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Durham Review (1897), 19 Feb 1903, p. 5

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, can get le to an hat you want jute and call WEEKS BELL wyyiu. 03 115 AB L E roprietom. Scissors to we always them. Verne ARKERS. UMENTS BET, F4ario ade utter we arietv to men by iRE Seed sup can m IS - Proven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. W. H. BEAN ssuth Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, . Famous Tudhopc Cutters, Bishcp Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Brtis, , Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton's Implements, Adam's Sleighs. Calder: Block Next the Post Office Our Courses in both BUSINESS and SHUR’I‘HAND Departments are np-tmlutc, th9rough and cmplet Culdet"rs Block Owen Sound, 0nt., BEGINS JANUARY 2, 1903. i The demind for young men as oi. tict, assistants is greater than the supply Circulars and full particulars free. Address c. A. FLEMING, Principal. (ii)o'IR [18k Metlia tl ()llf liltl 'l' i i F, SI IOEIVIAN TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES HE SELLS CHEAP. Intending Students should enter at beginning of mm. or as soon that " possible. Sta" and Equipment. The School u equipped for full Junie! Levin; and Matrieulntion work. under the following and Competent Tucker! for that Department: mos. ALLAN, Principal. MISS LICK. B. A., CW“ Nodal”. S. SCOTT. Wm. Johnston. T. NOBLE Ind look in Toilet Sm! pse---G'esn Toilet a enke2e I: fur G. White Cnstile and Oatmeal Soup 5c tor a largo Ivar, Jockey Club and Medicated (Jon-hulk- Soup 100 " (who. "r 3 for B5c. Salad» Ceylon Tea. mixed or black Ht .250. 300 and MK. " il, in lc-ml puc- kets. A Fine Line " American fire pol- ished (ilnsswm-r in Preserve Dishes. Cake Simuls, Biscuit Jana. Fruit Howls Syrup Jugs. Ac., Glass Table Sen, each set, 300. 35(- and . . . . . .40c. IV hit r Count ermmes PM]; J.' , Grid Tahle Oilrloth 45 tn. wide peryd 25v. Floor. (Mk-huh} yd wide. per yd 25c. bb The Implement Man " asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the {ate firm. He can be found Flanneuette Blankets. large Fine Tabla Fyrttps in 5 Its, loo, mt! 20 ll, Tins. Durham Senool We can give you Bargaiw . WINTER TERM (MIC STOP 2 PEEL, AT THE OLD STANDW BIG ll Dey GOODS, CROCKERY. DOTS & SHOES, ae., T. Ds' ()BL E Ot best quality. ook in our Store Window ol you will see bar.. gains for your life. PEB. 19, 1903 - Call and see us. Lil. A" Clashes and Modems. FEES: 81.00 per month,' AT THE C. L. Grant, large size, a pair 81 on Durham. at beginning Mr Angus McCormick is visiting the patental home at present. , Mr Duncan McLean sold a valuable horse fur the sum of Poo. Mr Duncan McQuarrie had Mr Bob Hall employnd last week cutting wood. Mrs John Love, Lat1riston, sunday- ed at the old homestead and assisted the chair at we afternoon service in Zion's Temple. We are, all pleased to see Ella here. Mr George Carmel]. who has been poorly all wmcer, is on the mend at present. Mr Willie Currie visited this vicinity latelv. What attraction Willie? There is a probability ot losing: Aberdeen P. o. Wo' Miss McDonald is going to reside in Durham. Mrs Sandy McCormick has been laid up tor some time with a sprained ankle but is able to be around again. Mr John Colbert visited with friends in Durham the greater pan of last week and made the purchase ot a new cuurr and robe. They say it is a dandy. Mr Richard Davis, of Zion, better known as our Dick is Working with Mr Robert. Aljoe, of your town these days. He will tind Dick to be a hust- ler. Mr Will Quinn and his able gang of men are clearing out MucQuarrie’s swamp. Charlie McCurmick is dar- kening the sun with brush piles. Mr John Ilewitson. from Ltuiuslren, is visiting some of the people in this vicinitv. Mrs Donald McQuurrie is improving but very slowly. Mr. Wm Caswell, of Pinkerton, is visiting his brother George Ctsswell of this burg. Congratttlations to the Prieeville scribe on Iiisimppy ability to go back 50 years bringing before us the m‘u.y changes which have taken place. We judge by the tenor of his remarks that his tacultiea and good judgment are