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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jan 1903, p. 1

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15c. Tt nowâ€" DS ! rend t the . 1903 to ers h the ARaA® iX t3 IQ0 ham. 4 Cw 4 oÂ¥ (¢ M# \ wy +4 4R \ 4 | ’&/ * o d oo o n old ied o o ooo nc n o mc oo o on t m _® *« bR 18 17'311'5#: 1G TR vnâ€" VOL. XXV. NO 5 ©06000u000 o0o00 oces000 $ wE PRINT WEDDING NGTICEKS and sup« ts % } ply Stationery at Reasonable Rates. For Samples, Prices and Styles to i select from, â€" Call at the ; REVIEW â€" OFFICE i[’/mn( No. 6 mm’ fetennfaenle vletela olp laalaiala®nlaalenalanelenslaelaalanalaaalatalaeianalaeslanaleanloh Only a few of our FURSleft and we‘re reducing our CAPERINES, CAPS, &c. Bargains in Dress Goods, »naps in Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, Leggings and Socks. «_ The goods are good but we waut to start out business year with complete lines so * 2 Stock taking always brings out lots of odds and ends, broken lots, short ends. Ames EHolden Co. WEDDING _ ply Stationery For Samples, select from, dtrock Oaking BRargains Granby Rubbers. _ We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. â€" Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. sEE OUR DISPLAY, OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANTU. FACTURED BY THE e te Jtm(ts JjE qtoauteutn 1y #t'h." RyAIG 1.?333?31-’?!'.1«?5111?% Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. ‘They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. Remember the siace Rroken Lines Whlust '17//1'7201‘ y at RHaltf Price 1 only, Coon Skin Coat, value $60.00 Someone will get it for $48.50 B ( Wili use you Right ‘Iry Him. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Rubbers Reduction in every department. ames JSretand We Want Butter and Eggs. THE POPULAP? CASHNH STORE ames â€" JSreland VCGTICES and at Reasonable ] The advautage is vours. We‘re offering lots of them TB oybute on ut ce se se o otkesiE SE u: 4P3TeE ~RTR i"r--f{’rmr-fi’r*f‘â€"fir-f F3T LAIOLAW‘S Old Stand $ w e oA echnie. oK echnie. _ ut m 35 mR G a year old his parents sailed for Carâ€" Z racas, South America. Not liking that i country they came north the following i/ year, locating first at Guelph, where i they resided till the subject of this 5: sketch was 18 years of age; when, in : 1842, or over 50 years ago, he moved up /. s ; into Egremont, being one of the first : settlers, about a mile aboye Orchard-‘ : ville. About ten years afterwards he ;\ married a Miss McLellan, who still lives l as his widow, In 1870 he moved to the third con. of Normanby, to the locality which was giyen his name, Mctavish‘s Corners. There he lived until four years ago when he moved to Mt. Forest. He is the last suryvivor of his family, and besides his widow leaves to honor his memory a family of four sons ond four daughters, as follows : John and Alex., of Petoskey, Mich., ( the latter being at the funeral ) Dan‘l, of Flesherton, and Angus, at home ; Mrs Crofton, of Hamilton ; Miss Kate Mcâ€" Tavish, of Syracuse, N. Y,; Mrs.‘ Cadden, of Detroit, and Miss Euphemia McTavish: at home, all the daughters being at the funeral, which took place on Saturday to the Orchardville cemeâ€"| tery and was largely attended eonsider-l ing the bad state of the weather.â€"Mt. Forest Rep. g DeEatg Or Ax Orn ProxEER.â€"On Wednesday of last week death removed an old pioneer of this section in the person of Alex. McTavish, who passed away at his home here in his 79th year after being in failing health for some time. Deceased was born in Inverness, Scotland, in 1824, and when he was but | spine is not injured, and hopes are ‘entertaianed that the strong â€" young | man of nearly 21 may recover. Tillson‘s pan dried oats in packages | for sale at Grant‘s. _ Ladies and Gentlemen, â€"see Prof. | Dorenwend‘s Leautifal Wigs, Toupees, Bangs, Wayy and Plain Fronts, "S\vitches in every length and shade, etc. | _ _He will be at the Middaugh House, , Durham, on Friday, Feb. 6th. His Hair _ Goods Styles when properly adjuasted protect and ornament the head. sof ten and beautify the expression of the face and consequently tone up aged eppearâ€" ance,. _ Prof, Dorenwend has for this season many new and pretty designs. J He has added a number of New York, Darling‘s Hoise and Cattle Spice, large package is just the thing for winter feeding, only 25 cts. London and Paris patterns. to see them and not forget daite. Friday keb. 6th. SErtous ACCIDENT.