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Durham Review (1897), 26 Feb 1903, p. 5

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( 1903 BET, 'Brussist, for l LE ws. Ettropear Quarries 1'hoopir "it RKERS. TMENTS 'ORKS taken by on fill [me of r Stun 'rietors M Mi or 1) 33E n tl tt , one thev m nor g tty ar- 'or it Staff and EQUIPMONL The School is equipped for full Junior Lenin: and Matriculation work, under the following - "ompetenl Teacher, toe that Dominant: THOS. ALLAN, Principal. Mlim' LICK. B. A., Chute- and Modems. FEES: 'l.00 per month} Wm. Johetort, c. Lon-n. Intending Student: mould enter " mum of tvrm, or as won the: " pomthte. (ii)o'lit [18K Welia DI tIll Jlillll GROCERIES TWEEDS d YARNS fic BEGINS JANUARY 2, 1903. Caiders Block Next the Post Ofrtoq W. H. BEAN \Z/J/l/Zé/j,£fé Durham School We can give you Bargain: ('ulm-r's Block HE. SELLS CHEAP. TI I no SHOEMAN A Fine Line of American fire pot- i,.hed Glassware in Preserve bimbo-a. (uln- Stumh. Bisetut Jae, Fruit "irwls Sm up Jugs. Ac., Glass Tahle Fits, mu h set 301-. 'dik. and . .. _ . .40c. Toilet 'ioaps-G'em Toilet a cub-2(- .'t m- G, White Ctrstile nml Oatmeal Soup Jr fur " largt- lmr. Joekoy Club and )Imlirnled C"rholic Soap 10c il puke op 3 fur 25c. .uth Full Linus of luster Farm Implements, Famous Tudhopc Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. rkahutt and Percival Ploughs, Clam Ibros. ' Furnaces te Stoves, Tolton's Implements. Adam's Sleighs. And look in our Store Window and you will see bar.. gains for your life. WINTER TERM Uur Courses in both BUSINESS 1 SHUR’I‘HAND Departments are H-(l.1lc. thorou gh and cmplet Thu demand for young men as of. nssistantr, is greater than the supply, ulurs and full particulars free. Address Fine Table Pyrups in nul 20 lu Tins. White (Lunternmws each'. .".-. .Vék'; 'l'ull. (Mt-Inch 45 tn. wide per yd 25c Flmlr Hit-loll) l yd wide. per yd 25c at . SCOTT. l-Iunm-ilwtu- Blankets, large size. . . , pair 81 Ott Owen Sound, 0nt., - m Steel Hay Forks aSpecialty Aly,,, P,rantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. Salad» t -- The Implement Man " asks for 1umtinuation of the patronage stowed on the {ate firm. He can ftattui DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, HOTS & SHOES, &c., AT THE OLD STANDN Ot best quality. . NOBLE T. N013le STOP 1 X PEEL, . FLEMING, Principal. BIG Ill In Ceylon Tea. mixed or Mack We and 40c n il, in lend puc- - Call and see us. FEB. M, 1903 AT THE 7, lh, Durham o “D Mr Anderson, on our Counter, show- ed the changing conditions existing, no use in learning a trade, the pro- ducts being finished by machinery. Mrs Colin Campbell at Holstein on Hygiene of the home. In arranging of the house, no north room should be used for a sleeping room, a sunny south room preferred, another requisite is good cooking. A man requires a double share of hte who has a poor cook for a. wife. Besides more material required, temperance in eating rec anmended, a man is a good deal as he eats. She submitted the opinion, that the success ofthe king bird, in whipping all other birds, even the hawk, to the fact of the hornet, on which he feeds. Cheer- tnlness is a means of obtaining health. Sheppard advocates book keeping on the farm, wise to keep separate accounts of various sources of revenue to ascertain which pays. The en- couragement in really flnding out how much made, no idea unless. Though not saving or banking he is probably storing up on hisjfarm. Advises "tak- ing stock" as merchants do, reading current literature on subjects pertain- ing to ms calling. should Crow small fruits for home use. Mr D Anderson. Ruebvdfollowed on "Horse Breeding", while enjoying a drive behind a tine speedy horse he would discriminate between the driver class in favor of a heavier breed. If the former ever got blemished its value is gone 40 per cent, drew a picture of a fine steady team. fairly fall eye. wide forehead, oblique shoulders. short back,, smooth even bone, no short pastern, there was too much toe action, have foot come down square. Don't match a light mare with a heavv male, or vice versa, cross too violent, no cooked food for mares in foal, makes colt too soft, train the cult while young. 