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Durham Review (1897), 15 Jan 1903, p. 1

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utes! 903 nd 1 %% ARGE IES CTP 4| a DJR 1 3% * a 3%| at _ n 008 on M 0C C P00 _ nc J 8 l:‘l! «*nx"xx*s :': _s""s" ('; x*«x"®nx‘@x Lif : Clearing Sale Rrae e o i en n un ant w rn anp xfimfié A _ _Fames Pretanad* S VOL. MISSES‘ JACKETS Ames Holden Co. Three quarter length, box back, dark navy blue cloth, regular $4.50, for $3.75 each. These are only samples, you‘d bettee come and see for vourself. are the Sole Agents for Durham SEE OURN DISPLAY! 0OF BOOTS NoRTH WINDOW. ALL MaXt FACTURED BY THE Ladie Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. | Remember the place air are guaranteed by the Makers We will soon be into stock taking, so stocks in very department must be lightened considerably and juickly, Offerings from every department will be a pecial feature during Januar®t, and we will have many ar P Granby Rubbers. _ We h: Snaps in Suits sSnaps in Over Coats Snaps in Ulsters And they‘ll be snapped up quickly. ces only Astrachan cloth Cloaking, black and green regular $1.50 per yard, this month $1.25. s‘ Black Sateen Underskirts, graduated flounce of plaiting, edged with narrow ruche, #1.25 each. in surprises for All over the Store during JA NU ARY . Wili use yvou Right THE POPULAR CASH STORE x 4s an 2 n as antaw anannam an o a"acnannannannaananng s "a s s I‘l Rubbers ames Jreland P o o Cloathin â€".â€" NQ. 3 I . MoKechnie. department will lead off vou ¢ 0F BoOooTs x LAIDLAW‘S Old Stand ave them and Try Him. Every x3 it â€"‘]L's r~ If it ar is tC _jf;g,"\' }:Jgreamnt, is being buried toâ€"day, 3.{\ Wednesday from the home of her sorâ€" -I,‘r‘- |rowing parents,. â€" Deceeased was a #I";fdzltlght.t‘l‘ of Mr. and Mrs. John Weir, é!;’E,‘(ilenelg, and for several years was in :{jE | delicate health. The end came on Monâ€" j‘f | day, and husband and 2 young children T6 , will mourn the loss of a loving wife and !,J’F"E mother, She was a little over 32 years SIC |of age. . _DURHAM, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, A GoLb WATCH. â€" Mr. Werner, foreman carpenter at the Cement Works will be leaving soon (for the Hull works we belieye) and his brother carpenters shortly before the new year determind to show their appreciation of him and did so in a very handsome way by presenting hin. with a gold witch as a token and reminder of pleasant relations. _ They assembled and were hospitably entertained at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Marrs. Mr, Bogardis read the address and Mr, Dee spoke in an appreciatiye strain. Mr. Werner replied suitably, thanking them for the gift and the motive which prompted its bestowal. A pleasant social time was afterwards spent. about 75 barrels of oil per hour. Preâ€" vious to drilling the Company had less indications of 6il than is to be found right around Durham. This makes the local Company feel almost certain of success, I‘ll take a look at the ad th Clothing Store has this week. : be some bargainsâ€"everyone says TURNING Away.â€"Atleast two of the rotaries are in motion constantly with their burning load and more would be in use were it not that the spectre of a coal shortage is looming up. _ Supt,. Farr was at Detroit last week and other points, and has succeeded in getting promises for a car a day. The marl@s being brought in daily and some big work is being done to cheat Jack Frost, for instance 7 cars were loaded in 15 minutes we are assured. The grinders are run only by day so far. [ A. 0. U. W.â€"At the r | District mascer, Mr, The | Dundalk, a special meetin; | Lodge No. 198, will be held , evening, the 20th inst., for | of installing the officers. |installation there will be supper. Ali the members _reques‘ed to be present. | sort water cistern and pump. ;sll('d. good stable, and dri | with four acres of land ar | orchard, Apply Artuur . Walking in your sleep is a bad practice but walking in poor fitting clothes is worse. Our suits are perfect fitters and made of the best material, The Naw ALMLNInN c k awmed For sale or rent at i. very lov the property owned by the lat Chas, Cameron, on the Durhan A new brick cottage containing coms and good kitchen and cella soft water cistern aund ninmn A mighest market price will be paid. Cnas. MceKInxxox. ACCOUXNTsSâ€"â€"All patties indebted to me are requested to call and make settleâ€" ment, All old accounts not settled betore Jar. 2th will be placed inâ€"other bands for collection. MacFarlane‘s Grippe Tab cold in one day, WaAxTED.