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Durham Review (1897), 26 Feb 1903, p. 1

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3E " r. if: a +35 r1943 1191.9 1rp'.gi?..qttTsutqp,r. mug? 'k Tilfl jag-1.51.111 n-finwfflgfflmmfflm‘gfidm mill if Remember the plea: LAIDLAW'S Old Stand E kxxxaxmxxmamwamxmwmwflmmgaamm Kw: ii'11i'lei'l 5.2.454EfiAEEEEfâ€"DEEEEEEEEEEE: VOL. MEN'S HEAVY & FINE RUBBERS, ' MENS WINTER UNDERWEAR AND AM, OTHER WINTER GOODS' COME HERE FOR At prices that will pay you even if you dont require them Shape-keeping Clothing is the kind to get. We sell it and if you dont wear it, you ought to. We're selling good shape. keeping Clothing at the price you usually pay for poor ill-fitting garments. WF, ARE SHOWING MENS & BOYS' ULSTERS, OVERCOATS mmediatelv " Ames Holden ik, a" iBOOTS Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. SEE OUR DISPLAY: OF BOOTS IN NORTH “'INDO\V. ALL MANU- FACTURED BY THE AFTER=STOGK=TAKING BARGAINS Remember the pleas Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. WE PRINT I [HUNG NOTICES' untl Mlp- - s" K'mtinnrry at [Immortal/Ir Rates. l l Shin/11m, Prirw.s "ml Ntyle,e to . from, I'd/I Ill the i I [IE 1'IE IV UFFIL'Ia' Vo. 6' "du-,,,-, Will use you Right WE WANT BUTTER ' EMS. Rubbers BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS, . LADIES' SKIRTS 1ames Ire/and THE POPULAp CASH STORE 1ames ire/and .NO.9 FOR "RIGHT AWAY" 0R "BYE AND BYE" 'lLiiiLi LT'. 1uF:hr.'a'.rs.p1Jt'irJruy?s1rg'ip, 'ig, 1?r1lsT:h-73,'-Plkri: mm r: itt mm'Emut‘n15r37r'r’fiEnfifi‘nnffifi‘éflnTFn, r: .1 J? ' a . o eehrtie. a. _ ... REEFERS, LADIES' JACKETS. MEN’S SUITS. Try Him. BOYS' SUITS FURS, fit } they must he sold u ’ Mill Ch. E: MYERS Mosrc Mvason.--satumiay's, , Globe contains a complimentary vefer- Ill i ence to the introduction of this system a i into Hamilton. Ive notice the name of lMiss Margaret Gun among a list, of - w'ueacct,,, who have completed the Nor:- riTif mill (“nurse at. the Toronto Conservatory is i of music. Miss Gun has now classes in p'ti, l slicer-semi operation at her home and IS i F1:- forming more. _':":,)):' , ANNUAL Alumna. q The Annual ,,irr,a;, _ Meeting of the Furniture (‘ompuiiy was i: held in the Town Hall on Fridnv even- f,"; I ind. Dr. .l:iiiiieson in the chair. t State- Jr, ments of the years' transactions Were , tri. r circulated among the shareholders pre-l 'irisent, It. is satisfactory to know the :5 i large liability of two years ago is wiped 1-: ; out and " substantial b:il;tiire found on I f; the right side. It, is also satisfactory fr. to he told that our furniture is fast E _ winning tt name for its excllence air-orig l F: buyers. even in the face of keen COIN. ' 'ii petition, and " market depressed with 'h,-y1overproduction. MeCatton, the man- l (."i nger. pointed out Uifficulties that had [rbeen and had yet to he overcome. and 1 r).' advised patience and hopetulness. Both t {he and the President, referred to the,( :fgfact that about 810,000 was paid in l El wages during the year', certainly a boon t I:, to the town. The old Board was re- t - I . . J, elected and consists of Dr Jamieson, l {L w. Crawford. Wm. Laidlaw, Geo. t g Sparling and A. W. H. Lauder. i" INDIA Mrstuoss.--Rer Alex. Leding. s ihnm. son of Mr Geo. Ledingham, Dor- 5 ii noch. filled the Presbyterian pulpit on T gESunday morning and evening very no- t Jreeptably. The Rev. Gentleman, with n E? his family. are home on furlough from G ii India, and return there next September li " He forms one of the band of Missron- : I aries supported by the Canadian church ', _ whose head quarters are at Indore. He "deaitin the morning largely with the l Orphanage work of the mission, which g is one of the most hopeful departments. N in)" famine has not been an unmixed. c I evil, for it has thrown opportunities in St 'the way of orphanage missions before h, them, which have been eagerly seized lu . and have made the mettnttof great good m in training up a clase of native workers. 