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Durham Review (1897), 8 Jan 1903, p. 2

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Tue iollowing is a synopsis of an Address delivered by Dr. J. Hugo Keod, one of whe expert judges emâ€" poyed by this depariment at the recoent Cuariottetown Fair. i1 a mau is breeding for the marâ€" ket he should fisd out what the market demands and tieno make up his mind as to what styie oo the norses in denmmand bhe can produce at most profit to himseli. The best selâ€" ling _ horsees toâ€"day are _ heavyy craugitls, carriage norses and saddie NOFTses. o & #OFRTA PRA P b 4d Befp d Arpcp $# 4p4 PME bPPATEbRbbbbRiRARRbbEiLbP 4444 | Prinee Edward ‘sland is certainly , in a position to produce good neavyy norses. The Clyaes are a gxdl breed and seem to be in most demand.} The stallioas at prosent owned on{ the island when mated to good mares ' will certainly produoce colts that will seil well. A reasonably heavy! mare of good conformation is m-i quired. Tnere were instances on the | grounds where Clyde stallions had ; been bred to ligut mares of standard | bred biooxd. Tue progeay were nonâ€" | desceripts of no particuitar use, and | this is the goneral resuit o such ; violest crossing. | The dstinction between carriage borses and â€" roudsters is evidentiy not â€" well understood by exnibition maragements or people in the Mariâ€" time Provinces. Tuese are two disâ€" inct iypos ol borses, and should not be judged in the same class. Tuere should, be provslon wat least for a single roadster in harness and a mngle â€" roaudsicr in narness and a matcued pair. The distinection between Roadsters and carriage horses is nol a malter ol size, or of breeding. The road horse is valuable {or his perform« ance in getting over the road ; the carvriage horee ior iis attractiveâ€" ness, is slyle and action, in addition to his road qualities. Tme carriage horse in densind toâ€"day must have action, high action, folding his knees and bocks well, and he must do this no matlter wiether going five miles an hour or iliteen. He must hoid up his head without the aid of a check, and aiways â€" look proud. In â€"size ie may â€" vary from 15.2 dhands 1t& 16 haads _ or even slightiy over. aAs a general rule the carrlage horse shou.d hove more substance than the roudster, be more horizonâ€" tal in the croup, and avove ail dust laive a hign. proud head. The coad horse witn ow action and perbhaps low head may go iaster and farther anmd last iongor than the carriage hoese;, bui he is not so much in deâ€" mond. Iu the large markeis, Chicago, New York, Deiroit and even TPoronto, the carriage horse may sell for from $600 up, while the zoad borse will bring from $130 up. Breediag â€" Corriage â€" Horsesâ€"Stanâ€" doard bred owzers claim that their stalllons will get good carriage horses. This is true to some extent, but the percentage is very smali. The »murest way to get carriage horses is to use n staliou with the desiced 2câ€" tiou. He is best got in the Hackeuy acloqted. To mute weil witn the staiâ€". hous anove mentioned she must have morvre or less warm blood. Sne should have been sized by a standard bred or a thoroughuored staillo~. This is necesâ€" sury because the Hackney and coachâ€" ing breeds have not a iong continued purity of broediog, and so have not that prepoterey which the thoroughâ€" bred stallion, for instance, has. Tney canuot, thoreforc, like the thoroughâ€" bred. impress their isdividuality upon golts irom mares of coarse type and co.dq bood. Kilawick Firoaway, the Hackney you have here, should be abte, i intelligently mated, to proâ€" duce a good type of carriage horses, To get carriage horses by the use of a thoroughbred sire, you must have mares of high action, for the thorâ€" oughbred‘s natural gait is a gallop o tun ; he has long, low action. He is, however, the purest blooded aniâ€" mal in the worl& Referring to the term "thoroughâ€" tbred," the word is much abused. It can only be correctly applied to the Eng ish thorovghbred racing horse or his pure bred descendant. The word eannot be appiecd to a Clyde or a Hackney, nor a bull, a ram or a boar. weh animais may be pure bred, but never thoroughbred. The thoroughâ€" bred stallion, from his pu ity of breodâ€" THE HORSE MARKETS : ing, can give better results than other stailions, with rough and cold Mooded muros, and will often _ get good saddiec horses that way. It is the inffuence of thoroughbred blood that has produced the standard bred trotter of toâ€"day. It is his thoroughâ€" bred ancestry which gives him his eoruage and endurance. Saddle Horses.