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Durham Review (1897), 25 Dec 1902, p. 2

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M Put I In convenient size ke 'n can. Our “are book. “How to Wert 8ol'll' “in” to Eat." in free. Write tor it. Libby's Atlas bt It. Wortd hand “when foe in a: mu. libby. McNeill a. Libby, MII PRUDUBTS - -"__9_.9..- v. tax-Man Ill lurtlmring tho success of an inter- national cxhihi.tion to he held in 1903 In the kinirdtan o/ tho Mikado, by the tarnishing-of a section illustrative of Manon exerything: grqwn or produced In Canada. Mr. William Hutchlson. exHhition commlaslnnor of the Cana- dlun G"rvernment, will be in charge, and one ot the main [natures of tho "ruvlian ttxltitrts .w'll be-the making on tho mat of bread from Canadian Hour, by Mr. Jameson, an Ottawa LIBBY’ lie-Lu .on-e “rt mun Canada and Japan and the latest outcome of his, (uplo- mntic mission has been the dechion or Hon. Sydney Fisher, the Dominion Master of Agrichtm-e, to cmgperata Four years ago the Hon. Mr. Notice. now C'oumrel-G'enerai for gtr.. pan, in Britisvl: North America, with headquarters at Montreal, was des- patclu'U to (human by hi» Govern- ment for the purpoue of advocating the Federal Government disallow- ancc of certain legislation parmed by the Prtsrlum, of British Columbia prohibiting the admission ot Japan- ese llrto Canada. Mr. Nonse’s success- ful intervention was followed In: thes During the same period Canada exported to Japan only $188,883 worth of goods. while she imported therelrom materials to the value of 31,620,865. But this In in process ot chungeu During tho Last fiscal year. Japan oxported to the United Kingdom, ooppor. curios, drugs, Jute, silk (raw and manufactured). and straw plaits to the value ot $1,494,764, while during the same period her Imports from the old country in al- kali, arms, eari1azes, cotton, yarn. cotton goods, machinery. metals. amps and ship machinery. and wool- term, reached the mine of 88.649,- 101. Japan poaserses an army of MO,- ooo men, and be: war with China cost about ':.."dG,00o,000, of which 080,000,000 was repaid by indem- nity. am has a well equipped nary, manned by 19,000 men, and her mer- camile marine is worthy ot her pro- green. _...,.v.... '"T u-v-ul -Iuguwu hrs fungi beautiful and varied; bat Its (will. though abundant, are for the most! part of poor quality. Japan has 2,652 ' mile-d of privately owned .l'allwuys' and 768 mum: at Government 'GL"/ on which hut year a pet profit in' ftp, aggregate was made or $3,734,-; o. . _ Gray's Sirrup cures to stay cured. At all Druggists 2 5cts. One-club of m Area to cultivable. the trail la Ide, produc- ttlvo when it can be ml at all, and there it teams with every variety of agricultural produce. Twacco, tea, potatoes, rice and when are all ' iilitglai',i soothes ggrgl , , ahd heals L',", ' Illllg the sore . illtllll throat _ and weak lungs. After a few doses the cough is re- lieved, and the soreness passes away. gran; ft; Moral kingdcin ts rich Dmrtmnt or Aqrimtiture, Ottawa. NO kingdom on the (use of the Darth. ln slther ancient or modern when, has forged ahead more rapidly than Japan. not only in olvlllzatlon tn lta commonLy accepted sense, but htduatrioemt, In Its fullest commer- Mal meanlng. A quarter ot a century I.) Japan was practically known as (our large and many small Island- 011 the northeastern coast of China, More people employed their time in growing too, lnhying trays, and deft- 'ynbroidtsring silken trarmentawith golden threndd. To-day Japan In an who worthy of the name, compris- tng an area of 182,655 mare miles, With a population at 44,000,000 peo- plP. White not more than NATURAL FLAVOR 'l,"----------, t ta Exports and Imports. n success of an inter- '.ion to be held in 1003 m" the Mikado, .by the Station illustrative