'd In the evening he spoke more broadly hi on the work and left H. vivid impression ht of native character as seen in the relief a wor.ks established by the British gov- hi eminent, and placed under the control to of the Mission. The masses, Mr L, says hi‘ have no idea of rebelling. they are too iii Well treated by Britain. so that the oe- de casional report of " Unrest in India." an .means onlya few of the upper classes. an :who would like a freer hand in ruling Ir... land oppressing. By means of a large map, an ' is got of the nut papa. I lotion tad dimcnmeo of work among a the nouns. A per mic-ton recently " Wanna; them the short- gt-uo! India. 'imrermtee-ttt, _ l Subscribe for the Review and read Ji, [ Theoaid's Ad. . f A large Shipment of Clothing just to w hand-atb'. F. Morlock's. , g ', Norrce.--ap. parties indebted to Chas) "McKinnon are requested to call at his I M I oirice and settle their account or note , before March Isl as after that date they Eil, will he placed in other hands for collec. [ 3 tion, (nuu Mr‘lly‘vnnu _ Fur Coats for sale at C. McKinnons, 10 coats. 3 lamb. 3 calf. and 2 dog skin. Also 2 splendid fur lined come. These must be sold, as I have gone out of business, and they will be ROld below Cost. as I do not Wish to carry them over. Come along and get, it lmroain nu E Amovuxsn 'o'Arasv---On March 2nd Mr. Thos. Bank , the sale ad vertised for Fast w 'owing to the severe storm poned. Live stock, Implel ‘12 tnonth's credit. Geo, N ,' hopper. cording to the Mercury, are planning fur radial railways northwards, and are applying for a charter. giving them power to extend to Georgian Bay. This may possibly include Durham in its operation. A RAILWAY NorvrH.---Guemh cuti- zens. with ample finaneiat backing, ne- cording to the Mercury, are planning fur radial milwnvs nnrthmumh “A. We will pay $3.00 per week and mm- missmn to any young lady that, will take orders for old silver ware to he resilvers plated. For purl. 'wulars address Wtud and Co's. Gold and Silver Plating ' Works, 249 Cnllmrne Sh. Brnntfnrd. SELECT YOUR PREMIUMS.- of the Hotticultuml Society once call on Set-y. C. Firth. or Gillwrt MoKechnie and select iums offered by the O. F. G. f thehome society A fine sele year. DURHAM, _rmmiuijiii-iiiii'iiiiiijiiii? 26, 1973 See Murlock’s , ii-iii-stills/iii.:-..);,'??,)??]!,'; HEETIVG. _ The Annual 1e Furniture Company was nwn Hall on Friday even- ieson in lhe chair. state. years' transactions were mm: the shareholders pro- "tistaciory to know the 1.iwpiuiSd' "W .. factory to know the two years ago is wiped Itinl balance found on It, is also satisfactory 'ish to carry them and get, " bargain as before the first, of New Dress Trimmings. the Review and read Hus. Mckrssos. 'ItEsrIUaLsi, Membe: s and select the Prem- AJ. F. G. A. and by A fiue selection Ibis J. Firth. or President E.