West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Feb 1903, p. 8

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a f tca! h i') l aux. iliEllll i flll an: swam. Illl,'li,lili. 4 Jack is either going to take heavy tug harness after this, or allow only one in the cutter. v', passed away on Jan. 20th, at the age ct 81 years. She was the mother of Mr Geo. Sacket. of Brownsville, and Mrs Jewels, of this place, the de.. ceased having lived with her brother Geo. Haw, during the last two years. A large number of friends attended the funeral, which took place on Thursday last. Mr Orchard and his beavers are gnawing down the trees at a swift rate, we expect to see a string of cord.. wood all the way from here to Proton Station, by next spring, a distance of s miles, and if Jack Ferguson Con- , tinttes hauling, we'll see another one I hardly as lone. I After a long rest owing to snow Mockades. the people of this vicinity nreoutnt their work again and em joying the fresh air, as the weather has came to another settlement. We regret very much to have to re- port the death of Mrs Sacket. who ' TI no BIG STORE t 3:" = Mammaammmmmwfi sizes ". EVERY PERSON COME AND SEE Mo GE: THE BARGAINS WH1LE THEY LAST. A Full Stock of Hardware and Groceries al ways kept on hand. Men's Suits at $3.50 up to $19.00. Our Men's Navy Overcoats must go at less than whole- sale price, to clear out prices range from $3.50 to 88.oo. We are offering in Dress Goods, Sateens, Prints, Flannellette, &c., the best values ever shown in Town, yes, even in Toronto. We have still a few Ladies' Jackets left that we are selling at half price, 82.oo and upwards. (Sur SiseeRusaRsg g gleaming gale is tit still going 027.. Balsam Valley. ALEX. RUSSELL boat Bargains in Boots A- Shoes. 9f Mrs Sackct, with SUCCESSOR TO J. A. HUNTER. t l Mr Jas McDonald is home from the [Swami looking well. , Dugald Ferguson and Peter McDon- 1 'dd, at this place attended the wood, I bee at Jack McQueen's last Saturday. I The young fellow that lost the two l, girls after mixing them halt way home gisf'eeling gloomy, but We think that Ejust as good as taking one the whole f way home. -----iqi-------. PltICEIrIut. ONTARIO ARCTI TORONTO F 2'ortymye )ears ago we had In doetor in Pricevxlle. nnw W8 have the eighth since. 50 years ago there Were but very few cook stun): in use throughout the County of Grey, nnw there i, no ~lI1uty without one. 40 years ago the oid fashion stone iloue “as'iu use. and no such thing as Rollers in existance, and people wem far healthier than nowadays. where them is no stone mill to he found lmnllv in on. 1 L;‘..' I' Forty-dye )ears ago we had in I'riceville, now We have th since. 50 years ago there Were few cook stuvm in use throw: County of Grey, nnw there i, ti without one. 40 Years :mn Hm m Fottv-ilve yams ago. the ht..- Wur Fer- gum"), Eur, was mammal Lam] Super. iutemient nt' aclmuls fur South Grey. N- W. Campbell, Bum. who was not. tit es- isteuee then, i< now Public Sch-ml Iuspets tor for South Grey. 50 years :120 a boy of 15 years of age could use the axe ttl chopping down a fallow equal to a man. To-duy a hey oi that age hardly knows wlmt side ofthe axe to use in cit-ppm: down a nee. Fifty wars ago " person woall be " mosa safe to .ureeb everyone lug would meet between Durham and Pricevllle with the salutation Bb Cmmar Ilia sibh un duig“ to day it is " How do you do to-duy. " 45 years my» wr' hm] Roiut fiour mills in Prieesulle and Fledxermn. To-lay thero are nothing but the rump, that. tu-tl; the spot of their uuce mutt-use. i Fifty years ago people who settled in the woods lived in log houses cluuKed With moss, and never had [he slistuteit attack of cold or iui%ruza. Now ttsee) live in fiue brick " stone dwellings. and are generally tstliicted with a had cold or something else, Go years my» the d-zm had to be curried on spikes by 6 men to the grave yard. to Durham. Roelw Sau. geen or other cemeteries. Toulay theyl are borne to their last resting place by n. grand hearse and black team of lurses. l Those that were in the prime ol 1 fo 5o lyenrs um: and bore the burden and heat l0! the day clearing off the forests uml y making provmlou for the younger genera.