â€"Saturday â€" last while George and Landels Marshail were chopping wood on their farm on 2nd Cou, Normanby, the latter nearly lost his life. In some way while freeing a lodged tree, one fell on him and held him fast. George ran to Alex Smith‘s for help and succeeded in having him taken out and honie where medical help was secured. At first a fatal result was feared but later advices say the spine is not injured, and hopes are entertaianed that the strong young @â€"_For sale or rent at a very low price | the property owned by the late Rev. | Chas, Cameron, on the Durham road. | A new brick cottage containing seven ‘o oms and good kitchen and cellar with | soft water cistern and pump. _ A wood |sh('d. good stable, and driving shed | with four acres of land and a good J()r(‘hnrd. Apply ArtHUR Jacksox. | _ GENTLEMEN, ars you Barp ?â€"Inâ€" i.\'estigate and see for yourself the Art| | Coverings in Wigs and Toupees. _ Prof. ‘ f Dorenwend‘s manufactures are worn on over 55,000 heads by all classes, and in " all stations of life, They are the essence of perfection, light in weight, durable and a great benefit to health, and a proâ€" tection to the head against Ocld Draughts, Catarrh, ete. Trying on and demonstrating the completness of these goods free of charge. He will be at Middaugh House, Durham., Friday, | Feb. 6. I Thd Aheovbald‘s Clothing Store. |_FoR SALE.â€"A fine house and lot in | dlouine" ; ng', to,'i |Durham. For particulars apply to Mrs JE ie onfi "'".cw"mg Of. Por: | McRac, o2 . t Iicisox" | bam Public Library, Friday evening at | j f . | 8 p. m. In Library building. 15 \.V.\N'l'l'.D.â€"wOOO cords of 4 foot and | Dr:Browh. Holsté‘n, will si £ th |22 inch sound body wood, for which the | ar Pa2K. tié dnc > x highest market price will be paid. Buptnt.(voncert. yi. Monday ‘evenings } CHAE: MCKixxox Admmssion only 25 cts and splendid y3 RCaers talent. | _ ANNUAL ME=TING.â€"The adjonrned | <> . ... & ap annual meeting of the shareholders of ‘ , °° * e P on t o \eXt. week we still "the â€" Durban; Cemetery Company * have an interesting article under this will be held at the Town Hall Durhim J' he;'ndm.g from the facile pen of ‘our en Wednesday evening 4th Februaay / Priceville correspondent, f 1803 at the hour of 8 p. m. _ 1 _ Woop.â€"â€"We want wood right away J. P. PELFORD, and those of outr subscribers who have . SEcrETary D. C. 0. | promised us will cblige by bringine it DURHAM, THURSDAY, JANZSARY 29, 1903 Snaps in Clothing at Theobald‘s, Hous® to RENTâ€"Apply to J. O‘Don nell. 20W NB | 72OPICS New Goods at 1aps in Clothâ€" Be sure day and m 1 |Geo. Noble.â€"Standard. _‘ | _ ANNUAL MFETING. â€"The annual meetâ€" | ing of the Glenelg Agmecultural Society was held in the council chamber on Wednesday of last week. The attenâ€" dance was unasually large and the meeting enthusiastic. Everything was prosperous looking and the meeting augurs well for increased energy and a better exhibition for 1903. The followâ€" ing officers were elected for the current ear : President, J. E. Maish ; ist vieeâ€" %resident, ThoIs. GMetl;cer; %xd viceâ€" President, J. I. Graham ; Directors, George B. Holmes, Chas. Reed, R. L. Stephen, William Kern% Rev. P. H. HMauck, James Kelly, bt. Mercer, Aaron W%villei (ig) B. ‘vAfle?mith: Auditors, Jas. we, W. oung : Treasurer, R. L. Stephen : Secretary Black, grey Grant‘s. Â¥Y, M. C, A.