â€"40000 cords of . 22 inch sound body wood, for highest market price will he | â€" WaAXrTED.â€"A young manâ€" to Jlearn telegraphy, no charge, operators in good demand. MacFarlane & Co. You can hardly credit the story that The New Clothing Store ie selling a boy‘s two piece suit for $1.09 but is‘s true The first carnival of the season will be held toâ€"night in the skating _ rink. Everyone com» and enjoy a good time. Popular prices, NoTICEâ€"Our accounts for 1902 are ready. Parties indebted will save us mailing by calling at our Store Up Town. 4 HEPYHHCY Te ‘ nell. Additonal Locals on Page 5 HovsE To RENTâ€"Apply to J. O‘Donâ€" ew Clothing Store onetme; oc â€", zen £ xn ue it ad ts s m bfi TE © C C HpedaihaiiiiiD k24 ascer, Mr, Thos. Hanbury, special meeting of Durbam 198, will be held on Tuesday e 20th inst., for the purpose g the officers. After the there will be an Oyster â€"Vur accounts for 1902 are arties indebted will save us y calling at our Store Up J. Borx®r. t=â€"OPICSE * 7 l0@¢ COnlrIning seven ood kitchen and cellar with stern and pump,. _A wood stable, and driving shed cres of land and a good Apply Artuur JacKksox. the members are he present. «â€"At the request of the at the ad the New this week. Sure to &« â€" Mr. â€" Werner, at the ~Cement soon (for the Haull and his brother THOS. ALLAX, SEX ‘ an@ make settle.| carried terror to thé small boy with a ‘ounts not settled |Sléigh on the hill, and to evil doers in be placed inâ€"other| Particular. _ He has been a fajthtal |official and has been true to his ideal Rorert Awor, _ |Of duty. Mr. Whelan has experience t is very low price,i“ this line and will make an efficient by thedate Hev officer. _ R. Aljoe, sr., is truant officer, » C *|C. Elvidge, Assessor, Jas. Davidson, the Darham road. /Caretaker. T. Daniels, Pound Keeper. : containing seven | Auditors, W. S. Davidson and Arch. hen and cellar with | Davidson. Fence‘ Viewers :‘ E. Ward, 1 pump. _ A wuod'J Carwardine; W. Ward, Jas. Falkâ€" and driving shed |ingham; N. Wal‘q. Jas.. Davidson. land and a good|Prâ€" J. G. Hutton is medical Health RTHUUR JacKksON. ’ot’fif‘?t". _B. Warner health Inspector. Tablets cure Wim. Davis, foot and ' which the | urgently 8 Municipal world Caretaker, 3 mos. salary Wim,. Irwin, printing C. Ramage, * Health Insp., 3 mos, salary * K. O., 86. Sundries $1.22 Jno. Smith, D.R.O., W. W C. Elvidge, _ * N. W. Jos. Burnet * East W. Mrs Parrot, Eijpe supplies John Kelly, Treas, Salary On motion of Browneâ€"Sharp, the forego‘ing draft was adopted. The finance committee recommended payment of the following accounts : Clerk‘s Salary _ _. _. $ 20 00 laliy in the council and the clerk shall record the same ; and no vote shall be taken by ballot or by any other method of secret voting," etc. We think the statute is all right and should be honored by observance. , A large number of acets., amounting | to over $200, were ordered paid. [ Clerk Vollett has kindly furnished us with full minutes, We omit the items mentioned above. The council met according to statute at 11 a.m. in the council chamber, made the declaration and qualification of . office. All were present except A. 8. Hunter who took the declarations ntJ 8 p.m. to which time the council adâ€" journed, | John McKechnie, A. MceLachlan and | J, H. Brown were appointed distriâ€"~ bution committee and the council restâ€" | ed whule they fixed on the Stnmd’ngj committees as follows : 1 This last was the only post with two applicants and necessitated a vote. It stood three and three and chairâ€" man McKechnie gavye it to B. F. Warner. the other applicant being Hugh Mackay. { C extra collecting taxes Town Council. SCV TORONTO 10 88 3 65 9 00 9 00 | CLOCKS | _‘ SPEX © & a s + PEX »â€"For a person with troubled eyeâ€" 5 ssigitapair os GOLD RIMMED SPrCTACLES makes a very fitting gift. t WE KNOW it will be to your‘interest to call on us before purchasing. _ This is my 24th Christmas in Durham. 