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Durham Review (1897), 26 Feb 1903, p. 2

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u It bas proxl Io I toe pertroGl -cGVrl ms with Lord Winer and the " he” of the sell-govemmg colonies ttties,', remlts Gd iiiiGasiritmtiri, , prod :el toe personal confer- "The progress ot events in South Africa has been satisfactory. The "it ot the Colonial Secretary " Italy has been plantain: ot the "The condition ot the European provinces of Turkey gives cause for serious anxiety. I have used my beat efforts to Impress on the Sultan and ttits Ministrrs the urgent need ot practicaL wtm-eor.miuered measures ot reform." The Baum "Negotiations he Arr an adjustment. which hat" arisen boundary of my p0 America. and that ot Alaska. A tre; the term-cum ot t an arbitral tribum ami ratified." "The Muckudn of \‘cnozuelan ports I” led to nr'go1ltttiorw for the ad., Mrrtment of nil tho matters in dis- pte. I “Moe that a settlement has m bran "rrived at which has jus- ttned Um blockading powers in bringing all hostile naval operations 'o an immediate claw. "Negtrti:ttions have taken place for an adjustme-nt of the questions Atter the robing the procession rc- lorned. and, with a blast of trum- = advance-2 to the 1'cers' cham- r, tlw link" of "vvonshire, Lord President of tin: 1'ouneii, preceding .thetr Mnjestirs with the Imperial ctown. which he carried on a cush- hn. Thi. king then seated himself on the throne, with the lords bear- Intt tln- mp of maintenance and the sword or titate utnnding on his right and left. The Quvert sat on the left of th" king and the Prince of Wales on his right. The member.» of the House ot Com.. mons were then summoned and on their arrival the hon! High Chan- cellor, Karl liulsbury, kneeling, handed tho King the speech, which MU Majesty read from the steps of the throne, as follows: The Specch From the Throne. My Lordi and f'tvrttlptoon,-"My. INH bacon Min all the foreign powers minus ix-Ir-n'lly. All the great otneertr of slate, in inlet! uniforms, were assembled at the royal cntrnm‘u ot the House of Peer- to receive the King. The pro- union, which was identical with that of the ruurvious similar Pere- llony, formed, and. headml by the K',"'",.:',?,,',' and hr-raldu, marched .to a wrung room, their Majestic: Doing Immediately preceded by the “on! ot Maw, carried by the Mar- mlg of Lomiomlorrry. The royal procession, consisting of aix state carriage», escorted by Lite Guards, lelt Buckingham Palace at 1.30 pan. Their Majestles were seat- ld in the lust carriage, whlch was Arawn by the eight Ilanoverian horns which have tigured in all the recent ro.sat ceremonies. The King and Queen reached the Victoria Tower through the Mall, the Home [hard- and Whitehall. Early in the morning the vaults of the Houses were searched as usual for imaginary conspirators by the Icemc-n or the Guard, carrying an- cient lanterns and halbertls. The .ovementn of the troops taking up positions along the route of tttpro- cesslon followed, 50 the crowds which had been attracted by the flue wea- ther and desire to witness the royal Pageant did not lack entertainment (hiring the long wait. l London. Pablo. - King Edward Decompnnlml by Queen Alexandra and Introundml by the court and all the officers ot state, opened Parliament this anon-noon. KING EDWARD OPENS BRITISH PARLIAMENT. At Mazatlan yesterday there were five deaths and three new. cases. Alarm is increasing. owing to the number of victims among well-known Doyle. Enrique Info». a. merchant. WM stricken) with the plague. and the health officers were informed of his condition. He stood all day at the door of his more with a revolver in bond. 1l: tying the sanitary officers 1” were soot to take him to the hospitaL Late in the evening he Brew weak and was overpowered by offi- ce". Ho was taken to the hospital, 1 when in: 'lied at midnight. Gasper i lugnirrr, clerk of the Ilerrerins‘ Company. an important commercial} 'iqtabtirrtauent at Mazatlan. has been V in» City. Mexico, Feb. 23.