still unimpaired. Mr Sam Edwards sold his farm on the 8th con. of Glenelg, to Mr T Green.. wood. We understand that Sam 1n- tends to leave tor the West shortly. Weather in the past Was gioumv, but now there is milder weather and more sunshine-perhaps a result " the Ross government having a majority of 7 with chnnces of three to tive more. Mr Jas White. formerly of Scotch Town, appears to have got a iob in Ccmeutviile. Another visuor in this Reality is Mr John Atehespn, of Waskadn. Manitoba, smying with'tho Timmins family. It is sixteen years since John was in these parts, bat those that knew him then, say he looks as healthy and strong as ever. so the prairie has agreed with him well. He is loud in his praises oi the wheat province and would not. live here ugainlat any price. Mr Geo Binnie has presented him. self with a tine new range stove which has no equal in this neighborhood. Miss I, Neil in company with Miss Mary M----, of the 4th, visited at J PFalaise's/ of Gambol on the 4th inst. Mr J P Falaise bought a cream sep- arator trom Agent Livingston and as it gives satisfaction more are likely to follow. We are sorry tn report the illness of Mrs T Blair. who has been very ill the greater part of last week. Dr Gun is in attendance ond we are hoping to hear ot our friend 's speedy weaver): Mr and Mrs Reed, parents of the late Mrs W Edwards are visiting irietuhsaroand here these dass. We al'Pglad to say they both look well for their years. w." ""."'Ft \qu ull‘) V")"‘l. "In"? Mr W Jack, R 'I' Edwards and a few others are making ready 'for the ho; months of summer and are drawing lee, Some from Townsend's lake: others from Durham and different points. Lately struck our burg a Life Insur- ance Agent and by all appearance he has taken the life of one of our Centre boys. The weather tor the past week or so has been very mm M this time of year and the roads are in exceilent condition. So our tenmsters are mak- ing good progress and hustling out big loads of nearly evervthing Sale- able. Amongst the number we might. memion the ful‘owing: Mr John (ireenwmd Jr.. is drawing out oats and awry day makes him twenty-hve dollars richer; Mr John Robson is more than hustling out the logs top the new house, Mr W Timmins, Tum Timmins. Sam Edwards and n lust hf (:thm's are rulling otttthe wand. while The victories and defeats of the mun- icipal election are now a thing of the past, but G. c. must be represented at the Board next year. er A C McDonald. engineer. with sonJohn, visited We old homestead recently. -iir A Bell, Jr., of the grove, passed through here recently driving a dash- ing grey. "2%kN'Wi-""""""'r'" - .__-_.‘._V_ V, -- new: and good reputation in each state (one in this county wired) to represent And adver- tise old estabhs ed wealthy business home of solid tirurneial “slugging. ‘Slkry Elf? .weeklz “one luu tun-q". ...r...-r9- ..._.._ --Hee"-_iie" . References. Enclose self-mam envelope. Colonial Co., 334 Deuborn at, Chicago. aunt; nun-u.-. .re-'-"eeF' -"-'2"t"F -- with expenses additional. .11 pay-hie in as} L .. “Anna-“ (“not ”run hand "trut, iiiii; "ii'diisTGfd iif hum _ troni head otbeg Horse and cattlaf,tt tyei,9etty.ey mesa“ wAsTED-FEVEltA_.L P.ERsflliiWF, guy, - ,-.- Glenelg Centre. Mull Corners. MON. The Literary and Debating Society inthe Seliool House is well kept up and the home is crowded every night. The last debate was exce'lent and Boothville won by 40 marks. John Aldcorn and Arch McMillan acted as judges. Oar blacksmith has been very busy during the thaw t when the stormy weathertyrmeg he is not so busy. To see that he is handy with earpenter's tools, just step across to Mr Ilils wag- gun shopand see what he has been making for the ladies. It is both use- tal and ornamental. Considerable land has changed owners lately. Ed. Harrison bought the Peter Watson farm and Wm J Wil.. son has bought Sam Petty's known as the Pitt farm. Before this reaches vour readers, Mr Wm McLeod will be bound by wed- luck bonds to his beuer half. Congra- t, lotions, Willie. We sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Meh'arlane the death of their little child. She had recovered