West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Jan 1903, p. 15

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The Bentinck Baptist Sunday School beld their annual entertainment and Christmas tree, Tuesday evening Dec. 23rd,. notwithstanding the bad roads the Church was filled and $12 taken at the door. Upon entering the Chuarch our eyes beheld two beautiful trees, symeâ€" trical in form and tastefully decorated with artificial roses and numerous gifts of various kinds, At 745 Pastor Pineo took the chair, and after singing "all hail the power of Jesus name" in which every one joined, and Prayer by the pastot a carefally aranged programme was carried out, consisting of choruses by the school, selections by choir, solos, recitations, dialogues, readings and adâ€" dresies by Mr. Duncan McLean, County Commissioner, Mr. Dancan MceKinnon, Superintendent of Sunday School, and the chair. The last speaEer spoke parâ€" ticularly concering the good behaviour of the children and the accuracy with which they rendered their several parts. He also gave great praise to the Supâ€" evintendent and teachers for their unticâ€" ing efforts in training the children, and Miss Susie McKinnon of Darham visited i triends in this vicinity last week, | Several from cur burg took in the Glenâ€" | elg Centre tea meeting which turned out . a success. Everybody spant a pleasant‘ eyening, Proceeas amounted to about $26.00. I Somebedy from Glenelg Centre was telling somebody of Rob Roy that the load' that scarted for Priceville Soiree didu‘t ; get there. It seems the horses wcrel tound near another towna. Better l»olcl’ the ribbous with both hands in the futare | last (Nning on Ine prORPamine, TL HQGE s the least imeresti;ng was the distmbu.| Promotion Examination S. S. No. 1 tion of gifts ; each pupil receiving a suitâ€" Glenelg. # * able pieseént, ltu;.:ether l\vith a bag of | 5 wommmemmmmeme« candies. The Pastor and his wife were : o Sr. ITIâ€"Edit 7 ; * also remembered, each being presented | Keown, Enmth‘:-a‘t}\;:tsoR' ie M_c- with a handsome present by the Sunday / more, Laura McGillivray Tl:)n:,e vY]h]‘t- School workers. _ Jeanmniec Fallarse, David NichaI sc . On the evening of Friday Dec. 19th, the teacher and pupils of the Rocky school, north of Darbham, beld their annual conâ€" cert. The weather being favorable, and the roads in very fair condition. a good audience gathered to enjoy a lengthy proâ€" wee to ru 1y G. McComb returned trom Toronto last c their erythin st thing earnestness manifested in â€"regarding the school. The on the programme, but not Rocky School. MULOUCK sunessan tw en e o e itc | pupils will always have a good word for | Miss MeClocklin, with good wishes for her | futnre success. |__The presentation of a beautiful brooch | and watch chain was made in behaif o the | pupils by Madge Morton and Viola Mc | Kechnie, and the following address read. | It speaks for itself. more, baura McGillivray. To Jr. IIIâ€" Jeannie Fallaise, David Nichol, Blanche | Beaton, Susy Bell, Jeanme McGillivray Mary Ann Bell, Alice Brown, Willie |Seth. To Jr. IIâ€"Emma Brown, Amâ€" elia Righy, Ira Pennock, John Arnett, | Annie Mathews. To Sr. Pt. 2â€"Ben | Whitmore, Kate MeMiliao, hz EJ wards, Thomas Grasby. To Jr. Pt. 2â€" ,Jessie Beaton, Wilfred Nichol, Robbie Mathews, M.ay Grasby, Bertha Seeley. upon the performers who are ioo numerous to mentien here. The recitations given by the pupils showed much taste in selecâ€" tion as well as careful preparation on the part of pupils and teacher, Miss Mcâ€" Clocklin has done good work in our school duriag the last two vears. B is with regret we have to part with ber as she goes to pursue higher studies to equip herâ€" self tor herâ€"lifeâ€"work. The parents and The meeting was broughs elose by the simnging of #] Anthew. To Miss May MeClocklin Dear Teacher : As you ar us. we desire to express parting with you and to exp for the faithfcel way in w always performed your d you as a token of our es this brooch and chain, and that it is with the best of i leave us, and you haye wishes for your suceess in Signed in behaif of t Madge Morton,. Viola County Commission D. McLean gave two select recitations and an address conâ€" tarining many pleasant allusions to the Rocky school and those connscted thereâ€" with. * The upper ten and lower five" was nicely sung and acted by Masters Albert and Alfred MceClocklin in costainme suitable to the oceasion. Then these two cleyer lads with their equally clever chums, James MecClocklin and George Harbottle gaye a coon cakeâ€"walk in a manner that certainly took the cake. Several spleedid dialogues