-The "In ct ooo. near Calhoun, the cap- its of thn State ot Sinaloa. has been “Homily docmred to be the plague. ftme making certain the invasion ot the disc-us:- into the interior of the Itata. Guatemala and Salvador Preparing for Bloodshed Soon. BUBONIC PLAGUE swamps -___ AMONG THE MEXICANS. “ska. A treat _srctrtrttett of tty bltrat tribunal mined.” sperm!) next n qtzostlml. an , condition ot cm or Turkey s anxiety. I h: 5 to Impress on wish-m tho 1 noting that Austria and Rus- t hot-n considering the re- which the signatories of the of Berlin should recommend ccaltan, tho speech adds: ast that the proposals will uIIk-ient for the purpose and shall find it possible to give l." hoarty support." Lin; next mentioned the Aden an] dispute and the teo-ui.. letion and then turned to Africa, on which abject he M] “an: retcrred to the mthm. saying: union ot the European bf Turkey gives cause for ‘loty. I have used my beat mpross on the Sultan and rs the urgent need ot 1ave taken place t or the questions n in regard to the assessioul in North 1 of the territory} any providing for these questions to ml has been signed It is Warned that eight students at Eton, who are scions of the most ' aristocratic families in Great Britain. were recently expelled. Most of them were in the sixth form. It is said _ that the youngsters who ware 49x- ( pelled were accused of offences which ', on conviction would render them 11- able to imprisonment. . a ‘V.,.w._...,. Russell'ciiL-u at {Le IuhuTivwirott Union Iiospitar tour hours later. Russell had entered division D of thy yards to lnupmt a herd which he intend- (d buying. lib drew a. rod hands [inn-hie! from his pocket and one of the steers made a rush toward him.. The herd started running around in a circle, and Rus- so", who was nearly TO years old. was knocked down and trampled up- on before he could be rescued. Chicago. Feb. at the stock .v red Lubdkerchn fatally injured Fromm), Mid... V _ - -- -..---».- . In regard to the conditions p avail- ing in Macedonia, he, said the“ were a constant menace to the peace of Europe. The administration of the Laws was defective there. An Incor- ruptiblo Government was ”ended to introduce the primary elements ot order in Macmionia. in conclusion, hr (lift'lllit‘ll the action or tho Brit- ish Government towards Venezuela. Broadly wanking, he added, tho nego- tiations were van-ind out with the greatest regard not only for the “clings of tho Amcriean people and Government, but for the feelings of Venezuela. The debate was than suspended. HERD or' STEERS KILL BUYER l’rt-mier Balfour, in roply. said Mr. Chamberlain hm] consulted his t'ol- ltnguos. He added: "We entirely en- dorse and make ourselves responsible tor the gvnnral podvy he bus declared in South Africa." .. In conclusion, sir Henry, who spoke tor an hour and a quarter, criticized the growth of the national expenditures. jam to the upproml of his colleagues. It a bargain wom- made, who was to speak with authority for the nation? - -___e ...,....U.M. w Coloniui Secretary Chttanhertain, for the fusion of the two white races in South Africa. but wuntml to know if Mr. I'httrubrrrlain's acts were.sub- nwnt of intrrrnrttionat questions. Referring to South Africa, Mr Henry said that they might have differed in the past over the war, but now the work was over he urged that thoy all work tor the common purpose of laying tho foundations for a nF'w life, in that part of the world. He heartily concurrvd in the sentiments and avail-9:; "xprrtssed by anl....x.