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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jan 1903, p. 8

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(® | The pastor, Mr. Campbell, occupying the chair. all the various reports showed an up and onward progress, and were highly satisfactory. All the oficâ€" ers of the past year still retain theit offices namely Messrs Jas. Mcllzride. James Peter, and Richard Bau bet , managers ; Sec. Treas.. Tnomas Gadd ; ushers, Robert Marshall and Bert Watson ; Libratrians, Miss Lydia Gadd, and Miss Sena Byers. After the busiâ€" ness part of the meeting was ended a lunch provided by the ladies was seryved, and relished. The congregation is in a Hourishing condition with a surplus of about 830. Dut ®» # .u .’,oa.cfi.Ou.0«..0'..0’.0."«.'u.‘.u‘«.O«Cfi«,;n«‘_" :l]. '_w" Sesas"s*g bWOUW SR cUR 0K# o â€"" a* l# Jn L9 AX . SUCCSSSOR TO J. a. HUNTER. z | © THE BIG SToRE 0 ¢ C Tommememmeeeonnnerut 72e o n n n oo n o n o o o o o o o n o o o oo o m o o o o a o 2 o a o a o a & We are offering in Dress Goods, Sateens, Prints, Fiannellette, &c., the best values ever shown t in Town, yes, cven in Toronto. We have still a ©@ few Ladies‘ Jackets left that we are selling at half {& price, $2.00 and upwards. ual mee orman by EVERY PERSON COME AND sEE AND GE THE BARGAINS WHILE THEY LAsTt. A Full Stock of al vays kept on hand. LSSC Men‘s Suits at $3.50 up to $ Men‘s Heavy Overcoats must go at less sale price, to clear out prices range f $8.00. ALEX. RUSSELL ) THE BIG TORt @uzz fitoe];hta]iz'ng @Zeam’ng Sale is e still going proat [fsargains in Lzoots {# Ehoes. ALEX. RUSSELL tt LN Vé t1 Aatinis Toimas rian esstully. cupying reports ‘ess, and Avercoats must go at less than wholeâ€" clear out prices range from $3.50 to * nox n ¢.. ... 1. "s CCbay ish. who, liveq on the farm known as the McDonald farm for over thirty years. but who, has been a resident of Mt. Forest about four years died in that town on the 14th of Jan. His remains were laid to rest in the Roman Catholic Cemetery at Orchardâ€" ville, Rev, Father â€"â€"â€"â€" of Mt. Forâ€" est officiating. All the family attenâ€" ded the funeral, with che exception of two, John and Mary. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones, A sleigh load of our youth and beauty who were mostly all members of the bible class, so successfully and devotedâ€" ly conducted for a number of years in gnox Churca, by Mr o wa O 217° M arm known as the over thirty years. b resident of Mt. Fore died in that town « His remains were Roman Catholic Cer ville, Rev. Father Mr. Alex M Hardware and Groceries up to $10.00. Our ME RUSSEL w.0o< * |#x 1 on the arm for been a P vears , of â€"Britain and the United States have | agreed to arbitrate the. vexed Alaska | Boundary ‘ question but as there are | to be three on each side and no referee, | there is a prospect of no settlement being reached. Even should the Bri-[J tish (which includes one Canadian ) | convert one of the Americians, tbe, Senate of the United States has power to cance! the agreement, though Brit-I ain has no such loophole Renew For The Review Sm s Pnsd them both with gold watches on the occuâ€" sion of their leaving the farm. A plensant eyening was spent in songs and speechies,. Mr Thos Knox having sold his furm. is going out to Manitoba and the auction sale last Wednesday broucht big price~, Mr Jno Wiison has mad trace and came out ahead. have also made the purch He is a dandy, The friends and reightb Mrs James Duarrant vat bouse on Monday night them both with gold watet sion of their leaving the far eyening was spent in sana« I I There are 82 families and 168 members } on the Rell, 119 scholars in Sunday School and 46 members in Cbristian Endcaver, _| The amount contributed 1» Missions and ' Schemes was $264.95. . Messrs Findilay, Alfred Haas and Wm Isaac were appointed Managers. _ The organ â€" question â€" was brought up and is to be vjied on by the congregation next Sunday, ! The choir sung several preces during the | evening and a social enp of tea in the baseâ€"â€" | ment brought the meeting to an end. j An important affaur takes place this eveâ€" | niug at the home of Mrs, Wim, Fettes, | 14th concessiou, Miss Liltie is to be maiâ€" | yied to Mr Alex Henderson but we reserve ’ particulars till next week when we wili bave sampled the wedding cake. ; Mr L Rutberford and Mr Plullips, of | Galt, are visitors at Mi Jas Isaac‘s. F aud Dr Sueath are the other wember the Board. The total number of volumes taken during the year were 1694, an average 1itimes per hbook, The Amos Church Aunval Cougre tiomal Meeting was held last week. ( ivg to the stormy night there was n large traruont. ‘All the Reports or showed matters to be im & flourishing c dition and free of Gebt. There are 82 families and 168 meim‘h Public Library w Jas. Coleridge w Renwick, Seev. n ian and Treasure aud Dr Suoatis ar »iormy, cold weather o% late, â€" has caused much sickness around here, not ouly common colds, but whooping cough being prevalent. TJ.ittle Herbie Timmins had a bad attuck of inflamation liâ€"t week. "NL is illll)l‘(')\’in-r pubmuctes Haccn t e P . The family of Mr Wilhem Taylor haye been yery ill with ulserated mouth, bat are recoverinuy nicely. Mr Chss. Colton is engazed with Mr Gso. Blair for the winter msontlhs. Suys 1t is the best place he ever struck,. Mr 8. 