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Durham Review (1897), 8 Jan 1903, p. 1

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a? 18id T. mp A. st) b " Ill 'i: l rd , l Ft"- ' m t i_iiii, I , I" ',fit EEEEEEEEEMEEMEEEHEEEEHMEEEEfi m. 51‘ 5:55 yor: (rl'; hid 3% "If: an , WE PRINT WEDDING NOTICES and .mp- ply Stationery at Remonablc Rates. For Samples, Prices and Styles to select from, ("all at the L'h' IU [2' W OFFICE Phone No. 6 . VOL. X] am rm 1F "m It: Fi"ti' 479’ fl a??? 5’72 as: i1}; €119 [LL In: WEDDING NOTICES and mp- Ply Stationary at Reasonable Rates Cl ls! m lWEEfiEEfiEEEES-fim Cl)tPLlliillli'n OF THE SEASON. Ames Holden (k, A Hapny and Prosoerous NEW YEAR. " Romemhor the place Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co,, and every pair of them are made to wear. are the Sole Agents for Durham. Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. SEE on: DISPLAY; OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANUJ . FACTURED BY THE At the close of the busiest season this store has ever experienced, we want to thank the public for their kindness and good nature during the Xmas rush, and for the liberal pat- ronage they have extepd- ed to us, We wish all our friends and customers (4lii.itliSii4h5i.iflriXli, tlt fiWfi$fififi be. - BOOTS Granby Rubbers. r (177293 ire/am! r times fre/am? Rubbers THE POPULAp CASH STORE THE POPULAR CASH STORE. f TICR, eehnie. We have them and LAI DLAW'S Old Stand Ev? eehrtie, - c, (”"1 » T l i', N. 37 _--'" (LIEU firtct I a u to an: - -l ii))',-',: - 'ii/if). m in: it: 14's Tl x (rc, Eta 'sly,fi 21kt? 1W'L", if h.itri, 3-1.2 4r; 'hi.' J, W1 'il,'bd '1=I'. DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY 1, 1903. " ‘A new hrick cottage containing seven rooms and good kitchen and cellar with soft water cistern and pump. A wood shed, good stahle, and driving shed with four acres of land and a good orchard. Apply ARTHUR JAcKsox. Butter Color 10c a bottle. Iry tt, " l Parker's DrugtStoie. i SAanII ScnooL ENTERTANstENT,--- I The scholars of the Presbyterian ISun- 'day School and Bible class will give an entertainment in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, the 6th inst at s p. m. An excellent, program is being prepared _ under the able leadership of Miss Dovy. l of London, who has made a fpecialcy of such work. Come all. Admission 25c and lik, I method. Monm. Exhsusvrros.-/1'his was com. pletod in Owen Sound last week, with the result that Durham school and pupils made it crodilnhle showing All have passed and not only so but have obtained the highest honors in the County, Mr. Thos. Firth taking the highest standing in the three schools. The Board have tendered congratula- tions to Principal Allan at the excellent rvcord made by his pupils. Thut Label t--A large number of our subscribers have renewed during the last two weeks. Many more no doubt contemplatedoing so. We ask all our subscribers to examine their labels and have them marked to end ot 1903 at nnve. It mistakes are found and the dates incorrect. please bring or mail receipts and we shall most cheerfully correct them. Our Annual, as long as the y last. goes hee to every subscriber for 1903. Renew in lime. A \VAVE or SICKNEss.-Following Dr. Jarnieson's illness mire the vrostm- tion of Mrs. Win. Calder and Mr. John Hat bottle from the same t'ause--attpen- dicitis. The doctor. happily, is now out of danger. The otht-rs have not been operated, upon as yetnndas both are easier they may esmipo the necessity. The ftvquvncy of this ailment. seems to give room for investigation and it may prolmhly lead people in petiect, health to have the trouhlusome appen- dix lemoved when there is no danger from fever or other debilitating cause. This we are told has liven done. New METHOD or MUSIC. - At the "present time Miss Margaret Gun is at the Toronto Conservatory of Music taking the special teacher course in the Kindergarten Method of Mnsic foe Children. This is a. simple, easy and practical method of music for children from the age of tive. to twelve or four- teen years. When Miss Gun returns, which