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Durham Review (1897), 19 Feb 1903, p. 6

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I“! The Toro:.: ' lulvliv school inspee- .tors have (->12“ to an agreement mrtel the li.uu;':gatioxl has been .Mndonml. - It Is report-d that the Northern mine mum; has upwind to build miles of railway in Manitoba his year. The punts. agrittrt the election d Mr. A. G. Mackny. Liberal M. P. P. for North Grey, was nted.at Owen Sound. Schools and mun-hes near Haunt bare been closed on account E n had can: ot smallpox In the "marhood. The Torrn power has City Engine went a r Toronto I Thtuuttisneu the lune-1 ohm-gas. Mr. E. A. 1mm [or the mesl'ltiw “uservuthn n! .\ Toronto Ft. tnri; lot-idea to and in 3mm. cot'tagv at t Mr. Mavph wsou's majority In Bur- rard Has inn-mum! to U'89, with At- tto Jart to hvnr from. Mr. J. H l hsliwngr. h She Senatu The Ton " against thr ' Chairman said he had received a. number of roporttr urging in the can“ of tutu-u-ulmis, compulsory noti- ncation, Imuznon. dikmtection of rooms lately m-rupied by consump- Rives, disinlmwion of sputum. and gen- ortUly sum-t attention to well recog- 1mm hygie‘nh mmxsurc-s for the pre- wantion of toi'.lagion, and at the mme Mum that run be when that public lingual-um “as not arousm! by too radical mmsm-r-n being: adopted. Death Mate 12 pm- 1.000. Dr. Yam, the Chairman of the board. in M4 annual report stated shat during: POOL' there had been no hide-mic of " formidable character. Durlng th" your tho total deaths, haul on no per mm. or the popula- .tlon, were u..1,Ntt, an average of about I: Prt 1.009. Thero had been a. mortality from tulx-rculouin of L'.- 16%; dig-lllhum, 441; typhoid fever. 803; scarlt‘t tvver, 282';- whooping' ot1ttrrV144: invades. 106. . When semi-t lever occurs In a Inhool. a m--.1iv:nl Humiliation of all exposed pone me, whether in the clus- '00") or at lzumf‘. shall bo held daily. atntit the [M11011 of incubation in Mt“ " mediral mum officers permit persons to lump cases in their own 1101mm. they must be quarantined. The mammoth period of inmbation In ”mitt-d to a work. and the mini- Ilmm perm! of isolation is six weeks. 'posed persons, either at home or 003w place of detention. ' Pen-suns who have not had the dis- “ but haw come In contact. with tt. shall not Iravo their premieres until “no periou or incubation is past. That iknatiun ”lined. and that removed there. _ IBat meuicttt health omens. when informed ot vases. shall immediately Isolage them and quarantinn all ex- , The noun-la fever returns made to the board mowed that the deatn rate h Jill: wan " per cent. In Toronto "during the lcort six month: ot 190:: there but been TOI can"; and 85 deaths. whil- L: January, 1903.. there in! beta, 11.6 cases and 21 deaths. Reports m-n- also presented. show- hg that good result: were obtained hum "nonunion in ameliorating and preventing tne uproml of smallpox. l New Scan-la Fever Hogwhttonl. Tho mum passed new-ml important jegulutlonu In connection wnn scur- h'. lever. it was decided to place it on the mum fouling as smallpox and diphtheria. and to this end the lol- lowlug rules, were [asst-d. and an oeuer-in-Couucn will be applied tor omstlrmirnt thr In: During January than were ten death. trom unmlpox. The complaint In made ti.ttt there was not a mum- clpalnx In tno Province properly en- torcmg the vaccination law. secre- Mry Bryce announced that ho had a Nil which ttc would present later, winding the Taceination Act. and making it mot o workable. “ting of me l-rcvincial Board of Health was new in Dr. Bryce]; Ollice laterally. and will continue to-duy. Me report premnted LG contagious Auetures tttated that ttcatict fever and 5-81le taunted in unturio in a agro'viruku'. form than mum]. I‘ll-m Period orlnolat ion In Placed a BU Wee-ts by Provincial Board “Health The Death 'tate-Tater.. calcu- Regulations. NEW REGULATIONS PA88ED Scarlet Fever Prevalent in Virulent Form. ll llllll0Ri Ila-onto report - The quarterly CANADIAN Cit} (‘ouncil voted irvmen's Union. mgris, ex-M. P. for In been appointed to poem committee on mmended that the. 1:25;le an expert and hospitals be enab- all cases must De HISEASE. vamtor 'I‘.llmun was infornxmi of tin:. lino or Jo-t 'ttct? to be pursued and gave sumo suggestions to the law- ym's. it is. given out for publication