8. Jueques has lo/(t our neighbor»â€" hood to work with Mr Wm. Edge, of Edge Rill. i We nre very sorry to say i bam Timmins is very ill as; Gun being in altendance. Mis Abrmham Cook is als present, with Dr. McKron dance, Quite a large number of were shipped from this nei on Tharsday last, eight of th; belonging to Don. Mclivride, scales at 1770 lbs, They â€"we and two weeks old. Thr pric n all cases were 5.80 per cw King Brown secured the most They both 4 s; Western Land Mr. H. Caldwell, of Dauphin, Man, landed here about a meek ago and is busily engaged in buying up a carload of horses to take out. west with him. W# understand, Tom who is also dowrn at nresent intends purchasing a carload of horses to take out West* later on. They both speak favorably, of that WE m icheas by c unc Mr. and Mrs, Alex Aikens of Egreâ€" mont were visitors at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cornish on Thursday last. Mr. Jacob Hoeflin intends erecting a new frame barn in the coming summer the size will be 60 x 54 and when comâ€" pleted will have all the most modern improvements. â€" He has secured his buildiog timber from a farmer a sWort distance from Dromore, will insure them a good time Allan is a jolly goad fellow. ff TARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Annual Wiison ha&; made another improving nic ple of mon,. ‘These guthe mbers and stayed till the fecitetion«, SOones. Piav« & Wedrrve Massts Findiay, ud Wm Isaac were appointed The organ question _ was d is to be voted on by the out ahead. l‘her}{a.y boys the purcliase of a driver. the Anuuat, wishwo all sreenwood, areenwood, has jmst recovered btuck otf La Wrippe, und no over it, when Mrs G. is down y may soon recover. Dromore Meeting of the Drom was heid last week ana was elected chairman, and J M Findlay, Libr an is drawing brick to eady cosy rasidence. was spent at the cosy | Gleneross, on the 26th s Glencross was madle a ure of which we are nop t writing, by the choir, Fion,. These gathered in ; HaxTtusa Rover eighbors of THE DURHAM REVIEW rge number of live hogs l from this neigh borhood last, eight of that number Don. Mclivride, tipped the FY WP _ rvv E Siittle Herbie Timmins of inflamation liâ€"t week, nicely under Dr Gun‘s h Aopval Congrezaâ€" held Iast week. Ow. night there was not a 1 the Reports read e in & flourishing conâ€" Cook 18 niso yery ill at Dr. McRouald in attenâ€" CUCURS, Mays f an address most enfoys ZION. Messrs »rs of Mr and | iered at their | and presented | Mi the Dromore as Lothian that Mrs Gra o present. Dr tiaken out iverave of ©p all horse I U3 and M sumall cechâ€" L1 s of , as Mr. UFâ€" uC ! ANew Year‘s Resolution. _ The best resolution that we have seen for the New Yearis the following : * Let us make 1903 the happic<t year in our history _ In society more simplierty ; less show in use of money ; more exâ€" travagance in benevolence, Ir politics more independence less partizanship, in church more practical religion â€"less controversial theology : in home more love, fess fash1or ; in our personal lives more hope, faith, charity, less cynicism, shame, and selfishness. D. MePHMHMAFHL _ Homemakers will be imnterested in the \‘*allâ€"around house" described in Th Delineator for February. The example is n house of moderatée cost, equipped with modern conveniences, and in arâ€" rangement artistic and comfhrtable, The wellâ€"known but oftenâ€"violated prinâ€" ciple of â€"architecture that buildings should be mm perfect accord with the environment is exemplified in this case ; and the interior, in decorations, flurnishâ€" ings and practieal workings is a model of taste and conyvenience. The illustraâ€" tions offér numrerous suggestions that can be carried out in other homes to dat« fice. Di anvoue of the Managin hh Addeatalie Adic c ho 2 § 4 med and chose officers from amony q nunaber. ‘The composition of the B is as follows ; â€" Rev. ar Varley, clmin Dr. Dixon, Seo‘y ; 8. M. EFastman, , Secy ; A. B, MceDonald, Treas ; J. Arthar. R. MeLaoghlin, D. Mesolian Muir, D. MeDounld. Those who are mterested in the sne of tins forward moyement, aro urge, give theit panies and nanihasainio on e, Durl re or to ended Board of Management i:r was elected ‘The meanibe ofi Pubhc Lll)l'ul'~\'. a poration of Priceviile The spirit of the im Board of Manageme or to Prrosvice® â€" PuBurc Wednesday eveniug a the resrdents ot Pric Union Hall to, discu«s Auditors :â€"Arthur Jackso Grant. f The meeting â€"stood adjo Friday evening of this week when it is hoped there will a good attendance 1 COMFORTABLE aAND At the adjourued annual meeting ef the Public Library held last Friday, the following officers were elected : Presidentâ€"Thos. Allan Vice Pres.