from a severe attack of whooping cough and although often at death's door, she lived through it and was gaining nice- ly when indigestion and intiamatlon set in and the little sufferer lasted only a few days. Miss Hubbard of Toronto, is visiting us Mr Donald Mchnwl's. A little boy has come to stay at Neil Cameron 's It is some time since there was a budget from Boothville so we must write or your readers will think we are snowed under. We are having a spell of fine weath- wand every one seems to be enjoy- ing it and busy getting their teaming done. Mr Wm J Wilson has returned home from Port. Hope where he spent. a few weeks with his sister. Mrs Robt. Camp. bell and attended the funeral of her husband. Mr Gilbert McQueen. of Duntmon. and His bride were on their tour and, after spending tt few days with triends here. left to visit friends in Minto. Willie R. keeps tne road broken to the north. Born to Mr and Mrs Neil Cameron on Wednesday his: a son. All are well. Mr Fred Runeinmn is busy painting Mr. Findlay'is new store. Mr John Richardson. Swinton Park, died very suddenly pt his home on Monday evening. He was in good health up to the time of his death. Mr Richardson was one of the pioneers of' Proton. The Swinton Park Cor, will likely give the sketch of his life. Mr Alex Calder leaves for Winnipeg next. Wednesday. Safe journey Alex. Mr Jno McQueen, of Bsothville, is pretty well again. John is quinea checker player, bat when the lad from Balsam Valley took three games on him hand-running,---) he just laughed. The young people of' Boothville school section are busy practicing for the entertainment which takes place next Fridnv night Mr Jno Orchard is home again from London with a Spry driver and a gay team of grays. Mr. Neil MeCannel, his mother and Mrs. W. McLeod visited friends at Brownsville and Boothviile last week. Neil intends to attend the auction sale of his brother-in-law, K. McLeod of Sunnidale to-day, Tuesday. less. caning and bruising his face up badly and breaking his now. Dr Dix- on was called upon who settlie nose and pct several stitehes in his race. John got a hard blow but we t hope when his face is healed that there will no scars left. q Miss Mary Eccles, who has been in Fundalk he the past month with her auntie Mrs Mossop resting herselt after having gone under the operation for appendicitis. is at home again among her Buothville fr'ends looking well and completely cured, which we, are all greatly pleased to hear. ' Misses Mary and Sarah Ann Clark wont. to Toronto last week. Mrs. Arch. Clark is confined to her room with severe cold and rheumatism. John E Ferguson while chopping a small tree which was bowed by a large lodged one, was struck in the lace as it flew hack and knocked sense- A prayer meeting will be held " Swinton Park. Two elders will be elected. Mr George Haw is not improving in health very mach we are sorry to say. Miss Annie McCannel had a driver to Swamp College Mr. and Mrs. Hill visited at the brick maker's, John Haw last San- day. We would like to know if Gib got home safe. ALExANoeR-BArr.EY-At the Manse, Durham, nn Wednesday the 11th inst by the Rev. Wm. Fnrquharsnn, Mr. George Alexander to MISS Agnes Bailey, both of Bentinott. . MUNRO--in Blair, Nels., on Jan. mm, 1903. Maybe], youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Lauder A. Munro, aged 18 months, Balsam Valley. BOOTHVI LLE, MARRIED. DIED. THE UUKHAM REVIEW l qth for In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey, In the matter of the Es- tate of Donald Smith. late of the Township of Holland, in the County of, Grey, Farmer Deceased '. otice is herebv given pursuant to N R. S. o., 1897, Cap. 129, See. 38, and Amending Acts, that all persons httvingelaims against the Estate ofthe said Donald Smith. who died on or about the 13th day of January A. D. 1903, are hereby required to send by post prepaid. or to deliver to J. P. Telford, of the Town of Durham, Soli- citor for the Executors. on or before the JEWELERY! their names, addresses and deserip- tions, and a tall stutmuent ot particul- ars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, duly eertified, and