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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jan 1903, p. 5

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\RE. { BE m ie n »?s5s J 19063 STABLE g9h House ORBET, M "CGCO 12 Proprietors WORKCS RAS with k 8 here edle ups vou n it MacFarlane & Co. DRUGGISTS & BOOKSELLERS. Calder‘s Block, MANY PEOPLE Watches, Rings, Jewelry and Silverware, HE SELLS CHEAP. Toys, Dolls, Diskes and Games W. H. BE AN with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhope Cutters, Bishep Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Bros.‘ Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton‘s Implements, Adam‘s Sleighs. gaA 091 e y Proven Steel Hay Forks a specâ€" ialty _ Also Brantiord Winaâ€" mills and Gasoline Engines. Calder‘s Blockâ€" Next T. NOBLE White Counterpanes each...... Table Oileloth 45 in. wide per yd Flour Oilcloth 1 yd wide, per yd «2L LGALPEOP CBPR NC C e ul Owen Sound, Ont., BEGINS JANUARY 2, 1903. Our Courses in both BUSINESS . and SHORTHAND Departments are | upâ€"to.date, thorough and emplet The demand for young men as of. fice assistants is greater than the supply Circulars and full particulars free. Address ‘ C. A. FLEMING, Principal. _ Toilet Soapsâ€"Gem Toilet a cake 2¢ 3 for 5, White Castile and Oatmeal Soap 5¢ for a large bar, Jockey Club and â€" Medicatsd OGarbolic Soap 10c a cake or 3 for 2c. *f 39e **‘ _ A0¢. A Fine Line of American fire polâ€" ished Glassware in Preserve Dishes, Cake Stands, Biscwt Jars, Fruit Bowls, Syrup Jugs, &¢., Glass Table Sets, each set 30c, 35¢ and ... .. . 40c. Flannellette Blankets, large size, a pair $1.00 TWEEDS & YARNS Fine Tabli ind 20 1b Tin GROCERIES at we ask Inspection of our THAS \ _ He then in auctioncer style, asked o e from the [audience, contributions to Dont fail to visit it when in town Who visit our Store do not know that we have a large department in the rear where we show a splendid assortment of Come right back and buy your toys Weve lots for the girls and lots for th boys, We‘ve toys so cheap in every style, Iletlry‘rg m us is worth Which we are anxious to clear out at cost. You will never have a WINTER TERM prRY GOODS, CROCKERY, im0TS & SHOES, &e., We can give you Bargain‘. BlG 4 tter chance AT THE OLD STAND still have some of the late W MacFarlane‘s Stock of Of best quality. 0B+% 88 Call and see us. JAN. 29, 1903 Oe vour while i1 on Lest, mixt d 40¢ a Ib in NOBLE AT THE yrups in the Post Offiee Durham. or black Ib, 10 Ib (4 8J¢ LC iC It is only about a year ago that Rev MNr Newton and his people determined to provide themselves with a better church. _ The work has been entered into with faith and courage and toâ€"day Rev Mr New:ton, and all his flcek. bave reason to feel proud. Te Sunday Services were all well attended : part of the sehool rcom was utilized in the morning. the church was fuil in the afiernoon but both diviâ€" sions came far short of accomodating the numbers who vainly sought admis sion in the evening. The opening praver in the morning was givem very appropriate‘y b the venerable Rev Alex Stewart» whose floor is "dished towards the piatâ€" form, the only public building in town with this modern improvement. _ Be hind the platform is the Baptistry ‘, and at the back of the recess is an oil painting intended to represent a reach of the river Jordan where it is supposed Christ was baptized. _ In the southâ€"east corner is the station of the choir, and a very handsome and expensive organ has been installed, from which Mrs. Newton extracts delightful music The heating is done by a farnace, and the lighting is exeeliently dore by an acetylene gas plant put in by the conâ€" gregation at a cost for installing of about $100. portrait we have placed at the headt of this article. â€" Seldom if ever has it been given to man or minister to witness a span of lite or Christian activity comâ€" parable to his. 90 years old that day. what a change he has seen in material conditions since the day about the middle of last century when he preached his first sermon hbere in a groveawithin a stune‘s throw of the spot where the new church stands. Oid things have now passed away, the old gospel stands, and we are sure his name and memory will be perpetuated in the hearts of