-- On Mondav, . Banks will hold r last week, which, _ storm, Was post- Implements, &c. Geo, Noble. Auc- 11M Hhould at LAST TAX CALL. The Collector wnll he " the Middwgb House, on Saturday 28th Feb. to receive all unpaid taxes for year 1112. Last Thursday we received a tole- gram from Erwood, Laska.? signed by Neil Keith. announcing the death of Chas. Stewart. son of the late Wm. Stewart. The telegram qtated that he that! been 't accidentally killed in my 'luttthfrecamp." and asking if he was a member if Sons of Scotland Society. and what disposition was to he made of his body. The Mid news was sent on to his sister in Toronto. Decezmed left here last fall on one of the harvest ex- alt-done. and was then a member of Ben Nevis Camp. but unfortunately for his two sisters, he allowed his insuranre to lapse. and consequently they will have no claim. A letlcr received from his sister Jennie. states she has received 1 no further news. nor have we. The; deceased was a stalwart young man.of l amiable disposition, and his acquaint.- ances here will sorrow over his untime- I 1y death. The fourteen boats have been all built since 1897 and range in. tonnage from 5431 to 8852. It is expected the company will he able to offer rates below any- thing possible by other companies on sea. or land and it may result in the Grand Trunk Railway ulso huving a line of its own. _ '" -- "'5 on the. proposed Canadian fast mail tter-. vice, as it will probably eliminate the tender of the Elder-Dempster Company therefor and leave the Canadian Paeifie Railroad Company in a better posuion to secure the contract. A despatch from London says '. .. The negotiations for the purchase by the Canadian Pacific Railroad Company of fourteen Beaver Line Steamers from Elder-Dempster & Co. were satisfactori- ly concluded this morning. The price paid is not yet disclosed. but it is said to be about 87,O0,000. The deal is remand- ed here as having an important hearing I tions, winding up on the 28th with elec- 'ltrical disturbances and heavy rains in , many sections of the country." The f first regular storm period for March is , from the 2nd to the 7th. At this tune the em th is fully under the iuthtence of her own vernal equinox, blended with , a Venus disturlurnce. From about, Tuesday the 3rd, to Friday the 6th, there are reasons to expect all the' ) changes and phenomena of a very de- cided storm period, A marked change towarmer and falling barometer will lead rapidly into cloudiness. with gamm- al rain and thundei storms: in the south. Rains may also he expected in central and northern sections, but (-hangv to Lunch colder. will follow tho rains. with I I heavy snow miualls generally along the l I northern side of the country." _ TIN-3 C. P. It. ox THE ATLANTIC.-- At last this famous company. built and _ buoyed up larguly by the public spirit of Canada, national not] individual. has l stretched out tis arms over both the big l oceans and it will soon be possible to ', buy a ticket from Liverpool to Hong" Kong and he under only one system the , whole way. I WEATHER Loku-Rev. Irt It. Hicks m Fehruary " Word and Works " says; " The last three days of the month will bring return of general storm condi- , ItesmvArs.--win those friends who {have not yet attended to renewals send us a. remittance at. an early date. We need all the dollars owirg: one from each would mean much to the publis- her. Those in arrears we again Invite to put their label right. Annuals as long as they last to subssribers for KILLED IN A LUMBER CAMP. The Annual Banquet. of the Hanndinn Order of Fun-esters Couet, Durham, No. tlo. will he held on Friday evening. Feb 27th, in the Oyster Parlors of Jordan & Burnett. Tu-kels, 500, to he had of the committee J. L. Browne or Thus. Noble. I I New lot of Laces and Iihnttorderies, l, i at S. F Morluck’s I I A First Class Tailor-ass wanted, up- I plv to J. A. GLASS, Merchant luilor. . Miss Dick is offering great bargains I in neck ribhon, and fancy stock collars ' and belts. I The w. U. T. U. will meet at the! ( home of Miss Stewart on Friday at3.80 ( l p. m. ' Dr. Burt will he at the Middaugh House, Durham, 12 to 4 p. m.. \Vednea- day, March 4th. for consultation in Eye, Ear. Throat and Nose cases. AGENT WAxrrm.