West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Jan 1903, p. 8

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Everyone bere extends hearty goodi wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Caldwell on their union and wish them long hleI and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eden were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jvo. Carson a week ago 8 unday. Mr. Wm. Lauder and Gaugbier were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. MeAllister. ' Miss Lavioa Avery spent a few days with Mrs. N. Eden. I oificers, Varney S. & at the bhom« Fridayv. Mossrs Yaudt and Watt, were callers at Mr. Wm. Smith‘s. Miss Edith Allan was the guest of her gister Mrs. N. Kden. Mr. and Mrs. N. Eden visited Egreâ€" mout friends a week ago Sunday. > Officers, teachers and bible class of Varney S. 8. spent an enjoyable evening at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. J. Aldred, We are very sorry to say that our social could not be held on account of the stormy state of the weather. We‘re sorry for Mr. Firth had some specials in club swinging, that we are sure would have interested everybody at least. Miss Mary Binnie of Glenelg Centre was the guest of Miss Leah McComb tor a few days last week. Misses Susie MceKinnon and Norma Patton called on friends here on their way to Pricevilie recently. Mr Alex. Firth took in the oyster supper given by the Workmen last Monday night. Mr. Thos. McComb sold two colts last week for a neat sum, John Fallise and (Geo. Mathews being the purchasâ€" ers. Mrs. Alex. Bell came home last Monday after spending two weeks with her daughters of Toronto. The annual school meeting was held ‘ on the last day of 1902. John Beaton got the wood, Chas. MceArthur got the caretaking and Messrs John Gray' and Thos. MceComb were appointed | to take Mr Binnie‘s place as he is leaving the section. | Miss Annie Beaton of the Rob Roy is | learning the tailoring in your town at| present. [ Miss Jewel McComb returned to| Durham school the first of whe year. _ | Bob MeFadden is home from Toronâ€" to. â€"He had a wood bee last Thursday and got about 15 cords of wood eut. Mrs. Alex. Morton of the Rocky Saugeen accompanied by Miss Maggie, ealled on Mr. and Mrs. W. Beaton one day last week. Mr. Anguas MeCormick, of Glenroadâ€" en, visited friends in our burg lately. Mr. Thos. McComb who has been under the weather for the past two weeks is now on the mend. i_ THE BIG STORE © oooz VARNEY. ROK ROY + e o = â€" 4® Mr and xrs Alex meleod, Sunnidale, ar and mrs Wm amclLeod, Glevelg, visited at Clarks and Clas. meQueens‘ on Friday. _ _Donald and Annie seCannel visited | at Badgeros, Osprey, last week. Renew For The Review Mr and mrs Dan McQueen. Stayner, and »iss Muggie McCanuel, Glenelg, visâ€" ited here on the 26th. *, mecvave nas decided to remain, and ze hcpe the public will appreciate the convenience of having a blacksmith shop near, without having to spend the most of a day to get a few jobs done. ur Jas. marshall â€"has begun his new duties carrying the mail from Boothville. Swirton Park and Birdell to Proton Station. Mr sartin has caâ€"riedl the mail for 16 years and at all times was prompt, courtcous and obliging. sa 1 20 w# s Mr Jas. Marsl duties carrying Swinton Park Station. â€" Mr x The contrast for the : has been given to Davi son Fred, we are sure will be given. ME 4. reâ€"elected as Trustee. F. meCabe has decided ze hcpe the public will convenieonce of having a near, without having to of a day to get a few jobs ir Jas. marshall has A number of young men from this part came home from the West to spend Xmas Archie xcLeod aund Dan Ferguson are home alS(), lODkilh_’ Wall sftar Fhate pute home also, looking well atter thgi'l;’;rip. Mies Alice and »artha Wilson spent Xmas week at Lome. miss Lena Wilson visited her _ Boothâ€" ville friends last. | A seinn nam Piob cho ladir | Sgun togaidh iad seann nadur | Am bodaich bhana liatha. ' Bha Gael on thairde deas ann ' Sâ€"bha Gael on airde tuaidh an 1 Is moran duibh gun gaelic ‘ Ged tra chaidh searm nanâ€" cluasan. Bha Macgregor Mor Ann Sa ghuth cho ladir ceolmhor Sgun Seannaidh e na horan Le folum maith siad binn. Bhan Bhanacosich riomhaich Sa guth cho min ri side Sgun mealaidh i ballach boidâ€" heach Le horan blasda bhinn. Taneâ€"Ho ro mo nighean Boothville. Intended for last week On New Years