West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Feb 1903, p. 8

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H Iii & Ladies' Dress Skirts $2,5o & $3.00 for . . . . . . . $1.75, You can't buy the Goods they are made of for the money. We have on the Counter this week at a great reduel!ton, Men's Hard & Soft Hats from 25c up to 8r.5o--No better bargains in the country. We have afew Bargains left in Winter Goods and we are bound to make them go if the price will do it. Ladies' Fur Jackets, 3 only, $37.50 for $29.49, $30.00 . . . . . .for $23.49, $25 oo for $16.49 BUTTER & EGGS' WANTED (.OR CASH OIt PRODUCE. NEW SPRING GOODS THE BIG STORE (A04) DON'T FORGET WE KEEP HARDWARE and GROCERIES. We have opened up some of the Best Spring Goods ever shown 2n Durham--- fig 1 J Sttltegntttt WHITNEY We have just got in a. Raft of the Slater Shoes to sell at................$3.50& $5.00 New Silk Neck Ribbon, afine assortment. Mew Embroideries and Laces. Men's Soft and Hard Hats, the latest style. Men's Ties and Collars New Spring Dress Goods in the very latest. New Organdies, Muslims, Prints. &c. New Silks & Silk Effects for Blouse Ends. ALEX. RUSSELL of the House will be close, Ibr both parties. You want to know every day just how the fight is _c:s,l', going. The Star's Parliamentary reports, like every other is} part of the paper, are free from political bias. ii Also, you want to be posted on the movements of . the Dominion House. Most Important questions are coming before this tsession-the new Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, Fast Atlantic Service and other important Itsgutatton. . -.. The Toronto Daily Star - by, Jll brings you all the news of both Houses (iii) S I every week day for a year and this paper q w ' . a as well for $2.20. . " , Think of being in touch with the " whole world’s news, ttt such a teine. ' . .I Stttegtttttt wanna -i---lil------___, WWW __ my f . Ross ' The next session of the Ontario House will be one of the most interesting ever held in this Province be- cause it is so evenly divided. Enthusiastic Jrories, say that Whitney will surely be Premier, and the Grits assuredly say that Ross will. In any case it will be a battle royar--Every division TII Fu BIG STORE k Keep Your Eye on Parliament Both Local at, Federal SUCCESSOR TO J. A. HUNT ER. (V09 AT important possibilities We are plratsed to hear of young Whytc. son of Dam. Whyte East of this uluce, win 'was operated on for appendicitis lately " getting better. _ The Rev. Mr. Little, of Holstein, cou- sented to come to preach anuveraary ser- mous in the Presbyterian Church in this place on Sunday the 15m nf March. unru- mg and evening and will wait for tha Annual Teaumming which probably Will he held the lollowiug evening, Monday 17th, but more particulars will he made known eoneeruin,q the ttra-meeting before then. 1102 a McLum---MeDoNAur-The iuelemencr of tho weather on Wednesday the 18th We expect Top" Cliff eorresrondeus to give the newu m that 10:4.le good and regular, “Take notice.' Euglish communion on Suudru7 the 8th March In. the usual Imur 11 o'clock morn- Heetor Mchcllern is visiting friends at Owen Sound a: present. TLe Rev. Mr. Matheson had two mar rue-a on Wtuuieoda.y " Ja-t Wtek in spite of we coldest. day of the season. the tir,t was Mr Boles m Vnndclenr and Ali-n Aggie McDonnnll yunngcan daughter at Mr Mal- colm McDouguln End. at this place. We have no mu ticuhur, concerning this mur- riuge only that We cuugramlate the young man who captured Minx Mcvollgall fur his ltelp mate. The other matriage speaks for itself further or. Neil McUuuunel and mother visited friends at Banner lart week mm attended