â€"As wbove indicatâ€" ed, saddters can best be got by the use of _ a â€" thoroughbred _ stallion. Mares of _ strong conformation should be chosen. Strength of loin and quarter is an allâ€"important us eessity in a saddler. A good genâ€" eral purpose mare can be used and will give saddle horses for heary weight riding more _ surely than mares of finer breeding. Good sadâ€" dlers are perhaps the most Aifficalt borses toâ€"day to buy and they will io ol Bard id i 0 o OO o outetatthce t CHtHOHECE 444 borses, and should not the same class. Tuere v.sion wat least for a ter in harness and a l i coucse be careluny rite well with the stalâ€" entioned she must have warm blood. Sne should ~] by a standard bred or d stailion. This is necesâ€" the Hackney and coachâ€" ve not a long continued eding, and so have not ey which the thoroughâ€" for instance, has. They Yorc, like the thoroughâ€" their isdividuatity upon ares of course type and Kilawick Firoaway, the vefuby e stalâ€" t have gshould | Humor of the Day. 1 __" Lightning knocksd the church â€" steeple down,‘ some oneâ€" said to | Brother Dickey. ' " Yes; Satan‘s oyes always flash | fire when be sees a church steeple gwino up.‘ & YAÂ¥ Salt pork is a famous oldâ€" fashioned remedy for conâ€" sumption. "*Eat plenty of pork," was the advice to the consumptive 5o and 100 years ago. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most. Scott‘sEmulsionisthe modâ€" ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive. Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott‘s Emulsion is the most refined> of fats, especially prepared for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this way, which is often the only way, is half the battle, but Scott‘s Emulsion does more than that. There is someâ€" thing about the combination of cod liver oil and hypophosâ€" phites in Scott‘s Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs. En oo "And here‘s a colored brother killed anotheor at a camp meeting." " Â¥os: Satan goes ter moetin‘ long wid do res‘ or dem, en sometimes shouts do loudes‘." " aAnd a preacher was drowned in the river last woeek." " Oh, yos, Satan‘s in. de water, too. Ho ‘bleege ter go dar ter cool off." "$) you blame everything on S@itan, do you ? " Bless God," was daut what ho‘s fur atitution. a To prove to you thabt Dr. Chase‘s Ointment is a certain and absolute cure for each and every form of itching, blecdingand protruding piles, the manufacturers have guaranteed it, Seotesâ€" timonials in the daily press and ask your neighâ€" bors what they think of it, You can uso it and get your money back if not cured. 60c a box, at all dealers or EpmaNSON, BATES & Co., Toronto, Dr. Chase‘s Ointment Consumption ye Â¥Voice from the Debris Claney up there wid ye? "Sure he is." "Ast him wud he bo s t stop aff the rooins. T on top ay me â€" widout Bits. POCKET PDCO } $ BULLER CAMERA $ S VISE 513 Queen St. West, ‘ e TORONTO. sssasececeots a o4 46 a T bring as good prices as the carâ€" riage horse. General Principles.â€"Whatever line of breeding a man may follow he must have aâ€" definite object and know what he is doing. There are now on the island a good many mares that would mate well with the thoroughbred and hackney or coach stallions. I would not use a coarse or cold blooded mare, but would endesvor to get one with standard bred or other warm blood. As a general rule, a good driving mare will cross well with a hackâ€" ney. If Government inspection of horses, such as is carried on in Quebec, could be carried out: free from political intrigue, it would be a good thing in any country. . The horsemen have, however, the whole question in their own hands;. the scrub stallion only exists because he is patronized. If breeders deâ€" mand pureâ€"bred stallions the;scrub will have to go out of busigess. Some farmers seem to think that because they have not got a choice mare, it is rot worth while to pay from $10 ts $15 fee for a goodl stallion, but they take a scrub at from $4 to $8. This is a great mistake; if a mare is worth breedâ€" ing att all, she is worth breeding to the best stallion procurable. The Says Mike to Clancy. "Kape alive, Mike; we‘re rescuia great need of the horse business is more intelligence and enterprise among the horsemen rather than Gorernment regulations. F. W. Hodston, _ Live Stock Commissioner. t»* is just what the boy wants for a Holiday gift. PRICE $1.50 If cash is sent with order I will preâ€" Pay all express charges to any address n Canada. Sold by makes a dainty holiday present PRICE $9.00 CANER A wud he bo so kiad as the rooins. I‘ve enoizh me â€" widout him."