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Durham Review (1897), 19 Feb 1903, p. 8

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U " V_ -e-e" a -e" V_- -- ""0" "Ia-v mu. At tive minutes past twelve council ad- joumod to moot st lukdnlo on tho 15m my of Juno. and the National Anthem wu mag bolero -ating.-0.ti. Ad- was lost on a dn‘isluu of lo nah to 3 was. By-law 63.", to provide for bormmug money to meet payments in zonnectwn with the erection of the house ot refuge. and By-law 634 to mthorizo the erection M the aid hone. ot "to”: were wad. xuue men On motion of a tbchettk8it was deck caution to hold the council at larkdale. noun chiunou that the day's tretratl in the treasurvt's b the howihl. that a penalty of 96.: per week he imposed for every m-vk that the date is exceeded, snl-jr - t, plans and tTeetiieations ; that the Contractor be paid 75 per cent of the Contract ttt'tct' (based on the estimates of the inspector) every two weeks or tharer abouts on the work done and materials place." in the building; that Commis- sioners Shute and McColman be a sub- committee to act with the chairman when necessary; that the security of John E. Richard: of Dundalk, John E. Trelford of ', narkdalewnd another person be acne pted l It "tttdaetory; that the treasurer he in~ structed to pay progress estimates as cer- I tiiied by the inspector ; that plans for a i burn or other oothnikhrgs be prepared ; I that an extra act of tracing drawings be l obtained from the architect " a cost of 312; that the architect be paid 02% on account of plans and speeitieatiomc The council informally discussed It Bord's claim for compensation and then adjourned till Monday foreuoon. At the Mondar meeting the absenteee were Messrs. Doyle and Pringle. The tirst business was a resolution by uesersJ Allen and Schenk that no action be taken l in reference to in Boyd‘s chum for dear I On motion of nears. Baroer" andl Schenklit were decided after a little dien W In!!!) glnul a tion of sum In be com ctrpte “PP“ Till ti HEB BR At Um hour named on Saturday alter- ncon no quorum was present, and the, warden mljunmed the meeting until 7 p. m., " wluch mm: all the members uns- wered roll call escopl Mr. Primglr. The house a! refuge report, left over from the torcntron _'tr"'t-lott, wax again taken up and tinally adopted. Its principal Clauses. in addition to Llama "ivnn "hmv, That the tender of Harkdule. he accents: itton, h tryi Boys' odd Coats for $1 and Suits 1.75 to $5.00. Men's Suits $5 & $6for 3.50; $7 & $7.50 for $5, $10 for 7.50. Men's Heavy Overcoats $8 for 85, $7 for 84. 50, $6 for $4, & a few Ovrcoat and li) 3. mew price 25.00, Sale Price I only, was 917.00 now 5 ll 36 in. long, Bust M, good I talian lining, regular price " Sale Price...... ...... .----- -- yer Sn [out on 30 in. long, Bust 36, good sa- tin lining, regular price $30.00 SalePricc...... ...... W----- .. Indiu’ aGtvoet"o, Inch". 