVINGSTON i esns e on on hae se o en on n pamerertcrnun m m ROBIES, HARNXNES HJORSE BLANXNKETS, In Seasonable articles just now. bought right and will be sold right. Get our prices. Raymond & New Williams Sewing Machines. Dawswell Churns, Wringers & Washing Machines, &c. Yours for Trade. This week we make our bow to the readers of the Review informing them that at the well kuown McKinnon stand, we are handling the output of the above firm *"and ask for a continuance of the patronage bestowed on our predecessor. We intend to supply only the best goods at fair prices and hope to meet many old friends and make a lot of new ones. This week we can do no more than call your attention to our splendid stock of To the Public of Durham & Vicinity, CUTTERS, STOVES & RANGES DEERING great v.riety of Style but only one variety of Axcellence,â€" THE BEST. _ Interchangeâ€" able Upholstery. Call and see them. I‘.&.. m‘ idb ,“‘ John Clark. ANADA ARRIAGE CO. UTTERS * 28 CC OO CEUEC HARCdG attractive illustrated reading mattser and is an ornament to any parlor table. If not a Subâ€" scriber, become one and get it FREE, C. Ramage, Pub. & Prop. HARVESTER C O MP A N Y â€"page magazine filled for 1963 ut dihivleionctratulbntnatatnioristais tss s iith PA vnith atndtrendiven nc dich J Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to , Chairman. Secy. of Meeting. Burford, Monday, to be present at a w Aprielfetits zmm Grand Concert held at the opening of ’ § IARRIE?' Durk the new Methodist church at that place, | MCFARLANEâ€"ALLANâ€"In Durham, on They will remain among old friends this ;hil}m‘% '%St'i‘ctg“fie:é %‘;:flmueig week. Mr Smith will preach next Sun‘ l Myisg Sars Allan, Glenelé. t day in this same new Church. His work GLExcRossâ€"GREENWOOD.â€"At Zion, on here will ‘be :aken by members of the 10th inst, by Rev Wray R Smith, Mr. Epworth League morning and evening. Thos Glenrross to Miss Carrie Greenâ€" Mr Adam Brown, Lightbouse keeper. Parry Sound, a brother of Mrs. Thos. Brown, of town, came here last week to visit his brotherâ€"inâ€"law "Mr. Thos. Brown, who is n6t improving in health. During his stay of a few days hbe is visiting his old neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Horsburgh and relatives near Holstein J. D. Brown, of Pricev ille, formerly in business in Dundalk, was in town on Saturday, Mr. Brown leaves this week on a fur dealing expedicion from Mattawa to Lake Abbitibi and expects to spend the winter in that locality, He will be accompanied by a couple of Indians as guides.â€"Shelburne F. Press Mrs. Ida Elliott, of Chatsworth. daughter of Mrs. McRae, of Durham. was married a couple of weeks ago, at the residence of her brotherâ€"inâ€"{iaw Mrâ€" Williams, Regina, to Mt. Johnson‘ druggist, of Saskatoon,. formerly cof Chatsworth. Mr. Stewart Bothwell, after a numâ€" ber of years in Dakota came home for a*3 months visit to his {riends in Egreâ€" mont. He called on Mr. and Mrs. A. McKinnon and Mr. Geo. Moore during his stay while passing through town. Mr. Thos. Vessie, Rocky Saugeen reâ€" turned home, Saturday, from Huantsâ€" yille crippled enough to lay him off work for a while. He was in a logging camp and got his back nurt while handâ€" ling icy logs. Messrs Eddie and Agnew who were employed with the Hamilton Bridge Co, at the N. P. C., left for Manitoba to work on a big contract there. Their wives accompanied them as far as Toâ€" onto. Miss Olivene Marshall, grandâ€"daughâ€" ter of tailor Robertson is progressing so well in music that she is accompanist at an Oritawa concert and is on the proâ€" gramme for a piano solo. Mr, Moore McFadden passed his final examaination successfully and is now a full fledged druggist. Congratulations He is assisling MacFarlane during the holiday season. Mr. Jos, Collinson resigned his posiâ€" tion in Darling‘s Drug store and left for his home in Ceylon on Tuesday. Joe was one of the stalwarts on the lacrosse team and was popular in town. Mr. Geo Matthews returned from the N, W. T. last week. He likes the counâ€" try, and intends to move his family up there in the spring. Misses Isa and Ethel Campell visited Mulock and Dornoch friends, Monday and Tuesday before returning to their bome at Swinton Park. THE