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Durham Review (1897), 15 Jan 1903, p. 4

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I» 4* ‘ W%fia»g(fi%a% > ' Ad Miuid oi # «â€" _9 « > P s â€" â€" .â€" â€"___â€" â€"___â€" aa Np fi: g F 5:“"' * of ],( » a* i » q * a* * % a EE \.:" ty Cw t * t g»lé' ied ts * t % % [‘.! qpioinniiiiddin iiiiiiiiiiiidiintr} y ~NOTTICEHE! a~ Xmas | Xmas /‘ %’ «J OLL®::: LiAE V â€"AEN L uELk a 4 a ud aannnrh en en %'Ee éhrx’stmas % ANUClagm Ladies‘ Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs from ...... .... .10 cts to 62 cts. Men‘s t Cs * va‘scas% a« oa‘e . Age torfpt.00 Ladies‘ Fancy Embroidery Lawn Handkerchiefs from ...,. 5¢ to 30¢ 25 doz. Children‘s Fancy Handkerchiefs ............. . .... 16 to 5¢ 4 Men‘s Good Linen Handkerchiefs for...... ........6e 6. 6+ . 25€ GEXT‘S FURXNISHINGS & CLOTHING 6 This is the time of year you want to feel merry and make every one around you feel the same by presenting your friends with some little present for Christmas. Our Stock has never been better assorted in Ladies Dress Goods, Furs, Gent‘s Furnishings and Fancy Novelties. We give you a list of some of our Bargains for the Christmas. Buyers. FANXCY SILK and LA WN HANDKERCHIEFS sroceries _ 1bs Seie _ 1bs Cle Ibs Sclected Raisins f0f ..............«@...@...««+s , 1bs Cleaned Cufrants............ ...... kekskk +6+++ Ihe Fine CHIIMMS.... ...... ....s. ««..«rs wasirses o6 ; Ihe Cleatt FIGS................ ccrl@e vyrer, serrke}s h T6 TApPINOCR...... .....«lelses sereer@esree vir4srnks s h IDG NICE.... «. «cucus «ravarerre «usakenmeruhrs rasys sns ; Cans Ked SAUMIOLL,..... ..« < ««.l.ss «ururs si«¥er t Yrosse & Blackwell‘s best English Assorted Peel per 1b s Ths Mixed Candies fOL ...... ..c«@./.««««««werks taess All accounts for Binder Twine, Repairs and ‘Machine acâ€" counts, are required to be settled on or before Jan. 24 ins , Qiven (Firee a t6h This Department we always keep well assorted with Fresh «J oux Just arrived, another large shipment of Men‘s & Boys‘ Overcoats, Raglanettes, Reefers and Ulsters. See Our Large Stock of Christmas Neckwear, Shirts, Gloves and Hosieryv. [ (Qord to the wise . OFFRINC Call ard examine our Stock and be convinced that we can save you money by dealing with ‘This notice will appear two weeks, and prompt attention must be given to the matter. Y uUus. CcASH and ON EPRICE. EFJl RST SHIPMENT OF CUTTERS ALL GONnE. ANOoTHER ON THE WAY. John Clark. xX MAS GROCERIES Implen . Morlock cappy h | Lryvinasroxr®_. To Subscribers to the REVIEW for 1903. The Annual is a 40â€"page magazine filled attractive illustrated reading matter and is an ornament to any parlor table. If not a Subâ€" scriber, become one and get it FREE. OVs CG. Ramage, Pub. &« Prop ent roo S( n Ww Yours for Trade. re to 1¢ HARVESTER C O MP AN Y 1( wmalke oW < fsecul‘. make engogement ressonabe »prices calling at o 25 cts 25 cts .25 ets 25 cots . 25 cts . 25 cts .25 cts .1§ cts . 25 ets son ma | € (K Ut {€ Mr,. Kearns was in Owen Sound last week. HMe was a staunch supporter of Mr. MacKay. Mrs. W im,. Ledingham, Welbeck is staying fora time with her daughter, Mrs. Juo. Clark. Mr. Wiw. Harbottle, Sault Ste., Marie came home last week to visit his brother and other friends. Mr, 8. Arrowsinith, who has been jong so seriously ill shows decided imâ€" provement this week. Miss Agnes and Tessie Marrs, Hamilâ€" ton, spent the New Year holidays with their brother in town. Mrs. Greig, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Calder the last three weeks left for her home in Saginaw Saturday. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mrs, Malcolm Graham. from Winniâ€" peg, widow of the late Mr. M. Graham, was the guest of Mrs, Calder last week. Mrs, Johnson who has been visiting her mother Mrs. 8. Scott since the holidays left for her home in Canningâ€" ton Tuesday. Mr, Andrew Hunter of Egremont, has bought the Adams farm near Holstein for $3900 and will be moving there in the spring. Mr, Donald McFayden anga sons have purchased _ a thoroughbred â€" Hereford Bull, from Jas. P. Hunter for which they paid a good price. Messrs John H. Hunuter and Wmm Calder went to Jwen Sound election day to imbibe some of the excitement atteuding on Mr, MacKay‘s election. Mrs, Wim. Dayvis, Bagot, Man.. is ai guest at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Edge, Edge Hill. Mrs Jopp, Moosomin, is also round the old home. > County Councillor Jas, Allan left for . Sound, Tuesday morning to attend the Judicial Audit, the other members being Mr. Cochrane formerly of Derby and the County Judge. Miss Hamiet Anderson left Hamilton, Wednesday, for Parral, Mexico, where she will spend a year with her sister. She has secured a very lucrative posiâ€" tion in a private English school. tion in a private IEnglish school. Mrs (Dr.) E. Leeson, Rose Lawn. fndâ€" iana, and two children, were guests of her husband‘s parents, near Vamey, during the holidays and gave the Reâ€" view and other friends a pleasant call. Dr. and Mts. Jamieson on Saturday last went to Mt. Forest to visit the doctor‘s brother, Alex., who is dangerâ€" ously ill. This was the doctor‘s first outing since the operation, and no bad results have followed. Miss E. Scott, of Nurham. takes charge of 8. S. No. 5, Normanby for 1903; Miss Maggie Kaiser of Durham Â¥isited Ayton friends last week. Miss Nellie Moran is in charge of the Junior division oi Ayton school, are Durham items gleaned from the * Advance. " Wm,. McCracken left last week for Stratford hospital where he underwent an operation. His father visited him on Thursday last and his wife went down Saturday, He is progressing towards _ recovery _ very nicely, the operation for an abscess being successful. BAPTIST CHURCKH OPENING.â€"The fine new Church erected by the Baptist Conâ€" gregation of this town will be opened for Divine worshivn on Sunday 25th inst. There will be three services : at 11 3' m. 2.30 p. m., and at 7 p. m. Notablespeakâ€" ers at each service, Further particular next week. Pros. DEAX, head of the Dairy Deâ€" partment of the Agricultural College. when writing to THE SUN says :â€""I consider ‘l‘gE Sux gives the best report of an Agritculture or Dairy meeting of any paper that 1 read. Its statements are usually so accurate that no correcâ€" tions are necessary, while the vital points of a discussion or address are selected with such skill that they comâ€" mand the nttention and admiration of every thoughtful reader." _ Every farmâ€" er should have the best, ‘THE F(Evn-:w and the WEEKLY SUXN one Eea.r, only $1.80. Leaye your order at this office Dreraxy®p Mairs.â€"The great storm of Sunday and Monday played havoc with the roads, and mails by stage and train have been a day late this week. Conductor Lavelle‘s coach gets through every day. 3en Nevis Concert tickets for toâ€"morâ€" row night went like hot cakes. There may be room for a few more. Ticket holders are re(%uested to come early. Doors open at 7.15. Chairs can not be laced till 8. Wraps and coats left in H)wer ball. _ Ladies are kindly requested to remove hats. THE DURHAM REVIEW: #35 Our attention has again been called to the question of Sunday Labor at the Cement Works, it being alleged that a great deal of unnecessary work is being done. _ In common with hundreds more we regret the smokeâ€"laden atmosphere and the hum of machinery on our usually calm and quiet Sabbath Day, but this regret would be tempered were . it known that nothing but the most. exacting _ requirements _ induced the Company to violate the day in any particulars, _ We may he wrong, but our conviction is chat the vast rotarmes caunot be stopped and started again. even once a Wweek without entailing such a commercial loss as to make their operation out of the question If it can be done, we hope to see it done, and meanwhile the company woald be doing itself credit, if not a man was employed | more than absolutely necessary, and not an hour‘s work done, svoidable, on the Lord‘s Day, protected as it is by our laws and by the best sentiment. L222 n 4 qi e + â€"â€" â€" MICA ‘ E akes short roads. WANTEDâ€"A young man to learn the Drug business. Apply at Macfarlane‘s Drug Store. We dont want tosee our suits any more unless it be on some one‘s back and then we have an advertisement that pays. The wearer tells it is one of the New Clothing Store‘s Suits,. wuar BetrEr PreseExt could you send to that absent friend than the REviEw for one year? Only $1.00, A reduction where two or more iwe taken in one family. Sent for the dollar to any address in Canada or the United States, â€" Anoual goes too. 8, G,. Ac,. SociEty. â€"The Annua Meceting of this Society will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 21, in the Town Hall at one o‘clock. â€" Election of officers and other business come up. _A full atiendâ€" ance is requested, \ _ Mnrs. Joux® BLyTtH.