30 inches long, Bust 40 in, good satin lining, regular price $37.50, sale price...... . ... ..829., M the h 24 in. long, Bust 38, regular f the bmldiiw, , The Christ“ r-Contractors f, I by the con: ml of tho new common"! rm when met with some warm op- and [he movers ware charged iugtndisposo of other people's Fun-Hy the motion Wu with. Aher hall a dozen momma and anh it was decided that the s " council sLould receiVe 81 such Sammy‘s GXWIISG‘. One momma We are to clean out. the balance of our Winter Goods at prices much less than you can buy them at the W holesale Houses. We quote a few of the Lines: " FEBRUARY SALE m imilJing. and that the plans. The Christie Bros. Co., Limited, intramural for the heating be tte- , the council. having met with of the architect. hnldiug the ori- tractor responsible for comple- " work. snul tender being for the ulk of 316.499; the building to and m or before the 15th Oec, g its completion bv this date, talts. of 'tio per week bu imposed week that the date is exceeded. plans and trpeetfieations; that ‘Ictnr he paid " per cent of the ttee (based on the estimates of tor) every two weeks or there- the work done and materials the building; that Commie-1 '91: 's and J2?eys' gteady- Wad/es ull Stock of HARDWARE and Fresh GROCERIES (‘OUNTY COUNCIL. ally adopted. Itsnprincipu addition to those given above 'unvn and Gordon moved Wow This " a comma in a 1170 time. and ye! your Choice. We)", fur Coat. sysaional indemnity he left oder of W. G. Richards. of se.etpted for: the full comple- ALEX. RUSSELL sft the 2b 51019. and June Gelblon of the THE BIG S'I‘OIQE to be debuted to SUCCESSOR TO J. A. HUN'I ER ---s.-s.-, _ 10 Ladies' Dress Skirts were fand $3.00 for 31.25. i Dress Goods at half price, ..8io.oo for 75c, 1.00 for 50c, 75c for 37c 829.49 16.40 19.49 " 99 We hear that Mr. Geo. Schram Is seriously ill with inftammation of the lungs. Dr. Brown is in attendance. Mr. Edward Boy and Isaac Hutton have each treated themselves to a. Bell Organ. Mr. w. Grant ought, to fall in line also " he has splendid material for a choir of his own. from our per-0nd observations. well, to knnw that he was 5 "Our Huspllal" Mrs I James Fargusun. Geo. “at Marshall about to be dist‘hi a few mute tudortunates place. namelv Alex. Bl, tumble: Mr. Edward Rya the lungs. seriously; Mrs. grippe; John Marshall. sci legs. improving slowly. - I Miss Mattie Calder of Fairhairn Is visiting at her sister's Mrs. Jno. Mar- shall this week. She is improving mee- ly. after her severe illness. F‘urthur inquiries legslrding the bad accident which liefell Mr. J. Henderson and J. Cornish at. Luusdem. N. w. T. revealed the fact. that they went down 50 feet. John C. said be never was so much surprised in his life as he was when he landed at the holtom of the well. to know that ha w.” =.t'.tt tr-e, Sacrament was dis Church on Sunday I 'service was held 0n Mr. Matheson of Pei. the service and chose 1 37th Psalm. verses 'm, discourse was though inspiring. Mr. \Vilfrid Watson who has hitherm held a good 1051th with a large insur- ance Co. in betroit. but who has lately felt a little uneasy lfor fear of losing that position, on account of a change in the Tanngement. was agreeably wr- prised to learn that he had been appoint- ed cashier by the head authorities at a fat salary. This speaks well for our old chum and is Just another one of {the many instances that “Nounanhy can do it." 'uu mummy t N nu bussiness, 1 happonml to be bargain day wi gm a snap from us 'm " two short horn heifer. Tom isan pushing fellow and is fast worl Half up among the big short ho ers of the pruvince. 