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Durham Review (1897), 5 Feb 1903, p. 2

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I. H 'll It is repel-tn] at Quebec that the Canadian Northcrn In negotiating for the purchase of the Great. Nor- thorn Railway of Quebec. The Ontario Beet Sugar Associa- tion will ask the Ontario Govern- ment for more aid tor their Indus- tries. Nineteen Chinnmer, who. It In " _ entered the United States ll- "ally. have been arrested at Ron-0’s hint. The Toronto local Council of Womcn are ecmsiderirait the estab- lish-out of an "Honorable Order of Domestic Service." Election pruh‘sts against non. Ray- mond Prtxtontuinc, In Malaonneuve, and Mr. J. E. Lronard. in Laval, have been ditrmitmpd. The Short Horn Breedrua' Associa- tion voted $1,500 for prizes at a Do- minion Exhibition in Toronto this your. _ Mr. A. E. Amos. retiring President ot Toronto Board or Trade. delivered an address reviewing the bulmcss outlook. Dominion 1in stock breeders. at their annual meeting, reported re- ceiving notices from British Income tax coz’rctors. cation ”nu-m of Quebec in in a de- plorable condition. The Innu- “our mill and elevator owned by Roiwrt Muir & Co.. atGlad- “one. Man., Were totally destroyed " firo. i! NEWS Ili BRIEF j,! Dr. Shem-d tho city of '1 auto”. A rognlnr policy of suppression has been mummy: in the whole Philip- pine hmimw. mm Carmack, and it was now impossible to get any in- 'oee'soe'satresoes- CANADIAN 'lbronto will nmploy 'oeeuieourr. IA] to man " charter tor submission to tho Legislature. W _ (more C"sgt MN!!!” - - Mr. trthur J. IImezaon was elected President of the Montreal Board ot Trade. Non. J. Israel Tarte says the edu- w. (‘nrmuck (Dem., Tenn.) amid that: "thr an the miserable, 'lull, mean lies that crawled through the “at campaign the meanest, low- urt and (llrtlebt was the charge that m- worn assuming the army. Jake Smith is. no more the Ameri- can army than the Senator from Indiana is tho American Stuntmaml not lmlf in much as .he thinks he Mr. Bewridgc demanded the name of the com-blot dbl-er. Mr. Rudolphn Laurier. a nephew of the Premier, died at St. Lin, (he. Washington, D. C., Fers 2.-in the Senate ywtrrday Mr. Rawllna (Dom. Utah) made a speech greatly rc- u-mbling these delivered by him Inst your, "lleging murder and cohl‘ blooded cruelty hy American om., ccra. m referred to the death of Father Augustine, "who was tortur.. od," said Mr. Rawlins, "until he died. for the purpose of cxtorting Information regarding money in his possesshm: and this was done, ac- cording to Un- nrlidavlml have seen. on the ora.rs ot an American ot. Jim-r." Shocking Revelations of Doings of th Officers in Philippines. PRIEST WAS TORIURED TO DEATH Bon. S H. mam has given 82.!!!) Fire Nola) out at our-o. The names followed by the oil from the broken tanks of tho engines, quickly com- llunicutnd to the cars, and the whole mass was won in nnmrot. Those who We're able to (mean? from the cars in the rear of the trains quickly came to thrs renmw. But all their ot's'ortr, Vim-e tor little, for the pile ot debris was no beam) that the Workers could not. approach nom- enough to work. A Pullman ulccpcr on the rear hour and rounding a sharp curve, the west-hound train crashed Into the Sunset Llmlted, running at " miles tn hour. tio great was the impact from the two flying trains that the two enginm were hurled upon end and crushed the boilers. The cars In the rear rushed upon the mass ot heated iron and piled up in an mama-mam: and highduily tangled mass. I}. W. Parker and Engineer Jack Bruce, one of the oldest engineer. in Arizona. The conductor and engineer Here turnirhrd with orders to pass on east-hound freight train at Wil- not station. There was another order at Yail'tt tlation-one to meet the train known as the (Ire-cent City express, east-bound, at Edmond. This order, whim: was the Important one, tho Operator failed to deliver, and the Limited passed cut without the right of way and with no orders concern- lug the approaching train. When six miles west of Vailsburg, running at a speed of GO miles an hour and rnunding a sharp curve, the ' Mn, Am. Fen 2..