‘| w.._-____I, ‘~- - - - whales Cattle at, Stuckyzu-ds With lied Handkerchief. London Cable-The Liberal lead- cr, Sir Henry 1'apnpbell-b'anrusrmau, mid hr druirml information on the subjects of Tcrutzuvla and Macedonia, and on the grout question of the M‘ttlement ot ninth-hi” South Atriea. He commented on tho fact that trar- many was not mentioned in the King's spot-vi) in connection with linezueia. llc ()ppusl‘d eo-operation with Germany in a matter like the Vruezuelan duration. Germany was strong but rough. Germany also was not favorable to the Monroe doctrine. It there had (‘er been a case "for arbitration tho \‘cnvzneln affair was one, and if this course had been adopted in the first place a great precedent would haw: irevn estab- lished towards the peaceful settle- nwnt of intrrrnr.tionat mwationa. The King and Queen ruturned to Buetringham Palace at' .3 o'elovk. Tho crowds cverywhorv greeted their cunivrtivs with (enthusiasm. ei4tod with the disappearance of the 'irouth and agricultural distress in Western India, and that the pros- pacts for both nm'iculturn and com- merce throughout my Judinn Empire are more "ncoarttqingt and tsatitrtav.. tory than for some time past.” INLA I'2,. - . /_ "I mu glad io Irre uhlp to state that the Fatter Iyrreinx c remony (o n- After relax-Eng to the Kano (Ni germ) vxpeditiozx and the Indian Out. 12:11:, the King mid: ests and opinions has greatly con- chmd to a smooth adjustment of many difficult iyncstioutt an! to the removal ot many occasions of mis- trrrte.tstutiintr," and the x-vprvsnntatives of mam. which Ivan-1y ended in war, have now completely changed, Presi- 'lrmts Regular) and Cabrera having peacefully unarmed their am. rences. Panama, Feb. 2..e.--A tmblemossatre received here last night from San Salvador announce! that the rela- tioml between Salvador and Guate- San Francisco, Feb. 23.-. Passen- gers on the steamer Peru, which has arrived here from Central American ports. believe that war between Guatemala and Salvador is inevit- abla They any a battle was fought Into in January by the Government troops against rebels at Jutipa, about ten leagues from the Salvador frontier. Business in Guatemala is be- ginning to wane on au-count ot the excitement. Antonio Leon. a wealthy Chinaman, died on the street. His countrymen have offered to the Charity Commis- sion $7,000 for permission to remove the body and hold funeral rites ac- cording to the Chinese customs. The request has been refused, as it is feared that the contagion will there- by be spread among the Chinese resi- 110nm. taken to the hospital with a devol- ortertyuuys pt the plague, Another War Coming, 2",.--A hem] ot steers unis. fripihter.rxi by a ef, tramplwl upon and J. H. Rims-12H. of . at noon ycsterdar. tl.e laugh-wow! Union ull inter,.. O Wildly Calling for Help. The facilities of the tire depart- ment were meagre, and each mom- ent’a delay: increased the panic that already prevailed. One after an- other the guests hurled themselves In, a few moments persons could be seen gt every window clad onig in their night robes, - The tire originated in the base- ment, presumably from am electric wire, and spread rapidly, through the lower.tloors. Escape from the lower doors and windows was cut of! entirelx before the guests could be aroused. Des Monies, Ia., Feb. 22.