7 The Women's Aux. of Knox Nnrnmnhy. intend having a bee gathering at Mrs D. McIlv Sanudny 14th. Proceeds to he to the unfc'rmnntes in the from West. . i Mr. Henry Caldwell left, for, his tern home on Tueslay. He took n :91] carlcad cmnposvd of horses and, Juwvsauriv" with him. , The “hi-lluuffvr hruthprs. who chased one of Mr. Colin Blyth's lin [ml lots " year or so ago, have er'ec l new pnrhihle saw mill on the corn ‘thvn- own int and Intend to manufzu lulnhvr and shinglvs nn " luv-um . Mr. Thus s'r?ar.tr. Reen paid a tiyinsr nu Monday I cl on happened to be Inn-g 'tot " snap frnm Us “mun. um- m an. Colin Blyth’s Hume-r- ml lots " year or so ago, have erected a new pnrmllle saw will on the corner of thmr own Int and Intend to manufacture lulnhvr and shingles on " large scale. IV" hope " mav prove a paying in vest. ment. as they are Industrinus. hard wax-king fellows and are well deserving of snout-:45. I Size 36 Fawn. was 810.00 now I " 38 " 8.00 " I It 40 ag 8.00 A A I $6 36 Black was 7. 50 " r " 40 Navy was 3.75 " I s I 40 s I 4.50 In I u 38 u 3.50 " l .. 38 Black was 6.00 gg I u 36 Navy " 4.50 " I $: 40 Black " 6.00 .6 I " 36 Navy mt 4.50 n o " 40 Black 't 6.00 " lulemlml for last acadz’u’ 6hort Coats. 34 Fawn 40 Black " 6.oo 36 Navy n t 4.50 40 Black " 6.00 34 '. 4.50 36 & 38 Black 7.00 34 & 38 Black 8.00 was dispensed in Knox Sunday 8th, preparatory held on Friday. Rev. - _. n . -__ thoue.hlfui,"ii "art Jr., of Rocky Sau. Hying visit to Nurnmnhy ct nu bussiness, and as it " bargain day with us, ht, nu Us 'm " two year old fer. Tom isanenergetiv mm] is fast wm king him- the big short horn bros-d- " Priceville. chose for his RANTING Rowen ORCHARD Aux. of Knox Church, ml having " quilting Mrs D. McIlvritle’s on Proceeds to he devoted tes in the frnzeh North boss Soods. t the bottom of the he was still living. ' Mrs J. Watson, hro. Moore and Jno. be discharged. while Call tburty n-ll lo-ft. for his wes- ay. He took " tttix- 1 of horses and ot het. ales take their Blvth, kidney Ryan. wane-r on Mrs. Ed. Ryan. . sciatica in the wine. Conducted n- his text from .21 and 25. The 10.00 week unrest and 7.50 3-75 4.50 , $1.50 pur- ' $2.50 95.00 4.90 1.75 2.25 2.25 3.75 2.25 3 75 2.25 3.75 1.75 2.49 2.59 Uentinck council met in Elmwood on Wednesday the 4th inst. Members all present the roeve in the chair. Minutes of Januarv meeting read and passed. The report orcommittee on treasurers ,,ttreties heing satisfactory was ordered to be accepted. Br-Law No. 3 appointing Moses Jzicklin. asses- sor of the township for the Current yearnta salary of 808.m was duly passud. The auditors presented their reports of the receipts and expenditnn s for the year 1902. On revision by council it was ordered to be adopted. After full discussion of the matteru motion was passed authorizing the reeve to sign a. trial order tor a tiaw. yer Massey Co’s New Western Rever- sible Road Grader. a co y ot said order ttert"ttUd being leg with the Reeve. The following accounts were I orderedtotiermht, ThosClu-kand J Reports from Dundalk any that the Hall - Robinson stabbing affair is settled. Robinsan itseems was a wit- ness on a magistrate's case against Hall, and his evidence, not suiting Hall, he was stabbed in a quarrel. l Another tea-meeting was held in the Esplin Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening llth and was Very stleeessfal. The weather wus good and the church was well tilled. ev Mr Broad, the pastor, was chairman and we can safely say that he