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Durham Review (1897), 5 Feb 1903, p. 1

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DS , bend . , . . _ IIIIIIVF" . 1903 " rum)? m E333333axwxmfiaxxmmwwammgaamfi‘ gm a g - Ames (lretuaut. ii VOL. XXV. N0. 6 new; . Cr',?LEilt'.tl'.GrrF:d 'iArg,l'd? 111g iufrfifi$1fl1n1m1§fifl2ifimr§ Only a few of our FURS left and we're reducing our CAPERINES, CAPS, &c. Bargains in Dress Goods, mums in Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, Leggings and Socks. Stock taking always brings out lots of odds and t ends, broken lots, short ends. "i The goods are good but We want to start our business year with complete lines so Jlock baking Jtargahts " iBOOTs Ames Holden ik, Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. SEE OUR DISPLAY; OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANU- FACTURED BY THE Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. . Romemher the place Qraken‘ Jymes Tlust JG '17 I 'eh er, y a! fall" yarn-e I only, Coon Skin Coat, value $60.00 Someone will get it for $48.50 Will use you Right Reduction in every department. Rubbers THE POPULAR CASH STORE. lzan tu' Clretaaut We Want Butt er and Eggs. THE POPULAp CASH STORE The advantage is yours We're offering lots of them 'le. JWWWW-JL-Wu Ff,3%; 1k4iEFi'g, W1“: W“W 2, Wm“ fi.§1¥1?€r1§fi#firifl$$$# LAI DLAW'S Old Stand "e,Reehnie. 3 ii3tt '01 00/122139. Try Him. ' J; _,i-l,,ii'-), Mir' FREEDOM OF IHE wonks,--Last Rt $EfThur-sday the Cement Works in the ' Eiforenonn was thmwn open to younir n _i),ii,rl/ir.':"i, old, and for a. while there must m agilmve been according to Watchman .41: williams' estimate. about 1000 people tn "i,l1ii"ii, the ground. Tbat no accident, 00- Eg‘af-éjeured 1s surprising. The townspeople q :i.l,)l,i _ who were "on " to it duly appreciated ','ii,iiit': i, the privilege of "getting through." "rtMT'rTtrbr1 lo Aoi, 5Tr", «at: ', .'l 31r- til ALi' iijrr, hid, j (p, 9:11;» 5] FM . c.Alre' l WI - 3C pp At ,r 'irlrl..-,e' i “if Fi!??, I till il.u, .‘ 9- 7H?- ', L%9t HA1, ( 2747‘, 31.1-2’Clll all"? AS: j hm if: 1 ilfi' [In -, 3:5: A I r',r'd.1ir no it": sot i'?/lCy sl m r'ti'ril'l,'lll.', 't'g" t., wit (ifli," ? are P" 'il'rf:ri' r, t, “2:11:11 D 't' Jad- $151 I a, s' Cr', 'iiki ) Tin D , "s ", fun J' l? i and m 1.06 ! ha, _ " I TTr; 31:3; Carr',, Cough Cure is guaranteed to “skim; t cure the most stubborn cough. {we a ",i:jl,'si-'_,) bottle at Macr"arlane's Drug Store. _.irl.1i) For sale or rent at. u. very low price 33E the property owned hy, the late Rev. 5TB Chas. Chuneron, on the Durham road. iitti, A new brick cottage containing seven )l/')i" , nouns and good kitchen and cellar wtth $1.12. soft water'cistevn and pump. A wood r'mrr,.l . . gi‘E-vshod. good stable. and dqiving shed fi'fij'with four acres of land and a good :35; E orchard. Apply ARTHUR. JACKSON. l 'tr, .2; Don't put this paper out of your-i t ii. _,' hands until you have read Theobald’sl l ad. iitiiy OFFFOR DAcPHrs.---Mr, H. Caldwell - Heft, on Tuesday for Dauphin, Man with Per in uni-10ml of harm's purchased round E213. ; here. Acctstnpsnyitw, him is Mr, w, J. FEE l Filzimnmm of Vickers, SIPIHDII of Mr. ,':'frrr" Arm, nggullv, wlln will try his fortune iilrC in the Ivest.. 55,35} EVERYBODY (;<).~Friduv night. Feb, #2301: to the Royal Stork Co's eun-rluim HE}: ant-1min the Town Hui]. 20 chmuctors :.'irl.).i 1 will represent . The Scout of the Phili.. 1:2: ppines," proceeds. after expenses. go to arE;the worthy pour of the town. Ad- ii/i,'" mission. 35c for Reserved seat, .nthers EARL: ', 25e. Plan at qulings. "if 'i'iii't, iiTsci.-,y,-ow flow]??? 5: r It is only rarely that the citizens of ‘Durham are given the opportunity to listen to artists of the same status as lMiss Helena Pelletier and her splendid F company. who will appear at the Town ' Hall for two nights. Monday and Tues- (day Feb. 9th and 10th. Miss Pelletier, ‘who is indeed a. musical and dramatic I star. of the first magnitude has, appeared (with great success in all the principal (cities and towns of Canada and the (Eastern States. The press everywhere speak m terms of highest praise of this 3 r ty.er lgdy unfi_ het. expelleLt Sornpany. Fully will present. Jerome K. Jerome's amous play "The Girl From Mexico". Admission 26e, reserved seats me. chits dren 15c. Plan of Hall " Dalian”- Drug Store. "His Better Half" which will his pure- sented on Monday evening isa splendid three act comedy. tingling With the most laughable situations, blended to- gether with a fresh, bright. spontan- eous. humor that is irresistable. It is a. veritable fountain of huhhlin mirth. The skilful way in which all tie latest. song successes are introduced, forms a delightful feature of this charming pro- duction_.