that he Promirwrrd to do "hatvver was in his power for his kinsnun. The visit ot the Senator is din. it Is understood, to appealing 11:95:33;er sent him by James Tillman an" who? rvl'itivm. The trvphtrw and uncle have been on bad Innis for sum- nun-s. and hm": had nothing to do wi; h rat-h other. Nome days ago a letter writ- tun by the Senator, in which he said his nephew but! always beon his poli- tical opponent, and that them were two kinds ot Tillmuns, was made pub- lic. It caused friends ot the man charged with murder some concern. The Mimics is desirous of counter.. acting tho impression that the Sena- tor had abandoned his nephew tad that thin visit was arranged tor its moral orient. The Senator will prob. ably also swim financially. Senator Suggests Lines ot Defence In the Trlal to Come. Columbia. 'tk C., Feb. 1B.-s'vrrator Tilhnun paid a wait several hours in 1mg”: to his nophew. James if. Tlil- man, in jail III'H', charged with the murder of Editur Gonzales. Tune \VL-ro no outsiders present. 1|LLMAN WILL new NEPhEW In a Foreign Office report by Mr, Consul Beckett which was issued recently. it is reported that in the singlr- t3iatnose district of Chiena- wat during 1902 not fewer tlratirso elephants, representing a monetary Talue of £8,300. were stolen from British, forearm. This Shows a re- duction ot swan compared with the previous year. Marconi. who is now in London, will return to Canada two months twine. alter visiting Italy. He prairis Canada and says great. dissatisfac- tion exists there at the obstavies placad 1n the way of vstahllshing a commercial service by the British Government. Mr. Cnurles Day Rose, the Cana- dian rwently erscted to the British Parliament, says he hopes to bring the Alaskan question before larlia- ment and to insist upon the duty of the Government never to yield to the U'nited States. Dr. Charles, Douglas. M. P. for Northwest Luncnsnirv, has writu-u a memoir of his hrothor, the law Pro- !essor Halliday Douglas, of Knox Cois lege, Toronto. Ptut-Auierican Exposition, died last night. War MiDitrttarAndro has issm-d an order forbidding officers and env ployecs of the hunistry for War from participating; in tht, rumwcd lirvyl‘us discussion. . Dr. Herman Mynter, one of tho Hur- gponu who attended President McKin- ley after his ttstuasstnation at the I).. .- I A --- , __ . _ The London Daily Mail publishes a despatch from Guatemala, saying that war has been declared hmwreu Guatemala on one side and Nsulrsnhn- unatonmla on one side and Salvador and Honduras on they other. Now, In his Joy, A whistling boy ", . Now, somber and defiant HU every breath A threat of death, A blind, demented giant. It is reported in the lobbies of thp French Chamber of IN-puties that the condition of the Pope is run-3 rritlcal. The report cannot he erm- hrmod. and its source cannot be traced It is reported that the Austrian reserves have been warned to hold the-unrclves in readiness for active service. ' Lord Salisbury will make his first speech since he roared from the Premiership at a banquet to be given In Lon-don on March 3m, A committee of Congress reported in favor of a "manure admitting; re- gistered brood animals into the United States duty free. ', Honduras and other republics are involved in disputes which may lead to a general war in Central Am- erica. ' -. ' New engines on the Midland Rail- way, England, attained a. speed of 82 mites an hour whzlc drawing lauds of MO tons each. 'Sir Charles Gavan Duffy, formerly an avowed mm: retwl, and later Mime Minister of \ictorin, tiitnl ttt Nice. , , Several pore-om perished in " Mix- znnl in Newfoumdlund. A tstiff tight between 1nmtrtr an and constabulury took place witnin sewn miles of Manila city. , At the meeting of the Toronto Dis- l trict Labor Council last night a short discusaion upon the tlrennenets luniou followed the reading- of the Organization Committee's report. It recommended that the Council pro- teat agaimu Chief Thompson or any Committee of the :‘ity Council endeavorng to kill the union, and that union men keep in mind the names of aldvrmcn Who voted that way, . Toronto is undergoing Just now a mile epidemic on influenza. Dov- toru agree that it in fur removed from the genuine Parisian la grippe that was firnt felt here in all it“ severity about ten years ago. The arter-etreett, are not nearly unlaw- xerous or so serious. The present type is mostly bronchial in charac- ter, and in due largely to change able weather, and in mm..