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Durham Review (1897), 19 Feb 1903, p. 3

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digestion and invi- hole rum to that ball minimum jut the same trou- t a cow when 8h. " when the Dick's Blood Purim its cost with good . weeks. n patritnge. C Co.. Age-u. AL it: BUS-AX w of Milk I be increased. I. CHASE'S IBUBE ... 2 nee you I Mi NEW ullll EGGS JURY WANTED m I," If!“ 0th " ARD. SIM. NO. 5. Why go to all the trouble of kW" cows and get oak about half the mi '1 Per should pio- Thuu m "i, or Dr, A. W (has. from. n1 In“. “ 'Omimi Ali-neg. "um i'I all it. all . 17in. .rrh at uno'n tn . "Mm. ac..- ”mainland “IV! hando- " Dick’s Blood Plum" than“ nuke-u Il- Mood a“ "why "- Wu“. and main; " "eletdoh- try no! - DPChlimr.“ Right-nix _ I, Wilt piy aoc. ed Taro-to. Mt, TON-$0 oeh tattE tter 0|. ful- up " fht that nmobilt' “om. Jill'- in; the I " mm " hall an to 190.3 of mt to. ' r- he o TART m ut. "for rain 'rum "' J) ondlllon ?' In Itxf-ildf‘d Mrs. Bender, poring thr my: the dark hallway in the wc-r hours. . Tttrittimvui." mumbled Mr. Bender. "At Kelley's wafe- llwysh are ginng swaysh a lump of coal with ever-ya)- Mnk. and l was trying to get-h a too."--'-,'" Record. HAD TRIED IN TATN A 311nm: man by the name of William liotz, conchmnn. came to I] store. complaining that his feet hurt him very badly. He had in vain tried to get relief by consult- lng physicians. Being exposed a great deal to the cold by his neon- pation, his fee: go: worse daily. until one day he fainted in the street. A few Uttyt' after he again came to my store and showed me his feet. I have seen a great many sores In my K'te, but nothing to equal this, end was afraid the poor fellow woqu lose his limbs. He asked m" for in Jacobs Oil; we rubbed his fret doll with the oil. and hv umk tiu. remainder with him. Aster nine dwyn the same man again t?au3tc,-ittio my store. per-; eetly wen. arz'l requested he tol write to )'\.‘l tv." :his most wonder-g 'Il cure; In: also stated that two] other pent)» lvml heen cured of: Rheumatism by tLo sane MUM which helped 'i,iut.--.tln Lenten. , There in something pecullarly ab- llnl in the idea just curl-led out at blush. of an nndmpal statue to Bee- thoven. " nude "gums of distin- Ezhhnl mm are to be encouragnrl puhlic tt.orouRhfarwg it will add I new terror to eminence. The hu- 'mn mind :a!mo~<t mole at the thought u statues in Parliament Squaw of Lon] Salisbury an Apollo. of Mr. :‘hamhrrlam as Hercules. of am Minuuishnl prima Hanna n9 Venus, mo ht ma my of Lon] Rostory. as r'uplel. -Lon ion Truth. .. --- ""'"-'.r V‘W'h Another important point in the con- etnlctlon of tho Main Frame ot the Binder. A railway bridge requlrel a lolld foundation. and a blndor re- quirea a strong frame. This In an- other place where the Massey-Har- ris Hinder undoubtedly excelle all its competitors. The frame on the Marstroy-Harrit, in splendidly transd- tt will atnnd Ml tho ltrain that it In cnllul upon to bear. We believe this is the secret ot the success of thle mclninu It you are bu: mg a blnder on. jinn we advise you to carefully bot into thln feature. You will he well repaid for so dolng. And we do oot trpeak without knowledge of the abject). Romemtwr what we have Bald; about the Massey-Harrie, A Wo spoke of the advantage of the noetting elevator as used on the Maury-Harris Binder. We repeat that it is very necessary to necess- tui harvesting in heavy crops. In our lam; issue we spoke ot some Important {natures ot lindcr con- struction. This subject is of an!- Meient moment to justify our pur- suing it further in the Interests of our farming readers. “Get. on,' Raid tlres. old a; at the “caustics. my! you tut fewer. mun die at ni than at an) other use? [Am-Ivan. u , -__.t. "v IvyerU. Ui.’ "What '." exclaimed the clerk! "ninety-four? Why, we cannot in-l Hum you at that age." l "Why not P' natal tho old man. "Why, heeaune of your age." said! the clerk. -PotmeL"-.- Mas. Mar rutWriiic Elite,';, Wés.,b Prenident Household . I . - . M “notch; "iaL'.'fdhf,g,'gt,t, awn/0:! Women should rem ember there ll one tried and true remedy for an female "In. Lydia E. Pink- hn’s Vegetable Compound. Ito- he to buy any other medicine, you need the beat. are, no I continued in use f Deaths, and " the end of that w like 1 new woman. I red] lever felt better in my life, ha had I nick headache since. and U pounds more than I ever di 'eetitttysirGciiLUa' Von wanton-1d not harm no " any to trim it . trial. “I In: certainly ttlad to find within 3 week I felt much better tau-tibia pains in my back And were beginning to cease. mad at time of menstrual“ I did not 1 tft"'. ts, anion- I time as he: -- _.., “muons tor irregnlu-ities Ind um. tronblen, and I felt sure that it could not harm me n any rate to trim it . trial. "A while ago my health to it!) became of female "0an The doctor did not help me. I remembered “a. my mother had need Lydia E. Putnam's Vegetable Compound 01: may occasions for uranium-- ' -.N, ' - mica)! Ii_dgeriirTii/ii.',"i'eE s was cured of Irregtdart - ties and uterine trouble, terrible pains and backache by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. isheu Nude in Modern Portrait Statues. HIVDIIK TAt Pol ivy Wa "(rd you home In this "led Mrs. Bender, tho old salt, "look I and you wiIHind die at nrnet.v-foue 'chusr. my health began to Mile troutsted The P me. I remembered 1yyhetet, Lydia E. and of that thud In. I rally have my life, hire not since. and weigh t I ever did, so 1 among Vegetable back and Isidé t"-e:.tnd " the lid not have , is hereto. Pte for two te find that '-Lonuon 3 the n -PClligt'i'.'tPdi51l Trim-ma - Tll' 035ml. PO., and 'h'."dl,t. " " Sin 1ttttrt1ttqtttes--iight. 'rtrorttr.i1urattl coon- ungnl. Will not as or get rickety. ohtud with "ye,t2tr_lf?jhtsf. Which Irpen either ,ur. Xmaibii'o; -dadiri; iiraiii Gigi-iii, surface to mist. Best hm made. entre FengeaydePoultz-y New Face to tnee-The medium through whivh we perceive heavenly things is mam. and with it we now see through a. glass darkly, In our pee- fect viskm, when face to face with our Mnker, no shall comprehend the character of tkv.8, the mysteries of providence, the PLest of redemption. and the glories of the hmvenly state. --Bib. Mus. Shall I ttttow-Trust is, there will be a. thorough. complete knowledge. as the original word aitrniiietr. Mysteries will no longer trouble as. ' . 13. Now nhideth --amiu thing-s changeable and perishing the Chris- Page Metal Gates 1:1. For now-Un this present life. In a mirror, "ani-Aire-tent mir- rors wore not made of glass, but of polished metal, Mu] the reneet'tong were very otseasA, and imperfect. 941. In part-cron reserves tor His chikirtu, a knowledge tar superior to whst he has revealed to them hero. Their greatest discoveries in nature and grace are only the be- givming of better things. Perfect- Tln- state of eternal blessedness. A elt'tll"Paul uses this as an mul- tration. m present state Is a state of childhood; the future, that of manhood. Such is the tlitterenee between earth and heaven. Ill. Love enduring and abiding (m. 8-13. 