West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Feb 1903, p. 4

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N 'r.rtu???.INNP?,??t, mam AeiAsyvvtet8t "_'v_i,iii't1ii'iii1tiiihhi1iihi "ii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiihaime in. cy T 7 , "rt , “SM" .5 l T5 F :55 iitiilltilllillllltlllilllllt EASE“? (ti:' :3: 'iitWigllFfiRiillii qrar: ra" li't" PAF', 5-:- w , " AEQES; Th . 5:. NO. Al, HOE DRILL P. . "Na-gr-ei n.5-Au-n-rfunw- 'l w - - -. v. Luna: X3N3 a: “:15.” _ MtrB88r.tmrXlNMitI in ali ‘ ‘ ' “I on » I tlt, <- - -- " . 9; as (311m stmas J7rtrttazL . TolSubscribers to the REVIEW GI thlUt TheTLAnnual is a 4o-page magaz attractive illustrated reading matter: ornament to any parlor table. If n, 1'99 scriber, become one and get it FREE. W;J ?e9'?, AtitiFjiFi, 3, -e-- l'Y39+9iitFit Sewing 1rechtne Needles, and all Supplies will be a: RIGHT PRICES. A Fine Shipment ofIRAYMOND SEWING MACHINES. Runs Smoothly, Sows Evenly, is Easy on the Team For terms' and particulars, see J ()I IN LIVIN G STONE AXGEN T We have a full Assortment. Call and see Them. t-:-clrl.1ls.l!,-ilsstisliie, J tSI TO HAN O! Everyone has heard of the famous 1oFd1"cjrt]r?r,,rG, John Clark. lneTiAnnual is a 4o-page magazine filled attractive illustrated reading matter and is an ornament to any parlor table. If not a Sub- scriber, become one and get it FREE. . Ramaze. Pub. a Prop. Glam}; Stoves. "I"??? 'h)ytt'r kt . J1'4W3t" Have Your Choice ! for 1903. sold Adopted by all leading Schools in Toronto. This _deaerved1 populu system b ' 2:3, _ii'rej2ii'iit','iri,'i'ci1,ibriilyti)kr'ivitt,; L'lUlt?itfteo/ o o . . the 1liflerli' immediate li'a1'lfllflli1'n.topies within Musicol Notation Rh thmie Motion Pi Key-bond Location Kinda] History Terms: For terms opD1y_to In: Margaret Gun, Teacher. Mara. A calendar, outlining the course of study and the requirements for gradua- tion will he issued at an early date. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. February 3rd 1003. Application for admission, accompan- ied with%he above mentioned certifi- cates is to he made to the Deputy Mini. ster on or before the first day of Septem- ber preceding the session to which 'id- mission is desired. The fee for the ses- sion is ten dollars ($10.00). and ts to he paid when application for admission is made. Any teacher who has at, least Junior, Leaving standing and who has taught. a public school successfully for one year, or who after passing the, County Model School examination has taught for six months under the supervision of the Inspector of a city having n (my Model Svhool. or any person qualified for ad- mission to the Ontario Normal College. may be admitted as a Nonnnl School student, hut every applicant for admis- sion shalt he required to produce a. med- ical certificate of .iveedoiy from serious pulmonary aitect.iop, and from serious- ly defective eyesight and hearing, and also a certifidate of good moral char, utter. MEMORANDUM FROM THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. As announced in the public press in June, 1902, the change in the length of the. sessiontof the Provincial Normal Schools will take effect in September. lout. Hereafter the sessnon will extend from the second Tuesday in September in each yeartto the third Friday in June of the year following. and will consist of two terms. The first term wall begin on the second..Tuesday in September and end on the eighteenth day of December of the same year. The see ond term of the session will begin on the seventh day of January of the fol- lowing year and end on. the third Fri- day in June next following. l Mr. Nurlh W. lieu. of Pine GIOVP, Beantfortl.:who has been visiting his aunt, Mrs Camp and other friends near Dornoch and Markdnle. left for his home on Wednesday of lack week. Mr. and Mia. Thos. Cleave. Nottaws, visited the fotaner's