of Inn-urn; or " " van concave of a Iran’s under- trolmr, he want Pttrht back to work 3nd hosted the gum; for the altar- noon. atter (was the man who!" 1n mat mm homing up. bruised but un- hurt. and all he was thinking of was how he could best tell the men who let the beam slip what sort of a blanked set ot blanket, blank shiftleu good tor nothing. they were. . “He did. Rough he had had " narrow an escape from dost]: " I .081! gouache of a man’s III-dar- "It was a minute or two before I recovered my self possession. Then I hurried down expecting to find his mangled body in the street. “An I went down the ladder I met him coming up. bruised but un- hurt. and all he was tin-um.» n! ladders as to risk his life in that way, and mighty little more trouble, but familiarity with danger breeds contempt of it. That” tr,V were are very few big 'itiihlr) put up in this town without at least one man being killed in each. "Only the special providence which watches over the reckless as well as over babies and drunkards prevents a whole lot more deaths among these houresmiths. Tho Insurance com- panies hate to t tke them as risks at any price. and f dont' blame them. There‘s a hairbreadtn escape ac‘iay, ab least, on one ot these tall build- legs. "Somo of the things I've seen my- self I'd hardly have believed if any one had told me about them. I’ll tell you Just one and though I don't ex- pect you to credit it, my reputation and liked him as a ood foreman. When he went over E', edge of the framework I was horror struck. "It “a a. 'nbrs"ee, In- w..-, B--., - vv....... "an a mummy capital of IJapnn. and within lts'castle walls ' much of Its history has been made, tor therein were played the final acts of the Shogunate. and with t the surrender of 1868 the Restora- vc' tion began. W. H. Chard. , -- "tt's against tho rules,” explained tho contractor, "but may will do it. You can't stop 'om. It is Just as quick for a follow to go up by the ladders as to risk his lifn In an» uwvuu to we tenth story ot the framework of a new bank building by tho simple expedient or standing on a. large beam and holding on to the hoisting rope. They had been watching a. ascend to the tenth story ot framework ot a new mm: hott bi Adulterution of Canadian Hour .by 3- t Indian corn flour or any cheaper in- f}, Merlot hubatauccs ls entirety unknown, - , and for sweetness, whiteness and ct, [strength tth Hour is unsurpassed. fri, In the matter 0!,1hmports or in , wheat. flour, chufr-xe, 'butter? mp- "ie1ctr, lumber of all k1rsls, “an and .llah proieur, carriages raw and " 'munufucturnd cottons and woollons, a ', Canada ls Jupan'n nutu'rul next door h ,ttiiglsbor, controlling the whole "red F l lino" route from cum to west, and " _ from tho motherland to the furthest] - hummus of an Pacific. .. me..." “an, uuuuuueimg all the shops and factories of the town in that one place, the Can- adian and other visitors may re- view industrial Osaka by electric light. The labyrinthino bazaar is the delight of the natives. and it is the Joy ot every visitor to follow its tortuous mums without a thought of fatigue. Osaka. is most delightfully located and has not inaptly been termed "The Venice of Japan," tor " possesses no tew, er than BOO bridges. Formerly Osaka was a mllitarv annual M l' Whnbntr Japan requires in the may of imports. Canada is prepared to supply on tho most mutually ad- vantageous terms, and when Canada f roman to the assistance otirapan with a. brotherly readiness as has been tho ease. the least that Japan can do is to reciprocate by bestowing her commercial patronage where she limo not sought in vain tor fraternal _ayknowlcar.mcnt, She knocked at the door of this Dominiomand it was inctuntly opened wide for her res (motion. We have on sale what she; “quires, and that of the very best‘ quality. an! Japan will now havcl an opportunity of practicallv manl- rnmim: hi-r appreciation of our Ren- erosity by placing her orders where Ato aid not hesitate to place her nppTcatiort for favors. The Site ol'the Exhibition. Osaka, the site of the proposed exhihition. is an active manutae- turing: city. its Wrincipul exports lw- ing ten. and milk; and it [s the chief coznmerchtl centre of Japan. containing a population of 476,271. It is what is commonly termed a 'shoe" city," its prlnciml sights 1trrmrtr1sciaur in- -anur'; the Tommy temple and pagoda, the mint, the arsenal, the Hongwnnji temple. the llakku Eaten or commercial bazaar, tho theatres. and a multiplicity of curlo shops. The Hakim Butlnwlll itamudan Governmt‘nt syrtom of cold 'storage, both on the railway cara law! on tlrr' oteamuhlpa renders the I transportation of are!» perishable ar- i'lfl't, as butter. cheese, fruits and :mm a as safe and as easy its the carrying of the roughest imperial:- tualrr lumber. Less Than Three Weelrg will transfer cargo from the Atlan- I boll-J to Yokohimn wharf, and tho From Canadian flour bakers can ed to, I looked at GIMME with 5 make not only the heat quality Mi bright smile that was much forced broad, but likewise the largest tlt2tMi- l mad and: V T tity per barrel. Three independent! I am glad, gnthla. that ynou are tests made blerst clans bakers with f "I fond ot Phil ""hlr,tlerPE .troug Canada!) “our have given the)' 'Oh, an: you? asked Cynthia. in following roams; Each using 100, .thrryfle. Why, I .Ehought you uid.. "oui'rd.ri ot' Hour, (they obtained re-l, "3 approve ot him. " tpoctively 146. 152 and 151 pounds! P,ife'tuerytrtt ot htmt 1 aaid, oi' broad l In simulated surprise. "How in the 1 Canadian Flour l of the sort that will be exhlblted' contain- by actual analysis about! one-.tenth more or albumenolds than the beat quality of Hungarian nour; and .the albumenoids or gluten belug more tenucloua yield a dough which rises better and hold lts position in the baked low. When this is seen the demonstration in Japan will be followed as elsewhere by a. demand fy Canadian flour in thutgountry tar In excess of the paltry JAIO Grrtt, exported last year. open at night ops. The Hakka Batgu will at night. and, condensing shops and factories ot the that one place, the Cam. nd other visitors may re- I....L_I_I A " - deatlm among these he Insurance com- tke them as risks at I dont' blame them. ermed "The Venice it possesses no few- bridges. Formerly military capital or 'h"'at lts'castle walls ." 'gli', 05133316 1'jiifiiic'iti, m e; " are" .‘mnce at to at a. loaf." A _. un. MHV'rts all mm, hut I’ve no "Ne. 'tth; E've Pgthlng 30 at.” _ -- "... “no; av "all! out a word or a phramr, but scarce- ly a whole paragraph. “Very well,” roared the dictator, " next time you don't tear, make a note ot It." da: "Then you will admit that I am not like other girls Y' said Cynthia. "I'll have to," I said. “Anything to keep you from going around with Phil Mainwnring'." "But I hadn't the least idea of go- ing with him," said Cynthia. "But you tiiaid----" Cynthia looked down at the pattern of the mg. "I had my fingers 01-0th too," she answered. 'rhrlr--chioair6 --%ribune. "Wal, yes." I said. lamely. "Then why did you undo your work and say Phil was a snob and that you had your fingers crossed when you said how mice he was T' “Because,” I answered; “because in spite of what I said you didn't turn from him, but commenced to tell me all tnhe placeo he was going to take trirll t" "I know what I said." I responded. "But I had my fingers crossed at the time. I know that it you warn a. woman against a man she Instant] takes his part, whlle if you gush over him and tell her that all the women throw themselves at him and that she la Just like, the rest she‘ll tire of him quickly." "And you think I am Just like other dd“ an _ . V V-_-..