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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jan 1903, p. 4

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* Spuutdrrarranssss WVWMWWWMW% + FKOTICEKE! Z $ : he @hristmas [[NnuCGi e To Subscribers to the REVIEW for 1903. G! ven The" Annual is a 40â€"page magazine filled attractive illustrated reading matter and is an ornament to any parlor table.. _ If not a Subâ€" 12ee& scriber, become one and get it FREE. C > j % J OHN LI\’IN GSsTONH, P ainanpnnapnode nogrpanarnaaggoss All accounts for Binder Twine, Kepairs and ‘Machine acâ€" counts, are required to be seftlad on or before Jan. 24 inst. ‘Several good horses for Sale at reasonabe «prices This notice will appear two weeks, ard prompt attention must be given to the matter. DEERIN[} HARVESTER C G M P A N Y 4i (QGord to the wise . PA IPfoppy Now Year. FIRST SHIPMENT OF CUTTERS ALL GONE, ANCTHER ON THE WAY. John Clark. Ary person wishing to make engogement with ftarmers for the coming season may learn where to apply by calling at our Implement rooms. C C. Ramage, Pub. Prop. Yours for Trade. ** There is no truer index of religious life than the spirit ‘n which the daily duties are discharged. If the spirit of piety die in the home, <he glory is deâ€" parted, if on the other hand the hearth be maintained in all its purity and power, the church will neither be batren nor unfruitfal. Toâ€"day the home is the storm ceniure, where wrestles all the winds of modern society. _ The strain of business takes the men away early and keeps them out late, the toils of the housebold, the racking demands of society together with the claims of religious and philanthropic work, rob the women of the quiet hours so valuâ€" able in the home life, while the children as is natural follow in their parents‘ footsteps in a constant whirl of exâ€" citement. Under such cireumstances,. family religion can only be maintained by earnnest and persistent effort, but whateyer the struggle, even a partial | _succeess will prove an abundant recomâ€" pense for ail the toil. With much to encourage there are _ still _ many _ hindrances in the way of _‘ the _ advancement , of the cause of Christ. The drink evil | is still with us, and few termptations come with such intensity, or so ahso-l lutely enslave the will, as the sion for strong drink. Not only J):ess no ‘ druokard enter the kingdom, but.no man can even tipple without impairing his spiritual power. The Mession, while noting with gratitude the large vote in favor of the restrictive elements in the Ontario Liquor Act, recognizes that _ The congestion arising from the numâ€" ber of families unable to be allotted seats, has forceed the congregation to declare all seats free to all ; thrr was practically the practice prevailing, but it has now been so declared., From the report of the Session we extract the following pm-agral)hs. which have a bearing wider than resbyterâ€" manism : Steps are to be taken in conjunction with the town to have the old cemeâ€" tery plot closed up after due warning. At present it is in a disreputable state, an eyesore and an injury to adjoining property. 1CP TSE hatsbathas 26 Pask dit. 4 24 420040 000 Messrs .Tno. Weir, Wm. Smith and Jas. Calvert, were elocted Trustees for the next fiye years. The various societies had all optiâ€" mistic reports. â€" ‘The Ladies‘ Aid during the year completed their undertaking of seating the church, (about $900) and have a balance on hana. Mr. W. E. Burton. Brandon, Maniâ€" toba, was visiting his cousin Mr. W. 8. HMorsburgh, last week. Miss Fawcett Cochrane, who spent several months with her aunt Mrs. Jackson, returred to Toronto. The Annual meeting of the Presbyâ€" terian Church was held on Monday 2nd inst. There was a larger attendance than usual, a larger amount of business done than usual, a darger balance than us ril, and harmony and good feeling prevailed throughout, _ The retiring managers, Messrs T. McGirr, R. Mcâ€" Farlane and D. Edge were reâ€"elected. Steps have been taken with a view to bui‘d a manse, since the extinction of the improvement debt is practically in sight. _A very noteworthy incident was the giuft of $25 towards a manse, given by Mr W. R. McKenzie, of Oreâ€" goun, sonâ€"inâ€"law of the late Dr. Gun, as a mark of the respect and affection he beiars to the memory of his deceased relatiye, for aiong period one of che truest workers for Durham church. * He being dead, yet speaketh." Director Gilbert McKechnie and a number of stockholders, will attend the Annual meeting of N, P. C. Co., in Torâ€" onto. Thursdavy. Mr. and Mrs. Neil MeKinnon, Priceâ€" yille, were the guests of Mrs. McCabe last Sunday gind they also attended the new church opening. Miss Mary Gordon of Boothville was home Monday night to see her little sister, Eilali, who has been ill for some time