8.) Never railetlr-.it is eternal in its very nature and must endure as long as God endures, for God is love. Prophecies-The gift of prophecy “shall be done away." The revelation given by God to the church being, c'ompleted, the gifts of prophesy will Ires no longer needed. l Cs. Rejoicetb not in unrighteous- ”less-It is not love, but its oppo- lsite that rehyieeth in the downfall or injury or disgrace of others. and in tht. triumph ot wickedness. But ...... in the truth-in the vic- tory ot truth' in the earth. "The truth" frequently means "the Bos- pel." Love Joys in thh triumph of virtue and is- glad when the goa- pel in extended, even though it be through rivals or enemies. Bee Phil. i., 15-18.. , 7. Beareth--Rstpmncher, and hard- ships; or eovereth the {Billings of others. Believeth--"" ever ready to believe the heat of every' person, and will credit no evil of any but on the most positive evidence." Hop- eth--Hope is desire. mingled with expectation. Endureth - Accepts everything as from the Lord; faith- ful under all circumstances. 5. Unsieemly - cmtseeorniiagiy, baughtily, weeke'th not her own- Lon'e fa an utter enemy to self- ishness. Charity never weeks its awn to the hurt ot others, ox-With the neglect of others; but prefers their “failure to its own. Wilden will fight for Christianity or q die for Christianity who will not live lite spirit, which is lore. Without the lam”, God rejects all else, and no re- _ieetre the man, who is therefore profited nothing." ll. The qualities of love (vs. t-7). 4. 1arve--"ruxing (united love as 'the golden Trey which opens the palace of eternity,' he proceeds to describe it. This he does as aman might describe gold, by showing its divers and tire marks by which it may be distinguished." Suffereth long-Tis is the negative side ot, love. It suf!ers all the weakness.‘ ignorance. errors and infirmiiirs of the children of God; and all the malice and wickedness, of the child- ren of the world, not only for a time, but to the end. Is not puffed tap--"" not inflated with pride. or selt-coneeit on account of any on- dowments or qualifications. mental or physical. natural or acquired, civil or religious." 3. All my [modal-Though Idistri- bum them piece by piece with the RTatr'rrt_r'n_re. Body to be burned-- L'. Gift of prophoe.v---The knowl- rdgr' of future events, and also abil- ity to speak God‘s word (chap. xiv. m. All m.r"ttrrur--Thiuurt, I understand tho meaning ot all the types and fig- urc-a ot the Old Testament, and all the turrets of nature, and the dark things in 601's provideneeg. Alt kn.owlei--Fiver.r human art and tationee. Remove mountains --t5ee Matt. xvii. 20, xxi. 21. "Removing mountains in a phrase used to signlly tho removing or conquering great dirricuities: getting through perplex- ities.' Though lhud the highest kind of faith and could accomplish the greatest posuible results. But have not ltrve--Notiee that Pam does not assert that one could have these things without lose, but says "it" he could. 1am nothing--ithing in "I. .-l.'. nothing tn the sight of God, nothing in the church, and good for; nothing to mankind; I _ r-.~.v .WirBrq.9 w nu luvut. Tongues, ete.--That is, though I were able to speak all the Languages spoken upon earth, and with the elo- quence of angels, and though Ihave the gift of tpngues bestowed by the Rpirit. of Pentecost. But have not love-That love to God and man which Is shed abroad in the regener- and and sanctified soul by the Holy Ghost. tg,ot'ettt,tr,y--t,t, the conclusion of e preceding chatper the upon e promised to show the Corinthians a new excellent way than .that in which they were proceeding. They were so distracted with contentions, ,dIVided by parties, and envious of each other’s gifts, that unity was nearly destroyed. This was n full proof that unity to God and man was wanting: and without this their numerous gifts and other graces were nothing in the eyes of God; for " was evident that they did not love one another, which is a proof that they did not love God, and, consequently. that they had not true religion. _ Love superior to gifts (vs. 1-3:. 