- itiou, are to-tlay. d living. feeble, old and lgmy, and noun will bid when to the labour; ml their hands and all ennhlv scenes. to Ijoiu the innumerable throng: in the world beyond. 45 or tio years ago, “was of um lunar. were wtuall sids going lo school than, 'wonld take it as nu insult lo have on: {contact “gt”: tcld new. Fortrtive )eurs ago ladies useu to wear immense hoops. uuw the Muslim they appear the more huiatied they are. Forty.tive .te"rmnN'o Nurmun McImyre. when u buy rt 12 m- 15 yawn, drew one horse sing” trout Litoce, Tun/um line to Durham. 3 times it Weekmud io- day he Is mayor of Durham and a qood citizen ot that. lawn. " his harvest. Wits cousxdered wed off, to-dny the barmeg. that hasn't u. hinder in some instances lets his crop go to waste before inking off. The open cylin- der Hire-him: machine was halal to tiuu in the Coltuly ol Grey and whenever in use. they were driven iy oxen, lust tune notluug will do but steam threshern. quite a mum»: trout the poverty Mick of titty yuan ago. Fifty years ago school» were scarce in the County of Grey and the yum"; rising generation had to no Wnt'uml uhy education and now there are numerous schools and educatiuu a: a higher tetittt- dard with all other advmtnue-u The farmer. than had In good cradle to take Fifty years ago wherever than! would be "no or three gathered together in the Maps of a bee. whiskey would be there also out! bo-day there' in no unch- n thing m me at any kind "t work. The!» was no lunrkel. nearer than Gneiph. Coiling- wood, Toronto and other points and now we have only to go n. tettt miles. to Ceylon. )lnrkdule, Durlmm on Duudulk and get the highest price for our pro- duce. Flfty yearn Ago hum Pliocvihe to the Toronto line was putty much settled with colored p-oplo and 110w there i, none to he Maud. Forty-tive years ago the man man could "fford to have a team ot horses and a, big inunwr wagon to go to chm-ch WM countered among the unintm-ncy. Iu-duy the young man than: hasn‘t n. mp buggy to drive in cannot persuade his girl to believe that his bether used to drive his mower with a yoke of oRett in a. hunk-mum cart when they “are cmrtmg months for the olden n.ttlements and walk to Woodbridue. Milton C2 some other pm of Ontario. Today we mm: walk two or turn when to the station. yams ago. the lab: Wm, was appointed Laud Su schools for South Grey. THE DURHAM REVIEW 29:2: Damn-st Cinnch. !, Mr P Peunock. " the Centrmi-onubtl now Agent Living-to... " your town, "l now Clean! sepurutur which “mantra to he :gxying sorisraevion, John Fullaise muchqu a line two year old "colt from I' MeCoum at the', gravel. It', a dandy. F l Jun G “val-m is; going int, wood srh, ing this mun-r wally lively. Tums the may to pile m'uey. Julm Mclnuis. of lfauito'oa. Innailurt-r ( I) Mclnuis, Arts' vi iturv, at; N Met'tilli- vrav's latter part of last Weak. J looks I well. Dunuah Mor MueArter Vintnl town lately. Miss Haggis 1leGillivrav, of Ben Is ut present: visiting friends iu Quite a number from :lmund I tended the npeumg of the how J Baptist. Chmch. I Mr P Penmml‘. pf H1. c.,,,r,.., Mr Durrant, although completely buts Inked. replied tu appropriate terlns,re- ferring to the many changes that had taken place in the quarter of It century he had lived unwagstlhem and thanking "ll heartily for kindnessea received he assur- ed them that he and Mrs Durrant and family would ever have the tuuut pleasant recollections of the time they lived on the 18th can of Egremontt He said they appreciated their presents very much and whenever thev looked at them they Would 1.9 