-.'rhe, elut- bound train which collided with the Sunset Limited at Van'- station ye.- 1erday was In (marge of Conductor Terrific Crash of Trains Running at high Speed. ORDER wr DELIVERED c. Ill) N k COLLISION rmamla‘d to know cold-blooded mur- The Empire Review will to-dny say that the Anglo-German alll.. nncc in regard to Venezuela was sought by the British Government. It I. expected that by July, 1905. all available terrltory in the United non. Sydney Fisher will leave Ot- tawa. to-dny for Japan. While in 'Poklo he Will see the Mikado. The will of the late Archbishop of Canterbury was offered for probate to-day. The value of the estate is placed at St8,262. Tho White Star Company's Cedric. the. largest steamer in the world. wil make her maiden voyage next month. It is said that Mr. Carnegie’s of- fer m' $250,000 for the use of intel- national tribunals meetings at the Hague was rejected. In celebration of the coronation of King Edward 00.00!) poor people were banquetted at Calcutta. A display or fireworks which followed was wit- ness-ed by about 230.000 persons. Two deaths have occurred in the Galician settlmnent npar Strut):- eluir. Ono man was lost during a blizzard. and was not round tor throe tlayrr, when ho was discovered on his section frozen to death'. The other {on through an air-hole in one of the lakes and was drowned before help reached him. Mr. Marconi. who is at Montreal. says that in two months his company will he transmitting commercial busi.. was: iwtween England and Canada at tcn cents a word. of tho postnia-ster ho made the sub}: inquiry. Mr. Matthew Kennedy was nomin- tttod by the Liberals of North Grey at Owen Sound for the Commons, in succession to the late Dr. Horsey. . A complaint that money was used In connection with the appointment ,,fornvation from the War Impart- : meat. f I Mr. Proctor (Rep. Vt.) said that .f‘ugrtaln Cornelius M. Brownell, who l is named in the Rawlilln resolution as liming charged with the murder of .Fntler Augustine, was a Vermont !oilicer, and one of the best he had ever known. Captain Brownell‘s vol- unitary statement to the judge-ad- vocate general regarding the Father _ Augustine affair was read. In this putatement Captain Brownell telln of mimirnstcrirur, the water cure to Father Augustine, After trying tor days to obtain trom the priest by [pem'eahlv means the Information wanted, and the insurgent pipern in his lmsmspion. the water cure was administered. Home of the papers were found on the person, but he de- clined to disclose the hidingitrlaett of Sula. a mm'h-wantet insurgent, and tin cure, was again administered. The priest died from the effects) of it. There was no secrecy about it. everv officer and every man, mm in my regiment and of every other regiment with whieh I served, knew it was given. and I was never criti- cised by any officer while in the service for administering it." Mr. Tillman (Dem. S. C.) said an nhsurdity existed " an officer aetu- [ ally had committed murder in the i Philippines Land could go unpunieh-i All kahuna“ A l7 . . - VV .7...“ av l|||II|llll1Il- Ni bet-num- ho had returned andwas mustered out. , Tho Dominion Cattle Broedcri Ag- mintion rejected a resolution presu- ing for the removal of the British embargo on Canadian cattle. Mr. R. R. “annoy. M.P.P., Manitou.. lin, has announced that he will sup- port tho Ross Government, which now has a majority ot seven. towardn ornctlng n home for the Church of England doaconesses and missionary workers. I The arrival of the sleeper was the , nrat news of the accident to reach 'Tucson. A relief train was quickly, ! made ready and surgeons .were hur- iried to the scene. Sixteen of the 1 worst injured were brought to Tuc- _ son to the railroad hospital. Six ot l these were seriously injured and are Inot expected To recover. The body '..1 4L- __,;,, . W qlryttd panting-em. Sum. Btoufe, ofthe Tucson division, oxonerates engin- PPPH Bruce and Wilkio. and conduc- tors Scrlvm' and Parker, who, he Lays. did their