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Durham Review (1897), 25 Dec 1902, p. 5

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REETING frls we have and Hand 70d. Iore popular sent than a ware and a 'tablishmeat {we have the , 1902 ATRONS l Meat Cut Id Chopping huh Hons [TAB L E y Stable Hester "his part of It Lamps tor rice. INERY & var RBET, I} 'gist. with 'ack. WORKS & Organs rxwoll ll. LL. Coal Oil the quality selling the har BELL 'rom . 'Fan. Prietors MF'.NTS whips m R, Hy :12 The demand for young men as of. fice assistants is greater than the supply Circulars and full particulars free. Address We 08k hptiliig tl our Iillll TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES Our Courses in both BUSINESS and SHORTHAND Departments are up-to-date. thorough a nd cmpl et S. SGOTT. BEGINS JANUARY 2, 1903. Calder- Block-Next the Post OHIO. Proven Steel tftty Forks a Spec- ialty. Also Brantford Wing.. mills and Gasoline Engines. with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhopc Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs. Clare Bros.' Furnaces & Stoves, To1tou's Implements. Adam's Sleighs. - Photo Fume. Photo Albums Picture Books Luce 1Undherchiets Rocking Horses Xmu rum Dolls Drums bTney Cuts and Scum Gloves Gamer Iron Toys Noah: Ans Perfume Be sure to Call and leave your order with MacFarlane & C0. We still have some of the late W. A. MacFarlane's Stock of Watches, Rings, Jewelry and Silverware, DRUGGISTS & BOOKSEILERS We can give you Bargains.. td The Implement Man "asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found C. A. FLEMING, Principal. WINTER TERM Has just arrived at the Big 4, with a big load of Christmas Pres- ents of all kinds. Such pd'i)-et'a.4'otitirti:; (ff' . WWW/o MANY PEOPLE Toys, Owen Sound, M., DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, “DOTS & SHOES. &c., AT THE OLD STAND Ot best quality. . H. BEAN w men we are anxious to clear out at cost. You will never have a better chance. Which we are . NOBLE Come right back and buy your toys Weve lots for the girls and . lots for the boys, We've toys so cheap in every style, That Lnying m as is worth your while. Dont fail.to visit ir Who visit our that we have a the rear where assortment of Santa- T. NOBLE SANTA ll LAUS. AT THE sleigh» lshsving Sets XShnving us 1 ‘Steroacopes fShell Boies "9ilk mutdeerrniet, "niyy,ertt.o.r. en, Women ' nnd Children may Watches =Toy Furniture ‘Toy Dishes Croklnole Boards. em Cantu”. N.tttt,ritrs, tr More do not know a large department in e we show a splendid ._... n. "".", rugs. Data, Raisin/i, ete, it when in town was ma; " per each Polling piece " Referendum Election; D Campbell 817.82; H Prast 916.45 for services; H H Miller, M for rent at Hall for Court of Revision on Voters' Lists for 1902. Win Hill 840 tor his horse's leg broken irn crossway; 82 each to the Reeve and Assessor tor selecting Jurors; $20 to the '. Post" on account; $18 granted to Bentinck Agri- cultural Society; $2 to Trustees of S. S. No. I. p. B. II. retained tron: school levy. Mr nugwood. ponmllreeper, was instructed to return S Diebcl $5 charg- ed hiin for sheep impounded; 82 60 re- funded being for A. Green's Statute Labour. The Collector was instructed to receive 811.55 in fall at Taxes on part Lot 1 of Con l W G It. The Col- lector's time for returning his Boll was extended to the 15th January next. Met " Allan Park on nondny Dec 15, according .to Statute. numbers all pres- out. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of September meeting read and passed. The Reeve reported having expended 398.2! in the repair of bridges since last meeting. The seyeral Road Commission- ers reported on hevrng expended elnce last meeting on Roads as follows: Div- ision No. I. $118.18; No a. $84.20; No 8, $45.95 and No 4 0180.86. Reports orJered to he received and cheques issued. The Reeve as Chairman of the Board of Health made his Report of the public Health and Sanitary condition of the Township tor the past year. Report ordered to be reeeiyed and the ex uses of the Board 089 paid. By-law If: T & 8 appointing place of Nomination at Allan Park. Polling place: some " last lunicipal elections. The following ae- connts wet! ordered to be passed. " S Robb gravel, $1.88; Clerk registering Jude " 16; W batman, bolts tor bridge 'Loo; Clérk's quarters salary Mir, do postage etc. 6 mos. 94.50;G Freeman thmr, lire Barclay. 89.60;J Weddell goon» do 86; 1) Sim gravel 82.66 ; (mac melanin attending council Aug Ist 91.85; R lien- wick rep culvert $1.85; D chiunon rc- fund can: tax 81.00; G Klempp cm: of council room 04.50; W. Hustle. bid. of celery as tttM"retMbr No.00; Thus Brown tress. special services re Provincial Auditor, " eouneillor'a on) 010. Council row after the usual formalities etc. D. ALLAN, clerk. Resohml that the! (allowing noc‘ts paid: aeithlerboro---amIutrns--Ttmt the reeve be paid " for making out. the Financial b'tatetueut.--Carrit,d. 1reIi.'adden--aurlinyre--.Tut the Funn- cisl Statement as prepared and signed by the reeve and Hemmer be accepted. and the clerk get 200 copies printed tor use at nomiuationF-orrred. Durtun---atickuboro.--TUt the clerk notify Chas Melanin no remove the whey tank at factory in Yeovil " the highway before Deo.201h. 1992. and failing. clerk to notify Juo lime the owner of the Bath“) up0u which uid mm is partially situated to remove it immediately thereafter.-. Carried. Durant-mm-wo-.-; in the All)“ entered by Chas. nchmis against this municipality. the Council employ W H Kingston. Tp. Solicitor to defend its "tut-tc-Cairn-ed. ' yptkleboro---Durtsnt--Tot, " b to John Sinclair as relief to widow YePvil,--cnrrnsa. MruriUre--orieliiaboro--That Chas Mc- Innis be paid 96.75 ain't. ot fees due hint for appearmg a: 0. Sound for exnmina- tion Iniunpending sun With this municip- ality. and claw be paid 500.10: servmg notiere,--carrud. By-law No 155 for holding municipal Elections mused the mmal readings etc. Polling places and D. It. 0. the some as tonne: years. r 1urant--iutrraihun-wrut report be adopted and com: receive 88 com tees.-- Canned. Comr. Mickleboro reported work 'on Gardiner’s hill; Jan Smith tive days opeuting grader 08.75; Jno. Walmsley five dnvs team on grader 015; Chas. Hum do 816: H Lease do 915 ; J 8ennl, operating grader one day on W Hom- burgh'o hum 1.75; Wm Hamburg]: paid $4 for use of grader; T J Reid up bridge con 8 6oe.; Jno Nelson extra. stringer in witch's bridge $2 also inspected btidae on gravel road but lounu it was under Co. Supervision. Comr lcb'ndden reported on com] of filling abutmeuts at new bridge con " by J on Bilton coat $118.00. Duraet--murkilboro-riid adopted and comr receive $2 Carried. aeepnyre--Dur.nt-.rhit ri/ir; be ad- opted and com: be paid " own tmsg.-- Curried. Com McIntyre reported several jobs awarded to W Ramage " lots lo and 11 can 22 amounting to $16 and lo W J, Adams removing stones " road for 01.60. __ ___ - .... 