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Durham Review (1897), 5 Mar 1903, p. 8

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44 $4, Â¥ uU _ Mr. Ww, Brittan purchased a fine horse from Dan McCormick for the sum of one hundrea dollars. W ALL â€" PAPER â€"eâ€"_â€"â€">â€" BUTTER & EGGS WANTED FO"N CASH OR PRODUCE. _ Mr. T. Bauks, accompanied by Miss Lizzie MceArthor, called on the latter‘s parents one day last week. Several from our burg took in the tie social at Murdoch und report a good time, Mr. F. McLanrin of Wisconsin, is at present visiting the MceCormick fawily. Rev. Mr. Newton, of your town, called on a couple of Rob Roy families one day last week. Miss Mary Jackson, formerly of the Gleno, but now of Flesherton, visited friends along this line lately. Seyeral of our young people met and surprised Mr. Alex, Firth and family and ;tpont a very enjoyable evening on Friday ast. Miss Maggie Beaton returned to Canâ€" nington alter a stay of about 2 morths. TA RDW ARE DEPT~â€"â€"â€"«#â€"=â€"â€" Miss Mary Caswell is home from Aberdeen where she has spent some time lately. FPOR MEN Miss Kate McCormick is visiting Owen Sound friends at present. Miss Annie McQuarrie is visiting her sister Mrs. L. McLean, Rocky Sauâ€" Mr. Dan McLean and sister Annic was visiting relatiyes in Glenely one day lately. Miss Ellen Putherbough is home from Durbham where she spent the las tew months. The young people of Zion zre arranging to bave a concert of some kind in Easter week,. It is to be a good one. We will give particulars later on,. The Annual Missionary service was beld ou Sunday last when Rev. Mr. Smith took the chair and dealt out a wealth of knowâ€" Mrs. Robert McLean from Owen Sound was visiving friends around here last week. Mr. and Mrs, John W. Smith were visiting friends in Clifford for a few days last week. Mr. Ray from Guelph was vyvisiting at Mr. Caswell‘s one day recently. best of kealth. We are more than pleased to report that our genial friend Mra Tom. Blair is able to be around again and we are hopeâ€" mg that she will continue to enjoy the Very sorry to say that Mr James Mcâ€" Nally Jr.. has been very ill the ;ut fow days,. Jim is a favorite around Zion and we are hoping for his speedy recovery, JAUNTY NEV THE BIG New Stock of Wall Paper just arrived and passed into stock prices ranging from 5e to 20c per roll. Everything is lovely and our Hardware Trade is swinging along at a nice increased rate. _ Our cusâ€" tomers can exchange their produce here for Hardâ€" ware. It‘s very handy to get all you want in one store. Don‘t forget that we have Men‘s New Hard & Soft Hats, Ties, Collars, &ec., in the very latest Styles and lowest prices. s «TY NEW GOODS AND BUYERS FOR THEM. THE BIG STORE is now recognized as authority on Dress Goods for we have studied the market and purâ€" chase only the very newest and wost upâ€"toâ€"date Goods. When we show you a piece of Goods and say, " That‘s our newest effects" you may depend upon it being soâ€"oldâ€"fashioned Goods go to the bargain counter. Mull Corners. ALEX. RUSSELL FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYs ON HAND., E BIG STORE [ Tal JaP. AND STILL THEY COME ROHK ROY. o« <go + + ZION. THE BIG STORE €â€" 0 22 AT | ledge on the subject. He was assisted by \t.he cvlever, and roted, Durham Methodist Choir, who always do well at Zion. The quartett by four young men from your town was more than well done and every , hearee is loud in praise ef it. Mr. H. ; Benton