the sale of Mr McLeod. Mr McCumel'u brother-iu-law, on Tuesday the ISL-h inst. We again remmd Gaelic speaking wor. shippers of the Gaelic Communion in the Presbyterian Church on next Sunday the 14. March. A church full of lxighlnnders is expected to be out on the occuslou. Mr. Alex. Livinuston isitnprovuur, some- what ot late and it is to be hoped by the time the weather gets " little milder he still be able tc be around again. Mrs. ( Rev.) Mutbeson who was unwell for the last. mouth, we are pleased to say. is able to be about again. Mrs Reilly keeps yery poorly yet. but we hope by good ultemlacce to Lear of her being about again before very long. six mouths wi/ere, she died on the 18th l inst. The body was taken to her father's from when a large crowd ofeympathizers“ followed the remains to their lave leaning pdee. Mist: Campbell was a lady who was highly spoken of by all who formed, her treqmsiuttsuee, mud to the aged lulu-r the blow in severe as to the rest " hu- lanhers family. Tue luneral was largely attended comdderiu,.g the snort "mice given. We extend not sympathetic teel. ing to the bereaved family and more par- ticularily to the aged father whose allot. ted spun cannot according to the manual course of lite be let trout us ttnauiptstioto. Rev. Mr. Mathemn officsted at. the house and grave. We expect. some curreqmn- dent from that. 1seiitborlsotvl to give "lure of an obituary. . The funeralot Miss Mary Can-pull of Swiuton Park buck place to the Cemetery In this place on Fri-lay afternoon the 20 Inst. Mme Cuxnp'nell hu- been ailing for a couple of years win cancer and has been in the hospital. Toronto, for the hut. TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW PRICEVILLE. lino. did no: hinder War How. Jr. liar. Inc! Mire May Ann “about“. young»: dough“: ot the his. Neil Mo- Don old. South Glenda. to be pronounced than and wife by the Rev J A huhheou jinn encily " 5 o'clock in the "annull- The groom stood the trial well. The bride, who was nlwnyb counted ntuong" the (giro-t of her not. appeared handsome ly arousal with broculed white nil: . trimmed with oil: wpliquo owl hllk euttrou, by her side stood Mus Chrisieuu. her drier. who also “an dressed with the l mama as the bride. The moon: We.» our pcrtml by his brother Arab McLeod. After the ceremony being over the com- ' puny which couslstod of "our relatives to i the Mule and groom but. down to on ex- ce:lem nprend prepared by Mrs McDonald manifesting her tsppreeituiou of her faith: fol daughter‘s love to her. which now wan exchanged tor love beyond a mother's. I The hiide‘s evening dress Wits a beautiful “one gray Ladius' cloth and bridesmaid I wore the more kind. The following is a complete list of presents :--hir and Mrs D Graham. rec Bel room dishes; Donald McU-rnuld. a parlor lunp l Flora and bhn. lay Clarke. a chim lrult dish and one dog. lairrvers; Hugh McDonald. a eltiva truit bowl and than) pitcher; Mr & Mrs Neil i McLeod, a silVer cruel; Miss Maggie Me- lu'runnel, silver butter dim; John L Mc- l McKinm-n, moustache cup and saucer; Mary hleiieehuiu. one doz silver tea spoons; Wm, John and Gordon Elli-Loud. lube; Mrst .111 Campbell. linen la'rle cloth and pair Inca ettrtatus l Mr and M rs Duncan Mehrourdd, o bed spread nod cake staud ; Arch 1) Melimnon. a chenille table cover; Mr and Mrs John Molinuuou, pair ol lace curtains; M r aud Mrs Davul Him-ks. silver Miner dish; A; ch AIL-Land, silver biscuit bowl; Jlr & Mia Atoll Mo l Cu lg. nlhur slum- lleZ Finlay N' soo i .m-L‘n-ig. glass fruit, (ll-ll; .lcuuio null I Clnu,,:cua McDonald. [Mir laee curtains; jAvL-ll & Ale): MOD-mold, album: Kale Ciarlse, silk hatulgereiuct; Xrll