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Durham Review (1897), 12 Mar 1903, p. 4

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Bd A Fine Shipment of RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES. at RIGHT PRICES. a_ HOUSE, JUST TO HANd! Everyone has heard of the famous We have a full Assortment. Call and see Them. Sewing Mzachine Needles, and all Supplies will be sold pEERIM John Clark. Glary Stoves. Have : Your Choice ! ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO A large number of the friends and| Mrs. T. C. Smith and daughters, of neighbors of Mr. Thos. Knox met at the : Chatham, Miss Bell Ross and Messrs church at Swinton Park recently to: Chas,. Sterling and Wm. Mills of Tilbury express their regret, at his removal from | East, Miss Jennie Little, of Holstsin, their neighborhood and co wish him| Mr. and Mrs, T. Scott, Chatsworth. well in his future. Rev. Mr. Matheson | The bride received many beautiful presâ€" was spokesman for the occasion and in ; ents. The going away ({ress of the bride complimentary terms referred to the; was nayy blue cloth with a blouse of personality and work of Mr. Knox. He *):llt‘ blue silk, Mr. and Mrs. Ross left had been a faithful 8. 8. Superinten= in the after noon for a trip to Owen dent here and he was sure in the new Sound. They leave for their home in and perhaps needier field, he would still Tilbury East on Wednesday Mar. 11th, Mr, Thos, McComb, wife and daughâ€" ter, _ Williamsford, and his brother Samuel of Palimerston, attended the funeral of their sister Mrs. Alex. Meâ€" Comb, Tuesday. Mr. Robert Gray,.Fort William, came home last week to visit his mother and other friends around. â€" He looks as if his life in the twin cities agreed with him and leaves Wednesday for Toronce and Hamilton before returning. Revy. Dr. Spencer, will speak in the Baptist Church toâ€"night, Thursday, on * Is the Bible the Word of God ?" and on Friday eyeniog on *The Signs of the Times." On Sunday morning he has *A message to the Church" and in the eyening talks on "Heaven ; and how to get there." A Children‘s serâ€" vice is arranged for 4.15 p. in. on Friâ€" day. [ * DIED. CAMPBELLâ€"On Feb. 17 1903, at St. Michaels Hospital Toronto after a lingering illness burne with Christian resignation, Mary 4. Campbell, aged 49 years. eldest daughter of Mr. John Cammpbell, Swinton Pask, Proton. PRESENTATION To MR. THOS. KNOX. a it THE PURHAM REVIEW ++ ++ | Mr. Knox replied, disclaming any ispecia.l worthiness on his part but ‘ warmly thanking them for the acknowâ€" \ledgement. He urged them to maintain (the Sunday School in itull vigor, and was sure that worthy successors would | be found to take his place. find opening for his usefuiness. He left behind many warmâ€"bearted friends, who would rejoice to hear of his future success, As n token of respect from nmndy frierds, a wellâ€"filled purse was handedto him. Mr, John Aldcorn, on behalf of the Managers expressed their regrets at l(;rsil_rg such a valued worker in church affairs. The home of Mr and Mrs Jno W Walls, 0. 8. R., was. on Wednesday, Feb. 25th, the scene of a very prettvy wedding, when Carson E. Smith, a sturdy yourg farmer, of the township of Vaughan, was united in the bonds of matrimony to Mabe!l Florence, their second daughter. The ceremony was ,lx‘erformed at 12 o‘clock hy Rev. J. ruax, of Holstein, in the presence of about thirty of the bride‘s more intimate friends. While the wedding march was played by Mrs McDonald, of Toronto Junction, the bride entered the rcom leaning on ber father‘s arm and accomâ€" panied by her sister Eva, each carrying a boquet of white? carnations. The groom was assisted by Mr. Bert Cousins, of Toronto Junction. The bride looked charming in a dress of cream p »plinette trimmed with white silk, ribbon and pearls. The bridesâ€" maid‘s dress was blue trimmed with white silk. The ceremony and congrations over, an excellent dinner was seryed after which the afternoon was spent in social conversation, music and singing The groom‘s present to the bride was a pearl crescent breastâ€"pin, to the bridesâ€" maid a