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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jan 1903, p. 6

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>Ce fow much better a world it wou!ld be «li¢ the "jadg ers" Judge this way.: JInudge the act by the person. I! you must judge at al!, think out the character of the person involved with as broad an intent as is in you, and then throw the light of your reâ€" search upon the act to be censured ? Is it not a brighter thing now ? Exienuating circumstances â€"arise oc:t of the character of the preâ€" sumed wrongâ€"doer that will often turs the act into a blessing. It was only the outward part of the thing that showed a wrong. and after alil that was meant, to cover a deed all good at the bottom. > There are persons who are gruft and cross only because they hate to be the iked whoen they do kind things, and Tor da’s after are as cross as bears for fear someone will have found them out in theitr wellâ€"doin@ t ui £ LEAVE JUDGMENTS t 2 _ _ To OTHERS ? ~* n are Just as true as t & Why is it that women Judge ‘Tnreas aso oftey? Taey have the reputation «C vors luiges of their own s & without eauvee, it must ‘sto siys a writer in the P ts Polic Ledger. It is oft al a peeuliar costums. a d "#o to.c of voice, an abrupt LMNCC, which is agtiteo as Vilea) At the Ages of 18 years 19 and 2 91 " 9 CANADIAN orDer oF crosen rriewos will provide Just what vou reautre will provide jJust what yo Look up your age, stuid here, and you will find at you can carry another $3 Or $2.000 ol insurnnes w Every m to protect them the i time. WY t] n Y @0 TS ind 9 ( n muss up ihe carpet ; walls and smoar the for months these dai tise up to repruach y and your lack of ski Ink if a lub is bhandy "See here, my yet " Thank you, sir." " What will you yoursell 2" "How ankind of v Wt hould you also desire a "‘pe ing sickne=s, then by payi nc »nthll contributions yoi efit of $5 per week, and in th, a funeral benefit of $50 Ages of "If you don‘t get o this inkstand at you." ** Don‘t. There is son you that convinces m coulln‘t throw straight muss up the carpet and walls and smoar the fu for months these dark . tise up to repruach your and your lack of skill. ° Irk if a Club is handv " W W 'WNJWJ‘\JJH.\J"“'S * Softly, my old friend. This rage is both unbecoming and dangerous. You have a decided apopletic look. You must be carefual. It is folly to permit trilles to raoffle you. Look at me. Do I seem at ali agitated ? Not a bit of it. You have been rude to me. You may be ruder. But you can‘t upset my equanimity. No, sip 1" "If you uon‘t get out I‘ll throw Lk s s or 1 1 ‘ more tnf 11 or wir his in CrEam !g the wor The heart neve protested ‘hen drawn on or Friends _ "See here, what do you mean, you Yagabond, by coming to me with such impertinent _ talk > Make yourself scarce bcfore 1 set the porter on ASSESSMENT SYST EM _ Most emphatically." " Good. This clears the atmosphere. Perhaps you appreciate the fact that you haven‘t any monopoly of danughâ€" ters. There are others. Several of them." @ “”“MMQM“OQNOO " Then, sit, you refuse to permit me to pay my addresses to your daughterp > 48 1€ 44 by £0) MJ § Breaking The § News Gently. TABLE OF W D :4“ $40¢00 80080 0e $0408004040808¢ e womsal edudiee 0) OR 6 ty 18 1(0 +4 our e e just 240 H H ‘umin to conceive an imâ€" Jjud‘ce against another. n is jirdged by the act. vords the other way and h betteor a world it would Judg ers" judge this warâ€" \© juoge at all, think out t of the person involved «d an intent as is in you, 0se 10uUr writer in the Philadelâ€" â€"cdger. It is often said ar costumeo. a disagree vyoilce, an abruptness of h ois quite as likely to be shyness or indifference, AMPBELL, Grand minilton in sh Â¥1L ANIZERS WANTED on stH ou do worthles® se she an »tly marr Insur )N ould apply to himselt. _ __ not fully protected then the 0 ‘4) > Mn bry wh 0 0 () ( t) ly rri () nation apply