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Durham Review (1897), 8 Jan 1903, p. 8

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We received a renewal for the Review and ‘Globe from xurs James Black, Oak Riyer, wanitoba, stating that she cannot do without the Review, and her husband cannot get along without the Globe. Chas. MeDougall is around weekliy,buyâ€" ing cattle and hogs and anything that is marketable, and probably he may have his eyes fixed on some other class more valuable than cattle or hogs. James 1 Overseer Lounty. Mrs xcNulty left a week ago to live with ber son Robert in Manitoba. The Sunday Schcool Entertainment held in the Presbyterian church on Xmas Eve, was a complete success, both financially and otherwise. As we would be only inâ€" truding on your valuable space Mr Ed., to give all the proceedings in detail, we shall only give a synopsis ofâ€" the pm-! gramme. | Rev Mr Matheson occupied the chair. and with a few well chosen words of Commans at the commencement had' the best of order during the evening. The ; programme consisted of singing and reâ€" | citations by the children and choir, adâ€" dresses from Rev Varley, solo="from Miss Aunie James and Emma McLean were weoll rendered. A dozen little girls with dolls, in a drill, deserye special mention, they acted their parts well, Miss La Dell, Elocutionist, was the best .of the evening, she masters her calling well,| she is quite an entertainer. _ The Xmas Tree was elegant, loaded from bottom tol top, we did not get anrthing. although j presents were fast and numerous passing | by our way. Miss Cassie Nichol, daugh-l ter of John Nichol, received the Diploma from the General Assembly for perfecsl recitation of the Sborter Catechisoma from | beginning to end. _ Miss McLeod, wbo!‘ performed the duty of organist. deserves eredit. The proceeds of the evening a-" mounted to $56.50. All went home satisâ€" | fhied with what they received in the baseâ€" | f ment to satisfy the inner man,. which / was aburdantly prepared by the good || ladies, who are never bebhind in doing| their part, and also by what was seen and | ) heard up stairs. The meeting was closed ‘ l byiliev Mr Varley, who pronounced the | | Benediction. | At the last regular meeting of the A O |. Miss Lizzie Campbell of Toronto, is A V My Mrs T M W he last regular meeting of the A O Lodge, No. 140, Priceville, the ng officers were appointed for 1903 . _ Dr Dixon; â€" Finavcier. Thos. on ; _ Recorder, G. W. Watson : irer, Joseph Aussum ; _ Foreman, Furner ; â€" Guide, Alex meLeod ; er, C C James ; lnside watchman ITutor ; Outside, 1 Reiley ; Repâ€" itive to Grand Lodge. John Meâ€" 1 ; Alternate, W. G. Watson. ind »rs D. McQueen and little ( Stayner, yvisited at Mr N. Meâ€" s at Xmas, an l return again this lolhin MceLean who has spent the years in wonlana, arrived at his n south Gleaelg on Xmas day. and s to stay home for good. his broâ€" ugh, with wife and sou, are exâ€" to arrive at the old home alse in N ompson leaves onth at the old h €1 S PRICEVILLE. this week to me in Hurou ,1q | _, Before we forget, mr Editor, we must . _,\|| thauk you tor the Xmas Annuaals, which “"l“' we got just in time ftor a Xmas present, T".' J we take the liberty of vouching the sentiâ€" El\;l' merts of all your numerous subscribers in ) | Pricevilie and surroundings, in thanking _~*|you on their behalf, (agus corra mor P.l"h . maith agad air son sin. ‘"¢ / _ The Baptists of this place bave secured ":d(‘;"the services of the Rey mur Hulbert, as m:. | pastor of that congrogation in this town. apber ie ol oi Mss CAnt BWn After the wedding cetemony a sumpâ€" tuous repast was partaken of which give credit to the cooks. The bridesâ€" cake was a finely adorned 4 story affair. The guests from a distance were, Mrs. Bridges and son, Wingham ; Mr.