Al - - - -A‘AA. uuo i 1, , m l t I , a _ _ _ - ' _ ' - _ "ew- w ‘ Te --F V‘ _ '“’h . o In A " n n A a A p t g 55? it-"sutee9s (li," took , "irfw tia,se,,ase,es/ai Tr' --- " akin 'i"-',:),'""] (lrr'"'ji) . 7he ehri stmas tlbmaxa1, o Ti8ubscribers to the REVIEW for ty van TheEAxmual is aAo-page magazine ', attractive illustrated "3‘1;qu matter and i ornament to any parlor ta e. If not a (Free scriber, become' one and get it FREE. e),i_-_._iiiiir"iriiiivi'ir(iiiiiiiort siviaivii _j,iiriijii,i'ii"ii"ii"isi'i"ij g; NOTICE! 2; vuunuy i neet . . ach A Fine Shipment oflRAYMOND SEWING MACHINES. If": ito 1 Sewing Machine Needles, and all Supplies will be sold’l‘mfs' at RIGHT PRICES. Iâ€? _._________ a? s l? M 1 ilt s'i,'i' (',' J 0le LIVINGSTONE. “MAW 1yllllll)MMjvimny, _,,?:;' ()VERCOATS " " ,l i All accounts for Binder Repairs and 'Machi: counts, are required settled at 0an We This notice will al prompt attention must matter. Everyone has heard of the 4 Boys' " Reel 3 Boys' Raglanette Overcoats 5 Men's ki 'csc-Alf/Ili-sit:?:,.?),,, JUST TO HAND! 6 Boys' All Wool Frieze Ulsters 2 Men's " " all and examine our stock r CASH AND ONE PRICE. to " SLYITS " We are busy taking stock and find we have a lot of Odds and Ends in our Clothing Department. These we are offering at a big reduction. have a full Assortment Children 's Suits, sizes 22 to 30 Regular $3.00 to clear at taaso Boys' Suits. .. 3oto 35 " 5.50. " 4.00 Men's Heavy Tweed Suits .. 7.50, 66 5.50 Men's Worsted Suits bt 10.00. " 8.50 1)FdEjRjr?trc, John Clark. i and 'Machine ac- are required to he at once. . Remain. Pub; " Reefers (5,tary Suvas, nr stock rs it is only a pleasure to show goods, THE Reefers appear two weeks, and st be given to the famous - _ . vu rrumy evening Feb. 6th a number f""-"-'-"-"-'-"-"-'"-----,-.' "e-'-------, - 7, H -- - of young people from Hutton Hill in.. vaded the homes of Mr. James Milligan r te £4151 Geo. 'l1r'i?hi1:.iii presented r. i ignn wit a an some arm y nnuaz‘w chair and Mrs, Turnhuil with a fine rocking chair. Both Mr. Milligan and ' to the REVIEW for 1903. Mrs. Turnhull thanked the young people warmly for their kind remembrance] a.4o-page magazine filled and wished them a long happy life and ' {reading matter and is an prosperity. I lor table. If not a Sub- - After unendinu " vn-- --s_. . . 5“,] - " -t--. Regular 35.50 to clear at " 75 " 6.ooto $6 Ann Call and see Them ff ave Your Choice I 4. 50 4.25 8.50 10.00 Twine, a Prop. TORONTO -' u“... a mug nappy life and , prosperity. ' After spending a very enjoyable eyen- - an the zoning peo’ple repaired to their several omen wel tmtiftied with their MCCOMB. evening’s enjoyment. MN, . -. On Friday evening Feb, of young people from H vaded the homes of Mr. J and Mr. Geo. Turnhull i Mr. Milligan with a It; chair and Mrs, annhnn 001'er L. O. L-The Annual Meet. ing of the County L. O. L. of South Grey was held in the town of Mount ( Forest on Tuesday, February 3, 1903 for the trausactinn of business and the elec- tion of omeers whwh are as follows: Bro. Wm. Ritchie. w. C. M . W. c, Al- lan. D. M ; John 1Dlliams. Cha ; J. G. Wilson. Rec. Sec l Thos. i'i'A7llli, Fin. See; R. J. Eden, Treas l Jas. Eden,' Dir. of Ger; J. R. Anderson. Leer :‘John AI. Chad and Jas. Blvd). Donn!" r A-.. ‘ V - -- ._, v ., est violence being on and touch, 10th and lllh. Those who do n pare for hard winter, storms am great cold wave and blizzard