DURHAM REVIEW WHN I AKIU TORONTO C. wW. CRYDERMAN, L.C. BENXTON We would urge upon the various municipalities above mentioned. the importance of prompt action. If the Charter is to be renewed at the coming meeting of Parliament prompt action is necessary. ed. The subâ€"committee appointed by you to confer with Mr. May regarding the business and capa bilities of constructing the Huror & Ontario Railway, are quite satisfied with the information conveyed, and believe that the Companies interesâ€" ted are quite capable of carrying out their share of construction. Signed G,. MeKECHNIE, Chairman Committee, Report of above Committee was adopted. mE o After a vote of thanks to the chairâ€" man and Mr. May, the meet mg adjournâ€" Moved by Mr. R. E. Truax, seconded by Mr. L. A. Brink, that the following ‘be appointed as an Executive Commitâ€" tee, under whose decisions the Treasurâ€" er would make pazments of money in connection with the extension of the Railway Charter:â€"Dr. Gillies, Teesâ€" water ; Mr. McKechnie, Durham ; Mr. Murdock, Lucknow ; Mr, D. Robertson, Walkerton ; Dr. Mearns, Hazoyver.â€" Carried. The following was decided as amount that should be raised at once by various municipalities, and remitted to Mr. J. 8. Knechtel, Treasurer, Hanover, Ont. : WalkertOn.....::....>>1â€".«» +$70.00 Hanover, ....::«>:%..¢.+»+.+«, 0000 DiuPLAN] . : : . +ss s.)1@+...s% 4s s sis s x>> 0000 TCINCATCINEC, + +. . : s . ++++++++ +. 0000 ‘TeeswAter .....::....1~".=..,,%..20.00 TMCKHON ... «.. :.: .+ 5is ++ a ihhs a «e a s s s20, 008 Mr, May having agreed to communiâ€" crte the names of proposed capitalists to a committee selected by the meeting the Chairman appointed as a committee for such purpose: Dr. Gillies, Teesâ€" water ;Mr. l\rcKechnie. Durbham ; Mr. Murdock, Lucknow,. Said committee retired and after consaltation with Mr. May made the following report :â€" Gentlemen of the Committee, After a lengthy discussion the followâ€" ing motion was moved hy Mr G Mcâ€" Kechnie, Durham, and seconded by Mr J K McLean, Teeswater, that we the members of this delegation from NDurâ€" bam, (Hanover," Teeswater, Lucknow and Walkerton, having met here in Walkerton after hearing the statements of Mr C F May of Toronto. and Mr Mcâ€" Namara, the President of the Huron and Ontario Railway Co.,. and fully disâ€" cussed the matter. are of the opincn that the Charter, or Act of Incorporat» ion of above Railway Company, should be renewed or revived, and that they should immediately recommend to the Councils of their respective munfcipalâ€" ities that they should lend their best assistance to secure such renewal or revival, and that they should each conâ€" tribute their fair share of the costs inâ€" cident to the application therefor, and that with a view to such renewal Public Meetings should be called in. such places as have not yet held such.â€"Carâ€" ried. Moved by Mr J W Bundy, seconded by Mr D Robertson, that Mr J S Knechtel act as Treasurer.â€"Carried. Mr May of Toronto, addressed the meetingz explaining that he had sucâ€" ceeded in securing the assistance of a good firm o%f capitalists who had pracâ€" tically agreed to build the railway within five years, and will be prepared to commence work as soon as the snow is off the ground in the early spring, but would not complete the agreements already prepared until an extension of the Charter had hbeen secured. Meeting was then organized by electâ€" ing Mayor of Walkerton, C. W. Cryâ€" derman, Chairman, L C. Benton, Secretary. The following were present: From Hanover, J. 8. Knechtel and R. Ball. Durham. G. McKechnie and N. McIntyre. _ Teeswater, J. Gillies, D. Stewart. J. K. McLean, L A. Brink, 8. R. Brill, J. Farquharson. Walkerton J. . W. Bundy, 3 Henderson L. C. Benton, A Shaw, R E Truax M P P. A B Klem, M McNamara, Wiw,. Farâ€" qubarson S W Vogan, C W Uryderâ€" man and Dr Stalker. Toronto : C F May. Lucknow : J G Murdock, W Allin. J Murchison and J Bryan. _ _ Mr McNamara addressed the meeting briefly, giving the history of the underâ€" taking to date, and stating that ihey now had a chance of getting the Road built. and he thought for the small amount required to obtain an extension of the charter it would hbe good policy to take the