â€" and Mrs. Jno. Moffat, Greenock ; Mr. and Mrs, J. A, Litile, Proton,. The bride and groom, left on their wedding trip to Bruce Co. The bride‘s travelling dress was of stone blue broadcloth with white silk blouse. The wedding gifts were numerous and handsome showing the: esteem in which both are held and we wish them a Yleuant road to trayel on in their new life. * Turnbullâ€"Ector A very pretty wedding was held on the avenue last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mis. Robt Ector, In the presence of about 50 people Mr. Thos. Turnbull and Miss Catherine Ector were united till death do us part by the Revy., Mr. Farquharson,. The bride was led into the parlor by her father while the wedding march was played by Miss Maggie Ector. The }mrlnr was beautifully decorated with erns and house plants. She was unatâ€" tended, bridesmaid and groomsman being dispensed with, and looked very pretty in a dress of cream silk brocade. Mr John MePhail who got his leg broken a month ago is improying as well as could be expected, but will take a long time yet betore he wiil be uble to be about. mr Walter Nickol is spending his holiâ€" days at the parental home. * messrs Regie and Leo Grier are at home with their mother, 1trs Grier of this place, at present. married on Xmas Day, by Rev »r. Matheson, on Dec 25th. 190%, xr Leggnte of Buffalo to Miss Mary, daughter of Jobhn Nichol. of this place, the young couple took their departure for their home at Buffalo on Friday 26, carrying with them the best wishes of the numerous friends o‘ the young bride in this place. _ As we did not get particulars we can ouly add our sincere wishes for the future Lbhappiâ€" ness of the young couple. Mr Duancan meDougall, north line, lies in a low condidion at present, and as the venerable gentleman is far advanced in years, it will go hbard with him John anagPeter melutyre, (sons of Vet Mcelotyre,) are bhome from the County ot Wellington where they spent the last 6 or 7 months. Hugh meArthur of this town is clerk at xr E. Kins store at Ceylon. David mcNichol, Esq.. exâ€"x P P.. at tended church in this place on Sunday Mr Fred Kenvedy, Sr , of the north line lies in a critical condition at present, but we hope to hear of him being vetter soon, he is attended by Dr Dixon of this placé. visiting at her fathers‘, xr Jno Campbell, north line, duricg the hotidays. &m,’%‘: a (ok on C t Ti +9 4 ONTARIO ARCHIVEs TORONTO At the closing exercises of Welbeck school, the ‘teacher, Miss McCormack was presented with a parlor lamp, Orâ€" iental teaâ€"pot and cup and saucer. DEar TEACHER : It is with regret that we near the end of another term, when the pleasant ties which have existed between us as teacher and pupils are about to termâ€" inate. _ We cannot let the occasion pass without in some manner expressing our appreciation of the kindly relations beâ€" tween us during the term now passed. The excellent advyvancement in our studies, your kindly manner in imâ€" parting knowledge to us, have endeared you to all, and you may rest assured we will follow your future with interest Kindly accert this small momento frowm the pupils of 8. 8. No. 13. and may your future be a bright and happy one. > Signed on behalf of school and secâ€" tion ; CoRra JounsToN _ . >.â€" BFFIE CAMPBELL. â€" _ Dear teacher, will you kindly accept this teacher‘s Bible, and a yolume of Burn‘s Poems, as a token of our esteem and respect. In bidding you goodâ€"bye we can assure you that we will always remember you as a kind teacher and friend. We sincerely hope that wherever your lot is cast you will always rememâ€" ber the pupils who attended school during the years you were with us. ing of regret, that we the pupils of 8. 