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Durham Review (1897), 5 Mar 1903, p. 5

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RY STaBLE d.u’h Hou“ Lt WORKS DEFR B rade 2903 IN MARKERS, MOXUMEXTS & BELL CORBET, Pre qgist. for ARE roprietors. St taken by nter iropean )uarries Mid LC late test c one they n 1ZOT OW ne ed ol ind the We 11 it And look in our Store Window and you will sez barâ€" gains for your life. Calder‘s Block, "THE SHOEMAN W. 5. BE AN HE SELLS CHEAFP. with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhope Cutters, Bishep Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Bros.‘ Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton‘s Implements, Adam‘s Sleighs. Calder‘s Blockâ€" Next the Post Office BEGINS JANUARY 2, 1903. Our Courses in both BUSINESS and SHORTHAND Departments are upâ€"toâ€"date, thorough and emplet The demand for young men as of. fice assistants is greater than the supply Circulars and full particulars free. Address C. A. FLEMING, Principal. T. NOBLE o4 e4e e ‘roven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. TWEEDS & YARNS AT THE A/yMWORTh EN :Y‘ @/M//éj;f@%y Toilet Soapsâ€"Gem Toilet a cake 2c 3 for 5, White Castile and Oatmeal Soap 5¢ for a large bar, Jockey Club and â€" Medicated Carbolic Soap 10¢ a cake or 3 for 2Â¥c. Fine Table *yrups in 5 lb, 10 lb and 20 1b Tins. Salada Ceylon Tea, mixed or black at 25¢, 30e and 40¢ a l in lead pacâ€" GROCERIES White Counterpanes each .. Table Oileloth 45 in. wide per Flour Oilcloth 1 yd wide, per A Fine Line of American fire ishe d Glassware in Preserve Di Cake Stands, Biscuit Jars, I Bowls, Syrup Jugs., &c¢., Glass " Sets, each set 50¢, 30¢ and ..... * The Implement Man *‘ asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the !ate firm. He can be found Intending Students should enter at beginuing i of term, or as soon after as possible. j Staff and Equipment. | The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving | and Matriculation work, under the following Staff i Competent Teachers for that Department : THOS. ALLAX, Pringipal. | MISS LICK, B. A., Cfi‘utnd Moderns. l FEES: $1.(p per month ; | Wm. Johnston, Chairman. lt OO pP ! WINTER TERM Durham School We can give you Bargain‘. PEEF] .. Owen Sound, Onf., BlG 4 AT. THE OLD STAND ~â€"> n We osk Inspection of our TEAS . SCOTT. T. NOBLE DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, 3490TS & SHOES, &c., March 5. 1903 Of best quality. 00 <~ oS Call and see us. it € Blankets rican fire polâ€" serve Dishes, Jars, Fruit C. L. Grant, aurs, Pormil ilass Table E.s .. . AAGE Durham. Arg C yd S1%€, $1 00 . . 8dv. A 25¢. £)C * We may buld a dry, sanny, warm hen house, feed wellâ€"balanced rations, and be kind faithfal masters, yet deâ€" feat ourselves in noultry cult re by feat ourselves in poultry cult re by | tising. Let every word in your ads. allowing everything to pour through | tell; let every ‘ sentence convey a the fowls into nasty parasites around | clearâ€"cut idea. and on them. | _ Don‘t be by poeritical in venting your Besides some minor pests there are | views on paper. _ Many a good idea two great classes of poultry pnrasites, | has never goue throagh the sieve of lice and mites. _ The latter have no eritic‘sm because the critie was ;too thorax, only a proboscis, bead and | smaliâ€"minded to appreciate its worth. abdomen. They belong to the arachâ€" | Always be goodâ€"humored in your 2:?*{)? Oasr-ldfl: Kind, and are nearly ' ads. Good humor is like sunshine, it ot b(l)o' '.~c‘ckc'rs. Some of the lite, |J whtens np many roads; it is aiways l';l wad o '.ll: l.alg;)e gl‘u\"hea.(l-l(-uw ie } pleasing and attractive, and is a great ovd suckers, but most of them nre j jity on the road to advertising success. filth feeders. The blood sucking lice | Retailers. in Nout ‘w 1 , when killed by oil, usually dic slowly | ( etailers, in your nd.s. ga{.g P L.