D; r)' ter a world it would 1s" judge this way.: by the person. (6) irance or protection. _ _ F MONXTHLY RATES, On On On On 500 _ $1000 g1300 $2000 29 0 58 87 s1 1s 80 .0 60 .3 90 1 20 31 0 62 0 98 1 24 32 0 64 0 96 1 28 82 0 66 0 99 1 32 44 0 68 1 oz 1 46 35 0 T70 1 05 1 40 86 0 T2 1 OS 1 aa 38 4(0 AGUE. Grand Recorder ti C, stmcy the figures given find at what a amall cost ther $500, $1,000, $1,500 ‘ppearances is a s it not ? It seems r words were dinâ€" miny years ago, s true as they are the 3fi oh. T O% | 1 24 1 86 2 4&; 1 54 2 81 3 32 ' 2 00 8 00 4 ire a ‘"personal benefit" ! by paying the follow. , tions you will recelve :i , and in the event o l 12 _2 &~a t you require sthdy the fie fin of you to suggest There are men who . ITam one of them. ce myself.* do you want > refuse to permit me esses to your danghnâ€" O O e is sometlhing about hm ) V U4 86 youn 4t ces me that you raight. You would »t and spatter the the furniture. And dark stains would h your bad temper skill. Never throw wellâ€"doing ‘m to m worth!n it does n;:xke chair."â€"Clay ifh of protected in nce? take to effa« to the nearest it the bills are d Organizer, ientinsurance to insure to during his life le aw ind one that by ape 41 11 14 fric Children $0 0 0 0 6 nd 0 48 0 19 0 30 0 rstand , itlemt oi the late La.dy Salisbury, + | who makes this confession. i ‘"‘The first time I met her _ she u\'andl" scarcely looke'd at me, and I went iy." : away _ and :nullked_ her_ for seven ake a | years more. The third time L found Clove. | her alone, had a two hours‘ talk !\\‘ith her and loved her forever alter." 60 | Dear Sirsâ€"I cannot speak _ too strongly of the excellence of MINâ€" , ARDS LINIMENT. It is THE remedy in my household for burns, sprains, etc., and we would not be without it. It is truly a wonderful medicine. JOHN A. MACDONALD, ‘ .__ Publisher Arnprior Chronicle. 54 44 40 41 44 M "Papa," said Miss Strong, "I wish you would stay in this evening. Mr. Fardey will want to speak to you." "Has he really proposed at last I" "No," replied the dear girl, with a look of determination, "but he will toâ€"nighlt ® i 883 in 40 44 18 6O Dixâ€"So she was ; on. the mend. Hixâ€"I noticed your wife sitting in the window sewing this morning. I thought you told me yesterday she was til. J h F. J. CHENEY & CO., T We, the undersigned, have knowv Cheney for the last 15 years and bel perfectly honorable in all busines actions and financially able to carry obligations made by their firm. Wlm;'r & Trrax, Wholesale Drugs edlin 64 We offer One Hundred any case of Catarrh that Hall‘s Catarth Cure. Before and Alter Marriage. Philadelphia Record. " When a fellow is in love with a girl," says a cynical bachelor, _‘ he says, * I could listen to you forever,‘ After he marries her he has to." IPractically the system is conâ€" 'trollcd lightning, the length of the ‘ flashes or rather reports, giving the | roceiving operator the message. The ) reports are so loud that the memâ€" ! bers of the visiting party put cotâ€" | tonâ€"batting into their ears to préeâ€" I‘ vent injury to the drums. The flashes | are also hard on the eyes. Mr. Marâ€" | coni said that ho was constructing | a soundâ€"prool box which would proâ€" ; vent injury to the operators‘ eyes ‘ or ears. The reports are carried by | a single wire from the builkling to [ an archâ€"shaped bar of steel, which | is susponmded in the air by about 50 | wires which connect with the crossâ€" 'Wirl‘n from the two towers. The towers are 220 feet high, about the _shape of derricks, and the outside apparatus looks something like, and is called, a harp. _ The sound, strikâ€" ing the high wire connecting the two towers causes a vibration â€" which makes the sound travel in all dirâ€" ections, and any similar harp tuned to accord with the transmitting wire will receive the reports of electric shocks, or. in othor words, the mesâ€" sages. _ Equal voltage creates atâ€" tuned