- cases to cold houses. ' -7 -uv unuaulllll Pacine Railway declared a dividend ot 2 per cent. on the preference stock. and " per cent. on the common stock for the half year ended December last. There is a sur- plus for the half year ot 33.20:.970. In view of the increase In the cases ot wile-bentimg in Montreal, the Society for the Protection or Wo- men and Children has appointed a deputation to ask the Government r-, ‘ ... - A A special train coaching ot 12 cursluden with silk puma through Winnipeg early on Sunday morning. Eleven of the cars were consigned to Preston. Ont., for dlstributiou in the United States. and other four were Cor Montreal. The director» of the Canadian Pat-me Rauway declared a disidend of P. per cent. on the prererence stock. and I}; per cent. on the common stock for the half year ended Deeemoer last. There k n unr- Three Toronto deputy returning olltcer. have been unmanned on charges ot misconduct at the refer- endum, to appear before Judge Me.. Crianmou. Three other men are charged with penetration. BRITISH AND FOREIGN. The Wind. --Jchn B.. Tabb. ' "It: Lynn, Mass, PM). 16.--Sctcpral timcs the stnklng SUD." (haters and their {Hams haw unsorted to the use of bad egtr, tor the put-pogo of "persuad- lug" those who have accepted places in home of the ahorws where the strike is on to quit the city, but not un- til this evening; have they gone so lar us to assault women in this way. A dozen women employed an stitolxem in the factory ot George E. Nichcl- son & to. left the place at 6o’clock Inst evening to take the street cars for their homes. They were escorted by Michael J. McN.Ll|y and two other members ot the Boot and Shoe Work- ers‘ Union. One Form of a Persuasion Used in Shae Cutters" Strike. Counsel then analyzed the Fttrttt?.. ments of the other companies and said that as near as he valid make it out the figures were at least ten to fifteen per cent. too high 'aml said the wages paid by the Reading were the lowest in the region. I Child labor Problem. In dismissing; the child-labor (mes: tisnt, Mr. Darrow said: "If the. work or this commission does not result in gating rid of this ntmninublv, disgraceful mil in I'enns.vtvuuia, then I think thema- ple may well any that it has been a. failure. You may not get fill of it at once, but no mun ever' lived who could make an excuse for it. This custom has grown up in Penn- sylvania huanuve tltrt.e is money in it and the induscrr2r, of Pennsyl- santa are dependent upon it. The evidence in this case. shows that every single one of these industries "(ind knows that the conditions in this cmmtry and in this mining ro- giom are not so good that men will be content to sit down and earn $300 a year.” Speaking ot the alleged fact that 58 per cent. of In“: Reading's men received only $304) a year, Mr. Dar- row exclaimedg V [ I'ussing to we wage statements handed to the commission, Mr. Dar- row, mid the operators have been deceived try their own accountants. "U. at the end of all this time and labor, he iy willing to give us t, thi' IO per cent. upon the liiturett that he hays eovx-rectny. represent our earnings] Mr. Darrow said, "we will be very glad, indeed, to take it. From the beginning of this strike until the end, whatever you may; my about whether the miners knew what they were getting or non. these operators have never giv- en out a. correct figure or made a statement that would stand the light of uar, tor a single moment wnen they talked to the public. I have had a computation made cov- ering every company that has filed schedules with this company, and in Mr. Btier"s com-puny only, about a. third of the men got over '400 in the year Pool." "You can do just me you please about recognizing the union. It you do not recognise it, it is because you are blilnd and you want to bump against it some more; that is all. It is bore to stay, and the burden is on: you and not upon us. There Ls neither the power nor the disposi- tion: in this realm, I take it, to des- troy the unl-on. And if these agents of tho Almighty Pd nun-wt see the un- in'n, they had better blu-nder "long will a Jew, more years, and possibly: after it while they, will know it is here and rengrize it themselves.t' Mr. Darrow, want otrto tell ot the operators rcrusrng to give the men nun-v momey, and said: Philadelphia, Pm, Feb. 1B.