â€"A preliminary meeting was held in the Town Hall, Tuesday eyening to consider the possibility of formlng @ "saction " of this body and uniting in some way with the Reading Roomn of the public Library, Commitâ€" ’tees were appointed from young men of the Cement works, from the factory and from the town to meet with one from the Library on Friday evening, when futher action will be arranged. All should attend the adjourned annual meejing of the Library. Friday, Jan. 30 in Library bulding. } PRICEVILLE Snow. â€" The annual meeting of the Artemesia Agricultural Society was held in Priceville, on Wedâ€" nesday the l4th when the following officers were elected for the present year : President, D. McCormack : Ist Viceâ€"Pres., Mr. J. Nichol ; 2nd Viceâ€" Pres., Mr. D. McMillan ; Directors, J. Geddes,fJ. Patton. J. Biodie, W. Meads, J, McLean, A. Muir, D. McLean, D. Hatrow and W. Watson : Auditors, J. McArthur and Dr. Dixon ; Secyâ€"Treas., J. Brodie. Date of fall exhibition, Ocâ€" tober 8 and 9. New flannveletts in nice patterns at Grant‘s. ‘ ( _ CONTINUATIONX SERYvICES.â€"Rev. Dr. Spencer, Brantford, will preach mornâ€" ing and evening in the Baptist Church on Sunday next, Rev. Wray R. Smith in the afternoon. Monday evening a Grand Concert will be given with Mri. Frank 8. Davidson,. St. Thomas and Dr Brown, Hoistein, as the stars, _ Adâ€" mission. 25 cts. Orpn REcoRrDs.â€"Insp. Camphell as a member of a committee to look into the records of the Presbyterian church here, found some interesting memorials of byâ€"goneâ€"days. He has kindly furnished us with an article on this, which we hold over till next week. THrovex TH® CEMENT Works.â€"â€"An excursion from Toronto and other points is toâ€"day, Thursday, being taken through the Cement works. Local stock holders are also invited freely, and will no doubt take advantage of it, Use Darling,s Condition Powders, f0, your horsesâ€"25 cts. Miss Margaret Gunn returned from Toronto last week, and is now prepared to teach the Myer‘s music method for clhildren. _ Pupils are prepared for the first examination in the Toronto Conâ€" servatory of Music. Dr. Geo. 8. Burt will be at the Midâ€" daugh House. Purham, for consultation in Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose cases, on Wednesday, Feb. 4. from 12 to 4 p. m, Note change of hour. A recent issue of the Temiscaming Gazette, informs us that Mr. Angus McKelyie was elected reeve of his muniâ€" cipality by a vote of 129 to 95. Success Angus, Woop.â€"â€"We want wood right away and those of our subscribers who have promised us will cblige by bringing it along. 22 inch up to 4 feet, green or dry, Golden syrup in five, ten aud twenty | lb pails at Grant‘s. | Ben Nevis Camp meets Feb. 6. Full | attendance requested. | A few steps down from the Midâ€" | daugh or Knapp Houses brings you to ; Theobald‘s Clothing Store. ’ ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO red and white yaro ifVicim. | at W. 8. DAVIDSON, Sec., The Durham Natural Gas & Oii Co. Ltd, Tenders will be received by the under signed until February 7th, 1903, for a supply of 2 foot wood, (24 inches) to be derwered upon the premises of the Durâ€" ham Natural Gas & Oil Co., Limited, Garafraxa St., south of the Town, Tenders will be considered for any quantity from"10 cords upwards, Lowâ€" est or any tender not necessarily acâ€" cepted. Address, stating quantity and quality of wood, ‘ The undersigned offers for sale as he is going west the 200 acre farm, Lots 55. 58, 50, on the 1st Con. N. D. R. Bentinck and Lot 54 on Con. 2. N. D. :. Good barn and basement stables and other out buildings. Comfortable house, well watered. _ Young bearing â€" orchard. Within half a mile of school, church and post office, 3 miles from Darham. Will soll separate or in block. Terms Reasâ€" onable. â€" Apply on the premises to : War LecoertrE. l " ‘Wit. Win, GUTHRIE A H. JacKksox. Jxo. CourLixs. Notice is hereby giyen that the partâ€" nership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, as Blacksmiths, in the town of Durham, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing the said partnership are to be paid to William Guthrie at Durham aforesaid, and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said William Guthrie, by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Darham this 22nd day of January, 1903. Notice OF uISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP That Label?