West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Mar 1903, p. 1

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AsX TeE T i s s s o $ *.* aMe latelaela Fale Te |avala‘Ca|anela onla ce a ce a%e ane‘a "ole "a o "e on e a So e "ala Colavela bo a%ale ColaCola So|asala%e «l4 YE +6 LE $ WHATS NEW? VOL. 3 jo ie syp uim aiEatruye resteate 1mirv>r flnwfdtdmknm“flflmfflfim; DoNxX‘T IMAGINE That the New Hats we‘re showing for Spring wear will never go out of style, but they are the Correct Styles for the Spring Season of 1903. @ MEX‘S sSUITINGS %e84s8848 NEW SPRING »ILKS and WAIST GOODS N EW Taks Ames Holden Co. Remember the place Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. ‘They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agentsâ€"for Durham. Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. SEE OUR DISPLAY| OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANUâ€" FACTURED BY THE We claim to put up the best values in Worsteds and Tweeds that you can get in Durham. _ The new designs for Spring are in and OUR SUITINGS WILL SUIT YOU,. S§84A448%14% TABL®E LINENXS and TOWELS We have just stocked some Extra Special Values in these Goods. _ Now is the time to replenish your linen supply. The latest designs and colors in plain and fancy Silks and Embroidered Cashmeres for Spring wear. Come to this Store and let us show you what‘s new in SUITINGS and DRESS GOODS. We have everything New that counts. Here are a few, Homespuns, Hopâ€" sacking, Zibeline, Satin Cloth, Voile Taffeta, Fancy Lustre, Grenadines, Snow Flake effects, &c., &c. â€" Select what you want and we‘ll see that the price is alright. B 0 O T S Wili use you Right ‘ITty Him, A ames â€" Sretand ames JIretand Rubbers cxpytpieuiGuy ye Yutea|cJtEycginuieutevbatcanuy: iescs 14 i tapanvevenreoereaeoncr THE POPULAP CASH STORE THE POPULAR CASH STORE. < NO 1 B%88%% % StA88 38 ¢ LAIDLAW‘S Old Stand oM echnie. oK echnie. DuATNG E |_ Big four lb bar soap for 20c and two lb ; | bar for 10c. «1t Grant‘s. !i A Pastor RESIGNS.â€"Rev. Mr. Graâ€" , ham, Dornoch. has placed his resignaâ€" | tion in the hands of Owen Sound Presâ€" bytery. and in about two weeks more the official separation will {take place. ‘Mr. Graham has been a hard working pastor. faithful and earnest in his ministrations and many will be the regrets at losing him and his amiable ‘wife and family, The best of gnod { wishes will be extended to them for a ‘ bright future in the West. to which we | belieye Mr. Graham is going. | _ On Sunday evening a service of uâ€" | nique and interesting character will be | held in the Methodist Church. The service throughout will be conducâ€" ted by the young ladies of the church. ! Music with full chorus. duet and quarâ€" | tette will be rendered. The pastor will [speak on the subject * Womenâ€"and | others". _ A welcome, especially for |\ strangers, obliging ushers, seats free, hyimn books provided. k hT y Hepworth is petitioning for incorporâ€" ‘ation under a special act. â€" Prominent among the petitioners are Messrs. J. P. | Whelan and E. W, Geddes, both well ‘known here. |__Twin City Herb Food, 4 lbs for 25 cts, at Grant‘s. â€"_ Suvcorssrct MretInas.â€"The meetâ€" <ings in the Baptist Church are suill in | progress this week,. and are being well attended, Dr. Spencer is an able | preacher of the gospel and presents the ; truth with force and clearness. We will pay $3.00 per week and comâ€" mission to any young lady that will take orders for old silver ware to be resilverâ€" plated. For particulars address Ward and Co‘s, Gold and Silyer Plating | Works, 249 Colborne St,, Brantford, | _ Pearcey‘s celebrated paints in cans, at | MacFarlane‘s Drug Store. & 2 A NEw Firx.â€"By advertisement in this issue it will be seen that the old store at Dromore is again in the hands of a Taylor. Mrs. Taylor and son Robert we suppose making the "Taylor & Co." Robert has acquired considerable exâ€" perience at the counter and we trust he may worthily follow in his father‘s footsteps. Dromore has now two good stores, Mr. J. M. Findlay occupying the fine new building he lately erected. The Monthly Literary meeting ot the Presbyterian Guild on Monday night took the form of a debate on * Have Tradesâ€"Unions been a benefit." The Affirmatiye was supported by Messrs Baker and Ramage the negative by Rev. Mr. Farqubarson and Mr. Dunn. Valâ€" iant work was done by the respective champions, of course, and a committee consisting of Messrs Brooker, Dee and Mason all of the Cement works, gave their decision in favor of the affirmaâ€" tive, while pointing out weaknessess on both sides. Mr. W. 8. Davidson acted Mr. Joux ConrsETt.