harps, so that the different stations will have different voltages, and thus thoere is no danger of mesâ€" sages not reaching the proper staâ€" thons. A Milton Man Describes Marconm‘s Wirceless System. Upon a recent visit to Sydney, Mr. F. H. Deacon, son of Inspector J. &. Doacon, Milton, met â€" Mr. Marconi. Mr. Doacon received â€" an invitation along with six others to inspect Mr. Marconi‘s wireless station at Glace Bay. Mr. Deacon thus describes the wircless method ; Very strong curâ€" rents of _ electricity _ are brought into conitact, this collision causing flashes and _ sound like lightning. | There is a keyboard and the Morse code is used for transmitting and the teiephone for receiving messages. Practically tho avuknm ~ ln | wl T 10 0 ECC CTCE HasS NOC SUI~ ficiently appreciated us, or has not been as quick as might have been expected in their demonstration of appreciation. This sort of dislike is frequentiy outgrown and regretted with _ same, for the greatest men aml the greatest women are often the most reserved and the ieast deâ€" monstraiive. , | and will express their gratefuiness or | appreciation in worgds, » Must these "cross" persons be callâ€" | ed cruel because their voices sound ; | harshly to a newcomer‘s ear who + | knows nothing at All about their | character or the underlying reasons for the harsh "mow do you do, sir ?" WYomen are high strung creatures, pitched to the highest key very ofâ€" ten wnen something has gone wrong, perhaps cruelly wrong. Is that a just reason for thinking they are "mean and nasty" because they meet you and do not smile quite as cheerfully as you have a right to expect 2 Everyone is preoccupied at times, and yery few of us have even temâ€" ; pers; in fact, some very wise old seers have said they have no posâ€" sible use for a woman who is always the same. Then why is it that evâ€" ery| one of us is not more willing to acknowledge â€" and recognize these ’ days of "feeling badly" in our sisâ€" ters, and to make allowance for them ? Instead of that we immediâ€" ately consideor that it we meet a woman and she does not seem to come quite up to our standard of courtesy, she is necessarily a disâ€" agreeable woman. and "we don‘t think we care to know her." There is such a thing as instineâ€" tive dislike which a sersitive nature feels the moment it comes in contact | with insincerity, deceit or â€" vuilgarâ€" ity. But this is quite a different |â€" thing from Jaudging harshly or â€" unâ€" 1 justly because "sho is a little pecutâ€" | | lar." Also it is occasionally hecause | I the person in question has not sufâ€" 1 ficiently appreciated us, or has not been as aquick as might have been | £ expected in their demonstration of ; ippreciation. This sort of dislike is flls O s ts F CONTROLLED LIGHTNING His Own Free Will HOW‘S THIS ? 8 "roof Positive. Chicago News ‘ure is taken internally,actâ€" the blood and mucous surâ€" . _ Testimoniala sent free. ‘qfh" Sol:l ll:y all druggists. o «ue sÂ¥ . DsC but toâ€"day she‘s Dollars‘ Reward for cannot be cured by of us have even temâ€" some very wise old d they have no posâ€" woman who is always , Toledo, 0 e vrery beginâ€" k, unkind judgâ€" t of it is that the judgment ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO inspect Mr. n at Glace scribes the strong curâ€" _ conâ€" of the Kxchange. It chills my blood to bear the Blest Bupreme Rudely appealed to on each trilling theme ; + Maintain your rankâ€"rulgarity _ deâ€" spise, To swear is neither brave, polite, nor wise ; You would not sweir upon a bed of death. Refiect, your Makee now may stop your breath. Smart Set. to i00k upon some awiful tragedy ?" The young couple regarded sach other in some confusion. Hesitatingâ€" ly, the youth answered : "No, sir. _ You see, we bhave just become engaged. and we were talkâ€" ing of what a calamity it would have been had we never met."