â€"Titâ€" A sample will be sent free upon request. Be sure that this picture is the form of a label is on the wup‘nr of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. sCOTT & . __. BOWNE, CHEMISTS, Tceronto, â€" Ontario 50c. and $1; all druggists the reply, "ain‘t ?"â€"Atlanta Conâ€" «44 ONTARIO ARCHIVEs TORONTO Is hiz How â€" Shall a Girl be Introduced Duriag the Season of 1902â€"08 ? How shail a girl be introduced ?â€" at a reception, at a dance, or at & series of dinners given by the immedâ€" iate {family or by friemis? The oldâ€" fashioned reception covered a mulâ€" titude of sins, for it was possible, even with an enormously long vieâ€" iting list, to give an entertainment and _ not hurt any onc‘s feel ings since all ages could be includâ€" ed in the invitations and, like a wedâ€" ding, â€" many . individuals of social stamdling, who had not takon any promiront part in social life, could be remembered. For the last few years, however, these large aner; of fashion. Four days oflem are chosen when the mother and her daughter reâ€" ceive their friends. The idea of the four days is that there may not be too many people present at one time. The difficalty is that each one of the guests is likely to wait unâ€" t the last day, so that the preâ€" ceding aftersoons will be dull, and the fourth so crowded as to be unâ€" bearable. With a long visiting list, eves after it has been revived by some eocial mentor, it is impossible to invite even desirable acquaintâ€" anses to dinner, and to go through the list wouid be to take up every evening during the season. A dance can include but one set, or at the most, twoâ€"the debutantes and the younger married. peopleâ€"and then there will be no end of heartâ€"burnâ€" ings and jealousies, for few private houses have ballrooms large enough to invite everybody who is desirâ€" able and to maintain a rigid excluâ€" sivemess is possible only to a favorâ€" ed few. But this problem has to be faced by many mothers of debutante daughters of 1902â€"03, and conseâ€" quently there will be every form of entertainment given. The old fashâ€" ioned reception card to the effect that Mr. and Mrs. ard Miss Blank will be at home from 4 to 7, will be the accepted form of invitation, and Mrs. Blank and Miss Blank will receive Mrs. Blank‘s and Miss Blank‘s frieonds (and â€" enemies) while Mr. Blank will put in an enforced apâ€" pearance late in the afternoon. In this way at least two thousand perâ€" sons can be disposed of.â€"New â€" York Herald. As Fire Spreads in dry grass, so does an inflammstion in the throat grow down Into the lungs. Deal promptly with a cold as with a fire, and when you begin to cough use Allen‘s Lung Balsam. Conloliaâ€"Are you going to hang up yor stockings on Christmas ? Hortenseâ€"Woll, I certainly ain‘t goin‘ tor let them hang down like yours. A ROON TO HORSEMENâ€"One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused Ium!m.blood spavin, splints, curbs, aweeny, stifles and sprains. GEORGE ROBB, Farmer, Markham, Ont. A Gorman florist has produced a new varicty of sunaflower which he calls th> Giant Bismarck, or Helianâ€" thius Aunus Bismarckionsis. That it is a giant is ovideng fromta photograph. The stalk is fifteen feet high and fowr inchos thick _ and the flowgrs moessure eighteen inches across. To obtain those results it is necessary to sow the seeds in growps of two or throe where the plants are wantedl â€"â€"for tho «ainflower does not stand transplantingâ€"testroy all but _ the strongest of each growp ol plants anmdl whon this is about five feet high out off the lower leaves and buds and &o throw all ths strength of tho plant into the crown. Minard‘s Liniment _ Cures Diphâ€" theria. A Determined Widow. Lawyer (to the widow)â€"The daw gives you a third, madam.. t3 The Wiadowâ€"Well, I‘m not going to take any chances in that direcâ€" thon. T shall proceed to hustle for my third, just as I did for my first and second. Hard on the Doctor. Old Ladyâ€"My ‘usband ‘esnever did ‘d with dootors and ‘o