--To take orders for our Guelmn Made Skirts, Ragluns and Raineoats. Liberal eomttuission. Write at, once. Canadian Skitt Co., Guelph, Ont. On Page5 will hefound some inter- estingnnd profitable notes of the Far. mers' Institute meetings at Dromore and Holstein. HUGH HACKAY. Collector. [ibtitit ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO he . On the same day as Mrs. Smith and of only afew hours later, Mr. Philip lhut th paused mwa at, the Pipe Ike of Hi years. the immediate. cause of (math being an 'ut "ttack of pneumonia complicated with Th. heart trouble. He was. until very te- tu; contly. a well-known figure on our le- streets. and his long. commotion with Durham, his urtmuo tlisposumn and up- Re right charm-tw- will kevp his memory ill green among the ritizrns while in the 'rs tundrr relationship of tlu, home he Will I i Ire, uinrerc-lv mourns-(l by his widow. his I. two sons Philip and Alhart and (laugh- “l i tare Mrs. (Hillier. Guelph. and Mrs. Jun. to l Lawrence. N. Egremunt. THURSDAY. MARCH G, 1903. the following Stock. Implements. (an: 1 Mare rising six years. 1 Mave rising eight years. 2 Cows to oalve in April. l Clow to calve first May. I Fresh Cow. l Calf two months old. 3 Heifers tGincr two Years. " Strer risingr two ymus. -l Calvesel year old. ll Ewes minnow-d to lu- in lamb. 1 Brand Sow. fl Young Pigs. Mower. SP'd-dl'lll (-nnnhinml. McCormick Sulky Itake Hourly m-w. Di-k Hnrmw. Sen Iron Havvows, Plough. shs'eunier. Turnip Sim”, Landttollet. Fanning Mill. t4ettTeatn Harness. Grindsrone. \Vaggon. Tur. mp Pulper. Cutting Box. Buggy Pole. Sen Fly Nets. San 1Vhifmi. tree. Pair Bob Slei hs. Neck Yoke, Chains, Shovels. Forts. Hoes and vari- ous other Articles. _ Sable " one o'clock sharp. Terms: 12 mos. cred"; on approved joint notes. 5 Rep cent. discount for cash in lieu of Wu. new. The undersigned Auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell hy Public Auction. at Lot 18. Con. l. N. o. R., Artemesia on i Lawrence. N. l‘lgremunt. I Not, long my: he Celebrated his dia- ( i would wedding and the mum-mm- mn- I gratulutinns then extended in the lor, iug cntple.---t'or such they u'ei'evwlre now turned into expressions of syiu- pathy for the lonely survivor. who ,wnits the time the munitions shall route I to rejoin him. i Mr. Evn was horn in Cornwall, lint:- ', land, about, 81 you” ago. He spent his -e:trly manhood in the Channel l<|snnils (at his trade of plush-rel. at which he l, was reckoned " fits-ins,,, workman in , the days ofhis strength as many hem- i can testify. lie belonged to the Mason- I ttr order, and his In-ezhren of the $s mys- I tie tie " conducted the funeral which" took place on Sunday last and was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Ryan also conducted at service. ; MRS. Tums. Some. i On Sunday last another well-known i resident. passed away in the Itet'r'on of; l Mrs Thos.' Scarf. near Rocky Sauneen. ,She has not been in robust health for isome years. and she suerumhed to u (pyrolysis of some kind. She was about, I years old at the tune of her death and f came to this country with hush md and i {“le 22 years ago from North York-j shi . England. Her huslmnd, two sons I Wi‘tm and Thomas. both well-known I fun were here, and two daughters Marion l and Ruby at home. will mourn the loss : 1 of wife and mothel and the community i l will sympathize. in the loss of one who ii is everywhere spoken of us a model of it neighborly kindness and the possession i! of " rare mud queenly spirit. She was ii hm ied in Dur ham cemetery on Tuesday L I and it was a very large. funeral. i y FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS ' On Thursday. 