25 bus. oats first winter, 2nd winter cut straw, no more oats than the first war a little bran added, fed his horses entirely on em. straw, an occasional feed of boiled stuff for horses in March was good. "Everything good comes by selection ". V- -. .7..-r.....uu.ia uuul WA to hot lrame, to cold frame. to rows in the field ‘with liberal pruning to make stocky stalks. Atlantic prize and Dominion day varieties are among the first in excellence. Mr Anderson. on "points in a good beef" predizts a coming hard time, a repetition of history, prepare tor it now while on the high tide of goal times. More important, than pedigree is a prominent individuality. must haven strong vigorous constitution likened unto a foundation of a building. a maxim oft repeated. all good comes bv selection in animal or vegetable lite, in addittion to above ieeding qualities ‘and good shape are important qurthti cations. As marks of the foregoing, broad between eves. prominent bris- ket. well sprung rib, wide chest and _ good heart girth " strong eonstitu-) tion l a wide. mouth, prominent ore. and short face indicating a good dis- position ', a velvety touch and a silky teel to a loose skin and well filled out behind shoulders would show a thrifry i fe 'der. Have the young animal Come 5 in lute in” or early winter 25 per arm. l more milk, admit of weaning boiore| ting into winter (punters, whole milk l P. weeks, flax sued meal next 3 weeks I in separator milk, 7 lbs ot mixed moat ( per day, oats. pens. wheat, bran and l, shorts. Animals will milk jmstlas well 1 in May or June when calved in Dec- ember asin March. One gallon of milk sufficient for good health and productiveness through winter, though there should he succulent tood. . _ r'“"" ... Iu"|lll\4l "Hut“: 2 ft high, cultivation and barnyard manure. Cuthbertand Marlboro var- ieties recommended. The other fruits, Currants, blackberries. gooscberries were all treated upon, the same varie- ties as obtains here being recommend~ ed with the inevitable cultivation. Mr Sheppard being an extensive grOwcr ot tomatoes, a request for some pointers on their cultivation, placed him in an at-home position. He advises three transpiantings tram box a“ I. _ A ' - - ,,_-... ... .uaywlly uulLul'C to takes the opposite course ol nther autlxoritivs in leaving in old wood un- til spring as a prnteclion, other speak- ersgadvisirg cutting out as soon as f)ruit is picked prune in summer about I " ,2 ,I . . l Mr Binnie opened the "tteros, meeting at Drcmore pending the ar- rim! of the speakers. on the greatmil arising from the production at weeds, which took everlasting vigilance to keep down and then again on too prevalent custom of leaving imple- ments out in all sorts of weather, dam.. aging them more than in :ICUJII] work. Mr Sheppard on small iruit grou- Ing preierred spring planting of'straw- berries. pick out blossoms tirst Jear to allow the making of roots, prciers commercial fertiliZer as a preventive hi weed seeds, found in stable manures mixed \\ it h straw " winter protection, Beau-wood. Clyde, & Williams are the best varieties. in raspberry culture‘ lie takes the opposite course oi other un1>l..~..?-f . . - ' _ - -_ 7.