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Durham Review (1897), 25 Dec 1902, p. 4

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. == $119 (Shri stmas J7rtrtucd, . To Subscribers to the REVIEW for Gwen Th . 1903. e . Annual IS a 4o-page magazine filled attractive illustrated reading matter and is an ornament to any parlor tabl 2. If (Free scriber. become one and 'l'i'leit FREE?0t a Sub- JOHN LIVINGSTON ‘ Wmm ROBES. HARNESS HORSE BLIXNKETS. In great variety of Style but only one variety of Excellence,---) BEST. Interchange- able Upholstery. Call and see them. Seasonable articles just now. bought right and will be sold right. Get our prices. Raymond & New Williams Sewing Machines. Dawswell Chums, Wringers & Washing Machines, &c. Yours for Trade. This week we make our bow to the readers of the Review informing them that at the well known McKinnon stand, we are handling the output of the above firm and ask fora continuance of the patronage bestowed on our predecessor. We intend to supply only the best goods at fair prices and hope to meet many old friends and make a lot of new ones. This week we can do no more than. call your attention to our splendid stock of CUTTERS, STOVES d; RANGES To the Public of Durham & Vicinity, DEERINB John Clark. :Emammfimkm jigiigiiriii ANADA ARRIAGB " |UTTBRS git) n 1- rub» '""traaIne "lied attractive illustrated reading matter and is an ornament to any parlor table. If not a Sub scriber. become one and get it FREE. . Ramace, Pub. & Prop HARVESTER C 0 M P A N Y Fi; . TORONTO Miss Maggie Lauder is s endi holidays with her aunt 2lf. 535;" Mt. Forest. P, Mr. Herbart Ball, of Michigan, is the g-uest. of friendsyn town. .1351? Emerson Kinnee is home from Michigan. Mr. I Mclielvie, Chicago, who was en- gaged on the Cement works last sum- mer is visiting at Mr. Rowe's the baker. . _ Miss Mary Watson, daughter of Mr. Robb Watson, Fort Frances, came from Toronto. Wednesday last to visit her sister Mrs. Wm. Grant and relatives in Normanhy. Glam-lg and Durham. acacia? she left for North Ba? where is to be married to Mr. Alex. Me. Rae of Carleton Place, and will then proceed to Wehhwood their future home. [Congratulations from ye editor her old teacher and hearty good wishes.] Among those who left, to spend holidays out of Durham were Miss Lick to Oshawa, Miss Davey,------ Anderson, to Hamilton. Master Percy MacFarlane left for Uuledon to spend Christmas with his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. McFarlane. Mr. Angus Cameron came home last Friday from Bouneau, N. D, He is looking well and speaks of a tremendous rush and crush of Christmas travel from the west ctuetiy friends coming east. for the holiday season. As will be Been in our marriage notices there is a decided matrimonial move among the Camel-ans We wish them all much joy. _ Miss E. Ram), Yeovil. spent. a few days with her sister Mrs. Horsbuxg. Mr. and Mrs. Houburg are spending the holidays at her old home men! Mt. Forest. Mr. and Mrs. D. McTavish, Port ETEin, were visiting for a. few days last week at Mr., A. McLachlan's. an old rm; friend of both. They were much impressed with the magnitude of our cement works, Mr. John McKenzie. Mich., came home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Erhardt left Saturday to spend a few days m Toronto. Mrs. Lockwood Elvidge returned from Behvood after spending a. pleasant month with her sun Walter. Wade Benunck. Mr. He..ry, G. T. It, Road Inspector, was a guest of Mr. Hugh Ruse last week. Miss Nora Chadwick', of Ayton, is a. Visitor at her home for the Christmas holidays. Miss Annie McKenzie of the Ayton teaching stall} is home for the holidays. Jun. F. Grant of the Dental college Toronto, m a visitor at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Ewen, of Lunsden. N. w. T., are guests of Mr. Robert Mr. Geo. Hepburn ls recovering from u severe attack of whooping cough. wl,iitiil'itWst,'a") THE DURHAM REVIEW l h l . d Thehpleasant, in”. [UH]. Ittthilf “It Ulitt DUI] as men assngne me y m so ool . ' . mates of grpsem ing you with ll, token BE IT KNOWN to ell Farmers any} asan evi ence of our lascin esteem. Feedemthat t'te,'"per2Jit,e,?, 1 friendship and love. We 'l'l'l,"/i not cou- Stock'l'onie and Feeder. I 'rd',',' 1 ( sent to Dart with you without leaving tobethe greatest animlregh two he. in our hands some memorial, however The best Tome and Feed Mbh' er; “its by 'thr/ll' of our deep and abiding gratitude noting all Horde.rs ot the Wood. Liver for your unceasing efforts, to benefit us, Kidneys, and keeping them In a healthy When in future days you look on this dition; will fatten an animal rapidly memento let it he a. pleasant token of the save one third the feed. deepest love and reverence of the Lntona lo lb. Box, 200 feeds, 50 c; Go-lb. Sack, "ttel, PduPilsh- h If f th h l ' MANUFACTURED BY 1qneo1nnentuto esroo. I 'h?i'iiiiiiil),1. 