the people as well as in the fine portrait which we trust may long adorn the window in the north end. The morning service was taken by Rev J B Kennedy, B. A., Toronto, preaching from Psalm 122: 6. ‘"They shall prosper that love tnee ‘. Rev Mr Farquharson preached in the atternoon from the textâ€"* Iean do all things threugh Chrisst which strengtheneth me." Mr Kennedy in the evyvening to an audience crowded into every corner preached vigorously on growth in Christian Lite. _ Cbrist saidâ€"Come to me that ye might haveâ€"not religionâ€" but Lite. (God delights in growth. In nature all climes show growth, and in spiritual things the Bible was the food on which Christians should grow. He had some fine thoughts on unity in work.gHIsolated Christians were like _ Revds. Farqubarson. and Smith of local boaies presented their congraâ€" |tulations and ‘besides these, levy Mr | Emerson, Mt Forest, lent is aid, and lspokc of the value of a pure gospe! and the value of being surrounded ]with pleasant influences. _ Revy Mr |\\'clch. married to a grandâ€"daughter ‘of Rev Mr Stewart, gave one of the best speeches of the evening. He reâ€" | minded them that the building was not | so important as the worshippers, and | quoted Paul to the Corinthians © Be ye also enlarged," and the in‘unction should apply to heartis as well as \ minds. ‘Ihe world was hangering for kind words from Christian people, so we should enlarge our sphere of serâ€" vice as well. stones on a cultivated fieldâ€"obstructions only but useful when combined in wall or fence. He closed by an earnest appeal to young men not to lose time in choosing to be a part of the living teimple. Monday Evening. The old building was utilized for a banqueting hail and several relays passed through the hands of willing waiters who spread before them an excellent supper. Shortly after 8 the auditorium was again tull and under the bright effects of 14 acetylene lights a good program was with. Pastor Newton of course was in the chair and was full of warm weicome and thanks to the many cutside of his own churech who had kindly recognizâ€" ed the seryvices. _ The cho‘ir. with Mrs Newton at the organ gave excellent music, one piece, ""*Ths World is movâ€" ing on ‘, being delightfully rendered. Several fine solos and ductts were given, nota bly one by Mrs Newton and Mr Alex Bell, "Ship ahoy!‘" which showed Mr Bell to be a singer of no mean repuie. Mr F Barber, Georgeâ€" town, has a strong cultivated vorce and was a great strength to the proâ€" gram being at his best we thought in "Sweet Little Baby of Mine". Mr Graftv, Montreal, a sonâ€"inâ€"law of Rev Mr Stewart, brought a welâ€"« come. 1t was fittingZhe should for Durham boys carry off most of the prizes from McGill, and the Baptists deserve credit too, for the gold medal had been captured for two years by a Baptist. They were equipped now for a work for the future and should bury all misunderstandings. Rev Mr Kennedy came last, and gave his impressions of Durbam and the Cement works, whick Dr Jamieson bad kindly shown him through. He spoke oi the broader ideals prevaiiing in the popular estimate of men, valâ€" ued for what they are, not so much from associations. _ Speaking of the progress shown he said pregress in one church reacts on all, and hoped it would be so in Durham. Baptist Church Opening. Coniinued f1om i’j gone through tter i How â€"Indirect The crowding on Sunday evening gave rise to several fanny situations. Elder C L Grant was promoted to the Biptist choir. _ Principal Allan was on the platform, Mr and Mrs Browning sat near the river Jordan and Mr T Swallow touk a flight among the Minâ€" isters. Notes. The seats are operaâ€"chair style, comfortable, and convenient, baving a bhatrack under the seat. Many would have liked to have had a few words from Rev Mr Ste wart. Last polling day a few farmors agreed to have a meeting in the school house near Dromore. on Fridav. Jan». 9th, to advocate ecoromy and restriction on ‘ the part of both Dominion and Ontario Governments. _ It seems. that fnrmm's; and other working men are getting tired of these governments giving away large sums Of the people‘s money to iron smelters and other corporations. Hence the necessity of risin@ up against such 1 unjust generosity. â€" But as Fridav. 