sister, Mrs. D, Cole- ridge, Dromore. and other members of the family here this week. Rev. Mr Farquharson is in Bradford this week and next assuming at, special services in Rev. Dr Smith’s congrega- tion. (Dr Smith, formerly of Dornoeh.) Rev. Mr. Ledinghmn. of Indian Mis.. sions, will preach In the Presbyterian Church Sunday evening on Foreign Missions, a sulrittt he is well fitted to speak upon. Mrs. Angus Putterscn of Flint, Mich. came home last week on the m casion of her mother's death. Her two daugh- ters. Alla and Ema are here and she will remain for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Arch McIntyre, Rapson, Michigan. came here last week to the funeral of the former's mother. Mr. McIntyre returned Tuesday. Mrs. Mc- Intyte followirg in a week or two. Miss Jessie Munro came home last week ttont Toronto where she gained some experience in hospiinl nutmin'gond may return in the future. Miss Schwenk. sister of Mrs. Ehr- hardt, who has been attending a. busi- ness college at Sandusky, Ohio. return- ed to Durham last week. Mrs Jenkins. Manitoba, is Netting her mother, Mrs S'tonehouse, and sister Mrs Hepburn. and will stay tor a week or two, Mr. Roht. Scott was aver to Jackson City, Mich.. and purchased 3 fine horsts from President; Cowham ot the N. P. u, Co. A load of young people hom town had a very enjoyable time at Mr. S. Beaton's, Rob Hoy last, Friday even- mg. Ml-Johu Vollet, left on Saturday for Fort. 1Villiam. to remain for tcrtte time as book-keeper in an extensive business. Mr. Jas. Stinson, hukerat Rowe's, left Monday morning for Alum to attend the funeml of his mother. _ Mrs. D. Coleridge, Sh, Dromm'e. is visiting her daughter. Mrs. C. Hamoge, in town this week. The_Missos Calder, Calderwood. visi ted at their brother's for n few days. Miss Henderson of Chatsworth, is the quest of Mr and Mrs J, Carson. Mrs. MacKay, Port. Elgin. is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Hoht. Kepkey. Mr Bert Mockler was in Toronto last week. Miss Annie Colville left this week for London. Mrs. Thos. Smith is very seriously ill from a paralytic stroke. Misq Mary McIntosh is this 'sseek visning Bentinek friends. Miss Lou. Davidson left this week for Hamilton. Mrs Alex. McComh is seriously ill of Pneumonia. Myer's Music Method. $10 ATRC TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW As a token therefore of our apprecia. tion and esteem we desire you to accept this Bank Cheque as a free-will otferiug from your congregation. and we pray that God's richest blessinga may. rest on you and your family, and that you may nag be spared to be honored workers in the vineyard of our Lord. To Mrs Farquhatson, we are buund"m add. you owe much of your success. d"tili we desire to couple her name with yours In all on expressions of commendation :19 she herself is already in the iiiiiii; tions of our hearts. As our pastor, you have always been ready to assist In in every proper under. taking, to sympathize with us in our troubles and sorrows and to minister to our spiritual needs in every legitimate way. Asa citizen, you have taken an active interest in the secular affairs of our town. and assisted m every honor. able way. all efforts to promote a purer morality and a truer citizenship. Tint our church has made progress we cannot doubt, and that lunch of that, prom-em is, under' Providence, directly due to your Wise leadership as pastor. we freely and willingly aitivni. Our activities nan Christian people, we be- licve, have been wisely directed. Our Annual Reports show u gratifying in- crease in our membership and a steady gain in the several depkrttrents of out church work. While we deplore how little we have done to assist you in your work, how indifferent and apathetic we have. at times appeared, yet we be. lleve and trust that the spiritual results though not so obvious to mortal eyes. have found favor with the great Head of the Church. Messrs. Wm. Young, T. McGirr. T. Allan and N. W. Campbell were in turn called upon and each responded in an appropriate way. The titat named made an effective speech, point. ing out avenues of usefulness, not only for the churzh. bur for the town as a. town, and especially commending the work of the Public Library. Following is the address: ADDRESS. Dear All". Farquharson ."