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Durham Review (1897), 12 Mar 1903, p. 5

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re they do their ELE: . Ha ED TU L JR H A M OLSTEI O US 1(%) »d, easy ridâ€" nable prices. line of Peter Binders. Mowâ€" ian Stock Tonlc Drug Co.. Int. HATHAM RTHUR rs say osite Mid on St. rents Cw 1¢ & Ne Nurt N 811 CUTTER Men t In excellent fences, good ose at hand, wner getting Xf BELL I & SOLD HIM want the Call and made by 100 acres with fine y as â€" Mr. A1D res H ianover us a few ver, Ont. it." that nd that 16 transac will (Or with t her rigcht On our Calder‘s Block, â€" Durham W. H. BEAN And look in our <rd yon.w gatas for y HE SELLS CHEAP. with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm I1mplements, Famous Tudhope Cutters, Bishep Robes, Fur Coats, &c Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Bros.‘ Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton‘s Implements, Adam‘s Sleichs THE SHOEMANX 0 4& 6 & @ Proven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. BEGINS JANUARY 2, 1903. (g â€" NonmiPa®.". Owen sound, Ont., TWEEDS & YARNS CROCERIES <&.We osk Inspection of our THS T. NOBLE at 2 kQ"\ Our Courses in both BUSALSD ind SHORTHAND Departments are pâ€"toâ€"date, thorou gh and emplt The demand for young men as of. ce assistants is greater than the supply ‘ireculars and full particulars free. Address C. A. FLEMING, Principal. Wm. Johnston, Chairman. Intending Students should enter at beg! ) term, or as soon after as possible. Staff and Equipment. The School is equipped for full Junior Le ind Matriculation work, under the following Competent Teachers for that Department : THOS. ALLAN, Principal. * MISS LICK, B. A., Classics and Moderns. White Counterpanes each ... ... 85e Table Oileloth 45 in. wide per yd 25¢ Flour Oilcloth 1 yd wide, per yd 25¢ Flanneilette Blankets, large size, a pair $1 00 * The Implement Man *‘ asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the ‘ate firm. â€" He can be found alder‘s Blockâ€" Next the Post Office Durham Schnool WINTER TERM We can give you Bargain‘ STOP 1 PEFI ,, AT . SCoOTT. pRY GOODS, CROCKERY, {90TS & SHOES, &e., T. NOBLE Of best quality. March 12. 1903 00 ~ os Call and see us THE QOGLD STAND ~â€"> K, B 'Ai.. Clu'sics and Moderns FEES : §1.00 per month . i our Store Window u. will see barâ€" for your life. AT THE in both BUSINESS d for full Junior Leaving under the following Staff C. L. Grant, _ ; disease. at beginning i18 McKenzieâ€"â€"Bestâ€"That MriM K Ruckâ€" ardson, the representative of the South Ruding of Gey in the Dominion House, be anu is hereby freque=ted to nssist the directors of the Huron and Ont«rio elecâ€" tric ra«ilway company in obtaizivg an extenson of their charter tor which they ure applyiung aq the approaching session of Parlkhament. â€" Carried. MeKenzieâ€"(tibsonâ€"That owing to the present condition of our aesessment laws axricultme Las bedu made to bear an unâ€" eqnai burden of taxation, we therefore nige that our representatives in parliaâ€" ment haye the laws so »mended that the property ot ruilroads and other puablic service corporations should be amsessed for the same provortion of yaine as the property (f privaie individnais and taxa« tion place t upon a more eqnal basis and that a copy of this resofutton be sent to I 1 Lncas, Esq., M. P. P. Carried. Conncil adjourned. wVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS® T J Coleman. H D Irwin, J Hili, W Purvic, Frea Brown, John Chard, L Fisâ€" ber W J Moore, Geoâ€" Baonon. Edwaâ€"d Patton, Ho H Galiagoer, Jas Foswer. W MelLaugiey, W Carter, W J Cargo, Jacob Thowpsou, 1t MeGruther, Thos