9th, was stormy and only a few turned out, it was agreed to hold the first meeting on Friday,. Feb. 6th, at 7.30 p.m. As it was, there arose an informal discussion among those who were present. and resulted in the showing up of the fact that the $11.000.000 of interest on the public debt is paid by the people at th» rate of $2 on each and every man. woman and child in the Dominion. If so, what then will the house holder of seven have to pay 2 And if he pays so much on 11 millions. which is only ahbout a fifth of the total annual exâ€" pemditure, what will his share of the whole be 2 Some said $70. others said 7 of a family was above the average. Then by a short cut the whole populaâ€" tion was given at one million heads of families or house hbolders, when it was clear that each house holder would pay $55 a year as his share of the $55, 000,000 annually expended by the Domâ€" inion government. This was a surprise to some who never thought they paid any taxes. unless it was to the townâ€" shin collector. _ It was held that this indirect revenue tax so slily laid on, is a deception to the people, and the worst of it is that the poor and the rich pay alike into that fund. The poor of ancient Rome cried alond against a tax of that kind and found redress and why shoutd not we. Yours, R. Legate, wipe out a floating debt and secured about $150. Deat Sir :â€"Will you kindly give me a litte space for a word in the inâ€" terest of the farmer, or the toiler of ;vh:uevev' name or ocenpation he may )e, Proton Council met at Hopeville on Monday, January 12th, for organization and the transaction of township bnsiness as per statute. â€" After subscriling to their declaration ef qualificatinn and oath of office, conncil procaeded to taka un townâ€" ship busines«, the reeve, Joseph MceArdle, presiding. Minutes of meeting of Dee 15th, 1902, were read and amending the motion adopâ€" tingy the engineer‘s report on drain No. 17 by the following motion : Moved by P Shaw, sec. by Wmm Rooney that the engiâ€" nser‘s report on drain No 17 be not reâ€". ceived but be laid over for farther consiâ€" deration and that the engineer‘s report, plans, etc., be laid ou council table at next meeting for information of council, and that the minutes as now amended be sizned and sealea. Shawâ€"Rooney â€" That Alex Gillespie aud Arch MeMillan be appointed auditors for 1902. Brâ€"laws tor the pay of members of local voard of health were read the necesâ€" sary numter of times and signed and sealed in Byâ€"law Book. Goodfellowâ€"looneyâ€"That the differâ€" eut road divisions be represented as folâ€" ows .â€"No 1. Wm Rooney ; No 2, Jos Mcâ€" Ardie ; No 3, Wwm Goodfellow ; No 4, P Shaw ; No 5. Walter Bell. Goodfeliowâ€"Shawâ€"That the Board of Health be composed as follows and repreâ€" sent the following divisions :â€"No 1. Wim Rooney ; No 2. P Shaw ; No 8, Jos M+â€" Ardle ; No 4. Thos Laughlin; No 5, Walâ€" ter Bell. Shawâ€"Rooney!â€" That the reeve and councilior Goodiellow be a committee to enguaire into the treasurer‘s securities and report at next meeting of council. To the Editor Good{ellowâ€"Rooneyâ€"That the collecâ€" tor receive the taxes of Wm Medaugh and W m Parks, Proton Stution less the sum of $2.00 cach being for nnperformed siaâ€" tute labor which has been performed as certified by pathmaster. Shaw â€"Gcodfellowâ€"That David Allen be paid $2.50 tor use of hall for nominaâ€" tion Goodfellowâ€"Shawâ€"That the clerk be paid $5.00 for services as returning officer for municipal election. Shawâ€"Roouey â€" That the ecllector‘s time be extended until the 1st of Feb. Shawâ€"â€"Rooneyâ€"That Thos Spence be paid $4.75 for gravelling on 7th side road, con 8. John Gardner $2.25, â€" Norman â€" Mleâ€" William, $4,.75 ; Geo Menary, $1.25 ; Jno Bittor(. $6.00. A Gillespie, for gravel $7.50 ; Maleolm Kells. work on Grader, $2 50; Adam Scarlett, work on grader. $2.50, money of 1902. Rooneyâ€"Goodfellowâ€"That reeye Mecâ€" Ardle and councillor Shaw be a committee to look efter the welfare of Daniel Mcinâ€" tosh, he being old, infirm and unable to care for himself, aud regort at next meetâ€" ing Shawâ€"â€"Rooneyâ€"That council do now adjourn to meet at Hopeville on Saturday, Jan 31st. 1902, at the hour of 10 o‘clock. â€"Thos. Laugblin, Clerk.