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Durham Review (1897), 12 Feb 1903, p. 1

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lave mot In” 5. 1903 l L UP "I"! ti' W "rt Ni W' M M r H3 ..,. ., "qu5 Mit Mr .10.; K I. EEK "lrllX'd4hhfrl,filTy,T'5tT4 5illXlFMSSrfirFffif5ii2ilXiNgi1 VOL. XXV. NO. 7 MEN'S HEAVY & FINE RUBBERS, MEN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR AND ALL OTHER WINTER GOODS' COMIC HERE FOR At prices that will pay you even if you don't require them Shape-keeping Clothing is the kind to get. We sell it and it you don't wear it, you ought to. We're selling good shape- keeping Clothing at the price you usually pay for poor ill-fitting garments. WE ARE SHOWING . MENS & BOYS' L'LSTERS, OVERC0ATS mmediatel y 'Ames Holden ik, Jilmlfl=S'lulras-/hum BARGAINS Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. AEE, orut DISPLAY; OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANU- FACTURED BY THE Remember the place I; Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. BOOTS Will use you Right Try Him. WE WANT BUTTER 8 EMS, THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Rubbers BARGAINS JN . DRESS GOODS, LADIES' SKIRTS, 'ames ire/am! 'ames Wetaud THE POPULAD CASH STORE FOR '. RIGHT AWAY " 0R '." BYE AND BYE" .... - REIZFERS. T iiiiltiptlig, Gd? eehnie. LADIES' JACKETS. MENS SUITS, BOYS' SUITS FURS, 'ie 1-1 ti.' _-lt,".,- A? at :49; i A CHANCE FOR PnEBuvrorAss.-., ; During the week, Rev. Mr. Ftuquharson i received a. communication from Rev. Dr. Macklein. Provost of Trinity Uni.. i versity, Toronto, of which the following i is an extract: "Mr. Wm. McKenzie has E i donated ten Entrance Bursaries. of the E ( value/d $100 each. to he enjoyed prefer- E l ably by Presbyterian students begin- E: ning an arts course in residence in Tran. iit} University next October. It you kit know of any matriculant. in your con- 3 i qregation whom you would like to nom- W i inate for one of these bursaries I should _ - , he glad lo hear from you." Anyone de- - jiring to avail himself of this offer AS' j should see Mr. quuluuson without‘ F5 , delay. I NoTrcrr.---All parties indebted to Chas McKinnon an “attested to call at his otBee and settle t cir account or note before March lat as after that date they will be placed in other hand: for collec- tion. Gnu. McKrtmos. " Lavinia Shortcut " an old maid bound to marry someone. Torn MeCloeklin, Chas. Lavelle, Bob Hughes. Reg. Kelly, Nat. Swallow. were Pltihpinos, Malays. &c. Sure we are Durham has lots of dramatic talent if only developed. Lots of artistic talentalso. judged by the fine new paintings and costumes. _ " [he Scout of the Philippines." Their efforts were most creditable, and we hope they may at an early date give an- ' other. equally good, to a crowded hall. ‘The "Scout" Charles Crawford, Was ', W. N. Davidson, the planter, Leslie _ Crawford. was taken by Moore Meli'nd.- den, while Bert Mockler was a Spaniard in league with Azliinaldo, Philip Me- Kechnie. E. McClocklin was Agumal- do's lieutenant. S. McIntyre was tV, renegade American, and A. McIntyre as 'Leary' was an importation. Sebas- tian Corncob was represented by Doug. Munro, who has an nversnon to matri- monr--we mean Corneob has. not Doug. Cloudy. “a colored pussun" was I brilliantly taken by L. Buchan, and w. I E. Theobald was a German hemp-grow- l or of generous size. and always averse: to tisthting. Misses J. Laidlaw and E. l McCaul, were Miss and Mrs. Crawford ; respectively, while Miss M. Munro was l " THE ROYAL STOCK Uo.”-This com- pany. on Friday East, had It house sum- ciently large to stimulate the young tal. ent of the town, who, at considerable trouble to themselves, had prepared a unique entertainment. a play, called MacFarlane'" Grip Tablets check an attack. 25c n box. A KxucK-udwx BLOW.