wouidn‘t let me send for yer till ‘e was real bad. What‘s wrong with him, doctor? Old Ladyâ€"Lor, now ! And I desaay ‘e wouldn‘t ‘ave ‘ad it if Ce‘d ‘adg yor soon enough. _ _ Doctorâ€"Mainly â€" senility, Mra. Wilâ€" kinsw,‘ . f f y ® A â€"small boy was taught the Lord‘s Prayer and found it muchk to his taste. For a few days he kept it going with great assiduity, but then he announced to his mothâ€" er in disgust : f c Sold by all druggists "I heard another fellow say that prayer toâ€"day, mother. It‘s going to get all around town." m HER& BOW TO SCCIETY. » HUWFIUA, EEPUMO RMeRREYE CTCOCC receptions have been going out New Variety of Sunioxer. Cure Your Cold with the old standard remeâ€" dy that has stood the test of 40 years experience and is more popular toâ€"day than ever before. Phose Girls. Too Common. Kansas City Star. Sz SH Pm Feminine Egotismâ€"Husband (durâ€" ing tinc spat)â€"I must have beea aA fool when I married youw.; Wileâ€"Undoubtedly. But the adage setill holds good. Husbanaâ€"What‘s that ? Wilcâ€"A footl for ‘luck. â€" Chicago News. Montreal Star. Life is real, life is earnest, And the grave is not its goal, Its great aim, thou sadly learnest, Is to get sufficient coal. Many of us might be happy if we did not â€"suffer from disorders of the liver. Then we ought to use Dr. August Koenig‘s Hamburg Drops, which cure the disorders and bring the whole system to a healthy conâ€" dition. "Cinquefoil is considered a pretty good talker, isn‘t he?" 5.. Football Illustrated. Buffalo Commercial. A Bowdoinham, Me., farmer saw the Batesâ€"Bowdoin football game at Brunswick. A neighbor asked him about it. "Nothing to tell," he said. "Just let 20 big hogs out in & soft field any day and then throw down a peck or so of corn in a sack and see‘um go for it, and you‘ll know ‘bout what a game of football looks like to a farmer." "So people say. I have on!ly heard him speak once myself." "And how did he impress you ?" "Why, when he first got up he reâ€" marked that he had nothing to say, and he said it for just fortyâ€"live minutes." Charging Women Less Than Men At the old {asbioned inns and resâ€" taurants in‘ Aweden it is customary to charge bess for women than for men on the theory that they do not eat so much. At some hotels in Sweâ€" den n man and wife are charged as one zknd oneâ€"hal{ persons if they occupy "*the same room. A husband and wife may travel as one and oneâ€" half persons by rallway, and also by the post routes, furnishing _ their own carriage. Baltimore Sun Sylvesterâ€"She is a woman with a past, I understand. . Mimard‘s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Canadian Baptist. VYery many of our subscribers seem to have forgotten that money is needed to pay the priniing and paâ€" per bills of the Raptist, We cannot forget it, however, and we wish to share the anxiecty that this conâ€" stantliy â€" recurring oversight causes us with the friends who should reâ€" llieve us. PR We offer One Hundred Dollars‘ Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall‘s Catarrh Cure. @ F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F,. J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transâ€" actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made h&' their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toâ€" ledo, 0. WALDING, KinNnax & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall‘s Catarrh Cure is taken internally,actâ€" ing directly upon the blood and mucous surâ€" face of the system. _ Testimonials sent free. Priceâ€"75¢ per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall‘s Family Pills are the best. A painted cheek and its blush are soon parted. ‘The kind of a syoman man likes is the kind that wants him to like her. When humanity begins to think it gataps having fun. _ The man we never can forgive is the man who caught us trying to do a wrong to him. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Distemâ€" Randolphâ€"Yes, and more coming. During the year the space derotâ€" @1 to advertising MINARDS LINUâ€" MENT will contain expressions of no uncertain sound from _ people who speak from personal experiâ€" ence as to the merits of this best of Household Remedies. "Why," she finally veontured to faiâ€" ter, "do you look so sad when we are sitting thus ?" * s "Because," he â€" answered, _ gazring tenderly down into her troubled eyes, "a man always looks sad when he holds a lovely kand." _ She was somethingy reassured, afâ€" though she did not altogether underâ€" At a camp meeting there . were elderly women sitting at the front in oakâ€"split rocking chairs. We found out later that they comprised the choir, for when the parson gave out the hymn, "Oh, for a Thousnad Tongues to Praise,"‘ one of these eldâ€" erly females tried to "raise" the _"Ohâ€"forâ€"aâ€"" She had struck the high C, and her voice cracked ; she clearod her throat and began again, "Ohâ€"forâ€"aâ€"thou" _ and she was an octave low, while her voice soundâ€" ed as if it was lost in her boots. Just then a defunct stock broker in the orowd of listeners jumped to his feet and cried out, "Start ber at five bhundred, old lady, and see 4 you can‘t shove her oft."â€"Harper‘s Magazine for July. ; . (" C .pa Minard‘s Liniment Cures . Colds, A Modernized Version. Reflections of a Bachelor. HOW‘S THIS ? A Nery Neat Hint. A Good Talker. A Timely Suggestion. More to Foliow. Part of the Bluff. TAKE NOTICE. What shrunk your wWOOIeto 2 Why did t:oles wear so soun ? «* e o PC e cnarn 4% â€" EeAeReeiet C e o They had been married â€" three months and were having their 13th quarrelâ€"an unlucky number, by the way. L \ 0 C ople. jame ~ tar my naJ + "Â¥ou only married me 10¢ 207 * sommissions; UL mnt!:{l.";uhe said, with exceediD€8 ¢, Canada‘s L "I â€"didn‘t do anything Of the | kind," she retorted. ‘ IMPERIA! "Well, you didn‘t marry me beâ€" | The quality cause you loved me." | Ocean. YFour m "I know I didn‘t." ROS "In heaven‘s name, what did you marry me for then 9" he CPI@OU, 1M | ui despair, for he had not expected ie Xma S(;‘Jutst to make that hateful Kate ott you were engaged to cry her 9 eyes out because she haul to give| '53{':‘3'.:3,‘-';2 you up and see me get you." | choice butter in He fell down on the white bear | to Uflfli&lem.w a rug at Mer feet and rolled over ON | . oonsfennrents i+ until he looked like an animated | jyouN J. FEE, He fell down 0o rug at Her feet & it until he looked snowba‘l. Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen utenâ€" sils, steel, iron and tinware, knives and forks, and all kinds of cutlerv. 2o BION DL ", " Great Uacsar, _ woman 1" he shrieked,> "what have yon done ? Why, I married you just because she threw me over." And by the time dinner was ready their sweet â€" young hearts were once more so full of sunshine that awnings woere absolutely necessary. Oh ! the Famous ! Chicago Recordâ€"Herald. "What would you do if you were to wake up toâ€"morrow morning and {ind yourself famous ?*" "Lie down again and sleep til I felt like getting up for once." The North Wind Doth Blow, and with it comes the twinge of rheumatism. Dreas warmly, stay in doors as much as you can and rub the swollen, tender lnuuvf;s with Perry Davis‘s Painkiller. 25 and 50c. And by the 1 their sweet once more so awnings were Steliaâ€"I knew he could do ought to see some of the love Imaginative. Indianapolis Sun. Mayâ€"They say he has written a successful book of fiction. _ he used to write to me Strange Story Circulated by Buddhist | Pricsts in Burmab. 1 \ The "Times of India" tells a pretty \ story about the Burmese belie{! in the transmigration of the soul of the late Queen Victoria. It is well known that nowhere is the memory of that Sovereign more deeply cherâ€" ished than in Burma, and in her lifte that roverence was most marked in many ways. Fow, however, imaginâ€" ed that there was anything in it more than the loyalty which most of the oriental nations under Briâ€" tish sway exhibit. But according to the story now told, there was a deeper _ reason for the exceedingly marked demonstrations of regard for the Quoeen. The Times of India says: Since her death the story has grown up, and is now told seriously to their disciples by Buddhist priests in Burmese monasteries, that in the transmigration . of souls, in which the Buddhists believe _ Queen Vicâ€" toria was once a Burmese maiden. In the beginning 0f the nineteenth century, they say, there was born in Rangoon a daughter to a poor Burmese couple. The pair were hawâ€" kers by trade, and their daughter helped them to sell fried and boiled peas in the street. Later on the girl took to selling {lowers, so that she might have the wherewithal to make floral offerings at the â€" Buddhist shrines. She became known throughâ€" out Rangoon for her plety and genâ€" tleness, and when she died Gautama Buddha