â€"Daundalk Herâ€" ald. Letter to the Editor PROTON COUNCIL. n Works Ou Sec, pro tem THE UUKHKAM REVIE out of your system by the proper use of JEWELERY ! Watches, Clocks, Rings, 'Spex, Flatware and Silverware. DARLINC‘S DRUG STORE That 200 acre farm in the Township of Glenelg, known as the McRae Farm, There is about 110 acres cleared and suitable for running machinery on, and the balance is principally of bhardwood timber, There is supposed to be over 2000 cords of good cordawood ready for cutting. The farm is situated about six miles from Berkley, and ten miles from Durham. On the farm is a good frame house and cedar post barn. This farm will be sold at a bargain during the next sixty days. For further inâ€" formation or terms of sale apply to W. CALDER,. Durham. Thorobred Durhams. â€"The underâ€" signed offers for sale, one 2 yr, old bull, firnst prize taker during two past years, 2 yr.â€"0ld bulls. and 1 bull calf, all from thorobred stock, and from first class animals,. _ Good pedigrees â€"furnished, Thorobred Berkshire Pigs Jor sale. Joux® EcKnAaArRDT, Bunessan, P. O. which we can safely recommend. its efficacy. Why not you ? A comfortable brick house, with a good stable on the place, Will be sold cheap. Apply to Jxo. Kixx®rs, Jr. The undersigned will receive written applications for the office of Assessor for the township of Glenelg, up to 6 p. m., on Friday the 6th day of February next. Duties to commence February 15th. Dated this 13th day of January, 1803. J. 8. Beack, Tp. Clerk, Trade at the Toronto Cattle .\iarket’ continued dull and dragging to day. The gemard for most lines of stocks was 19551 aciive than vesterday, and prices, alâ€" hough not quotably lower. Export Cattleâ€"There was very little doing in vhis line. The awmount of spnce offering is yery small aod is all provided for by previous purchases. _ Butchers‘ Cattleâ€" This demand is rather quiet and dealers say prices are too Ligh,. The receipts toâ€" day were not large, but the dulness of the market prevented all being sold until late in the day. _ Prices generally had an easier tone, but quotations are unchanged $3 to $4.10. Milch Cowsâ€"The ron was lairly large and of good quaiity, the deâ€" mand for good stock is fair,. _ Prices are about steady at $80 to§$50 each. _ Sheep avd Lambsâ€"Trade waus dull. _ Prices of sheep remanin about steady and those of lambs are lower by 25¢ to boe per ewt. Calvesâ€"There was a slight improveâ€" ment in the calf market. _ The stuff offered was of fairly good quality and met with a fair demand. Prices were steady at $2 to $10 cach. Hogsâ€"Prices remain unchanged at $5.50 to $6. Receipts were fairly large and trade was a little brisker than on the previous day. Practical Watchmaker. 30 Years‘ Experience. FIOUL...+: ++ irssrks reesre OBIMECBRL..ccccsssssressers WIHWERbc:s sssrsHisns iss irrsis PCRS..s.:vitirts iss Â¥tirkre‘rss DANMICY rrrsesss estsersskess OAME..cilss erser ryr risean ues LAMDS.. .++. rerrssist sns ons Drossed Hogs, per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Cutter, fresh roll per lb Buttet, Tub......:«.:...+ BEOGS...:c@rrcrerrrrrress s+4s Hides, per ewt.......... Calfekins, per lb........ Sheepskin8............»«« Havy...... ‘PATKOYE... .00 000 s se s60 06++ Potlatoes, per bag....... nURHAM MARKETS. â€" JNG. A. DARLING, Applications for Assessor. A. GORDON, House and Lot for Sale Imporial Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, Fa.m for Sale. Bulls for Sale. Live Stock Markets Toronto. Price, Large Bottle, 35 Cents. ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO eseeserescessesss . & 00 65 iecdasesrrtsascs iny !. ) W logs, per ewt 7 50 e weicht..... 5 75 Calder‘s Block , Durham. 