h! the 9th and 16th February. will, , pay a costly penalty." As we w the llth it Is extremely mild and ing to snow again. renmnry. The most striking hits he made were the tidal wave which des- troyed Galveston, the famous advice in 1001-' Sow crops that will ripen with early rains," meaning a dry summer, and the Mt. Pelee disaster in 1902. Pre- ‘dicting for a continent is pretty safe l work as a. storm is sure to exist some- i where, but he occasionally has localized it, till now his successes cause L-animent and his failures are overlooked. The Violent snowstorm of Sunday and Mon, day has given away again to thawing; weather. Hicks says "A storm period to watch is from about Sunday the 8th I to Thursday the 12th, the days ofgreat- est violence being on and touching the ' 10th and 11th. Those who do not pre- l pare for hard Winter storms and for a great cold wave and blizzard between i the 9th and mm at-“ .A - ... . wicAron., The opening d I February were exceedingly mild f in the main, with the predict _ Rev. lel It, Hirkn, the weather a St. Lotus. and this must have public interest in his forecasts esp as he has laid out to have a. very February. 'The most striking i made were the tidal wave whici troyed Galveston. the fanlnnu ml. 1tv.ssrnsurs.--wiil those friends have not yet ittended to renewals us a remittance at an early date. need all the dollars owirg: one each would mean much to the pl her. Those in arrears we again 11 to put their lahel tight. Annun lung as they last. to suhssrihm-u l Trtro. LATE ALEX. Mc'Cosrn.-This, l Wednesday, morning the painful news was made known that Mr. Alex Nc. Comb died in the'muly m whim: hours. A fuller notice will appear next week. PRFHHYTERIAK " AT HOME "--Tomight Thursday the Proshyteriun body here haye a. social and musical evening on band with a little business Mismg from the recent annual meeting. A very pleasant time is assured. PRESENTATION - iv... u‘ vr g aunt 'r, Blyth, Deputy Lecr's, vouuinent IS pretty safe m is sure to exist some- 3eeasionally has localized successes cause cammem s are overlooked. The _ can """"KW mua, agree- with the predictions of irks, the weather man of D this must have roused in his forecasts especially out to have a. very rough L, - . -‘ - THE DURHAM REVIEW ill those friends who tea to renewals send an early date. We tight. Annuals as :0 subssrilmrs for Opening days ‘y. will, we fear As We Write on g: one {mm , the publis- again Invite star:- their names, addresses and descrip- tions, and a tall statement ot particul- ars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, duly eertified, and that after the said day, the Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased ax man: the parties entitled thereto hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then' have notice. Dated this 11th day of February, A.D 1903. J. P. TELFORD, I Solicitor for the Executors' James L. Smith, M. D. {William Smith [won-In Durham, Wedneada . Feb. u, Mr, Alex. McComb, aged g) vat-1‘ of , In Me Surrogate Court of the Counly I of Grey, In Me matter of the Eve , late of Donald Smith. late of the Township of Holland, m the County of Grey. Farmer Deceased : I otice is hereby given pursuant to N R. S. o., 1897, Cap, 129, See. 38, and Amending Acts, that all persons having claims against the Estate of' the said Donald Smith. who died on or‘ about the 13th day of January A. D. 1903, are hereby required to send by t prepaid, or to deliver to J.. P. ( llt'/i2t of the Town of Durham, Soli- , citor for the Exeeators, on or before the (AI, J - I- J 6th day of Marci, Al; “mun", r Aussum. Louisa \Vntson. Bert Watson, D Gillies, C McDonald, Jennie Watson, M McCrne. 