was especially good and we preâ€" |dict a bright future foo Harry. A duet Iby ( well we forget the name ) was also well rendered. and the psople of Zion are | hoping for their return and we would say. iyes, let it be soun. Mr Jobn Timmins sold a fine horse to the Vessey bros‘ one day last week. The rice paid was some where arouud the Eundred mark and we can say that he was a good one,. We understand that our genial friend John Greenwood J¢. has big offers for the little greys, but no it will be something extra that will induce Jolhnny to part with them, they are good ones and J. knows it ton. % Mr Graham Timmins took a trmp 10 Hanover a few days ago, and while waitâ€" ing took in the view of the Cement plant which was in fall work. He says it is all right and enjoyes the trip woll. Mr Geo. Furneaux of Lot 2. Con. 10 Glenelg, will hold his sale of farm stock and Implements on the 1ith of March when he will sell all his fiine stock. Geo. is a very careful feeder and his horses and cattle show it And being an old thrasher be knows how to take care of his Implements. _ We are all sorry to lose George as he is a good neighbor, but we realize that our loss will be Durbam‘s gain. as he moves to your town shortly after the salee We would ask every one toremember the date and get there early. We are sorry to hear of Mr Barrio‘s illness but hpe he will soon recoyer. Be she kind, or meek, or fair I will ne‘er the more despair If she loves me this believye I will die ere she shall grieve, % If she slights me when I woo I will scorn and let her go If she be not made for me What care I lor vhom she hbe. We guess Scottie has turned the wrong road again we guess ho is going the maddy roads now. It is a long time since you have had any news from Dornoch, so I will write so that you will know I am alive, A Grand concert was held in McKnight‘s Hall, on Tassday evening. A large crowd Miss Nellie Ledingham was the guest of Mrs. Dargavel on Tuosday. Lev. Dr‘J. Smith lectured here in our charch last night. We wonder how Mack liked his drive the night of Ledingham‘s party. A number of people around here are laid up with the la grippe. Dornoch. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO in the removal by death of the late Edward Ryan, which took place on Sunday night 22nd inst, Normanby, loses nos only anuther of its few reâ€" maining pioneers, but also one of its most biguly respected citizens. Deâ€" ceased hbad been in failing health for oyer three years with water on the lungs and over a year ago was alimost at death‘s door, but by skiltul medical aid and goud nursing hbe. was tided over for another year. alvbhough by no means being weil and gradually but surely he sank despite atl efforts huâ€" man aid could renaer. Deceased with his amiable partner in life, then newly wed, cameto Normanby 43 years ago and settled on the tarm on which he has liyed continuously up till the time of his death. being 67 years otf age. He was a quiet, hardworking, indusâ€" trious man, as the tidiness of tirm and buildings well testifies. In religion he was a consisteut believer in the cathoâ€" lic faith. ‘The tuneral on Wednesday last took place trom bis late residence, but on accuunt of the early hour set for the tuneral (9 o‘clock a. m.) many otf the old neigubors were deprived of attending, nevertheless abou, 60 vehiâ€" cles tollowed his remains to the Cathoâ€" lie chapel in Ayton into which fithe corpse was taken and mass held, atter which the remains