-_..,. “Oh. no. Phil asked me first. You said something about going to the theatre Thursday night, but there wan nutlnng dofmite, and so when Phil asked mo I and you to that, fun " the party to-morrow night at the hotel." ' "But I thought you were going with; me," 1 put in wrathfully. "You are just as good as you can be," she said. "I like to meet a man who is not jealous of other men. I wish I could tell Phil all about it. You know I am: molng with him to I expected Cynthia. to pout. But she didn't. Instead, she rushed over and caught my hand and pumped it enthusiastically. l "Oh, well," I answered, "that was l all in the past." I made sure that my fingers were in the proper posi- tion, and than said: "I regard Phil as a splendid young man ot great promise. A mum who is essentially and in everything manly. You should be proud of his friendship. I dottt wonder that every girl he happens to meet fairly throws hex-sell at hit, head. I am not mmlscd that you are no exception to the rule, and I congratulate you on your good taste." When I had finished this speech I leaned back in my chair and men-: tally patted myself an the back. I regarded Phil Malnwaring as eitec-‘ tually settled. - "I don't know," rospomiedltnthia, doubtfully. "Perhaps it was because you. toolr such palm to cut him dead at the hop the other evening and because you once said that you won- dered why his mother did not put him in the reform school." “Didn’t'npprove of him?" 1 mid. In simulated surprise. "How in the world did such. an Moa as that enter your heat" _ _ ' BVIB UH mun - - Full” "oaM' ttia my hands down by the side of my. l chair so that Cymlzia. could not an _ them. This little formality attend- Por' ed to, I looked at Cynthia. with a. A bright smile that was much forced em and said: the “I am glad, Cynthia. that you are dun so fond ot Phil Merirswtvring." inset "Oh, are you '?" asked Cynthia. in no“ . -"'"Ti'e'"'"-.- _--."77"- - ‘t***“1W‘”WfWSz 'i' CROSSED filNilillf ot'. I crossed the firttt and tisisonirtis gers_ on, mph ham 93d glen Jtrnttr ++++++H4ub++ be6He "..e0" ".Some folkg were surprised to read ot the bridgemen and house- smiths. who only thought of being paid tor their overtime when they went back with the firemen up the tower of the East River Bridge and fought the fire. standlng on the burnmg bridge while they hacked away the timbers. I wasn‘t. Iknow the kind they are, and for sheer reckless daring they're hard to beat." believed accident. The Amanuensls Job. M. h. w. CHASE'S V 0mm: cums ... 250. Useless Teeth _ Tr” “v. - -"ee'" I an - - throat and aiigiiiit, cure: f Catarrh and my 'rl'lvall'illd,%' free. All dealers. or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and m passages, stops ,',eiiiitiii,i, G" 'ly?etyrid. Remy-ram J1 gum "" um"- . n -V'" is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Btowm. Heals he 1tlftris, cigars the m was responsible tor the fl‘ qp: TORONTO It Washinzton Star. Life In real, lite is earnest, And the grave u not its goal; It? area: tle: tle sadly tearnest, The Chief End or Man. Lite. Wives and daughters all remind us We must ma, " our litthle pile; And. departing. leave he ind us, Oath for them to live in stng ‘1 Philadelphia Pres- The two most popular books tor the holiday season are the cheque- hook and the Pocketbook. new“! EPAVIN LINIMEN‘I‘ remove- all hard, nott or eatlouaed Lump and Bum. uhoo tron: homes, Blood Spnvln, Curbs, Splint, Blng Bone, Sweeny. 