will be in a short time, she will be pleased to have parents who contem- plate starting their ehihiren in music, call on her, when they willsee for them- selves the advantages of this new Forsale or rent at " very low price the property owned by the late Rev. Chas. Catnerou, on the Durham roa'd. /fifi/ei,tr1t? 3:52 Vote for W. CALDER as MAYOR For I903. To the Electors of the Town of Durham Ladies and Gentlemen. Your vote and imluence is re- speclfully requested for w. Calder as Maror for IAM. Should I he elected I ml endeavor to the hesttof my ability to ad vance the moral and muteriiirtntereetg of the Town. I am now freer from the pressure of business than formerly and am prepared to attend to the town's interests in ways like the following: lst By Inducing capital and. mote manufacturing interest to locate In Dats ham thus giving employment I." the residents of the Town and huilding up more hnu'ses (he. 3rd. Some. prudent land tangible scheme for the lighting of the sheets of the Town. 4th. In other ways to lmpmve the Condition of the Town having due con- sideration to econmuy and the reduction of the tax rate. 2nd. Inducements to extend and en- large our industries. _ Thanking you for your support in past electinns and wishing you the coniple ems of the season with a happy ind prosperous New Year. " have the honor to be. Horse and Cattle Spice 6 lb package 22c, as good as the best at Pmker's Drug Store. The Rm'IEw Annual IS now ready. Free to all subscribers for 1903. WANTED-A young man to learn the Drug business. Apply at. Macfarlane’s Drug Storm Geo. S, Burt Specialist in Eye, Ear, Throat and Notte cases will be in Dur- ham at the Middaugh House on Tues- day. Jan. 6. Change from Wednesday to luesday or. account of election. Hours 2-6 p. m. No'rrci--My accounts are all made out and must be paid by cash or note on or before Jan. lit, 1903 After that date they will he placed in other hands for collection so please save both trouble and expense hy settling up at once. R. NcGowAN. A GREAT STIR. -Fhtist.s in Presby- teriuu circle this week for next Tuesday evening a. unique entertainment takes place in the Town Hall. ”with of my lint-med young people are under init rue- Mon this weekly Miss Duty of London. who has had a wide and sutuissfttl ex- perienee in getting up such aifnirs. The admission is low. 25c and lik. and eight councilman. Messrs J no. Me. Kechnie,Jno. H. Brown, C. Smith, Arch. Hunter, A. McLachlan, Wm, Sharp, J. L. Browne, Jake Kress. However by resignations these have narrowed down to McInty psyJnd Calder Coal Oil c, gals. for (Mr at Parkee's Drug Store. A good crowd attended the Glenelg Centre Soiree m connection with. the REEVES 0F BENTINCK AND GLENELG ELECTED. Monday next the province as re- presented bv municipalities, ll ill complete the election of their rulers tor another year. On Monday last not a few of the municipalities have elected by aeelamation either wave or council. -hiiGrrrsG contest on here again, three Mayors being placed in the field Messrs Melntyre, Sparli,nyt and'Calder, for mayor and Smith arid. Kress hav- mg dropped oat, the rcmalmng six are elected councillors. The Trustee nomination placed Mr. W. ll. Bean for the East Ward by acclamation. Messrs Harris and Mills contest the North Ward, Messrs Carson and Holt the West. At the close oi the nomination a vote resulted in placing Returning ottieer. W. B. Vollett in the chair for the public meeting, and the various eandi- dates were called on in turn. Mr. McIntyre came iiest and declar- ed that with the help of his council he had given, the town the best service he was capable ot. The council of 1901 had spent only about $160 in improve- ments where they had spent $1000. and they had paid accounts that belonged to previous year. Besides the council of 1901 had got license money three times, in 1902 only once, and he considered this made a good showing for them as the assets tor 1902 were higher also. y H GONIESI f()ll [HE 1MlllllJf tfiiiiriiittx é Yours respectfullv. '"-ei"'iiiii'hiiit, . 