reminded ot thin vocation. ttee Mr Trim: being: appointed to the chair made some preliminary remarks and the next hour or more was given to [nude and song. reading and recitationn. after which the Indie-J provided l splendid rapist and all went home pleased with the evening] spent. . The home of Mr J F Durraut. ex-cono- cillor of Egrenont, wan the scene of a pleasant social gathering on Hominy even- tug lust. Mr Durraut has sold his form nod. is moving into Mt Forest for the _pretseut. About sixty ot their friends and jueighburs not and presented Mr and Mn .l)urrant men with n gold watch nccom- prinied by iollowiug ad.lress: l To Mr. and Mrs. Durrant, 1 Dear Friends. Having learned that you are about to leave this neighborhood we hive assembled hem to-night to express our sincere regrL-tat yew-de- parture from our midst. During the wars you have lived amongst us, we have a ways found you kind and obligimi neighbors and true friends. You will be great y missed in the community and assure you that our best wishes will follow you and your family wherever your lot may be out. As a tangible token of our regard for you we and: you to accept these gold time. pieces. hoping that when ourmnc is ended here we will all mtg-L where We‘ll "CYC'r say good-bye. Mr Hugh Neilmn. who has been nll fur a long "we with, a. sum lc-g, us beater. UinJrieuus an not expect. that cm mauve. as be Is now upwards of years of "go rml Wtt'ar techie. A itossspure.uased 1: par of horses 31mm. Ruben-08' sane an Monday. I?ortr-tiee yearn mu than wore no I.“ than 7 or 8 wlotslasy hate between Prion- ville and Durham And In. " pretty welt patrouixed. 50-day time is only one, and the proprietor does not depend on it turn lam..- 46 you: ago Ministers oe- casionally srrtstiitri from Danna: to the old schuul houm. nus mile out of Price- ville. on a Sammy "Inning and be there in Lima to preach I“ ulweu. o'clock. To. daymme " no ”been”; tor ' to act in like manner. for than: am more homes than one nominal: an“ an; Pucc- ville. M: and Mrs J Swansum 6utertaiuel a. number ot {:1qu on Thursday evening ' mm signed Glenelg Centre. J Mrs. Goof?! Haw (John Sine ML f Thomas Weir, _ M»... IV...‘_,_._ I YEDVLL Tig ‘nn mnund hrts, at- ol the Lew Durham )urlot may he can Asa {and for you we ask you to pieces, hoping that when we will all meet where . --- -"e--_--_ieie -___-_ “nu-"- VI] MeDrsnald'e last I “new greys are, dashing drivers. . . . 5 We understand Mr William Kenny "l, Iyruytiou I has purchased a new cutter from Mr le bum“ & Co., Allen" Boyd, who is leaving for West ' . . 'erte_rior, U. S. A. been nniug Mr James Ii'alkinttham, of your town, visited friends here on the 28th of Jan. Uncle Jim looks well and enjoys a drive once in a while. What we would like to know _ If Zion Choir is taking a rest ? Several of our bachelor friends look very gloomy thew days since Hanna went toToronto. We hear say that Jim is going to start off walking some of these days and we dare to say Tom will be a good second. ' .... ....u mm n. we" were vur ThThfends of Miss Hanna Kenny I Varney friends last Sunday. will be glad to learn that sne inns got Mr A. Clark moved to Durham to love the ways at the Queen any and week. Arthur having got employs now feels entirely at home in her new on the G. T. It. here surroundings. Mien “or" "r.."