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Durham Review (1897), 25 Dec 1902, p. 8

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Us ll! if? ALEX. RUSSELL A Large Stock of Fancy CASH 0R TRADE GIVEN FOR PRODUCE. Our Hardware is Up-to. date with a well assorted Stock. MEN'S (lljhi OVERGOMS lllll'll fllil [MS 325 Fur Coats for . 6 $20 23 u u 20 20 " " 17 IS' " " " HAVE A FULL LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES IN ALL LINES. SUCCESSOR TO J. A. HUNTER. A Full Range of Heavy Overcoats at reduced prices from $5 up to $10. llllllr SHORI JACKIE Cups & Saucers, Dinner & Tea Sets, Fruit Sets. llllllt 5-4 I fllil Jhllllllll $10 Jackets for.. .. .. $5 to see about buying your Xmas presents. We have just what most people want. Chances are we can suit you MI STORE $15 Coats for . . . tO " " As your interests are our interests its a good time now Russell We invite you to make Our Store your Store. FUR CAPERINES and RUFFS REDUCED IN PRICES. 817 Caperines for . . $13 4.50 I5 12 IO 7. io XMAS WEEK Hill {ENGIH (Nil " " " " " " " " " AT THE " " to " " " " " " 2.50 2.25 3-50 $11 , blacksmith McCabe is kept busy these icy days, and he is working up I a good trade as he deserves. The entertainment gotten up by the schools of Boothville and Swinton last week in St Andrew's Church was a great success. The attendance was verv large, and the sum of $32 was realized. Mr Thos Knox was chair- mnn and Rev Mr Matheson gave an address, though the feature' of the evening was the contribution by the schools. Iza Campbell, Rhena Rich-: ardson and Geo Campbell gave recita- l tions, 3 Choruses were well rendered, hoopdrill by 12 girls and: accompany- ing chorus was a good thing andso , was the tableaux "Prayer ". Booth- ville school contributed recitations by Jessie Eccles, Maggie Campbell. and Duncan Clark, a " Winter March 'rl by some boys and girls, 2 duets by Emily and Mary Wilson and Bessie and Willie Weir. Chorus- " The Neat Little Clock," "Christmas" by 9 little tots, "The Abtrent-htindisi'i Beggar” tw 4-little boys, and gaelic music by John L. McDonald, and Jen- nie and Kate Meli'arlane. There was also a good original composition by John McDonald. Not much change to rep Duncan McMillan. Miss K ( recovered. Blacksmith McCabe is I these icy days, and he is w a good trade as he deserves Mrs Gordon, of your the entertainment at made many new am enjoyed herself. A Beef ring is being organized here. A meeting at Brownsville last week was addressed by Chairman, John Findlay and Geo Lothian, the latter having experienco in these institutions. The required names have been secur- ed and a butcher will be appointed soon. Mr Witters it is expected will be the man. John McArthur and Misses Nichol, McDonald and Grier, who were atten- dine school at Owen Sound, are home for their Christmas vacation. Miss Flora McMillan is engaged in Miss McLeod 's place in the Junior de- partment of our public school in this town for the year 1903. tion, will' pieach G if; uiiiitiil' iii this place same day. Rev Mr Matheson will reach anni.. versary sermons to his I congrega- tion " Tatedon next Sunday and Rev by aEt.iiir' paste:- ot that congrega- t nn In: “-nn“ i. -- .. n . 7 ' We wish the Compliments of the season to the REVIEW and staff and to all numerous supporters a Merry Christmas and a llappv New Year. [Many thanks from Ye Editor.] Died at her residence, South Line, Artemesia, on. Thursday the 11th inst Mrs James McDougall. native of the Isle of Islay Argyleshire, Scotland, aged about 72 years. Mrs McDougall l was amongst the first settlers on the I South Lind, Artcmesia and was always agood and obllging neighbor and a good wile and mother. She will be greatly missed by the family, more especially by her aged partner, who has to fight the remaining part of life’s battles in loneliness. The funeral on Saturday the 15th was largely attend. ed. She was buried Itt McKinnon's cemetery, South Line, Rev Mr Mathe- son ofBeiating at the house and grave. Corrcspovdents should avoid person- al insinuation and accusers erroneous accusations and so on. Prohibition talk is getting lower in temperature. No wonder tor we are all good temperate people in Priceville although some of us for the. sake of being obstinate act in opposition to pro- hibition, but in reality we don 't mean it. Election matters quiet in Artemesia. Probably the old council will be elee, ted by aeelemation. Commissioner McArthur is sure to be elected again by a. large vote. His late actions in fighting for the House of Refuge de.. serves special recognition. Curr. anuently it will be no surprise to find John riding on the top of the pull on election day. Glenelk council is very liberal to make a present to