8. No. 2, Egremont are compelled by force of circumstances to sever our pleasant association as scholars and teacher. We can assure you dear teacher we will long remember your kindness and patience to us, as scholars since you have been our teacher. On Friday, 19ih Dec. a large turn out of the ratepayers of the corner section of Egremont was found at teacher D. McDonald‘s exam‘nation. Mr. McDonâ€" ald, after several years‘ faithfal work is leaving. _ Speeches were made _ by Messrs Win. Allan Jas. Allain, Jos. Mack and others and the pupils made good contributions. _ Everybody was pleased and this is how the teacher was rewarded : xr, anrd »xrs. Jno. Moffatt, of Greenochk, Mts. Bridges and son from Wingbham, xr. and »xrs. Little from Proton all attended the Ectorâ€"â€"Turuball wedding. We are sorty to hear that Mts. Samâ€" Edge mother of Dan, is unwell snd we hope soon to hear of her recovery. xr. and xrs. Little of Proton vivted > xr. Robt Ector one day la ei. xr. Deen MmeAlvey of Chicag> visite friends on the Avenne ong day last week, xr. Jos. Firtth speut Xmas with )us daughter xrs. Joo Wiltiams iu his nmets secend year. Owing‘to the absence of the regular correspondent, we take the liberty of supâ€" plying the Reyiew with some items, and bope our humble efforts will be criuzed with leniency. Robt Aljoe left for Toronts day. xr. and ars. Jos. Firth Jr. spent Xmas at the lutters old home at Zion,. and took in the Xmas tree at night. Mr. Banks of North Bay was visiting his daughter Mrs. Jas. Staples and other friends around here, Mrs Jopp, from Manitoba, is at presâ€" ent renewing old acquaintances aroun| here. Her many triends will be pglad to see her looking so well. Wim Scott, of Toronto, is the guest of his grandmother Mrs Chris Williams and other friends around here. Miss Bessie Atkinson left last Tnuesday morning for Toronto where she intends to remain for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCracken visited at Jas. Mcemeekin last Sunday. Alex McQuarrie and â€" Ed McPhee from M Forest, visited at D McFayden‘s over Xmas. Hiramm Dean leit for the Queen city one day last week. Mr and xrs Thos. Hughes and son, of Detroit, are spending the Xmas holdays with xrs J. Nash, Sr., the old home ot the latter. xr Hughes returos shortly. as lis position, a Incrative one, . necessi ar Jerry Sullivan of Dornoch. spent Friday night at the Lake, being the guest of »xr Jas. Kerley. A number from around here attended the Xmas tree at Zion,. % Many thanks xr Editor for those handâ€" some Xmas Anunuals, many interesting stories are found on its pages. It alone is worth half a yearly subscription. tates it. xrs Hogbes will remain how ever for an indefinite length of time. xr Johu Ryan attended the concert aud pieâ€"social given at Dornoch lately. Hé reports a well rendered programme, aad says the pies were all right too. With xrs x. »martin the season‘s threshâ€" ing in this neighborhood ran ashore. Mrs Martin‘s spacious granaries ara said to contain 150w bushels or more of different grains. ar Thos. Sullivan delivered at Ceyion, last monday, seyen choice hogs, which were bought by xr K. Couk, for which he pard $5.70 per cwt. miss M. Sulliyan is spending the holiâ€" days at her kome at Dornoch, mss Suiliâ€" van is reâ€"engaged which testifies to her popularity, it being her third term here. xt Donald Campbell lhas lately been investing in a quantity of liye stock and 1mplements. _ His next investment will likely be in real estate. _ Success ! Dau, messrs T. and P, Butler have bought a brand new cuatter. They tested its merits for the first time on Xmas day. Pat and ‘Tom are industrious lads, and believe in haying everything up to date. We wish the Editor and all the readers of the Reyiew A happy and prosperouns New Year. Mr. D. McDonald, Signed in behalf of the School Lottie Eden, Nellie Allan, Aunie Crittenden. Address and Presentation. Address and Presentation. THE DURHAM REVIEW Dear Teacher:â€" RISH LAKE. Edge Hill. It is with feelâ€" la=t Tues Probably, one of the most successfu concerts ever held in this vicinity