-Fitteen or twenty, persons were burned to death, and twice that number ser- iously {Murat in a fire that destroy: ed the Clifton Hotel at Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa, early. to-day. There were 120 guests In the building when the fire broke out. and most of the dead are buried in the debrik. Owing to the destruction of the hotel regis- ter, the names of the missing- are, as yet, unotrtaimtble. Fifteen or Twenty Burned to Death and Many Injured. HOTEL M)U)ChlBT W W AT CEDAR RAPIDS. TORONTO Sir William Van Horne said the C. P. R. was negotiating for thepnr- chase of twelve to cigntecn of the Elder-Dempster Company-fa ships. The Legislature of Jamaica. auth- or-ized an annual subsidy. of 812.500 towards establishing a new fast dir- out steamship service with Canada. The AurrtrNr-Rtumittat note demand- ing reforms In Macedonia. has been Three more students of Cornell Uni- versity died of typhoid fever, which is opidemic at Ithaca, N. Y. Surveys are again being made in the vicinity of Dunuville for the new railway. A line favored by the engineers on account ot absence of grades and cheapnoss of construc- tion crosses the river about three miles above Ihtnuviile, and passes two or three miles north. The Toronto Public School Board's estimates total $635,519. an in- crease of $101,806 over lust your. Tho Board adopted the Management Committee's report on the settle- ment ot the inspectors' charges and ordered the report expungeu from the records. Tho Department or Militia has authorized the establishment of a provisional School of Infantry In- struction at Ottawa. Tho school will be opened at the drill hall in April, and probably continue for twot months. At tho Brandon electric light sla- tion R. B. Currie, of Souris. walked head first into the great driving Wheel. which was revolving at a rapid rate. He was probably tat.. ally injured. Iron. E. J. Davis and; Mr. T,. Herb- "rt Lennox were nominated for the Legislative Assembly for North York. Mr. Munns, pruhibitionist, is out of the field. A. Martinoau, a clerk in the Mil- itia Department at Ottawa. was arrested on a charge of theft. It is said his defamation amounts to $30,000. Argument before the full court on the C. P. It. land taxation case has, concluded, and judgment is expected am March 7th. ufy week. 7 _ WM --"" The washing plant of the Domin- ion Iron & (Ion-l Company at Sydney, N. s., was tleioyvd by Cite. Loss about. $150,001). . Hon. Mr. Evanturel is ill with pneu- monia. at his home in Alfred. He mught cull while addressing a meet- ing at St. Anne do Prescott last Sun- The Ontario Lumbermcn's Assoda- tlon adopted a resolution against an export duty on pulp, and urged more care in selection of new land for set- tlement. ' Tho Toronto Public School By-laws Committee would make Inspector Hughes "Superintendent of Education of the Publlc School Board." President John Mitchell, of the. limited Mine Workers. will be in To- runto on the first Monday in April. The Lord’s Day Alliance will make efforts to stop cheesemaking on Sun- days in Oxford county. Mr. W. R. Newell, of Toronto, de- dared higher criticism "the work of the devil." That ought to settle it. A fire at Quebec did damage esti- mated at $90,000. Three firemen were hurt by a falling wall. Fire destroyed Banriold's carpet warehouse at Winnipeg, causing a loss of over $100,000. Judge McCrimmon heard the eric. dence in the charge against F. B. L‘arlisle of Impersonation on Dee.4. Dr. C. It. Mat loan, Surgeon-Lieuten- aut-Colon) and es-Mayor of Mea- ford, is dead.. . . New Zealand is having difficulty in securing the new million pounds loan in London. BRITISH AND FOREIGN. od, charged "vim tshowin-GK/Gt Toronto. Councillor Bond, ot Toronto Junc- tion. has been confirmed in his seat.- Guelplr has decided to close the ban-rooms at 9 o'eioek. A cross petition has been filed in the North Norfolk election pro- The Ontario Legislature will meet on March 10. ' t-uuLuci V -_ --. N902 CANADIAN. _Slx small boys have been arrest- NEWS IN BRIEF il I The ruins are still burning. and it is impossible to search them for J bodlea. The State Y. " C. A. convention was in progress in Cedar Rapids at the time, and also a district Knights of Pythlas convention. Delegates to these cqnventions constituted most of the Injured and missing. At 10 o'clock, all but ten ot the missing had been