1. though l-ur-Tire objector in.. sists that the cases cited in this and the two foliowing verses could never occur, but this has nothing to do with the apostle’s argument. He does not stop to discuss whether it would or would not be possible for these things to actually take place; but even If it were possible, yet with- out charity there would be no nrofit. Christin: lava-1 Cor. It INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO. VIII FEBRUARY 22. 1903. Sunday School: Read 1 John 4:741 A nood at Cornwall put out the fires in the Canadian Colored Cot- ton Company’s mm and drove sev- eral people from their dwellings. Divine love was placed In man when he was formed, for in the "image of God" was ho made, and he never can roguin what he has lost untli it is lanai abroad In his boar-t by the ,Holy Ghost at eonvtlrs.tion. Having “he Divine image makes man akin to speak as he has. But this is often a perversion of divine love, for asarulo the more real love a pvrson possesses the closer will he adhere to the teachings of the Scrip- tut-co. It is often said, "Tho preacher Is too stringent in his remarks, he weds more love," when perhaps that is tho very thing that has caused him 'Phcrt, has probably been more controversy over the question,. of what does religion consist l' than over any other subject. and it will d2abt- lpss continue until the end a! time; and this notwithstanding tho fact that tho Lord has wndescended in this chapter to make it so plain that ovary celled child can understand. and yet be as a sounding tmaGGr."'d- tinkiing cymbal. without a, particle oflho grace ot God in the soul. and with his Maker, and causes man. in! his moatrure,to feel tor this lost; world as Jesus did when he left; Ilnzxven to suffer and die to bring!' us back. l This word "ngapo," love, is moro= fully analyzed in this chapter than in any other part of the sacred word. Tho fact is clearly 'lg',0 muted that a. person may be pos- st‘sned of many commendable thingsl ___ r.-.-..u‘u .., luau In. Dy " faith similar to our present belief iTthe gospel."-Aoeateist . . . is love 'l--Grttstetrt in extent, in endurance, in manifestation. Greates because without love the others would pro- fit nothing. Teachinibt--rt is more important to be good than to do good. Only tut. tions prompted by love are accep- table to God. Sacrifice without love is vain. Love bears tests. I PRACTICAL SURVEY. Why the Greek word “agape" is translated "eharity." in this chap-1 ‘tor and in the rest of the lime] "love." I cannot 'tell; or why the} Greek word. "philia," which always] moans some form of human love, is translated by the some word, I do not know, It seems to me unfortun- ate that it is so, for there is noth- imr in common between the two,) words except. that they both may be! dominated emotions of the soul. and tinny are each spontaneous in their action. Tho first we lost anti-ace of in our federal head by sin; the. latter, in various forms, is present- in every human breast. They are; evidently placed within us for n. purpose. and well do they accomplish‘ thoir object. tiam retains these "'2Ptl satvting[ When The Hens hay. *races, both here an erea. er. _ e t e, in a aim-Sioux tTi't"l'f':4rd vision of the unseen l 0332913“: 33mg; tr B (Heb. xi. I.), with its eortsequent l Let Joy spread her wings and quirk trust in God," 1o,pe:-,-Tah.e _iiTi;t,i'icl girdle the earth: tian ot future good. Faith Md hope Let evorvthing living go da'fy with will be stronger and more pomplete' ’ mirth: in the next world than in this. "That The him,, l our happy. state will continue tor.. are now ' war we shall know