klill'lh', lin-n anhle cloth; Mr sh Mrs Duguld Mc- Umn. ck, linen table cloth; Nell Alex nrQueen,doz table uapluuts and a pine case; 3Ip& Mrs Neil Gallium“, china lea- pot; Arch nobomhl. ouk paper ruck; lilac-torn! Kate McDonald. plum! table; Hula Mrs Neil McCannol. lmrlur locking Ulla”; (Angus McDonald, tnur lace cm- t..ins; L'lunsteua McDonald. pair woollen blankets; bride's mother. [we sreDoutdd, tea set ; John A :ueDonald, door, knives and lurks; Hugh MGLena (minimum) lino linen 1v.ble.eloth; Will and Maggie McLeod. tsaynisr, silvertruit dish; Juo A Graham, china berry out and set ol smoothing; mus. ' Mr. George McKye, Owen Sound came down last week to his sisters Mrs H. McFayden, where he intends to remain The ship timber gang are working in the Greenwood and Eetor swamp. They intend leaving for Barrie shorly. Mr Will WeirpVxshassdthonm from Mr D. Greenwmd last week. atrqriiiMtsthwttretthadtorrm4tttset ”Thur-day end I MOt night. Mr. P. G. Morrison left last week for --- where he has secured a gocd situation in a drug snore. One ofthe old fashion " hoe downs " wus given in the Grange Hall last. Thursday night and a very enjovable time was spew. both by old and young until the wee sma’ hours. We maglad IO pay Hut. Mr D. Me. Armur who has hut-n ulnar the weather lately win. L ' Gripe in we to be around again. G. C. is a lnoxey making place. tlsege- fore the agents of Your lku an lighting hard to see who will Luke the most money out of it. Once more death has Cullle will: noise- less wiuas and taken from Our mldrt one ofthe old pioneers in the person of Mrs J). McIntyre, who pawn-d trout Iluu llle to the great beyond on Feb. mm. the fun- eral took place On Sunday and was largely attended. Miss Lizzie McArthur arrived home from Toronto last week looking hale and hearty. Mr. Jus Atkinson purchased another fine can last week Joe is a hustler. W hat we Would like to know:--How did the old folk feel after the ball ? It would put them in mind of by-gone days. If Jack and Jnu. have any notion of going to Barrie next neck ? Me. C C. MeFayden visited friends in Normanby for a few days last Mr Zero of the north roman. who has been absent. from this part for some time, is back once mole. and we nli know he is naturally gifted with slmrpne». Master Alex McDo and of your town is holidaying u his uncle Juo's of the Centre at present. Mr. Thos. Banks had to postpone his sale until Monday March 2nd on account of the big storm last week. in a weel Mr and Mrs Ed. McClucklin of your town visited at the farmer's parental home I'tt the 17th inst. The pie sumal at the town hall cu Thursday culling was at wand succcm " lame crowd gathered to enjoy Hum. selves and a) they did. Una pm brought $2.60. James Staples, Auctioneer. t.o duo. Williams. Night. watchman of the Cement. works. Miss L. Gardner from near Mount Forest visited at D. Greenwood), last week. . Mr. John Collier and Jno. L. Me- Fayden are hustling out the tshtp tim- ber this week. the 13m lust. Mr J. Grasby lately In A. ll. McAzlhur u. new [In they say they're daudles. Mr. P. P. Peuuovk mtely bought from agent A. B. MeAtthur " the Peter Hum- iuou firm, an elegant new cutter. Merchant. C. McAthur of your tcwu \lhlLtrd at, Ms Home] iJuueau's “no on Mr M McMillen and son Allen, lately tiuishoi the hauling " P2 cords of wood Glenelg Centre. Edge liill. bou,uht from Aut. pair as bob H'elghs '.:Pd Mrs S. Stewart has rented her ele- gant. farm M? Mr John Thompson for a term Ofyears at. a rent of 8200 per year. and intends going out west to em“: Into partnership with her brother J 1mm, Petugrew of Landau. N .W.T. when together. they intend m push fuming on I lug. scale. Sh. intend. to