â€"December Gnauk Cak "Hush * he interrupted, gently. "Let us strive to think of it no more, or it may grow to prey upon our minds." "Pardon me," said the old man or the end of the bench, his watery eyes distended in lively Apprehenâ€" «lion; "has there been some awlu} disaster ? Have you been forced €0 I00K UDOB SOML AWIHL tmnzank« 46 "Oh, it is too dreadful |" she shudiâ€" dered, covering her face with her hanas, as if to shut out some unâ€" bearable sight. "Fearlul!"‘ he agreed, deeopiy moved and .mopping the profuse perspiration from his brow. "Horrible !" she added. "I canâ€" not bear to think of it. â€" The loss ofi hope, happiness, perhaps even _ fifs itsel{â€"â€"* They had walked hallâ€"way through the park at a smart pace, and she now sank on a shaded bench; he seated himsel{ beside her. They were entirely alone, save for an old man at one end of their seat, imâ€" mersed in a book. Their agitated conversation continued. "You‘re so good to me, R said the girl F ‘ "Go away, can‘t you ?" they said to the mutual friend. "Well, let‘s hear what it is," said the mutual friend. "Nothing," said the youth. "Not a thing," said the girl, "and I‘d like to know what business it is of yours, any way." "If you annoy my fiancee any more," said the youth, "Pl break your head. "HMere‘s _ your ring,. Gracie." "I‘d be a juérk':iss-"tuc:mt.rvy to exâ€" plain this thing to a coldâ€"blooded morial."_hq said to himself. P oTE 20 AOPRRCCRRCTC OH the case from each side," said ‘the mutual friend. . The girl thought it over and her face grew retl. "If I tried to put it in words," she said to herself, "Pd be posing as a little fool." Somehow the grievance was tanâ€" gible. The youth thought it over, and he began . to feel uncomfortable. UESCCescsscescsccccce: Scott‘s Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that‘s the treatment and that‘s the best treatment. tion you can‘t expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat ment you will win. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and ‘the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott‘s Emulsion. Sait pork is good too, but it is very hard to digest. The time to treat consump® tion is when you begin tryin§ to hide it from _ yourself. Others see it, you won‘t. Don‘t wait until you can‘t deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott‘s Emulsion. _ If it isn‘t really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consumpâ€" tiOn YOU Can‘t aryngart ta La 1| Thelr Fortunate Escape Consumption is a human weed flourishing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it‘s easily destroyed while young; wiien â€" old, sometimes â€" imâ€" possible. Don‘t Swear. onsumption is a human/ good to me, Ralph,‘ Chemists, Toronto, _ Ontario 5o0c. and $1; all druggists SCOTT & BOWNE, Be sure that this picture im the form of a label is on the wraprer of every bottle ef Emulsion you buy. We will send you a little of the Emulâ€" sion free. both Friendâ€"Shakespeare, your wife is awfully headstrong, isn‘t she ? Williamâ€"Yes, Ann Hathaway. For ten months I _ suffered with Rheumatism ; I could move neither hands nor feet, and felt excruciating pains in my whole body. A German friend recommended St. Jacobs Oil : the result astonished me, all pain vanished, and I was cured.â€"J. B, Hyâ€" land, Troy, New, York. i New York Timos. Mrs. Newrichâ€"I don‘t need any powder ; my teeth are all gold {illed. Salesmanâ€"Then perhaps you would like to purchase a hottle of our metal polish ? Gray‘s Syrup Gray‘s Syrup of Red Spruce Gum. Prepared from Red Spruce Gum it is soothing and healing to the Lungs and Throat. â€" It stops that tickâ€" ling in the throat, and after a few doses that tight feeling in the chest is relieved and the cold and cough pass away. Try a 25 cent bottle. Red Spruce Gum For obstinate coughs and colds there is nothing equal to that old reliable remedy is made in all her dresses a Epecial pocket ror some time. Bredell, the counterfeiter, used