- __... . Well Mike is a nice yhung fellow and now he has: commenced to farm again he will want company. Look outgirls. Mr John Colbert sold a two-year-old i can “mother day. The price real-l ized was ninctv dollars, the purchaser“ being Mr Michael Kenny, who will) now drive A time span ol bays. We: would like to know whose sister will! have the pleasure of the lung drives. I Ir, is reported that Miss Mary Glen- cross is about to leave for a few months. We have not learned her dcscination there will be SOlIlb lonely persons when Mary is away. We are very pieased to report our friend Mrs William Greenwood bar, ing over the grippe and able to be around again. Mr Duncan McGillivray is hust‘ing things Ionnd the Falls these days while W L is on the road as agent for the J C Wyinston firm of publishers, of Toronto. Duncan has many friends in these parts and om: or two special ones. been seriously ill until a few weeks before death, when the changeable weather appeared toefhset her. and at the last she sank into a peaceful sleep to wake up in the great beyond. She Was a. good and kind neighbor and hundreds of times has the dear old body crept out ot a warm bed to drive miles to aid some sick poison. Acts ilike this have endeared Mrs Timmins to all the surrounding district for miles around and there is not a person in the whole district that has a hard word to say of her. So we can most truthfully say that the heartielt sympathy of the people of this district To out to the sor- rowing,r Family. "l‘hc dew of the inter. ment turned out Very stormy. so much so that only a few ot the many who in- tended to be there were able to get. Rev Wray Smith conducted the ser- vice in church and cemetery and spoke very feelingly of our departed triend. y 5%wa -_ "N""...... """"'r"' " I Irf-lseitlt C Harrison. Mary McCunig a Edna Clnidet'. Llunie Gmspv. '2ml--Jut ' I Mchchern, [sane Hooper. Willis. Hooper B Nellie Sullivan. lst - Kate, Mchaig , Eddie Sollivou. The Quarterly board ovf the Varney Methodist church met at Mr J. Aldreds on Monday last. Mr D. Gordon was the guest ol sister, Mrs R. J. Eden. ottMou last. Quite , number from around i went up to the opening service; in Baptist church on Sunday. l Report of Hutton Hill School. Cm: ',4tlr--Aliee Lawrence. Bella Pally. E ale I Petty, Joe Reid and George Hutton, eq.. l, Dollie Hopkins. 8rd--Janie Millignu. ‘Will "once. Selina Hopkins Sr. 2ttd-. 'Chas. Lawrence. B-suie Milllgau. Witlir l Noble. Edna. Reid, John Pielsen. Jr. and --Vlorenee. Mountain. Smliu Lungrill. l Willie Wells. Sr. Pt. '2ud--Freu1 Cttit and i Percy Aldrml. cq ' Arthur Marlee. Jr. Pt. 2nd (a) --Beyou"e Weldrer. Jr. Pt Sad (by l ---Leslrs May Valle! um] Jenn Picket). up. lJr. Ist-Nina Noble. Jr. law-Hath. ( Nome, Jam; A. GRAHAM, 'l'eedner. I Honor Roll, Nola (Hench: & Egrvllmlll. I for Jan 1903. t5tu-Freunr "nun...“ week. mmnur having got employment on the G. T. It. here Miss Mare Wallace called on Miss Maggie MeNieee on Sun-12w last. Mr Geo. Petty spent Sunday srr.lt Mr Richard Allan. The Methodist Parsonage. Durham. 1 was the scene on Thurs-day th. 3rd. of ‘a, quiet hut prettv wedding when Mr. ih' E.. Sandersun. of Town. was unde {in hands of nutrinmny to Mite, Eliz- Inlbeth \Vilmn. daughter of Mr. Archie I Willa)". Bentinek. The "ride was uh wired in a. Lmvellink costume of blui- : brand cloth with white trimming» and while picture hat. She was attended “Ly her sister Currie, the RHMtttt being asnpgmwd by Thomas Wilson, brother I of t e hide. After congrulations tlte happy ample left on the afternoon train for an ex- tended tour. We wish our young townsnmn and his bride happiness and prosperity through lite. Who is the netulnr attender at Baub- line Avenue these days? What is the matter with Vinoent these days fr Is Winnie going to West Superior. Where the little greys to. these nights ? What husbeeome at the violin tensil- er . W hat the clerk of the weather will send next, Mr und_Mr§ N. Eden were Miss Nellie Wallace was the guest Miss Lizzie Allan, on Sunday last. WEDDING MIME HONOR ROLLS " the guest of his Eden, on Monday around here visiting the lust Lf,; 55h'l'ygh',"xy,Dr, i.il'i4lit4.r'iaJisVii'ft.',a,!i,ii VOL. xx MEN 'S Hr'..h COME HER] At prices ttui garments Wr'. ARF. vs';) MENS keeping Cloth} you don 't we mined iatcl V " AFTE Gratj are the Shape-w SEE 0 NOW at a p: people by the them a: Roman air are "as W

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