simply because laying again. God has promised it, that is, by a 'TR......, -- .. .. J" (9:91. Nx_n,, , csvnglauv MEDICAL DIRECTOR L. GOLDMAN, ALA. J. THORBURN, M.D., (Edin). The report containing the proceedings ot the Annual Meeting, held on January 29th last, showing marked proofs of the continued pro- gress and solid position of the Company, wilt he sent to policyholders: Pamphlets explanatory of the attractive investment plans of the Company. and a copy ot the Annual Report, showing its unexcelled lin- anclal position. will bo furnishsxl on application to the Head Ortiee or any of the Company’s agencies, company by over one million (knllrliirsr-h lnvurance in force at end of 1902 (net) ........ PRESIDENT JOHN L. BLAIKIE. VICE-PRESIDENTS The mrjnnn-vnu urn -___- Net Surplus. F""".............. ..."--t......._...., Audited and found Correet--J. N. LAh The financial position of the Company is, age of net surplus, to liabilities exceeds that of Pally New insurance issumi during 190: ...... ...... ...... Exceeding the best previous year in the histor. Company by over one million dollars, Dee. 31 ' 1902. Dee. 81, 1902. Br Payment tor Death Claims, Pronts. etc.... ... ............ ... ... , " _ " By all other 'pa.vtuente..... ... us. THORBURN. M.D. "Wii. SIR t he -th, m pa my 's I}. Fnc' Gi.' SECRETARY L. GOLDM'AN, A.I.A ' numerous HON. SENATOR GOWAN. ri.C., LLD.. C.M.G. E. L. w. SMITH. Esq., K.C., l).L‘.L, J. D. menu; DN., GUELPH. MANAGING-DIRECTOR WM. McCABE, LLB., F.I.A., F.s.s TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL STATEMENT 31, t, 1901. To Net Ledger use“... ... ... ... ... ... ................. RECEIPTS " 1902. Th Cash for Premiums... . .... ... ... $1,019,652: " " To Cash Income on Xnvextmeuls 121.1874? It. By Mortgages. etc...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .m.... “ Debentures, (market value 51.091535 Cc..') " Stock and Bonds (market value ... ... ......... ... ... ...... $1,501.764 00) " Re?! Estate, Including Compan.tu build- To Guarantee Fund ...... .. '. Assurance and Annuity serve Fund ......... ... ... . " Death Losses awaiting proofs, etc. ...... ... ... .., of concctitGC.TC.'.'.'. ...... Interest and Rents due and Loans on ':cd'iir"iiiG7i.r-"Uii' Cash in Banks and an hand Premium" outstanding. etc, (less cost HEAD 8rrltE---l l2-l l8 King ti, WM, mom For the Your Ended Siqt December, - North American Life Assurance Company found_ cqrrec t--J. k.' LAKE . A uditor on Policies. ete...... DISBURSEMENTS LIABILITIES the Company is yntexeelietl-its percent- ASSETS Disappointed. Jacky longed for a bicycle, longed and prayed, too, that some one would give. him one. Everyday he came downstairs hoping to find the machine ot his prayers in the hall. At last something came, bat it was a tricycle, and God mamma lying in ambush to be awitness of the child's ruptures, heard instead a heavy sigh, and "Oh, God, Idld not think you would know the ditterence between a bicycle and a tricycle. w“... a Let Joy spread her wig-Es girdle the earth, And let everything living with mirth. .: Let everything noisy get busy and scream And wake the whole world from its Lethargic dream, OF THE ' laying again. So let the world wag- in its own funny way. For springtime is coming-it nears 0r What boots it if winter shall Huger for days, Or if the spring- sum shall in ardency blaze'.' We care not i laying again. What matters it, them it the live or dla? So long as we hear them exu cry: "The hams Who cares now for p erica's fight, And who came a, rap price's flight 'l The hens laying again. Turn on all the music pent up in the soul And let the wild twmults in great Lon-ems roll. iy chc oriGs. of the taxing again. soon will u uw- eggs tor our breaths-i em.) morn, yolks will our whiskers with yol- low adora- V The hens [ are new ' The hank The LG, " pry as; The hams W'ILLIAM R. MEREDITH, K.C, laying again. are not if Morgan should gobble the earth not Russell Sage should in. crease in his girth, The hems . are now The hens The a Pe now It C" are now are 110W are now ' 60,000 oo 4.385.565 00 ' 374.513 " 316.851 H.?, laying again ace rum] lining Again laying again. 