- Monday last 7 Foreman Weiner. had some words with Mr. ll. Cum-an. a fello.v-wovkmen and both cement etnployes, when the for- mer. without wuiniug raised a carpen- ter‘s mallet and struck Cmrrun on the head making a cut which required some stitches to close up. Curran was knock. e I down and it is alleged, his assailant, not, satisfied wilh lhul,struck him or struck at, him, twice when down and then mm In the omce as to a. House of Refuge. Me. Werro.'s savage and " considered blow has cost, hini his situa- tion as Supt. Farr promptly discharged him and it may cost him more if Mr. Hurrah choose to set law in operation. Ready to wear suits: at Grant's. 5 Make your hens lay now. Try our lPoulu'y Spice. Crushed Bone and oy. i star Shell. MacFurlaue’s Drug Stow. _ Golden Butter Color, the best in the éumrkel, 10c a bottle, at Parker's Drug l Store. took it, it is hoped by mistake, is request ed to leave it, an. Review office. A CHANCE FOR PnEBuwreRrAss.-- During the week, Rev. Mr. Ftuquharson LOST Cunruer.---At the Melina sale last week, Mr Geo. Mcitae found, when collecting his pnrchnqes. that he was short n. piece of carpet. The putty who DURHAM, THURSDAY? -iiiiiiiiiijiiii? 12, 1903. Miss Helena Pelletier's company held forth in the Town Hall, Monday and Tuesday. What we saw of " His Better. Half" did not lead us to form a high 0- pimon of the whole. Norice.--It the party that took the bills oft the Standard Bank counter last Saturday mum will return them either by mail or personally. it will save expos- ure and pethaps imprisonment, as he is known. Fowler-Poultry supplies. at Parker's Dung Store. DARLIxu’s DRUG Srorte.- We showing the lugs-st and best mm Rubber Goods ever shown In town. cures cows m 'd4 hours. 2.5c a box. Owen Sound people are speaking about an electric railway foe that place. rot-secs at Grant's. MacFariane's Laxative cures colds in 21 hours. 25c Additonal Locals on Page 4 Read Theobalda ad. It will pay you. B. & C. straight front, and long hip i-',,",-,?.,-',)-.), 1 'i'.ijiOthie"t2 unui C0h"tE.---- we. are uRest and best range of! ever shown In town. l the party that took thel nuiaed Bank counter last f Laxatives Cold Cure, at h "tgain prices titil [In lanai-oi Gun. Teacher, [1,]. Adopted by all leading Schools in Toronto. This deservedl p0 lu- system by mans of Chan tee, 'i:iii.',5h'li?iliiiil,'i,ii 'N,lflrwtttg; clung can hang e o owing c- n the c ld's immediate comprehension. 25in Roman Mr. Thos. Banks,-lot41, Con. 2, E.G. R. Glenelg. just adjoining Edge Hill.-- will offer for. sale on Wednesday Feb. 18th, stock, implements. fowl and some articles of house furniture. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms: 12 mos. credit. 5 per cent " tot cash in lieu of notes. Geo. NOBLE. Auerionter. Lotrr.--on the nignt of the Baptist concert at the church or on the way there a pair of gold rimmed spectacles. Finder will he suitabiy rewarded on returning to The Winnipeg Telegram of Feb. ttth, has an account of a keenly contested curling match between too local rinks, in one of which was J. A. Hunter, and on the lucky side too. Collingwood leceived a cheque front Mr. Carnegie last week for 812,5“) being the lst instalment on the amount protu- ised by him toward the library. Galt has also accepted at Carnegie library. North Grey is in the heat of another campaign for the Commons. Election takes place Fob. 2t. Kennedy, Liberal; Thompson, Conservative. No one who needs anything in cloth- mg can afford to let me opportunity was that Theobald is offering. Read his ad. Ladies' heavy er-eet skirts and black sztleen midruskitzs at Grant's. MacFarlane',, Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, pure and fresh, will Rive you strength. 350 a bottle. Land Plaster one car in hags--at Parker's. 1ry a hot water' hug and buy it at Darling 's. Prices right. It is intended belore long to have the Reading Room open during the afternoon as well as in the evening. For term. Apply to Step in to-night or any night be.. tWeen 7.30 and 9.30 p. Ill. and sec. Open Saturday afternoon as usual, 2 to 4 p. m. We believe to many citizens the extent of the Library will be a revela- tion, for we are sure quite a number have no idea of the wealth of books gathered during the last 23 vears. and especially during the long Presidency of the late Dr Gun, than whom the Library has not, nor ever had, a truer 'friend. The directors will be at much greater expense now-even with the grant-than before. and they hope to see a very largely increased member- ship. Catalogues have Just been issued and are sold for 10 