Henry, J J Brown, EF Shier, Jas Cornfiela, W J Mullen. Wim Reid, Jo« Dowsett, en White, l M Biaek, Frank Carns, D Me McLeod, tieo N ceKenzie, P Quigg, Wm Bluackburn,. Alex Hopwkins, Jos Treifors, Doagal MeLean, ‘lector MceKinnou, Dan Whyte, M Wilimmson, Jas Rerd, John Vause. WA Morton. Archie MeLean, Ju« Muirâ€"MeKenuzie!:â€" That $150 be apâ€" propriated for putting crushed »tone on rcad leading to EFlesherton station west of the limit of Flesherton, the police trusâ€" tees of Flesherton having appropriated $400 withiv their limits, and the commnâ€" stoner ot Div 3 having agreed to expend $150 ont of his appropriation on the same roud, thns special rraut an.d commission to be npplied outside the villsge Iimits, Carmed. Whyte, M Wilimmson, Jas Rerd, John Vause. W A Morton. Archie MeLean, Ju« Paton. Archie Curme. Robt Qluyer, Don Campbeil, Alex Stewart, A Purdy,. Jas Jolhnston,. A 8 Hazard. P B Purdy, Jas Fisher, W R Stmmuons, Sammel Pedtlar, j¢., Thowas Sul iran, Isarne Smiih, Thomas Fisher, Thomas Betis,. Wmm H Sm sh.,G Meldrum, Jas MceGee, Robt Plaakt, Thos Genve, Jacob H Holloy, Samuel Gilbert, Leonard Latimez. Geo Gordon. 1t Cooper, Oshwald © Walker, â€"Arthur Sewell, John Bramff, AMlex Carenthers, G L Latimer, Jobhn Bovd, Wmm Trimble, A Wilson. G Bowles. Rotbt Legate, Heury Tucker, Jno Adams. Jolin Mceuee, Chas Waison, Robt Neilson, W C Han‘ey, Edward Armmâ€"trong, Robts Akiti, Thos Thorobury, Pawick Ryan, Jos Ferris. John Roland, Irwin Fawcett, Edward Legard. by hbhlim to Mrs Atlan tor railway fare. Gibsouâ€"Muirâ€"That owing to the tobal d savtlity of Fred Gee he Jbe aliowed ten doliars pet imonth instead of six as s% presout. â€" Carried. Gibsonâ€"Muirâ€"IFhat the account of Joln C. Wright,. $2, for tile be pard. Carddeda. UGitbsouâ€"Muairâ€"That theaccount of W im Dayis, wood tor township hall, $19.50 be parnd _ Carried, 19y 4aws No 6%4, to appoint wunicipal officers, and €25, to apporiut road commtsâ€" siimers, were introdgaced and read a first ant secound time _ By law 625 was read a third trme, aud 624 was bela ffor comple. tou until neXt meeting of councl. Gibsonâ€"Muirâ€"That the clerk be paid §20 8>, being registrar‘s feea for 190%, as certifind to by Dr Bbryce. Carried. Mchkenzioâ€"Beâ€"tâ€"That the reeve; be reimbursed $2 65, beingy amount advanced by blus to Mrs Atian for railWay fare. of â€"Artemesia u et in the town uall, Fieâ€"hâ€" erton, on Mondsaâ€", the secoud day oi March, A. D.. 1908. ‘Ine members were all present, the reeve in tus Schair. â€" Miuâ€" utes of sessiou of Feb 2, 1903, rere read aud confirmed. ‘Lhe following c â€"rmmuuiâ€" Ccatiobs were presented and read,. vig. : Tae Farmet‘s Asgociation arking Councu t> pass a resolution regarding equal nsressâ€" ment on ratlways aud corporaitiou= ; A Mchk Camerou, regarding renewsi of charter of tme Huron anod Outw10 rau way Co.; Dr Bryce, certificate of registiaâ€" tr us birtu,. marriagyes ans deaths, 19 4 ; Hart & Co., secouut §3 for register, B M and D; Win Dayis, account for woud .or hal. $19.50. R Wuittaker, Jos Auwsem, D Currie, Wm Heath, VWm Blair, C Irwin, Geo Moore, C W Beltlamy. Geo Binnie, W H Hemphitl. Join K Jumieson, Robt Genoe, Alex Curruthers, Ajex McRae, j+. Patrick Bolger, Herb Purvis, G Wrigh Jos Cairus, Peter Munshaw, Ed Pattersor M G Orr. Abert Thompson,. Souii t hi e § Ne i3 c rcncnccauee Mr. Editor.