50,201! " laying E. GURWEY. ESQ. J. K. OSBORNE, Esq hear them exultingly_ nny other Home Com- on cally laying again. ..........r.. $4,191,309 61 poor South Am.. again!” for the coal , 6,600,363 00 $30,637,268 00 and quick “010.813 L't $4,195,768 1 r, $4173.78 go daffy $1.070.703 95 1.080.601 Td 3MB,“ " 54.77.5385 M $5,465, 14 9 S..'. 1.435.729 " 1.270.810 21 198.982 IO 38.045 76 “H.684 69 331.642 92 351.257 oo 89.165 17 691.364 " trusts - n- " on Finding him unnuivvd at her nm't return, Lilo said. "Git up, there's a sweet gintloman: theres two cum. mereint gintlt‘men waiting for their breakfast and I can't lay tho Math till Khan: in honor'u top sheet." Cd at eight. tt six. Luumvr. mat morning, in knocked at his door. "You've got to git up," .m- said. "What o‘clock is it T' "Six. sun." "Go away: I'm not going to gm up till eight." At seven she reappeareu. 'Indadc. and ye must get up now, It's neven." him while travelling in Ireland. He had gone to bed in an Irish inn. hid- ding the landlady to have him call- cu' at eight. It six. Mmmvr. nor-.1. A Social Soil-vinyl. A friend of mine tells the follow- ing experiepce 1rltieh_htsrtrrent'U to I Bradstrm-m on Trade. l l “'lmlcsale trade al Montrvnt thir' -week has shown a good expanding: demand for staple goods. Storms in? the hands of the domestic mahufne-l turerg are t-onnmrutivvly light, and: there in a very firm feeling in all' lines with increasing indifference on ' the part of res-here about effecting l sales ttt present prices. Spring ordvrs .rare coming forward (reel) at Tor-' ' onto and trade in many departments . is larger than " year ago. The ' firmer prices of staple goods haw stimulated the demand, and there is some fear among retailers who were disappointed lust your in getting early deliveries of goods on account of late ordering, that there will be a scarcity this yvnr and this is enun- ing an increase in business. Business at Quebec during the past week has l been acting and there is rig-00d in- quiry tor spring goods. Trade at the l Paeifie ('onst centres is a trifle 1 quiet, as is usual at this mason, but there in a general feeling of ('(Hlll- l deuce in the future. In Winnipeg 1 many hovers ham been in the mar- het and they haw been buying freely l in expectation of a hig increase in I the tgrrnover the coming season. 1 Heavy shipments of spring and sum- mer goods have been made by Ham- I ilton wholesale firms again this week to the various trade centres of the country. Orders from the; travellers are coming forward (row. ly, and the manufacturers and the ( wholesale houses are busy meeting the demand. Values of staple goods! are tirmiy held, and there is a good! deal of talk about additional ad-' ‘vances in prices. The outlook for an ' Increasing business in most depart- a merits ot trade the coming- season is " very promising. London jobbers are m busy booking and filling orders for tl spring and summer goods. The trnv- it, elleru out on the road now are mvet- w log with encouraging success. In N Ottawa there is " steady expansion jo in trade. Retailers arc buyingr freely tl in order to get the goods toetore tr: any further minnow in priror,' in Fr announced. The outlook for trade is tr very promising. it ad“ L'O against 3: lust. week, 30 ttte preceding week, and W,' Inst Jear. or radlutes Ill th:, Unitoei States 73 were tn the MM. 73 strum, (H wvni. and 20 in Hm Pacific Status. and N report Iiuhiaipim of $500!! or more. Failures This Weeioi. R. G. Dun & " my on liuhilitiw o" commercial l'ailm~:.