accounted for. These are supposed to lie in the debris, although it is possible they also may be located among tin res- t Those who jumper] trom the third story windows had little hope ot surviving, but few hesitated as the flames came nearer and nearer. The injured were conveyed to ad- joining business, houses. The Fire Deparlme nt confined Its efforts to preventing the spread of the natnos, Several times the National Hotel eaught fire, But was saved. Entrance to the Clifton was out of tho question, and the persons who had pot Jumped were soon sulfpcated. from the windows. The limbs ot many were broken, and the side- walk was soon packed with a mass of helpless beings. The Minister of Education kratso asking for $20,000 tor technical adu- mxtion. Tin-r is an increase of $5,- 000 over last year. lion. John Dryden Asks for Gram ot'82,ooo. Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Ag- riculture, will as}: the Legislaturn for $2,000 thin your for Women's Insti- tutes. Hitherto they have not rc'- ceived tt sap/aunt: grant. and the money necessary for their main- tenanco has been taken out, Moth- er appropriations. During the past year Women's Institutes lune done. good work, and Mr. Dryden thinks that money given to them will bu well spent. Hon. John Dryden stated on Worl- nuesday that an amendment would 1w introduced at the coming: session abolishing the old provision allowing each country to send one pupil to the Agricultural College each Fear free ol charge. He said the idea was to place all students on the same hash, and now thmcolloge nweived more applications thart.ilu'y could accept. Important Changes at. Ontario Agri- cultural College. The Minister ol Agriculture, Hon. 1John Dryden, proposes to make an important change at the walph Agricultural College this 30am Two separate departments arc to ht? crp- ated, one to be calicl the l)t'part1ncnt of Field Husbandry, in which, tho stu- dent will be more pa rticularly taught matters. relating to the tiiling of the soil, and the other, the Impart- ment at Animal Husbandry. Prof. Day. or the college staff, will have charge ot {both ot them, with several assistants under. him. Mr. Dryden does not think that the proposed change will mean an increase] ox- pendlture. 1 diamvter. The famous West Malling storm, which was discovered forty years ago in the cupboard ot a church, was sold at a mile at L‘hrlstlv's, Lon- don, yesterday, for 1,450 gninvsn. It is dated 1581, stands nine and a half inches high and is tive int-hos in FOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTES. A (lpspatoh from Fez, dated Feb. 13th, announoos mat a column of troops, under the command of El Menehbi, the Moroccan War Minis- ter, has Garcon-d a svclion of the Hluinn. tribe. Many heads ot the killed have arrived at Fer. to decorate the city’s gates. The reports of the de- feat of the Sultan's troops by the Hiaina tribes are now contradicted. Premier Balfour's promise of logis- lation against future similar cases saved the British Government from defeat on a motion regarding non- prosecutlou in the London & Globe Finance Corporation's case. Hon. Edward Blaku has alv'vidml to accept the ottem ot the Canadian Government to not an xmmssl nor Canada before the Alaskan boundary tribunal. As the steamship Graf Walden-see neared the dock at Hoboken yester- day a twelve-tear-old Russian boy became greatly excited at the pros- pect of seeing his parents, who came to this country several years ago. He sum his father and mother wait- ing to greet him, waved a signal to them. and fell dead on the deck. Two Chinamen have been arrest. ed at Darlethg'. India, on a charge of criminal conspiracy against the Chinese Government. They, have been deported to China. It is believed there that the conspiracy against the Chinese Government