gold breastâ€"pin and to the younâ€" ger sister, Vanessa, a silyer Fleurâ€"deâ€"lis. The groomsman‘s present to the bride was a parior rocking chair and to the bridesmaid a silver cresent pin. Followâ€" ing mre the other presents : het brothers lamp and workbox; her sisters, set table mats and dresser set ; her rnrents. Bedâ€" room suite ; Mrs. McDonala, china bedâ€" room set; Mrs. Cousins, parlor table; Mr Wm Crawford, glass lemon set ; Messrs and Mrs Eurig, glass water set ; Mr and Misses Dickie, a parlor lamp ; Mrs Hes, pair handâ€"painted tray cIo(Ls and table cloth; Mr }({)OI)L Iles, a silver pickle cruet Mr and Mrs Huble, a table cloth ; Mts. Arnott, a handâ€"worked cushion cover, Mr and Miss Cowan, a table cover; Miss Dawson, a sitver rimmed salad bow!l; Mr and Mrs Dicksou, a table cloth; Mr and Mro Callfas, a china salad set; Mrs Cardâ€" well, two silver fruit spoons; Mr Henry Rogers, dozen fruit servers; Mrand Miss Nightingale, a four piece gilt glass set. At 4 o‘clock Mr. and Mrs. Smith startâ€" ed for their home new® Woodbridge. They were accompanied to the station by most of the guests and were given a right hearty sendâ€"off on the 451 C. P. R. train smidst showers of rice and good wishes. on _ Wednesday, March 4th at high noon, River Bank Farm, Dornoch, the residence of the bride‘s brother, when Elsie Margarette. youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Wim. Smith, Dornoch, was martied to Mr. W. Gorden Ross, of Tilbury East. The service was conducâ€" ted by Rev. J. F.,8mith, M. D. of Bradâ€" ford, brother of the bride, assissted by Rev, Wn. Graham of _ Presbyterian Church, Dornoch. The bride‘s dress was of white linen lawn trimmed with yalâ€" encienes lace and insertion,. A small wreath of orange blossoms was worn in her hair while she carried a boquet of white carnations, _The bridesmaid, Miss Jennie Litte, of Holstein, wore white linen lawn with trimmings of valenâ€" cienes lace and insertion and pale blue ribbon. The best man was Mr Chas. Sterling of Tilbury East, cousin of the groom. â€" The guests numbered about twenty consisting almost entirely of the relatiyes. _Those from a distance were : Rev. J. F. Smith, M. N. of Bradford, Mrs. T. C. Smith and daughters, of Chatham, Miss Bell Ross and Messrs Chas, Sterling and Wim. Mills of Tilbury East, Miss Jennuie Little, of Holstein, A very quiet wedding was celebrated WEDDING BELLS. â€"â€" â€" + 04 Rossâ€"SxiTH. HYMENEAL We have just gone through our Stock and are determined to reduce it. In order io do so. we have decided to give you some bargains. . Below wilj be found a few of our special prices :â€" For Sale at W. Black‘s Store. Lead Pencil...o1c Leather Mitts .. 20° 2 Pocket Knives o5 Razor Hones....20 3 Line Snaps...o5 Clothes Basket..e5 Mouse Trap.... o5 String of Bells.. 25 AxleGrease....0§ Razor .......... 35 Curry Comb ...o5 Fancy Bedroom Scrub Brush ...o07 .....Lamp 35 Black jack Stove Saw Horse...... 30 Scrub Brush ...o07 .... . Lamp 3§ Black jack Stove Saw Horse...... 30 .... Polish 10 Furnace Scoop ..35 Tack Hammer .10 Leather Halter ..40 Whip Lash .... 10 Horse Cover .... 50 Axe Handle.... 10 Ironed whiffietreeso Cloth Brush ... 10 Meat Cutter. .... 65 3 Lamp glasses. 10 Horse Clipper...7§ Candle Lantern.15 Dash Churn...1.25 Wash Board. .. 154 Carpet Sweeper 1. 50 Monkey wrench 20 Revolver ......1.7§ Broom..... .... 20 Family Scale..2.00 Bag Holder.... z0 Clothes wringer2.25§ HARDW ARE JEWELERY! Watches, Clocks, Rings, ‘Spex, Flatware and Silverware. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. Direct Importations from European. American and Canadian Quarries, W. BLACK. DVRIAM MARBLE WORKS CALDWELL‘S LIVERY STAELE (Opposite Middaugh House) LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. al Practical Watchmaker. 