duty. He platter; the anti”! responsibility upon ()prrator Clough. The loss to the P‘Iill‘OMl in rolling stock, is not Ivan than 8100.000. Operator Clough has admitted his failure to deliver the orders . The bodies of two women and five men were taken from the wreck, but there were no means or Mamm- cation, and except that of H. M. Hil- ton. of Cambridge. Mamc, it is im- possible to secure the names of the _ ”WW“ “u, new of the engineer- was terribly burned, only pieces of it remaining. The only means of identity was his watch found under. the body. His fireman. Jan. M'chth was found lying- by his side. Engineer Wilkie, of the east bound. was under the engine cab. his, body burned to a crisp. br. entification was by mean»: of a. watch chain. One body pulled out from the burning wreckage had in the charred htrmi a pocket knife, with the name on the hamlle".\10r~ ris P. Willard." of the eon-bound train was detached by tho force of the collision and ran down the grade into Tucson, crash- ing into a switch engine. Both the engine and the sleeper were dam- aged BRITISH AND FORE10N. 4, .ee L at Milton is to of an official 5NTAR|O 'Dhe reason given tor sending by re- gular cable the King‘s. reply to Prev aidcnt Roosevelt's message had not satisfied the public. Eastern Telegraph o pany Not Pleased With (in: Wireless, London, Feb. 2.-At a meeting or the shareholders of the Eastern Telegraph Company, Sir John Wolfe Barrio declared that people who were best qualified to speak on the sub- Ject still held the oplnlon that the wireless system of transmission could never be a serious rival ot the ca- blcs for long dlstqnce transmission. different pointg. The hteernge passengers landml here were a, tine, healthy lot, many or them Englishmen, a few for the Provinces, but most ot them for 0t- terviile, Ont., and Winnipeg. They included pattern-makers. carpen- ters. farmers, butchers. etc. A Syrian family were bound for Stratiord. and there were 40 Finns tor Rat Portage, Sopper Cliff. Port Arthur, Alberta and Winnipeg, and 50 for Michigan. Duluth, Ban Franeigeound other United States points. There were 35 Norwegians and Swedes tor Sixteen orthe Numidian‘s Passengers Sent Back. Halifax report: The examination ot immigrants arriving at this port, under the new rules of the immigra~ tion Utepttrtnwnt, is very strictly conducted. Dr. Ellis, chief medical oilicer ol' the department, person- ally esamlnml the passengers who arrived on the royal mail steamer Numidian yesterday, and of theuim steamy; sixteen were rcjectcdund oruered to be deported, owing tom- dicntions of trachoma. Dr. Ellis re- jected ten, five ot them young Finns. and the others a Syrian ramily,eon- dating of father. mother and three ltLir.ht-lootsitti,r children. The United States Commissioner also rejected six passengers. and the whole party were marched on bard the steamer by the immigration g u tt mm us. The Kiang Aan arsenals have been working night and day for some time turning out quick-tiring field pieces and mountain guns, which are being hurried to the Governor at Kanning for UNC' against the Kwan. gei rebels in the south. The rebels continue to oppose (Governor Wong- chih Chan's route to Kweilln. the capital, which he has been unable to reach. Elie troops are getting mutin- ous because of lack of pay. F TORONTO A correspondent of the Shanghai paper says: "A census of Christian converts has been carried out, and neighbors are to be held responsible for an exact declaration as to all friends of foreigners in each group of ten families." From other sources the paper learns that threats are being made in several provinces against foreigners. such as "next time not one will escape," which in current in Sliexmi; "ttte will not lean: one ocean demon alive in Shen- si and Kansu," we boast of Tung- tuh Siang's regiments. and "the friends of foreigners will hereafter suffer for it," is the threat in Ilonan. The disturbance in West L‘hekiang continue. The insurgents who were defetted by the teoops sent against them, rallied, and cut up the reg-u- laps so badly that they retired to Yenchon to wait for reinforcements. One thousand imperial troops were sent, and the insurgents took to the hills. The inhabitants of Yen- chonfu prefecture and districts near by were pillnged, churches. chapels and houses of converts burned. The flames could be seen for miles, and the roads leading to Sangehow were filled with thousands of men, wo- men and children of the better classes, fleeing for refuge. The in- surgents number 2,000, and many are joining their movements. Victoria, B. L'., Feb. .'