__ On Tuesdgy evenly: the com- We don't want a suit or overcoat left. Everything must go to make room for spring goods--TheoGhl's. l A meeting of the. employee of the Cement Works was called for 3 o'clock, Sunday afternoon. to meet Messrs Cowhamand Shinbone. We are not sure why the unusual hour was chosen nor what was the business. ANOTHER CArvsuvAL.--Thtirsday eve- ning of next week. the Rink managers have arranged another of their popular Carnivals. at which good prizes are given. The Brass Band will he in M.. tendance and good wort assured. Use Darling.s Condition Powders, for your' hotses--.?s5 (is. l 'i, The Quarterly Love Feast and Sac-H- , ment ot' the Lord's Supper' will be held Im the Methodist Church on Sunday, gservnce to commence at 10.30 a. m. ( Golden syrup in five, ten and twenty llh. pails. at Grant's. WANTED FOR DURHAM b'crrooL.--70 curds of Green. body wood. Taken in lots of 10 or 15 cords, tu suit lender. Apply for particulars to WooD.--We want wood right away and those of our snlwcrihers who have promised us wrll oblige by bringing it Mung. 22 inch up to 4 feet, glean or dry. cures colds in 24 hours. Zh. a hox. E Its (r FOR SALE.-A fine house and lot in suit {Durham}. For particulars apply to Mrs until f McRae, or A. H. JACKSON. I had I WAs'rED.-4oo0o cords of 4 foot and! Yo ‘22 inch sound body wood, for which the I ialist, lhighest market price will he paid. l for o CHAS. MCKINNUN. , testm Town Council minutes unnvoidrblyi Tm hold over. i '. The I LACROSSE ULCH.--A meeting will he igiven held at, Barrister Davidson's office onfpmm] Monday evening next at 8 o'clock miSecur organize for. the season. b Two or three dollars ain't very much still it amounts to quite a lot when you save that much by buying a suit or an over-cunt at, Theohirld's DURHAM, THURSDAY, jiiiiiijiiiiiijii? 5, 1903 3 ll). pails of Lard, at Grant’s. Ben Nevis Camp meets Feb. 6. Full attendance requested. MaoFariane's Laxative Cold U-lre. cures colds in 24 hours. Z5c a box. ilitt, S. P. SAUNDERS. tiii,) - . -- - -- -- w. --.ac.i2awa- This deserved! . po lu- systcm by means of Chart Drills. ti,rii'iiiylttr'l',yikiii.? and otherinter. 'ttt,itti,vhg, brings the {clawing topics within ' the c ld'a PPet1ytesotnpeiiiieiiriih".. - n.5,; Music-l Notation Pgale, lotion Mum Work Key-bond Mutton natal History Mulque For term apply to I lit: [trout (in. Tmhor,1_:l.’l.l. "%Adopted_tttw 1tafinC8.rLuroy, iLToromo.= n H .0... "u" nuu "ave me blessed experience of the apostle. The Concert. Monday evening the Auditorium W‘s full on the occasion of the Concert. Owing toillness the expected musical artist, Mr. F. Davidson. was prevented from coming. but we are sure that had he been present no more satisfied audi- ence could lmveleft. the church. De. Spencer‘cau sing as well as preach nod the enthusiasm with which his efforts were received must have been almost emharussing to him. 'Near- er home' which he sang Sunday after- noon, was again a favorite. Dr. Brown of Holstein] W19. ot course. a. host in himself and his numbers were heartlly eucored. while Mrs. Newton both at the organ and vocally contributed a very great deal to the success of the program The recitative by Mrs. Newton, Miss A. Brown, and Mr. Alex. Bell Wits an at- tractive number. and the choir excelled itself. The l-veniug dim-nursi- wns fouuded on Paul’s linglng words to Timothy. "I am not :tshnmml " the Gospel of Christ l&("” He dwelt especially (1)on Paul's mournge though often in tr'oul0. God’s \penple were always n Slllrl'l'lllg people and he made this " plea fur harmony in the churches for there would always be !r'oItlrleettough from outside. Christ- ianity was a life Hut " creed. (2) On Paul's knuwledgo. "I know." It was good fora man to know and to know that he knows. Paul sand I know 'whom' nut 'what'. .. Know that you are lost, that Jesus died to slum, that you are that very sinner. for whum Christ died." An :iseent, to the histor- inml ‘(th-ist. is not, belief in him. (til On Sunday last was again " red-IN ter vhw in Baptist. circles foe they had with them Dr. Spout-(1r, Brandon-(l. who MW the laying of the cornm- stone and who [now m-juit-t-d with the pasta: and people on the corupletion of the handsmm- edi. h've. [ti-v. Wvay R. Smith udresseu the Congrvgatmn in the "t'ievnoou, n, Spun- cet, morning and Punting. At the lat, tep service (”we tum-(A Church and sclmnl-rmmt were too small for the Coll- grogurtmt and sump stood through the. srwvice, which Was slevoutly atttactive. Rev. Mr. Stewart was at this seryice and again gave the opening prayer. Tuasxs.