â€"A large number of our subscribers have renewed during the last two weeks. Many more no doubi contemplate doing so. We ask all our subscribers to examine theit labels and have them marked to end ot 1903 at once. If mistakes are found and the dates incorrect, please bring or mail receipts and we shall most cheerfally correct them. Our Annual, as long as they last, goes free to every subscriber for 1903. Renew in time. Inside, the auditoriam, finished in white. with arched roof. looks as bright as a new dollar. The seating capacity is about 250 but 300 could be, and more than this on Sunday evening were, crowded into the space. The Continued on page 5. The â€" Methodist Church, Sunday Morning, dropped their service with a neighborly feeling. The Presbyâ€" terians, in the same spirit dropped theirs in the evening, although it was their Communion Day, and as a conseâ€" quence, large numbers availed themâ€" selves of the opportunity of mixing ' with their Baptist brethren and admirâ€" ing their fine new church. § The Church. The bulding itself has a fine apâ€" pearance, the material being red brick. _ Handsome Gothic windows filled in with stained glass adorn south and north gables. On the west and forming part of the church is the School room, which can be thrown open to the augitorium inside. _ Handsome vestibules at the doors, the square tower at one angle and other features make the church, though not the Jarâ€"/‘ gest in towr, one of the prettiest. 200 Cords of Wood Wanted. The opening of the fine new edifice erected by the Baptist Congregation of the: town on their site opposite Dr ‘ Jamieson‘s residence took place Sunâ€" day as announced. A ‘social teaâ€"meetâ€" ing followed Monday. _ Next Sunday and Monday other special services are b‘ging held and thus the religious eye | neldes uinsl s a BIOC [ w EoC y on ooo ie aen ce m it i of the town has been turned Baptist wards during the week. BAPTIST CHURCH OPMNC REV. ALEX, sSTEW ART P1RST PaAsTOoR oFP puRâ€" HAM BAPTIST OnNURCH Great and Successful Gatherings 1857 FARM FOR SALE 1903 Handkerchiefs, EMISS DICK. ge c BARGAINS j &*" | Evervth{ K. B. KEELER & SON A lot of Fancy Collars and Handkerchiefs., * BARGAINSIN MILLINECRY @ C C>0o4# t KEELERԤ have you call and treat )76171;&'1; to one of these great bargains. FOR XMAS~p We have a grand assortâ€" ment of Silk ard Flannel Blouses we are selling at a barâ€" gain. We will be pleased to MAVE YON CSL BM FIVAE sirmnmess . We BLOUSES â€" Everything in Millinery must be sold at a very low figure. We have over 50 beauâ€" tiful Trimmed Hats going at half price, some are the very best Silk Velvet Hats and a great number of stylish readyâ€" toâ€"wear hats, all Styles, We never keep any hats over and in order to do this we offer great bargains for the rest of the season. * If your Watch or Clock is sick Keeler the Jeweller can make it 1i Everybody says my watch. If you need a pa Keeler can suit you to make you see a ever saw. _ Hundr choose from., s( For Big Bargains Clocks, _ Jewelers Spectacles and Eve MacFarlane & Co., 5oc a botile, is just what you need, If recovering from an attack, a bottle of our 25e a box, on hand. 2 or 3 doses invariably checks an attack if taken in time. TONIC Druggists & Booksellers. Is at hand. The wise ones will be prepared by keeping a box of our Ohe Srippe Jeason BRICKYARD To RENT LAXATIVE GRIPPE TABLETs. JEWBELERY Bargains in Watches ut you. We guarantee see as good as you Hundreds of frames to Try 11. CHAS RAMAGE, Prrmter aso Posursuer lery, _ Silverware, Eye Glasses, &c. pair of Spectacies Keeler must f;3 â€"ELIXIR STORE ty .

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