.'..--Aceurding to advices rccehed lrum China, (ears are being entertained that Cnina iri plannlng another outburst similar to that of 1901. The Aorth China Daily News says: "it has been learn- ed on good authority, that Yong Lu, the real ruler of China, and the man who is reported to be responsible tor. the murder of l’i'ol. Hubert James, of the l’enting University, will centralize the command of the military forces of the empire, or at least the provinces north of the Ynngtse, under himself and his heneniuen, \nnnshih Ruin and Tung- tuh Stung. The plot for the simul- taneous murder of foreigners Ill 1900 failed owing to the unwillingness of so many \‘ieeroyzi nnd Governors to curry out the order telegraphed to them. On the next ovonnioll tire order is to be sent to the military offieiuls, whose implicit obedience nny be relied on. The maxim impressed on military oinvials is ‘wperiors can do no wrong, subordinates have no con- cern with the morality of an order, nor with the consequence following; obedience to it.'" FEARS OF OUT BREAK EXPRESSED Two Men in Sing Sing Will be Brought to Alberta. Winnipeg. Feb. 2.-Capt, Walker. of the horthwest Mounted Police, has left here tor Sing Sing Prison. New York, to bring back an alleged mur- derer named Morgan and accomplice, Jog. Laron. Titey are charged with killing a. companion named Wm. John- ston near Red Deer. about two and a halt years ago. and efforts win he made to have them extradited. The accused are noted criminals. and are just completing a term at Sing Sing lor robbery committml in New York. MASSAEHE (lf (llllllSlllliS, Elaborate Preparations Being Made by Chinese, States will be served by rural free delivery service. Finance Minister Til1arerde tut- nouncod to-day that the final rem suits of the Spaniel; budget of 1902 shows a. aux-pins of $9,600,000. PUBLIC NOT SATI§FIED. IMMIGRANTS REJECTED. WANTED FOR MURDER. In April of the same your a French frigate was carried upon the rocks at night in a gale. Sulieman Jirbeh again was the only one who volun- teered to help, and.he swam to the ship, taking a letter to the captain from the Khatmakam of Jatta. n took him two hours, to cover the halt mile between the ship and the shore. Ho delivered the letter, dived under the ship, reported her sound, and returned with an answer from the captain. In the morning the sea was worse, and, on the captain signalling, Sulieman swam out and brought back the captain's wife upon his back. crastusw.-Neither he is. He gut those degrees conferred on him when it was reported that he intended to whack up his millions among til. ooMetres--Puee. Thosé are only tio of theaany instances in which he saved lives at the risk ot his own. The Royal Road to Learning. Cit,wIorx1--1 didn't know he was a 'setiJetpsymut._. _ - In February, 1801, n Iluspian steam- er run on to the rocks at Jurra, and over twenty passengers ware drown- ed before any attempt was made to HilVl': them. The wreck oituprrsd close to Jana, and well within sight. but no one would venture out, the rocks at Jaffa being very dangerous. Salie- man Jlrbeh and his brothers manned a boat and went to the rescue, re- turning in safety with several of the passengers. In attempting a second time to reach the vessel the boat was dashed to pieces on the rocks, and they could not launch another. Sulle- man swam fifteen tlmes to and from the vessel, and each time brought back with hima passenger. _ Sum-man Jrueh, of Cook’s Tours. Victim to the Cholera. London, Feb. L'.