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Durham Review (1897), 25 Dec 1902, p. 1

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131$an "2 O2 "W? S, 20C. 8,1902 'nce. les "W JIM 00 Wig IN Al It IP I; le " E a F _ - 7"' -"v "'-" “H'ULHW Ct VIC st."‘ Sf fiwmxgmxmxmxmmamaammflflafiafiflma _','e'd, 5-5 We havent space to ttill but come ttt and let usrhe1p you the problem '* What shall 1 give ? " . Rush Your produce in early Tha week. Romemhor the plug. . --"""'", with auu Linen, Lam trimmed and embroidered. All kinds of prices from 5c up. RIBBON BOWS for the hair, for the, neck, for t Corsage, all colors and black and white". ,5 A FUR JACKET OR CAPERINE will warm the heart of the receiver. Our Goods are tight and our Prices are right. J ' A LOVELY FLOOR MAT-we make a Specialty of these Goods. Door Mats from 25c up and Large Floor Mats from $1.25 up CIIRISTM$S CONFECTIONERY and. FRUIT is in now, good quality but not too extravagant for the ordi- nary pockftbook. 'aanes fre/am? LAI DLAW’S Old Stand solve Renew ht The ftiiifiii( . BUTTON HrLL.---The examination of [ Mr. Graham’s school on Friday last was ' largely attended by parents and friends. j The pupils made a good showing in the exercises Mr. Graham conducted, and and their deportment and As.meanor testitied plainly to good lit,fTli.nt.s.and the presence of sympathetic relations. Rev.' Messrs Miller' of tht, Varney circuit, Newton, Ryan and Barquhar- son of Durham and Mr. C. Ramage made addresses and in the afternoon the pupils gave an enjoyable pragram, The ladies had provided Willie and excellent refreshments and the "gram. mar and grub" feature was thoroughly enjoyed. There will be an even larger attendance next time. The trchWol was prettily decorated for the occasion. , Our Hockey Shoes will not prevent you from drowning but you will feel (that you have a comfortable shoe on. i At the New Clothing Store. if?! .3} m ., V c. ..,...._, "mu-mu- ms lute ll] the hands of [heroic-ct :f McKinnon’s Implement shop. The attendance was very sum] io ... B . . ening little interest. which "my " anullt Sons of Scotland have their, not he evidence of sttisfactit, annual concert on Friday, Jan. 2nd. things ustheyau'e. The brilliant talent secured are Miss There seems little to criticize. Ella \Valker. Soprano Mr. Don. G. Me. complain of giving $3000 for tl Gregor, Toronto. Master Johnny Gar. {gl'l‘h tyr 591?:mig1 'S,.hhil,",ulttu, . V en going AC 0 am tr, ttt _ dinnr, the celchmted Scotch snd Irish Kmnon seemed fortified at ever boy dancer, Piper Mom thur and others. However the contest is on and f Dr. Hutton chairman. Miss E. 1Vhelp. must decide. ley accompanist. Sik and 25c. I Division No. 4. , ' Here a " Presto change " took THE 'fy"mor. MEN‘A 'ere “t which camensn surprise. but did our marriage notice, to-day will show the expected result of an electii that the Cameron men, of Bottineau. Ilf'dllgmtionil Mr. Andrew St‘hgn have tken matrimonially inclined of 'Y.Rnt on t e eve ? nonnnauo: late. "A Cameron never can yield” Iitpyyer stgpped into the trrea I Me ' an...» uuwn amt Uroek'? No. \Vhere [they sell clothing and shoes cheap is at (the new clothing store nearly opposite .Mr.Trt.,-,, * ' ' f We have sent out a large number. of lcur Christmas Annuals to subscribers. _ W'o hope these will reach them in good ‘shape. Those who haye not yet got them and renews-d for 1903, will get. them in a few days as fast as we can ship them. Renew m time as the edi, tion islimited. All new subscribers get one also. Away Down Salt CroMrp NA “n”. - \VA NTRD--A Drug business. Drug Store. PROPERTY humus. --Mr. Alexnndm Binnie has purchased the house and lot owned by w. b. Horihurg and will with his mother 009pr it next, March orApril. Ive are sorry to loose Mr, and Mrs. Homburg and hope they may yet decide on remaining Dun-humitm. "an...“ uy calling at our Store Up Town. J. BURNET. HOUSE TORENT._On Durham Road. on Site of old Woollen Mill. Just finished. 4 mama and haseuwnt. Water in basement. Applynt this offlve or to Tum. BLACK. 1 a: Christmas Fruits and Candies cheap--. , l at S. If. Morlock’s I Something very Stylish m Silk uud l Flannel Blouses~ " Miss Dick’s. " Goon Samura- sz. WAtmro.--Ap. L i ply to Mme. W. BLACK. 