day, Mr D. McFarlane entertained a number of his friends, and after dinuer the company adjourned to the parlor, where a programme, consistâ€" ing of speeches, sougs and recitations, was rendered. Mrs R. MeDanali ahiu was rendered. _ Mrs R. E\‘I”cDonald ably filled the chair, and also gave a little speech which fitted the occasion very well. ine fTolloWing lines were composed by Priceville Cor. on Priceville Scotch Concert held on January 2nd 1903, and were omitted last week. The following line Ho ro na Gael ladir Ho ri na Gaeli ciatich 8. aithne dhomh an naduar Sa daicheadh mi riabh iad Bha Eachern Mor is Padrig NA GAEL LADIR David Runxcinxigxnâ€"â€"u‘x;a + 0 & _ the new school house nre that satisfaction vr <Joihn Weir was ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Intending Students should enter at beginning of term, or as soon after as possible. Staff and Equipment. The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work, under the following Staff of Competent Teachers for that Department : THOS. ALLAN, Principal. MISS LICK, B. A., Classics and Moderns. FEES: $1.00 per month;] Wm. Johnston, C. L. Grant, DUXNCaXN CaAMNPBELL, Seey.â€"Tre Jan. 2nd, 1903. The Twenty Fifth Annual Meeting of the Grey and Bruce Mutual Fire Assarâ€" ance Co., will be held in Miller‘s Hall, Hanover on Saturday, the 2tth day of January 1903 at 1 o‘clock in the afterâ€" noon. _ HMIGH JINKS IN Rairxy RIvERr.â€"A letter received lately from a subscriter in this district gives a picture of jollity worth reproducing. _ The "Tom Whitâ€" more" is a son of John Whitmore, N. Egremont. _ "The bachelors of the township clubbed tcogether lately and inyited nearly all around to a supper at Tom Wbhitmore‘s. _ His new house was filled comfortably and about 750 sat down to a magnificent spread, all cookâ€" ed and served by the bachelors themâ€" selves, 7 or 8 of them acting as waiters, nearly all of them dressed in dark vest and pants and white shirts with large white aprons with Bibs an4 looked and acted to the * Manor born ". Turkeys and Geese cooked to suit an epicute, cakes, galore. _ They had 40 pies and other things in the same proportion. Such experienced cooks as Mâ€" was surprised at the excellence of everyâ€" thing. _ Tom Whitmore told me they mixed the stuff and then looked at the cook book afterwards to see how nearly right the book was. After the tables were cleared out the younger portion of the gathering tripped the light fantasâ€" J tic till the wee sma‘ hours. Some of the older ones of us going upstairs and disâ€" cussed the referendum, the approeaching municipal elections. &c., all going home well pleased with the night‘s entiertainâ€" ment." ' Mr. F. W. HoDpsoX®, Dominion Live Stock Commissioner, in speaking of agricaltural . uewspaper _ says :â€"* No better publication reaches my office from any quarter thas THEs WEerrKLy Sux. There is none more carefully read by my family or my staff If every farmer in Canada were a subscriber and a careful and thoughtful reader of THx SUx it would be a national benefit." You can get this paper and Tu® Rmâ€" viEw one year, on‘y $1.80. . Leave your order at this office, The Special Edition of the Scientific American, devoted to Transportation on Land and Sea, cannot fail to attract widespread interest, both because of the very handsome menner in which it is gotten up and on account of the yolâ€" uminous amount of information that it contains. _ It is safe to say that anyone that reads it carefully vhrough will find himself thoroughly posted both as to the magnitude and Wign quality of our railroads and shipping. The Scienâ€" tific American bas its &mvn characterisâ€" tic way of presenting what some people might call dry statistical maiter in an interesting form, and the present nuamâ€" ber is no exception to the rule. â€" Both artist and Editor have collaborated to certainly very good effect, and we beâ€" lreve the number will meet every where with a hearty reception. Wuteninne necnne Alle : §Afi w anccr n The funeral took place tftron the iamily resicence, First Street, toâ€"day at 2.30 o‘clock. and was largely attended, showing the esteem in which the deâ€" ceased was held by all who knew him. Durham Scnool The Rat Portage News of iecent date says : The death occurred Sunday evening of one of the old and respected residents of Rat Portage in the person of Mr. Alexander