with lung trouble, but is improyâ€" ing under Dr. Gun‘s care. Mr. George Webber took a load of young people, some from Bentinck and some from Durham, and had a very enjoyable time at Mr. Robt. Mead‘s, Egremont, last Friday evening. Mr, Angus McCormick, Superintenâ€" dent of Railway Construction on the Chicago & Milwaukee, is home from Towa for a few weeks visit to his father Mr. Alex. McCormick,. Bentinek. Rev. Mr. Stewart this week has had visiting him his daughter Mrs. Grafitv and husband from Montreal ; Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Welch, Woodstock, the latter a daughter of Mr, Stewart‘s son in Rochester. Mr Thos. Moffat, 0. Sound, visited last week among friends in Durham and neighborhood. _ Striking town just as the curlers were leaving for Palmerston the old ftire seized him and with them he went aud to victory, (This item should have appeared last week.) ' £ ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ANNUAL MEETING THE DURHAM REVIEW: The adjourned annual meeting of the Durham Horticultual Society will be held in the Public Library on Wednes: day evening, Feb llith 1903 at 7.30 o‘clock, for the ‘purpose of electing officers and other business, Members are respectfully requested to be present. THos. Browx. C. FirtH. ’ Shall We Accept Carnegie‘s Standing Offer. At the annual Meeting of the Public Library last week, a committee was appointed to communicate with Carâ€" negie or his agents to ascertain the terms on which a grant could be obâ€" taimed from him for the purpose of erecting and maintaining a Library here. _A committee has also been apâ€" pointed to wait on the Town Council to interest them in a movement begun last vyear and never completed, to have the Reading Room moved to some suitable location down town. We earnestly hope. this may be successful ard that the council will devise liberâ€" al things in its support. At the evening meetings good music will be furnished and the addresses will be on popular topics. Everyone inâ€" vited. Mectings will be held at above places on Feb, 5th, 6th and 7th respectively both afsernoon and evening. The speakers from a distance are Duncan _ Anderson, Rugby.â€"â€"Shep pard, Jr. Queenston,. Mrs, McTavish, lk Bruce. Mrs, W. H. Rogers, Holstein, gave excellent paper on "Training of chilâ€" dren" and Mrs, Thos. McGirr gave a good paper on * Simple Life." The next meeting will be held at Mrs David McCrie‘s, on the 1st Wednesday in April. There will be a circulating Library in connection with this Institute, which will contain books relating to householi subjects, also pamphlets, magazimes etc. A very successful meeting was held in the Town Hall, Durham, on Mon. 10th, at which there was a very good attendance. A full report of the Guelph meeting was given by the Secretary. For Sale at W. Black‘s Store. there will be no enactment of the law for the present, and. would therefore urge on all the need, not only of the practice of personal sobriety and temâ€" perance, but also of doing what is posâ€" sible to discourage social customs that spreazd and perpetuate drinking habits. The industrial progress of our town has brought to our door the problewn of how to preserve the sacredness of the Lord‘s Day, _ That some work, in almost every large industry. is necesâ€" sary on all the days of the week makes the solution of the diffticulty the harder. Were employers to exercise due care to exact only necessary labor, and could the community rely on them for the discharge of that sacred trust. the matter would be solved, but so long as there are those who have more care for dollars than for men, so long will tH#ere be need of watchfulness lest the workâ€" man be enslaved and the Lord‘s day desecrated. _ With toilers here or elseâ€" where, who in the discharge of necesâ€" sary duties are deprived of Saboath privileges, the session heartily syimpathâ€" izes, The doing what can be done to alleviate such burdens is truly a Chrisâ€" tian duty, By the attitude of the Christian â€" communrity will bedeterâ€" mined whether or not the sacredness of the day is to be preserved. A corresâ€" pondent writes * The Christian business men of any teown would be omnipotent if they would unite and act." What is needed is a truer love for the spiritual privileges of the day, a deeper interest in the welfare of the toiler, and a more intelligent knowledge of what labor in particular industries is necessary, so that in the crisis through which the country is passing the course we take will be for man‘s welfare and the Glory of God." 2, Pringle and Harness; No. 3, Mc Kinnon and McLean ; No. 4, Allan and Schenck ; No. 5, MceArthur and Beli ; No. 6¢ MeColemman and Preston ; No. 7, Brown and Patterson ; No.8, Thomson and Shute. At this writing we do not know who is chosen Warden. This body met in 0. Sound Tuesday last. The full roll of members will be : Phyision No. 1. Gordon and Doyle; No, JAS. ALLAXN, ‘m DURHAM PUBLIC LIBRARY. by Dromore, Holstein, Ayton. S. G. WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE. FARMERS‘ INSTITUTE. CoUNTY COUNCIL Pres, that makes your horses giad. In every town. and village , _ may be had, ‘,Q the NOTICE. Mica ) Axle Grease +0 & & 0 4 â€"â€"â€"â€"__â€" Gro. Bixxir, Secey,. Have used n y ‘Tonic for one year anwd?