â€"I suppose you would like to know something about Glenelg Centre, well in the firsl place we live in the Centre of the Township, in the 2nd plaze we are an independent class of people, in the 3rd place we can see for miles around. in the 4th place we live up about 300 feet above the level, in the 5th place we get fall benefit of the north east and south west breezes and are always prepared for sudden emergencies. By all means the event which had taken place here lately west of us, will no doubt help to keep our Township money from getting reduced. Miss Bella Binnie of Glenelg Centre now presently of your town, attend inz school, was visiting at the parental home Sunday the 1st inst, and also attended church here. Mr P. P. Peonock, visited at D. Graham,s of Priceville lately. Mr Jno. G. Besaton of the Centre is acain for the 2nd time elected to the Mr Jno. G. Beauton of the CenNWe 13 again for the I2nd time elected to the office of pathmaster. Mr Jno. A. MceDonald, Assessor, going his rounds gaye us a call lately. 122 EV an TD.i2t.1. _ Misfortunes will come Fogarty lost a fine hors by all appearance it di biunicipal Council of the towusuip Artemesia Council. Glenelg Centre FENCEYIE WERS POUNXDKEEPERS ill come, Mr. Patrick fine horse lately and ce it died with heart ness of youth,. Three children came to bless the union, the last of the three just stayed long enough to fill the parâ€" ents hearth with a new joy and love, then took its flight to the home where none ever feels the pain parting. A deeper shadow was soon to fall on the little household, that shadow was the failing health of the wife and mother, and after a lingering illness patiently borne she fell asleep in the arm her Saviour, at an o:u-ly age, settled all her earthly affairs and strove to cheer ber sorrowing friends by directâ€" ing their thoughts to the joys of a heavâ€" enly reunion and urging all to prepare to meet her in the home where sorrow is unknown. The casket was beautiâ€" fully decorated with choice flowers a last sad tribute to one beloyed by all who knew her. _ Our heartfelt symâ€" pathy goes out to the bereaved huskand and relatives, May God comfort them in so great a trial is the prayer of a sincere friend.â€"Com. The many friends and acquaintance of Mrs. Chas. Martin (nee Jessie Mcâ€" Kechnie, of the Rocky, ) will regret to hear of her death which occurred on the 20th of Feb. Mrtrs. Martin was the eldest child of Donald MceKechnie who kept the P. 0. known as the " Rocky Sauâ€" geen " for a number 0fp years during the litter part of the 19 century. About nine yéars ago the family moved over to Taunton, Mass, where, they along with other relatives located and engagâ€" ed in various cccupations,. Jessie reâ€" mained under the parental roof until she met the husband of her choice and together they set out to solve life‘s problems, and to build up a home for themselves with all the hopeful joyousâ€" Mr Jno. McDonald had a sick horse lately but under the careful treatment of Dr. Wolf, is all right again Mr. Wm. Arrowsmith of Pomona, attended church here at the Centrn on Sunday the 1st inst. Mr Jno. H. Beaton and sister Marâ€" garet were visiting their sister Mrs. Colin MeIntyre of Bruce, the latrer part of last week and report all well there. We welcome again our friend Mr Jno. McGillvrav. to our burg. Mr Hugh McLellan is somewhat under the weather at present, we hope he may soon be about. 