-At the meeting of the town council Monday a. committe of the Public Library. consisting of Rev. Mr. F'arquhtuson, N. w. Calnpgell, Geo. Sparling. Pres. T. Allan, Beey. Ranmge and two delegates from the Cement works asked for and obtained a grant of 8100 to nu] in establishing a reading room down town. l‘his tsa creditable move and c'tizens we hope will appro- ciate it, We shall refer at length to this next week. fox 25e at MaeiiUrlane's. Try it. PROPERTY CrrAsov.,--Mr W. D. Mills has bought Mrs MoRae’s property in Upper Town, and we welcome him to vur list of property owners, and hope heand his family may long enjoy the snug residence and other advantages. fox OLD I3tsvss.-.Nre beg to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of a cmnplimen- tary ticket to the Grey County Old Boys Association second Annual " At Homo " in the Temple Building, Toronto, Wed. nesday next. American Horse and Cattle Food is a. fiesh-getrer and money saver. tt lbs Have you tried a 2 Shaun’s purity wheat? for porridge, at, Grant's '. The Scout of the Philippines " will be given Friday, Feb. o, in the Town Hall. Popular prices. Plan at l).u-Iing's. Secure your seat. as the play is highly spoken of. YOUR Evtts.--T. P. Smith, Eye spec- ialist, will be at the Middaugh House, foe one day only. Wed. Feb. ll, Eyes tested free. tiatistaction guaranteed. THE MILITARY Cosrrr.Dt-- Dru-mm '. The ScuuL of the Plllllnnlnne " will I-n Its good buying whether you need a suit or not: if you keep it. on n nail until you do heed it at the price Theo, bald is selling his clothing. Darling’s House and Cattle Spice, large package is Just the thing for winter feeding, only 25 cts. Out. older readers: and ynunger ones too will enjoy our Priceville correspon- dent's budget. this week. Tilucn's pan dried Oats in packages. at Grant‘s. Baptist Continuation Services in Myer's Music Method. LTT 10t.N a Iuea mr Harmony in 's' for there would always be ugh from outside. (Fm-isl- a life not a creed. (2) On vledgo. "I know." It was man to hmwuml to know “HTS. Paul said I know 1wh,at1 'd Know that you ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO tried a 25e package of Rm? in). (3) On 'perstrtded.' just the thing lid. who sad I to escape without accident. l’rosuhtly n“. and who before him looms the 8 vast tanks “no ' and people I which passes the mixture ofelay and olsvruoAti. marl, before passing to tho titv. Up "dressed the a stairway to a plauorm and he looks on, Dt SIM" down into the mixLuro bubbling and of/ctlt.,etii boiling; as a result of _i?rniT-'tss,ed..air for the mm dru‘rn through. He learns glint before through the leaving these tanks a chemical test ls r atttactive. ( made In the Inhorzuory to make sure this seryice I there is the proper proportion to make ten Here a large number went across to the dredge and witnessed Mr Flem- ing manipulate his big spoon with marvellous ease and accuracy. Time was short however, and return was "soon made to the works where all To. ronto travellers were picked up and the run made to ToIpttfo,i'ttettinq there about 8.30 p. m. They settled down to supper end then to business. the titat meetng ot the stock holders ot the N. P. C. Co., braking up har- monionslv about 2.00 s. m. cent gm CEMENT wnaxs MATE!) The four vestibuled coaches Were. crammed from end to end. hundreds) ot citizens having now joined the [ party. The Cornpanv's engine is at- tached behind. and alter two attem ts' succeeded in getting up the cut grade 7 and went rattling to the lake. ' By this time the crowd is sighing for the lake, for they have been told its level is 100 feet above the smoke stack which giant towers up 180 feet without a guy wire. Time and apnea forbid to tell of the Krupp mills, the vast warehouse with its tacilities for packing and loading, the powerhouse with its wonderful machinery, electric and otherwise, the vast boilers and unique method cl feeding. de., &c. on». v m U6gLJ luxury: i""l'"iotou to null“: llhe best cement in the world. Down lag-ah: to term tirum or rather to the ‘briek and cement floor ot the vast [rotary building. for below him now ' lie the 8 monster rotaries 7.) feet long, Ifour of them lazily turning without a ljar on their vast bearings, which rest ‘on Cement concrete as solid as the earth itself. A look at the higher end shows the slushv mixture dripping in and meeting the flames from the lower end. This end is the pepuular view point, through colored glasses, the dried coal dust making a blaze to beat Nebuchadnezzar’s furnace. 