is a good man to till " chair. Rev Mr Kennel], oi Conn, and Rev Mr Little, ot Holstein were both present and gave addresses; the Dromore choir was present and gave some good singing. Miss Renwick gave some choice pieces and was required to reappear again, she was well applauded. The Mana.. ging committee had a. social the next evening and the church was well tilled, a number ot addresses was de, livered by local talent. The tea- meeting and social brought in $75.00. At the meeting reports wexe handed in showing the church paid for and the congregation in good standing. Tea-meeting in the Methodist Church on 1lith can. on Mundm' (even- ing 'Jth was tairly well attended ttltho' the evening was Very stormy. tie vor- al mlnisters were present and Mr M Richardson M. P. presided as chair man at the meeting and tilled the bill to perleetion. The tea could not be beat in any country church and the speaking good. Abundance, of good eatables was left over and a social was held on Tlu1islt'y evening 12th. We hear that in was a success. The Municipal council had a meet- ing on Saturday 14th at Dundalk un- der the ditch and drainage act to settle some disputes Ion uvet' iron: last year. Bentinck council Mr Joseph Natress, from near Toron- to, is visiting his sistex, Mrs. Scarlett. who is sick. Our Sick list is as large as it was some time ago. Mr Duncan McMillan, keeps about the same, Mr John Camp- bell is rather weaker, Mr A H Burnet is a little better, and now there is Mrs Johnson Millener and Mrs Scal'leLc of the hotel, all complaining. a young man and Proton a wilder- ness. He settled on lot 12, con 18, and commenced to clear up the wild bash, after building himself a small house. where he farmed until about four years ago when he found old age was beginning to tell on him, then he pur- chased a three acre lot in Swinton Park, built good comfortable buildings on it, leaving his well tilled farm with first class brick house, large frame barn, stone stables, &c., to one of his sons. He leaves to mourn his depnr. ture a widow, two sons and two daugh- ters, these his children are married and comfortably well to do. 12th, Rev Mr Matheson' oitieiiit%jr". Mr Richardson can1_e_ipto Proton when Died, Suddenly on Monday evening the 9th Feb.. at his residence, Swinton Park, Mr John Richardson. an old pioneer of Proton Township. He was buriedjztc Swinton Park, Thursday Mr. Hugh McLelhm and his sirnvr Mrs. McIntyre have, been under the weitther qf law Dr. Mellnmld ie m attendance we hope tho-y 5mm will lo “launches again. Duncan McArthur. (bachelor). i, a little. under the weu'hur recently. Have you will soon be yuunelf again Duncan. Mr, Hone Beat”) and Malcolm Mo- Milieu intend guinu timber making tls a week for A. C. Benton of Rah Boy. Wood bees nre getting some what uum erous this week. All kintlRot weather of hate. Wedding bells at Pom-nun. wry 50(1). Couv,tatulatiou,s, A grand puty thttue " at Mr Arch. Benton's Friday night at last week. All present rep -rl a good time. Mr. Them Lauder of Jour (“Wu wag u caller on friends Inst. week. Miss Ens. Pumersun {rum Flint, Mich. m “Hung at lm- grammar-mus a..d nt‘ver lrienda in our burg at [new-mt. Married m Markdale on Feb. 3rd Mr. Daniel McGIunis to Muw, Katie Mchnuld. recently of Pinnacle Hill, but at late of our burg. Mr. R. J. Blunt assign-d the gruom. “lulu