is a. huge one, and that there nro ramifications ot it in Singapore and Hung Kong. Former Secretary ot State, J. W. Foster, has been selected to take charge of the United States case before the Alaska boundary com- mission. sent to the powers for approval be- fore being presented to the Porte. TWO NEW DEPARTMENTS. Loeser The most peculiar thintrtrbottt it all is the very light list of casualties; The Position of the Wreck. Just before rem-hing the Whitby Junction rtation the track takes a wide curve. It was at the western extremity of this curve that the nc- cidcnt occurred. The experts believe that the strain put upon the cars try rounding the curve at such a high rate of speed caused the breakage of an an" on day coach No. 2.018, the, third from the ermine. The car Imme- diately Jumped the truck, and slid down the embankment. and as the coupling hrld. all the other cars were forced to follow suit. Even the en- gine and tender were pulled ott the truck. but, fortunately tor the train crap, the engine coupling to the bag- gage car parted before the tender and locomotive were dragged down the bank. The sudden release of the baggage car caused " to follow the day cars so rapidly that it bounded about like a rubber bait, finally aet- tling' at a distance of [oily A lum- dred feet from the truck. amide let mitten!” crushed to much- wood. That any nian Jariii; Ciiih- car and live is a mlracle. and It In no Tl'i'tu,1"t,t,, the injuries of Geo. Lame, le ggageman. are Very severe. The wreck, as it lay this n. The train wan composed of an en- ginv. a Ingram» car, th vestlbnlod day cars ot tho latent model, and three Pullman sleepers. In all there were about ICO passengers on board. and as a result of the accident forty- tour pcrsnlls were more or less ser- iously hurt. About twenty others were considerably shaken up, and the releitttitescaped soot tree. . There is some doubt as to the. cause ot the accident l some say a spread rail. others a broken axle. Judging from the general nmwaram-n of the track the latter theory is more prob- able, and it is to this the soctionmen lean. Account of' the Wreck. Whitby Junction dosputch - The west-bound Grand Trunk empress, due here this morning at 7.15. is lying in an intrstrieabie tangle in a. field about 300 yards cast of tho station and fully .",0 feet below the level of the track. A. E. SLEEPER, Imxington,'1n.; in- jured about head and face. ' AMBROSE ALLAN, 11 Lorin"; street, Lowell, Mattie.; left [my injured, ur- teg-yguh A3399 (iguana Hospital. MISS ELLEN DANFOR'J‘II. teacher, 11 Loring street, Lowell, Mann; right (we injured. bruises on tace. At the Cretteral Hospital. MISS ETHEL l-‘RASER, daughter of Mrs. Langilla-; face and hands in- Jttt-'1ic, PA 1'!!! Fawn! _H9tspitat. MRS. Jams”: LAMHLIJ'Z, wife of J. H. Lnngillr: right hip fractured. At the Gory-nu Hospital. J. H. LANGILLE. -minvr, 12 Gordon street, Waltham, Mass.; Injury to rib, bry11ey, c1r_1IT PyttTlHospita.1. L. E. DUNLOP, Wistroru, Yt.; in- jurg-d shoulder, cuts on head. At the Emergmwy. . G. GOWQUINT, Los Angeles, injur- lca to spine. H. cAltItINUToN, Pullman cur por- tor. Montreal; scalp wounds. NATHAN smcx, Chelaeh, Mum; hand cut, our scraped. Wounds (ll-7083917 at J'htrryTttytcy Hospital. DAVID L. CARVER, Hungbr, Muinn; right hand and left foot cut. At the Emergency Hospital. Among the latter are; H. T. LINDSA Y, l-bx Luke, Wiscon- sin; head cut. knee injured. Wounds dressed at Emergency Hospital. J. M. SPENi'Eli, 101 howling nu:- nnv, manager for Evans & Son, To- rmm); foot cut. "Twtmty-tour other ":ttrrsettwttt'tr, t'ft route front points in Eastern States to Washington Territory, wvre shaken up and bruised," "on- cludes the statement. ‘.\1:'rn'un LAHLUL, use Berkeley street. 