were laid to rest in the cathulic cemetery otf that village. He leayes behind him to mourn his loss, his widow who,.at time of writing is very low, and also seven of a family all otf whom are grown up and well to do. To Mrs Ryan and family we exâ€" tend our heartfelt sympathy in this their sad hour of bereayement. Mrs 8 Stewars entertained a feow of her triends last Friday night and it is almost needless to say that a tew nice sociable hours were spent. Mr Win Cameron, a few miles below Orchard, has a sadly bereayed home at present, two of his family aged 6 ana 10 respectively, naving died recently with diptheria and the mothâ€" er and another of the tamily were also very low, but at time of writing are recovering. Mrs Smith, wife of Pat Smith, beâ€" tween Orchard and Mt Forest, died last week from pueamonia. _ Her remains were interred last Saturday in the R. C. cemetery at Orchard. _ [A fuller notice appears elsewhere. A meeting will be held in Watson‘s schocl house 8. 8. No. 1 on Thursday night, March 5th at 8 c‘elock, for the purpose of discussing matters of yvital importance which are occupying the minds of our wellâ€"wishers at the presâ€" ent time. â€" When the mecting is over and the dust cleared away we will reâ€" port the outcome. _ As this is the first meeting of that nature ever beld in this neighborhood it is hoped that a large crowd of the electors will turn out and encourage the movement. â€" So ‘*rally round the flag boys"‘. Tur Lats Mrs. Parrick SMITH.â€" Another must be added this week to the everâ€"lengthening roll of death‘s victims, the above lady, after an illness of a week having died on Wednesday last of puneumonia. The deceased was born in Ireland 77 yrs. ago, and came to this country with her husband in 1852, settâ€" ling for a short time in Simcoe Co. and then ‘moving to the 1st Concession, Egremont, near Orchard, where she died. She was a hardâ€"working woman and one of the worthy pioneers of this district and memories ef her good qualiâ€" ties as wife and mother will ever reâ€" main with her husband., who survives her, and family of sons and daughters. The sons are Michael, near Dornoch, and Wm. at home, the daughters, all near home, being Mrs M. and Mrs Jas. O‘Farrell, (Julia and Bridget ), Mrs F. Curran, (Catherine), Mrs B. Woods, (Aggie) and Lizzie at home. All the family were around her at the last. She was buried on Friday in Orchardâ€" ville cemetery, Rey. Father O‘Connell, officiating. Rev Mr Campbell (our pastor] visiâ€" ted his sheepfold in Normanby last Wednesday night (prayer meeting) and threw out some stimulating proâ€" vender taken from St John 14th chap, to his hungry sheep. _ They devoured it greedily atter a six weeks fast. beautifol metal ceiling. â€" The buildiog is ‘admirably adapted for its purpose. ‘The Public Library is now installed there, Mr Findlay being librarian. â€" Mrs Taylor and son Rokert will take posseesion of the oid store on the first of March with an en« The funeral of the late Wwm, Garson took place from his late reâ€"idence on Feb. 25th to Awmos Church cemetery. The services, held in the church, were conduc: ted by Rev Mr Campheil. who preached from * Let not your heart be troubled, &o‘ The pastor, in referring to the deceased, spoke of his kindners to his parents. his patience and Chiistian fortitude in time of bis affliction. _ His death occurred on Monday, at 4.80 a. m.. from cancer of the stomach and leaves as chief wournâ€" ers his father and mother, aged respeciâ€" ively 78 and 77. Six sisters and cne brother : Mrs I Wilder, Mich.