--Atter is run by the labor of them-e child- . " aldress to 'thc t'en. . Pf., close (ll-‘85:!!! ll) D ri'ow be.. "When thew railroad prvsulents b'trike Commissngu, A " a - ' are finally called to book boron-r- g'an for the Union Mnees. After a the J'resirdent of the United Stanton; review. of the, strike he saint: “I shall um? ot them shed tears because thr- I e for none of the mistakes United Mine “ohm-rs unqweq these- arming: eel bat 1 do say it does boys to Join their oi'ganlzation,he- 0 t m m ". .' . ' cause. It was claimed. they ttoi come twith ENC” from them ae- taught there poor hair's doctrines cuss”. to call them criminals.” I “r “hump... m... ,.;m..__.=_“ . _ Questions Figures and Promises to Force Union’s Point. :NalIy has been a target tte- Jilll)ilillS' LAWYER TALKS IN REPLY Ti) Mill. A sheriff and pus-so and force of police have left for the raw-0m: on a train. The railroad officials asked th" prnitontiury ”Miriam nt Deer Lodge for their bloodhoundu. Every TORONTO Butte, Mont. Feb. IB.--he Bur- lington express, ho. ll, oust-hound, was held up shortly after midnight on the Northern Pacific tracks eight miles east of this city, near Home- istmul, by five masked men. They ‘(-u'\'crv-l the sides of the train with their guns, uncoupled the engine, mail and express, and ran them ahead of the train about two miles, where the robbers fined two charges of dynmnito, blowing the safe to piece»:1 and wrecking the t?hprr'K" car. The] traintnert of the pnssvnm-r train,l after the robbers had left tits, r‘ngim- and curs, 'ritaetptied back towards Butte and met an zip-coming freight train, the engine of which was un- coupled to run to Butte, and the alarm given. five Armed Men Stop an Express in Montana. PELTED WITH E00ti. B0”) TRAIN ROBBERY _ BY MASKED (ihli(i working at the Nicholson factory, and an attempt was made to as- sault these people. but the police had reached the shop and scattered the mob. Twenty women stitchcra mm refuge In Lasters' Hall to- night, ath to 5:0 to their homes. Squads of police officers were sent out to (goon them and this kept the Hotel's at Iris. "Later McNally wnsonc of the ex- corts or some. neteutterur who are care He believed the issue was: Who should be the master. the operator or the man? Neither, he declared, should be the mentor of the other. He. quoted from the testimony of the late Arie Pardee. a coal operator, before n congressional investigation LU years ago, showing the alleged 'biitrd .iiil'lt" of the operators 9. econ-e (A years‘ back, when they re- luswl to treat with the organization of the men. The same spirit. he sail. exists to-day. He briefly re- term! to the spirit shown by John Mirkle. in evicting thirteen per- .mns' for alleged criminal acts. and men took up Mr. Beer’s sliding scale Ir'ztptositiou, made ytrxlcrilay. He ”$.11 if Mc. Btu-r believed he made a Hive Cult. Irroposition, he proposed to “now it was not. With the miniat- flllCi' of the miners expert statisti- tinn, Mr. Darrow said the 1 per vent. Tim‘- on live cents, suggested my Mr. Boer. would give operators an iiicxeime of 8}; per cent. in profits. and the miners only half per cent. on the 8t.30 basis. Mr. Barron’s Remarks on the proposition plainly lmilcalul that the miners Ilatiy re- Ject it. Mr. Darrow amused the operators ot spanning uplwals' for arbitration and forcing the strike. t i l To-day Mr. Darrow tdisicuieett lhc cause o', the ammo. Tm: reeiptrttsitrii. ity" tor the coal fumilw, h" suid, rest- on with those who were renponmhIe for the strike. It {human "tpuck without just mason then “my wpre responeitrle, but it the men were right and the (quantum not brotui. minded enough to are the justness or their claims, then the operators were rt-sponsihlo for the trouble. He thought the strike was due to tho “Minn, autocratic, stupid spirit pf the operators." Mr. Darrow then took up the or- der of the union top the steam men to strike, and closml by say- Ing: "It these gentlomvn were stupid enough to let thvir mines fill up with water rather than grant this eight-hour day. all right. But keep still about it. After Jon have done it, the more you tall»; of it the more contvmptlhle it makes you look in the 951‘s of all men who