-nt..\f and roll up themselves and proboscis. |° Mariork Don‘ have a Niagara o Killed more quickly in alcohol, the W?lda and ,a rivulet ,0.' iteras ap(.l rroboscis may sometimes be seen. lpucgs; m*:,l";. OS s‘l“"“c“'“.""‘ Ut:j pf’“'i There are about nine kinds of lice, and ".Uu.be. pul Ap "Slole ol _ »wiloy fill tour kinds of mites, infesting poultry. Yery ‘?w p‘aus. f The pests vary in size color and shape, | . Don‘t expect results from your ads. but preventive and remedical inea. | 11 a moment. * Rome was not baiit sures do not differ so much. | in a day,"" and it takes time for your Thefollowing is a s\ nopsis of an adâ€" : By A. B. Casiwell, in Canadian Grocer. dress by Mrs Ida "E. Tiison, <f West| Bigness and generosity always atâ€" Salem, Wis., who has been conducting | tract humankind, especially when that a series of poultry institute mectings in humankind is womarkind. _ So in Nova Seotia. ! jour bargain stories, give plenty ot __*We may buld * dry, sanny, warm | items and prices. e While some lice breed in filth, others | lay nits or eggs upon the birds. _ If p ssible the manure should be daily removed, and the perches scraped. This not only takes away breeding places tor certain parasites but gives fowls a better air, and gets the fertiliâ€" zer on the land or in a compost betfore its yvaluab‘le ammonia has escaped, in the last particular fully realizing what Lord Palmerston said of dirt as only matter in the wrong place. If a mellow dus. box is prov‘ded, or a fresh spot of earth often spaded, fowl will clean and exercise themselves rather than exercise wheir owner. Wood ashes will discotor plumage and legs, a matter of consequenee only io exhbibitors. _ With a coarse saive from the {anving, I sitt any kind ot ashes throwing charcoal or clinkers on« side tor the dbiddies to eat, but rest assured their bath ot dust is more patronized when free from chunks, keep it in a sunny place, stir and renew often. A litt‘e sulphur or lime, not enough to cause sore eyes, I frequently add. _ If fowls are very intested, I have found I can clean 2> birds in 15 minutes, by a puff box or little bellows of Persian insect powder. 1 do not get personally secquainted. with each individual parâ€" asite, but apply my powder to top of head, under beak, wings and vent. This is done in the evening when the fowls are drowsy,. or when L set a hev, and several times during her inâ€" cubating. â€"Silted coal ashes will ansâ€" wer as well. _ The Persian insect powâ€" der is volatile, and should be kept tightly covered when not used, and is of no use in nestboxes, unless mixed and held with oil. _ Tansy, wormwood, and elder leaves, cedar sprigs and onion skins are gooud discoumagers in nests. I also often use a sawdust tillâ€" ing. Mites hide in perches, walls and nest boxes by day, coming forth to teast on bloo! at night, bence‘ oug measures for destroying thein, maust be directed to the house itself. _ These creatures are Just visible to the naked eye. _ They are more ruddy when they have had a good meal, and paler after tasting. _A daytime examination frequently discioses them on sick or sitting fowls, the pests seeming to realize that the latter are not going to shake them off. â€" Mites when very thick, will be tound between nests and walls. There is an important difference between lice and mites. I have done considerable work with the microscope, and am eonvinced that henâ€"lice do not breed on horses and cattle. _ The latter have their own kinds independently. Henâ€"lice will run over horses and cattle, causing great annoyance. but do not lay nits on them ; while mites are cosmopolitan. â€" They will bite ail alike, even unto thy man servant and thy maid servaunt. They do not bite the skin but pune. ture for blood. They multiply so fast, I have actuaily known two hen houses