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Durham Review (1897), 22 Jan 1903, p. 4

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# BAhe @hristmas JRRUCGL qz o To Subscribers to the REVIEW for 1903. Gz en The*" Annyal is a 40â€"page magazine filled attractive illustrated reading matter and is an ornament to any parlor table. If not a Subâ€" 2ee scriber, become one and get it FREE,. groomaliiioide Aiiidiiidhiid d t NOTICH! All accounts for Binder Twine, Repairs and ‘Machine acâ€" counts, are required to be sefttled on or before Jan. 24 inst. J OH;N LIVIN GSTONE, This notice will appear two weeks, and prompt attention must be given to the matter. ‘Several good horses for Sale at reasonabe «prices DEERHN[} HARVESTER C G MP AN Y 4i (QGord to the wise! HA PSfoppy NHew FIRST SHIPMENT OF CUTTERS ALL GONE, ANOTHER ON THE WAY. _2 c2clll css John Clark. Ary person wishing to make engogement with farmers for the coming season may learn where to apply by calling "at our Implement rooms. C. Ramage, Pub. & Prop. 22922499 95 2 a a 5 a a qo Yours for Trade. To im t Smd & L ear. Miss Whelpley as usual, was accomâ€" panist, and gave the best of satisfacâ€" tion to audience and performers, T Menankd ; dniut © Shiet Anpiciaicatratizel Tearâ€" Mr Fax wears well. He is constant! adding to his repertorre, (and his wardy- robe,) but some of his old songs are ever fresh. He is a composer of no mean power also, and his * Hae yin wi me," given as a third encore, is thoroughly in line with the popular cry against treating, which it holds up to ridicule in a most humorous way, _ The trio, «Past 12 o‘clock," was yery finely rendâ€" ered, the barmony being firstâ€"class. A very enjoyable feature this year was the presence of Piper D. E, Mcâ€" Donald of Wingham, who gave several selections on the pipes with true Highâ€" land fire and vim, and his cleyer little daughter Mabel, delighted the audience | with her agility in the various dances, and won especial applause for the | Sword Dance. t uin wine ~Anintnndtaie? Pvd® dicdadtaactsinitaide o4 300 1 4 11 Miss Ethyle Powell is a new star on the concert horizon, Her spiendid stage presence coupled with a yoice of great sweetness and completely under control will make her shine still brighter as the years go by, ‘"My Baby‘s Kiss," renderâ€" ed with fine pathos, and in excellent taste, was a favorite number, and she appeared to excellent advantage in the duettzvith Mr Fax,';'Ma't;.itel and Pupi1," hinw Hew mrict se wais t c ED P ‘ 2 iAAA Tai® mdns d ind + P ind \-'Lllll'“. Mr Donald C. McGregor grows in fayor with every appearance here, His fine baritone voice, coupled with his naumve fire, gives a charm to his renderâ€" ing of such pieces as «*McGregor‘s gathâ€" erir.uz," *‘Heroes and Gentlemen," etc. wac oc yeis & v. TW Dr. Mearns, Hanover, amemb:l'- of the camp, was chairman on the occasion a position he is well fitted to fill, and gave a brief address, highly flattering 10 Scotsmen as ambitious climbers in many walks in life. No chairman could have desired or got better order lh:i‘n p't"evni‘l?d gurir_rghthe evening. This popular annual affair came off last Fmday, and as usual was highly successful. The tickets were practically all sold seyeral days before the event. and though every foot of floor space was utilized, every one was seated in reasonable comfort. The limitations of the hall were again very apparent. for hundreds imore tickets could have been sold, bad there been seating space. Societies andZorhers bringing firstâ€"class tuknt 45.0 town are badly handicapped, Mr, Wimn. Harris, spent a few days at his home here last week preparatory to taking an important position on the ** News," Toronto, under its new manâ€" agemeut,. He has recently hbeen at work at Buffalo, New York and other points, and has acquired an extensive experience, which, with his own ability, will stand him in good stead in any position. We wish him bearty success, Mr. Will Saurders, who has been in Rat Portage for the past three years, ciume home