Ib'tnk.it' ren; the mu? eriijupin year." of anarchy and disobedience to law. The railroad Pr'esitlent shod tram because the Unitcel Minn Workers were spoiling tho souls or these poor children, and yet he was wil- ling to take the earnings ofthese poor children, thnt he and his tnm.. ily might be richer browns of their' toil. These babes know tlieirfrlrmls. There is not on" who would not run from a railroad president to the open arms of John Mltclsrsll; and they are right. I have no doubt the railroad president loves child- ren. Neither have I any doubt that the wolf loves mutton. These men make a. living out pt “lose child- l‘niind Mine Workers ullowed these boys to join their. organization. be- cause. It was claimed. they taught these poor hair's doctrines ot anarchx and (“Lnlmnlinnnn -.. L..- Howard "trered. lit-1mm. Mont., Feb. 16.--'Plte North- orn Pacific Railroad Company has offered a reward or $5,000 tor the arrest and conviction or the five men who arr said to have held up the Burlington express just east ot Butte this morning. The company will pay tho $5,000 reward for the entire gang, or $1,000 for each member convicted. _ wnue In other quarters it is said the plunder will amount to several thousand dollars at least. It in also at!“ that several of the mail pouches were riI’IPd. official in the county has been called to south Butte, and all approaches to the city are carefully guarded. The sheriff is scouring the country and a fight between the officers and robbery is believed to be imminent. The trate, according to the railroad prople, contained nothing of Value. but reports Vary its to the amount of booty secured by the bandits. The unrest! inc-sacnger says that they did not get more than $500, while in other quarters it is Bald the plunder will amount to never-all thousand dollars at least. It is Mun Refuse operators' Offer. get $165 a An Instance of lynch law try Rug. stun peasants has just occurred In a suburb of Kiev, which [rad long been terrorized by uband ot thtevea. The peasants, armed with clubs, Two thOusnnd German families. according to tb"e Volyn, are prepar- ing to leave Kitomir in the coming spring. Hundreds left [alt your. Ft. Potersbursr. pr. 1b'.-The Ger- man national committee, which Is opposing the Poloniration of East- ern Prussia, ls successfully recall- ing the German settlers In South Russia, by offering them land un- der easy conditions around Panel}. Lynch Law Seems to Flourish Among Russian Peasants. The Minister of Agriculture wn rmly approved of the “on, and told tho deputation to appoint a commlltce, and he would arrange to have some of the professors of the Ontario Agri- cultural College meet them and arrange details. GERMAN Sli'miilffrlilIlr" "a LEAVING 50m RUSSIA. Government Asked to Open Classes or Instruct ion. Toronto report -- h deputation from the Master Bakers' Association waited on Hon. John Dryden yester- day. They asked (pr the establish- ment of baking classes in the city where the. technical and scientific sides of the baking business could he taught. In short, the same meth- ods adopted in the Irutter and cheese making classes wvrn asked for. The hearing ended to-night, and Mrs. Taylor was ordered confined In Jail to await the action of the Grand Jury nt the May term. Acconllnp; to Yorkins' testimony. Mrs. Taylor told him that she had read of a family that did not get along wry wall and that the woman killed hot husband and burned the house. She also told Yerklns that she burned tho carpet and all of her clothes that were spotted. She also nakrd Yer-kins for some paint to paint over name stains. Yrrkixm exclaimed; "You don't mean to any you have murdered him, do you Y' to which she rnplied, "He came in drunk and raising trouble. I shot him oncn and tho ball glancad on. I shot him again and he teil on tho floor. 1 than burned his elo- thing and put new paper on the wall. l bur-um the body hull fed the boiler, to tho ehickene." M mtitwllo, Fri). 16.