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Durham Review (1897), 19 Feb 1903, p. 1

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largely renew mined mt to 111' 12. 1903 A I. RUP a I'll!!!» In ave no u tl H) W as 3K) tsht "it ililii T;' an; ':),7t',:'itte was it,' lit'; :35 at! "h Iii; O" (I) tl, (D ,_m33333333333333333&1 VOL. XXV. Nd/ii 9 Iq 1119433111: " MENS HEAVY & FINE RUBBERS, MENS WINTER UNDERWEAR AND ALI, OTHER WINTER GOODS. COME HERE FOR Ames Holden (k, At prices that will pay you wr. ARE SHOWING MEN'S & BOYS' mmediately Shape-keeping Clothing is the you don 't wear it, you ought to. keeping Clothing at the price vou I garments Granby Rubbers. We have them are the Sole Agents for Durham. lt, pair are guaranteed by the Makers. SEE Ol'R DISPLAY OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANU- FACTURED BY THE Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. Remember the pine. jlfmiii----S'?i)a=nrN; BARGAINS BOOTS THE POPULAR CASH STORE Will use you Right Try Rubbers WE WANT BUTTER d EMS. 'aanes ire/am! BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS, LADIES' SKIRTS THE POPULAp CASH STORE ’ames Ire/and BOYS' ULSTERS, OVERC0ATS, REEFERS FOR C' RIGHT AWAY” OR C." BYE AND BYE" Clothing is the kind to get. We sell it and if you ought to. We’re selling good shape- t the price you usually pay for poor ill-fitting d' Lt _ - si'U s-fArr'ere'r',Eo,'"'.HPA?i.adl ‘gl "" Tiu'%'rl?ct ME anamaqna-smzfifinm'T-fi‘?may: th: 21.733! T3115 even if Ev? 00/172129. Gd? (90/572129. LA DIES' JACKETS. MEN'S SUITS. BOYS' SUITS you don'tarequire them 3L1" LTJ'EJWBIJ 'sa 'W221 Tduarwa 11:511qu a qt: L,8sa tctat ce'UL't = Jean; 3 -- ~A " r. l and Very ii3itrit' FURS, _iijii.i' ',i'ijE, f-iL Tr", "4 Far: SIP CITE- arr: il'fii Toronto. In the case of persons who wissh to buy. but who cannot. attend the sale or srnd a representative. if they forward their orders with full instruc- tions to the Secretary, he will he Petr ponsible for the prompt and honorable execution of such orders, and for the proper shipment of animals bought un- der this clause. In all such cases the rmoney tobe invested must accompany ( the order. If the order cannot. be filled fin a. manner satisfactory to the Secre- (tarr. the money lent shall be refunded‘ immediately. . SE.“ t.thf.-.7"a' 1-1530 I 'ii)iiiiii; 'OPI Land Plaster one car . Parker's. ' MaeFarianeu Grip Tabt a attack. 250 a. box. X The Local Legislature X n!eet on March 10th. E If they tell you that T M next. to the Public Lilmu-g E into the Presbyterian Chm hmry hau moved next to E Clothing Store. a The Quarterly Love Feast X ment of the L ad’s Supper l' ' m in the Methodist Chuvch, Zit any ufte, mum at 2.30 o'vloc.k ' by Rev. Wray It. Smith. X Nrrrrcrc, All parties indeh McKinnon are requested to office and settle their, accnn before March lst as after tha will he placed in other hands 5.5 tion. (71”: hrrnr, Iiff slur l Ttul Fill It X haw FII us a X _ need X I each X , her. ito p X l, long _ 1903. 2 Ma ",Oil, {stat-n Ftr, '10001 (Also [must I husin gcnst, I E I ("n-r. 1 they I E ‘l Mme! E: The X I dum , M has in PROVINCIAL AUCTION BALE.--- This Annual Sale takes place in Guelph on February 25, and offers a splendid op- portunity for those in search of Rood stock to get what they require. No fe, males will be sold this year. hut, there will he 80 bulls of the beef breeds, 99 per' cent of them shorlhorns. Catalogue-.1 will be mailed on application to A. P. Westervelt, Seep, Parliament Bldgs. I Golden Butter Color, the best in the market, 10e a! bottle, at Parker's Drug Store. all. especially those who have large live stock interests at stake to he on their guard any time from the 9th until the culmination cmues. Don't be deceived by delays and pleasant weather." g mu nlu'll. lu'ltu"'itt'laue's Drug Store. i, Immm‘rrn ltoArvs.