that after the said day, the Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased a- mong thedpamus entitled thereto hav- ing regar only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 11th day of February, A.D 1903. J . P. TELFORD, Solicitor for the Exeeators' {James L. Smith, M. D. William Smith out of your system by the proper use of Watches, Clocks, Rings, Spear, Flatware and. Silverware. Live Stock Markets Toronto. Trade at the Toronto Cattle Market to. day showed some improvement. over that of the previous day? of the week. Export Cattle-The demand for cattle was verv little better and showed little Improvement. but the of1erttv,p were light. The quality of the stuff was only moder- ately good mm prices showed pranucally no tendency to stiffen. About 84.75 per ewt was plud for the best stuff on the market and there Watt hula or no tancy stuck offering to fetch better flgnreiu Butchers' Castle-Priests for this line of came were pretty well maintained. " though tlw demand was no butler than at. recent. mu heels. Doubtless the light run helped to keep prices in their place. The best cattle sold at about 84.40 per cwt. DARLING’S [mun STORE/2,2,; Shockers and 1?eeders--Wme stock was on the market to-day and sold at fairly good pnces. The demand for good feed cattle of all kinds continues g"od and prices are about steady 83.75 to M'oo. Sheep and Lambs-There was a fairly large run to-day and trade was generally good. Quotations cominuo unehanged, with prospects steady $3.50 to M.4o. which we a, safely recommend. its efficacy. Why not you ? calyeir---Good veal calves continue in good demand and prices are steady at 92 to 810 etch. or 4h to 6e per lb. tsoo-Th? run was fairly benvy. with theidemand light. Prices declined lac per owl. for all grades of stock select 85 to 6th day of March, A. o., I903 Flour......... ............. Oatmeal................... Wheat..................... Petvs........................ Barley.........--. oats..................,..... Lmnbs..2.................. Dressed Hogs, per cwt Hogs, Live weight..... Butler, fresh roll per ll) Butter, Tub.............. Eggs.....----. Hides, per cwt.......... Culfskinu. per lb........ Slwepsklus............... HPV........................ Beer, "W CWI............ Wood.................... Turkeys...-, .......... Potatoes. per bag...,... DURHAM MARKETS. Practical Watchmaker. 30 Years' Experience. Notice to Creditors. JNO. A. DARLING; A. GORDON, Imperial God Liter Oil Emulsion, Price, Large Bottle, 36 Cents. Calder’s Block, Durham. (i 00 ”.5 90 oo oo oo l" l7 17 15 2 tio 68 (‘8 45 29 3 50 7 10 5 60 17 17 18 4O 7 00 7 oo 2 50 13 l 00 I ‘Now is the Winter I of our Discontent." ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO on If Coughs and Colds are permitted to go on their way making us miserable, unrebuked unmolested. l F W”? lnat 200 core farm in the Township of Glenelg. known as the McRae Farm. There is about 110 acres cleared and suitable for running machinery on, and the balance is principally of hardwood timber. There is supposed to be over 2000 cords of good cordwood neatly for. cutting. The farm is situated about six miles from Berkley. and ten miles from Durham. On the Gran is it good frame house and cedar post burn. This farm will he sold at a bargain during the next sixty days. For fupthet in. fornmtion or terms of sale apply to The undersigned offers for sale as he tft going west the 200 acre farm. Lots 55. 58. 59. on the lat, Con. N. D. R. Bentinck and Lot 5t on Con. 2. N. D. It. Good intro and basement, stables and other outbuildings. Comfortable house. well watered. . Young bearing orchard. Within half a mile of school. church and poet ottice, 3 miles from Durham. 1Vill sell separate or in block. Terms Reas- onable. Apply on the premises to Thorobred Durhtuns. -The under- signed offers fur sale. one 2 yr. old bull, titnst prize taker during two pus! years. 2 yr.