were given in a manner that reflected much credit Among those who assisted in the proâ€" graim, may be mertioned Mr. Ed, Meâ€" Clocklin, the *Jimmy Fax of Durbam," who sang three songs in excellent style and was as often encored. Miss Mand Irwin of Durham gaye three recitations in her usual effective style. Bhe is a favorite reciter. gram of well prepared readings, dialognes and songs, Mr. John A. Graham, who. by the way is a resident of our section, acted as chairman and good teeling preâ€" yailed. eting was broughs to a happy the singing of the National on, Wiltred Nichol, Robbie May Grasby, Bertha Seeley. ALEX. FIRTH, Teacher. uecess in the future. behaif of the pupils on, Viola McKecinie. ) capress our sorrow at and to express our regard wiay in which yon have d your dutio<. We ask of ~our esteem to accept bain, and we assure you e best of feeling that you you lhaye our bheartiest you are abont to leave Misses Lena and Jennie Allan spent a couple of days with their sister Mrs Nelson Eden this week. Miss Jennie leaves for Hamilton after new year. Success. + Miss Bertha Pettigrew visited the parental home for a couple of weeks and ileaves for Hamilton after new years. The Varney S. S. elected officers and teachers Monday night: Sup., Jno Aldred ; Ass. Sap., Nelson Eden ; Bible Class teacher, Mrs. W. McCalmon. Class 1, boys, Mrs. J. Aldred. Class 2, girls, Mrs. Pettigrew. Class 3, boys, Nellie Wallace. Class 4, boys, Mrs: T. Petty. Class 5, girls, Lena Allan. Class 6, girls, Ida Morrison. Secy. J. W. Biyth. Treas., Maggie Aldred. Librarian, Maud Derby. Com: Mrs. J. Aldred, MNrs. R. Pettigrew, Mrs. T. Petty. Repriring com., M. Derby, 1. Morrison, M. McNiece. Mr. Constable is visiting Mr. Aldred and other friends. Miss Jessiec Saunders was the guest of the Leeson family last week. Mrs Earnest Leeson, Indiana, is visiâ€" ting relatives around here at present. We had a pleasant call t-ox;.:. Messro Arch. and Alex. Calder one eveniug lately. Mr W Campbell, accompanied by his sister Ethel, speu®Sinday at Mr Douga! Fergusons‘s. us es ie We ihg NT kHerb Campbell is engaged with Joun E. Ferguson, bush whacking. â€" Herk rmays its only a small days work to put up 6 cords. Daun McLean from South Line, visited at Mr Arch Fergusonu‘s lately. Mr. C. Gadd visited Mr. Wm. Smith last week. A few of the young people from. arouni here, spent a pleasant time at the home of Mr Donald Cauipbeil of Swinton Park, pulling taffy, Xmau«s Eve.. The MceCormack Bros. have taken the contract ot bunling gordwood for Mr Orchard. Mr and Mrs Lobsinger of Mt. HWorest, spent Xmas at the latterx‘s prrental home. Mr Neil MceKinnon of Top Cliff, visited Mr Arch. Ferguason one evening lately. Lost. strayed or stolen, two young men, driying a pale faced horse and red cutter, last seen in the park. We wonder whaut attraction Chas. has in the East, that keeps him out so early in the mornping. Mrs. Leslie of Mount Fovest is at present yisiting her old home. Mz James White of Seotch Town, was Beeping hbouse for a friend of ns in our burg Sunday last. Mr A. C. Beaton spent m few days im Toronto lately. Mr A G,. McCommb returnesd home last week ijrom theâ€"cmy atter an absence o three months. Alrs McGillvray, of Gambol called on somes of her old sequaintances here a week or 80 Ago. Mr=Aiex. McPhail. of West Lorne visited his cewsin Mrs C. Kennedy oyer Christonas. Mr Thos. Ryan who came kome from Dakota lately yisited old friends nround Rob Roy cormers tast week,. Mr Chas, Watsou left this part a conple of weeks ago to work frr Mr Malcolm McKechuie of Bentinek. Mr John Stewart, piper, bas beern laid up for a week or so with rhenwaiism in the knee, but glad to say is able to be around again,. Miss Maggie Beaton came home last week !ooking hale and hearty. Mr Arcbhie Camphbell who has been absent from this part for about a year is back once more visiting old friends. and relatives. The Thristmas tres held in the Church here was a decided success. Rev. Mr. Miller the pastor ably filled the chait, an address was given by Principal Allan of Darham. Miss Irwin and Wilson each gave a recital. A song was given by Miss Ada Limip of Durbham. Diatogues were performed by the scholars to perfection. ‘The tree was laden with presents for the children. ‘The pleasant® event was brought to a close about 11 p. m. after the tree had been plucked of its valuâ€" ables. _A silver collection was takon at the door, proceeds $14.50. Mr. Geo. Leggette lefs recently to spend the wincer in the vicinity of Brampton. o Mr. and Mrs. H. Muir of Hanover, spent Christmas with the latters‘s mother Mrs. A. Livingston of this place. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Lawrence and family spent Christmas in Durham, with Mrs. Lawrence‘s mother Mrs. Forman. Mr. and Mrs. H. Livingston spent Christmas with the latter‘s sister in Toronto. Miss Ida Brown of Aberdeen, visited her aunt Mrs. H. Ray on Sunday last. ONTARIO ARCHIVES f TORONTO Mr Audrew Smith, of Deuroit. and his brother Artuur of Preston, paid & short visit to their old neighvorbood on Christâ€" mas day. Mr and Mrs Jobnu Meyer of Weston, who are on their wedding tour,s gpent the fore part of the weex with Mr and Mrs W J Derby. Although our School trastees have advertised for a teacher for several weeks no â€" applications have been _ received. Consequently the present teacher Miss McDonald will be reâ€"engaged for some time. Intended for last week Mr Jos. Corbett who now reâ€"1des with his daughter at Kirkweil, is paying a short visit to a few of bis neghbors. c€ f % + * & 4 Maple: Park. THE DURHAM REVIEW BUNESSAN. VARNEY. + 0 4 VICKERS. Thos. Moran, Jr., sold a buffalo bill two year old colt Jast week to Jim Burnett of Mamitoba for $125, and has bought two more of the same stock. Tom knows a good eolt when he sees one. Mr. Neil Livingston is bosy making timber for a large bank barn.} Hugh McKechnie Rocky Saugeen has‘ the contraict. Dick Moran has got a fine new cutter and has been trying it lately. In the two years she has been teacher here sbhe has never failed to do her best, and has taken a deep interest in every branch of church work especialâ€" Iv in the €C. E. Society. She carries with her the best wishes of School See. No. 4. $fi After the concert was over Stella Jack read a well worded address in behalf of the pupils to their teacher Miss Fettis and Emma Bradley presenâ€" t«d her with a beautiftul album, afser which Mr. Will Ellison read a very appropriate address and Miss 8. E. McArthur presented Miss Fettis with a beautiful glass bouquet vase in behalf of the young people of the tenwh con. Miss Feutis replied in a very fecling manner ard said she had spent many a pleasant hour at Townsend‘s Lake and expressed her sorrow in leaving the children and many fmends and expressed her hope that some day she hoped we would all meet in a better land. ’ The school concert at Townsend‘s lake on Monday evening was a grand success. A large crowd gathered to _enjoy theimselyes, and so they did. About 7.30 R. T. Edwards of Zion, who has become very popuilar as a chairman was called upon, and in his usual manner called the meeting to order and handled the program in an able manner. The children were trained by their teacher Miss Feitis who along with the children deserye much credit, and for the last two years has spared no time in training her school in every branch. The most pleasing sight was the crayon wou" on the blackboard which was done* by the teacher, admired and praised by all. The music given by N. Malone‘ and W. Coffey violinist was good. Quite a number took in the Christ â€" mas tree Dornuch Xmas night. where a large crowd gathered and enjoved a good night. The children showed good training and were rewarded by many nice presents from the tree. The pastor Rev. W. Graham was a little late: as he was attending to important business. Christmas is past with all its mirth and feasting and some are complainâ€" ing of sick stomachs so now we wish all Review readers a happy New Year. Cold weather and good sleighing, and all are taking the advantage of it. ) Q D ta ie s porih o pie ds Glascott. * PR W k 5 ~ e aies «o al Jn V "an * " & .t x & C J Ko* * Mm\ %i‘xx}m‘f!’wm Y PCVe T; 6& M“â€"I-"e N VÂ¥ s y JÂ¥ EW J# >\ Ni > S s ow /C >E M\ 4 Â¥e) P yre \3\}‘/ en yo _A ~J¢{/\ t),g C K P s % 4oz Nx yoe 3“â€"?5'27@, j\b j NOW THIS IS NO FAKEâ€"NOR WILL WE CHARGE YOU ANY MORE FOR YOUR GROCERIES THAN BEFORE. We want your Patronage and if Fair Treatment, combined with Quality _« and Price is an inducement, we are Tfere UUDe HAre Hold & Consider To each and every person buying Three Dollars ($3.00) worth of Groceries in cur Store during the month of January WE WILL GIVE WE WANT YOUR GROCERY TRABE" Glve us 0 frigl ond be convinced that what we soy is In. JoRDaNn & BURNETT a BIG INDUCENMENT t who buys Groceries. And in order to secure it we are going to give Absolutely Free==1 Ib of Tea SURE TO GET YOUR TRADE. Of Our Famous 35 centBra . THIS for a few minutes! Next Door to Mockler‘s AfWeR‘k . Ap JAN. 8, 1903 every one | J w % 143 74 JC LC x*w*"xw"*sw"xw"w ow _ on DX _ M ht n e _ 200 l ut ie 7‘r k :; * # VOL. U Phone No MIS WEDD] ply Stat 0P Thes Thr * J t frv the pe at Re ) V (17

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