-Last week the -.),'i, Bentinck Council placed an order for éjun improved road grader with the irs'vvyel Massey Co. of Hamilton _'-;, through their local agent here Mr. Thos. v'; Noble. We understand that last sum- :‘nwr the Township of Novurmtnr and ‘Egre'uont also purchased graders and the result will he in a short. time we may expect, to see better roads through these'l‘ownships. Whatatrout, Durham and Glenelg’s streets and roads. THE BuzzAnra.-- Readers of Hicks , "Word and Works" will notice that the l prophet is two or three days ahead with "the blizzard, which is to-day. Wednes, day, in its element, He says on Jan. 16 last: .. Those who do not prepare for hard winter' storms, and fora great cold l wave and blizzard between the 9th and 1 16th of February. will. we fear, pay a , costly penalty. The final culmination i of these storms may not come before t the 14th and 15th which are central re- actionary storm days: but we caution ('ilo' i MacFarlane's Emulsion of Cod Liver (Oil, pure and fresh, will give you [strength 3tica bottle. I Fur Coats for sale at C. McKinmms. ho coats. 31amh. 3 calf. and 2 dog skin. IAlso2 splendid fur lined coati. These must he sold. asI have gone out of business, and they will be sold below cost, as I do not wish to carry them oyer'. Come along and Ret, a bargain as they must he sold before the first, of March. before March lat as after that date they l will he placed in other hands for oollec. I . lion. CHAS. MCKINNON. l i DARLING’S DRUG BToRe.-, We are‘ showing the llrgest and best range of l, Ruhlner Goods ever. shown In town. l 1tv.Newats.-wiu those friends who P1 have not yet attended to renewals send 1 l its a remittance at an early date. We I need all the dollars owing: one from ' each would mean much to the puhlis. 1 her. Those in arrears we again Invite I to put their hhel right. Annuals as“ long as they last to snhneI-il‘nno cm- The offit: (If. s'/l'itl',lentl'C,'ttt, Sign-h, P,on, on Sun- (:3)?! tl'/yy't,r,ti,.t Pa" of cream-sepnr- i itiii'l%"J:, 'l,lf,sot,1l'1,rri'v',t,"i " Rev W .. . ' ' .2. '0(lu';k conducted I .une, was m town last week and n: n nephew. Mr Henrv . . ray R. thnith. got good encouragement from the tu'ti- Ponto , hm" hvothers, 'ar, NYFICENAH parties indebted to Chas; lung We hope that on his re'urn two fa?“ , tti, a shipping me Meknmon are requested to call at his [weeks henee he may he warmly recelved l 'SI'.)'?',,,')',:,",,)',,;.". -i','J1t'r yfrice and settle their account or note Pr the council. and such encourage. year-sluts JI(y,', lstwlnl§\3l,(;(' h(ifore March 191 as after that date they I ment given as will lead to the establish- '.y.tlryytt!y.rw took "tt :u-Iti‘ will Ite, placed in other hands for collec. I went of his industry here, M an earl ge,t'.y,rj,tri.,.r,s and for, " wh tion. (3m: “ovum“, _ date. cream smut-am” in is,,, f.1.".5!,'ye,.fyywi,l.. ”MM-Y. ot I DURHAM , centre Bruce election takes place on If they tell you that Theohald's is 520th Inst. Stewart and Clark will next. to the Public Library. don't run again be the candidates. At the last into the Preshytertan Churh. The Li. election Stewart. liberal. was defeated brary has moved next to Theobald's , by only8 majority. North Grey elec- Clothing Store. Jtion for the Commons takes place on The Quarterly Love Feast and Sum-1h . 