Thursday, He has been laid up for the last five months with paralysis, but is now improving. Miss Whitechursch returned to her home at Stratford, after a pleasant month‘s visiting at the home of her brother, engineer Whitechurch., Mr Burgman has purchased Mr A. W. H. Lauder‘s residence, adjoining Mr Wm. Black‘s. and will move there in a week or so. Misses Margaret and Annie MacKenâ€" zie. Durham, and Miss Annie McCrackâ€" en, Aberdeen, left on Monday to attend Normal School in Ottawa. Miss Agnes Renwick while in town assisting the Dromore Choir at Institute concert, was the guest of Miss 8. R. J. McKinnon. Mrs. Chas, Urqubhart and daaghter May, of Mt Albert, are visiting the forâ€" mor‘s parents Mr. and Mrs. T. R. W helan‘s. Mr Dan. Diver is in town on a busiâ€" ness trip in connection with the Cement Co. Dan is always a welcome visitor, Mrs McRae occupies her home here again, and Miss Georgie is with her for a time before going west in the spring. Mr McLean of Dawson City, was in town for a few days on his way to yisit his cousins, the McLean‘s, of Rentinck,. Mrs., Baird, Sr., Egremont, left last week for Paisley, to spend a few months with her daughter Mrs, J. Burrows. Miss Jessie Cochrane returned to Toâ€" ronto, atter several weeks spent in view ing the scenes of her childhood. Mr and Mrs Harwood of Edmonton, N. W, T., are at present the guests of Mr Alex. Russell. + Miss Wallace, Harriston, was a guest for a few weeks at the home of Town Clerk Vollett. Mrs W. J. Irwin, Hamilton, is the guest of her mother, Mis W. H. Shaw. Mr. George McDonald, of Wirton, came home Saturday for a short visit. Mrs Horsburgh yisited from Saturday to Monday among Hanoyer friends. Mrs Fiddis, Owen Sound, is a guest of her father, Mr Colin McDougall. Mr. Russell. of the Big Store is away on a business trip this week. _ Mrs Carter, Owen Sound, is a guest of her sister, Mrs Jas. Lenahan. Miss McLarty, Owen Sound, is visitâ€" ing Miss Mcintosh and other friends. Miss Morrow, Elora, is a guest of Mr and Mrs Alex. Russell. Mr William Elliott, Chatsworth, is visiting relatives here, Dr,. Jamieson made a trip to Toronto this week. ‘ Sery. Stanhope visited the Cement works on Tuesday. Sons of Sceotland Concert. <I0 ARCHIVES TORONTO THE NURKHKAM REVIEWâ€" )0 nte g !vfwfi. ;fi # }‘,‘,7 Fignal , 15 MONTHS FOR $3. A Special Offer. W. F. Maclean. M. P., 1s desitous of increasing the circulation of The Torâ€" onto Wmfid 30,000 before the end of the ?'ear. The World is considered the rightest newspaper inCanada. it is pubâ€" lished every weekday morning at 4 o‘clock. _ 1ts market reports avre the most aecurate. particularly those in which the farmers and merchants are interested. Any reader of this paper who men tions this offer, and who sends $3 before the end of the yex will receive a receipt l ug to April 1, 1904. The regular ?rice of l The World is $3 for one vear _ Tt ie tha E i B /7~Op @irasinntilied s â€" dnc "FCC UE The World is $3 for one year. It is the onlz oneâ€"cent morning paper published in Canada,. A sample: coPy of The World may be seen at this office. Orders with the $3 should be sent t’iy registered inail or by Boat:'sll‘ note to The World Newspaper n ‘Taminta The local paper says it is a marvel of ingenuity and simplicity." Mr. Watson retains a iarge interest in the company and we hope he may realize handsomely on bis invention. _ There are some heroes in Egremont surely. A week ago one was seen goâ€" ’ ing east having waded the drifts for seven or eight miles, however he stay â€" ed in the Park. It was Sunday. «â€"â€"~â€"_â€"Â¥ $ $ 20 Century Fire Eseape. A late Nanaimo paper has a long account of the formation of a strong company to advance the manufacturâ€" ture and sale of a Fire Esca , the invention of Mr. Robert Veztson, eldest son of Robert Watson of Rainy River, and formerly of Normanby. Mr., Watson has been perfecting this invention for years and he has associaâ€" ted with him a Mr. Stevenson to facilitate the securing of paient rights in the United States. Some may remember seeing a clipping we took from the Scientific American comâ€" menting fayorably on Mr. Watson‘s invention. 