'Jbrontu; cut over (we. and shoulder bruised. MISS ll. WOOD, 7 Murray street, Toronto; 2mm cut and bruised, and left arm bruism. G. W. COOK, huuberntau, Morris- burur; scalp wound. a nd left shoulder 24pm mod. M RS. ronlo ; injured bl. NECIIT, Mantra-ll to Toronto; hack slightly injured. MRS. E. D. HOLDEN, Luwcll to To- ronto; hand bruised. MRS. JOHN KAY, Montreal to To- ronto; body. "one and lip slightly (ii-JORGE IIELLISLIIL J...' John street, Toronto; ribs bruised. WM. TULL.\CK. M Cumming street. Toronto; head, hand and ear badly trut. ARCHIBALD MAINS. street wtwt. Toronto; itead. t KOELM. Pullman conductor; genvrullx bruisml. E. A. WILSON, express messenger; scratch on face, injury to left side ot chest and shoulder and left hand slightly bruised, and slight cut on top ot head. CONDUCTOR C. STUART. " Robert street. Toronto; slight injury to face, and injury to chest and side, and two cute orr top of head. M. CUSACK, 72 Bathurst street, 2tr routo, bmkesmun; injury to' ribs on left side and shoulder, fracture of both bones or [Mt leg. GEO. LAPPAGE, c, Arthur street. 'Nron'to, battgagemaat; injury to head, left our cut, also out on left side top of head and bruise to bones back of left ear. otticint List at the Injured. Tum'nto dtspatelr--The list of the injured is as follows: Forty-four Injured-Six Seriously ----Nobody Killed Mi RAILWAY WRECK AT WIIITBY JUNCTION. if?“ 528 Adelaide two cuts on in the Bay ot Biscay and around tho Spanish coast. thero In a dmrth of “at: this Vina-r. " I. thought that the earthquake. and volcanic din- tuhnnee- in the Walt Indies hav- , can-ed the dug-kn to migrate to the European side or the Atlantle. Mr. J. tl. Lanai”. ttur,tsanet of tho lady of whom Dr. tMe)Hllivrtt.vswskrn. was rather badly injured. hut their daughter. although found under- _ heath! the emergency stow, had ‘o-tzly a. few unimportant bruiaou on her fingers. The family urn on thrlr way to Portland, Ore.. and “are well enough to leave More Jests'r- day afternoon at t o‘clock. The "(more at the Wreck. The tol1owinx medical men wrru- at the wane ot the wreck and assisted in caring tor the injured: hrs. Mr- Gllllvmy. Warren, Mrldruut. and Do- vert. ot Whitby ; Dre Ford. Hoist. Ir- Kay, Cockburn and Montgomery. of Oshawa: and Ura. Waters and lzrzt- ton. ot Toronto. The til-fated train was in chars" ot Conductor t'harlms Stuart and Engineer, lrcland. both or York. Injured Brand". to Toronto. The injured, with one or two 0!- cepttonn. were brought on to Tor. cnto. They arrived in two lots. The noon train from Bolimllle broutrbt In seventeen. and the afternoon local tram the out. art-hing at 4.20, an hour Ute, carried a down others. 'The most cerium-x cusp at all In that ot George Lappngo, tho bat. gngemnn. whose head was injured. The man was able to walk abunt. but his mental faculties were im- paired, and be was mmtlnnally screaming and calling out. "My our In ott." Upon examination. Dr. Mc- lGilIlvrny found that his mu‘ mu all right. but that ho had " trae- ture of the ukull Just behind tho Per. nnd'llml tut had [Del a Wood deal ol blood from cuts about tho lace. he absolutely refusal, saying. " won't allow you to look at it until you lave attended to all these poo" devllu hem." Owing to his persist- ence. the wound was not dream! until he has an the train whirl: brought the flrst hutch of wounded to Toronto; _ The most of the Wounds which came under Dr. Millh‘ray's notice were culls caused by broken glass. Severn] of these were of a wry iitt,tt- geroua chm-actor. particularly that of Mr. A. " Allan, of Lowell. Muss. from whose leg a Very In rge piece ot gigs was extracted. The doctor told aim of a young Englishman. whose name he could not loam. twho had sustained a very; serious out on the back of his hand. Althmgck urged to have " dressed, Owing to ye. pretence 70f sharks so many: who were more badly hurt: than she