-The hail) Graphic says 2 Among the numerous tiztims to the cholera. in Jatta Is one whose namn wll be familiar to many read- ors of the Daily Graphic who have travelled in Palestine. Sulienmn Jir- hell, at one time chief boutluml to Messrs. Thos. Cook & Son at Julia, received the silver medal and clasp of the Royal Humane Sm'iety tor his conspicuous bravery upon two itrttt of many) occasions. tit. John, Jun. L'0.--Wiliant Thum- son & Co., shipping; merchants, receiv- ed a cubic {0-day Iron) Liverpool stating that tive kt-VPU binginp; to the burned bark "roniea, Irr-'1ottrtiug to them, had been arrested and would be tried tor murdvrhu; Cup- tuin A. Shaw and Mate A. McLeod, both Nova Sootians. and setting the vessa-l on fire on the high scan. TIN! Veronica sailed from Ship Island, where all the crow wvro NIIiIIpHL tor Montevideo, with lumber, and was re- ported burned at Hen on Dec. 20. After nu investigation (in: four tiL'tt- men were fotm div Chart}; "i with hav- ing murdered mmn ol their ship- matys. Threw of Um men in malady are Germans. The fourth be an Amor- wan. Livcryool cable - The British steamer Drunmvivk. from Brazil, which arrived here tu-day. lamlul five survivors of the British bark Veronica, Capt. Aliaw. from Ship Island, MIN-L, Ort. 6, for Montevideo. They were pick-rd up at 50:]. by the Brunswick. The men reported that the Veronica was burned at aria D1 U. :0 but the police haw detained four of them on umpi~iatl of their having mutinied and mar l.2't-.l Captain Shaw and seven of tin New ot till! Von-un- iva, after which thvy are "lltatcd to havo set fire to the tsh'fir, The tour seaiiian say th it (in: . him’ oH.cet. and a Bowman died mi (maul tite Ttsscl; that Captain Shaw and mum of the crow left in a boat, and that they tthe {our men) lull I:-.r in another boat, and succeeded in twitching t'nju- (are, Island Dee. :3 in a starving condition. Thu-e days iater they were piekcd up by the iii-nus“ iek. Tht' cirnk, a mum. asserts. huwvvvr. that the men, led by the 'loouts.vrain, a Hernia”, mutiniotl and muraeityl the captain, chief otiituxt null others, and threat- vned to kill him if he betrayed thcm. MURDERED CAPIAlN AND CREW. Grave Charges Against Four Seamen, '. Its correlative is nhstvnlion from: intorforenqe in qnm-ttimm tvrritoriuiiy llllffillit llill MUHIEH 6t Thi, U. s. is inevitably the pre- ponderant Amoricnn new”, but ("he does not ttripitw to tro paramount. She does not find the true complement of the Monroe dorm-int: in an unde- fined control ovvr 'American states, vxorcisod by her and drum! to IDU. rope. F " hot to invade the rights of an American slate is to the U, S.nn obligation With the force of law. To permit no Europmul state to inth once tiptrm is u mattcr of policy. Dealing with the \‘euetuelan dis- pute, Capt. Mahan remarks: "Such an oct'urronce Hz: the existing diffi- culty between Venezuela, Germany and Great "Britain engages immedi- ate attention. This does not imply a. doubt ot the wisdom and firmness of the Government, but indicates an in- stinctive political "pptwhemuon not elicited hy greater and immediate in- tt-rests in quarters t-xtm'nal to the American ctontiucntte. New Dork, Feb. '2.-The February number of the National Review, says a despatch from London to the Her- ald, contains an article by Captain Mahan on the Monroe doctrine, in which it is pointed out that the U. S. consider it ”essential to their interests and to those of peace to withstand the beginnings of action which might lead to European inter- vention in Hm internal conditions ot America." MERE MATTER OF STATE POLICY. Says the U. S, Make No Claim to Paramountcy. 