'vv nu "all. abutmenu. Avtlmr'n budge and that the new inspect said contract. when comple- ti-Car-ned. Re orts on road imps. comr sreOeen ; Jan grown underbrushing loch nideroad con 9-10 $11.75 ; J It Dillon two concrete culverts and cow-ring cattlepass Int 17-18. can 6, cost M ; W Wallace burying a dead sheep E. & A. lownline 500. ; Dr )Icleden plank. Drewrev's bridge 4oe.; G Bilton One day returning stones 01.25 mmt.tyre-aeeriuun-.hit" report udoplod and com be paid 81.50 com has Cngnod. rtrri'aen-yrpnt,re-s the tender of Chas Kirk abutmente. Arthur's bud; PY e inspect said comma , The Council met Dee. Huh. Minutes flpproved. By-law No 164 to alurlnnd divert the line ot Highway. con. 6, and to clone the old mod and also to convey the some to new»: “Nair and ucPhee'pn-sed the new readings etc. "ertttrry--Durant-rut Angus chair be pad the mm of $26; and Jun nod Chia ItoPhee be paid Mo In accordance with the terms of the foregoing By-taw. together wits. the conveyance of the old rotu1war--Ciria Dtet--aeunt.vr-rs" the acc’t of Ian Tnynor of 81210: surveying at Deviation Con 6. end 82 for description. by mates and bounds of two deeds be paid end clerk be paid " for execution of said two 1hsedC--carAeii. BENTINCK LOUNCIL. Enommt Count; , mm of $26; and Jun end e be mid Mo m Accordance ms of the foregoing By-mw. , the conveyance of the old cu; Kirk}; '99'3'_r5}'}2'.'{ reported o.n e?mpletion Tmt. no ‘accept an report be " com fees-.-. 'li be In!“ report be 116m, be cil Prvision.. and will continue open until tive o'clock p. m. of the same day. Witness my hand nt the Town of Durham, this 8th day of December, A, D., 1902. . WM. B. VOLLETT, Nominating omcer. MONDAY, the tith day of JANUARY. 1903, at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon, when ollu will be opened in each of the said Ill'//ifd'i'l,hitt",'d of Glen- elg, Bentinck. the Town of Durham and the village of Hanover. in the places where the ordinary Municipal Elections are being held, to receive the votes of the said Municipal Electors for County S1"gy1l.lo.rs for said Third County Coun- THIRD COUNTY COUNCIL DIVISION. NOTICE is hereby given to the Mu. nicipal Electors of the Third Coun- ty Council Division of the County of Greg. which consists and is composed oft e Townships ot Glenelg. Benfinek, the town ot Durham and the village of Hanover. that a. public meeting of such Municipal Electors will be held in the Town Hall, in the Town of Durham. on MONDAY, the 22nd day of DECEMBER. 1902. between the hours of one and two o'clock in the afternoon. for the pur- pose of nominating candidates for the oftice of County Councillor for said Third County Council Division, and that. in the event of more than an) candidates being proposed. the proceed- ings will be adjourned until COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. MI'! llllil)-llli)f Mil CAMemos-Nscasou--At Bottineau, N. Dank. Dec. 16th, John Cameron. (son of John Cameron, formerly of Guru- frnxn. road, Glenelg) to Miss Nichol formerly of London Ont. fJAsrrtrtoN--RorvsEv.-At Bottinenu, N. Dax. on Dec. 17th, Alex Cameron. (son of John A. Cameron, formerly of Glenelg ) to Miss Rndney. CAmr.Ros--KrPPEs.