\?v.glbes:?e.:xflngfimfi my stock. Found it to give good satisfaction, and would advise all farmers and feeders of stock to use it. Yours faithfully, December 29, 1902. Avonton J 10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 50c.; 50 lb. sack $2 MANUFACTURED BY ian Stock Tonle. An evidence of the S&Tfi-guus farmers uns feeders would obtain by feeding a genuine stock food ; not an American fad. lorses look better, feed bstter, drive better, sell l)cll_tz‘ \:’h(-n' fed with Worthington‘n Stock Tonic. The sweepstake fat ('afll(lic at Chicago and Guelph Winter Fairs 1902, were fed with Worthingt n‘s Canadian StockToniec. An c\'i«h-n-.?- 'g!hu To be awarded at Provincial Winter Fair 1903 for best pair of Fat Cattle fed with A. B. McARTHUR $40 In Cash Free., We are at the shop at the bridge evâ€" ery Wednesday and Saturday. Orâ€" ders or enquiries left at C. MceArthur‘s store, or at the REviEw OrrFICE, will receive our best attention. And warranted, good, easy ridâ€" ing, and at reasonable prices. For Sale and guaranteed by : And of course you want the best that‘s going, Call and see our new stock, made by Every kind of financial busines tran=ac ted. Carefully consider where they do their business. Many of these men go to H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Conyeyaucer, even though it meaus a few miles of a driye. They say that be is * Always prompe,â€"uever negligent." that be has had 22 years experience and that it, PaYS TO DLEAL WITH HIM. A 100 Acres in Bentinck. In excellent state, good buildings and fences, good soil, School and Church close at hand, Post Office on the farm. C wner getting up in years and bound to sell. MONEY 1O LEXD,â€" DEBTS COLLECTED,â€" LANDS BOUGHT & SOLD,â€" Ho is now offering for Sale : | YA *AArARAAO Es THE MALCOLM CAMERON 100 acres| Examine our stock of on Garafraxa A good farm with fine y y ; bmildings. Offered yery cheap as Mr, ( Yealyne: from the most han Cameron has gone west. the plainest manufactured, The T. 0. Stewart Farm, Lot 16, Con. | prices never before } 2, W. G. R. Bentinck ; 100 acres with lp e heard of, about 30 cleared ; frame house and other| Our show cascs are fil g‘llll(}(:)l:x?:\.wo:sbal:.iimtl())ert'l.‘we o a ce Y 19 | Silverware, very suitable for YOU NEED A CUTTRR WURTHINGTON‘S CANADIAN STOCK TONIC, GRAY OF CHATHAN The Worthington Drug Co., GUELPH, Ont. We have still a full line of Peter Hamilton Machines, Binders, Mowâ€" ers and Drills. Examine â€" our Churns too which we offer at right prices. C AUTIOUS Eemessassemess Successful Men fl HARDWARE. | A, S. Hunter, DURHAM. Wm. Seaman HOLST EIN. SiPr.â€" Addresssâ€"H. H. MILLER, Lock Drawer 28, Hanovyer, Ont. L. MOSES, Avonton P. O LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMEXNTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. f \Upposite Middaugh House Direct Importations from European American and Canadian Quarries DVRRAM MARBE WORKS CALDWELL‘S Ll“ERY STABLE ® (Opposite Middaugh House varying from the most handsome to \the plainest manufactured, and at i Our show cases are filled with iSilverware, very suitable for wedding P resents. This weeks‘ arrivals consists o Skates, Slzighs, Robes, Blankets Bells and Harness. So great is the demand for ou Wood Heating Stoves that the manu facturers cannot snpply theim {2s enough,. â€" Place your order at once. We want to show you our assort ment of Clauss Razors and Scissors which cannot be equalled anywhere. If you require goods in our line, you are invited to inspect the stock in THE HARDWARE STORE, where you can get anything from a Needle to an Anchor. ROBINSON & CORBET, P roprietors. Showrooms opposite the Middaugh House Sable, Laimbton Street. BARCLAY & BELL f ;_\n'g‘:\l’r i The NATIONAL, it is a dandy, made in three difâ€" ferent sizes, prices to suit all. Also seeonrChurns They are upâ€"toâ€"date in every respect. Do you know why we selltwo organs a day ? It is because we advertis in the REVIEW an have the goods that stan inspetion and give satis~; faction, namely the It stands above board with all other competitors and sells at sight. Also see our CREAM SEPARATORS .mzrn 0):9'0” ._â€" BLACK. mplements / JAN. 29, 19063 6 ,.;a‘b Agents. _ _opposite JA ps P\ MANY: PEOPL DRUGGIST Calde: MacF Toys, Doll Watch HE SE Proven S ialty mills a! Caléers B BEGINS TWE GROC ie\ o WI W as the rear L1 WIN We ca WE AÂ¥T W )1 N

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