to carry an Egypâ€" tian scarab. I k&now a pickpocket wiuw carries a tooth of a cat that bit him, and that he afterwards killed, and its a fact that this pickâ€" pocket hasn‘t come to grief since he took up the tooth. One of the most proficient card sharps in Philade]â€" phia carries a lock of hair from the head of his divorced wifeâ€"not from | sentiment or regard, us he will ox-i plain, if you ask him, but because | the lock of hair brings him luck. I f don‘t believe, as a matter of fact, | that I ever met a crook who didn‘t / have some sort of pocketpiece to rely on." â€"Philadelphia Record. | For a Cold that hangs on ‘"Nearly every criminal;" said a deâ€" tective, "carries some sort of lucky piece in his pocket, and will venture on no undertaking of moment if he has left this piece at home. Holmes, the murderer, carried a dime, which he had found on a country lane in his boyhood. â€" Mme. Humbert, _ the French swindler, has a lucky stone from Mount Vesuvius, one of the French detectives toid me, and there Minard‘s Liniment Cures Diphâ€" theria. v Mis Secret Belief. Cleveland Plain Dealer "Do you believe in the equality of the sexes 2" ‘"‘Yes, I do. Buk I wouldn‘t like my wile to know it."â€"Cleveland. Plaia Deaier, Bound to Make 7171 Snl;; yB t ie vints n in ces â€" Aantectaird ts d 1 ooo on h m Cw ./ O Oe is shouted at me in a tragic voice : What every woman does not know "Back, back, Sir Henry! Fily for | is that in common soaps â€" she freâ€" your life !" quently pays for aduiterations at the "i confess I was a bit flustereg, | Price of oils and fats. Try Sunâ€" and as I looked nervously round, 1| light Soapâ€"Octagon Barâ€"next wash asked : | d&y, and you will see that Prof. "‘What‘s the matter, my lad »"~. Ellis is right. He should know. 206 "‘"Orrible danger, Sir! There‘s al-â€"â€"-â€"wm::___ barber in that hotel opposite !" premme mmanng * cram uw mnone ' Irving and> the Newsboy. New York Times. Sir Henry Irving is telling in London with much gusto of an in cident that he says ocrcurred during his last visit here. * "I was strolling down Broadway one afternoon with my long locks floating over the collar of my top coat, when _ a newsboy rushed up to me, and, gesticulating violently, kbecetolye c e sls 0 â€"2 L A Minard‘s Liniment Cures Distem Criminalt‘s Lucky Pieces In 1588 of metal | Minard‘s Liniment Cures | in Cows. Does "Il1" Mean Sick. There are signs of an existing proâ€" persity to constrain the partial withdrawal of the word "stck" from the American language in {favor of the word "ill." _ Newspapers in their headâ€"lines and _ elsewhere speak nowadays ol "a very ill man." It used to be "a very sick man." Wlhy the change * _ "An ill wind" is a satâ€" islactory â€" use of| language, but "an lll man" grates on the ear. and sourds like an attempt to improve on a usage that had no perceptible defect, They say this new wnim is a euphemism imported from Engâ€" la od. A correspondent ol a Bosâ€" ton paper discusses and disapproves it, protesting not only against the use of the unwarrantable â€" adverb "illy," but against "the growing use of the word ‘i!l‘ in place of the homeâ€" ly word ‘sick‘" This Boston proâ€" testant, quoting Webster, finds thar Shakeepeare with hardly an excepâ€" tion uses "ill" to mean mental, ,orâ€" al, or impersonal disorders. _ "{ll at eage," _ "illâ€"advised," "uilâ€"bred, "j}â€" fares," are all fit and familiar uses of a good and industrious litcle word that has plenty of legitimate work of its own to do, without being conâ€" strained to figure as a Teoble substiâ€" tute for "sick."â€"Harper‘s Woeekly. In a Sad Predicament. A vaudeville artist out west reâ€" cently adopted four pickaninnies, ranging in age from 4 to 6 years, in order that she might use them in A comedy sketch. Now she has lost hep voice and her employment, and will be obliged to hustle for a livelihood in some other field in order to supâ€" port the little negroes until they shall be 21. i stand, is on somothing higher than ,m_v dress. Heâ€"Oh, is it? On your bat. I suppose ?