} Mrs. J Brown, Airs J Hyland and Mivs Robena, of Toronto; Aunie and Lizze at home and"John on an adjoining farm. All were at the funeral except the two firstnamed, they being unayoidably detamed. Tho deceased was born in Humilton in 1854 coming to this part a cluld in bis mother‘s arms and has liyed coutinuousâ€" ly here since. Mr J M Findlay movyed into bis comâ€" modious new store ou Tuesday last. The building is of brick, G6o by 24 feet. is 1} Beautiful mild weather as we March BLYTHE‘S CORNERS. is of brick, 60:3 @4 16el, 18 1$ high and finished inside with a THE DURHAM REVIEW EmCys Dromore. Nt w wre‘y new stock of gonde. The sawmili as usual is doing a good busivess in sawlogs. shingle timber, &c.. aud 110 chopping as a side issue. Harry Sterbe pard a visit to his parents on Wesnesdiay last from Dundalk, where he is engaged as head clerk in a store. Quite a few of our townspeople are complaining of the grippe and others of bad cold:, , Alfred Garson came ap from Gaelph to aitend his uncle‘s funeral. ,Win. Philp bad the misfortine to lose a valuable cow last week. Te Dromore choir purpose mesting with the. Durham Presbyterian choir at ts home of Mr arvd Mis D. Hamilton, at the lake, on Friday evening, March 6, when they hope to uave a grand union of sentiment aud yoiee. ln speaking of the Dromore choir a few points we conâ€" sider worthy of mentiou ‘They have Lbeen in existence as a choir for upwards of six years without a break in their men.â€" bersuip or without that provyerbial qunarâ€" re! in the * amen corner.‘ _ In that time they haye suug on 23 occasions in ueighâ€" boring, churches and 9 or lo times at public functions in their own, also more recently taking part in .6 differeat Farmâ€" era‘ Institute meetings. We heartily conâ€" cur in the beautifui sentimeut so lately expressed by your able Priceville correâ€" spondent as to the edifying and elevating effeect of inusie upon the human heart. A word or two also might be eaid of the leader, Mr \Wim. Ramage, who bas been leader of the choirs in this locality tor %5 years and at present we might say, is leguer of three different choirs, He hbas always takeno a delight and pleasure in tenching music and has beeu of great valâ€" ue in this dlocality as hne has ever been willing ard ready to impart unto others that t«lent which ho so naturaliy possessâ€" @> dniiwasel. Mr and~ Mrs Herbert Livingston are this week moving out of the fold home and will now reside in Hanover. He has engaged Mr Joseph Donnelly: to work his‘farm. On Wednesday evening of last week the Durham Presbyterian choir and a few other friends spent a pleasant evening with Mr_ and Mrs Geo Turnâ€" bull in their cozy new residence. Mr and Mrs Henry Reay are rejoicâ€" ing over the.arrival of a new boy into the family. A fow weeks ago Mr Wm Derby purchased a ‘ine 2â€"year old Yorkshire sow from the noted Stock raiser N J Davis. of Woodstock. Miss Mary A. Jones fiom Owen Sound paid her grandfather Mr John Hornsby and other friends a visit last week and returned on Monday. She reports all well. Mr Jolin Legate, of Greenside, has recently moved into town where he has secured a position in the Farniture factory. Jobn will work faithfully for all that is in him. Mr John Seott recently purchased a fine thorobred Durham Buall.. From a passing observation he seems to be possessed, to a marked exient, of the qualifications, as set forth