-old hulls. and l hull calf. all from lhmohred stock, and from first class animals. Good pedigrees furnished. Thorobred Berkshire Pigs tor sale. JOHN ECKHARDT. Bunetman, P. O. . We have secured a few ' more Solis. pkgs.. of Sarnia ' Herring. These are extra ' quality, large, clean Fish, ' 02.50. g ' J BURNETT. YOUR BREAD SUPPLY Be it large or small, will be 9.1- waysof the besstqttality if obtained of us. Oar product is at once pure wholesome and toothgome. Can't be beat. Made from a superior grade of flour and purest ,ingredi- nets. Our bread, rolls, buns. ete, are baked in absolute cleanliness and are delicious. First class ser- vice. So confident are we of the Superior Quality of our Twenty Five Ct. Black and Japan TEAS that if you try them you will find they equal to any Thirty-Five or Forty Ct. Teas on the market. We keep Quaker and Tillson's Oats in pkgs. also Tillson’s in Bulk at 8 lbs for 25e. DONT TAKE TRY THEM YOURSELF. E. A. R0 \VE D_rive Coughs and Colds Others speak highly of Bulls for Sale. Fazm for Sale. OUR WORD FOR IT FARM FOR SALE UP P ER TOWN. WM. LEGO ETTE. w. CALDER. Durham. a. SPECIALIST EYE. FAR, THROAT 4 soer.T --..--.- ExCLt'sn'ELY. - Will be a the Middnuxh Home. Durham, the an: Wednesday of each mouth tmm 12 p. m. tttt 4 p. m. ott1etr---L0WER TOWN. DURH‘I. Jommuy sud private Funds to Log- on Monume- " lowest. run ot mutant. Valuation mud. " 'bcompotontarttd careful Vuluuor. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Du mun Phnrmm-y Calder' Block. Realm-nee first dour west of the Old Post Ottice. Durham. Barristers. -"_ Solicitors, conveNneers, Ac. omces : Hunter's New Block. cp poms Chronicle omce. Gamlraxa St., Durham. MONEY TO LOAN 'A. G. M-cK-y K.C. w. F. Dunn W. C, PICKERING I). D s., L. o. S CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .82,000,00t CAPITAL, Paid up. . . J. ... . . . 1,000.000 RESERVE FUND. . .. . . ... ... swam AGENTS in all principal paints .21 Ontario. Quebec. Mnmlolm. United Stat“ and Euglnnd. OFFHCE-Me In fyre Blown B‘RRISTER. ARTHUR H. JACKSON SOLICITOR IN sc NRA A , t C L F NOTIRVPUILIC. COMMISSIONtR. ETC. (llllli)llll) BANK AA AAAAAA A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est nllowed " curt-em rates. SAVINGS BASE. amen-st allowed on savings bank deposits of 31.00 and up ward- Prompt attention and every 9/illltT. "orted customer. living " Collections of all kinds f Fa rmn bough promptly attended fo - and sold; W. P. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. DURHAM AGENCY dist: ce. HONOR GRADUATE of trauma Univermts, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of. Onlurin. Rooms. Calder Block over the Post "ttive. Co‘loctiom and Agency promptly unaided to Wills, Deed» Morttttutertt, Lama, “moment- a. correctly prenatal. Estate- ct decanted rer- Ionl laukod that and Executor. and Adm uln- truon' Atsoottnta prepuod and rum Sun-unto Court “when Prob-u of Wil 0.1mm" or Ad. minstrullon and Ottrrdiamrhit, chained. sou- chu mm in “buy one. and Titles "ported OFFICE- - McK'nxlc’c Old Show Durham OFFICE HOURS 9--t2 B. m. 2-4 p.ut. RESIDENCE and OFFteE--0ld Bunk UPPFB TOWN, DURHAM. fate Insist-m: to the Royal London Ophthalmic ,ocplul. England. and the Golden Square None ad Throat ospltd. arristcr, Jtotarg, Gar voyanccr, ate” etc”... Mon? to Loan at reasonaole rates an on terms to suit borrower. ir, G, BUTTON. M. D Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Terms moderate. Amusements tor sales In to dates. Mn, must be mwdc at the Review of- tice, Durham. Li‘ Comsspottdenms madman-d here Ono Hoam'ille P. o., will be promptly Attended to, ‘erms on ttpplicatiots to NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, m, CONVEVANCER. VALUATOR Insurance Agent, All Charge- Moderate orriee over McLachlan‘l Sun DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. BARRISTER, SOLICITORJ': nearer ru-uc court-uncut, ac. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., a- Spechl mention given I Women and Chum-u: a. P. TE...FOR3. DENTISTRY. Member Comp Hayden." Ind Surgeon! G. LEFROY McCAUL. . McPHAILJ orto Telephone Connoction No. " DR. GEO. S. BURT. MACKAY & DUNN, MONEY IO L CAN W. l DAVIDSON. Head Office, Torono. HOI'BS D, IcPHAIL. Hopevillo P. o. C. RAIAGE. Durham Puma” & Summit. Privntc Money to Loan, J KELLY, Stowt 210 (r. (011'er Bunk wnmu 15:1 t}

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