-- ' It is with mingled feelings of plea- sure and satisfaction that we look back upon the the three years we have spa-m together as Pastor and People. The event of the evening however was the address to Rev. Wm. Far- quimrson, given below, which was', at the request of the ladies, read by Mr N. W. Campbell, while the pres- entation was made by Mrs Jno. Cam- eron. The offering Was a free-will giitot'SlOO which had been worked up by the ladies and came as n Com- plum surprise to the recipient. Mr Forqt1lvarson in his reply, though em- barrased, neknowleged their gener- oslty very appropriately, and the address having made kindly refer- ence to Mrs Ii'arqulvarson, he paid a high compliment to her as a worthy helpmeet and inspiration to him in his work. The applause which greet- ed his reply was an index of the warmth of feeling held-by the congre- gation to their pastor and his worthy wife. Business was not the spirit of the meeting however, for the social hours seemed to demand something musical to follow. .The choir had made spe- cial preparations and in addition to their excellent pieces, solos Were given by Mrs Buchan, Mrs Frank Living- ston, Dr Hutton and J, P. Teltopd. A duet; was given by Mrs A Jackson and Miss Burner, and two reeitatious by W. s. Davidson in his own spirited way taught good lessons in h humor- ous manner. These were all much enjoyed, and the congregation were delighted to Welcome lor the flpst time lrom among themselves such able PHI- tertainers as Mrs Livingstone and Dr Hutton. , Adjournment was made upstairs, and a few reports were soon disposed at. It was announced that the debt incurred tor improvements, amounting to "bout84,000, was all provided for but about 850, and the extinction of that was quite in sight. The congre- gation, now released from this activity contemplates at once making provi- sion tor a manse, this being almost the only congregation in the Presby- tery, not so supplied, a that only re- cently brought to their attention. Thursday evening of last week the adjourned Annual Meeting of the Presbyterian church was held, and a large number trom town and country were present Tea was served from 6 to 8, and a very pleasant sociable time was spent round cotntortnhle new folding tablesjust secured. We mav dispose ot this at once by admitting its excellence and abundance. tor the evening following a. gathering of the, children was held to enjoy the un- touched portion of the offerings. For Sale at W. Black's Store. Rev. Mr. Farqaharsou Honored. TF Presbyterian Social. that makes your horses glad. In every town and village may be had, to the Mica D Axle Grease KING TOM. No. -8206-. bredbg David 2'ggtt md 8am Mitchell, Ipnt., front eeelebn mum! "Newcutle 1attdr'd. 2629.. Dam"Gianworth yuan-149+. Full ex. .t..ePie1Itdigree my be seen on tgmrltentton Terms 81:06: (ITE undersigned will keep for service on lot 41 con 8, E. G. R., Glenelg,' for mu 011903. the tine thoroughbred Tunwonh Boar _ - -- . -..... _ .. - Tonto for one year 1sGDiri'd 'tWntdtnsdt" to til my stock. Found it to give good satisfaction, and would advise all tanner» and feeders of gtock to use it. Yours faithfully, -- ---_ VI l-Ul " CIUUI I “Is nu tu‘IVIN'V ”1 UIC goot‘ re)hltlli farmers aux feeders would obtain bv feeding a genuine stovk food; not an Atsieriosit full]. ol'tt,tes lulok Lugs-r, 'tit bswtlcr. drive better, M? er, w mu w t orthin n' Stock Tonic. ttto I Dear Mr,-- December 29, 1902. avaia"i 10 lb box, 200 feeds, 500.: (O lb. suck #2 MANUFACTURED BY To Mawardad " Provincial Winter Fair PAM, for best pair of Fat Cattle fed with $40 In Cash Free For Sale and guaranteed In t A, s. Hunter. DURHAM. . _Utm. Salmon. HOLSTEIN THOROBRED TAMWORTH We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or- ders or enquiries left at C. MeArthur's store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE, will receive our best attention. And warranted, good, easy rid-i ing, and at reasonable prices. 