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Durham Review (1897), 12 Feb 1903, p. 8

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U I. A funeral of a young child of Mr, Doegatd Mer'aruoe of aviator: Park. We have received it hook containing " splendid portrait of John s. Cameron 1Gu.. Atiarua, once a buy of this town. Mr. (Zuni-run nnw occupies the honor- aid" pmHinn of being Vice-Pres.. of the Sun Lifi- Assurance Company. of Unna- da in "comm. A certain writer from, that pat t of the woild. says Mr. Cannon} nu is popular with weryhody who] knows him and to know him no hour' can help but to like him. Mr. Cameron I is a. son of the late James Cameron of this town and a brother to Mrs. John I MclnneS. D. R. Glands. We take the pleasure of sending our congratulations I to our 2't,ae'.'igi',f, John foe being! mated tot "nttedpoedtioutuiG7v' Miss Germ: McLeod left for Manitoba a week ago. she is getting a school there and had to leave sooner than she ex- pected. We "re very sorry to lose Miss McLeod from our midst m she was a lady of the highest refutation. and was always ready to ttit in every good (Rube. Commissioner McArthur made the liberal offer for a site for a Town Hall gratis on front street next to the poet ottice. Now is the opportunity to take the advantage of this liberal otter. Mr. McArthur made the otter of n 81000 check to the County Council providing thee would bring the House of Refuge to lhicevitie. and John my: he would stick to his word too. w..w%. ‘,,... . Pvt-Ila lrtrlluy. lful wood.i/ds Mr. Wm. Benton and datgghtvr of a tea, although Dakota visited friencs on the D. It. Ffiiiii?, m and elsewhere for a week lately. .---- A I ‘- Mr. c. C. James spent a few pleasant days waiting (“ends at, Wocklhridtw and other points recently. Mrs. (Rem) Matheson is unwell for the last few weeks and confined to het room hut we tgg'",g'tf to hear that she is on the men now. of a liberal duposuiGn,Gtiii {$533 people of Paisley are no exception from the rule. . Piper McArthur had a “wry; plemnnt time at the Paislvv Scmc Concert )luy:..;.; to the natwew of that famous Ci'?,.',',' and Country. Miss Mary Helen his sister was there also and they speak highly of the people of the tvest. Scotchuwn are always noted for being of a liberal dismeitinn- and My... "ma At the last annual meeting of the Presbyterian church it was decided to have Gaelic preached but once a month to be on the Int Suhlmth in each month during the winter season and if not suiml-le a vote is to be taken at some future- time by Gaelic speaking memhere only and decide whether they are satis- tied with the change or not. so that; Has-lie speaking worshippers have an opportunity to decide for themselves if they I'lmnse. The Minister don't inter- tere in the matter whatever. On Sunday the lat day of March thet San-mum". will be dispensed in Gaelic, in the Pre:Urytertnn Church In this town. it is to be hoped that all those who claim to understand that good old ammo-m lumping» will he in attendance so as to have a well tilled church of the, Highland itaee on that solemn occur" ton. I Boys' odd Coats for $1 and Suits 1.75 to 8 5.00. Men's Suits $5 & $6 for 3.50; $7& $7.50 for " $10 for 7.50. Men's Heavy Overcoats $8 for " $7 for 84.50, $6 for $4, & a few Overcoats $2 and $3. 34 in. long, Bust 38, price 25.00, Sale Price. 36 in. long, But M, go: talian lining, regular price Sale Price...... ...... ..., 30 in. long, Bust 36, good sa- tin lining, regular price 930.00 SalePrice...... ...... ........ 30 inches long, Bust 40 in, good satin lining, regular price $37.50, sale price...... . ... .. We): Ir and Ji?eys' Weady~ Mara/es only, Was 017.00 now.. Ind/o: ' Minot”: laden. We. are to clean out the balance of our Winter Goods at prices much less than you can buy them at the W holesale Houses. We quote a few of the Lines: FEBRUARY SALE if! Me Jai, (Slime. Itll Stock of HARDWARE and Fresh GROCERIES Wow 'tho is a CAGIM‘O in a ”an, fur Coat. ALEX. RUSSELL pro 'EVILLE. TI I E BIG STORE SUCCESSOR T0 J. A. HUNTER regular ': ....... 16.400 (Mans-o in a ttht time, thm (5'er and ya! your Chaim,. tas, I Dress Goods at half price, $r.so . . $10.00 for 75e, 1.00 for Soc, 75c for Mc. . 