was, that she did not men- tion the matter until they were tit- tended to. The doctor immediately. made an examination, and discovered that the lady, whose name was Mrs. Bessie aLng-til. mm: sulfuringlrom a bad fracture ot the hip. She must have been in great pain, but artte tor.. got herself entirely in her wlit‘itud. for othera. aging cuts, setting fractured bunch. and maklng- the ttttfortunate as com- tortahie as he could, when a lady, of slight build, who had been sitting in the room all morning, called him. "Doctor," said she, “when you have finished with all the others, lwish you would examine me; my leg is hurt." She added that there were Dr. McGlllivrax. of Whitby. mm was one of the first to reach tho Junction Hotel gnu-r0 the lnjuml were belng brought in. related last. evening an Interesting incident which is but illustrative of the self-denial and the lieroiam displayed by many ot the wounded. The doctor had been working- for fully_ two hours, band- watching the approaching train this morning when the din-tor oc- curred. He lmmudlately 1',tit2','tl,', to Whitby for medical atte tutee,aud in lean than In" an hour [he plu- ~10!th and a corps ot willing harp- ers were at the wane of the wreck. 'lyio [mu-Amman on thc day can, who were not much hurt, anal-atoll in the work of rescue, and tbs wounded, as soon on thor we“; taken from the nhattercd cars, wvm removal to the Junction Hots i, whum Landlord Dan Hollow provided (our fortnble accommodation tor all. About ten unlock auxiliary uninsur- rival from Bullevillc and tNrouto, each having on board a large norm of doctors; by the time or their ar- rival, however, the Whitby doom“) llnd atlnnded to the most of tho m- jurod. ternoon in the field. showed in its 1 general outline the conformation of the upltai letters "W." the “I" re- , presenting the track. the upper part ot the "ty' showing the position or the Pullman. and the lower part tho poeitlou of the day euro and baggag- car. One of tho day coaches, No. l,- 403. was lying on it: aide. Thu Pullman "Brantford,' was right ride up, but it had n list of about 44) degreev. The “Dickeno' ’wne hill; on [to side on the side of the on)- bankment, while the other Pullman wall "pride down. All the can. wan ott their trucks. and the ham wheels were scattered in even dz. rection. Pieces of iron eight lnclms thick were snapped in two, and the platforms. steps and couplers on all I the coaches were badly used up, but, strange to my. the damage to th- couch-bodies who only trifling. All the car: must be wonderfully well constructed to have sustained such n. shock with so little effect. Even the windows were but little dom- nged, not more than a dozen helm; broken on the whole train. The Accident. station Agent Rowen was in his telegraph olllce, from which a gm: View could he obtained of the track both oust and WM. and w.” Heroic Sell‘ "en ial. cl 11‘.an In 1'" Inhale mi "no". and 1 "in tit" th 'Ixmw , u. In "Mwny Emm- T rhoerfuen P"opte W I“) witf, a may rivur winding :1 lion wttos an: '4 and tun his " Plump! b In. Wi “I bet, "ho, no. u. the mnjor. n m. l with! be mum! and 700m and out Medals, "If 2 can‘t ham i 'Wm afraid n h "Bear Inc." In "and I math! I stake“ Than or thvv pun dual an hr dam pounds. my clmr to fo U ur - "Do it a Inc I tmile of winning mind, won Id ttttbc tut dome um truth 1 In. John Whm says: "lt given I tewtlmmt.x to the Mun In unlit-me aunt-J: a pstia In ' to t cbamrru)ly q 51mm: Drum wuzu ' " HI ,Ighl' "tuls 1 "I M " ~.a.o..o...a_m‘ m oferpt,ur W, W sit in u knoll am WI u 2t du I Ma L M Iowa: ttduret mot ll I be but? L It“! cannot , major ma erwr doul " u to than I'll! tint no.1 t all pen coed wt In ot . au.a, [tl-y, WOMts " nu; In no hi “In suffer! A of tr lu-u “and ml we an at it Ill

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