2 l S. F. Moriock leads in men's ready-to- , wear thuts: and over coats. I f Why dont you read Theolmld's 'td ? It I will [my you if you want anything a I! l man wow-o DURHAM, iiiiiiiiiiiifrf, K-our accounts for 1002 Parties indebted WI" sav by calling at our Store w "may and mutt. be settled P note before Jan. 10th Mm. that you are properly fitted is thing in a suit. Call at the hing Store. and try one of our You'll have that feeling. young man to learn the Apply at Macfarlane's iii19ttrhtiiiii" iiljlrdihZ'l't' rG'E.---Mr. Alexander ed the house and lot Hun-drum and will rupy it next, Marwh Luke had died He had been o fatal result '0 was in his tief mourners s1h'orue.--atl m iliibt -u "ma wuu sincere rogl'eh that the many pupils who have passed through your room as well as those now in it, heard that you had derided to leave our school. I We all remember With pleasure your kindness to us at all times. your care Ifor our progress. your sympathy in our little troubles, and your patience in our Iva.vwardnesi We' therefore unite tu- day from all the forms Co say in this way a. tender, sad but, affectionate good- bye. We Wish you good health and the greatest happiness wherever you may go. SAVE! US Miss Anderson. owing to the surprise and pathos of the moment could suv only a few words of thanks in reply and asked Mr. 'igeetl to make acknow- ledgements for er, which he did very nicely. Brief addresses were given by Rey. Messrs Ryan and Famuharson, and b Messrs Campbell Allan- and Haulage. arl appremativi, of the excellent work and character ot Miss Anderson as a. teacher and townswoman. regretting to l lose her but wishing her a bright future. l " God Save The King " closed the meet- ing and Miss Anderson had a long and tender leave-takmg from pupils. ex- Puplls and friends present. Following l is the address t ' Friday afternoon last the largest room in Durham school was ctowded m every part to listen to a program] by the pupils and ox-pupils of Miss H. Anders son. who after, six successful years is leaving for Hamilton tutu-h to the re- gret of the School board. parents and children interested. Principal Allan acted as Chairman and the nmneroust performers. nmny of them little tots! ‘zthnillt-(l themselves well. i This over, Miss Anderson was sudden- i 1y called upon to listen to the address I given below and which was nicelv read i by Mies Islay Cmnpbell. the presenta- tion being cleverly made by the littlei Misses Irene. Laivson and Vivian Craw. I ford. C4 are Durham, Dee, 19, 1902. To Miss Anderson' _ ,-. -u‘, "can LWU years in No. 4. Mr. Schmuck, Br. was a iCounty councillor in the old days. John McArthur and S. Bell are elect. ed for Division No. 5. We have nothing from the other divisions. l There seems little to which mmplain of giving $3000 for ‘farm, for selecting Thilmda then going buck to Mnrsh’a. bu Kimmn seemed fortified at eye However the contest is on and must decide. ,‘ _...- .uv ms mm m the hands of the electors. The attendance was very small hetnk- 9mm: little interest. which may or "my not he evidence of satisfaction with things as they are. .. mm, uuu man all eugagc'rnents wot-v promptly met, Mr McLean followed and touthed ly'iefiy and lucidly on Nrtttte of the points dealt. with more exhaustively by his colleague. Mr McCannel than placed himself before. the electors, having consented at, the request. of man friends to stand fur the position. In his brief address he MW Paul" for imam-akin the baud- , ling of County Councii matters hut left i his: fate in the hands of the pip-mam lune opposed, but, on lullCU, now favored. H sons for change. of opinio the steps taken by the Ct site, He also laid stress that at surplus of $0000 county as the Iesult of ee "genie-m, and that all were m-omnl Iv mm e-ee .e.NEY mm several years experience of public life in his own township. Warden McKinnon gave " long and exhaustive account of County work, accounts. etc., especially dealing with the House of Refuge which he at one time humans"! ' rm __, _ --'i_.. B." ”nu we two presnnt nwmlu-rs Chas McKinnnn and Duncan McLean have to umtest the Division with anoth- er b6 MC "--Neu Mcrhuinel of S Glenda, who has had several years experience of public hfe in his mm. +,.m....n‘... COUNTY . I The well-known artistes are t MISS ETHYLE' PO WELL, Toronto. Soprano. . Voice Of Great Beauty.’ MR. JAMES FAX. Toronto, Humor" own Vocalist. Pham Phor Plum. DONALD C. HcGREGOR. Cancer; 1 Baritone. Toronto. Always Good. A Piper will also be present. Ifiaa gr. Whelpley is again accompanist. Further Particular» later. Tc'CrcrCr--r---------------, The REVIEW Annual " now ready. Free to all subscribers for 1903. Divine Service wtll he conducted D. V. in Trinity church on Christmas Day at ll a. m.. and at Allnns‘s School house at 3p. m. -"""-------- g BEN NEVIS CONCERT. . " Friday, January 16th. Itm. The public of Durham and vicinity will hear with interest that the Concert Committee of Ben Nevis, Camp have se- cured first class talent for their Annual I Concert (in above date. tr upposeu, but, on closer aoquain» to. now favored. He Wave his Pea a for change of opinion and narrated steps taken by the council to select I He also laid stress upon the fact " Clll’lxlI-u “A! 014ou- - It wat.with sincere 11001 was Ct owded" "rdk/r:"s" In to a. program: by the -pupils of Mist H. Anders You t est in No, COUNCIL NOMINATIONS little to 1ty1.icize. Some laid stress upon {he f/iii," s of $9000 existed in the Iesult of economical unm- ' _t,__ .. mit of an tltctidtri7s; 1-. Alldrew .Schgnck re. EDEC. 25, 1902 vcrasllll years is lulu-h to che r0- wd, parents and Principal Allan Jhilttuieau's and sh's but Mr Mc. l at ever point. on and 'ird lith r. 3 Division. reg rep {lung with he at one , aoquain» ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO plyre Mfeci act'e We have everything front an slam "u""%lt to a. Fancy ‘uble Clock. " "- For a rson with troubled e re. tttir, pair as Jolf/, RIM M ED s'llo1'l4'.lcr3fs' makes a. very fitting git t. " KNOW it will be to your interest to all on us before purchtsing. This is my 2tth Christmas in Durhnm . Durham V-.. .'v.v. W'I nvvr- In nun?" es. Tie Pins, Cull Links, Cuff Buttons Charms and Fobs. Bi 1"'"l/lleNts, Largest and best Fax-k wo, ever , articles too numerous to mention, plain and fancy. FLATWARE We handle nothing but the 1947 Roger-5' Bros. JEWELRY! JEWELRY t . “no.” 9 I .. I If your , date it m ‘ scriptiott i the month "cy. 9 ttruutl i, n J WATCHES RINGS ' PRAt New and Well semedi/C.e of Brooch £8. Tie Pins. (run Links nun mm-..” Have a Look at our Best in Ladies' Long Chains, Neckties and nracelets in Solid Gold, Gold tillcd and Silver. Gent', China, the amount Simmons Gold filled chain, rolled plate and our weu-knownoiiai, Chum. In Solid Gold, l Nickle and lined w! den, Regina. Omega. ham movements. All Newest Styles gardon’s l Gold, Gold filled, Silver. titted with lumber Hump .. Omega, Elgin and Walt {IIIIR and Patterns i ( an” i' Two Big Jewelry Stores. _ DURHAM“; HESPELER ONT y We have the big; iever offered in Durham (say Bargains we mean Ba E REMEMBER ! All, l from Keeler are engraved f ip iJichr'a I F \VHY P Bee :,' to choose from We have a grand assort- ment of Silk and Flannel Blouses we are selling at a bar- gain. We will be pleased to have you call and treat yourself to ouepf these great bargains. FOR, Puseo And the ri, 'in up to Erandpapa BLOUSESQ best Silk Velvet Hats great number of stylish to-wear hats, all Styles never keep any hats o, in order to do this we off: bargains for the rest season. Everything in Milliuery must be sold at a very low figure. We have over 50 beau- tiful Trimmed Hats going at half price, some are the verv '-s n... -i - BARGAINS IN MILLINERV - can I l Iliilill I gt u your lubrl bears the "bore - ' date it mums that your sttlr- I srn'prinn ix paid to the end of the month and a prompt re. ir maul ix reqttested, 01:54ng The PUBLISHER I "0$ttt'tgtrt$tqtrtnrtttttn. M“ 1e right place to buy them is at a": Big gaming Stan EversrthinirGCtiri a pair of spectacl I all styles. We IN'. hats over and ER ! All goods bought engraved free of charge. If your 1 date it ma ttcriptiott ix the mom]. his we offer great the rest of the of stylish 6:;in CHAS BAMAGE. Pun-n no Pam. Goods bimrestoargains 1m . wheii we Bargains. . label beam means that Cfrotna Baby spectacles for and k 1"ctliil'i'4tyf" '02 " I war: the "l,ore but your sulr. to the mt! of a prompt re. t l. ”buying L'BLISHER '

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