329.49 A goodly number vrsited the Booth. _ ville Literary Society Friday and Were much pleased With the program which / was varied. A number worthy of spec- Aal mention was an exhibmon of club ,swmging by Miss McDonald. The or- 5ganizanon affords ample opportunuv for : practice in public speaking. It " am- fazing what latent possibilities lie dor. l mum in the youth cf our country. l Me Will Human returned from hi: Ai,'ij.i viuit to the west. Rm...n_._ s, - . - - Sympuhy is eueGid to Mr and Mn Manrlnn in the loss of their little child. I9.49 23.99 Miss E. Lawn spending the We Robt. Parslow's. Miss M. Meitau, Ld nation as mach» in Albe this week. Miss and Mr. Aldcorn of are also yisiting friends here Miss Pmcbard and Miss and Mr, Brown of Howick are visitors " Mr. J, Hardy’s and Mr. John Aldcorn's re- spectively. """"%r “.uc-uuuu- "uier temalthougb the weather was not too pleasant, many of the neighboring young ladies gathered to spend the ee- ening. The commodious dwelling was comfortably filled and a very pleasant time was spent. Mr and Mrs Aldcorn are good entertainers. [ i v... .._ .5 uur l the assesmr to can" a Sabbath morning. lduties must either (14th or 16th Feb. . Another blizzard on Sunday last causing a lot of good church goers to stay at home from attending church. Mrs. Thompson. South Line, came home a few days ago accom anied by her brother and ir7'tl'i7flt'fll?J, they intend to stay for a few davs. ( We noticed that the applications for [assessor for the Townslnp of Glenelg loans the duties to cunnuence on Fell. 15th. we are assured that the good i’tillerk of Glenelg does not mean to have t e asseunn- tn 'be_wm.s__-_, . . There is no surer being In earnest thar, see his best girl in a t had some days lately, We are forty to hear that I had a fall lately which causes laid aside for a few days. There is no surer Sign of ha.'..,.. l.. -_e_---, " _. l Rev. Mr. Vurley had communum at Ellenezm- Church the Sunday before last. cunsequehlly there was no service in the Methodist Church here that day. The Baptists have regular meetings now, every Sunday at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon. Rev. Mr. Hurlhert. pastor. Mr. Jno. took place to the cemetery herd last week. ' ”use sooir. , IO Ladies' Dress Skirts were $2.so ; and $3.00 for tr.as I Size u Jawrence, of SWINTON PARK. Aldeorn had} very £¢din' JAM? Cock. e 36 Fawn. was 8ro.oo now 'soo aft I. q An Al 38 " 8.00 40 " 8.00 36 Black was 7. So 40 Navy was 3.75 40 I I 4Go 38 u 3.lio 38 Black was 6.00 36 Navy " 4.So 40 Black '-' 6.oo 36 Navy td 4.60 40 Black 't 6.oo 34 " 4.50 36 & 38 Black 7.00 34 & 38 Black 8.00 34 Fawn I0.OO week at he; Tuesday 1hlriiLir' After Aldeorn of Mt Inn has secured a sit- in Alberta and leaves __.. u. u, Al'll|'w than when he Woes to In a blizzard such as we a few dksvi. unence his trump a l consequently the commence on the Your town, is r Uncle's. Mr. that Mrs. Reily auses her to be Communion at Sunday before was no sevvice 7.50 3.75 4.50 3-50 . Forest success- at fellow one day re- u report ways and means at tiirJtriiil',e,vsrl aiou of Uouueil.--snendmedl carried. By-law 630 to eonfirm BY-IEW 612 of the Township of Artemesn, and By-law 681 to erect Prieerille to the status of I police "Huge were passed by the council. Mig. Armstrong, B. A., and Rev. he. Lodiud Adan-Mud the council with tater- oncotol Ipoeigl grant to build u ad.. dition to the Gwen! Marine Hospital. 1 I On Friday afternoon an unimportant session was also held. The only commit.- tee report preiented was that of printing by Mr Patterson, which was adopted. A lengthy discussion took “men over a. motion by Messrs Brown and Paterson, that the council ask for applications to he handed in at the June (wraiun for the pur- pom: if making a. valuation of the county for equalizmg the assessment of the same. It was moved in amendment by Mes,rs, McKinuov and McLean. that the maner ot appointing valuators. and also the ( matter of advising what syaaeiu of valua. nug is to be adopted he ieterrrd to the Finance um] Assessment committee, to report ways and means at the June ses- sion of Cpottneil.