1 80 40 28 25 50o 15 17 17 18 00 permitted to go on their way o, making us miserable, unrebuked, unmiolested. * Now is the Winter of our Discontent." Intending Student: should enter at beginning of term, or as soon after as possible. Staff and Equipment. The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work, under the following Staif Competent Teachers for that Department : THOS. ALLAN, Principal. MISS LICK, B. A., Classics and Moderns. Wm. Johnston, Chairman FAST by buying LEGGINGS RUPP"RS, and all kinds of Winter Footwear at PEBEL‘S, CASH SYSTEM. $ tilLsoN‘s ARE HAKINC + g MON EY Durham Scnool YOUR BREAD SuPPLY Be it large or small, will be alâ€" ways of the best quality if obtained of us. Our product is at onee pure wholesome and toothsome. Can‘t be best. Made from a superior grade of flour and purest ingrediâ€" nets. Our bread, rolls, buns. etc, are baked in absolute cleanliness and are delicious, â€" First class serâ€" vice * 4 Maks If Cougchs and Colds are Drive Coughs and Colds A * HOLLER * On the FOOD and FAD Question, Whether it be Food or Fad we have them :â€" Tillson‘s Panâ€"dried Oats, Quaker Oats, Swiss Food, McGowan‘s Imâ€" perial, Force and Maita Vita We expect our first shipâ€" ment of Lake Herring this week. â€" We have only been able to secure a few of the 5oc Packages and it were wise to come early. J BURNETT. Others speak highly of S. A., ROW I Our New Fruits are all in and we have the Best of Everyâ€" thing. K, B. A., Classics and Moderns FEES: $1.00 per month, %4%% %%%% C. L. Grant, Secretary c2d. 2s ue Viem 2s ce c e 2 COCCRAIIT U Snss enp s | W. €, PICKERING D. DS., L. D. S. J. G HUTTON, M. D., *\ the Du nam Pharmacy Calder® Block. â€" Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham. ()FFI('F. FIRST DOOR EAST CF tha Vn nam â€" Pharmaesy â€"("nldan‘ ) Barristers, Will be at the Middaugh House, Durbam, the first Wednesday of each month from 12 p. m. 1 4 p. m. OMlceâ€"â€"LOWER 1CWN. DURH ANM. nuUAXUQn GhADUATTIH of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. â€" Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. #®. SPRCIALJIST EYE, FaAR, THI Jompany and private Funds to Loarn on Mortguges at lowest rutes of interest. Yaluation made by a competent and careful Valuator, \_â€"J. P. TELEFCRD. Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mortguges, Lenses, Agresments &e. correctly prepured. Estates of deceased perâ€" sous looked after and Executor‘s and Asminisâ€" trators‘ Accounts prepared and ‘mfimd burropate Court Business, Probate of Wills, Lettere Of Adâ€" minstration and Guardianship Obtained, gearâ€" chas wade in Registry Office and Witles reported 9â€"12 4. m.% 2â€"4 p. m. RESIDENCE and OFFICE â€"Oi84 B .ax UPPFER& TOWXN, DURHAN. Barristers, â€" _ Solicitors, Conveyancers, ac. OfMfices : Hunter‘s New Block, cp posite Chronicle Office. Garatraxa St., Durham. MOoNEY TO LOAN A. G. MacMay K.C. W. F. Du |CAPITAL, [ CAPITAL, RESERVE {ate assistant to the 1 ospital, England, and nd Throat Hospital, OFFICEâ€"Melntyre Bloek, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPRENMEL CCLRYT NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. ARTHUR H. JACK SON Collections of all kinds] Farms bough promptly attended to and sold; AGENTS in all principal pomnts in Ontario, â€" Quebec, Mantoba, United States and England. Pxysiciax & SURGEON, Office over McLachlan‘s Steore STANDARD BAKK OFf CANMN: A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and interâ€" est allowed at ecurrent rates, SAVINGS BANk _ .aterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at dista ce. J KELLY, Agent. DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D.S. OFFICEâ€"â€"McUrenzie‘s Old EStand Durham ROBT. BRIGH ANM DURMHAM AGENCY ARTHUR GUN, M. D. Member College Physicians and Surgeons Ontario.} OoFFICE HOURS #@* Special attention given 1 Women and Children DENTISTRY. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,*~ NOATRY PUBLIC â€" CONYEYANCER, aC. A2ll Charges Moderate Hoxor crapvat arrister, Yotery, Gor ut veyancer, Qtc., Atc..... Money to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. Insurance Agent, Telephone Connection No. 10 G. LEFROY McCAUL. Licensed Auctioneer the County of Grey, Oprders taken at my residence, Ben tinck, at the Review ofice, Durham or at Allan Park P. O,. Terms moderate, DR GEOQO. CcONVEYANCER, vALUVATOR MACKAY & DUNN, W. S, DAVIDSON. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, & MONEY TO LOAN HOURS Head Office, Torono. W. F. COWAN, President GEO. P. REID, Manager. ROBTâ€" BRIGEAM. Alan Park Private Money to Loan, Authorized Paid up.... FUNXD..;... to to to 8. BURT. oyal Lon« the Golde 10 9 , THROaT & NORK FXCLUSINVELY. a to Discases 0 ‘(Over the Bark on Ophthalmic n Equare Nose $2,000,001, 1,000,000 $50, 000 M ( If

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