30 YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE FLATWARE \ SILVERWARE JEWELERY ! WELRY ! RINGS WATCHES 1 left all the canvassing that was done for me with my friends, and they placed me at the .head of the polt. /1 shall endeavor to discharge my duties fauthâ€" fully and impartially for the best interest of our township. ».__. Your obedient servant, JosErn McAroue. Ire Ladies and Gentlemen : I have much pleasure in conveying to you my sincere thanks for the hearty support you gave me in the recent eJection, placing me at the head of the poll as your representative to the County Council for a fourth term. Again thanking you, I have the honor to be Your obedient servant, To the Electors of Diy Grey : inst., for the ren the granolhthic si proaches to th should specify fo winter, _ and by town to furnish t! lowest or any ten« cepted, Tender McLauchlan‘s. on L6 Med. He $8, Cor TleiPel pi Salavies are a cer $5, Assessor The Mayor was instructed by council to have a byâ€"law drafted, appointing an Inspector for wood and all other articles offered for sale in town, as there are several complaints as regards wood offered for sale. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, On motion the Board of instructed to advertise for clearing snow off the gran walss and wooden walks ; bridges, Auditors $i 1903. MJ A. GORDON, Have a enders will be receive », for the removing granolithic sidewalk Brings together the Best that‘s going in the 3 We have elock to a J In Solid Gold, Gold filled, Silver, we have the biggest bargains Nickle and fitted with Deuber llumlp ever offered in Durkham. When we den, Regina, Omega, Elgin and Walt say Bargains we mean Bargains, ham movements. Y REMEMBER ! _ All goods bought S All Newest Styles and Patterns, from Keeler are engraved free of charge. P SNDERS WANTED. Tealth officer $5 onstable $100 specify for the balance of and _ by the day, furnish the snow plough, _ r any tender not necessarily Tenders will be opened at hlan‘s, on the 21st. inst. Joux MeK®rcuxi®, Chairman Board of Works, CARD OF THANKS. 217 °07 nc board of works was ted to advertise for tenders for 3 snow off the. granolithic sideâ€" ind wooden walks approaching rs‘ Bros Cnas. McKinxox Card Of Thanks. ) the brid ify for the ) en Look at our Al is follows rything from y Marble Cl $50, HMealth Ins Clerk d until the 21st of snow from s and the ap res, Tenders balance of the day, The v plough, The necessarily acâ€" No Pound | aretake; @99~, z2. C DABGAINSIN MIULINCRY / rom=> * F4} | T C>@â€"*» a Truant offiâ€" IMG Bi alarm epet 815 of Siecier‘s Gig Gewelery Store w VY > to choose from. pat s e en o We have Christmas presents fo: everybody. Everything from a Baby Pin up to a pair of spectacles for Grandpapa. Iwo Big Jewelry Stores, DURMHAM*K& HESPELER onT ffoliday Coods MISS DICK. ind the right place to buy them is at A lot of Fancy Collars and Handkerchiefs., mt The bricky Durham on some vears 1 We have a grand assortâ€" ment of Silk aad Flannel Blouses we are selling at a barâ€" gain,. We will be pleased to have you call and treat yourself to one of these great bargains. FOR XMAS~> BLOUSESâ€" never must be sol« figure. We l tiftul Trimmed half price, sc best Silk Ve great number toâ€"wear hats eason bl MacFarlane & (o., 5oc a bot you need If r attack TONIC Or..*% checks in time R. B. KEELER & SON, 250 We have the Druggists & Booksellers. Is at hand. The wise ones will be prepared by keeping a box of our Ohe Srippe dJeason BRICKYARD To F7 leckyard adjoming the on the West, oper: rs lately by Samuel W Apply to H. Pa: ervthin ; LAXATIVE GRIPPE TABLETs. Because we have the stocl We hay a box, on hand. > ; doses invariably ks an attack if taken recove; Try It. CHAS RAMAGE, Prixter axo Ponursuere Wy rering from an 0ttle of our idjoming the town of it are the _ Hats an stvlish rea $h â€"ELIXIR in Milline a vervy l« is just what 1¢ RENT operated n )C OoU1 W NV right, ARKER, Durham n TV Â¥4 ut

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