to be burned when cleaning was thought hopeless. _ Bat trom two sieges with them. I know they can be conâ€" quered. HMot, thin whitewash. (the lime newly siaked with hot water ) kerosene emulsion, turpentine (singly or in combination ), brine, hot tar paints and even hot watér, have all to my knowledge been successfully used. The main thing is to repeat the applicâ€" ation every day for about a week, in order catch every hatch, because the eggs are less susoeptible to applications than are the adult creatures. On our farm, we found it necessary to clean some of the carriers, or cats and dogs, with phenoâ€"chloro, etc It will be seen that a necessity to | thorough cleaning is moveable furniâ€" ture in the poultry house, or moveable nests and perches. Soap or cracker boxes hung to the wall by stout nails driven part in and tipped up like picâ€" ture nails, then passing through corâ€" respording holes in those boxes, make | nests easily taken down for cleaning, . and also adjustable to any Size or. height of fowls, since actiye breeds would better have nests out of reach of their pry ing mischief, and large breeds cannot, without injury, jamp down from or fly to high nests. Perches must not be teeterâ€"like, but whether they pull out of grooves or irom under leather straps, will answer if moveable. ; Wider perches prevent crooked breast bones and are generally selected by | modern heavy fowls givyen a choice. | _ As a pioneer retraces his steps by | blazed trees, 80, would that I could \ mine by a line of clean henâ€"houses i with moveable furniture." POULTRY PARASITES. rei€y Always be goodâ€"humored in your ads. Good humor is like sunshine, it J ghtens up many roads; it is always pleasing and attractive, and is a great litt on the road to advertising success. Newspaper space is too valuable to be wasted with poor, pointless adverâ€" tising. Let every word in your ads. tell ; let every sentence convey a clearâ€"cut idea. Don‘t be hy pocritical in venting your Retailers, in your ads. give plenty of quotations. _ Don‘ have a Niagara of words and a rivaulet of iteris and prices ; that‘s too suggestive uf a poorâ€" nouse â€" puddingâ€"â€"lots of wind . and very tew pilams. Don‘t expect results from your ads. in a momeunt. * Rome was not baiit in a day,"" and it takes time for your arguinents to simmer in the brains of people who are occupied with affairs of their own. The Ower Sound Times of srecent date hbhas the following .ariicle on the growth of the pernicious habit of cigar ette smoking : ** Within the past two weeks our attebtion has been directed by interested Owen Sound ladies to the growing cigarette evil. _ Very recentâ€" ly a lady said :â€"**Is there nojway of stopping the sale of cigare:tes to bovs under age? My boy is just killing himseif with them fand I cannot stop him. He gets them somewhere and his health is being ruired. _ At school hbe used to be particularly bright, but now he is dull, imorose and entirely without ambition."‘ _ It is the old story, but where one boy was affected five years ago, a haundred are now addicâ€" ted to the ha bit. It is a startling statoment but a wellâ€"established fact, that there are three hundred bovs in Owen Sound under eighteen addicted to the cigarâ€" ette habi‘t, and the evil is growing. It is unfair to say that the dealers seil to boys unuaer age, for indeed, it is well known that they obserye this clause of the Jaw carelully. _ The "eoffinâ€"tacks"‘ are usually obtained throogh the agency of some older person, who is either thoughtless or unprineipled. _ Some one should be made an example of, and in the meanâ€" time, while be is being detected, the dangers that lic in contracting such a habit should be impressed on the boy himself. ‘The injury to adults is not so great, because they exercise a cerâ€" tain amount of selfâ€"control. _ But the