â€"Information has ! reached us of the death of this lady on ‘ Sunday last. She was the widow of the | late wellâ€"known John Bilytb,. of Norâ€" 1 manby, and a daughter of James Peter, | 8Sr,, one M the oldest residents of that neighborhood. _ A family of seven or ‘ eight children suryiye her, and s<he | will be greatly missed. â€" Her fuxeral | took place on Tuesday to Maplewood | cemetery. fiood for everything ‘ Although theâ€" unfavoroble© weather lessened the attendance on Monday the interest taken in the special meetings in the Presbyterian church is encouraging. Owing to the congregational meeting at Holstein being fixed for Tuesday Rev, Mr. Little was not able to be present but is expectad for the remaining eyenâ€" ings of this week,. There is a probabilâ€" itv that the meetings will be continued but is expec ings of this: ity that the another wee took pmace on Iuesday to Mapiew00G | > + + T ('vnw(l('l'\'. l t " We have still a full line of Peter Dib i~ Gognne. â€"Mr. uind Aive Jag | H{amilton Machines, Binders, Mowâ€" {reland left Tuesday morning to attend | _ CIS and Drills. Examine our tbe funeral of his father who ‘““‘lt Chiurns too which we offer at right Sunday at the ripe age of 76 years,. He ols was for about 30 years a resident of | prices. Sullivan township and has been 15 yrs, | S in Gourock where he was postmaster. ! © f mss Besides his son here he leaves ns chief | ,,, lc# t the bri . mourners his wife, three sons William We are at the shop at the bridge evâ€" I\‘{:‘lll hon\te. Jlnhn in Mtd. Fm:st. Alex. in | ery Wednesday and Saturday. Orâ€" Zilliamsford, _ two _ daughters, _ Mrs. ¢ ir; § A es McCulloch, Cleveland, Mrs. Eagle near l ders or enquiries left at C. McArthux:s home, and Jessie at the home. | store, or at the REYIE\\' OrrICE, will EV Ee ie ECc He C oo d cce l trous one. We have been favored by Miss Arrowsmith with a copy of a paper "The Home Run," published on board the Colonian, in manuscript, containing many amusing * skits" jotted down to relieye the monotony cf a protracted voyag8. It sets out to be "one of the finest and. most literary journals ever published," had * the most leavrned contributors on the Atlantic." Office "not far from Newfoundland banks." Miss Arrowsmith was one of the Literâ€" ary editors, and we extend to her conâ€" gratulaiions on her entree into the journalistic field. ® AtT BERMUDA.â€" Last week‘s papers contained an nccount of| the arrival at Bermuda in distress of the Steamer Minnetonka. â€" The steamer left England Nov. 30, and we make note of the fact from the local interest attaching to it through Miss Lydia Arrowsmith now at her uncle‘s here. _While on her way out in December on 8. 8. Colonian they fell in with the disabled Steamer in midâ€"Atlantic and had an exciting time attaching bhawsers to it to pull it to Halifax. The hawsers parted after 12 hours towing, and the Colonian was forced to leave " Minnie" to her fate which, happily bas not been a disasâ€" trous one. QVe have been favored by NEw Mrtuon or Music. â€" At the present time Miss Margaret Gun is at the Toronto Conservatory of Music taking the special teacher course in the Kindergarten _ Method_ of Music for Children, â€" This is a simple, easy and practical method of music for children from the age of five to twelve.or fourâ€" teen years. _ When Miss Gun returns, which will be in a short time, she will be pleased to have psrents who contemâ€" plate starting their children in music, call on her, when they will seefor themâ€" selves the advantages of this new mmethod. 