7 times heated, and leading the joker to point out "your future home." The red hot clinkers find their way into iron buckets, an endless chain. floating in water for over 100 yards and then climbing to the root return again tor more, after meeting the trip which unloads them into the "grind- ers," or into the “clinker storage 't building from which it is again au- tomatically fed into the buckets. , l . Every eye and car was greedy for Information. and certainly there was ' abundance to see in the most upto- t date cement plant in the world. Be- , ginning with the clay drying rotary. ' almost under and adjoining the 60 ft. ' high trestle bridge. the visitors were ’ conducted through the electric lit tunnel under the eapncious clay store- , house, on each side of them seeing the , conveyors which take the clay to the " Pup: Mills " where it undergoes other processes betore meeting with its friend,' the Marl. Emerging from the ‘tnnnel the raw Visitor sees an over- ]whelming mum of Rotaries, Motors, Tanks, Wheels, Belts etc, and unless lofst mechanical turn of mind, he at, lance yields to the conviction that he; is going to be hopelessly lost in get-' 'ting‘ a grasp of the big machine, tor l though in many buildings, the whole , oattit, is pr tctieaily a machine. ll However he, gom along boldly, [picking his way up and down steps, l getting around n belt or two, wonder- i ing perhaps if the big crowd is going? 1' to esenpe without accident. l’rt-si-ntlv Then commenced an examination of the mysteries of a Cement plaut. Engineer Bogardus led the way, and began with the clav department". As many as possible got within sound at his voice, bat the greater number had to be content with sight seeing or stray questions from town folks who mingled with them. The party were met by the Mayor and Council. Dr. Jamieson. M. P. P., and other lights of the town, but the absence of any platform or quiet place tor an assemblage prevented any for- pal welcome ot an address and reply kind. However, Dr Jamieson, rup- reseming Mayor, Council, the Comment Co. and himself, spoke a tew words of welaome to the visitors and gave them the freedom of the works. Thursday last a special excursion train was run from Toronto here, Shop- ping at Guelph and Palmerston to pick 11ptrtoekholtteris in The National Port, land Cement C0. The train arrived about 11.30 and about 350 passengers were unloaded in the grounds near the machine shop. and had their tirst view of the works on rather a depres- sing day. a slight rain tailing and muddy in places under foot. Tn: ANNUAL MEETING. Continued on page a HUNDREDS OF SIGHT-SEEKS boldly, l steps, mndur- ; going Handkerchiefs. CMIss DICK. R. B. KEELER t " KEELER’S A lot of Fancy Collars and Handkerchiefs. Everybody says Keeler must fix my watch. " If your Wide/a or Clock in mick [footer the Jeweller can make if lit"; If you need a pair of Spectacles Keeler can suit you. We guarantee to [make you see as good as you ever saw. Hundreds of frames to choose from. We have a grand assort- ment of Silk add Flannel Blouses we are selling at a bar.. gain. We. will be pleased to have you call and treat yourself to one of these great bargains. FOR XMAS“ Everything in Millinery must be sold at a very low figure. We have over 50 beau- tiful Trimmed Hats going at half price, some are the very best Silk Velvet Hats and a great number of stylish ready, to-wear hats, all Styles. We never keep any hats over and in order to do this we offer great bargains for the rest of the season. BLOUSESQ all)! For Big Bargains in Watches Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, tec, BARGAINS IN MILLINERY (>04) MacFarlane & 00., 5oe a bottle. is just what you need, If recovering from an attack, a bottle of our TONIC 25c a box, on hand. 2 or 3 doses invariably checks an attack if taken in time. Druggists & Booksellers. Is at hand, The wise ones will be prepared by keeping a box of our LAXATIVE GRIPPE TABLETS. art/ope Jensen lla, BRICKYARD TO RENT JEWELERY Try It. CHAS RAMAGE. Pun-n an Pursuant: -ELIXIR STORE

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