2',tft Sgtewurt, The Worthington Drug ik De a. I. c en, ertie impson Lillian McAllen. ' GUELPW Ont. The articles presented were a. double For Sale and guaranteed by . flower Vase and two fancy cups andi A, s. Hunter. DURHAM. saucers. . b Wm. Seaman. HOLSTEIN. Prayer Meeting over, supper was served. That the viands were abundant. and excellent need not he said. Mr. Charter Smith was called to the chair fora. general meeting and an iht,t,'.'t.! program gone through with. Rev. r. Budge gave an address and had to leave early. Mr. Young and Mr. R. Webber also gave addresses and that of the chair- man excelled. Prom the way he extolled the virtues ofaScotch plaid and what it did for him on the matrimonial line. there can be no surprise if a number of the young men take to wearing the ar- ticle. The speech of the host. was very entertaining. 45 years ago he had put up the old log house near by, and he could scarcely expect to have as much happiness in the tine new brick as he had in the humble log, where his family had been born and reared. Ber. Mr. Parqu- arson was the lust speaker and ably closed that part. Music was supplied by Miss Burnet, Mr. and Mrs. Milligan. and Mr. Jae. Mather. Only nature's instrument was used too, for Mr. Turnbull thinks nae " Kist o whustles " equal to that. The contractors were t for much work and plastering. Henry Emke. Elm- wood. Carpenter work: Walter Bur- ess. Lamlssh. Painting: Colin Mc- sougsll, Durham. 1il'tveTsttouttinr. C. Parrott. Durham. To Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull and their household we wish many happy days in the new home, until the time comes when they shall go to occupy one of the mansions in the .. Father’s house ". Presentation. T At the closing exercise of Latonn pub- lic school on the 18th inst., Miss G"rant was honored as below t In the corner stone of Mr. l‘urnhull’s tine brick residence are deposited copies of the Toronto Globe, Home!" Renew. Durham Chronicle, and Sabbath Read- ing among other documents. They were placed there by Miss Mary Ellen Turn- bull a neice of the genial host. Two sons, Jae. and Geo. and a daughter Mrs. McRonald Joined in the festivities, which everyone enjoyed. On Tuesduy evening of last week Mr. Geo Turnhull, s. Line, Bentinck. marked the entry into his new house by " spe- cial gathering of friends and neighbors. About 70 or so of these responded, The evening was opened by a prayer meeting conducted by Rev. Messrs. Fnrqubar- son. Durham. and Budge. of Hanover, assisted bv Messrs, W. J. Young, and And Derby. -- __ A long list, of presentgwers andple- senta, follows, which Were certainty of a high class as to usefulness and value. The groom’s present was an ustmchnn fur coat. Congratulations from the Review. After the ceremony, the guests pre- sent sat. down wan elnhmu.e dinner. The table: were prettlly decmmed with cut fiowets and loaded with every.hing that the most, fastidious epicure could desire. " The South Dakota Independent of recent date has a notice of the marriage of Mr. John A. Cameron. (Malcolm's son. forineily of Bentinck ) from which we extract. The bride was Miss Vic- toria. Kippen, " well and favorably known for a number of years and has a. large circle of friends. The bridegroom 16 one of Bottineau County’s most sub- stantial farmers and well liked by all who know him. " The paper con- tinues t " The room was decorated with beautiful tiuwers, roses and lilies. The bride was dressed in white silk organdy. {he Eridegroom wearing the coventionnl lili' . Mt. Jus. A. HunierTame on Tuesday for Christmas. Mr. Jim. McKenzie. of Flint. Mich., Is a visitor at the home of his parents. The pupils of School Section No. 9 presented their teacher Miss Elzina E. Hawn With u very pretty dressing case on closing duv of school. Mr, Arrowsmith's neice Miss Lydia. Arrowsrnith. of Macclesfield, England. arrived Monday. Mr. Angus McLeod and daughter Kate, of Farwell, Michigan, U. M.. are :.pending Christmas week with John A. Black. of this town. . Mr. Neil Black. of Farwell. Mich.. U. S.. is spending n. few weeks with his uncle John A. Black. Mrs. Leslie, Mt Forest, is visiting her old home at Bunessnn during the Uhrimums week. Mr. J. A. Blac0nd family are spend: ing Christ. mas week with ()lwsley and Paisley relatives. w i'd'tiiii'i':'i'i'id'i; al83,,,1.1,,?