24th inst. If they tell you that Theohald's is next. to the Public Library, don't run into the Presbyterian Churh. The Li, Is..,- ' - 3 cures cold: it Land Plaster one our in 1tags-at AGENT w., Parker's. ' our Custom MacF'arnaneu Grip Tablets check an VRainchs. attack. 25c a box. _ tirrite at, (m F The Local Legislature is called tn . Guelph, Ont meet on March 10th. I ""“"" n our hens lay now. Try mu pic-e. Crushed Gone and Oy . M-u-Farlmw‘s Drug Slow. ED ItoAns.--Last week Hm Itlti mean much to the publis- oso in arrears we again Invite heir rthel right. Annuals as they last to suhssrihars foe w“ "Hm" 'oe nt'tu, or Mrs. Colin Campbell addressed the Int-aging. and paw? an 'ixf'11iT)gtivt2: . '" - on t e “cooking 0 meats ' w lo was tatement of the refelcn- very instructive and those who did not he liquor not on Dee. 4 amend this meeting missed Nome good by the Clerk ot the Le. information. Greatinterest. was shown e, ffguves show tlmt.199,- by the.way thy ladies Look purl, inJhe _ discussion which followed. cast, In favor, of the not. . - . tins! givinw n nm'oritv Miss hale Di.xTty itlso gun- " good a '-.' H Pt J l, paper on llunn- lJaivyins,r. Ij,207. The number of In the evening there was " union voters' hst, was 596.934- nwvtmg in the Town Hall. Mrs. (Unop- " shows that the votes hell addressed the tum-ling on the "Four 33.t per cent of the total (,l,'(ifu'"//lll poilIIs' of Hgnlth " and was [listened to with great, Interest. _ Quite It numlwr of nu-mlwrs wet-9: c-ns lay now. Try our secuved at boll] the evening and nl'Ivr- ' Crushed Gone and Oy noon 1neetmgs. I - l L mi's Supper will hp held i , THURSDAY. 1i'iiiiiiiiijiiiirririiiifil and Sacva v - "_"___._ mreWr.6f ... “uuu [Jule for sowing. Parties writing should mention the tort of variety the? would prefer, and should the availub e stock of the kind asked for be exhausted. some other good sort will he not in Its place. WI. SAUNDERS. Director Experimental Ferm- Applications should he addressed to the .. Director of Experimental Farms. Ottawa," and may be sent in any time before the lst of March, after which the lists will be closed, so that all samples asked for may be sent out in Rood time for sowing. Parting arm..- an...” ,r____‘_, ..__y.-.,. “Hwy mumn corn and I Potatoes. The quantities of oats, wheat and barley to he sent this year will he sufficient to sow one twentieth of an acre. The samples of Indian corn and Potatoes will weigh 3 lbs as heretofore. Every farmer may apply, hut only one sample can he sent [0 each applir-ant. hence if an individual receives a sample of oats he cannot also remain: one of wheat. barley or potatoes. and applica- tions for more than one sample for one household cannot he entertained. These samples will he sum. free of charge through tho mail. m Pl V _ "e"".'.".. llt'l ttt' " '. r: ""“" low. Archie islclmllnn. and two JV',',',','," I IN tin-ton hotelmcn have passed a l HUN. Allister, and Shin-luv Mclnlvrt 'l, resolution \\'hei'eliy they agree to close l The funeral sermon will lyi preached n their have and liquor cellars from 7 , the Huuist chow-h up“. her old “a”. oclock on Saturday nl‘ght to 7 o'clock l on Muudav Irv Rev. Mr. Newton. Th on Monday motTt.nsr.' The f/rresroiu,r.,r _ family denim-Ins to PXprass thankfulue,, ttettt has ap.p.ettved tn several of ttttt. t'5- l to neighbors and friends for numv kind changes Without comment. By this lv attentions during-the last. (luv; action the hotel men in question tacitly i - ' i F '-. admit they have not been observing the _ m" - law in the past, and are going to do hy l Mr, Thos. Brown. volttntaryureluuent what was suppos- I -- Iti.to. he done 13y legal 'y.tnpulsiori. If1 The grim messenger, Death. is WWW 'thig Is not, limiting a. laughing stock of a I busy at this season and the town wal serious and Important tegulntton We l saddened Tuesday morning to learn dont _know What, Is. and it would he m- , that. the night previous Mr. Thos Brown terestmg to know how many uey.s and i had been called away. This result has citiestare better o,',Uforee.than wisrton been expected for same time. as all ar.. In this respect. There " /surely room tempts to ward off his disease were seen for the ndyanced restriction egpeaed to he only partially successful. yet the "t the coming session, “"21 if It took realization of his loss falls heavy' on his the shape of new [nspectorntl ROWE” to I townsmen, who have recognized his enforce the law as we lmveit. it seems I public spirit and usefulness. and regret good ctould be accorptplished, The ' their cutting off. Mr. Brown was the Wiarton hotel-keepers htivct let light in eldest son cf Mr. James Brown. one of on the subject. the earliest pioneers. and almost the h _---- "m-tr---------.-.-- only one remaining of the first muni- UHOICE GRAIN FOR SEED. l inul officials of this part ofthe country. To the Editnn n4: My." n.-..|_,_, - n . Thu Autumn“: ..---- - _ The "minim-ship feei is quite safe to say. that tme received is worth [hub amount. A very successful meeting was held in the Forustvrs Hall, Holslein on Friday tlth inst. at. which there was an atten- dance. of about forty Indies. .. Wu -_- 5‘" "ll: through our part of the counLrv next summer. This country is booming and the price of land is rising fast, needless to say that the Review is a. welcome visitor to our home here out on the prairie every week." ante. Cream separators in this dairy l country are bound to'go into extensive l use, and the advantages of Durham foe l such an industry are very many. Exaowxu Tur: WErrr.---A letter with 'retrutro,nce foe the Review from Mr. Malcolm Cameron. ‘Richhurg. N. D., gives a whiff of the West. He. says: " We are all enjoying our usual good 1 health, we like the west fine, crops have been good here for the last two years. At present we are 25 miles from n. rail. road but we are going to get one ‘|-__t_,I A V ‘i A NEW IsDcirrrtv.--Mr. Broomall, [from Philadelphia, Pa., of cream-separ- lator fame, was in (awn but wank um! THE LICENSE LAW AGENT WAsrrtrr.-To our Custom Made Skirt Raincoats. Liberal Mite at (rm-9. Cannd 1ry a hot water bag and buy i Darlinsr's. Prices right. MucFarlnne‘s Laxative C'old U cures colds in 24 hours. 25c a hox. 'entre Bruce election 1. G. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE. iliibtg Laxatiw Cold Care, hours. 25cahox. Imp-To Luke orders for de Skirts, Raglans and Liberal commlission. Canadian Skirt Co.. is only 2.30 and it, t the good litera- l at least twice IGNORED of Oats; corn and ts, wheat u n ion 'u: mp- 'Hou I' was Wilfred Neia/lieaiii, iiirii'n"u.' lat-Marr Bacon. S. S. No. l (ilelwlg fur January IIII Class-Cassie Kennedy, Violet “Pinon. Kate McArthur. Jack Benton. Sr 3rd Emma Beaton, Sadie McKeown. Jesse Edwards. Jr 3rd --- Flosme Britton, David Nichol, Blanche Beaton, Mary Young. tir 2nd--Archie Kennedy. Jr btd--Gertie McComb. Laura Benton. Amelia ble,. Lawienee McKeown. Sr Pt 2nd-L humus Grasp , Eliza Jane Edwuds. Jr Pt 2nd---reaie Benton. WHO-no. "In-Lad (1---..