chance. The Directors had entered into an arrangement with Mr C F May. Toronto, and as that gentleâ€" man was present, he would now ask him to state how matters stood. We are at the shop at the bridge evâ€" ery Wednesday and Saturday. Orâ€" ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur‘s store, or at the REviEw OrFICE, will receive our best attention. For Sale and guaranteed by : A, S. Hunter, DURHAM. Wm. Seaman, MHOLSTEIN. A 100 Acres in Bentinck. In excellent state, good buildings and fences, good suil, School and Church close at hand, Post Office on the farm. Cwnergetting up in, years and bound to sell. MONEY‘FO LEND,â€" ‘DEBTS COLLECTED,â€" LANDS BOUGHT & SOLD,â€" Every kind of Hnuavcial business transacâ€" ted, Address,â€"H. H. MILLER, Lock Drawer 28, Hanover, Ount. And of course you want the best that‘s going, Call and see our new stock, made by And warranted, good, easy ridâ€" ing, and at reasonable prices. Feeders that Worthington‘s Canadian Stock Tonic and Feeder is guaranteed to be the greatest animal regnlator of the age, The best Tonic and Feed saver; acis by corâ€" recting all disorders of the Blood, Liver and Kidheys, and keeping them in a healthy conâ€" dition ; will fatten an animal rapidly and save one third the feed. 10 lb. Box, 200 feeds, 5o ¢ ; 5oâ€"lb. Sack, §2, MANUFACTURED BY w .ls The Worthington Drug Co., ‘ GUELPH, Ont. He 1s now offering for Sale : | THE MALCOLM CAMERON 100 acres | on Garafrazxa A good farm with fine buildings. Offered yery cheap as Mr.| Cameron has gone west. c The T; Q. Stewart Farm, Lot 16, Con.| 2, W. G. &. Bentinck ; 100 acres with | wbout 30 cleared ; frame house and other | buildings. Said to have a lot of very | fine hardwood timber. | Carefully consider where they do their business. Many of these men go to H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Conyeyancer, even though it means a fow miles of a driye. ‘They say that he is * Always prompy,â€"uever negligent." that ne has had 22 years experience and that it, PAYS TO DEAL WITH HIM. YOU NEED A CUTTER GRAY OF CHATHANM We have still a full line of Peter Hamilton Machines, Binders, Mowâ€" ers and Drills. Examine â€" our Churns too which we offer at right prices. A. B. McARTHUR Successful Men | Four Feeds For One Oent. BE IT KNOWN to all Farmers and Stock LATEST DESIGXNS INX MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONXUMEXTS, All work warranted Orders talâ€"an hw ALDWELL‘S LIVERY sTABLE C (Opposite “F«ldnugh O?ouu' Direct Importations from European American and Canadian Quarries DURHAM MARBLE WORKs ARtardware. | work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. ROBINSON & CORBET, There is nothing more popular for a Christmas present than a pretty piece of Silverware and a look through our establishment will convince you that we have the variety, In Sleigh Bells, Robes, Whips and Horse Blankets we excel, ters, Raisin Seeders and Chopp};é Bowls just to hand. For the Boys and Girls we have some fine Skates and Hand Sleighs. There is nothing in this part of the country to equal our Lamps for Beauty, Quality and Price. Examine our Stock of Carvers and Table Cutlery. TOLTON‘S Pea Harvester Gurney Stoves, Pianos & Organs ADAMS wWAGGoxs Dloughsâ€" J{arrows Sou fflors BARCLAY & BELL MAXWELI, MACHINERY & are now stocked up with Another Shipment of Meat Cutâ€" Caldwell‘s Livery Stable Putt Lins of Waxwett Soods. Opposite Middaugh House BMRCLAY & BHL . _ PBlack. COCKSHUTT DEC. 18, 1902 Fap TWE CGRO Proven ialty. mills Calder s © Wt BEGIN with J Syiveste Rene The o praise pr mg the + preacher the youn there are women talent th _ precen times w must be great i the w last scor long ex now as th on the ins correctly. of Sceotla years egd Too uj most to be ch place anciont is newl adbere the visi thns tow and no l.lnongsq scores of is a p taking t that a Gaelic system heads Praise substitu David. with the the old x on the g wore ®u OCK 8111 We a we have young p with an not gif tune by pounded way to . learn to ear. we take church being a music Praise a cont bestow be fout young j can be : Regula edifyin; grande We ba musica Domin to brin To h rodime; compet; hinder W J Mr, OW AT m

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