---At the lit-ur- ing in the cast- of Mrs..Lufayi-ztn Twylor. chm-god with the murder of hrr husband, Peter Yerkimr, an uncle of Mrs. Taylor. timificd to-day that she told him the shocking details ot the killing of her husband and the burning of his body as calmly as though she was speaking of the killing of a chicken. Yerkins said Silt" came to his place at Ulster Heights, on February l, to sell him a horse, as she wanted the money to pay a bill. ‘Sho said; "I am Ro- ing to have Taylor and go to work in a boarding-house at Woodbourne. l You may not fear Taylor any more, l for l have fixed him with the red: clog." Kiln-d Husband and Fed Chickens With “is Bones. T0 TEACH BREh0.h1AKih'ti. The stepdaughter, Alive, is of strik~ ing: appearance. She is espicially fond ot horses, and it, considered the be“ horsewomun in this pun of the coun- try. b Miss Bradley is a daughter of the late Salisbury Bradley. or New York, who died several years ago. leav- ing an immense estate to his widow and his sons. Lorrin. Walter, Arthur. and the daughter, Alice. The daugh- ter'g share of the astute is given in the complaint as $80300. Mrs. Brad- lry remarried. and is now the wife of Dr. A. H. Scum-kl, a New York den- tist. He in a director of the Stum- ford Yacht Club. Mrs. Quinuu‘d Says Miss Bradley Stole Mer Husband. Stamford. Feb. 16.-Mitrt, A lice Brad- ley. who is in her twentieth Fear. was made defendant to-day in a suit for $50,000 damages brought by Mrs. Chm-[cs E. Quintard. of Sound Beach, for the alienation of her husband‘s a”m~tions. Deputy Sheriff Houily. ot Norwalk, served the papers this at- tot-noon. GIRL OF 20 SUBS FOR $50,000. Tho lieutenant adds that. although hr searched for them assiduously, he Could find no trace of the buiinl places of the nature ot the “land. ernuudo Po nativvs are exceedingly timid, and when sighted by the Whites bolted into the depths of the jungle, where tlwy toe-t up fem-some mails. It cvrtnln hours each day the Villages are quite deserted, every- One, Im-luding the children, going off on B. ('RPOIISP. London. Feb 1e-Lietst. Edd-Alex- Inder, who has Just returned from the island of l-‘ernnndo Po, the Wand of Spain in the Bight of Biafra, Western Africa. gim- nn in- teresting description of tho cut-lone inhabitants of the practically pre- Viouniy unexplored interior of the island. They are known as "Boobies." Very few of them have ever seen a white man, and they never leave their primitive dwellings in the rocks cxcept on organized drinking bouts. The race is inst dying out from the effects of rum and palm wine. The natives are mostly quite naked. ex- cept for u curiou- straw bonnet.: They paint their bodies with colored 1 mud, are unepcnkzihl) nlrhy, tor they “Nor wash. but occasionally use a. knife to scrape off the surface dirt, and create artificial deformities by iighily enwrappinp; their limbs. The Extraordinary Race Which Inhabit: Island orthratm. . A WIFE’S CONFESSION. BONNETS AND MUD. --- "Nr.Nr “menu: lor hm-sn 'ttmu- ing. After-the meal chip! or police had examined the accunm. hr, unap- pad Into the market place and in- vlted the ananmblml peasants to take the ldw Into their own‘ hands, Three ot tho thirvrw were killed on the spot and tho fourth had to I. taken to a. htosiritut. The mid (1 Mb I'll- n_____4 L ,,,_ “Huh-m. out were hunted down and subjectvd to the same Ute. Another case of lynching is re- ported from Stavropol. where (our men were arrested tor lmrsu swal- ing. After-the local chin! ..r mm" unexpectedly attacked while the latter were beat a number of tit: The absent members of caved to neighboring were hunted down and the same Ute. Another case of lyn ported from Stavropol men wore alumna! .- V n...» IIWIU U! I gallant other-r who told his plun- cinn that he had been taking aquaek remedy, and haiku] what he thought of him. Th this the physician ro- plicd; "I should have thought you entitled to the Victoria Cronin." Neurotic Young Men and Their mum Tablets. It has become no uncommon thing. says The Hospital. at a dinner party in see neurotic young men dropping their lithlu tablet into a glass of champagne to counteract what they imagine to he its acidity; lacking as they do both the gastric vigor .0 deal with wine and the moral vigor to abstain trom it. " would be a matter of wholesome instruction to ma ny of those drutrmurtortters, if they could bo made aware of the general fear of taking medicine which pro- vnils among tho members ot the med- ical profession itself. to whom, in the majority of instancm. a "dose" at anything not gimlutoly inert is not swallowed without many searching. of the heart. We have heard of a. gallant otticte who told his phyl- ,.lnn IhnO‘ I... "- I I _ - _ f Young Wtto Plan“ Guilty og In!" I arr Denim it law. New York. Feb. 16.