Miss Junie McGMuis did likewise with the Wide. law. Father llnuck perlormed the ceremony. About 25 In number awaited them an Mr. Me. Gmms‘u ioue, when u merry mm: “has spent by all present. We all hemwly joiu m xsitsl:iug the young: couple mtroh health wealth and ~,mnpenty. What happened Morris on Saturday. BLNTINCK COUNCIL. TORONTO Intended for last week HUPEVILLE THE DURHAM REVIEW Scotch Town. t Ttia, ciGiGiii I kerney---Davts-'Nat Wm. Ellinou be; I uppotuted assessor for the year 1903, at a l salary of - tor all work in connectzon I l with sauna. lost. i I sYullivan-Artowsmitu-- That John. A. i l McDuunld be appointed Maessor lot the If year Pal) Ma salary at $65 tor all work; i m cuuucotlun uit': Miler. our. ( D,vvus--tiuliivsn-Tltat By-law 427. to ) {napalm au ttmtietHUf tor the tum-phi}; ot , ,' Glcuelg. for the your 1903. ha now will a I I nun-.1 limp, signed, sealed and Ullgl0358d i i on By-law book. Car. § Arrowsuritu--Davur--Tltat M. K, Rich- nrdsun. M. P. for the tiautl1 Riding of Grey. be, and is hereby required to assist the directors ot tho Huron and Ontcnc Electric Railway Comptny in obtaining an extension of their Charm for which they no mo: It tho approturtting union ot P . out. at. Iieruey---Arrows.uaith--TLtu J. P. Tel.. ford be paid " fur County Map for Hall. -ear. _ 1icruey--Dasir- That the Dammicn EXpreys Co. be paid 8lie for Churgea on parcel 1mm St. Thomas. cu. Uavits-Kernev---Tuat Alex.Bell jr. be appomted assessor for the your 1903. at a Hulary of 87o to cover all the work In con- nection .with the oifiee. lost. Arrowsmuh-Ketme.y---Tlrn W. Irwuu of the Durham Chronicle get the township printing for the present. year. his tender being the lowest. our. rrpurf: as now reuudited by the council be adopted. and that they be paul 88.00 each for their services. and one dollar each for extra work performed by them. ear. At'rowsmii-8allivo--Tuat the Muni- Clllul World he paid the mm of 86.81 for amen-mam rolls and terms. ear. aDaviss---8ulhvo--Tlsat tlie auditor's 1ierrres--suliivau-ri"uat the my " rtf the committee on the 'l'reusurers' recur . In»: ha nd-npted, and that they tm {mini (il eaeh fa: than nervicw. and that, Thos, Lander he paid $1 for Sennchns m Rama-try oifiee. can Davis--Kerney--ri'iru liv-law 428 up- ]:uintiug Tu. otiieors, [iv-law 429 tidining dunes at '1're"surer, and Uy-law 43o, unth- urizing the Treaaurer to deposit Tp. funds in Standard Bank in Durham be now read a third time, signed, sealed and up grossed on Bv-law book. car. The Coum.il met Huh. Tth, pursuant to adjournment, "ll tho memlvers present, Menus. Ker-Hy ulrl Builivuu having ”mule nwrcssmy 1liataitous, all tank than News. the 1terve in tho ulnur. Melmues- of last marlin; tumtl and eontituued, and u nu- munimlinu. Maui as folio.“ _ I Fm” the tlevve and Mr Unis. rent”: l an to Trerv,urer's wrestles; In»... J. P. Tul- Iunl mo um for map ; {rum Messrs. Irwin, Rmnnge and Hm, edgy; terulvrs toe rrtuirt. mu ; lmm county 'rrearurer, ha m hauls liable!