3rd-Neilie McKinnon, Neil McKin. non. W Tryon, John Mume, Donald McLean, A Patton, M Hughes, Alex McDonald. W" Cameron. Jessie McLean, Lizzie Mather, A Umnerun. D McLeod. Tenn. McLean. Alex McLean. A Bun-um Senior Department. 5th Hryrsz-stanley Ferguson. 4th---M. Tryon. H McKinmn Donald, A Mche. It Uunkey, son. M McAl'Lhur, B McMillan Kmnun, F Aussum. Louisa Bert Watson, D Gillies, C' " Jennie Watson, M McCrne. , The death of Mr Andrew McGill oc." curred at his residencv. C:hrussvoti/, fsarly on last Saturday morning. after a long illness, at the age of 70 ywu's. He had been a. resident of Chatkworth for about forty years. all of' which time he was engaged in the manufacture of agricultural implements. He leaves " widow, three suns and one daughter. Thomas M., Melville. Connor nud Agnes The funeral took place on Munday afternoon to the Presbytel um cemetery. l --News. _ POLICE VtrmAatss.---Hais ' villenow with the status :1 village. The Public Library is slureedmg well and mum Eastman infmms us, the will be secured. Memlwrs sl in listsnf hacks tc the Sec Dixon. and new members to ul‘er A. McDonald. tonight, (Thursday.) has boon postponed till next Tuetaiay,17tit inst. owing to bad weather. Good prizes are offerbd for mew and costumes. To Lose ABERDEEN.~1L SUPIIIS there is a prulmbility that Aberdeen P o. may have to he closed. Miss McDonald. long the ettieient pustmistrem. is mov- ingnwuy and the Jimvulty is to get, anynne to take tt. HUGEVILLE PUBLU, i uarrlston 480 Palmerston 20C m Forest 370 Chosle-y 165 Arthur 320 Tara 16C Fergus 320 Dundalk 150 Paisley 315 Durham 150 Lucknow 270 Markdulv 90 Teeswater 240 Meaf'orti 60 Markdnle council at its meeting a few days ago raised their licenses from 8150 to b240. Notice to tjiriiiiiijr; 'osTPosum.--mie carilivat to he held - [:1anqu". I Tor Sale at W. Black's Store. THE LICENSE QUESTION. DIED. P, A Cameron. D Moiéaa: " Alex McLean, A Burner. S. M. EASTMAN, Teacher. a ey Fergusml. , McKinnun, T Mc- ‘. It 1Jonken L Wat- B MchlhmtD Mc- "uc unwary muwmem l and mun. Prum-ipnl m us, the 100 lickds Members should hand to the Secretary Dr. Pemiters to the Treas- scams 'of a AVG, " SCHOOL. L, I903 “If to Price ' .n'c Tor one year ma _lvtselliiiii'iisiei!rir' tlf l my stock. Found it to give good sum! on, and Direct would advise I“ farmeirs an feeders of stock to use it. Your: mummy. A: L. MOSH; December 29, lim. Avomon P. 0 LATE 10 tb box, 200 feeds, Me.; 50 lb. suck K'. HE MANUFACTURED BY 4 "am used w rtht . “I! n†f.',1e...rt'E 99â€â€œ? [men tl', trenter Fairs 1902. were fed with iiiiiG mm ydelen Caplqlfn Stock Sttte,td 1'l1't.ft.i't',tit Foo!! resu ts farmers am mun-rs would obtain bv fecdmg a genuine stovk food; not In Amerimul tad. Horses look better, feed bsucr, drive isetter sell better, when fed with Worthln t n' ' Stock Tonic. g o . Dear sir,--. For an. and orunmritliil,, T""" A, B. Hunt». DURHAM. Wm. Seaman. HOLSTEIN The sweepstuke fat cattle LVinter Fairs MM.', were fed , To be :wardcd It Provincial Winter for best pub- ot Put Cutie fed with 165 160 150 150 . _ *"'""““"""““ Direct Importations ia" European I . d f . . . hr.' “Hie