- -. nun-vul- nuul'l" icon, of Rugby. Simcoe Co., and Mr Fred Sheppard from near the hiswric Queenston Heights. The music as at Durham was supplied by the Dromore choir at both places, excelling then» Selves. with better halls and better instruments. This together with the tine attendance and good order con- strained one. of the speakers to remark that after six years experience in In- Stilute work these “ere the best he had ever attended and he had never kissed the blurney stone either. Other Spa nkers in former years have said the same. so much tor the excellence of S. Grey 1; Institute. Two very successlul meetings at the above Were held on mm: and 6th ot' February at Drontore and Holstein. The speaker; were Mr Duncan Ander- FARIERh' msurma mum. l Ander- and Mr historic sic as at Dmmore. Calves-Good veala continue in demand sud the market is steady. wine quotations unchanged. Ho,rrp---TIte mullet is tirmer in plsces, the price of selects in unchanged " " 80 per out, and of lights and fats tirmer an the "ttttt price. MBo per out. Sheep and Lamlm--A fairly brisk busi- ness was done to-day, nearly everything being sold early. The market cuntinueu about steady, with the exception of export bucks. which are nbout5oc per ewt higher. Prospects are steady. Stockers and Feeders-Good smokers are still in brisk demand. but the receipts of this kind are light. Prices conliune about steady, with quotations unchanged. Mdch 13ows--Tbe offerings of mulch coma were of poor quahtv and rather " m number. TLe market is about stead- , with an active demand for good cow» Quotations are unchanged at Mo to $55 each, hut as high usSBo was asked for excra goo! cowa mth calves. Butcher Cattle-The market continua about steady. The run was rather light. an." the demand for the stuff nilermu, while fairly active, was umily fiiled by tlw supply. Prices were fairly well main- tained at yesterday's slight drop, and quotations are unchanged. Choice cattle hrvught about $4.25 per cwt. hud higher prices were paid for extra choice stockn Export Cuttle-Thettx was a firmer feel- ing on the market ulthsugh wiees in most imtnnce~ continued steady. About " Ln 94.5” per cwt was paid fur the best chore cattle, but some lnncy lots ware sold at Iirvher pl‘lcvs. Quotations generally are unchanged. despite the better feeling. while the prospects are for a slightly {inner nun-ken I The building will be of rad brick Ite stone trimmings, and a stot e (basement. It is to be 42x 110 feet, two stories and an attic. There is also to be " two-story laundry building in the rear titted up with clothes dryers. etc. The building will contain all necessary bath and wash room outfits, also " private bath room for the super- intendent. It will be lighted by elee. trieity and athorough ventilating as well as steam heating system provided The usqu day rooms, dining rooms. dormitories, ete., will be provided for the inmates, besides several rooms tor the use of married couples. The kitchen, dining rooms. pantry, work rooms, boiler room, ete., are situated in the basement, which is to be 9 feet 6 inches in height. Stand pipes are to be carried up each end of the building with hydrants on each Woor tor fire protection. The outside appearama will be unostentations butsubstantial and dignified.-lirViale Standard. Live Stock Markets Toronto. i '1 rude comhtiom " the '1'ovouto Cattle Market to-day were unchanged from those o.' the previuna day, oi the week. Busi- lit-as “we normally active. and prices are an out steady for all kinda of cattle. A committee consisting of Messrs. Charles Gordon. Owen Bound, Chas. McKinnon, Durham. and John MeAr. thar, Priceville, were in town last week and staked out the ground upon which the House of Refuge is to stand, being about the same distance from the gravel road as the Public Sehoel is, on the old Caswell hrm adjoining the village, recently owned by ex" Reeve Marsh. The Womens' Institute also added materially to their membership. the recent report ofthe