_ Sold [amt-on. . gqaao-r.n"n on. on. A --_- - o o ----- - HOUSE WARMING. Dear Teagber, bod for anything that runs on wheels. ' Hymeneal and light loads. We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or- ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur's store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE, will receive our best attention. And of course you want the best that's going. Call and new stock, made by And warranted, good,easy rid- ing, and at reasonable prices. C AUT I ous, A JOYFUL Successful Men CHRISTMAS GREETING He " now offering for Sale : THE MALCOLM CAMERON 100 tore: on Goran-n A good farm with fitter buildings. Offered very cheap as Mr. Cameron has gone west. The T. 0. Stewart Farm, Lot 16. Con. a W. G. It. Bentinck;100 acres with about 30 cleared l frame house and other huildinys. Said to have a lot of very fine hardwood timber. A 100 Acres in Bentinck. In excellentf state. good buildings and fences, good} soil, School and Church close at. band.) Post Oftice on the farm. Cwner getting F up in yearu and bound to sell. MONEY 'ro LEN D,-. ,'; DEBTS c'oLLECTED,-. ' LANDS BOUGHT & b'0LD,-- i Every kmd of tioueial business "gusto-g Carefully consider where they do their business. Many of these men go to B. H. MILLER, the Hanover Conveyancer, even though It means . few miles of a drlye. They say that be is .. Always protuph-ne"r negligent." that no has had 22 your: experience and that it, PAYS TO DEAL WITH HIM. BE IT KNOWN to I“ Fume" aqd.stock‘ Feeders that Worthtrttrtort's ©atnidCiii Stock Tank: and Food" is summed to be the greatest animal regnhtor of the age, The best Tonic and Feed saver; acts by cor- recting on disorders ot the Blood, Liver 3nd Kidneys, and keeping them in a healthy con- dition; will fatten an animal rapidly and save one third the feed. Io 1b. Box, 200 feeds, 50 c; 50-11). Sack, K.. . MANUFACTURED BY . l The Worthington Drug Co., GUELPH, Ont. I M NEED l CUTTER GRAY (ll! (lfllrlrflhllf We have still a full line of Peter Hamilton Machines, Binders, Mow- ers and Drills. Examine our Chums too which we offer at right prices. A. B. McARTHUR Pour Feeds ht One Gent. hddretoc--H. H. M ILLER. of ”any Christme.s and _ sf Aiwty Wen) garr WE WISH YOU ONE AND ALL. Lock Drawer 28, Hanover, Out. - """""'6" - Direct Importation, from European American and Canadian Quarries LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUM F.NTS, All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. [manna mm "-- Wows CA LOWE LL'1 (ODDOI FRIENDS 8 PATRONS ROBINSON & MRBET, There is nothing more popular for a Christmas present than a pretty piece of Silverware and a look through our establishment will convince you that we have the variety. For the Boys and Girls we have some fine Skates and Hand Sleighs. ters, Raisin Se-eders and Chopping Bowls just to hand. In Sleigh Bells, Robes, Whips and Horse Blankets we excel. Another Carload of Coal Oil just to hand We buy the quality and there is no trouble selling the quantity. There is nothing in this part of the country to equal our Lamps for Beauty, Quality and Price. ADAMS WAGGONS TOLTON's Pea Harvester Gurney Stoves, Pianos & Organs Blaughsr JWrrou)s Soufflers BARCLAY & uu MAXWELL MACH I NERY & are now stocked up with Angthey Shipment of Meat Cut Caldwell’s Livery Stable TO ALL OUR ELL' I R TA LE Wdhk “Fania Eons all! uve of ”any.” Opposite Middauizh Hons HIM" I till. '. tittack. COCKSHUTT . M, 1902 laugh’ Mira. Proprietors. We [13 The dull fice assistant: Circulars am Addre TWEE BRUCE Our Co and SHOR up-to-date, I Owe, BEGINS Calder . Bt Proven S: ialty. mills a Cockshutt I Clare Bu @224 with Full Sylvester F Famoui Bil "on Toys Noah. Arts Perfume Photo Mum Photo Album, Picture Booto Lou- "undid “whim: "on It mu l Mm Doll. Dunn. [bury I up Gloves Gum-n Me sun Mac! I)Wiioi We can Watch .. The l a contim bestowed be found Will gAN Ed Toys, 21:3,: as AT a his: ll We We 4 Don at Wh, that the I assty en t, end 'ottti '" l g

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