3 Now Mr. Editor in closing our budget we may say that the sun is shining brightly on Glenelg Centre. Mr. Thomas Lauder was a welcome calier lately. Things we would like to know:â€" How did Willie Me, feel atter his upâ€" set? How did E get home with his kaeso-ngers? What detained J. at {cK‘s office when he did‘nt get back in time to board the express?2 What bappeued A. on the 1st inst and W. on the 29th inst. Mr and Mrs. A. C, McDonald of your town visited at the former‘s broâ€" ther on Sunday the 1st inst. Quie a number from around here attended the sale of Mr. ‘Thos. Banks of Edge Rill, on the 2nd. Among the purchasers were Wm. Fallaise, a salkyv rake, J, (G. Beaton,. sos ot harrows. Both claims a good bargain, Worthy of mention, we the young generation of today may boast of our good eye sight but when it comes withâ€" in range of our thoughts to think rightlv, we are not in it with Mrs J. McGillvray one ot Glenelg‘s oldest pioncer‘s and of this place, who now is in the neighborhood of 97 yrs. and toâ€" day at that age she can read and again thread a fine sewing needle without her glasses on and without trouble. That would try some of the young folks. Trade at the Toronto Catile Market toâ€" day was slow and dull. _ The ran is lower grade catile was hoavier, with the demand showing uo improvemeut, and in these caâ€" ses prices decimed somewhat. _ The total run of offerugs was 58 carloads, including 920 cattle, 485 sheep and lambs. 755 hogs, and 32 calves. Export Cattleâ€"Shbippiug space is very scarce, and buyers have to hold what stock they have consequently the demand for export cattle is very light. _ Abong $4.10 to $4.40 was paid for good cattle toâ€" way, and in one case $4.60 was paid for a few extra fine animals. Butchers‘ Cattlieâ€"Trade was slow and draggy, especially in mediam to common grades. . Qaotations for the best grades are about steady. â€" Good to choice stock sold at about $3.70 to $4 per cwt. Picked stock sold at about $4.10 to $4.25, and one extra lot broughs $4.40. Stockers and Feedersâ€"There is very litâ€" tle demand for these cattle, and practicalâ€" ly none are coming forward. _A small lot gold today at $3.75 to $3 40 Milch Cowsâ€"Trade is quiet. There are not mamy cows offering, and prices are steady at$35 to $60 euch. Good stock continues in fair demand. Calvesâ€"The market is steady, and pricâ€" es »re unchanged at $2 to $10 each, and 44 to Ge per pound. There was a fair run this morning and everything was sold, Sheep and Lambsâ€"There was a fair roun and trade was brisk enough to clear the market early in the day. Export ewes as $§3.75 to $4.25 and buck«s at $3 to $3â€"50 per cwt are steady, with the lamb trade slightâ€" Jy dull. Quotations are unchanged. Hogsâ€"The market is steady and unâ€" chanoged at $6.10 for selects and $5.85 for lights and fats. The run was fair and trade was active. Live Stock Markets Toronto. Obituary. of your town in our burg THK uuUKHAM REVIEW DARLING‘S DRUG STORE ~â€" The three R‘s R' R° he our Store motto : Teeliable QGoods, Reascnable Rrofits, Right Treatment The brickyard adjoming the town of Durham on the West. operated for some years lately by Sammel Wright. Apply to H. ParkKEr, Durham Adopted by all leading Schools in Toronto. This ‘deservedly popular system by means of Chart Drilis, Black bourd Diagrams and other interâ€" esting devices brings the following topics within the child‘s immediate comprehension, Musical Notation ]:h{'thmiv Motion â€" Piano Work Keyâ€"board Location Musical History _ Technique For terms apply to Misis Margafei Gun, Teacher, M.M.M and weli yave not Report of 8. 8. No. 1. Normanby for Feb. â€" Class 5thâ€"â€"Maggie Wallace, Wilâ€" lie Watson, Gertie Backus. â€" 4thâ€"Cassie Burns, Thomas Marshall, Maud Burns, Hattie Watt. Sr. 3rdâ€"Nelhe Burns, Harry Gadd. Milton MeNiece, Ethel Fee. Jr, 3rdâ€"Sidney Fordam, Viola Backus. Sr. 2ndâ€"Arthur Backus, Jas, Wallace, Eva McAlister, George Grey and Robbie Webber, eq. Jr. 2ndâ€"Wilâ€" lie Wallace. Arthur Gadd and Wiallie McAlister, eq., Lizzie Burns, Sr. Pt. 2ndâ€"Harry Gray, _ Myrtle Caldwell, Mary Badkus. _ Ji,. Pt. 20dâ€"James Marâ€" shall, Thomas Walluce, George Webber, Walter