1illlllll (Ill (ililllllllalt uronml n BRAVE BOATMAN DEAD. EEK} 17w 'ks,' There are few things Divver wan never accused of at one tlme or an- other, but his constituents would never beilevennylhing against him, and what the. outside world said or thought was a matter ot supreme Indifference to him. 1 , Patrick Diner was one ot the most picturesque of the many in- teresting nqures produced by the Tammany Hall mlmme of district organization. No man who won the leadership of a district in this city under Tammany In recent times, had a mom tumultuous political cur- eer. but his ability to take knocks gracefully and to give them effec- tively won out tor him in many a bitter contest. Police Court Justice ot Tammany Htiil- Had a Stormy Career. New York despatch--. Patrick Div- ver dim! yesterday afternoon at his home, No. 7 Madison street, in the 58th Fear of his life. The cause ot his death was double pneumonia. Beside a widow, My. mvver leaves three sons and two dauglltntl. London, Felt. 2--T'ut Riuht Hon. Herald Balfour. Prcsident of the Board of Trudv. speaking at New- port. Moutnoutlirsltirc, to-night, tore.. shndowod the elevation ot the Board of Trade into " Ministry of Commerce. Ire personally said he favored tho change. and was willing to stand memo so as to onahln the unfoltcrml choice or a Minister of Commerce. The Right Ilan. Herbert Henry As- quith. M.P.. speaking at Hull this evening. congratulated the Govern- ment on the agreement between the tuna! States and Canada to adjust the Alaskan boundary question. Gerald Balfour Forerltadows Fu. evnumu of Board of Trade. A MINISTRY OF COMMERCE. Gen. Lyllvlmn to Command All Forces in South Al'rit-n. London, Fob. :.'..--It is :unmuncvd thut PM). lst the whole of the British foetws in South Africa, from the Zamboni to the Ca.pe.wlll be under a single and supreme command, to which Llettt.-t'reneral Lyttleton will be appointed, with his headquartm-s at l'rr-toriu. This ntpp is regarded as an important innovation. as significant of the intention ot the Imperial Govern- ment to treat South Africa as a who!p, and as giV'Lng a rrtrong pm- bahility ot " similar political ur- rangement at some futuro date. It in also “Nd to point to the future tranMrw of tho, N'nh‘P of lmwvr from Cape Colony to the new cob. (mien. Enid Mr. Dailey: "i Hen by the intr- ket rt?ports of the local papers that cabbage is selling here at a cent and at half " pound. The least I mar got for mine was 1:3. (route. In closing out n job lot of stuff to a single customer last Cull tor $1.800 I lumped of! carrots for 18 cents " pound and turnips tor 10 cents. Even at and: prices, tho day when men stuff could be profitably sluppod in- to the interior has gone by. Ttto in- terior ivill from this time on supply all its own garden truck, and OWitPrr, to tho shortncss of the season the privtas Will nmnr be: much loss than at present. There is a great crate there now for flowers. and I am gonna to cater to the craze." " grotnhouse at all, limiting his trade to the few short months in tho middle oi the summer. wht-n a host is not to be anticipated each night. He is now in Tacoma to pur- chase a large 14th of riower bulbs and rose: busluv;, which he purporscs taking in over the ice after thewna- thrr shall have moderatvd to when'" [w ci."' protect his tn-asures from nrmzmg. Tacoma, Wash., Felt. 2.--M. D. Bailey. who probably made more clear money last your out of mar- ket gardening than any other man in the Northwest, is preparing tor another trip into Dawson. Mr. bailey thinks lightly of his experience in gardening. and declares that en ergy and industry are of tar great- er importance than n technical oiu- cation. From a small island at the mouth at the Klondike he last sum- mer told 3413.000 worth of lettuce and such in the City of Dawson, and is preparing to do business on a still larger sonic tin: coming summchn ITepttra.1ior! he has already vented the gardening portion of the larmr.‘ island lower down the river from the owner, the North American Tracing and Transportation Com- galley. itu.imp,' for the use of the “round for mu, mason the enormous tum of #300 an new in advance. On hrs own ettcnll island he is inning owned in hm absence " greenhouse. 