'mmm,tbratnd, Sara and Swollen Throat, Cough, on. Sun 050 by use of one bottle. Wan-um the moot wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Bold by all drum-u. Ana"- Eiiiie "riiiii"ai'n' AI Fire Spread-in dry grass, so does an inflammation In the throat grow down into the lam. Deal prompt?) with a cold as with hill-e. I§nd The you egin to cough use nn'n .nnu u an... m’ “.91! la., NB the whole-mu... go that themhimtinnll "fro-1th: food. It tutu juttheunotwu. Ne hunter. ”when gag given the: Mit at when Ike aim-pan- cranium will pay back has: with good inteeikinate,rkeddG. “ ”cut-om An Ode to Cookery. Philadelphin Press. Roast beef all week, first hot, then cold; Then hash, and now, Ol my. They've added crust and raisins and It’s served as mince meat pie! Mlngx'd‘l IAuLment Cures Burrs, etc. In fo get madam: Glu.' 1tegtAestte Mon and invi- Applfeant-irou're looking for husband, ma'am. _ Her Specifications. Life. The Widow-l want a. man to do odd Jobs about the house, Tttrt on errands, one that never answers back. and is always ready to do my, bidding. “on. I donlGoG. What about the cannibal ?" That‘s Dttreront. Life. “It's a redeeming trait in any man tof bo fond of children." Bhi'iiiii's7i'iut The Flow of Milk will be increased. Minn-6's t%Tiiiriiii' tor sale every- where. ' "Well: she did; but iGa%Giueu, been reduced from 200 to 198." A Bargain. Brooklyn Life "I thought she refused him some le. ?.go.betwpstrhe was so tat P' -___ -__e - _--__--..~. - a“, mu notgiwb the seat of the disease. Catarrh in a. b od or constitutional disem, and in order to cure it (you must take Internal rom- edies. Hall’s atarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and act- directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall a Cutarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one ot the beat physicians in this country tor year- and in a. regular prescription. It incom- pooed ot the belt tonic: known, combined with the beat blood parMem, acting directly on the mucouo lurinces. The poriect comb - nation ot the two ingredients is what pro- duces ouch wondertiit reunite in curing one tarrh. Semi tor tmrtfrnouials, free. F. J. CHENEY & co., Props., Toledo, o. Bold by Druggista, price 75c. nur- Family Pill- are the best. Minard's Lintmeut Cures Dtutdrutt, CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED Nth may Aeurly1Srrl,plT,_t" haw Ma Li-woti, 'l‘nfglud ayou?re making [m a We” or the: arratr.-Lita. ' A to” trim new gates that experiments for the eradication of the lexical: cotton boil worm have demonstrated that xthis disastrous insect will not touch Egyptian cotton. The department has been experimenting with Egyptian COC- ton for several years. with marked success. It this {out report' proves to be true. it will undoubtedly re- sult in tho planting of Egyptian cotton in Texas‘in the future, tor up to the present time no satisfac- tory method has been discovered of preventing the destruction of or- dtnary cotton by this pest. Guaranteed Clear Havana. Filled Do N'oc Like ‘the Egyptian Comm. Clara-Batt the time he can! his doesn‘t know wtkthor I love him or not: about one-quarter he hopes that I do, and the rest he thinkS'I may. and in addition he is nearly 313039 uteri! 'ttitterfble..] _ . A Stu-prune tor George. Detroit Free Pro“. "I hear that George is to be mar- ried next week to that black-eyed girl he hmme engaged to at these:- side," said Cameo. " thought that was one at those temporary summer engagements." and Cawker. "George thought so. too." Mlunrd‘s Human: Relieves Neural- l0 cent Cigar Holiday Books. A Parody. Vary Emmi. Why go to all the trouble bf keeping cows and get onl about half the mil; " t,11ty should pro- Dick’s Blood hgifitr Similar. Judge. "Bellinghgm's religion In like hll property," said Trlvvet to Diner. " How's that t" It tii quite possible that your haughty neighbor may decline to follow this hint and may show signs or not being plunged into despair pendlng' the m_i_dition (ii onions to his aw-n Minn. The aati-oiiiGTatG"2 trtirr-naekat ttatty.