0., Toronto, On account of the storm Rev Mr Matheson has nout been here for service for the last two Sundays. Mr Donald Campbell visited his sisâ€" ter who is undergoing treatment in St Michael‘s hospital, Toronto. Her many friends are sorry to hear that progress is not very rapid. Messrs Noble and Wm J Wilson are at present in Hope attending the funâ€" gral of thiir brotherâ€"inâ€"law Mr Campâ€" oll. Mr Tom Huston, who got his foot crushed in thke haypress some weeks ago is still confined to the house. The Chiles brothers are cutting wood for Mr Martin. has been faithfal in his duty and would naye continued but that he is now over eighty and not quite equal to the task of tramping roads through fields and bushes. _ Mr Marshall a much vyounger man dared not face out last Wednesâ€" day. Mr Marshall, of Boothville, succeedâ€" ed Mr Martin as mail carrier besween Boothville and Proton, by way of Swinton Park and Birdel]. ‘ Mr Martin Mr John H Richardson is off work ow‘ng to an attack of pneumonia. Hops to see him out soon. it Mr John Hardy is enjoying the comâ€" fort of his spacious new residence. Neil thinks it takes a lot of wond to keep the furnace going. Miss Bess Kinnell, who has been teaching tor the ‘past year in one of the northern districts, has now a posiâ€" tion in Benson‘s store, Dundalk. Mrs Moody, of Manitoba, is visiting her mother Mrs. Aldcorn and other relatives. Those who wish success to this new movement, should become members at once by leaving their name and simnall fee with Mr. R. Grier, who has hbeen temporarily appointed secretary. Mr, Reilly was elected to take the necessary affidayit involved and to file the Declaration with the Registrar. Each person agreed to become a memâ€" ber, and to do his best to seâ€"ure the requisite number of members. The annual membership fee was placed at 50 cts ftor individuals and $1,00 for families. The <meeting was enthusiasâ€" tically in favor of the project and high anticipations are entertarined as to the value it will be to Priceville and neighbor hood. _ Over half the nuimber of names has been secured. There was a goodly number present and the question was discusse(r in all its bearings, commented upon and deâ€" bated, and finally it was decided to take steps to establish a Public Library, the first step being the signing of a Declaraâ€" tion by each one present. On Saturday evening the 10th inst., a meeting was held at the residence of Mr. C. C. James to discuss the proposal t«_)"estublish a Public Library in I-P;;ce- ville, EVERY TREE ITS OWN FRUIT. A Public Library for Priceville. SWINTON PARK. hcd td mantl s coa t ic ib c dA i o duad is 0 .n * Canadian Stock 1’37!0 An tmt'l‘cm'.u%)?'t‘h: 005‘ results farmers and feeders would obtain by feedl & genuine stock food ; not an American fad. nfioues look better, feed bstter, drive better, sell better, when ‘fed ‘ with wflflhln'ton'. Stock Tonic. Have . used Wortht ave n * ‘Tonic for one year Am?mve be!l}?e.&fln R%ggfi my stock. Found it to give 500:1 utlalu-t’on, and would advise all farmers an feeders of stock to use it. Yours faithfully, L. MOSEsS, December 29, 1902. Avonton P. O 10 lb, box, 200 feeds, 50c.; 50 1b, sack $2, MANTUFACTURED By 6 ul Se ies s 9 o C omilie ‘The sweepstake fat cattle at Chi H Winter Fairs 1902, were fed with w‘::g?‘ |n ;l.