Womens' Institute thtswiiyt1te1i to members by the Ontario Government is alone worth much more than the membership fee of 25e. I Mr Robt. Renmek occupied the _ chair at‘I)rnmore very acceptably, and made some excellent remarks on the l various subjects treated upon, the discusswn ot the various types of horses, especially the pony cl yde, was a revelation to more than one at Dro- more. The Pres. Mr Jas. Allan, oe. cupied the chair at Holstein, and face- tiously offered back the price of ad- mission to anyone" not satisfied with the excellence ot the entertainment. The explanation of the aims and ob- jects ot'tne Inst. by the effieient Secy., Mr Geo. Binnie, was the means of en- larging the membership in this credit- able institution. mum u‘unuu: emulate socml advan- t..ges. and climatic Conditions more favorable, He also spoke on changing conditions in travel. in manufactures in living, in messages. but the power of land to produce fund will never change. Three excellent speeches made, rank these meetings among the best yet held. Only room for a. few " the top, but any amount of room on the farm. The knowledge of knowing how to do it Was what told. The kind of education best titted to make a farmer is two winters at a High School. two years " O. A. C. Guelph, and one year " a Business college. In hiring, a young man gets the choice. Though in pos- session of a good education in business vour employer may cut you off. On a farm he ean't, the term the last place for a bachelor, get married to a sen- sible woman, no sure: investment than I in a farm in the Piovince of ootario, i more equable climate social advan- ' ozher ptotuuious over erowdcd, . not- ably in the teaching profession teach- ing being done very chea ly " pre- s:nt, It would have pair? to have gone home and kept hens or raise a. flock ot turkeys, they would make more, would advise keeping hens, had had a profit of 900 a hen as a result ot a carefully conducted experiment. THE HOUSE OF REFUGE. THE DURHAM REVIEW ':'t,i',ii','i,i,i"si1hlliltlli(l'8 [mun STORTE/ Adopted by all leading Schools in Toronto. This deservedly pustular trystern by means of t'hart Drills. Blackboan Diagrams and othorinter- estiturdeviees brings the following topics within the child's immediate comprehension. Musical Notation Rhythmic Motion Piano Work Key-board Location Musical History Technique For ttrms apply to Miss Mérgaret Gun. Teacher, M.M.M. bred hy David Douglas and Sam Mitchell, Ont., from the celebrated animal .. Nam-Mlle Lord "- 2129-. Dam qi Glanworth Maid " 4494-. Full ex- tended Pedigree may be seen on application. Terms $1.00. GEO. STAPLES. THE undersigned will keep for service on lot 41 con 3, E. G. R., Glenelg. for season of PAM, the fine thoroughbred Tamworth Boar tutter and good reputation in each Mate ( one in this county reqhuhed) to represent and adver. tise old esublis ed wealthy- business house of solid tinatMeUl standing. Entry '21.00 wele with expenses odditioml, an Plt,tllt in as each Wednesday ff,',fiLPt end 0mm. Home ttttd Tg,tl,it turn“ when neceuuy. References. Encose sell-addressed envelope. Colonial Co., 334 Durham St. Chicago. The hzir-kyard mljmning the town of Dnllmm an the " est. operated for some years lately by Samuel wright. Apply to H. PARKER, Durham their names. addresses and descrip- tions, and a lull statement ot particul- ars of their claims. and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day, the EXecuters will proceed to dis- tribute the, ussats ot the deceased n- mong the parties entitled thereto hav- ing regard only to the claims of vshich they shall then have notice. Dated this 11th day of February, A.D 1903. J. P. TELFQRD, Solicitor for the Executors‘ James L. Smith, M. D, {William Smith Turkeys................... Potatoes. per bag....... Burley..................... Oats........................ Lambs..................... Drew-sad Hogs, per owt Hogs, Live wright..." Rumor; trash roll per 1b butter, Tub.............. Hides, per owt.......... Calfskin-5 per lb........ Slleepsklns............... In the Surrogate Court of the County of' Greg, In the matter of the Eii. tate of Donald Smith. late of the Township of Holland. m the County of Grey, Farmer Deceased t mice is herebv given pursuant to ll R. S. o., 1897, Cap. 129, See. 38, and Amending Acts, that allpersons having claims against the Estate ofthe said Donald Smith. who died on or about; the 13th day of January A. D. 1903, are hereby required to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to J. P. Telford, of the Town of Durham, s:',sttii) citor for the Exeeators, on or before the IGv............ Been. tVewt............ Flour......... .. Oatmeal........ Wheat........... FANr.ED--yTVEVL P32113055 or CHE 6th day of March, A. o., I903 J EWELERY! Watches, Clocks, Rings, Spear, Flatware and Silverware. Reliable Goods, Runnable prefits 'ep...... and well preserved medicaments here at right have not served you before, why not try now? T: URHAM MARKETS. Practical watchmakev. _30 Years' Experience. KING TOM. No. 13204». BRICKYARD TO RENT THOROBRED TAMWORTH Notice to Creditors. Myer's Music Method. ...... ............. 2 Oo I................... 2 go Boys. per owl. 7 on we weight...“ 5 60 A. GORDON, Darling, ‘KING TOM , BOAR. M on oo I" 90 oo l7 l7 16 2 6o 18 E5 2 5o 68 68 45 29 3 60 7 10 " oo 17 17 18 H '9 You may tirmly count on get/ ting the most carefully selected: ants here at right prices. If we 'r Monaco fh Jbatthl, They not only lose their eifieaey. 1 but oftentimes become p_o,si/iv.et poisonous owing to chemical. changes. 2 . We have secured a few ' f. more so lb. pkgs.. of Samia ' ' Herring. These are extra ' t quality, large, clean Fish, ' 92.50. f t o ' J BURNETT. o friio People’s Druggz'st. innt 200 acre farm In the Township of Glenelg. known as the MGR“? Farm. There is about 110 acres cleared and suitable for running machinery on, and the balance is vrmcapally of hmdwood timber. There iv. supposed to be over' 2000 cords of good (-ordwood ready for cutting. The farm is situated about nix miles from Berkley. nod ten miles from Durham. On the farm is a good fl'mne house and cedar post burn. This farm Will he sold at at bargain during the next sixty days. For. furthet in- formation or' terms of sale apply In IV. CALDER. Durham. The undersigned olfers for sale as he is going west the 200 no": farm. Lots 55. 68, 59. on the lst Con. N. D. R. Bentinek and Lot 54 on Con, 2. N. D. tt. Good burn and Interment, statues and other outbuildings. Comfoltahle house. well watered. Young hearing orchard. Within half a mile of school, church and post otfice, 3 miles from Durham. will sell separate or in block. Terms Reus- onable, Apply on the premises to Thorobred Durhams. --The under- signed offers fur sale. one 2 yr. old bull, “rut prize taker durum two past years. 2 yr.-nld hulls. and l bull calf. all from lhmohred stock, and from first class animals. Good liedcgrees furnished. Tlmrohred Berkshire Pigs lot. sale. YOUR BREAD SUPPLY Be it large or small, will be al- waysof the bestquulity if obtained of us. Oar ploduct is at once pale wholesome and toothsome. Can't be. beat. Made from asuperior grade of flour and purest ingredi- nets. Our bread, rolls, buns. ete, are baked in absolute cleanliness and are delicious. First class ser- vice. We keep Quaker and Tillson's Oats in pkgs. also Tillson's in Bulk at 8 lbs for Mc. So confident are we of the Superior Quality of our Twenty Five Ct. Black and Japan TEAS that if you try them you will find they equal to any Thirty-Five or Forty Ct. Teas on the market. Stale Drugs TRY THEM YOURSELF. DONT