“ be sold; from lehn Momma], Alex Jlelljr.m.d Wm. Ellisun, npplica- [inns for the oilice of Assessor ; 1mm Muni- cupul Worhi, account for assessment, rolls; hum A. lick, Cameron, re drama rail- way; By-lnw 428 Tp. ofdeers; Hy-luw 429, drfiuinsr, the duties and )‘H~|ml|~l- bvitics ot' Treasurer; and thlnw 43o _ authorizing treasurer to place Tn fundsl m the bank was introduced sud read a tirst .uul second time. The Auditors, pre- ( mute-l their wme which was te-itWrl!rut I Ly the cmmcil. Council adjourned to meet at Allan Park on May 25th next, as a court at revision. Clark, ' Fence Viewms--Neil McLean, Robt Curlett Sr.,John W Smith, Matthew Campbell. Wm Hunt, Wm Grierson. Geo Purvis. John Patterson, John Car- Pound Keepers --John McCaflum, G'eoSkene, John W Smith. Thomas Bailey, Thomas Hutton. Huge] Tyer. man, Robs Patterson, John Hilgard. nee, Chas Bailey, John Dodsworth, John Leeson, Henry Geesel. !on trees. aunties 01.50 each nudthe Registrar $1 for search, Municipal World $13.50, election and tutaege6r's lttatiupery, A gramot 85 was made Ito the Elmwood public library, Cheques for 88 each were issued ltr liavor ot Mrs Finnerty and James Smith, indigents. By-law Nh. G up , pointing the following as pathmasters: lGarafraxa Road, Neil Wilson, Geo iSkene. Rob: Curlers Jr., Daniel Wil- lkie, John Ewen, Alex Morton, Geo Newell, James Burt, Henry Barnett, i Cons. 2 and 3, W. G. Ir. ;John Curlen, lDaniel Campbell, Duncan McArthur. ! Hugh Riddell, John Pust, Samuel I l'atherboneh, Robert Ewen, John Me.. l Humid, John Collinson, Robs McCrac- lken. '."m Searfe, Charles Lawrence, Alex Ho kins, Rabi Webber, Wm, lVollett. Burham Road; Jno Hllgard- (ner, Moses Jacklin, Edward Lynn, (John Bailey, Herbert Livingsb ne, Thos. H Lawrence, Cons. P. and 3, S. li). R.; Edward Rowland, Henry l Tremp, Geo Purvis, Julius Barkman, I Wm Willis, Alex Archibald, Robt (Johnston, Terence Finnegan, cons. P. and 3 N. D. R. , John Badertscher. David Eidt, John Pokratuit, Wm! l Schmidt, Wm Pearson, Henry MeCas- l, _ lin. John Courts, Cons. 4 and 5; John I Monk, Jas Park, Chas Zimmerman,‘ Frank Schmidt. Samuel Vickels, Geo Hendry. Jas W Johnston, Cons b' and 7; Joseph Lint, Simon Habermehl. Wm _1yillotuthby, James Garner, Dugnldl McDonald, John Forster, William I Lunney, Cons. 8 and El: Geo Boulder], I Wm Schreiber. Jehll Kruegar. Waiter j’ l', :rgess, Herman Sein'einer. Alex Ite, l Humid. Richard Bruce. T Duncan Mc- l Kinnon, Alex Brown, Cons ii) and ll, l iiemv Giesel, Chas (Iourdto. Louis, Dirtz. Adam Laidlaw, William Ilasiie. i John Henderson, Joseph "l'easriale, I Janus, Welsh, Cons. 12 and 13: Rubi l Gillies, John Robertson, Thus Clirke. I James S Wilson, Andrew Milne, Geo) Fischer. Geo lIarvie, eons. 14 and 15 ; l James Coleman, Geo 'l‘olchard. James Hewitsun, Robert Miller, Geo Tolehard, I John Kennedy, Fred Last. Alex Tay- lor, Jas Hodgson, James Lister. I W Viekem, auditors. 86 each. Comm. on tress. Bunnies At m “up. “a: n... Irvine, Adam Li) [awffhos Glenelg Council. iiiioiiodd G Baseline. and from lot 26 in. chain. can: 2, 3 to Bowling: ado-road. Com'r qordon-Con' 8 and 6 from 151.]: Com'r Itobb--Con. 16 from loo: side- rotd. com; 14 and 12 from 15th stdoroul out too. s. Bead, and con lo from 16tlt Cun'r 31clutyre-Con's 10, 18, 24, 22 [mm Plclou Luwulme to 1otlt sidcroad inclusive, also Lowullues. Com'r MeFsddetr--Cou'e 22, go, 18 tram 10th sideroad to o. S. Bond. also tothne, and to lot 25 inclusive. Con'a 2. _ Com r 1rcQuceu-Cots'ts 6, 8, lo, 12. " from Proton wwuline to 15th stderoud in- elusive, also wwnliues. 