19th inst... this lady - passed away about pa. ni.. baring slit" . cumhed to N. 'eevete stroke of paralvsis. , experienced 9 days before xhe died. and heart trouble. She had reiiinrkiihl} i Rodd health until tt year ago when she had a first slight stroke. from which she never entirely ierovereil. Mrs. Smith was horn in the Ihr. of Leeds. ' Ont.. 79 years ago and spent. her girl- hood among the stirring scene-z of the McKenzie rebellion. her father being called out, its part of the guard l $' the town of Brockville and on " farm new .het. t'esidenee, McKenzie was llltl for " “time. She was iiiiirrieil in 1856 and (“nine to Durham on her bridal trip and has been here since. Deceased was it woman of broad intelligent-e. well rend. _ kept in bomb with current events, and: WM interested in nil movemente for the . uplifting of society. In her more active days she was an eiiiiiesl. church woi her 3 and her counsel and advice Were sought ‘1 [after and valued. In her home espec- i, hilly she Wits a faithful heipiiieet. Mid it 1 Wise and tender mother and her memory ( and example will long he kept green hy children and Rrand children. The chief i mourners are. her aged husband. one; daughter. Helen. at home and three! Hons. John. in business here, Jas. J.l' T/fe/ttg,'.: and Ram. A., , doctor in i bent, Ohio. Rev. Mr. Newton and Rev. Mr Ledinghoun (in absence of her] pastor. Rev. Mr Fiimuhiu-son) conduc-i ted the funeral services on Sniurdnyi Mid a large concourse gathered for the l funer,U. Prop: ictor This Week again has brought. remin- ders of the uncertainty of life, nnd sow rowing companies have gathered round the graves of fellow pmwngere on life's journey who have dropped out of the ranks before them. CREDIT AUCTION SALE THE TOLLING BELL. Mn. Pmrm, EVA. Sn D. MCPEAIL, Tans. SMITH Ml inst... this lady 9a. m.. having suc- stroke of paralvsis. before "he died. and Mrs. Smith and Mr. Philip Eva my of fil years. dPnth Owing an Auctioneer wit ll y le- our wtth a SO!" round sold fm $15.50. so that a decent burial was provided for. A hunkhook showed on balance of over 'moo and the decen- ed also owned two houses Indian in the villqze. No We of I will was {gundghubiuso valuing we known. t on A twenty years In). - hew was with him.-Ni. Forest Calm. th :R. B. KEELER & SON. :‘KEELEH’S Everybody says Keeler must fix my watch. . " I f your Watch or Clock a nick Keeler the Jeweller can males it tick For Big Bargains in Watches Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses. the If you need a pair of Spectacle: Keeler can suit you. We guarantee to make you see as good as you ever saw. Hundreds of frames tr choose from. CE DIED ALONE IN YEOVIL. MacFarlane tt (h, Druggists t Booksellers. NOW. The men have more time at this season to help -- Brighten up your rooms It will pay you to buy now and keep it until spring, or Prices nearly cut in two " arriving mum for it l rrgains. Our new Spring Stock of WALL PAPER MUST MAKE ROOM JEWELERY d a pair of Spectacles nit you. We guarantee see as good as you Hundreds of frames to iving and to make thus» pro-sent. most of ". were the fulluwinz: Jmi ghivlu. Atox ”rhu- u-a Brown. Ito H, Ni H- PN. Fuquhmunn MC rf1truty. Jaw Hunts. Neilmn. Jan Dirkmn. 'h. A13; _M¢Gullivmy CHAS BAMAGE. Plasma an Pam-n: we offer some STOQ’iE PEI [ll

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