--At Bottineau, N. ' Dank. on Nov. 22nd, Mr. Jno. A. Cam-. eron, (son of Malcolm Cameron. for. merly of Bentinck ) to Miss Mar- garet Victoria Kippen. ted, Mr Wm Isaac trtrvetoolo.MrT Bothwellgave an instrumental with Miss Minnie lHooper residing " the organ, Misses Bertha E10013” aed Ber- tha McIntyre sang two pieces very finely, and the choir only a few months' old, led by Mr Wm Ramage acquitted themselves to the satisfaction of all. Several recitations by the pupils were well rendered. Proceeds $16.50. Quite a number ot Durham friends were present. The concert, at this appointment on the 18th inst was quite successful. The chair was occupied by Mr East- man, PrieevMs's Popular Pedagogue in a pleasing manner. Addresses were delivered by Ree Mr Matheson, Mr Allan Bell and Mr Alfred Tucker. Rev Mr Varley also addressed his people and gave an excellent reading from " Black Rock". Others who assisted were Mr W L Dixon with a regdipg, My Al_ex Bell sang and reci- 3W“! Now is the time to wear J BURNETT. We expect our first ship- ment of Lake Herring this week. We have only been able to secure a few of the 50c Packages and were wise to come early. .... Whether it be Food or Fad we have them c--- Tillson's Pan.dried Oats, Quaker Oats, Swiss Food, McGowan 's Im- perial, Force and Malta Vita. Jllla'alf MAKING A " ROLLER " 0n the FOOD and FAD Question, Our New Fruits are all in and we have the Best of Every. thing. EBBNEZER CONCERT. _ EARNED. ~THE iMHItrAtlE REVIEW s lbs Good Japan Teal 24 lbs Granulated Sugar 4 lbs Raisins 4 lbs Currants 6 lbs Rice 5 lbs Prunes 3 lbBox Cream Sodas Overcoats, Men's Navy Blue Beaver worth $7.50 for ' 1 Men's Ulsters worth 86.oo for " Tweed Suits 6.00 for " Tweed Suits 7.50 " Waterproofs 6.00 Men's Heavy Etoife Pants 1.50 " Knitted Top Shirts 50 " Cardigan Jackets 1.50 Cloth Caps from we to 4oc, w Here are a Few Bargains t Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Dress Goods THE PEOPLE’S STORE BUTTER, EGGS & FOWL WANTED FOR WHICH THE HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID. CUNFECTIONERY for the'Xn'as Trade. We are sole agents for Stewart 's Choice Confectionery and the verdict of our customers is they cant be beat. CHOCOLATE. BON BONE. MAPLE PUDDING, CRY- S'l‘ALIZED FRUITS. the choicest Stockrgwer shown in town. ' Pipes, Tobaccos, Cigars, Smokers Sundries. &c. Remember we are the price-makers, and that EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY at DARLING 's. Call early and be convinced. As we have decided to vacate our present place of business in the near future and as we have too large a Stock to move we will for time being sell everything at cost and many articles at much below our prices are right. have Money, for it is Money, MoneyJMoneg WE MUST HAVE MONEY, in fact we must raise days, and to do so we have knocked the bottom out of stock of Fancy Gtxrds, Ebony Sets, Perfumes, Purses, Ch Bibles, Fancy Stationery, Violins, &c, &c. In the li; the PRICE-MAKERS. MONEY MONEY MONEY Tw Tho HOUSEWIFE'S BURDEN and the terrors of baking" day are banished by using Rowe's bread. It is as good as the best home-made bread, and infinitely superior to nine-tenths of what Ionic people call bread. It is made of the best flour, the dough is thoroughly and properlymix- ed under absolutely clean and sa- nitary conditions and carefully baked under our own supervision DARLING’S [Imam weeds, Cottonades, Flannels. Blankets, Hardware, Oils, Paints, X-Cut Saws, Whips, &e., &c. IN DRUGS AND MEDICINES we s, oeeries E. A. ROWE '02: 's Wear) 'uving ga, As the Old Song Goes UP P ER 'TOWN . MCGABE AT Jackson's Bitt " i235 to 4oc, worth r ' 85.50 6.00 for 4.75 6.00 for 4.00 7.50 5.50 JNO. A. DARLIN G. $t.oo 1.00 25c 25c 25c 25c 21c 1.25 39 ‘1 ---e.9F._.N - "my". ... y, Montsy,Woney everywhere. I nouns: l 339 3.3.5. Kati? lt1GE," Liriiiiii" mama; Gerue McCuaig. on. John McCannel. Intermediate-- John Mlson. Jessie Clark, Charlie Mc- Farlane eq.. Stanley Willituns, Andrew Williams. MARY GORDON. Teacher. Report of S. B. No. 10. G. and E. 5th class-Hector McDonald. John McKinnon, Sarah McKinnon, Burma Hooper, Louisa Hanger. Bertha Mern, tyre. J. S. McDermi . 