3 Made by IMPERIAL OIL CO. Additional Localsâ€" Sold Everywhere. i\ XALE ood for everything that runs on wheels. Sunday Labor. nd light loads. \ _ Carefully consider where they do their | business. Many of these men go to H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Conyveyancer, even though it meaus a few miles of a driye. ‘They suy thut hbe is * Always prompy,â€"never negligent." that be has had 22 years experience and that it, PaAYS TO LEAL WITH HIM. He is now offering for Sale : THE MALCOLM CAMERON 100 acres 0 990000000000008_ 0408000080020 on Garafraxa A good farm with fine Imildings. Offered yery cheap as Mr. Cameron has gone west. The T. 0. Stewart Farm, Lot 16, Con. 2, W. G. R. Bentinek ; 100 acres with about 30 cleared ; frame house and other buildings. Said to have a lot of very fine hardwood timber. A 100 Acres in Bentinck,. _ In excellent state, good buildings and fences, good soil, School and Church close at huand, Post Office on the farm, _Cwner getting up in years and bound to sell. MONEY 10 LEND,â€" DEBTS COLLECTED,~â€" LANDS BLOUGHT & SOLD,â€"â€" ted | We are at the shop at the bridge evâ€" l ery Wednesday and Saturday. . Orâ€" l ders or enquiries left at C. MceArthur‘s store, or at the REvi®Ew OrFrICE, will | receive our best attention. vOU NEED A SUTTER And warranted, good,easy i dâ€" ing, and at reasonable pricés. AUTIOUS § narnw aPC Successful Men EZEZEEQ_;,WARE ‘Ton |°lf‘(;r‘;ncu)7;r and have been feed imi it to all my stock. Found it to give fiood satisfaction, and would advise all farmers anc feeders of stock to use it. Yours faithfully, L. MOSES. December 29, 1902. Avonton P. 0 10 lb. box, 200 feeds, Mc.; 50 lb, sack $2. MANUFACTURED BY The sweepstake fat cattle at Chicago and Guelph Winter Fairs 1902, were fed with XJor’hin't?l\'s Canadian SQWRTR'!'G- n evidence of the oo(?resurts farmers and feeders would obtain by ?eedln a genuine stock food ; not an American fad. fiorses look better, feed bstter, drive better, sell better, when fed with Worthington‘s Stock Tonic. PCT Sb . usd Worthington‘s St ave u: «e . _ +2 far one vear am?m\‘e agn?g;{flngfi tg?lh_ To be for best A. B. McARTHUR $40 In Cash Free very kmd of fhuun@al business trans V:evcucvorurne\: st(‘))c'k, made by W, B L ACK s (RAY. OR CHATIARM, ~â€"â€"_ °_: woORTHINGTON‘S CANADIAN STOCK TONIC, For Sale and guaranteed by : A, S. Hunter, DURHKHAM. Wm. Seaman HOLSTEIN. Address,. The Worthington Drug Co., GUELPH, Ont. be awarded at Provincial Winter Fair 1903 »st pair of Fat Cattle fed with Lock Drawer H. H. MILLER, Havoyer, Ont. 3od. in a It is quite evident we have right prices in Fancy Lamps. Judging from the number we have sold. and we still have a nice assortment in stock. Any person wanting Sleigh Bells, can get thoroughly satâ€" isfied by looking through our extens:ve stock. We have some good Handâ€" Sleighs and Babyâ€"=~uggy Runâ€" ners Now is the time to buy Skates at reduced prices. Do not forget that w2 have a few Toboggans which we are selling at a third of their value. In X Cut saws and ail kinds In X Cut saws and ail kin« of Axes, we lead. Our Harness decartment well stocked with single a: double harness, horse bianket robes, rugs and whips. LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKF,RS: HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. DURHAM MARBLE WORKS CALDWELL‘S LIVERY ABLE %ppoc?to “F‘dnusgz I?ouu\ Direct Importations from European. American and Canadian Quarries, ROBINSON & CORBET, Do you know why we sell two organs a day ? It is because we advertise in the REVIEW and have the goods that stand inspection and give satisâ€" faction, namely the Agents. BShowrooms opposite the Middaugh House Sable, Lambton Street. BARCLAY & BELL The NATIONAL, it is a dandy, made in three difâ€" ferent sizes, prices to suit all. Also see onr Churns They are upâ€"toâ€"date in every respect. It stands above board with all other competitors and sells at sight. Also see our \Z.dl’fl Ol‘ydfl GREAM sEPARMTORS mplements / JAN. 15, 1903 P roprietors. 4s 4s MANY: PEOPLE Toys, Dolis, MacFar DRUGGISTS Waitches, Ring Calde W ho visit ou: that we have : the rear where assortment of Dont Owen BEGINS J Come Tl fice ass and SJ upâ€"toâ€"d We TWEEL GROCE We W¢ 0§ 1rOUi A it ALG We ce JAN M pRY 901 \j an t

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