-AsmsndmCr. mun-I 1.75 2.25 2.25 3.75 2.25 3. rs 2.25 3.76 1.75 2.49 2.59 --ei"V .,. - .uuvuv , 01" Gordon. chairman of County Property ; Mr McArtlmr. chairman or Education, and Mr McColman, chairman of Com- munications and Memorials, presented their reports, all which were adopted Without. diecussion. At the Friday morning session reports from N. W. Campbell and A. Grier public school inspectore for South and East Grey Were piesented ; also an application from the Prisonei'a Aid Association for a grant, and a similar application from the Owen Sound and County of they Poultry Ass soeiatton. Mr Pringle. chairman of Finance ; Mr Gordon. chairman of County Property ; Mr MeArthrw. "hai,..-, 1». n , . " She-What do they mean by the centre of gravity ? ' He--Telt a joke to a party of _English- men aud that, is precisely what. you would he ". ' Thanking you for your space. Yours, COR. 66 Next to my own beloved country give me Scotland for residence and grave. The people are, in such down- right earnest. there is such a .'th'tt' in their mirth liken tempest in the Trus- sachs. Take " Glasgow audience and a. speaker must have his feel, well pl-mted on the platform. or he will he overruns- tered hy the sympathy ot" the populace. They are not ashamed to cry. wil h their brown palms wiping awaythe tears, and they make no attempt a! suppression of glee. They do not simper. or snicker, or chuckle. Throw a joke into a Seotchnmn's ear and it rolls down to the center of his diaphragm and then spreads out, hoth ways toward the foot, and hrow until the emotion becomes volcanic. and from the longest hair on the crown of the head to the top end of the nail on the. big toe there is paroxysm of cacltinnatron. No half and half about the Scotch elmracler. what he hates, he hates ' what he likes. he likes and he lets you know it, right, away." By way of offsetting Smith’s sally at Scotchmen, McKenzie culls the following from An American source I Set in this light. it did seem as if Syd- ney Smith had perhaps been wrongly quoted and that the. tmld surgical oper- ation story was just a tale started by some one that had not brains enough to relish a joke when it was given. Since mv conversation with Me. Moffat how, ever I have come across a hook hy the Rev Canon McKenzie. on "Scotland's share in civilizinR the World " and find there the stcry of the surgical opera- tion "ioke and then following it is the story of the interview with. Chambers in substantially the same terms as Mr Moifat tells it, to which Me McKenzie adds "Now that joke was intended as an ainende honorable for what he had _ said before and it contains the admis- sion that the. Scotch are,as I think they are. an immensely funny people ". Whether my friend can forgive' Sydney Smith or not I fear the evidence. is pretty strong that he did rut) Scotch- men a little on their want of humor and even one so confident of Scottish excel- lence in the matter of humor as Canon McKenzie may he forgiven if the thrust ( leads him not. only to protest against the misrepresentation, but to look around for testimonials to certify to the ability of an ordinary Scotchman to understand a joke. For myself I confess that I feel that when one has to go and get a certificate to prove a case of that ind, his case as a rule is a: hopeless as would he that of the man who had to get a certificate to prove that he was living, but letting that opinion of eel-ti tit-ates stand for what it is worth I shall give one of the testimonies the Canon addnres to prove his point. The writer he quotes. is Dr. Talmage and this is part of what he has to say '.