3rd class-Mei- inda Graspy. Edna Chislett. Marv Mon Cuaig. J. u. Harrison. Lzzie MoCuaig.‘ 2nd class --John McEnchern. Isaac Hoo er, Ada McLean. Willie Reopenl ice '.fieo"ig/ell," Ntuie hultam - lst Clair...., --_.- .. ___.- --uv-' uvuu .. Ull- tbo--- Mn we fiTetll; J eagle Eccles. Sr3rd 1"Eli1ilitl cDougal. Bessie Wear, Mary Wilson, Emily Wilson. Jr 3rd-- John L McDonald. Eddie Wilson. Ida Wilson. John Knox, Arthur Knox. 2nd--Jennie Clark, Lillie Sackett. Kate McFarlane. Pt 2nd-Cinra Wilson and Em Haw. eq.. Alex. McFarlnne. Br lat, --Bett Eccles. Hob. Campbell. Tom weirpy., Atme Knox. Christie Canter, son, Maud Hamilton, Annie Nelson. Sr '4rtr--8agttie Hamilton. Mail? Brown. Jr 3rd--Huioid Hunter. John erguson. Bert Lawrence. Aggie Adamo. Sr 2nd-- Bella; Ferguson. Blanche Reid eq. .1r2m1-rPtGny Patterson. John Brown. Farr Lawereriee, Reuben Watson. Willie Wilson, Edith Patterson. Nina Mepad. den. Part 2nd Br-Martin Wilson. John Davis, Charlie McKenzie, Goldwin Law. rence. Arthur Lee. Part 2nd J t --Cecit Davis. Edgar Henry. Mary Hamilton, Tom Brown. Part 1 tgr-Beit Fe neon, Roy Eccles. Maggie Ecclen, 't'dilillil21 Re rt of S. S. No. It, Egremont. for W,u'U,," and December:.' Class thth--wiJys K_n9_x._John _Weir. tth--- Report of S. S. No. 12. Egremont for the month of November and December. Class 5th - anard Henry. 4th-.. SumhuBl'oyn]2 Grlace Reid. Belle Pat- Report at U. S. M. 3, B. and G. for December. Br. 4th--Aibert Twanlev. Jr. 'ttr-. John Morlley. 3rd ctass-itnen Cotfield, Brice Darwivel, Jessie tstewart, Della McAllen. 2nd cGss--Beatt Simpson. Charlie Smith. t(il'cre'i'Wid,'l',l Some Simpson. Br. pt, '2nd-LSuiie Vaughan. Albert McDonald. Johnie Vaughan. Dan McGiIlivmy. Jr. pt. 2nd--Alez. annbull. Lillian McAllen. tir. Ist- Addie Twamleiéd Jr. l-Burnie Cof- field, Georgie ingham. A class- Dunnie Map, Morrison Smith. Clifford Mountain. For S. S. No. s, Bentinck. Male or Female. Applicntionu received up to Dee. 26. J. W. Vlcxnns. Bee. Tran. M Tenders will he received “l: to 29th of Dec. at noon, for building a rick school 8. M. No. 14. Egremom. Plans and 'g'/,'g'll,t,'itir/ to be seen at Thou. Knox' oolhville. Ont. 3 Durham P. O. Dated 17th December A. D. 1902. Tenders will he received January A D 1903. Terms COLIN MCARTRUR. Waudby J. P. TELFORD, his solicitor, To close the Estate ofthe late Pheobo McDougall. the undersigned Executor. offets for sale bv tender, the following landr.--Lot number one, South Har- vey street. in the Village ot Prieeville, 1sontainine one-hull acre, on which are situate a dwelling house and stable. Tenders will he received up till 3rd January A D 1903. Terms Cash. tjoertr, MCARTHU‘R: Wyrdby P. 0., or That 200 scre farm In the. Township of Glenelg. known as the Melina Farm. There is about 110 acres cleared and suitable for running machinery on. and the balance is principally of hardwood timber. There is supposed to be over 20m cords of good cordwood ready for cutting. The farm is situated about six miles from Berkley, and ten miles from Durham. On the farm is a good frame house and cedar post harm This farm Will be sold at a bargain during the next sixty days. For further in. formation or terms of sale apply to Vickers. P. o. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ExecutOr’s Sale of Lands. Teacher Wanted. Tenders Wanted. must raise 01000 in the next 30 'eit"at'ri't?k'L) P- Farm for Sale. mt of prices in our supeib ms. Chatelaines Wrist Bags, the lines we carry, WE are do not take and place and W. CALDER. Durham. A. L. GRANT. I may v-':j8J),W!rl,8,,li.F4,lit, rWr BIN 1t),lJ.,ti,i . .u: '.F. ,3,“ mix"? "r, tr, L V ‘ r u - {km 9.3,».&7 _ . r" _ 's/if, " SAVINGS BANS. -niel‘est allowed on savings bank deposits of '1.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at distance. T A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter- est allowed " current rates. AGENTS in ntl prmcipul paints m Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba. United States and England. W. P. OOWAN. President. GEO. P. REID. Hunger. DURHAM AGENCY CAPITAL. Authorised CAPITAL. Paid up.... RESERVE FUND. . .. . SWIM! BANK (lf (IMAM Collection: of all kinda‘ promptly attended to, EBT. BRIG HAM OFFICE-~M0K'nuo‘n Old Btamt Durham ARTHUR H. JACKSON .‘RRICT‘R. COLICIYOR IN .UPR‘.‘ COURT NOTIRY Pull-I6. COUUIOIIONIR. m. tad on terms tirWiGiiiiiiGG'.' orr'rtur-arestvre more. MACKAY a DUNN, Barristers. - Solicitors. Conveyunoon. to. . 0mm : Hunter's New Block. cp- posite Chronicle allies. Gmmn tlt., Durham. lemma] "at! prh'nto Fund. u Monet." n low.“ nu. ot lug-tut In“; - - l.___-A~ . _ """ee u IOWOIC mu- ot inure-t. Vila“; and. by noonpotont and awful Vslutor. All We. Means-x. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Du nun Pharmacy Calder', Block. Residence first door we“ of the old Poet ottice, Durham. Bp.m. wm be " the Ilddsugh Home Inc foam-m: of each mouth fro w. c. momma D. D s., L. b. s Licensed Aucuzneer the County of Grey. Order. “ken a my midonce. Ben duck. It/At R-gvigw 1ttBer, Durham modding HONOR GRADUATE at Toronto University. grain“: of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms. Calder Bl0ck over the Post (Mice. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER. ac. CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR lunar-no. Ago-It. any?“ lung-Ia fi'h11"'2h"t Ind tedt'.': u oooun prop". u: and "to Com Business Prom at war. but." ot Ad. mhutnuon uni GunJlnn-hip Obhhod. gou- chu mud. in Baht" one. sad Tm.- upon" "" - -"e' --. .'""_i'9. lat-“ml Iona looked "tir And Exogutot'l fnlnn-l ' -----, - we tumult to the Royal London Ophthnllm .ospttnl, England. and the Golden Squmjm nd Tttmat 'trrdtnt. a. SPECIALIST EYE, EAR. THROAT‘ tmsd," M EXCLI‘SI VELY. - arrictor, our , Gan vogancor, to., in..." 'ryytt.o.91ey, 1:999!" ole rues Willi: . G. Much, K.c. '-" s. I: b-4 p. m. REIIDENCI and OFFteE-oid But UPPER TOWNJJUBEAI. DENTISTRY. Dr. '1'. G. HOLT L. D. s. aoarnr Auird DENTISTRY. wiped-J Milan given to m- oe Women and Chadian. MONEY To LOAN ARTHUR GUN. H. D., Nt----"." TOWN. DURHAI. undon- and Acute! promptly stranded to w. Doom. Wu. 1M, Wat $121., 'het --= 1,_rhrttto, or am por- ti., gram McCAUL. Head Office, Toronto.“ Innhur Coll... Phnhlun and Bug-on- unm- rrn. outwit-in} - nun. u. -_....-_-h_ E S. DAVIDSON. DR. GEO. S. BURT. Teleeheee Cenneeuee Ne. so MBT. BRIGHAI. Allan Park I HUTTON, M. D., J KELLY, Agent; Private Money to Loan, "l-l----"--;-":'-':-'"-"-} - TELFO RD. Plum“ OFFICE HOURS can vaniéin'. gh Home. Durham.“ mouth from 2 p. m. I] . -oou.. 1,000.000 '. o: TOE tlover the Bank .W. F. Dunn

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