30 Years‘ Experience. ROBINSON & CORBET, rew CGons Stove Coat in Stook . We have secured a few more 50 lb. pkgs., of Sarnia Herring, These are extra quality, large, clean Fish, $2.50. J BURNETT. So confident are we of the Superior Quality of our Twenty Five Ct. Black and Japan TEAS that if you try them you will find they equal to any Thirtyâ€"Five or Forty Ct. Teas on the market. We keep Quaker and Tillson‘s Oats in pkgs. also Tillson‘s in Bulk at 8 1bs for 25C. TRY THEM YOURSELE. DONT TAKE A. GORDON, OUR WORD FOR IT UPPER TOWN. that makes your horses glad. In every town and village _ may be had, K.c\ the Mica ... . . Lamp Horse...... ace Scoop .. her Halter .. e Cover .... P roprietors. aie e CAUTIO US Carefully consider where they do their: business. . Many of these men go to H H. MILLER, the Hanover: Conyeyancer, even though it meaus a few" miles of a driye. They suay that be is * Always prompe,â€"never negligent." that ne bas had 22 years experience and that it, PAYS TO DEAL WITH HIM. He is uow offering for Bale : THE MALCOLM CAMERON 100 acres on Garafraxa _A good farm with fine buildisgs. Offered yery cheap as \r. Cameron has goune west. E. P &‘ The T. 0. Stewart Farm, Lot 16, Con. 2, W. G. K. Bentinck ; 100 acres with about 30 cleared ; frame house and other buildings. Said to have a lot of very fine hardwood timber. ______ C A 100 Acres in Bentinck. In excellent state, good hbuildings and fences, good suil, School and Church close at hand, Post Office on the farm. CwWnergetting.: up in years and bound to sell. MONEY 1O LEND,â€" DEBTS COLLECTED,â€" LANDS BOUGHT & SOLD,â€" Every kiud of financial busine=s transacâ€" YOU NEED A CUTIT8R And of course you want the best that‘s going, Call and see our new stock, made by And warranted, good, easy ridâ€" ing, and at reasonable prices. We have still a full line of Peter Hamilton Machines, Binders, Mowâ€" ers and Drills. Examine â€" our Churns too which we offer at right prices. Purify your animals‘ blood before turning them on the grass. They will surprise you in the Fall. 10 lb box, 200 feeds, 50c.; 50 lb. sack $2. MANUFACTURED BY I had a mare stocked in both legs. _ Worâ€" thlngton‘a Btock Food took it down completely and put her in good condition. It has done my cows good. Think it is a good thing and can recommend it. B.CHURCHILL, Dairyman. Clinton, Jan. 17th, 1903. We are at the shop at the bridge evâ€" ery Wednesday and Saturday. Orâ€" ders or enquiries left at C. MceArthur‘s store, or at the REvirw OFFICE, will receive our best attention. Greenbank P. O., Feb, 23, 1903 DEAR SIR.â€" I have fed your Stock Tonic to cattle and like it yery much." It makes them thrive well and R( on flesh more rapidly, 1 think it is the best micl have fed to horses, We are also feeding it to our hens this winter and they are laying better th an they have done for a long time, It pays to feed it. Yours truly, j lt JAMES LEASK. 0 Worthington‘s Canadian Stock Tonic James Leask, breeder and feeder of the sweepstake fat cattle at Provincial Winter Fair of 1901 and 1902 smy® : DEAR Si®â€" _ _ f Successful Men What Others say GRAY OF CHATHAN For Sale and guaranteed by : A, S. Hunter, DVURHAM. Wm. Seaman, HOLSTEIN. A. B. McARTHUR The Worthington Drug Co.. GUELPH, Ont. Also another Shipment of the renowned and upâ€"toâ€"date Karn Organs. Call and test them, theyare open for inspecâ€" tion. & JSarn Organs _»~ March 12, 1963 ramous Just arrived at the Show Romos of Barclay & Bell, a Carâ€" load _ the Ready for 3 pring Addre«s.â€"H. H. MILLER, Lock Drawer 28, Hanover, Ont. Agents. Show Rooms opposite Midâ€" ugh Stables, Lambton St. Tudhope rade Calder‘s Block, And "THE SVHO W. . B HE SE is with Srives ‘T‘. xO Calder‘s Block Next WINTER fl * /70"_‘?7/;;.‘- @//,/’///z/./l Owen sound BEGINS JANUA! ano upâ€"t T. NO fic« White Counters Table Oileloth 4. F.Ol:l' OQil sloth 1 T('i'('l ball lic' 8 for 5, Wim Soap b¢ tor a and â€" Medica a cake or 3 f. Fine Table Ib Tins. Salada Cer at 25¢, Oe ar TWEEDS & Flannellette B A Fine lLine «f ishoed Glasswoare i Cake Stands, 3 Bowis, Syrup J 4 Bets, each set k kets GROCERIE OC & :We oo) |MSD roven Als Int of term be The sch and Matric« Competcl THOS. . MISS LJ Wm . Johnston , irou S J °[ ) Durham We can AT THE OLD look in our : ¢rv d yyorr wg gatas for y _ BIG . SG March 12. DRY $ 907 OLf bhest qui Call and s« Staff and E Chal FLEMING FEF ed~ Oof: 0 & 6 * 8y OoOoDs O

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