G@eveloping boy is stunted in growth, depressed in spirits and a nambskull so far as his mental condition is conâ€" cerned. The principal of a collegiate instiâ€" tute stated aecently :â€"*"I will not try to educate a boy with the cigarette habit; it is wasted time ; the boy could not learn. _ Tryinag to teach him would be like talking to a block of wood. _ His mental facaulties are blunâ€" ted ; his physical being is wrecked." The boy who smokes the cigarette must stop if he is ever going to amount to a row of ping. If he insists on dragâ€" ging enervatiag poisonous impurities into his lungs iastead of pure invigoraâ€" ting air, he eventually reaches a stage where a physician will give him the ehoice between the asylum and the graveyard. Live Stock Markets Toronto. ‘Toronto, Feb, 27.â€"There were light reâ€" ceipts of cattle toâ€"day at the Western Catâ€" tie Market, but business was dull in exâ€" port grades of stock owing to the faet that shippers have nt present larze numbers of cattle on their hands, and little space at their disposal for export purposes. â€" Pricâ€" es were a little weaker for these, the top figure being $4.75; but the bulk of the eales were tran<acted o« a basis lower than this by 25 to 50e per ewt. _ The weak advices reccived from England also had a depresâ€" sing effect on the market, â€" In butchers‘ the best price was $4.39, mt the majority of the sales of the best grades was transacâ€" ted at §3.9» to $4.25 per ewt. The qualiâ€" ty of the offerings was not quite as good as yesterday, Lambs were easier, the marâ€" ket being depressed by the beayy arrivals of the week. â€" Hogs continued steady and nnchanged. The total run amounted to 38 cars, ccnâ€" taining 518 cattle, 371 sheep 890 hogs and 2o calves. The top price reported for export cattle was $4.75 less $5, paid for 1 load of steers of 1.300 lbs weight. _ The rauge of quotaâ€" trons was $4.30 to $4.60 for chorce to pickâ€" ed lots and $4 to $4.25 for fair to good. A load of mixed butchers‘ and exporters weighicg 1,160 lbs. was sold at $4.124 per cwt. There were not many choice butchers‘ offered, the bulk being of fair to common quality. The best price received was about $4.30 per ewt. Fair to gcod stock sold at $3.90 to $4,25; mediam to fair, $3.80 to $3.85 and common canners and rough catâ€" tle, $2 to $3.80 per ewt. Export Balls were worth §$8.75 to $4 per ewt. â€" Butchers‘ bulis were quoted at $8.50 to §3.75 per ewt. Sorr;e good short keepers‘ weighing 1200 lbe brought $4.05 per ewt. Milch Cows sold at from $80 to $55 for the majority of those offering, while extra choice ones brought a premiam on these quotations. Sheop were steady. Lambs were dull owing to the large receipts this week, ADvERTISING SUGGESTIONS THE CIGARETTE EVILI. THE UUKHAM REVIEW OE 1 xc n xtra Calves were steady at $2 to $1lo each nese | and 44 to 6¢ per lb. The bog market was unckanged at $6 du}] i for selects and $5.75 for lights avnd fats. NARLINC‘S DRUG STORE :~**** f | Irertotretirzey wit ces ulit The three R‘s R. ZE e o our Store motto : Teeliable QGoods, Reascnable Profits, Right Treatment JEWELERY! Watches, Cliocks, Rings, ‘BpeX, Flatwarse and Silverware. ind well presorved medicaments here at right pric iave not <erved yon before, why not try now ? I». the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey, In the matter of the Esâ€" tate of Donald Smith,. late of the Township of Holland, in the County of Grey, Farmer Deceased : otice is hereby given pursuant to N R. 8. O., 1897, Cap. 129, See. 38, and Amending Acts, that a.l persons kaving claims against the Estate of the said Donald Smith. who died on or about the 13th day of January A. D. 1903, are hereby required to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to J.:X. Telford, of the Town of Durham, Soliâ€" citor for the Executors, on or before the their names, addresses