3 We have still a full line of Peter, Hamilton Ma.chines, Binders, Mow-i' ers and Drills. Examine curl Chums too which we offer at right!, prices. i And of course you want the best that's going, Call and see our new stock, made by YOU NEED l CUTTER WURTHINGTON’S CANADIAN STOCK TONIC. Carefully consider where they do their' business. I Many of them men go to ll. H. MILLER, the Hanover _ Covveyaucer, even though It meuuu a low [ miles of a drive. They say that he in .. Aluays protttpleueve'r negligent." III-.t' he has bad 22 years experience and that, It, PAYS TO DEAL WITH HIM. , MONEY '1'O LEND,-- ', DEBTS COLLECTED,-- [ LANDS BOUGHT & b'OLD,-- , Every kind of tiuiuaeial business transac- ted. C A U T I 0 US Successful Men The Worthington Drug c., - GUELPH, Ont. GRAY ()ll GHATHAM ir7!.WRX'v4 Have used w rthin t n' no for 9110 ygu'lf ,l'l'f.#i'v'l, bug-n 1tiiLgt'9, tt Address.---". H. MILLER, Lock Braver 28, Hanover, Out. . McARTHUR BOAR. ', KING TOM ' GEO. STAPLES. Ahh 'L. MOI-IFS. Avomou P. 0 All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS ALDWELL‘S LIVERY " C (Opposite 'lh5llL17, Direct Importations from American and Canadian 1lll_ll/llll illlillf WURKS [WWDWAW Roamson & cougar. Agents. Show Rooms opposite Mid daugh Stables, Lambton St. Also another Shipmc the renowned and up-tr Kara Organs. Call and them, theyare open for in tion. BARCLAY & BELL Secure a Tin of our Black Jack Stove Polish and you will be hair py. Havea look through our Har. ness Department if you require a Sett of Harness. Every person should have one of our Winter Driving Whips. Our Pocket Knife Show Case is well stocked with the best that can be bought. Jbsrn (3rzantcs1, The W. BLACK Silverware is getting widely known for its sup- eriority. We have just received another large shipment of it from England. There is no Razor or Scissors to equal the Clauss, and we always have a great number of them. If you require a Meat Cutter we have the quality and variety to pick from. A very fine line of Raisin Seed ers in Stock at present. If you cannot get what you want in any other Store be sure and call at the Store where you chm get anything from a Needle to an Anchor. is as above mentiokdi and Styles to suit all. which are known and approved of all men to be unsurpassed for beauty and second to none in quality. Call and see them and if you do not want to buy one tor yourself you will be able to tell your friends the old old story of those famous rigs which is as above month-marl " =..-, Wanna: Just arrived at the Show Romos of Barclay & Bell, a Car- lo a of the Ready for Spring ELUS LIVERY TA LE (”apposite Middnusgh Eons. . BLACK FEB. 19, 1903 another _Shipment of fudhope (Frade (9arriages, up-to-date European. Quarries, d test inspec- P rites 'Ft ttif, and up-t tis 'l'. NI tl Clldcrs Block Next 1 Owen im BEGlhlfi JANUA fice a GROCERIE .318 08K Wt TWEEDS d Inn ot can Calder's Him-l The Selim.“ h l I‘m Ind tatricuustiou \\ ol Compl'M'llt Tctwircr THUS. ALLAN. l' KISS LICK. ll. A., FEES: 1 “a. John-ton. Chill-mu HE SE-LS And oc T. lihiit'3 "cu Cf i Fl ll ' Gl"ssxxar, cue Numb. Bowls. syrup J Sets. tmcl: wt '.) White l Tabla U Flour I) Durham We WINTER , ifi')? ttttt an .SG STéi AT THE OLD DRY l (WOT: Ot Uest qum‘ " lllt Staff and " "e Calt and Ill FEB. 1 050‘ " TH " ll NO " I"

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