â€"Philade!lphia Evoenâ€" , ing Bulletin. Minard‘s etce. I always do as I plcase when papa and mamma arc dressed up," said little Wiltie. "Why?" queried smaller Elmer. "‘Cause they can‘t punish me then for fear of mussin‘ their elothos." NC 4 ETT CCC PORER C marrlages recorded for a long time "In what respect > "In every respect. Why, both paâ€" rents on both sides woere present, There was nothing sudden or secret about it, and thelr own clergyman performed the ceremony."â€"Judge. "I hope you do not descend to maliâ€" clous gossip." said the woman with serious ideals. ‘"*No,." answeredi Miss Cayenne. "No one that I know goss‘ps maliciously. They do it merely for fun." gagement to Tom is of Kheâ€"Didn‘t â€" our honeymoon pass quickly, dearest ? Heâ€"Well, I should say it did. Why, it seemed no time before I had spent all the money I had. " New York and Boston Via New York Central, l The numerous trains, the excellent ! service, the uniformity of its trains, l its four tracks, and the location of its depots in Boston and New York, | make the New York Central the fayâ€" ; orite line to those points. ‘ Slobbsâ€"I bclieve they came to the conclusion that hor income wasn‘t large enough to support them both. 2 [msâ€"WPny was the engagement broken off between Harduppe _ and Miss Bjones ? Sheâ€"My mind, [d have The Parsonâ€"Your wile, sir. is tryâ€" ing to run my church. Witherbyâ€"If that is really the case, the only thing for you to do is to join my poker club.â€"Harperms Bazar. Any ticket agent will con! above. + s Blancheâ€"Mabel says Bhieldâ€"Yes, I suppose it is a faculty that is inhcrited. His father used to be quite at expert at the wheelbarâ€" row.â€"Boston Trangcrint. Blobbsâ€"Why w Barnesâ€"There goes Hillier in his automobile. How quickly he has learned to run the thing. One day her father took her for a walk along the road, and, seoing a j mule passing her, she said to her faâ€" : ther : | _ "Father, look at that furny horse." | (Her father told her that be was not a horse, but a mule. Then she asked what a mule was. He said to her: | "A mule is half a horse and halfl a donkey." card to the Compa tn;\" ln'l‘olonv{or;:)-u can obtain a copy. 2y mentioning th'i'x'i-p};p{-'r“;ind sendâ€" ing your name and address on a postâ€" An A B C book, beautifully ilHlusâ€" trated, is one of the latest advertisâ€" ing productions of Massoyâ€"Harris Co., Ltd., the makers of the famous Masâ€" seyâ€"Harris farm implements. ‘*Which half is the donkey asked. Spare Moments. Emma was a talkative little girl. She was very fond of asking quesâ€" tions, although most of her quesâ€" tiong were funny ones. j That Prof, W. Hodgson Bilis, Official Analyst to the Dominion Govâ€" ' ernment, has recently made a number l of analyses of soaps, and reports that *" Sunlight Soap contains that high *‘ pergentage of oils or fats necessary " to a good laundry soap." Every W_gman Shou!ld had one of th Liptment Cures C Dimple Makers For the Little Ones Jom is a secret. ‘ven Tom does not sus Hereditary. The Business End. Know. th that your underâ€" strangest long time" Garget her enâ€" olds, irm the wpdiihetcdih 24 4 i4 c tainly was a pleasant you. I wish you many of the day." > , 2 000 72 "B*~ PCmarkea Ame visitor, * "If that boy turns out as hbe proâ€" mises," said the father, "I won‘t have any old age."â€"Detroit Free Presgsa timnaninle in +ka 423. __ AZZZANUCTC 7, 560 tosâ€" timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh» bore what they think of it, You can use it and get drour money back if not cured. 