- no far rvpm'lvl m February, 81.it N100. "gaunt ' ' £31,505 km! 31-“ l'. Failures 101:" week in the l‘niwl Status mm :31). agaimst 264 Inst weak, 243 tht, precedinp; week uurl 2.4U Clie rol'rv- spawning week Last 30:11: ant m Hun- New Yoa... Chicago... ... Toledo... .'. Duluth. No, em... .. ... Following iit tions. ttt import $1.25. No. 2, " to $0.73; rm to ttr.tgt: llmnmv. an apples. ppr mm. In to hogs, $7.50 to as; m: 20 to 25c: but”, any butter. (nu-mm i.T, 21 up per pair T.% to $5.3. pair. Thc in .til..P: m JO to 1:01 turkocs tt Following is llw rant nous: Wheat. whitr, when" 7, rel, Tc to 72 1-20; “min; 67 I-ide' on”. :us to :u 77 to 7ise; lnzlvy. "h. 1 'ttteat, BU to Glc: up. .' timothy. an: to all; an: to SEND. t'traw, tret" tc per bush.; "lsikst. No I. - 7 w..‘.- an un- changed, with sales of 1,000 bushels at " to GOe. Oats are firmer, WIUI sales ot 800 bushels at 36 to 381-20. any In tair supply, with prices steady; .30 loam. will! at an: In 314.50 a mu lur limoihy, and $6 to $9 {or mixed. Straw, weaker, with calm; of two loads at :58 to 89 a ton. Tltere was a good supply of dairy pro:tuee. New laid "vnth', 20 to 220 per dozen, and hold eggs l! to IGe. thump dairy Hills, :09. Yum-[alphas unchanged. Dresséd hogs are sit selling at 37m to I't't, $7.59_ to $7.75, . Ton-0M0 Farmers” Market, Feb. 16.--'rhe offerings ot grain on the street on Saturday were a little more liberal. Wheat is weaker, with mile: ot 300 busiwis of white at TL' to T2 l-2c: too busth of red winter 11 72 to 72 1-20, and .300 bushels of goose at BTrcte. Barley is un- changed. with sales of 1,0d0 hmhvlk at " to Mte. Oats are firmer, Witlt “In,“ " an” In. _. . _ - Dealers all over Dominion say they give better 5.2:} faction than any others. The people say the, fu ham look better, wear better.-hscadse they 2:";- honest made out of pure ISI' rubber. Granby heading Witeat . lL'c, turn-y Irotutoer;, [lg] RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO "1;: "tu' tho Inzlmrtunt wlt nixed. straw, iisaeAr, with two wads at $8 to 89 a ton. was a good supply of dairy \nnv I..:.a -_- _.-- “Cranky labors went like irom" as]: to $14.50; mise) straw. per tou. $8. tMt Us "Mikel. No l, " {0.73150 North- ,:-:'|.. T..'. to T:.'. 1-10; spring. TOC, pro-mu, to ms Jc.'c; my», gTe to Nh. . buvio 24O the porn» Par. ant m t'tttt, ttrt Week. 30 ttte l 3-": Rum! 3931' nib-d States TIt steady, with light $8, and bean} at rent clover. 1ic,f,tj $1.75 to $2.150 ; to fr..:-. (Il'i‘NN'NI range of quo 35: ducks. pe $9889. per [h ”PF tb.. 15 u lug. $1.30 u 'losing 'i “I. (wrun- Marketa Why do we wear 77 m ‘I ah new I 16 to L'; ' ; chick: dress M, tiO 1-H til 77 ll 3 to in- .....‘ luLl u! '" ”nor ttl any out that may unmade rl-mnhllmz health.“ and without "n.Y ”"me ruanucucu In n word. soup In Hm operation orrhavitrpc not only facilitates a. process. but plays the same vale-p blo rolr when the shaver it; unlucky cvomzh to cut Mani-If m: don- ttte nrxlimptzc In ';urkr'r.v.--F"rom the Lane“. In n won]. soup 1 ofshavlm: not only process. but phys 1 blo rolr when the us] enough to cut him, HE In auto of the tact that thouo who use the razor frequently out the.