-Wilita.., Hooper ll’oung. convicted of the murder ot . Meg. Pulitzer. was reported to he I quite ill to-day m the Tombtr. Wurdvn i Vardercarr mid Young is sullerlnq I trom a "general nervous collapse.‘ I Young talknd freely about his cum. I despite his illness. Fungal-new Ironq Kong, Feb. Ie-ho starlet! about the discovery of arms in the hands ot rebels in the Province of Canton have been gross exaggera- tions. The discoveries were limited to the finding ot a. few revolvers. It is reported mm the Gel-mull Consul was present at the examin- ations into the cases ot German missionary converts in order to prevent any torture by the Chineee authorities. The converts were re- leased. We Chinese Government has secretly sent six police agents to Hong Kong to make enquiries in regard to five local innutrntut Chin- amen who have been Accused of be- ing reformers. The authorities were apparently unaware ot their Dro- scnce tserie. Stories MAI-med Rebels in Canton are PRESENT TO STOP TORTURE. l "Other lntermtlng fact. will tttl ;(”Il‘|0:~7(‘d when the main one u lhmrd." The Judge again stopped Humbert when be (inserted that per- {when m-upying high positions were aware of the {not that the Bum- , lot-Lfamily was in Madrid. "I never killed that woman. A. God in my Judah. I never killed her." he declared. “I know it and other. know it and some day it will be prov- ed that I did not kill her." "I am not insane." said he. “and I emphatically deny that I ever at. tempted to act as if insane. I don't wish to appear that way. I am very sick. as all can see. but aside from my physical weakness my nwntal weakness is certainly not one of II- sanity. RECKLESS DRUG TAKING. The early new of the trial to- day did not produce any ovulation. Madame Humbert gave a long. ram- bling amtement of her dealings with The case does not involve the main question concerning the Crawtonl millions, but M. Luau-1’- charm that they mulled Mm in relating to the banker an a usurer indirect- ly affects the callus tranmction. l,aiilliilTt FINISH" M. MADAIE BECAIE VERY EXCITED Park. Feb 16. - The Hubert: faintly made it: tim" nppenrnnoo in the crimlnal courts to-dny. who. the cape of Banker Cnttnwi wan “be. up In the Ninth Correctional Cham~ her. There was grant public inure“ manllarted and the court-room wu- crowdod. The Humberto were brought in like ordinary prlaonerl and took mats in the prisoners' box. Madame Themes Humbert displayed her and hr}: undo and coolmtss. Herr mister. Ma- rie Daurignac. apparently wan much unum'rul. while the latter! brothers, Ilosuiu and Emile, main- Inlued an attitude of calm defiance Tell How They Succeeded in Borrowing Thousands, W was arrc.it, a. INNOCENT AND SANE. u members of the band a. neighboring villages. but ' "--, - ted the (MI-1.4! are drinkinuand my! to death. WW tr4 “on trom Willi take n tho hots pounds t " I Dr. ll ll R toro ', (IN-15' I It. ll n [ was Coit: this lim Dr. Will hroumn “null; r ttave I'm tion. not a hunch" help we [on in t MON ly I tol ttt wettiug w tirtrt 1 {mix but In Un- They haw consumptu the proof Pitits euro v “in: Kat; Stop than Mood and n with Dr. w, nuke now” add ream“ U your Hum touch of cum t it your may. oe to-day um .qettruutptivecr' Wank lung» itl blood; mm an... “in tor Lonnunud the hand of death Ir IL qhiaarfutt Yet " Mas Lead mun A hum drl'o We catch tit "No mi "No, In. the milk“ "Milk exact ly New; c chum»- "It“. “It: an and “Que bill and Mud Bum sigh. “id" clam; Bsbigt mysteries u mymlwnul nun-emu w their warns that tttoutri, ”all: hum n and anlhme moat elcmex: “I book to In 0381!: the p buxcm an stood wi hm, I'd-sting “a ban-l h fixed madman: baud. It wu. which would l: drawing rum". they shone in kitchen In t of the old h "Flour, ml. “at." say. tl, tttad Cbood h “the“ u perform son the (“noun Pace 1.1.4 'uqnttnoes, a purl mu m but datum-d M bunny winch mu on It "ull-rt. A fawn In]! of u can ya lam! “DIM“ in Unvr brow MW tratdeeueties LU,', l -ttt out um :11 h) 1 0_IUI of o-xnrusuml voice u er Ill Ill cuu'm "hour, Baku. (in I“ “once." The Mpeaher " mt a. and I“. theb Atuhwu “an: hm t L,,,,,.-,,,,.,.,,,,,..,,. L-L, No or despun raj-in» rubs Ci WIMP- ' the ' UNI." A SLIU" 0 Pull] the q; “In words u naming " "I " ('0! " m of “I

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