'Atie"ilii'i7i5'i"i' TORONTO w. CALDER tti when for a. iisnewat of theirreGiil dence for another year and would then be willing to step aside. Mr. Calder followed and attacked the statement that only 0160 had run the town. and thought there was little to show for the $1000 spent in 1902. The material put on for gravel was inferior, and had been left too late. A year ago slurs were thrown against the council of 1901, but the results in his opinion showed that they compared favorably with that of 1902. The money spent in repairing bridge and tixing It? the old Town Hall was practical y wasted, for he declared there was nothing in the deed to prevent council from selling llall. and there and then declared he would give 820 a foot frontage for the site, and do all the legal fighting required, hence no legislation was needed. lle blamed the council for not getting the opinion of the people before wasting money on repairs. Ladies and Gentlemen ; I am a candidate for your suff- rages in the present election. and cor- dially ask for your interest and vote. I confidently appeal to mv record as evidence of my fitnetys tor the position, and believe I am in a position to ren. der your interests and those of the township good service. Wishing you the compliments of the season, am, yours very truly, J. W. WALLS. The Annual meeting of the Durham Horticultural Society will be'held in the Public Library, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 14th, 1003, at 7.30 p. m. for 'e election of ofticters. Members are ivattiet1larly requested m attend. Thos. Brown. Secy. " SPFX "- For a Eamon wnh troubled rye- Mg It a pair as GO " RIMM ED sPeCTACLEr', makes a very fitting gift. WE KNOW it will be tn your interest to call on us before purchasing. This is my 24th Christmas in Durham. JEWELRY l JEWELRY I WATCHES siLVEml).tlMrE, CLOCK FLATWA_R_E_ RINGS £1: (?i..ora:m,'s To the Electors of Egremont, 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE yewley gins PRACTICAL WATCHIAKER. Brings together the [fest that's going in the Have a Look at our it RWARR. Lamost and host Stock m- ever luv , articles too numerous to mention. plain and fancy. 'ltd We handle nothing but the Ist; ogers' Bros. IS We have everything from an alarm clocktoa Fancy Marble Clock. K "-1For ,trrstiw.i.tt,t.sttey,lt,d, ITC- In Solid Gold, Gold tilled, Silver. Nickle and titted with Deuber Hump den, Regina, Omega. Elgin mid Walt ham movementu. Best in Ladies" lmuu‘lmi and Bracelets in Solid Goh and silver. Gent's Chains, the tamos Gold filled chain. rolled pl well-known Nickle (1min. New and Well solm‘tod Stu es, Tie Pins. oft Links, chums and Fobs. ELECTION CARD. Continued on page ' "sia"itait fa in. I . GORDON, All Newest Styles and Patterns NOTICE. Long Chain Fi, Ncclm‘ Solid Gold, Gold till famous Simmons Me an mt Brood m Button ltr The hrickyurd Imagining tho town of Durham on the est. upended for some years burly by Samuel \Vright . Apply to H. PARKER. I "when" JiuZer's Big yewclery Store WHY '? 7 A to choose from. We have Christmas presents for everybody. Everything from a Baby Pin up to a pair of spectacles for Grandpapa. Jifuliiae goods We have the biggest bargains ever offered in Durham. When we say Bargains we mean Bargains. REMEMBER ! All goods bought from Keeler are engraved free of charge. And the right place to buy them is at . Two Bl. Jewelry Stores, DURHAM" HESPELER ON T n BARGAINS IN MILLINERY t (>043 in grder to-do this we offer great bargains for the rest of the season. We have a grand assert meat of Silk and Flannel Blouses we are selling at a bar- gain. We will be pleased to have you call and treat yourself to one of these great bargains. A lot of Fancy Collars and Handkerchiefs. MISS. DICK. Everything in Millinery must be sold at a very low figure. We have over So beau, tiful Trimmed Hats going at half price, some are the very best Silk Velvet Hats and a great number of stylish ready- to-wear hats, all Styles. We never keep any hats over and BLOUSES i FOR XMAS” BRICKYARD TO RENT l l KEELER ll SUN. CHAS BAMAGE. PRINTER AND Punk-nu. Because we have the stock [I r

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