their late treasurer Jas. Edge Esq. No doubt the venerable gentleman served his time faithfully and was worthy of a presentation by his superiors in oftiee. A number tram here attended the concert at Ebenezer, on Thursday of last week and report a good time. Messrs Neil McCannel and Archie MeCuaie attended the funeral of their cousin Mr Hugh McCannel. son tf Mr Archie Mchnnel. of Burgoyne County Bruce, a couple of weeks ago. Dublin McMillan son of Mr. John McMilinn, South Line, is home after an absence of some years in the West. Also Alex. McLean non of Hector Me. Lean, Town Lint is home. Both in- tend to spend the winter months " their homes. Miss McLeod will be also greatly missed " organist in the Presbyterian church where she faithfully attended from time to time. She is succeeded by Miss Belly another younglsdy who {strangled to an the vscsncy ot Miss Principal Eastman, in enjoying his yolidnyl " the parental home Mea- ted the resigmtion of Mic McLeod teacher in the Junior department of our school, end " an appreciation of her faithful services she was presented with some nimble books. Md Scowh Concert will be held on Jan. 2nd 1903, in Watson's Hall. The best of talent engaged for the common and a good time is expected. It is with rearist the trustees and Peer"? of Iti.eevire y?.rtoolyyyep: Boothviile. PRICEVILLE. my town, attended at the Park, and acquaintances and 2 to report . Mr MissK 'lfi'u.l5dld lately. Mr. J as. McIntosh lately he N. T., visited on the avenu um... uvuuu uu we Jury. A number from around here attended the Boyd wood bee and has dcwn last Friday. Pleased to hear of Will McCracken able to be around again. Mr. Hugh McArthnr and Jim, came home last Saturday t; om North Dakoto, to their sister’s funeral. The svmpathy of the whole community goes out. to the. bereaved family and husband in town. Mr. Joseph Firth Jr. spent a week In Owen Sound on the jury. A number from around here attended the Boyd wood bee and hoe dc wn last Friday. Mr. P. G. Morrison leftlast. week for Fort William where he has secured a. good situation in a. drug More, M. ht l D. 1yydui'iiuri'ii"y"CU/'"' The ship timber gang from F . has smelled st, Je, Sparling "tttte,: swamp an e n _ . " . " Fernenux, “day, “In ls Loudmg Mr. A. McGillivny Area. McCormick, in at M '. D. McFavdan’u Sony ti, hear of Mo very ill again. ----_ ”mm, A number from around here the Glencross and Greenwood but Wednesday. DOW. ,_ _..... -mumuua, nu usprey. Their young minus 13 annexing very much tor the last 3 weeks from whooping cough we hope tslte may recon-r. Mr. Arch Calder has bought 3 new dri- yer. The gals must pm their hate on fun: Mr. Donald MoFurlane having sold his farm in Proton the east. hall to Geo Laue the westhalt‘lo Rom Kennel has purchased a farm near Badjeroas, in Osprey. 'I‘A...:.. ----- V q' Arrived at the post ofBee on the 8rd inst, slime girl bare headed and bare footed. She wilt recexye good care. Donald does not want to guess the net-Lime next summer. He is bargai for a Belle from Mr. McKinuou. The many friends of Mr. Duncan Mc- Millan are getting alarmed at the serious- ness ot his case but we hope that he may recover. Mr. Mehrthae near Priceville visited at D McCaunell's last Sunday Mr. Hugh McDomld of Top Cliff was waiting at Neil Cameron's one day In! wee . -- v "V- .._.v ..--v raw-Ivan. Aur. Herb Child: added much to the enjoy- menc of the evening by his singing. This is the iirnt meeting of the Literary Society which will meet eyery 2nd Friday after holidays. Miss Gordon. teacher, and the pupils of No " Egremont gave a free entertain- ment of Friday night. which was much appreciated by all who were present. Mr. Herb Child: added much to the enjoy- mnnn A! I a "s-.-.'., Lu Cy . . ___ - Miss Katie Clark had an attack of Inflammation but Saturday, but we hope under Dr. Sneaih's care will be improving. Mr. Neil Clark is keeping in his usual state of health. Wedding bells are still ringing, A nnml‘nn l..l._ A, . . Miss Mary Eccles went to Toronto on Tuesday accompanied by her father, to the Hespilal to be operated on tor appen- dievis. She stood the operation well, her case being about the worst the Dr. ever had. The last. report on Friday was that she was doing well. Mr. Alex Calder is visiting he returned from Manitoba after an absence of some years Miss Bertha Uvrdy is home from tuba. Election talk is very quiet in our own as yet. Now Mr Editor we will be brief wishing you, and um and your many madame uf the REVIEW the compliments ot the season and a pruapemus New Year. Miss Adeline tyNeil and Thus O'Nell are to be seen at the old homestead at present. Messrs. John Welsh and Frank O'Riley informs us that the Captain Lad a. narrow escape from being bitten