at our recent Farmers Institute meceting. Mrs Joseph Moore is recovering nicely, we are pleased to say, from the recent operation performed. We conâ€" fidently hope she will be blessea with better healtfi than ever now. A eunsiderable amount of grip around, old and young alike affected. Mr Isaac Hooper together with his sister Mrs Joseph Lawrence lately reâ€" turned from a trip to Inglewood, visiâ€" ting their uncle John. Mr John M Lawrence has recently dispossd of all his horse flesh and has purchased sometbing younger, tresher, and more to his mind. _ He realized a good sum for is last team. Mr McCulloch, from Connor, lately visited his sisterâ€"inâ€"law Mrs Jas Baxâ€" ter. Mr and Mrs Geo Sharpe, Dundalk visited Mr and Mrs D P Coleridge Sunâ€" day last. » The predictions by I R Hicks as conâ€" tained in Review columns seem to come out alright, if it only continues. It will knock out the almanac and the observatory to which our government ys so much. . This will be a subject E)fi' our local farmer‘s association to investigate. ‘The Ebenezer Choir lately had a %{’nctice at the home of Mr and Mrs m Ramage. Mr Dan McKinnon w& hear contemâ€" plutes moving to the North West this spring, and another of our rising young men. Mr T Both well, may also go along. Glenelg and Efremont. 5th Classâ€" Hector McDonald. 4thâ€"John McXKinâ€" non, Luisa Hooper. Berthra Hooper, J. 8. McDermid, Sarah McKinnon. 3rdâ€" Alex. McEachern, Jos. C. Harrison, Melinda Graspy. Edna (i:nislett. Lizze McCuaifi. Harold McDerthid, Mary Mcâ€" Cuaig, Mary A. McEachern. Sr. 2ndâ€" John McEachern. Isaac Hooper. Charle McDonald. Jr.2ndâ€"Sarah McEachern, Wm. Hooper, Nellie Sullivan. Pt. 2nd â€"Katie McCunaig, Eddie Sullivan. Wx. L Drxox. Teacher. Report of S. 8. No. 1. Glenelg, for February, 4th Classâ€"Cassie Kennedy. Violet Britton, Kate McArthur, Annie McGillivray, Sr.3rdâ€"Sadie McKeown, Jesse Edwards. _ Laura McGillivray, Emima Beaton. Jr. 3rdâ€"Dayid Nichol. Mn{ Young, Maggie Young, Effie Mcâ€" Millen. Sr. 2ndâ€"Archie Kennedy. Jr. 2ndâ€"Amelia Rigby, Gertie McComb, Rohert McGiIIivruX. Jimmy McGilliâ€" vray. _ Sr. Pt 2ndâ€"Thomas Grasby, Eliza Jane Edwards, Ben Whitmore, Jr. Pt. 2ndâ€"Jessie Beaton, George Mcâ€" Innis, Wiltred Nichol. Average attenâ€" dance 30. Honor Roll for Feb. U. 8. 8. No. 10. Augkx. FirtH, Teacher. North Egremont. Vickers. â€"Norman Horsburgh, Fleming Reid. 8i 1lstâ€"Nellie Mutch, Nettie Troup, Johnnie Ross, Mary Alles. Jr Istâ€" Gland Hamilton, Annie Rogers, E. E. Rawx, Teacher, Re(gort of School 8. No. 2 Bentianck and Glenelg for the month of February, Sr. 4thâ€"Alfred McKechnie. Jr. 4thâ€" Agnes Ewen, Willie McKechnie, Earâ€" nest Moon. Sr, 3rdâ€"Madge Morton, Minnie Vessia. Etta Heugl‘:‘un, Elien Edge, Johnie Newell. Jr. â€"Arthur Ritchie, Neil McGillivyvary, Klias Edge. 8Sr. 2nd â€"Vila Mckechnie, Smith Ewen, Aurilia Dunsmwoor. Jr. 2ndâ€" Gertie Morton and Mable Wismer, eq. Pt. &td-â€"-Geog: Newell, And e"feuie. Herbie nsmoor. _ Sr. l;tâ€"â€"Annie Ewen. Jr. Istâ€"Willie Edge, Mable Report of School 8. No, 5. Glenelg for Februaary. _ 4th Classâ€"Willie Ryan, Earnest Cook, Geo, Tucker, Sr, sdaâ€" Davis Staples, Pery Hunt. Jr. 3rdâ€" Elmo Edwards, Edith Tucker, Cassie Ryan. _ Sr. 2n0dâ€"Stew art MeNally. Jr. 2ndâ€"Frank â€"Ryan, â€" Lorne _ MeNally, Dollie Anderson,. â€"8Sr, Pt. 2ndâ€"Basil Davis, Spencer Ed wards, Charlia Smith, Jr. Pt. 2ndâ€"Jenuy Cook, Ena McNally. W. J. Ritoni®, Teacher, Hutton Hill School Report for Febâ€"! ruary,. 