granted her prayer that she should be born again where she could do the maximum of good to her felâ€" low beings, and her soul passed into the cradle of the infant Victoria. Good Point in Christian Science. Nebraska State Journal. There is one thing in favor of Christian Scienceâ€"it dJenies the inâ€" jurious effect of eating mince pie upon the system of one whose soul is attuned to the divine harmonies at the right pitch. To us a mince pie is a mighty toothsome piece of mortal error. Wife (during the quarreDbâ€"WI made you marry me, then ? Husbhandâ€"Why, you did, of cour VICLTORIA REINCARNATED. BARRISTER Guaranteed Clear Havana Domestic Disarrangement. Ask for the Octagon Bar. _ **" ~eeneiiee the dny mon in dogpt? '-Q:r;‘ NC & -fl‘;‘â€"' to quickly introduce our remedy, udgu mmdnfienflh w: Y&’yoflo please show it to your friends. _ Hundreds have received watches from us and are more than aelid:t;dritht.hom. mt:’:‘go.r.wwoynm.mmwmmpm or it, and should once. * Srrurocs Plainly1 THE NEW LIFR NEMRDY QO., Dept. 2\ Taronto. Ont. HANDSOME 10 cent Cigar ilie could do it. You the quarrebhâ€"What ecd me for my with â€" exceeding woolens ? w VA i ie Filled letters wWATOH FREE &!, ea) | WANTED, AGENTS 2 0_ _ 42 4n mall MEN‘S order 3P ISSUE . NO: s Winsliow‘s 5{3,_""" bolic and is the best remedy for Diarrhosa. _ WwWASsiFo _ tity of Po‘b. pour station. _ Himphon Brick Ob 1 .o.b. your station. mpeon Brick Toronto street, Toronto; telephone g.&.-’,'o.} TEN COURSES BY MAILrSadias Tc shine in wengorimadoom poat Feu® ror particulare_ _ Correspondence Depart« Canada to sell made tC Suite, Jackets and Skirta Crown Talloring Co., Car ors, Toronto. WwANTED, AGENTS WV PePC Emm IOT e Canada to sell MEN‘S ordered clothing; commissions; union label. _ Crown Tail Co , Canada‘s Largest Tailors, Toront« surken and Geese selling higher. utter market fAirmer and large rolle of choice butter in good demand. 1f any butter To offer please advise. Will pay 30 cents per Ib. for Beesway‘s delivered at Toronto. Consignments and correspondence solicited . smuwy J FEE. 62 Front 8t. East, Toronto A COOD ror WATCH 82* . DEMILL LADIES® COLLECE Send for full particulars IMPERIAL MAPLE Dept. A, VIM suyPPLY CO., Hamiiton, Ont. When an animal is all run down, has a rough coat and a tight hide, anyone knows that his blood is out of order. To keep an animal econoâ€" mically he nm::L in good health. Blood THE Brooch which we show above (No. 900) is a Sun Burst Pattern of 14k. gold mounted with sixtyâ€"five pearls. We send it to any address for $24.00. We have hundreds of other styles. You may save a goodly amouat on {our Christmas purchnscrn by sending .c;regu.l: 1902 catalogueâ€"We send it free is a necessity where the best results from feeding would be ob}ging_d. It tones up the system, rids the stomach of bots, worms and other parasites that suck the life blood ewWkee o8 . 3 l 0n ic lch oo .c sls Nothing like Dick‘s powder for a run down horse. 50 cents a package. Leeming, Miles & Co., Agents, mMoNTREAL. You will find in it illustrations of inâ€" numerable gift picces at prices most inviting. " DIAMOND HALL." Est. 1854. Christmas Jewelry. uality standard from Ocean . t« &our money back if notsatisfactory BLOOD PURIFIER D TO PORCHASEâ€"ANY QBAN. of mixed wood, suitable for brick »â€" im mediate use; state cash price ROSE & LAFLAME, _ Jewelers, % Yonge and Adclaide Streets, Toronto. Ryrie Bros., In eve tow n LOENTS and vl‘;fnfr in made to measure LADIFS®‘ d Skirts; good commissions, Co., Canada‘s Largest Tail. DICE‘S To ail interested in the education of young ladies or girls where an ex tensive course may be had, includâ€" lnfi the common and high @chool branches, Science, Languages, Music, Fine Art, Commercial _ Course, Voice Training, Elocution, Art Needie Work, and Phyâ€" gical Culture, write to Rev, PUMT MTTIICC ETW A. B. DEMILL, President, St. Catharines, Ont., for calender that gives you very apecial rates. ENTION THIS PAPER Poultry. Agonts, Montreal. »d clothing; good Crown Tailoring ra, Toronto. In every town and village in Addres® SYRUP. sold you send aghk Lo Aft thoir havo lous s wel t« #secm| turn « 18, eÂ¥ &1 th io bi Irs f1 €] Ix nc Cov on to i 0d bye £8 nexti Do not band «h« thing ho T20 tha: ha«e grâ€" d M het tle ghy« W o the! the The alrc No .m OM their ness the : G LC t« 178 £ 00 m 4J n m m h h J Pinal W fit #" t

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