â€"This gentleman, father of Mrs, J. P. Telford of our town, died on Wednesday of last week from a severe attack of bronchitis, following a period of delicate health. He was a wellâ€"known and highly respected citizen and was for many years a prominent foundryman as senior member of the firm of George Corbet and Sons. He was 68 years of age and leaves as chief mourners, his wife, 3 soms and 4 daughâ€" ters. as chairman and instrumentals were giyen by Miss M, Gun and Miss Jessie Farquharson. I BHen Nevis Camp meets Mar. 13. Rev | Dr, Spencer, conducting special meetâ€" | ings here is a brothet and would like to | meet with the camp, A Babp FALL.â€"Last Monday, Mrs. Cope slipped on ice and in falling disloâ€" cated her arm at the shoulder. _ This, following some weeks illness from which she 1s just recoyering, is a very serious affair to the good lady and we hope she may get over it soon. AT THE CEMEXNT Works.â€"With the advyent of spring or springâ€"like weather renewed activity is taking place at the works. _ Several cars of sement have been shipped and of course many more are to follow. â€" Special train doads of coal came in nearly every day last week and hooting on the switch line at night betokens long days at the marl. Five or six of the rotaries are running this week. Fot tickets or any information re the | West see R. MacFarlane Jr. 4 |_New upâ€"toâ€"date Hats, soft or stiif, | at Grant‘s. \â€" GIRL WAXNTRD.â€"For general house ; work. Apply to Mrs Jno. Ehrbardt, | McKechnie Block, Upper Town. Fancy Export Clover and other grass seedsâ€"at MacFarlane‘s Drug Store. 2 DURHAM, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1903. tsMc U w | ts ZaIEOPICS e PV m Keviemw. The Monetary Times, one of the leading financial authorities in the country, has the following article in its last issue nailing a slander : We have â€"seen an article on ceâ€" ment appearing in the Peterboro Times of February 6th, signed, "An old Subscriber,‘‘ which, we are told, has been widely circulated in other Canaâ€" dian papers The writer evidenily had not the courage to sig: his name and certainly could not promgted by his interest in the investing public, but is apparently interested in the ceâ€" ment business, and seeks to mislead the public by a statement of untruths and malicions references to well known business men, who are connected with the cement industry at Durham, Ont. His data are not correct as to the proâ€" duction and consumption of cement in A Loxa StEr.â€"The reproach that Canadians receive most of their cable news from United States journals is beâ€" ing steadily removed., An important step in this direction is indicated by the announcement of the Montreal Daily Herald that it has in collaboration with a Toronto contemporary made arrangeâ€" ments for a daily cable service from London. An exPerienced journalist will act as the Herald‘s representative, and all eyents of importance to the Empire. and particular'lly to Canada, will be reâ€" corded daily. These despatches will cerâ€" tainly read better to Canadian eyes than those saturated with American sentiâ€" ment that too frequently appear in our Canadian papers. ‘And it came to pass that after he had advertised his goods there came unto him great maultitudes from all the regions round about and did , luy of him. And when his competitors saw it they marvelled among themselves, saying. "How be it that this man is busy while we have to loaf about our doors ?" And he spake unto them sayâ€" ing, * Verily, verily, I say unto you, in this fast age of push and rustle it is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a business man to flourâ€" ish without adyvertising." The members of the junior League entertained their friends to a * pleasant hour " in the basement of the Methodist Church on Monday night consisting of a number of choruses, part