4th Classâ€"George Hatton, Bella Petty, Dollie Hopkins, Joe Reid, Elsie Petty, Alice Lawrence. 3rd â€" Janie Milligan. Willie Morice, Selina Hopkins. 8r 2ndâ€"Will Noble, Bessie Milligan, Earle Vollet:, John Pelt?', Edna Reid. Jr 2ndâ€"Willhhe Wells, Rebecca Grierson, | Albert Webber, S8Sr_ Pt 2ndâ€"Percy | Aldred, Robbie Cuff, Victor Noble. _ Jr| Pt 2nd4d Aâ€"Bessie Webboer. Jr Pt2ud B| â€"Jean Picken, Leila May Vollett. 8r 1stâ€"Nina Noble. Jr 1stâ€"Herb Nohle.l Joux A, GRaAXAXM, Teacher, 1 Report of 8. 8. No. 9 Egremont for February. 4th Classâ€"Ethel Horsbus h.l Aunnie Reid. 8r Mâ€"A;fl}i{ Reid, !§elo lie Reid, Maud Eccles, Ruby Rogers, | Jr 3rdâ€"Laura Eccles, Norbhurn Horsâ€" | burgh, Edna Hamilton, Mildred Chrisâ€" | tie. â€"Sr. 2ndâ€"Jennie Mutch, Oll}o Reid, Hagh 4eid," Herey Hersburgh, Rred u id, orsburgh, | Ecc‘i:c. James Troup. _ 2nd f:’ 2ndâ€" Mary Muich, Nettre Rogn. Nettie | Hamiiton, Roy Reid. _8r Pt2ndâ€"Clarâ€" | ence Ross, :grue Whyte, Howard | Horsburgh. Fred Hamilton. _ Jr Pt Znd dn Axy I. Epor®, Teacher. Report of Boothville School for Januâ€" \ ary and Febraary, 5thâ€"Willie Knox, | JSohn Weir, _ 4thâ€" Maggis Campbeli, | Jessie Eecles, _8Sr 3rd â€"Emily Wilson, | Mary Wilson, Hugh McKechnie, Bessice \ Weir, _ Jr 3rdâ€"Arthur Knox, John ‘ Knox, Atex Haw and George Camn»‘â€" eq., Ida Wilson and Dancan Cjaa <4 . ]RulwlTE('Clt'!. Edwin Wilson,. _ Zndâ€" Jennie Clatrk, Lillie Sackett, Rovert Smail. _ Pt 2nd â€" CUlara Wilson, Eya \Haw egq.. Hardy Harrison _ 8Sr 1stâ€" Rob Camphbell and Jennie McCannel eg., Alma Knox and Bert Eecles eg,, .l::llm McCannel. [ntennediuteâ€"J(:‘m Wilâ€" son, Stanley? Williams. , tabies showing the growth of the Unit« |ed States A:g Canada Patent Offices. Geographical distribution of U. 8. and Canadian _ Patentees, distribution of CUauadian Patentees among the different countries, the Inventiveness of Canâ€" adian Provinces, the comparative Inâ€" ‘ventiveness of the United States and \Canada. the World‘s greatest invyentors and legal markings ’(:t' patented artiâ€" clés, in addition to the very fuil and useful deecription of the mcde of paâ€" tent and trademark procedure and the extensive equ:gment of Messrs. Marion |&l llu‘: ion fo:-. “eir“nk. .:‘ full Eilfiio ule of costs so given, & y |intaemttng list of some of the fi of invention in which thery have almo: .4 A NEAT BOOKLET ON PATENTS We have received from Messrs. Mariâ€" on & Marion, Patent Attorneys, of Montreal, an admirable cumgemf'um of condensed information on the subject of Patents and everyday statistical data, This little book, entitled * INâ€" VENTION," is just the proper size for the vest pocker, 24 x 4} inches, is bound in handsome celluloid covers, and conâ€" tains not only quadrilleâ€"ruled blank for memoranda, but also 28. pages of Enberutln( printed matteor inolinAiime quite a surprising amount of novel and useful information not llereglnn pub» lished. _ Among the items of informaâ€" tion contained in this compact little volume â€" are a::pbiull{ illustrated tables showing the growth of the Unit« v®= March 5, 1903 Mary Gorpox, Teacher * * > + e 14% K6 Py Oe < M € _# o |ecelaCeleale elecelece "F We A ts AYs 4y 6: _XHK @â€" WFPDPINC us ie n VOL. Phone \ € 3 [fw) ply Stationery For Samples, select from. 4 NXEW sPJI Dox*‘*T 11 MEX‘s stt xEX *# $ * $ ut n 3 y at a peop by t them are t pair. SEE T.\j We sacki SUI what \W New Emt The That 1eÂ¥ hn« omm wC tSt NO

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