and descripâ€" tions, and a full statement of particulâ€" ars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, daly certified, and that after the said day, the Executors will proceed to disâ€" tribute the assets of the deceased aâ€" mong the parties entitled thereto havyâ€" ing regard only to the claiins of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 11th day of February, A. D. 1903. J. P. TEmroRrD, Solicitor for the Executors® {James L. Smith, M. D. Wiiliam Smith The brickyard adjoming the town of Durham on the West, operated for some years lately by Samuel Wright. E & in un T0 2 suazaans bth day of March, A. D., 1903 THE undersigned will keep for service on lot 41 con 3. E. G. R., Glenelg, for season of 1903, the fine thoroughbred Tam worth Boar bred by David Douglas and Sam Mitehell, Ont., from the celebrated animal = Newcastleâ€" Lord »â€" 2129â€", Dam © Glanworth Maid " 1494â€". Full exâ€" tended Pedigree may ‘be seen on application, Terms $1.00. yaxa c lham a 2Â¥ in Adopted by all leading Schools in Toronto. This"deservedly popular system by means of Chart Drills, Blackboard Diagrams and otherinterâ€" esting devices brings the following topics within the child‘s immediate comprehension. Musical Notation Rhythmic Motion Piano Work Keyâ€"board Location â€" Musical History Technique For terms apply_to Miss Margaret Gun, Teacher, M.M,M. Prices ranged from $8.75 to $4.25 for ewes $3 to $8.50 for bucks, and $4.50 to $5.60 for lambs. FIODP ... cce se k es +666# OBALUM@AL se ce ks e 0666 WLheRtb...... ... .cc clll4s PERAG......cccss6c6 666 k ++# O ce on o C Hides, per CWt....... ) Cal{skins, per lb........ SheepSk1M8... ... 000006 6® Beer, NOWY CWhavce e# WOOU,,.. . cce esns ca se en es# POTKCY 8. ce cek 660 cce k k6 06++ Potatoss, per bag......> Hav...... Practical Watchmaker. 30 Years‘ Experience. DURHAM MARKETS. Notice to Creditors. BRICKYARD TO RENT A. GORDON, THOROBRED TAMWORTH KING TOM. No. â€"3204â€". Tarling, Myer‘s Music‘Method. Apply to H. PaRKER, Durham ‘KING TOM GEO. STAPLES BOAR. 25 6 oo 6 co 2 oo 10 90 17 17 15 00 They not only 108 their efficacy; but oftentimes Lbecome positively poisonous owing to chemical chauges. You may firmly count ting the most carefally The RDeople‘s Druggist. Thorobred Durhams. â€"The underâ€" signed oiffers for sale, one 2 yr, old bull, firist prize taker during. two past years. 2 yr.â€"old bulls. and 1 buil calf. all from thorobred stock, and from first class animals. _ Good vedigrees â€" furnished, Thorobred Berkshire Pigs for sale. Joux EcKknarpt, Bunessan, P. 0. 1 tale T P ugs The undersigned offers for sale as he is going west the 200 acre Tarm, Lots 55. 58, 59. on the 1st Con. N. D. R. Bentinck and Lot 54 on Con,. 2. N. D. K. Good barn and basement stables and other out buildings. Comfortable house, well watered. _ Young â€" bearing â€" orchard. Within half a mile of school, church and post office, 3 miles from Darham. _ Will soll separate or in block. Terms Reasâ€" onablr, â€" Apply on the premises to Wa. Lecertr®. There is about 110 acres cleared and suitable for running machinery on, and the balance is primcipally of hardwood timber. There is supposed to be over 2000 cords of good cordwood ready for cutting. The farm is situated about six miles from Berkley, and ten miles from Duarham. On the farm is a good frame house and cedar post barn,.. This farm will be sold at a bargain during the next sixty days. For further inâ€" formation or terms of sale apply to W. CALDER, Durham. "% nat 200 acre farm in the Township of Glenelg, known as the McRae Farm. )fTenace To â€" f{ealth o morchs(‘) 1b. pkgs., of Sarnia : Herring. These are extra ¢ quality, large, clean Fish, §$2.50. 