cents, enn- taining the books classified according to authors. &c I Since last issue a great change has ibeen made by the Directors of the [Public Library. Encouraged by the grant of 8100 from the council they (have rented the new store built by J IN Hunter, and have moved the great I bulk at the books ofthe Public Library iand all of the magazines into the new lquarters. Librarian C. Elvidge. assis- Ited by E. Kress, 1'eir'l,tfi', has the shelving in position an books placed and before many days the tables and lracks will be supplied with the na- merous choice magazines, daily pa' pers. &c., furnished by the Board. This move has been in contempla- tionfor nearly two years, especially since the early closing practice began. j Taking things as we fiad them, young I I people desire an outing in the evening, l (and the aim of the Directors is to pro- vide a place, other than hotels, where an open door invites to choicest read- ing. or wholsesome, quiet and refined recreation. The building vacated in part, was not convenient to the greater number and it is earnestly hoped all ptlhlie-ispirited citizens will aid this effort, wholly uniselfiish, to promote the best interests of the town. This they can do by becoming members of the Library. (for the Reading Room is free) and themselves using as occasion offers, and recommending to others the many advantages of both. I That Label .r---A large number of our subscribers have renewed di ring the last two weeks. Many more no doubt contemplate doing so. \Ve ask all our subscribers to examine their labels and have them marked to end ot 1903 at once. If mistakes are found and the dates incorrect. please bring or mail receipts and we shall most, cheerfully correct them. Our Annual. as long as they Inst. goes free to eveiy subscriber for 11113. Renew in time. Comfortably Housed Down Town. Myer's Music Method. SALE REGISTER. THE READING MON. M RS. J aux CAMERON ttunie Motion Piano Work luuul History Technique _iiltriijtii,it). HAarrrorur.--In Durham, on January 8, to Mr. and Mn. E. Hartford, a daugh- On motion council adjourned till Mon. day night 9th. McItityre--McLachliur--Thnt By-lnw 444 he not read a. third time until this trunncil get more mfurunliun re statu- tory and provincial fees and that spe- cial meeting be called on Monday night the 9th LO consider same. Carried. _ A By-law was introduced and passed its second reading, The council went into committee of the whole with John McKeclmie in the chair. J H Brown-d L Brown-That liberty be granted to introduce a hy-law to in. crease the license fees on hotels. Car. By-law 445 up aiming a collector for 1902 was Basset? through ita several stages and Hugh Mr-Ku was imprinted collector, of all 'ilf/,1'ilf taxes for the year 1902 with 3 per tent added. J H Brown-s L Browne-That a com- E mittee composed of A H Hunter. J I/ Browne, Alex McLachlan and the mayor are hereby appointed to consider g the matter of street lighting according i Lomohon ttl L Browne and A Megl Lachlnn. carried. ' a. scheme for the municipal ownership? and control of an electric light plant for-i public and private lighting and submit; to the council its report regardin such ! scheme, not later than March 12lr lim, l hearing' in mind the following poiuts., lat, prospect of obtaining posse-8mm] of l present plant and an estimate of the) cost of same, 2nd. cost. of instaling new j and efficient power, 3rd Estimate of I Revenue from private sources. 4th Es- l timnte cost of maintainence per year. I _ ,."-.--‘_. . an IV .xmuvuu ."oo Ulla. council apron" a. committee to consider; a. schpmp nr Hm ....m;..:n..| o....,.....,.,..".'