1,500 lent long. What business he did liust summer was done without BETTER THAN DIGGING GOLD MUNEY IN GAHHEN ffllllll(, Dawson Man Has Cleared SmallFortunein Business in the foothills of the mountains. in the Plucher Talley. The drill sunk down over 1,000 feet before oil was struck. but the quality is good. Mr. Lineham has a big jar of tho fluid with him. and it has the correct odor and color. The company will build a pipeline to Marleod when other wells "tuive been Bored. One Well Spout: Three Bundled Burr-ale a Dar. “I believe that western Canada is about to become a. [actor in the oil- produclng part of the world." sold John Lineham. of Okotoks. Alberta. who is at the Walker House, Toronto. Mr. tineham Is the President ot the Rocky Mountain Development Com- pany. They have a well spouting 800 barrels a day, and others in view. The point Where the oil has been struck is known as Oil City. It is a hundred miles southwest of Calgary, ONE SUPREME COMMAND. PADDY DIVVER DEAD. OIL IN ALBERTA. It is understood there a or so ot three tttries wit; which will como undo." the this case. and the dire! trion will be to give tho Ontnrlo soother count: of -- ,-._v.. ... "\Wlum:l "bwi, Judge Street, in his Judgment, lull“ suntainad tho contention ot thr At- torney-General and hold that tho il- cense relied upon by the p1ts1tttirr Ti 15 invalid. and that the only “only! which could give any exclusive mum to terry must be Issued by the i'ro- Vince. He therefore dixmiued the action with costs. Ontario Entitled to License Tier. national Ferries. Toronto rcport; A dvrision al- nounced Mmtvruuy by Mr. .lu-tm: Street forms another victory for law vinciai as opposed to Dominion Juris- diction, the nitration at itonse living the right to grant franchises for the operation of ferries from n Provin- cial point to u Inrpign country. The particular (-3.50 ramp from Soult Ste. Marie, the plrxintiti bring Mr. R. D. Perry. of Toronto, and the downtiunls the Algoma central Railway Com- pany and Mr. F. H. Clerguv. Mr. Perry had been operating a terry bi" tween Sauit H10. Marie, Ont., and Sault Ste. Mario, Mich. for sum-ml years. under a franchisee granted by the Dominion but that summer the de- imdunts commvnced the operation ot a ferry on the same route; hence Mr. Perry sued to prevent the. run- ning their terry. The action w“ trbd before Mr. Justice Street at the ttoo, and Il Toronto in December In“. The prisoner would not at first admit to the officer that he was tho man wanted, and ho took his arrest very badly. Eventually he remarked that after two years it was pretty tough to be taken. He would fight extradition, he mid, if his counsel, Mr. itoblnette, advised him to do so. Mr. Robinette will no to Guelph to- day to look into the case. Watson said that during the past couple of years he ha dbeen all over Canada buying harem. thm'tive Davis says the man told him that when he got $1,700 he had “men drinking heavily, and instead of going cut to buy norm-s he camp to Can- udn. He said h" was nearly caught borore in ono town, but got wiso and left; in a hurry. Watson dropped out of gig-ht tor nearly a year, but on Wodmwduy ln- spector Stark was notlfied that he was likely in Toronto. Dole-olive Davis found news ot him in the can end and alu-rwards took a our out west, with the result that the man was nalled within a couple ol hours ot..eotirtt, or the message. When tho; charged Watson with the theft of $1,700 he had got away and he was Imam of in Guelph. They sent word to Constable Merri.. weather, and the extradition paper-a were provided, but in the meantime Watson didn't wait. He has since been matted, just a Iltllv bit too late, in Lindsay, Bowmanville, Orillia, I'etrolea, Buffalo and numerous other places. The complainants in the case an described in the information as mil- lionaires, and they lune not had Watson hunted for the amount ot money they ask him to account for. They have a number of men in vari- ous party of the states buying horse- tor cash and it is necessary to trust these men with large sums of money. If they have n defaulter it is their policy to track him down, no matter what it costs, or how long it takes, and have him punished as an exam- ple to others who may be tempted to breach ot trust. Toronto report; High Constable Merriweather, ot Weltiur,ton county, took James Watson to Guelph 3c:- terday, where he will wait extrudi- tion proeeedinp. Watson is the mun who was arrested on Wednesday by Detective Davis. He is charged with stmling $1,700 trom Campbell & to, wealthy horse dealers ot St. Loni} Mo. The charge is two pears old, in: during all that time Watson has been diligently hunted throughout the whole of Western Canada, until ha was at last run down while driving with two well-known Citizens in a. cutter on the Lake Shore road. James Watson, Arrested in Toronto, Taken to Guelph WANTED IN ST, LOUIS FOR TRIAL illllhlEil fllll M YEARS? Rome. Fats. 2.