TAKE E. A. ]{O\VE UPPER TOWN. OUR WORD FOR IT Bulls for Sale. Fa.m for Sale. FARM FOR SALE JOHN ECKHARDT. Bunessnn. P. O. Right grcatmant WM. LRooerrE. The three R's our Store motto : TORONTO If ii, DENTISTRY. , Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. ward; Prompt,r atil.i,i- a; -31; t facilitv ntrordied customers living dicta. ee. I KELLY. Aunt .A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est allowed " (nu-rem rote. SAVINGS BARK Jim-est allowed on savings bank deposit' of 't.00 Mid up DAM. pmmnt -oo-_n-_ ___ n CAPITAL, Authorized. . . . . . .82,000,0ty. CAPITAL, Paidup........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ 8501100 AGENTS in all principal paints m Ontario. Quelw. Manitoba. United Status and England. W. P. OOWAII, President. GEO. P. REID. Hunger. DURHAM AGENCY (lflllil)llil) BANK (ll CHAIM Collections of all kinds " rma 11011;]: promptly attended fo and sold] OFFICE- - McKr-uio'c Old Stand Durham ARTHUR H. JACKSON BARRISTER. SOLICITCR IN Sun I I r' ' t t 57 Noranvmmuc. countsclou'n. ETC. OFF“ 'h'- Mrlutyve Blunt. Barristers. _ Solicitors. Conveyancers. ac. (Juices : Bunter's New Block. cp posits Chronicle omce. Garairaxa St., Durham. MONEY TO LOAN A. G. MncK-y K.C. W. F. Dm Barristers, Jompnny and inhale Fund. to Lon on Mortgages " Iowa-n ute- of lumen-at. VcluutIOI mums " "cotuttetent and curelul Vllutlol'. . All Charge- Mcdexute omee----LowER ‘10WN. Doro " Will be st the I timt Wednesday of l p. m. . ' "V - - I . Terms moderate. Arrangements for tales In to dues. kc. Inns! be made at the Review Of- tim, Durham. bare Cfrmspondettoe uddu-wni hereona Hollievme P. o., wilt he promptly attended to, ‘enns on applimuon to on 1ht%tetiot" Ind Amway promptly Wills. Dom“. Humans". helm, &e.eprreetiy prepared. Estate: at mm luukod titer and Executor-l an tratorap Account. prepared and rum Court Ruling-I Prob-u of Wit a. L mtnutrution sud qordirmsttitt mm chute mute in tuauu, one. and Ti ()FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Du mun Pharmacy Calder' Block. Renndenve first dvnr west of the old Post. Ottice. Durham. HONOR GRADUATE of T Universlly. mudume of Royal l of Dental Sum-eons of Ontario. b Calder Block over the Post ttttice, ' OFFICE HOURS I '-" s. m. '--4 p.m. ; RESIDINCE and OFFICE-Old Bulk . UPPER TOWN,DUBRAII. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, Ar, CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR Insurance Agent. Money to Loan at rcgsonaoie rates and on terms to sun borrower. Lute assistant to the Royal London Ophtttahmie orpital, England. and the Golden Square Note ud Throat orpiun. a. spanner EYE, mt. 11mm? & mm? _.....-- Hmraxvrzw- a Will be st the Middnugh House, Durhun, the m Wednesday of each month (mm 12 p. m. tttl D. m. a. P. TELFO ELL or to . McPHA n. - - 7 7 . ---. 'v . v .017”? FUILIC CONVI YANG... ‘. C. PICKERING D. I) s., L. o. S DENTISTRY. - Speak! “tendon ("an to DIM a Women and Children. J. G, BUTTON. MONEY IO LUAN ARTHUR GUN ' M. '9..eterrr. aoctetvoiCer. arrfstttr, A'etarv, eo, voyancer, ete., Ste..... Head Office, Torono. MACKAY d; DUNN, DR. GEO. S. BURT. Iombu Colloc- Phyucim and Surgeons Telephene Cenneeuen Ne. " . LEFROY McCAUL. sclly prepared. Estates " decanted pol" Ind titer and Executor-l and Adminis- Acoounu prepared and ruined Surrogate 1'.tiP.t.ttt Prob-u of Wit a. honor: ot Ad. In-n-u 'N-_-ns-, .. -w. - ' S. DAVIDSON. humus & audios. " Mr Momma-‘- Sun I a to to A... ROUGH 2 to I P. M. lcPHAIL. Hupeville P. o. C. RAIAGE. Durham Private Money to Loan Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. = Ntanr.etenty tor sales I. tii, iii: one; k In] TE}; 30:53; ATE of Toronto of Royal College IUrrr Me [hulk gum-ed W. F. Dunn Included to Winona - I. " Rooms, U1 " HI

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