--- - __ 7_~v_ . ‘v- VIII ti'ullI-l" " Well "replied (Jhauihers. "we do sometimes work retty lnrd. but for all that We can rehab our little pleasan- tries as much as our neighbors. You must have observed that the Scotch have a considerable fund of humor " "Oh. by all mmns " replied Slllllh. You are an immensely funny people, but you need a little operating upon you to let the fun out. and I know of no instru- ment so effectual for that purpose as the Corkscrew." i fled. It was not the tepututiou of the ( Scotchmun that was troubling him for such a thing was above suspicion. hut f5cotehmanitske. he was someth troubled about, the reputation of Sidney Smith. which seemed to be madly dis- counted by the suspicion of ignorance of the Wealth of Scotch humor. "They have been revising Smith" be said "What Smith said I saw in an Edin- burgh Review some years ago". The incident as he recollected it was as fol- lows t--lr, conversation with Chambers. the publisher. the subject turned to the characteristics of the Scotch, Ch..uihet-s leading on remarked .. You see We are an industrious and hard working peo- ple." .. Ah, luliore. labore", said Smith sentenlionslv .. how that word expres- let',,',?.,", chat-utter of Four country." so .. n -A- , " til . - _ One day in conversation with our genial neighbor Mr Charles Moffatt. the subject of the humor of Scotchmeu camc- up. whnn I made puma reference to 1tittf of the Rev Sydney Smith to tho e ect. that it required a. surgical operation Luge! a joke into a. Scotch- mnn's head. 'The happy rejoinder of Lord lddesleigh. 'Of course he means an English Joke", was discussed, but still my friend was not altogether salie- COUNTY COUNCIL TORONTO SCOTTISH KUIOR. Sai",' THE DURHAM REVIEW ~uncmu<m tor a grant, mien from the Owen of they Poultry Ass ray new reports ; Mr a 7 __ _ ..V__ v- ""t'"'"s"m u. l the Boyd term, while n thousand feet more than that would be required at Mhrkdale Thu grant of electric lighting given hy /iiiiiiii, was held up an a strong unu- ment; also the grant of 8500 by Mr W. J. I McFarland. Bat the latter grant is robbed . at its charitable aspect when itis remem- ‘l' bored that the condition ot the grant ls l that the house of refuge must be alarm Mr Brown replied that if the“ an. menu: advanced by the cbeirmsn bed been advnnced earlier the matter Imam hue been dealt with ddr-settle. It we. too late now. however, for the council cook} new. and he may expect to qet it all bated and more in the way of business Mark. dale wns said to be the centre of the coun- ty, but it was not. the centre of population. which was more important than the geogt'apltioal position. al the door of the édgdr'; place at bum- This move led to a leuuthv discussion. In support of his amendment Mr Gordon sail in would give a. straight saving at the :verv first of 61000 ou the difference in tenders. and besides this the county Would be able in time to get back every cent of invested capital by supplying: water power from the Boyd site. It would cost $1200 to erect outbuildings on the Man-h farm equal to those on the chd farm. The question of water supply for fire protectinn on the farm at Mondale wan a serious consideration. A tank Lower 95 feet high would be required and power of some kind I to lift the water up to it in order to have the tiro protection needed. A drain loo feet. long was all that would be required at H... 1)-- I 1.." r "A I .. - _ -_e_ nun: um llv|lUU Ul ox-\\'nrdep McKinumi and the Clerk m itcsuiu,ur am order for 83.600. the purchase price oflhe Marsh farm, be raotied, and that the house of refuge he (ream on this turn). An thin poun Mr Gurdt n moved in amendment to the last clause. gecoudod by Mr Doyle, that the Marsh faruf he sold to the highest bidder, and the Boyd farm m Sydenhum be purchased as a Kite for the house of refuge. Mr GorJon presented rem“. of the ll, use of Refuge committee. and c-nuucil “'ch into commihee of the whan to con- side: it with Mr. Paterson in the chair. The tirrst clame recommended that the chnirumu and Messrs McKiunnu and Mc- Arthur be a committee to select and sluke out, the site on tko Marsh farm at Mark.. dale; the second. that the chairman be inspector to watch the progre-s of the work in the interests of the county. These clauses were passed. The third phase recommended that the action of n- 'rr-, I .. -. _ V ..._.. --qv Iv-Ilu"ll-ilu Nay-Bell, McArthur, McKlumm, Ile. Colmnu, Schenlx. tilmte--,5. Metros, Shut-e and Gordon having rc- porlu ready for presentation that, order cf business wan gone Luck to, council having reached the lust order of buducss, that introduced by members on motion. Mr Shaw's report of Rank; um] Bridges dealt mainly with