by a neighbor‘s dog. We Wont say who the neighbor was. l The young man who Wan presented ‘with the, baby bib by mail recently, is ready to receive any such valuable goods at any tune and although he is a single man he can pass such goods to his friends. The parcel bore a Markdale stamp and was neatly done up. If the sender will be kind enough to make herself or himself known another reward mach larger than the Bunessnu one will be paid by the scribe. Angus Black had a successlul wood bee last week. Mia Mary Wilson. of Traverstoand Jessie Peters, from Haley's Corners. spent: Week with friends in our burg recently. Johnnie MoMillov was in the employ of Arch McMill-n lust week bulb wbuking- It wu indeed slippy u well " nining when Jimmy White pus-ed through our little town on Snudny morning going .wcuwnrd. Give us a wedding ding dong [ by New Yen’s Jimmy. Alex Block, Pomona, wee in our town one day Int week dehorning cattle. Alex ie e sturdy youth end in work while you work in e hurry up way. up and down the eon-nets. Me Joe Allan, of the 4th eon.. In no the employ of the Benton bro... hut wool: cutting Wood. Joe in genetally all unila- when in thin burg. If he, the or it, we mun Mao Buoemn correspondent will call tor that wall re- ward they dull mtruittly have It by Inu- woring I few questions in . "tutaotory wny. Mrs McCormuck and her grand-daugh- ter Vaniles left last week to visit friends in St Charles, Mich, for the mater. We wish them ti pleasant time and a safe re- turn. Mrs GK Humvee” and neice Min A Patter-nu are at present visiting Manda in the vicmity of Barrie, Ontario. Intended for last week. Edge Hill. BOOTH VILLE. I lately from Langdon the avenue one day THE DURHAM REVIEW SCOTCH TOWN. wound here attended Greenwood wedding from Paisley and Mr nr Beytiqck Visited isiti ug his pawn bu Hdis bargaining 'i Dayitt being lusc- Week Mani- TORONTO W k It Dinanll went purchased some few hem Ir d mule. On 19tlt J McAnHe's chimney was tire and looked dangerous for u wl but with the nssisbnum of two b" neighbors no dumnge of account l made. Jab; Dean came back from Manitoba and requiring: {his old residence Castle Pinch Mr Coakery. the [new]! tenant is leaving it and going so Dummlk. TIM Later Day Saints Church onllénh cnn are to have a Christmas tree some night soon. The Christian Ahunce Church here is likely to hold revival meetings in the ngeville Church. The Rev Dr Wilkie, formerly a. West India Missionary. alter preaching almost every night lately in the Espliu Church here, left for Toronto. There are missionary meetings at the} Esphu church and have been fairly well , htcewdcd considering the stormy weather. i Those on the sick h'st me Mr John Campbell gaming very slowly, Mr Richard Parrww, no better. Mr Dnucm McMillan, no better. Mr Angus Ferguson blacksmith. of Cedaryllle. wn married to Miss Annie Troupe on the 3rd at Cedarville, by the Rev. Mr. Broad. Miss Troupe is the only daughter of Mrs Troupe near Uupeville. Mr Win. I Glenioier who bu built several brick boom this last summer and 1has given the but “(infection in his work is now “king contacts for next Inmmer. The Inge white house built for Mr John S Hardy of Swinton Park, and 3 red brick house for Mr John How. The last he built in much admired for good neat substantial work and he he.- uow contracted to build another for Mr Hugh Goodiellow on the 16th con. Pro. ton as soon as the weather in suitable. Parties are ever after Mr Glenistor either to lake contracts or give estimations andi speeitietaiontt of work. . l Bppev we. . l The vote taken on the Temperance Act i of 1902 was passed here and resulted as l 77 for the not and 17 against. The next , exalteu ant is the Municipal council. ‘ Georgie Watson retiring from the County Council and Mr 8 Bell [rein mernhent of Dnudnlk. has announced himself a oamiidate, also Mr Thea Henburg. but Mr. S. Bellu chencee of beinq elected in good. For Proton townehlp council e number, ot the council is givuna up. inehtd. ing reeve Corbett. George Wright for some yen" e councillor we talked ebont for move and now we be" of him giving. up. Mr Joseph McArdle'e neme it lreely mentioned and on Mr Mom-die being aeked about it states that he will leave himself in the hands ot hit friends and it " most likely that he will be in the nee With 3 good chence of being elected. Poe the council we but the nemee of D. Pride and P. Show. For reoelection end new newest u lollowe: J A Cooper, Wm Rooney. John Aloern, Pet Fortune. John Topham end others. This th’ck’s Budget. MMMMMMMMM vent to Guelph and head of thtorouglr mmy was on for u while d' two good Jccmmt was ' ”it e: . DEC. M, 1902 at _ w,; e in Mi. I e. m Ei;

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