songs, whistling interludes, the topic for the week by Jessie C«ton and a number of choice selections on the phonograph by W. J. Glass, _ Misses Bertha Sparling and Rita Irwin, as organists, played the instrumental â€" accompaniments. The room was crowded with parents and friends who were highly delighted with the efforts of the young folks. The Public Meeting on Friday evenâ€" ing is being anxiously looked for, for out of it, it is believed is to come or not to come the advice that will lead our council to municipal ownership. _ We hope all will go with an earnest desire to do what is best for the town, though it would be too much to hope that all would be of one mind. The attendance should be large and representative. Ho For PricEvitL®.â€"â€"Monday evenâ€" ing next March 16th, the Annual Social Tea and Concert &¢ will be held in the 8St, Columba Church, Priceville. when in addition to musi¢ hy Dromore choir, local artists, and others, there will be adaresses by Rey., John Little, Holstem, Rev, Finlay Matheson. Chatsworth, who will speak on *The Crofters of the West," Rey, Mr, Varley and others Dr. Hutton is to be chairman. _ Admisâ€" sion 25¢ and 15c. Mr. H. H. Mockler makes his bow to our readers in this issue, having last Saturday opened up in the old stand with goods purchased at a valuation and invites the public with confidence to share in the values going. Bert, to use the old name once more, is one of onur popular young men and we wish for him hearty success, Ax Earry BrEaix Ur.â€"The thaw. begun eaily last week, has steadily con tinued and with occasional dashes of rain has effectually broken up the sleighing for the first time during the winter, The Saugeen is down in flood and the dam is a picturesque sight. The two churches, Anglican and Pres. byterian, though. on a hill, have not been able to let their light shine for the two last Sunday evenings owing to electric breakâ€"downs of some ‘kind. _ A good deal of inconvenience and discomâ€" fort is thereby caused the worshippers. Tiy®" MacFarlane‘s Grip Tablets®fo Colds, 25¢ a box. We baye what you have been looking forâ€"a good Cattle Spice, 4 lbs for 2% cts. at Grant‘s. Our New Wall Papers are now in and are much admired by all who have seen them. _ Let us show you the pleasâ€" ing effects. MacFarlane & Co. The election in A. Ontario, Tuesday, resulted in the election of Grant, the Liberal candidate. by 200 majorit ¢. A First Class Tailoress wanted, apâ€" ply to J. A. G1ass, Merchant ‘Lailor. GEO. 6. FOSTER DEEKEATED. A MISLEADING ARTICLE. m litive weka e Y 5 Niz We will be glad to meet all old customers and it will be our aim to merit a continuance of their trade by keeping good goods and selling them at right prices. We beg to inform the residents of Dromore and vicinity that we have gone into business at the old stand, the wellâ€"known * Taylor‘s Store,"* and have opened up a General Assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes Readyâ€"made Clothing and Hardware, Your inspection of our values is kindly invited. Containing 131 acres, being the north haif of Lots 21 and 22, Con,. 22, Tp. of Egremont, in the County of Grey. For particulars apply to _ J. MuirR, By authority of the council a meeting of the ratepayers of the Town of Duarâ€" ham is called for FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1903 at 8 p. m., in the Town Hali, to discuss the question of Municipal Lighting. THE OLD STORE DROMORE add will be sincerely mourned by her daughter â€" Mrs, McKinnon, her sons, Thos, and Samuel, and other relatives and descendants. She was in her 77th year. was a faithful member of the Baptist Church, and died at peace with all the world. She was buried Tuesday in Truuinity Church cemetery, Rev. Mr. Newton conducting the services, amid a large concourse of friends and neighâ€" bors, He was assisted by Rev, Mr. Farqubarson, â€" who impressively adâ€" dressed the mourners in the Baptist church. PRIELâ€"In Hollanc, on Feb. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Priel, a daughter, ALEXANDERâ€"In Bentinck, on Feb. 20, to Mr and Mrs H. Alexander, a daughâ€" ter. LEDINXGHAMâ€"In Glenelg, on Feb, 25. to Mr and Mrs James Ledingham, a son. Sunday . mornmg last this estimable lady passed over the great diyide just 24 days after her husband, so short has been the separation caused by death. During her husband‘s last illness she was ever the faithful wife and watcher, and no doubt the reaction after his death on a weakened yitality rendercd her anable to throw off an attack of pneamonia and it has carried her off. She was a woman of a sweet disposition This article refors to the Monetary Times‘ article on the same subject pubâ€" lished in December, but fauls to cal! uttefiion to the more recent article published by us atter a thorough inâ€" vestigation, which was given to our readers in the issue of Jan. 1(th. We areas anxious as any bod y that unlikeâ€" 1y industrial projects shall be discour aged. â€"and | "iake" ones exposed, but we have no sympathy with writers who indualge in personal abuse or who make mountains of untruth out of mole hills cf probability in order to gain a point. _ We see no reason to doubt that the organization, which has built the cement mill at Durham besides several other suceessful ones in United States are entitled to the confidence of the public. . And we consider that there is room in Canada for more cament mills than now exist. Whas is essential, however, is that such mills should be fitly placed, prupo'l"i v bmltâ€", and econâ€" omically managed." # His reference to the gentlemen of | the Durham enterprise is clearly libelâ€" ous, and insults the intelligence and | honesty of business men in Canada, | who have built a spiendid modern 2e ment mill, and who know that it has ‘ been honestlyv and economically built | and every dollar accounted for. _ We have good reason to believye that the: organization that built the mill at Durâ€" bam are in no way interested, as the ‘ writer of that article intimates, in proâ€" moting any other cement mills in Canâ€" ada, except Durham and Hall plants. | Canada, or. the number of plants and | their outpats. Of the ten concerns‘ named in that article as producing | mil‘s in 1903, not one of them is a proâ€" during mill for this year and three of| them are not even incorporated. while | several of the others have not got beâ€"| yond the paper stage, | Mrs. Alex. MecComb Passes Away. Fazm for Sale. PUBLIC MEETING. â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"_* § 4..â€"â€"_._ 31 Coolmine Ave., Toronto, Wa B. VouurEtt, Cleak. TORONTO BORN d | non, Lot 20, Con 24, Egremont, will sell Farm Stock and Implements on above date. Terms, &c, next week in paper and on posters. D. McPram, Moxnaxy, Marc# 16. â€"Mr Alex Binnie Lots 2 and 3, Con 2, N D R, Glenelg, ofâ€" fers for sale on above date his tarm stock, implements, &c, Proprietor is moving to town. Sale at one o‘clock. Terms 11 mos, 5 per cent discount for cash, See bills. Hugh MacKay, Taursoay, Marca 26. â€"Mr, Thomas Bovhwell, Lot 17, Con 22, Egremont will haye an extensive Auction Sale oz' Stock and Implements on above date, Particulars later. See posters. FKIDAY, MARCH 13. Mr. Jas. R. Ledingham, Lot 32, Con. 14, Bentinck, offers for sale on above date, some fancy horses, 26 cattle, cowsand young stock, sheep, pigs, hens, &e _ Also some very valuable implements and farm necessities of yarious kinds. Everything must be sold as the proâ€" g‘rlemr is going west. Sale at 1 p. m. erms 11 mos., 5 per cent discount for cash. See posters. R. B. KEELBR & SON k KEBELER‘S TurEspay, Marcn 24.â€"â€"Mr D McKin Everybody says Keeler must fix my watch. * If your W atch or Clock is sick Keeler the Jeweller can make it tick; If you need a pair of Spectacles Keeler can suit you. We guarantee to make you see as good as you ever saw. _ Hundreds of frames to choose from. For Big Bargains in Watches, Clocks, _ Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, &c. MacFarlane & (o., peCre Druggists & Booksellers. Choice Timothy, Orâ€" chard _ and _ Other Grasses We aim to supply onâ€" ly the purest Seeds and true to name if quality is a considerâ€" ation with you as it shoul. be. Fancy Export Red, Mammoth, _ Alsike, Lmcerne, White Dutch and Other Clovers, . D. McPram, Auctioncer. SALE REGISTER. JEWELERY CHAS RAMAGE, Prrxter aspo Posursn®er J. WerxErRt, Auctioneer O¢ t 1 ie t 0 U 5 at lowest prices. Auctionecer. Auctioneer. STORE 4 §

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