accounts, and was adopted. Yea-Allen, Brown. I Harness, McKiuuuu, Mel, Priugle, Thonmm and Um security. we report was adopted. A motion by Messrs Dmle and Allen to grant the General anrl Marine Hospitsl 91.000 to assist in building an addition for operating room, on condition thut the hospital directors extend the same privi- lege tn individual members ofthe council ‘ne is now enjoyed by the Warden only. namelyml sending pruients lo the hospi- tal, led to an extended discussion. in which nearly all the members took part. In this discussion tlm rules of owls: as to the number of times a Iuémber should weak were relentlessly woken. and the Warden War: asked to enforce the mics oi ( procedure. The credit m lhecnunty was also relerrwl to, mud m this connection eorWardeu Mcliinuon award that at tho beginning at the year the county had 81ocroo to its credit with all nlrlmntnrcs paid up. The moliou Lugrunt the !:ustu. tal $loou was tiolly C‘l'l’lffil on the tol, lowiuar diyrsiori.. I ,,, V-__.-....w w “Humane mo Treas- "rat’s suretioa. They found two bomb from Mr Parker himseaf for " mun, each. and a bond from Mr H. Parker, Durham, and Mr C. H. Moore, jointly. (at $50.000, Which was considered good and suftieieut security. The report was adopted. - __-,--... Mr. McKinuou presented report of onal committee to investigate the 'il men’s suretioe. Tum, hum: 4.... u. MA. M:Arthur presented report of Educativm. winch tecnmmeuded that. In- speetruu' reports for Suuoh and East Grey be printed in tite mmutesmlsu that grants for eoutuuaation classes as per state- ment from county treuvurcr le made. The report “as adopted. “h .. 'w. . mung abandoned as the site " malpru- ’posed institution In the tina place Mr Boyd had lost a. sale of his property, the _ prospective purchaser taking: mother turn: near " hand. He had also lost by teing unable to feed Hookers as he was prepared to do, And as he had frequently uoue previously. and the loss was estim- ated altogether " net loss than a. thou- sand dollars. Mr Boyd, the solicitor stated, was u man of peace and ticsiavd u settlement without going to war. Whetlnr Mr Boyd had 'mftioaein grounds ”bran uctmu iu the courts or nut Mr ll rt.ttrtg was not there to my ; we couvty whatnot could luturm them on that p 'iut. _ The warden stated that no duubt the l council would consider the matter In due l 1mm. un..." an home length, stating that Mr Boyd bad giveu‘the council the option hf pun-chase at a stated price, and had sul- l'ereu considerable los, by the property being abandoned as the site " the pro. posed institution In the tina nlnnn M.. Mr W. J. Hutton Was present and ud- dleued the council with reference to the claim of Mr. J. W. Boyd torcompeuuatiou became ol the Council's actibn in pumm- ing to adopt Ina farm as a Elbe tor the House of Refuge. and uttelwurds tenu- qltishiug it. Mr Hutton reverted to the matter at some length, stating that Mr Boy? bad giveu‘the council the option " Mr Pringle presented report of Finance. recommending. among other things. that the Poultry Anwcum'on be grnulad Mo nod the Prisoner's Aid Society Sic. The repou Was “opted It mu 9.80 when Warden Preston. by upping: the desk. With his gavel. called the members to their places. Messrs Gordon and abuse were absent when roll was cu!led. being engaged it was said in pwpnriug remorse for their respective committees. 0n motioi of Mean Haynes: and Schenk the matter of dun“, with the tandem tor printing was left in the tmuo ot the clerk and Mr Patterson, ohm-mun of Printing. and adjournment wu made till Saturday morning n 9 o'clock. It was 9.80 when Warden Preston. by upping: the desk With his gavel. 'cailed g)”. I'llnn>l ... A _. . ' Hrowu. Dayle. Gordon, linuvu, McLean, l’Jueruuu, mm and (In; Warden-tl. McArthur, McKlumm, Me.. i'cl' of upe- Mr Gordon drew attention to tho mlu- "" nor in which the spellin- were at cross a: purposes. some “mining thnt his ergo- " manta were new and other: that they were if old. With reference to the tender. he to know for I fut tint penis had tendered yin Mr McCuhuan (Imam! the threshing “anon was pain. Councii had been threshing all fall and on into the winter The Council was beiud treated in rather a humilmsing way by the present action, which must have grisen out of the egotism or conceit of those who originated it. ,_. vv-Ill VI "UP . see last week for the sum of 8190. n . I MrAzlleu qt,','1t21,',Lm:egi'ordie As: a result of melting two Modes ol up again.