(-ucl ': Canadian Stock Tonic, Anvvhicn.s 4",> To be awarded at Provincial Winter Fair for best pair of Fat Cattle féd with For Sale and xnnnfieeidfiiy :... + A, S$. Hunter, DURKAM. Wm. Seaman HOLSTEIN. $40 In Cash Free, We are at the shop at the bridge evâ€" ery Wednesday and Saturday. Orâ€" ders or ehquiries left at C. McA rthur‘s store, or at the REvIiEw OrrICE, will receive our best attention. And warranted, good, easy WURTHINGTON‘S CANADIAN STOCK TONIC And of course you want the best that‘s going, Call and see our new stock, made by MONEY 4O LEND,â€" DEBTS COLLECTED,â€" LANDS BOUGHT & SOLD,â€" Every kind of financial business transacâ€" ted. A 100 Acres in Bentinck. In excellent state, good buildings and fences, good suil, School and Church close at hband, Post Office on the farm. Cwnergetting up in years and bound to sell. YOU NEED A CUTTRR The Worthington Drug Co., _ GUELPH, Ont. THE MALCOLM CAMERON 100 acres on Garafraxa A good farm with fine bnuildings. Offered yery cheap as Mr. Cameron has goue west. The T. (’Stewnrt Farm, Lot 16, Con. 2, W. G. R. Bentinck ; 100 acres with about 30 cleared ; frame house and other buildings. Said to have a lot of very fine hardwood timber. Carefully consider where they do their | business. | Many of these men go to | H. H. MILLER, the Hanover | Conveyancer, even though it means a few | miles of a driye. They say that he is | * Always prompe,â€"never negligent." l.hatf be has had 22 years experience and t&]nt.f it, PAYS TO DEAL WITH HIM. | CAUTIOUS ie Successful Men fi HARDW ARE. GRAY OF CHATHAN We have still a full line of Peter Hamilton Machines, Binders, Mowâ€" ers and Drills. Examine â€" our Churns too which we offer at right prices. He is now offering for Sale : ing, and _ easonable prices. Address,â€"H. H. MILLER, Lock Drawer 28, Hanoyer, Ont . McARTHUR WPP TRY wigte c Tnidicacchs... 3 SV §o9d satisfaction, and y and feeders of stock to Yours faithfully, L. MOSEs. Avonton P. 0 e en en a t LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMEXTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. Direct DURNAM MARBLE Works CA LD%E"I;L's o8 ROBIWSON & CcorBET Agents. Showrooms _ opposite the Middaugh House ct Importations from Efifc;;;ean American and Canadian Quarries BARCLAY & BELL The NATIONAL, it is a dandy, made in three difâ€" ferent sizes, prices to suit all. Also seeonr Churns They are upâ€"toâ€"date in every respect. Sable, Lambton Street. Time and space fail to tell 0 But Wm. Black begs lea We thank you for patronage And hope for your custs He handles nice harness and good curry ec Also blankets, halters and bells, Forks, shovels and spades, churns, axes saws ; So the farmer is suited here well. The builder can here buy all he requires In nai‘s, glass, locks, paints, or in tools The mason, his cement, levels and trowe}s For with Wim. Black quality rules. It stands above board with all other competitors and sells at sight. Also see our in the REVIEW and have the goods that stand inspection and give satisâ€" faction, namely the Do you know wh y we sell two organs a day ? It is because we advertise Mr. Wm. Black, the Hardware man, Is known for miles around As the Proprietor of The Hardware Store Where little prices abound. His clerk‘s are courteous, kind and polite And strietly to orders attention pay, For served by Walter, Adam or Tom Never a customer knows delay, Nr. Walter Buchan is the practical man, Who spares not an effort to please And his genius is such, that when others wou fail He succeeds with the greatest of ease, The Stock this Store carries is varied and lar And perhaps something special you lack, Ten chances to one you can buy what you was From the Hardware headquarters ; Black‘s. ~~JHN: 22. 1903 CREAM SEPARATORS Karn aryan ._â€" BLACK. pposiie MERY, STABLE mplements . Hardware Mldqn.rtern at patronage given in th your custom alway. l to tell of the Stock k begs leave to 8A y lal you lack, what you want curry com|} axes und wou}ld ©@ Wt (9) The dem fice assistants Circulars and TWEED GROCE Our Cor and SHOR upâ€"toâ€"date, Calders Bioc Owen BEGINS J wit] Sylve: Proven Stee ialty _ A mills and DRUGGISTS * Calder‘s 1 HE SE MacF Waitches, MANY PEOPI cA MÂ¥( OC Toilet o 3 for 5, Wi Soap b¢ for and â€" Medi acake or 3 rine â€" and 20 1 Malada be A Pine l1 ished Glansew Cake Stands Bowls, Syru Mets, each .w’ at White Coun Table Oilclot Flour Oil lot be We can g Flannellett« WINT Which w at cost. better ch We still A. Mact Dont fail W ho vis that we the rear assortm« We‘ve AT TH pRY i0 $ Y0TS 4 LUTC O1 be ome t W Call We "1

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