-PiovrUnee Jour- i so (bad. It the law would only set t apart one day a .wool: for the con- sumption ot onions, and forbid it, under penalty of tine and imprison- merrt-itrererably imprUonment-- at all other trues. it would he a boon to the world. The onion hater would at least know when to take to the woods and how dong to stay there. As to banishing the onion from the kitchen, that would be a crime. Where 'have been poets .who have sung [to ’pralses. but per-Imps some of the prose rhapaodlea are just as elo- iqucnt. For Instance, if you want to Gi:Gii your neighbor who regards ?your duh of onlons with a super-elli- ous eye Just ask him n he know: that the onion la called " the race 1 among touts." Ask him lf he knows that "with- out It there {would be no gastronomic art"; that Its presence lends color nnd erteharrtment to tho modest r‘lch, Its absence nausea the tax-vs: dainty to hopeless 1nt'lpidits and the diner to depalr."__ . --- 'm"-.- "won-I. A (and tonieaWia . 1.11.. In “a. lilo; ther cull. $2... it,iitt')tifftft"f ”M‘m‘“.“‘“°‘“""-'”°m'-'*fi‘~’*" L'llt I. you we II to no.” (I...) Ind 'ttut vri,'il,'i9iitrti1?f with?" a. t,.rtgllltl I. realm: Ji',',,?,,,?,,','.;)?.?,)).?,,',,,,, tg8tt,t,ttttttiiir" (tiii'hEiiii fi.i,iiiiiiitiiti?d 'lg3tAttt2,i) h 'utuhtsit mm. in... tete%tiiir" "tT.aa%%7ii'iardr. . ='.e 'tlh1t'.'t,'l"z'iic sit2ll'GBhttlta on -- - " It's all In his wife’s mune." {If one nefer Jud to vtake diis'tsi, onions at mound hatrd " .vgguld pot be I I In wishing woollen: and f1amsetrr, Levor'l PT Sup " powder) will be found very l satisfactory. a Some Good Qualities Possessed by the Odorit‘erous Hoot. The onion is one of those streutroutr vegetables about which one cannot be indifferent. One either yearns for tt with a passionate longing, or else utterly rqpudlates it and everybody M}: has any txjafgickiug with it. The North Wind Both mow. and with " comes the twinge ot .rtteutnttt,ism. Drona warmly, stay In doors an much as you can and rub the swollen, tender munch-a with Perry Davis's Painkiller. 25 and SW. £12111:ka (half aloud)--Um--it is pretty fine. I admit. and her left. too Mimi myrror--avefi, who hug a bet.. te_r_ ritrltt f - Columbia Jester. Mr. 1flnii-Mistr Shapeleigh wears a_y_ery~short skirt, domm't she? “The old gentleman played a might: mean trick on me," remarked tin young hopeful. "What was it t" "Well, you know I've always car- ried an old watch that no pawn- broker would even look at. and ta- mer promised me a. new, one tor my birthday." "Well t" "Werlt, he gave it to me, but he had my name engraved on the case." ONION FINDS A DEFENDER. IFe bellow IliNARD’B LINIKEN'I‘ h the best: ' , mum“ Foley, on City, Ont. Joseph Snow. Norway, Me. mats. Wheaten, Mulgxave. N. 8. Rev. R. o. Armstrong, Halal-ave. NUS Pierre Landry, sen., t"oire'moueyhtt, Nah' Thomas Wasson, tAetnttht, N. B. ' Mantra! Baud. Uncle (trotting may on his knee) -Do you like this. nu' boy , ... ..muTrrFl.tttt.r, welt; wt J ron on tV real 'ii"Giri;rtcrar/il gay 4: the f.iitttII.llp,r, Rubbers --uhrt irrrFirti'iing 'Ci,' Wearing Qualities. Weart That's "the greatest thing 1n the world,"--" anything that's worn. You get style, fit and finish too, in " Ni, landing mixture "; that not!!! . ";; "N tttom in m up” L". that TEN COURSES BY MAleiggggm No nduitatmtion 'hu’over. ' with 'fn',1."//1'giie,',,tr" ifllt menu pure ingredients. _ tt,Eltltt1h'il,i)t, Sen for hmuluumv on». Try sunlight Rt,rftiit"t t. ',g'ritlall iiaiiim couece' ,"d'littttt: and m will no Prof. mm: "fit a. He would kn'ow. e . _ uriraTiira7iiiEii'-i, - ai J/Tir/Ta; ttri-ere-s-ret-es-er-er-er-e-er-e-"-"-'-"-"- -MEOIS tlurmr- ',lG"i/g'.,r' Sg”:f,_{y; m-.- m... " - nun-m. w In}! ,acteee Jtl"tp,tr1 “A“... n This word“ tour'tint" br Prof. w. . mull.