“ information before. With all guns grow where there formerly won my!!!) ,ud,r/d,t to tlu, ”rude site and but. one. Mr. Juo, Coum find, “at. hi. 3mg; threateninu new". on beUlt of I barn " much too small end is therefore at Boyd it might be mspected that the“ Preparing to enlarge it during the com- was “umetlliuu undetuanded APO“; l , mg summer. no . , Parole “ll-ken: 3’; county we” I" i Our behool Trustees_ have been suc- ofthe “1.,“ id “'19 ooaueil “in, agreed icesaful " lost. In snoring a teacher in Mr Dkil‘ is?“ on the strength ot cer- [the person of Muse Gilchrwt. of Dame, f;'iu"',::,,.9§eummus made abou',, 'he marsh I who entered on her duties Inst Week. Grm which were found to be 1UC'3rreet. I Mr Jon Corbett hes sold his 100 acre Had this been kuown the selection would I farm to Mr. Robb Matthews OfGlt-nelg. ttttt lsave%eu made. It Bat, WHWMWHOI' the sum of 54500, M. u-” yet to tlve,lt the 'uatter out. Mr Prmgle had alwuyu opposm] Mark- dale use. but the maJori‘y had ruled in selecting 1t and he could nut support the Inuuudlurm. to the report. Mr McKlunou was surprised up the stand Mr Gordon had taken. The com- mittee by ten to six had decided nu the Marsh farm. and Mr Gordon had only gr:','"',','),',,),! the old arguments which they vul heard before. It would not do to open the question again. The tenders) had been accepted on certain cauditionui being complied with and the eouttac'tut Would he “are this "tteruoou to lay hisl hands before the council l Mr Harness wu out in favor of opening the house of refuge question or making any more oppo.iuon thereto. not act. like a lot ol whoa! buys and throw the whole alum: overboard. tor if they did FO may would become the laughing utock of the community. Besides this. if the matter Ila-l to he opeumi up "urain he would puns Mvufunl'u claim as a site for the house of refuge. He lmlisved Ibe council had made a. bad mid-kc. thought m. ,t,rtieeuu",',' “may Gouneii had heeul The unit: yl on into the winterlpurchued n MIR: I On motion of Mr Allen the committee rune to ait nguin and council adjourned " l 12.35 to meet an p. m.-o. S. Athenian. I (Continued next M.) '! Welter-s. ' l Mr Wm Grieraon sold a team of hor. ‘ses last week for the sum of 8190. As: a result of mnking two Model of gross grow where there formerly won but. one. Mr. Juo, Coata finds “at. his barn is much too small and in therefore preparmg to enlarge it during the com- mg summer. Our School Trustees have been sun. "-r.., --. , The vote being. takers ment. it was loss. . ,._‘-y.---uu 'IrJCe'MIH‘L' III [which he had part. IL. referred tn l , ’late hour at which the cheque 1-: P': - imam. of the Mush farut had been dam-d. mud claimed the privilege of dating the dilcusumn. In ucKiunou default-d his action In ligninn whip cheque u the eleventh hour as he held the oftioas of warden until his succenmr war.- appointed. He would not. have ucted otherwme had he been deteuteil at the election. munuun 1.2mm.- m'or the plans. strongly suspected that. the tendon public an Deo.uuoor tmd been mm! bane. He resented the Implicuti tum: war: any nodal-nu! urn-m without going w F1 H_,. '-r'V.B.B' ullh 4 any uuderhaud mace-min": In had part. HA referred In . ' at which the cheque LI 2"" “4 u__.,l_ 1 _ - _ u “0180400 his nation In loans at the elewmtll ttour otha, of warden until his appointed. H. would not FEB. 12. 1908 the plnmf. and he the-bends“ made on the "tend. [ __ WW _ fttFe' “A F7P had M me "tin" thug H (t “if? Yt.' MA If T r tf, - 'lf b: IV i 11 gm Rcmcmher 333333: 92‘: m on C) ot"'ssse'e5it 18 " VOL. fe, s. MEN 's HEAVY MFC " l 'hone COME HER! Am wrt ARE SIR] MEN'S & I keepin It mmcdiah nrmonls pair are gu Granby are the Sol SEE 01']! NORTH ttt at a price people of I by the Am them are ' at AFTER pm Shape-Reed ‘II "ast W1 that " BA

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