â€"N. w Camphbell Treasuterâ€"Jno. Kelly Secretaryâ€"Chas, Ramage, Directorsâ€"G Sparling. T. Moran, A.| 8. Hunter, Wim, Irwin, W. 8, Davidson, | Wim. Mills, J. 1. Browne. Jno, A. Grabam. Arch. Davidson, and resident Ministers, ms modetat« Iay. _ Individuals 50c (Â¥4 any city paper. It has men who do nothing else but study the marketsâ€"who give it all their time and attention, and you can get all this information in the Star every weekday for a year and your own local paper as well for $2.20. If you save a cent a bushel on only two loads of grain by . knowing the prices it will about pay the price, won‘t it? Besides think of being in touch with the world‘s news every day. Subscribe direct to the Star or through tl; paper. Both the Daily Star and this paper for i o Etd adiis n t in k 75 It d i Presidentâ€"Thos. Allan ‘ Y 4 Vice Pres.â€"N. w Campbell : Treasuterâ€"Jno. Kelly k Secretaryâ€"Chas, Ramage, ' 57- () l , ‘) irectorsâ€"G Sparling. T. Moran, A. | unter, Wim, Irwin, W. 8, Davidson, | 5 © is Bilie, ) > J.) 1x Renubra L. ""OI"* 1 hi How often has a farmer sold his grai couple of cents less than the buyers wer boring market ? It pays to keep posted on the markets. How often the buyers "get together" knows. D. MecPHAIL, The farmer who already knows the market prices and produce need fear no combination of buyers when to market. M peville P Terms on m perfect accord with the t is exemplified in this case : mior, in decorations, fiurnishâ€" What‘s the Price Toâ€"Day ? PUBLIC LIBRARY The Toronto Daily Star has the Hicensea Aucti the County of t Arrancge C. RAMACGE, PRICEVILELE. Corres P.0.. n app Arthur Jackson, C, L he members afterwa h uiry. The example rate cost, equipped niences, and in arâ€" and comfbrtable, r li Hopeville as a police villag, eting was gooj. will catic ARTISTIC HG ME n mion 0s the Board Varley, chmirmaun: 3. m cents less than the buyers were paying in ubershi» fees to Board without famities $1. DC wCeK, Jan ) , will agair be a [« Adjourne a”c'llflll‘ Asbt reas ; J. Moâ€" M(:u.h:m, P. the Lll)l':!!:):,i m c gcitt _ ; + ullerwa:-.lfij among theip| FHO,. _ A.) ue resident 230 ‘ 21 | ned â€" till Jan #, iuir be a ! â€" Last eting of | heM iu i Ishmen t j l‘ll('u:-' village ! § OOd, .A | Llhl':ll'y" erwards | ig their| @ ) Board | mirunap; | +, Asst,! J. Mce.â€"! dan, 1',; | Ta, snecess '@f l'._,'r‘nl to | lees to fo | WIGS and TOUPEES worn on over 55, 000 H in weight, strong and most natural in appear; | to the head against Draughts, Colds, Catarrh | give a younger and handsomer expression to : 2xk:eâ€" h Ai R Eo heores.: ~ Ds T l 1 am prepared to show a larger variety of New York ‘and Paris.Styles than ever offered. to the public before. | have Ladies‘ and Gentlemen‘s WIGS, TOUPEES, BANG f and Plain FRONTS, SWITCHES of all long hair in ever | and shade, ete. | LADIES, my Goods are recognized as the Standard of I ,l Their use protects the head and gives younger expressinn tn \He will be at the Middaugh |\â€" Durhamâ€" on Fridav. Paohru WIGS GENTLEMEN, ARE YOU BALD? 1 Rooms to demonstate the complete snecess UEFTFAEY 00 Te We e se uz> s Prof. Dorenw J shi. t use oo CR %“‘% gj * 11 J‘ P p m â€" nanaarma 520 P A ® MRX RA® Aa n n on c oo n a a o o uo 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 a 5 0 a o 20 Please remember day This Winter Visit of 190 z2 aiimo wiiUuudgU9 07 1Ouse, â€" on Friday, February 6th. grain in one town for best market reports of OF TORONTO, Is Coming. prices every farmer Middau . iflvile you. to my Show of my Art Coverings in Heads. _ They are light earance and a protection 1Th, Neuralgia, &¢, and to the face ‘Tida, invite of my Heads arance office of this and date Standard of Perfectio® expression to the face gh Howse, Durham a neighâ€" for grain he goes ebruary "ork, London e. I shall LNGS, Wavy every length . 20. 1903 6th, 1903 % Â¥"> BC C JE 4°F FL: s s YOL. xX + |A MR j ud 0 0 C090 _0 8 M €* (Â¥a) €° OU drock /A ends Hargains n Usiness Reme 9y EP Stoc 17. \ J 1€ OT

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