- It I . - - . ,__.,-. - ___ ....i, [Inn . u: ""'co""tr. The deceased was a man of great Intelli- Renee, well read. and had he aimed that ( Way might have been in public life Ctttl- tinually. For a year or two he was honored with the. mnyoralty of the town, but erhapi the shadow of a waning vitality, led him to retirement and he conducted some. most successful work in pispicultute, and fowl raising and especially will he be missed as See- retargv of the. Horticultural Society In whic he took " great interest. To his widow, aged father. brother and other I teUtives. sympathy is extended over the. loss of one who will long be remem- bered for his upright character. urbane _ disposition and public usefulness. The" funeral takes place Wednesday, to the family burying: ground at Holstein, un- der the auspices of the Masonu- order. of which body he was no honored mem- tel". .0 '_'tpHy.e. FPt won at [hp houcto, while lEHV. _ Ier. Millerotmuateu 'at the grave. Thu l pall heaters were her. (lnw sans. Noe. ! man. Archie and Donald. hm naph- Jew. Arthie MoLPllun. and two grand- a , sons. Allister, and Shirley McIntyre. f l The funeral sermon will lw pt'eavlted at. I , HIP Bmlist. chum-h [war het. old mum» k I on Sunday by Rev. Me. Newton. Tho RI family desire us to express thankfulness _ to neighbor-3 and ft iends for many kind. , l ly attentions during the last days. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The grim messenger, ”with. is very busy at this season and the town “Nu saddened Tuesday morning to learn that, the night previous Mr. Thos Brown had been called away. This result, has been expected for some time, as all ar.. tempts to ward off his disease were seen to he only partially successful. yet the realization of his loss falls hanvv nu him it “I simple tet y Er') of lunar: and man qualities. The funv Sunday to ”what many tokens of ms many "nu-us ot Inspv vniclnhh- aim-nu- of hm Malhpenh. Mr. Bvuh - _ /_.....-. unu- pun": lU \lannua with her husband In 1818 settling first in Nichol. neat Guelph. and in 1851 they moved to "the hush" to the 2nd (Ton. N. D. R. Glenelg. where she died. She wins the. oldest, of a family of nine. onl r tWO' M whom survive her, Mr. Hugh McLellan. near by and Archie In De- erI. Of her nwn l'mndy foursous and thee daughters remain. her husband having died 5 years ago. The mus are Nnrnnm in town. Angm in New Mexirus, Arehie in Michigan, and D mahl on H).- hmnestead. Mrs. Angus Pallet-mm. Flint. Mieh.. MN. Heat.twell and Mrs. A. f'ole (the two laller Widan are the daughters. Deceased adhered ttrutn,wly to the Preshvlerian faith, and Was a Woman liked by c-vex-vlmdy fin-kindnesxn of hear: and many fine neighlnn-ly qualities. The funeral look |Il:u'e on Sunday to Dmham eemelu-rv :unid many tokens of respect. In the unm .. _f t I I l 1 On Friday last there died near Buttes- f sun. one of the oldest of the residents of i that neighborhood in the person of Mrs. l D. McIntyre. mother of Mayor Mrln-i tyre, of town. Though not‘strong forl years she was able to he about till it few ; days before her death when she. WM 5 attacked with a heart trouble which , carried her off at, the ripe age of 15) Deceased was a native of Uist. Inver-l nesihire. {Scotland and came to Canada l _ . .v.- qtl l "u mcnlnnon of 'l‘orunto. a. grmuisun, and Mrs Martin, 1villiantsford, daughter of Mr T. McUumh. were also present, --_'. “nun O't"uts ll) warm terms of the deco-wed an a neigh. bor and friend. In politics. he mu um- servutive, and was 't prominent mem- ber ot the Baptist, chum-h. Attending thewneral from u distance Were Mr Tht. McConnh, Wrllianssfovd and Mr Sam McComh. Puluuemlun. brothers of Mr McUquh, and Mr Andrew Brown, M L. Forest. u hrother-in-law Mr Arch. McKinnon of Toronto. .1. gmudsun, and Mrs Martin, \Villiuumc....4 " ,, I A -. J..........