In” . credit suction at. in the only put of Much. T,, dropped down suddenly into our i We regret to announce Mr Ed. Ryan neighborhood a. few days ago. looking lwliom we reported as being seriously hole and hearty. He speaks very iill, is at time of writing so low thst his brightly of that Weslern land and re- death is hourlv expected. while his grew very much that he didn't go west amiable partner in life " so ill With the 10 years ago. Among other tpusisttonaiCrrippe, " to be unable to leave her put to him was‘How about the winter"? "ted. We Wish both of them a speedy We were much surprised to learn theirecovery. fact of his horses being out every day! We Were wrongly inlormed regard- grazmg and always requiring CONNIE" ‘ing the illness of Mr Geo. Schram of able coaxmg t,0 get them to come home Orchard. it is a very severe 1Tiiii of at night. On another occasion on his Typhoid fever and very - fears journey down, he counted 105 horses‘were entertained for his recovery but all in one drove which lied "ever been 'latest accounts say he is imprcrin ' w stabled this Winter. Knocks South ihopehe may continue; a. a "fl. clean out, doesn t "n Ps..1.i.hi. , The quilting bee under the auspices Miss bin-ah Patterson, of Millbank " of the Knox Church Auxillary was a at present the guest of Mrs. Samuel Metuded success. every member turning btewart. gout cheerfully with the exception of Me Jno Cornish, Jr, bought: a team :two. and did credit to their quilting of ft wt old colts from Cattle King John abilities. Me Jno Cornish, Jr, bought: o tum of 3 yr old colts from Cattle King John Brown for a sum in the neighborhood of $400 and anosher tum fully better than Brown's. but. John was too modest' to tell us what they cost Lat. we are safe enough to surmise Lint " was big. But the happiness of a man does not consist in the abundance of good horsee whirl: he possusselh and so Ill order to complete' his outfit, John 15 on the look ou/tcr a good ------ we won't Buy It. Rev. Mr Little, of Holstein. occupled the pulpit in Knox Church. Norrnauby, on Sunday last and delivered a very eloquent and inspiring sermon to a full house (came Iguin). Mr. leo Cornish, Jr, Regina. N. W. T., dropped down suddenly into our neighborhood a few days ago. looking BLYTH E's CORNERS. um“ 1.5.5: Jamar LTi7ii"GGi'G to he muted up will be attended to in tweet or two. stsw Fon Tue Rttvitrw.--A Inge number attended to Ibis dutg. We want a. la e number morew coolnche ',UtG'd ween. Small (him . annu- next. few weeks. Bmatt ttiiitO EOE;- byt 1.3“ hunter's dollar-”EA largely Mr J. H. Roefh" got 3 imap on u 20, 000 ft. pile of lumber. 12x 14 ft. all long first clue: staff tad dry " $12 n 1000. M: and Mrs Chas. Guy jr.. of Egreo mom. were visiting Normanhy friends on Monday In“. Mr Alex. Blym in" recovered from [us illness uud has rammed his busi- ness again at Owen Bound. We were wrongly Informed murd- ing the Illness of Mr Geo. Schulz). of Orchard. it is u very severe “lack of Typhoid fever and very grave fears were eatertsined for lug recovqry. but A sleigh load of the ard spent. um enjoy-tie last week at the home John Cornish. Miss Lydm Thompson. 'ueeornpanied by Mr 11. 1iehUrlane an. wanted one day last. week the sick and the amic- ted around the corners. FEB. M. 1008 (if? m youth ot Orch- time One nigh; at Mr .ud Mrs Cel), W t3hiMiMHlS3hi!EH, It ijiii1/i/ 'li/xx/y,',':',',,",.',',')',) It “JR iii.. Ttr J_L 1).. T t VOL. XX rfiftReir': 'yleR5e ts N FAI' SYN DON’T IM MEN'S titll N F. ll " are t' at a peoph by th them SEE Comti slut New l sackit Lust! what TAI we 11 “I the llC\'( Nat w CC m I v AF

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