. J L Brown-A McLachlan -- That in view of the ndium cast upon our town and of the disadvantages to our business men and probable danger In out-Citizens and visitors caused by the absence of: tsttteetlightinR and also that previous. schemes for lighting lay contract have proven unsatisfactory and further that " Is the expressed wish of the majurity l of the ratepayers that the streets should l be lighted. Be it, resolved that this) Issues tor sale of Dem-m ores tor bridge- and granolillnic sidewalk. Carried. J H Brown-Shaw-That a commit,- tee composed of the Mayor. Alex Mr- anhlan. J L Brown. John Mckechnie he appointed lo confer “will Livingston Bros.. in reference to loan from town In aid m the construction and maintain- ence of a factory to manufacture cream separators. Curried. _ McLachlan-g ll Brawn n That Hu- the Mayor be instructed to udvorliso in Mail. Glob». and Cauadian lbat.ovd 3 issues for sale of Dem-"lures tor bridge and granolilhiu sidealk. Curried. Mckechnie -Huutev--That Alex Mc- Donald he paid for. his tservices as engi- neer for the your 1903. the sum of 8.50. (harried. wHyrtu,e-. McLachlan -- That M. K. Richardson. M. P., of the South Riding of Grey he and is hereby rm Heated to assist the directors of the Plot-on and Ontario Electric Railway Company m obtaining an extension of their charter 1 for which they are applying at the ap- proaching session of parliament. Cat . To His worship, the Mayor. and the Councillors of the Town of Durham, Gentlemen, Herewith we beg to hand cur Report on the town accounts for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1902. We found the accounts all accurately kept and the 1 Town Books in titst.cGss shape. all J of which is respectfully submitted. i W. S. DAVIDSOV. . _ . l A. DAVIDSON. jauditxurs i McLachlan-y. H. Brown-That, the, Auditors' report he accepted and fifty'; copies be. issued. Carried. i In response to a deputation on behalf l of the Public Library, composed of l T Allan, N w Campbell. Chas Ratnage. _ Rev Farquhnrson and others asking for l agrant to enable them to establish a: Reading Room and part of the Lihrarv , in connection with same. 355;; 7t and that the account, of Royal Artilh In} Statue paving Co ' he laid over. All " which as respectfully sulunitted. JOHN MCKECHNIK, Chairman. Mcuchtan--Brown-'ri,al Report of Finance Committee Ire accepted and cheques he issued for the several atn'ts. Carried. January 31st, Charles,. Brown. work and ceda J Uomudine, tence viewer W. B. Vollet. salary for January 822%. postage 15c R Torry, Stoker to Fire Hall G Ryan. wood to market L McLean. wood to Fue Hall G Mfikle. as second enginver m '" --- V. n... “vi-“(1th allu recuuu mend payment t George Blair. wood for market $5 18 George Unix. wood. Town Hall I 9.3 Amos, Chlslett " .. 2 .30 w. 8. Davidson. Auditor If) 00 A: quidson. .. " m Council met. regular meeting. Mem.. l-ers present. N. Molntyte. Ptul.. Mayor, Councillors MrLachlnn. J. H. Brown. McKechnie. Hunter, Sharp, J. L. Browne. Report of Finance Committee t Your committee have had under considera- tion yr. following accounts and recom- RIO ARCHIVES" TORONTO War. B. VOLLET. Clerk. BORN TOWN COUNCIL. w 15M) " a 2.3 (I) R. B. KEELER & " (K) 13 te,, lb 1lllltlyl'S Everybody says Keeler must fix my watch. . " " your Watch or Clock it kick K eeler the Jeweller can make it lid: We have a grand assort- ment of Silk aad Flannel Blouses we are selling at a bar- gain. We will be pleased to have you call and treat yourself to one of these great bargains. The hrickynrd adjuming the mm: of Durham on the Best. operated for some ygars lately by hurtttteLWvisrltt, If you need a pair of Spectacles Keeler can suit you. We guarantee to make you see as good as you ever saw. Hundreds of frames to choose from. FOR XMAS” BLOUSES M. Everything in Millinery must be sold at a very low figure. We have over 50 beau- tiful Trimmed Hats going at half price, some are the very best Silk Velvet Hats and a great number of stylish ready- to-wear hats, all Styles. We never keep any hats over and in order to do this we offer great bargains for the rest of the season. For Big Bargains in Watches Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, &c. BARGAINSIN MILLINERV (>041 A lot of Fancy Collars ttttd Handkerch ids. MISS DICK. MacFarlane & 60., Druggists & Booksellers. NOW. now and keep it until spring, or The men have more time at this season to help --, Brighten up your rooms It will pay Prices néarly cut in two. ‘s arriving and to room for it we oife I crgains. Our new Spring Stock of WALL PAPER MUST MA K E ROOM BRICKYARD TO RENT JEWELERY CHAS BAMAGE. Pun-n up Pcnusnmn Apply to H. PARK}; Dun hum and to make we offer some you to buy STORE

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