- omen! Analyst to the Dominion Govern- ment, In reporting the result of MI nannies or Sunlight Bow- . ”imam; you __ ma: tht "i am new no "to. "No free “I”: that {ma-Ill no Uncle Barry A! . Substitute. Unjustmablo Moat-mu. Chicago News. _ bt Good Form . ne one thing we emphasEa i'iTh"e"i"r pg Qualities. “Grub: Rubbers we” like iron." -- --- W... ....ur In] “I _ n... m... 'y,ttEtiiEiairirskpGtlll"l, ill.rttr,tohS!ttt to box- at?" human MtitifliEi,?Yii t'lfhttd " a. . box. Mlndmfot ttttit Ind m condition- a! the E.- fif,1flllilttllht'lltg'Ste s'tl'll.1t7Jtt'1'ttiihriiii,', and In. tEiiiEiir'iiGr/eTl,llyl'lt,ftl'g an .a.-. “A, u I I ‘h A Id rather or (In? w tel: 'kerA1sttlb,'ag. .r.clrk1'iUdt 'you- . vat-#7.. tt,21',l2Fti2iiiit'i,ri? 'lar " 'ttAt',",',?',,',,'; 11UedlP,epphettji 999%, mm- %§IT§.!LFREE mu " "l2rti1 Vent-b t C5. If It5t1 Canadian Arm _ . BtS Queen at. W., Toronto i mmmomomomo t A GOOD m WATCH $235 ’hrityl and (For selling Pilt: Butter market t1rausr and unn- mn. ot 't,"t'tdted 'ttgg,',','."','?'),'",','..',,' tl,', may butter to of no Tue. lipartyrct t ttt._ror We'llltfl,v"f, delivered M funny“. N h" Tciiikiirn-tuieortwsirouuenctr nah-1mg, 30!!!! a. Flt. 62 From Nt. Hand. Tumult. , in _ brim. munch-d . _ no 0 than fN'ltl7i4't0rilrr'le1'tluttie1op Pf,t Geo. cw wanton, 0'19, O) Send for (all puruculnrs. Auinlrmu DEMIU. [ADIES’ “tau n-v . -4-‘...n-,u~nn I I . W Cifi ot mixed wood, numb!” my AI bmlu. or ',',t1tt',Pthl',tij, “at” and: pri t.q.b.yollr luau“. llnpmm Brig-k ij'vCt Toronto amt. Toronto; telephone Huh. 7of WANTED m PUrtCHAts'E--ANY at: at min-(1 “pod, “1.1mm, t Dept. A. VIM SUPPLY cr " Hamltzon. Ont. . MC"! Id our dammit ' MuPuet,,,tr..ty.tt Ill-aw “mid 'Iko 5iiroiTGhTitu"llf'iuh"ll tt'tPERtAL *MAPLE SYRUP. “will pd you I. touch with tho “I" nun-cm I FINE Juv'uu " Cumin. q address attached. is all that is necessary to obtain our new and handsomely illustrated coulogue. 3083 & “FLAME. a: It!” common and high branches, Science. Wagon. Music. Fine Art, Commvn'lul Cotertm, Voice Training. Eloruunn, Art Noodle Work, and Phy- deal Culturv. write in u", A. B. DEM“.|.. l‘rouidenl, at. Catharina-n. Ottt., for calendar that “hm: you spot-In! rum. amnion Tum PAPrat. To tut iettereateul In the education of young Indie. orMruwhere an emu-nah. may. can be hm]. includ. ' yigh Amer, Poultry. 52. 4min. Manchu. QFAI. Mountaittu of curt-haw sud: ke the place d happim‘ss l Ehkhauz’n Vega ht to Mrs. i Such testimony a ttll, worm-n as a Lrdia K. PI - Compound - u I remedy f, r .5 a rermuly lt GUI-of wom'n ', a' m; ira'daatrttal wand di -p1loel ' e; ix'rurulnl “I manhunt“ tHal." --(Sign od) 1 It: Dudley su, ( Ins. --$600t? {mm - penal/none“ can!!! “Lydia " Pl “Me CArmpound hrs a drop. 1 adv are unlisted with trouble of any kind “The use ot by! Vegetable Com] -lled the tumor .y whole system. idriee." Y ail iour t hy__n:n I 'Fibroid " Note the I Pinkham's adsi hanging trlre roi" blue Sm thick. and iar It almost, w noqror Joao I cry, and the overswhero v I. a more int eye!" “new to blue and It, and It w‘ from ot and hunt at t) lion no 3 There to the ll it docu dwell u you. as point! the "col to in E prom rm mrprnso were In Ratio: upon o onion. thin F' al ”can tlu We to u .081 or u land's. lm "touts, “I Iatture may ttutr I I It“; pl: MM..--" I. rictt qroNed Pas (we haves. our dun . to“ sum . color. which CH “homes with n It will nun hut lutwn. London ”8. u collbluhl mt an ting! hm "d--Nuite tel-sum n “Famue L torraur nu ”New. W Lester In... ran-1:121 m In em For“. Bite l, quttom (Why 'ttttteta d oeuv and IO guw Md IBOLHU‘ “I! lamest to to all tbr wo 1"wa entertu h at “I tau a, GI! we hear ot “I with trams r mu. London .1 with so mu. Paris spausi, Btrrtsar...u'/ "Car VI: mu My)”: reunion be“. 30 u " 8 We.” and I J “I the lucky od “Some t PM and her ttall on Jun. " Filmy Na M Canon. l Get n " W It In “I 'url um we no m woul minds (Bye! was nr rt wot " "

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