was that which took place ir Dornoch Beparate School, Friday evening Dec. 19. Long before the beginning of the program, which was unavoridably delayâ€" ed a few moments later than announced the school house was crowded to its utmost < t[mcity a cirecuauwmstance which ever stimulates performers to their best efforts. This monster is known as the Scott Straight Line Sextuple Insetting and Folding Machine. Its enormous capaâ€" city of 72,000 papers per hour, printed, Kasted. cut anrd fo‘ided, will enable The lail and Empire to publish news an hour and a half later than at present. This mammoth press is one of the most upâ€"toâ€"date and complete machines ever manufactured. Part I of the program was rendered by the pupils who did themselves credit in solos, duetts, quartettes, recitations, diolog, arills and calisthenic exercises. All were good but we mention the * Good Night " drill, by 8 little tots, the Wand Drill by 8 girls all prettily costumed as being particularly good. Thegiris were Misses Ni Vasey, C Barry, M McKenna. M Gillen, H Dargavel. J Gillen, M Vasâ€" ey, N Barry, The singing was highly praised the quartettes being, boysâ€"W Drew, J Mckemm. W McDonald, W Vasey. Girlsâ€"N Vasey, C Barry, M McKenna. N. Barty, The soloists from form I were Misses H Barry C Vasey, H Vasey, Johnny Barry. from form V Miss Nellie Vasey. _ Among many good recitations were those by Misses lvy Dargavel and Mary Cumings. 4 One of the largest printing presses in the world, and undoubtedly the largest in Canada is shortly to be installed in the premises of The Mal and Empire, Toronto Part II was rendered by local talent and was of great variety and all enâ€" thusiastically encored. The comic singâ€" ing in costume by Messrs Barry, Uasey, Vasey, Dargabel ; the minstrels Messrs Mays, Barry, McKenna, Casey, Vasey. Lister and ‘C Casey, (all genuine coons), the dialogues * Frightened Lodger" * Census Collector " and * Saved," were all of a high class and creditably perâ€" formed. i nd J Sullivan, the accompanist for the evening was K M Ryan the teacher, and the instrument used was an elegant new parlor organ, kindly loaned for: the occasion _ by _ Domnoch _ Presbyterian Church. At the close of Part II Mr Staples in a very efficient manner auctioned off the pies, etc. His success is seen in the results: the cheapest pie was 65c and the hightest $1.50. The total receipts were $57.85, and when expense is off there remains $54.27 to an organ fund. Excellent orchestra music was fur nished by Messrs P Malone. J Coffey The duties of chairman were most pleasingiy and gracefully performed by 'meliclmm. A Ledingham, of Williamsâ€" ford. The teacher and friends of the school heartily thank all who aided in making this concert such a success. Corm. CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT DORNOCH SEPARATE SCHOOL. MARVEL OF MECHANISM. JERSEY CREAM YEAST, the only Yeast with Cream in it Your Grocery Trsde for 1903 and if prices and quality are any inducement, we shall have it. A Happy and WF W ANT We still have a limited quantity of our now Famous 385C TEHEA, anvd will continue the sale until sold. For which we will pay highest Trade or Cash Price. WE WANT YOUR PRODUCE iilelny B ie seb uc int ts cect Nh e "Tal . Aprie. s t t ut efi infi n h JoRDAN 8 4 LBS. FOR $1.00 OUR LEADERS FOR THE COMING WEEK. TV OUR MANY CUSTOMERS WE WISH BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, FEATHERS, TALLOW, LARD, ETC., Real Red Salmon, 2 cans for 25 cents. Best Mackerel, 6€ A 1 Finnan Haddie 6+ Kippered Herring â€"© " Ham Loaf ) Veal Loaf i s Beef Loaf ) Prosperous New Year t3 Next Door to Mockler‘s in ib l npui in tc es ratip Aitane s Aoilehat w nrminpdy Yooly Bcwieniges on ce x) ©©A ) e ay & t sE ~ * * s 2 Te 3E gue _ n M M ut ut 00 t O w m i w > MI €3 VOL. /.; | ¢ hone \ W J D Th Th

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