- 'ielves, yet it is rarrty that anything more cerium: thnn u cat totlowii, tho slight wound generally heat ing quickly, and tho “wk of septi- oaomm arising in thin. way would new to be almost nil. In the ma- Jority of cation. therefore. it Is clear that tho razor I'l'uto muwt he bac- tmiologtcully rliau--i. o.. tree Iro- uoptic matter-winch muy be at- tributeo) to tho tact that probably it is dipped tutu hot tsctrrlttaerd wu- tor trforo two or who that tho so“) lnthor I: untinomic. Tue luttor pr. plnnathm awn»: tin nun-o probable ot the two. Thr nmnum of lamp rubbed on the skin In ooustdoruhlo it the shaving In to lr, in any do- gmo comfortablo. and may haw considerable authentic power. a 0 nor cont. Poluliun lv-lng tmrnetont to destroy the tnyhuid Mcilluc. "er. car. he llttlo doubt. thou-fore. that the skin t: rowiortd otorile by the hhornl ammo-Hon of map. and this fact it, in favor of any out that may beatrurte romnlntng mum,“ and without any Horimm (-ununnnnun.‘ it} ,V ---_ .W..- w"... For fait Information cal: on or 116er B. F. CARTER, x. P. A., " Janet Building. Toronto, Canada. F. B. ORGAN-2. G. A., 1226 Woodward av¢., Detroit, Mich. 825.00 to San FYaneboo, Loe Am gems and man: other Cantor-nu points. From Chicago and St. Loo, po- portlonately low rate- nre In enact by line: connecting with the Unlo- Pagil.rle At all. shove point" Pin-vex) of the cllildrvu are "tring at home and tive are married. But oMe child of the "tttire lamily has riied, The tathor of this realm-Rub!" family , is still living. but for sump time litter I not made his home with his wife. In. I Bean: is said to bo rotnttrkttttty young Iookirtg.---New Cuumorlarvt In- ':. dependent. $25.00 to Everett. Falrhuven and New Whatcom, Ua Huntington and Spokane. 8:15.00 to Portland. Wanna and Seattle, $25.00 to “bland. Roseburg. Fa. fgng. Aibuny and Salem. via Port- am. ciir. River : Every day trom February 16 to April 30, 1908, the Union Pacific will self Onewny Colonist Tickets at the following rates from Missouri She is only " yearn old, but in ttie mother of wwnwcn children. ' “1w married when rho was " ynurc of (I89, and has five children married. and all have children. Nhe in the mother of three acts of twmu and our of triplets. I'll-Fishery Ova-Ivor in W“ "on": at tkventy-gkrer--- lie Mas lo Say orthe Mun-r. Port Hope. on. Feb. L',-H8peuuly-- Everybody in Port Hope known Mr. _Chas. Gllchrlut, for fifteen year- i Chief ot Police and afterward nah- I':,:-,',: Overseer of the Dominion Gov- I eminent. He is seventy-four you. of ' age now, and a health! mun. But he ,,' has had his share of sufforhnt. For ,3 ten years he was affllctod wit Dia- lbetee and Kidney Dimmer. Dodd'u Kidney Pills cured him. , speukine of the case recently, Mr. , Gilchrist said: ', "I have used Dodd's Kidney Pill. iror about five years, ott sad on. Whon I get n. pain in the luck and my urlm- is full of twiekstttmt t talus ' a. couple of Dodu's Kidney Pill! and I “an all right. Iguzerally keep them 'tn hand, tor tliepe is no mediolne like ' mom. l The case against Sarah Jane new". of teongto, which was to have been up in .Iusllr-v (W. U. Johnson‘s court in Clteater a few day» ago. but which “as dismir.s,e on :u-cuunl of the fail- urn of the wllnumus to appear in limo- for the trial. htue not horn Lab-n up again. "When I cmnmeuct-d to lake: Dodu's Kidney Pills I waa In I rear. ful state. They have made me I new man. I have about ro"ate,2,',",' acre in a gandou. I dug an planted it last sprlng. Whon I first look Dodd'l Kidney Pills I ttould not have done it to save my life. " believe I would have been dead only for Dodd's Kidney Plllc." It is (4er like this that are glv- lug Dodd's Kidney PlllI their popul- army. t If"? Chas. Gilchrist. at Port Cured b, Dodd's khte NO MORE PAIN Rubbers and Overshoes Mrs. litmu- ot' (numb. W. " 1 Soup in Stun inn. 35 Fi-W A Y HATES to Ogden and Salt my. IN THE BACK 'er sans- t bctter, tle powér. a"... Iryg tmrrtetont to Pills. KI "I

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