-rt is claimed that the excavations that Professor Alroli is carrying out in the Forum have conclusively proved that Romulus did that found Rome. but that the city existed long previous to hie appear- »ance. It In contended that Prof. Alroll'u explorations have shown that Etruscan: originally established tltmtttettlveamt the Aventine Hill. from which they constantly descended and fought the Sabina. who inhabited the low ground at the toot of the hill. This Etruscan city was Rome, and its wars were wturodateueratious before Romulus came on the scene. The discovery of a great number of skulls forms part of the evidence. Under Romulus. who, instead of gh- ing his name to the city. took his name from it, the-Romans gained vie.. torlcn over the Sabines under Tatlus. Thereafter pence was concluded be- tween the two peoples and the event was commemorated by building the Tia Sacra. which linked the ' tricts inhabited by the Romans and Sublime. The Tin Sacra is now re- vealed as it existed two thousand years ago. Owing to the nema- tions it is now flooded ro' the Til"; whenever the river rises. exactly as in the remote past. When Etruse'm Home occupied the Aventine Hill :l. marshy lake covered the trite of the forum, and as late as the time of imperial Home. there was an artir.e. ial lake in the forum. in front of the roster. Now that the site has lit'l'n cleared tho bed of the lake has been found to be still water-tight, A VICTORY FOR PROVINCE. WAS PEOPLEO BY ETRUSCANS lllitlllllllllllllt allll1illi, City of Rome Existed Long Before His Appearance. d there are about " tries within Ontario. under the dpcisiuu Ita no titre! of the devb. Tive the Provinre at , revcnm; trreatext mac-m) titat haw. " ullluulnlu» w throw off any mlnwnl tack it. “and blow] m tire cuw for such on unuvunu. llel'Wluulll- aim vruplinnn. mug.- tiluu 01:1. Mann: than not exist when the Tm we"! of good on luv-giving hiood--u' Plot Plllu. Where thes " ments' tire, health l Robert Lee. In Hell I: at New Wootlnlnslel'. Before I began Inning Pink Pill». my blood v impure condition. and Kelly plmplms broke 0m body. Hy -tite m was sully tired. I lemon!“ But they dl' Then my wife “ml l I'lllil-a’ Pink Pills. 1 down boxes. and by l and them, I want ful health. um] my skin w Near. The pill» are t Bum-kriil». Innate. or. "Nat .5 g“ medicines t MI " the tieetet It. This nu- and sir Hum. M of Intimacy. hard. prime me to MIKE um moms. Your eye» do the dirk. took," 'he tmid. "ti web a story. "Pi. n1 "Why, lulu.“ said u I an: I living man. A muckrukv ttere, why. it on W “in it he 1 out I whipped my n: an entail. But it wand not budm‘. u mallet-em Hr "ver. I though IMP 'sttowml I gamed her mumumm she. tirmiy-- ""l"hs mun-trons. l 1 turning MUM Mir Philip know man um i. fut-mt" "Mlly. "orti.v, and Ir. an» an“ sum-nu not“), ' would crodu my? 1 moles Nite “Mlult showed sumo "t--t think him pm W an Id Mine t himself 1hr t In: d t tinum doubt in fl bk lit u Jue rut an um York's by I Wm may mam of an miration, (a a 00:11“). lacks only; Fron drow Well." . Wnat aback nt htM‘om'. I sold. ' ot trim-L mu ybe Mr and would tho door l h "Wh, an lat b. "B m-rveu ttt and I an U Hood blood ho ikin that m to her, tt h *SSbssssss g'gVa',g',g'oClaV Foot pa dd ‘Inde re i ever Mr. York nt " "m. Sir PM Imam-ed Wcti. Mr. Rs Th. 4% Being an ladle: in: Did THE M tell: [an left Fill kn no who tn lantern Philip In hat “In M Dill at um tip" Ishn mum HIM Th him qtrotttt. nth-1mm Hum. " Ill “amino-m4 out hee polite. Phe 5th It ever our“: tue I p '" DUI Ill Wit tttw .m' on

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