60c a box. at all dealers or Enaaxsox, Bares & Co., Toronto, 9 Dr, Chase‘s Ointment 273 2 UR mnd provruding p. the manufacturers have guarranteed it. Seo Hmnnlale tu 41L 0 q280 _ 2 T were Piles Husbandâ€"NXo, dear : thore‘ll be any dang wouldn‘t worry about Wifeâ€"You‘ll probab!s John, after I‘m gone ; you‘ll never get anothi Monkey Brand Boap removes all stains, ae Pb w00 ) us sA s she Or Anything Hilse four son will bs a co in your old aze." rema 50 cents a package. Leeming, Miles & Co., / mMoNTREAL. is a necessity where the best results from feeding would be obtained. It tones up the system, rids the stomach of bots, worms and other parasites that suck the life blood away, Nothing like Dick‘s powder for a run down horse. When an animal is al! run down, has a rough coat and a tight hide, anyone knows that his blood is out of order. To keep an animal econoâ€" mically he must ge in good health, *ratfrcprmemea®" FRHEE, â€" ~ _ C. W. CANFIELD & CO., Box 304, Dept. H, London, Ont. Blood JOHN J. FEF VICTORIA PROTECTOR Ew o T TY Li did i M B i J Consignments of Butter, Poultry and new laid Elrgs solicited. Prices firm forchoice qualâ€" ities. Choice young Chickens,dry picked,clean, selling 60 to 80c per pair. Wil pay 30e L)er Ib. for BEESWAX, delivered Toronto, Jorrespondence solicited . BLOOD PURIFIER BUTTER, NEW tain rees _AND POULTRY WANTED " wryyrypo] 799 FULLY OCCCPIED THIS l WINTER® If not, we are open for an honest and energetic man to represent us, and can start you in a profitable business. Write.Portrait Supply Co., Parkdale. Torantso J* yous us roury occr WINTER» If not, we are h()n(‘fit; Aand _ energetic man q TY trade; steandy practic free work ; instruciions and perts; wages and shop experi tools presented, board supyp mn.lle(l) free, Moler Barbe cago, 11. WA.\'TI':Dâ€"-ME.\' TO trade * «tandw ws thoroughly taught. Expert vidual attention. Send for logue for particulars. â€" Coare WANTI-:Dâ€"FARM HAXD, MARRIED man (without incumbrance proferred ) must be experienced in general farming and care of stock, and be well recommended ; also M ull;fle man. . Address Post Office drawer 27, Hamilton, Ont. 4 ", _ _ PHC, "mage in Canada to sell MEN‘8 ordered clothing; good commissions; union label. â€" Crown Tailoring Co., Canada‘s Largest Tailors, Toronto, _2 M O _ ZOOTE 5 Iâ€"APROBE â€" WANTED, AGENTS Canada to sell made to m Suits, Jackets and Mkirts; ar Crown Tailoring Co., Canad ore, Toronto. WANTED, AGENTS TEN COURSES BV MAL.*> Mre. Winsiow‘s boothing l;:l always be used for Childron soothes the child, softens thegum colic and is the best remedy for I ISSUE NO,. 5, 1903 No ere married on the f to Brow:_:._ "Well, it Boston Transcript Didn‘t Mean any danger oir"t'ha‘;'t'. I DICKP S To prove to you that Dre. Chase‘s Ointment is a certain andd abuolnl? cure'tt‘:t::h each and every form o ing, bl:edlnzsnd protruding piles, isant New Year‘s for many happy roturne ovian‘y marry again, gone ; but I‘m afraid anothor woman like 10 Worry, %, 62 Front St. I To T S Cmanl cvillase in sell made to mensure LADIFS ts and Skirts; good commissions ring Co., Canada‘s Largest Tail â€" but won‘t The only hygenic Na kin Supporter made., IJ:; chating, no soiled linen, no trouble; a pleasure to wear it. â€" Indorsed by thousands of ladies and physicians. A G K N Te WaANTrED. Sample and terms $1.00 ; $7.00 per dozen, Catalogue â€" of other‘ agent‘s ~goods a comfort to remarked the it, de don‘t think Lxpert instructors. Indi the first," to Stay Correspondence Depart dpP A RXN e furn lecture It in e\'flK town and village in clothing; good In every town handsome cataâ€" ast, Teronto if %Yer:&in.:o‘“fl Leading profeasions BARBER cures wind oronto rd ay hn £0 brings < alionda‘ thea tres Wopics. Neverth bave bee! “n{howu pight. qjf one most sl1l jarge, almost ol \the snderc broad net & fiowe: The gayvt tion w hi leny in +# chai fon felt. right ol reo eouys 1y chillo k col inp has tun nar ins ed fro ver oro on( tlu« iust in wher the | crejk Pari n i agil den ww 41 «f of 1 the 1 ror. t( is i8 mo 4+ O of e t$ O ti 10 €)7 Th €) * GOr: ti w in som« W OW n U J holid: about nee C £%

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