‘ "cc-u minewnru. infirm. hm previously ha took an active interest in public affairs and for " while sat in iturs ham count-ii. Many of his Banessatt neighhorsot the older. “Inn-d unuul' c.. -"e __‘v~.-uu. ““059 uetutt we announced last week. was buried on lFriday. In Trinity Church oetz'etery. I umny old friends and neighbors paying , their" last tribute of respect. Rev.' Mr l Newton conducted a funeral service in the church and also at the grave. Mr McUmnln Was horn in Belfast. over so ears ago. and came to this country on his Wedding tour in 1818. settling in Hutton Co. They mnved to Bunewm in 18ti0 and for the last, 20 vent-s lrtve resided in Durham. The chief mourn- ers are his widow. twnsuns. Thus. and Samuel Mellon”) Bunesnan. and one daughter. Mrs Allan McKinnon The uan other Inland relative in this country inn nephew. Mr Henry Molnren. To. Ponto Fum- brothers are s"n'l. in Bel- fast, Wm, a shinning m.m.i...... any W.‘ . 'rr an IM‘a mat, Wttt, a shipping men-hum. Thus a bank manager. Archie. farmer, y; nu uelAt mt-rchunt. Mr Mt-(‘mnh for ttst,rt' yearshas he?" somewhat, iutitutt, hm uranium"... L _ . . 1tii, The Late HONOR ROLL. ALEX. -J Mrs. Duncan McIntyre -.---- - The Death Roll. Ir. Alex. McComh. AIME. Mchnl). wh: Mn " "tstance were Mr t, Wrlliamsfovd and Mr Pnluwrtslun. brothers of am! Mr A.ndretBrourt/ or hm- [msmr Ite Bra-mm (-0”le thy Itottce. whih [ heart trouble which it: the ripe age of 86. native of Um. Inver- i and came to Canada '. while Rev. Iguana The ‘0 mus. ')'yrl d. hm'anh- l 1 two grandJ y Mtrlnt.vre. a ' prom-had at 1, tet' old home _ lawton, Tho' cttttes 8',er in used as' a neigh- ct _ I "tii the mm Rev. M, ilk-ted ; was ('0!)- _i'ti, R. B. KEELER & " so dent h We have a grand assort- ment oi Silk and Flannel Blouses we are selling at a bar- gain. We. will be pleased to have you call and treat yourself to one of these great bargains. Foil Jo1hseo Everything in Millinery must be sold at a very low figure. We have over So beau- tiful Trimmed Hats going at half price, some are the very best Silk Velvet Hats and a great number of stylish ready- to-wear hats, all Styles. We never keep any hats over and in orqer to do this we offer great bars-ins for the rest of the season. BLOUSESQ Everybody says Keele my watch. “If your Willa/4 or Clock K ecler the Jeweller can In KEELER’S If you need a pair of Spectacles Keeler can suit you. We guarantee to make you see as good as you ever saw. Hundreds of frames to choose from. A lot of Fanirj, Collars and Handkerchiefs. For Big Bargains in Watches Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, tec. The Inickym‘d adjoining the town of Durham on the W est. open-Med for some years lately by h'tttyyOvvisrut, BARGAINS IN MILLINERV - MISS DICK. against“ MacFarlane & (h, NOW. It will pay you to buy now and keep it until spring, or The men have more time at this season to help - Brighten up your moms Druggists & Booksellers. Prices nearly cut 's arriving room for it 1 rrgains. BRICKYARD TO REN T Our new Spring Stock of WALL PAPER MUST -MA K E ROOM JEWELERY Anp'iy I}; H 'an' {an} - Durham CHAS BAMAGE. Plums: AND Punusnn Clock is orirk can make if fie'e.' Keeler must and to make we offer some STORE In two.

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