0 5 $ ¢ J BURNETT. YOUR BREAD SUPPLY Be it large or small, will be alâ€" ways of the best quality if obtained of us. Our product is at once pure wholesome and toothsome. Can‘t be beat. Made from a superior grade of flour and purest ingrediâ€" nets. Our bread, rolls, buns. etc, are baked in absolute cleanliness and are delicious. First class serâ€" vice. % So confident are we of the Superior Quality of our Twenty Five Ct. Black and Japan TEAS that if you try them you will find they equal to any Thirtyâ€"Five or Forty Ct. Teas on the market. We keep Quaker and Tillson‘s Oats in pkgs. also Tillson‘s in Bulk at 8 lbs for 25¢C. TRY THEM YOURSELF. DONT TAKE Bulls for Sale. Faim for Sale. FARM FOR SALE . A., ROWE OUR WORD FOR IT UPPER TOWXN. TORONTO (as on get. selected If we / the Du nam Pharmascy Calder‘ Block. â€" Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham. W. C, PICKERING D. DS., L. D.S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario,. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. Will be at the Middaugh first Wednesday of each in« OMceâ€"â€"LOWER 10WN. DURHANK. 9â€"12 4. m. 2â€"4 p. m . RESIDENCE and OFFICEâ€"O4 Bauk UPPFER TOWN, DURRAM. g®. SPECIALIST EYI Jompany and priyate Funds to Loan on Morigages at lowest rates of interest. Valuation wmade by a competent and careful Valuator, Bapristers, â€" Solicitors, # Conveyancers, &ac. Cfiices : Hunter‘s New Block,. cp posite Chronicle OfMfce. Garatraxa St., Durham. MoNEY TO LOAN A. G. MacKay K.C. W. F. Dunn n Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Loases, Agreements &e. correctly prepared, Estates of deceased per sons louked after und Executor‘s ard Adminisâ€" trators‘ Accounts prepared and ruued Burrogate Court Business, Probate of Wilis. Letters of Adâ€" minstration and Guardianship Obtained, gearâ€" chas uade in Registry Oflice und Titles reported OFFICEâ€"Melntyre Bloek, DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. Late assistant to the ospital, England, a1 ud Throat Hospital, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. Prysiciax & Surc®EO®, Office over MclLachilan‘s Store ARTHUR H.JACKSON #@~ Special attention given 1 Women and Children s# SAVINGS BAN#® _ .uterest allowed on savings hank deposits of $1,00 and up wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at dista ce. J KELLY, Agent. ARTHUR GUN, M. D. Collections of all kinds | Farms bough promptly attended to and sold} A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points,. _ Deposits received and interâ€" est allowed at eurrent rates * CAPITAL, Authorized . ... .. .$2,000,00t CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ $50,000 AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, â€" Quebec, Mamtoba, United States and England. FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF DENTISTRY. OFFICE.â€"â€"McKenzie‘s Old Stand Durham STANDARD BAKK OF CGANMNA W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. DURMHAM AGENCY NOATRY PUBLIC _ CONYEYANCER, aC d2ll Charges Moderate arrister, Yotary, Go: veyancer, Qtc., Qtc..... Monev to Loan at reasonasole rates and on terms to suit borrower. Telephone Connection No. 10 Insurance Agent, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales as to dates, &c., must be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. «* Correspondence addressed here or to l{oxl:evflle P.0., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to u. P. TELFCRD. G. LEFROY McCAUL. DR GEO. S. BURT. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR®,*~ NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c, CONVEYANCER, vVALUATOR MACKAY & DUNN . . McPHMHAIL _â€"a~ or to HOURS W. S. DAVIDSON. MONEY TO LOAN Head Office, Torono. D. MePHAIL, Hopeyille P. 0. oFFICE HOURS Private Money to Loan, 8 to 2 t0 7 to e Royal London Ophthakmic nd the Golden Equare Nos C. RAMAGE, Durham 10 a 9 P AJ to .)Nseases 0# THROaT & NC XCLUSIVELA (Over the Bank NX Durhar NO8T a, the 1. td «3y «4

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