1ieFaadeu--1icIutyre--Tu" the fol- lowmg be the road dn'lsious for 1903 _ 1toirb-Gordou--Ttut a donation of 05 be gunned m and hasniul. Curried. Council met Feb. 4th, D. Me1utyre suir,eribed a. the requizsd deductions. Minutes approved. . An appeal was made In a. donation on kelralt ot' the sick children's hospital of Toronto. . Kernee-Arrowsmitul- That the lot; waned to Mathew Scott be not returned to County Treasurer as in delauln. and that. the Clem and Mr Sullivan he in. htruclul to interview Mr Scott. and iiud out his intentions. regarding the pnrelrase muuuy on mud lots. cm. The Com-ell adjourned to April 11th, at lo a. m. J S. Black. Clank. K Davi-Amvomitlv--Tltat the Clerk be paid $00 on acct. of salary. car. Imvu-. Sullivan-That Patrick Fugarty be paid " fur one. cord ot wood delivered at the Hall. car. Dnvis--Kerucy---Tlsat the “have and councillor Arrowrirssitit be a cmmuillee to let cunbruct of Inilst" an iot 2o, con Il, "ml to let evnnbrucc of abutmem- us vouu as ooo,able, to give eomnctor a. chance to have maturiulmm the ground this: winter it'nbmmeut. are to be of cedar. rear. 1iaxa-1ieruey---That Reeve and issue. cmquu Ln 82 paid to Geo. It lndlgent. cu. A if?" I ”.5 i, Egremont Council. 'y, Cierk Ruched that the iollowiuu accounts he paid :-Muuiewal Worm, Assess-”in my. iplius and SLutIouery $13.34 ; A. hiitchdil lexpre-n‘ charges 45e ; Jars. Shielu, gravel 82.33: Clerk'ts registration tees for oo [Imam 15 muting» and v, deaths, amounting to 081.40 gccordiug to the Begiuutlon Act. Carried. . Prur-.-Huntvm--rut Owned do new Adjourn tomcat mung: 18th to Nr-, point 1.httttut- 3 . " Cod: to: Eamon, sud gonad but... Cm. D. ALLAN. Gordon. -MeFMden--Tuu llutlfy Mr Trayuor. P. L. s., l l meumleiy and sun-yer the Bam and 19. Can-ion. 1'.obb--Megudden - Tint the Reeve meet .1119 Howe of Arthur tomep to ad- just all accuunts of expenditure on loan. tine. Carried. Melutyre--Robtr-Tut com'e be authorized to cover the brida sldetuud. con 4 and c, BS tsoon " --Carried. Merutyre-Gordou--Thu the Audi Report an read be received and ado] and that. John Ross and J. A, Evan! Auditors bepuid " ate“ for their vnces. and We get 2oo copiel of aid a printed " the .. Rep." ottiee, Mt. Fo --Cnrried. Bylaw No. 158 for unpainuna nu u»- sen-sot. passed the usual loadings. on. Tue name ot Walter Hamlin Wu Inserted m by law. Salary Hio. not iusluding nelec~ mug Juroru. [Hula-rum to o. s. “and, and tram ' !ltna' s mleroud Included to Awhur touts, ‘huu. Carried. 1tobb--uoidott--'i'tnat an appropriation In! sun; be m ule up each road Com'r for ,geunrul l‘nurl Improvcuwnc and up Cotui wand more money muwub ”1: Wm: u: ot F"' whole» CUUDCIL Carried. 1.1eLtt.yrtr--ue1?tuiasu--'ruat the tender of Royal “when for buildaug bridge " lot 6. con. 6. fur 8525 be accepted. and the tender ot Chan. Kirk for building: abut- xuents for said bridge for 6165 be accepted mm! 9690. sud c. lier remove tho old bridge and abutment: which are inclnd rd In his contact. Ihte drivmg done Hal» jcct tu inspection. Carried. tiCiTN, t FEB. 19. 1903 snryer the hiss Gi, uuowma accounts he and, Asseuur‘s nup- 313.8443}. Mitchell com'r Gord on the Audit-my and adopted. A, Synpuun. l0__oomo im. Mt. ESL-L} the clerk " Lu. poo-able. éo con Itt port 5,f'/h'ee,1y,DIy: VOL. J Phone MEN'S I” COME Ill " W I tt ttttttt win? the ply Stati, W [runm Tor u don 't Gr are th 1.... h l . MT at a peopl by th them “FILE an MI Rom tt NU ottt

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