tut tmerg';t?n t'hitrh1., Ct,,,': Amerwan and Canadian Quarrirs eember29,tim. f 1 Me )0 ",.A',te7i',i'il"" LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, 10 lb box, 200 ms. .; f . ac . .NTS. MANUFACTURED BY HEADSTONES & MONUMF . All work warranted. Otders taken by The Worthington Mg c., Men“ R-mI-- -- . - -- “Ill?! m- A . A. B. lilo/IR/rrp), $40 In Cash Free' 1v0R'niiMi'roNeijANhoaN STOCK TONIC, ery Wednesday and Saturday ders or enquiries left at C. McA store, or at the REVIEW OFFIC receive our best affpnh'nn And warranted, good, easy rid- ing, and at reasonable prices. We lime still a full line of Peter Hamilton Machines, Binders, Mow- ers and Drills, Examine our; Chums too which we offer at right) prices. , We are at the shop at - V And of course you best that's going, see our new Stock YOU NEED A CUTTER GRAY ()ll ajinljiii tprve used Fr, n, pus TO DEAL WITH HIM. '. Almwn 1rrotuirs,---tsevr"r negligent." that he has had 22 years experience and that He " now offering for Sale '. ( . THE MALCOLM CAMEme mo norm which we Carefully consider where they do their) business. ' Many of these men go to 1 H. H. MILLER. the Hanover! Covveyaneer, even though It menu» a few . miles of a drive. They any let he is! floriuih, olii. "a"c'uuyanu tsaturday, Or- enquiries left at C. McArthur's I at the REVIEW OFFICE. will our best attention. At ' V 1qti,e!e.r.tr1/iue1ph M11332?! I want the Call and l made by Fair was CALDWELL‘ (OP-01 908%! mm iiiiid "--'----u- uruel Mesars Barclay and Bell ROBINSON & COMET, Agents. Show Rooms opposite Mid (laugh Stables, Lambton St. _iij:,ijjiidl.?iiiiiii)iie BARCLAY 81 BELL Also another Autit the renowned and ui Karn Organs. Call a them, theyare open for tion. l Do not miss the op- iportunity of buying one of our EFancy Lamps, at a price never Skates and Hand Sleghs at slaughtering prices. tell your friénds "{13'e"2)m old story of those famous rigs which is as above mentioned. Prices and Styles to suit all. Aarn (3rgancsr, before heard of. Lamps in abundance. @arz-iages. which are known and approved of all men to be unsurpaSScd {or beauty and second to none in quality. Call and see them and if you do not want to buy one Ior yourself you will be ablc to tell vour hams" ac, . ' . . Now is the time to buy Horse Blankets. If you want all wool ones, come to the right place. which are known of all men to be tt beauty and seem WWW. Call am Walnuts Just arrived at the Show Rooms of Barclay & Bell, a Car- load of the Ready for Spring "us Lt H Al E tkki'ui'ltrdLtr, HoLqu . BLACK. gudhopa another fhipruent of We have a few Robes s are offering at great- ltd, tip-to-dale ggrade the old old Proprietors. ind test r impec- a price never 011111101) Conn... 2nd J Nettie Hanan. Red. Myrtle Cl Mrrtle Whyte. Emlburgh. Ft, Sad.-- Fleming burgh. Funk- Tcoup. Johnny Baton. Ginud ll Alex. Keith, Alvin r Hugh I Tmup. i New My†Ecch Nut Jattuavy Annie H and Jr Thou hull Jonu Gem We ask In I") GROCERI ft, TWEEDS Circula tir Jr Our Comm and SHORTH lp-to-datc. th ol 4t tice assis Owen 8% BEGINS JAN Clldcr . Mock ll Proven Steei ti, inlty Also mills and (in with Full Linus Sylvester Farm lt Famous Tudh Bishop R Cockshutt and I 11; Clare Bros. ' Fu R toata The ' AT THE WINTE h D bestow: be fours M (H be“ ket % (Snider’s ttto HE SEL A. FLEM " ty GOOT A)Tri & S Wh T" “Ir " n " “mun-ll Hula-in ( H The nth " h " Call :-u ()ih'ltolh (Nikita I) FEB A '1 ll