McPhail, after an illness of only two weeks duration, in his 70th year. Deceased was born in Mall, Seotâ€" land, in 1824, and came to Canada some 50 years ago. He first settled at Vaughan, York Co., where he was marâ€" ried in 1863 to Mary Black, who survives him. He next took up his residence in Grey Co.., Ontario, and came to Rat Portage eight years ago. Besides his widow he leaves a family of five sons and three daughters : John and Neil at home here ; Angus in Revelstoke. B. C. : Daniel at Medicine Hat ; Alexander at Kincardine, Ont.. and Misses Katie and Tenie at home. and Mrs. Thos, Saunders of Durham, Ont. In politics deceased was a stout Reformer, and in religion a Presbyterian, Intended for last aweek. Died in Proton Township near Hopeville on Jan. 3rd, Mr o Richard Parslow after a few months iliness. Aged 71 years, Mr, Parslow was one of the pioreers of Proton. He came into Proton about 50 years ago before the general land sale of Proton and settled on the farm on which be dried. Mr. Parslow‘s wife died some years azo anmd ouly two sous and thres daaghters survive him ali of whom are married and doing well. ar Parslow was a bard working man and gave bis fawmily a good start. In religion he was a methcedist and in politics a Conservative. â€" The funeral which was held on, Wednesday and followed by a large number of friends to the methodist church was the largest ever seen here. Rev. ir, Varley officitaâ€" ted. Election matters are going here strong. moArdle and Wright for Reeve, and seven councillors. Miss Proctor, of Toronto, is visiting at ar Burnett‘s. virs Ferris bas friends visiting from Bruce County. Richard Dayis has about changed his mind about going to Darbam to live avud talks of Little Current Leing the place for him. The Rev. »tr Thom, of Flesherton, preached in the Espilo churech on the 4th, Mr. Geo. mclheach of Toroato urrived here lately o SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. s THE DURHAM REVIEW NOTICE. Hopeville. Obituary. ui An article on the amusements of. children in The Delineator for February | contains a wealth of practical snggest-! ions. â€" Most mothers are usually at their | wit‘s ends to provide suitable enterâ€" ; tainment for the children,. The kinder-{ garten is an aid in the solution of this problem ; but it only occupies a portion | of the child‘s time. The work of the| kindergarten should be supplemented | by play and instruction of a like characâ€" ter in the home. The seed sown in the heart and mind of the child bears abunâ€" dant fruic in later years, and the good that they derive from song and story and healthful bodily exercise cannot be overestimated. A love of Nature, habits of neatnessâ€" and_ order, politeness of manner can be instilled in the little one by intelligent effort. Below will be found the detailed vote in three municipalities. Glenelg counâ€" cil is surprisingly close. Reeye Mcâ€" Ardle of Proton deserves congratulaâ€" tions on his big victory. CUandidates *.; 2 G Arrowsmith 70 40 Thos. Davis 133 39 Pat. Sullivan 3o 82 W. T. Kerney 49 16 J. A. McMillan 56 65 Peter Mcionis 42 47 County Council. Neil McCannel 148 132 60 61 82 C. McKinnon 110 80 150 89 130 Dun, McLean < 14 7 4 42 13 Egremont Gordon Mcelntyre McFadden Robb McArthur Walls THE AMUSEMENTS OF CHILDREN. Municipal Elections. aâ€"â€"â€" 4 44 77 33 17 17 M “\],â€"- PS 41 70 Glene! 47 76 73 3 & 84 417 59 63 35 55 101 22 78 4G 32 17 76 20 £ & GL ol 6 Total; Tot. â€" Sfere TUse HAre 277 252 27 213 240 207 207 3A3 NOW THIS IS NO FAKEâ€"NOR WILL WE CHARGE YOU ANY MORE FOR YOUR GROCERIES THANBEFORE. We want your Patronage and if Fair Treatment, combined with Quality and Price is an inducement, we are Hold & Consider % To each and every person buying Three Dollars ($3.00) worth of Groceries in our Store during the month of January WE WILL GIVE ""WE WANT YOUR GROCERY TRADE"~" Cive us a Irel ond be convinced thot whot we soy is Init. Jorpan & BURNETT And in order to secure it we are going to give BIG INDUCENMENT + who buys Groceries. Absolutely Free==1 Ib of Tea SURE TO GET YOUR TRADE. Of Our Famous 35 cent Brand THIS for a few minutes! Next Door to Mockler‘s JAN. 15. 1903 every one s& =f 5r O T‘ 1t O o s s us en [€p] VOL. Phone Ne our C Barg busin ends, WED ply St i+ select pal OJ x2 is J Te Dy the pec at R.\

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