McAlister. _ Istâ€"Neila Marshall, John Kerr. Report of Swinten Park P. School for Jan. and Feb. _ 5th Classâ€"Howard Watâ€" son, Herbie Campbell. â€" 4thâ€"Lizzie Aldâ€" corn, Willie Knox, Jennie Hardy, 3rd â€"Eddie Ferguson. Flossie Campbell, Willie Watson. Sr. 2ndâ€"Vina Knox, Rob. MceNally, Roblme Knox. _ Jr. 2ndâ€" Mary Aldcorn, Vernon Meagher, Jessie Campbell, _Pt. 2nd Aâ€"Joe Richardson, Jean Aldcorn, Rhena Richardson. Pt. 2nd Bâ€"J. J. Pattison, Maggie Campbell, Faith Porter, 1stâ€"Bert Knox, Jim Meagher, Willie Aldcorn. â€" Average 33. ‘ E. J. Wilson, Teacher. Report of 8. 8. No. 10. Bentinck, for Feb, Class 5thâ€"Jessie â€" McDonald, Annie Smith. 4thâ€"Maggie Smith, Neil McLean, Lizzie Ewen,. Sr. S3rdâ€"Lizzie Grierson, Annie Clark, Julia Clark. _ Jr. 3rdâ€"Willie McNally, Thomas Putherâ€" bongh, Beaton McNally. _ 8Sr. 2ndâ€"Robâ€" ert Howell. Jr. 2ndâ€"Clara Caswell, Arthur \Wilson, Maggie Morton. Sr. Pt. 2ndâ€"Clarence McNally. Ross Mcâ€" Donald. _ Jr. Pt. 2ndâ€"Robert Putherâ€" kough, Wilbert Caswell, Philip Mc Donald. _ 1stâ€"May â€" Grierson, â€" Perry Caswell. Honor Roll for 8. 8. No. 7, Bentinek. 5th Classâ€"Lizzie Forster. _ 4th â€" Ida Pineo, Dan MceDougall, Charles Pineo, Sr 3rdâ€"Violet Forster, John Clark, Miilie Mighton. Jr31dâ€"Albert Lunney, Tom Hopkins. _ Sr 2naâ€"Clifford Howâ€" ell, Maud Pineo, John Brown. Part 2ndâ€"Archie McDougall, Arthur Lunâ€" ney, Campbell Clark. BRICKYARD TO RENT Macgoair® Mc( ZTarling, Myer‘s Music Method SCHOOL REPORTS J ‘Q fil You may firmly count M ting the most caretally preserved medicaments here at right prices. served you before, why not try now ? Isa CAMPBELL, Teacher. ANNEL, Teacher. Normanby for They not only lose their efficacy, but oftentimes become positively poisonous owing to chemical chauges. Tshe Reople‘s Druggist. Thorobred Durhams. â€"The underâ€" signed offers for sale, one 2 y1, old bull, firist prize taker during two past years, 2 yr,â€"old bulls. and 1 bull calf, all from thorobred stock, and from first class animals, _ Good pedigrees â€" furnished, Thorobred Berkshire Pigs for sale. Joux Eexnarpt, Bunessan, P. O. TllE undersigned will keep for service on lot 41 con 3, E. G. R., Glenelg, for season of 1903, the fine thoroughbred Tamworth Boar bred l?’ David Douglas and Sam Mitchell, Ont. from the celebrated animal =Newcastle Lord "â€" 2420â€", _ Dam * Glanworth Maid " â€"1494â€". . Full ex tended Pedigree may be seen on application Terms $1.00. es J tale T y> ugs YOUR BREAD SUPPLY Be it large or small, will be alâ€" ways of the best quality if obtained of us. Our product is at once pure wholeseme and toothsome. Can‘t be beat. Made from a superior grade of flour and purest ingrediâ€" nets. Our bread, rolls, buns. etc, are baked in absolute cleanliness and are delicious,. First class serâ€" vice. BAIIGY ... .cc cce s k6 k00 .00 +++ ORbS..cccc22kssr 226224 k4e ++ Lambs......... .ccscc 006++ Dressed Hogs, per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Eutter, fresh roll per Ib Butter, Tub..........._> Hides, per Cwt......â€"â€" Calfskins, per lb......> Sheepskin$...........++* Filogr...:..s,. s Oatmeal....... Nbeat.::..+.:« Peas...... e o e Potatoes, per bag....»~> ffenace To Jfealth Beer, ~3r CWt.......000A+ E. A. ROWE DURHAM MARKETS. ‘UNIAKIO ARCHIVES TORONTO THOROBRED TAMWORTH KING TOM. No. â€"3204 aee e e e n m e d na d e n e n n e + 6# Bulls for Sale. k se e e e e e e n n snn & C Â¥eratrinâ€"abirecsy. B o Hogs, per ewt 7 o0 ve weight..... 5 60 esh roll per Ib 17 ‘KING TOM GEO. STAPLES BOAR. 1 9o 00 00 10 90 17 15 on get.â€" selected If we J a) 2 5o 13 «) 10 60 17 17 15 68 (8 ‘)9 50 00 Late assistant to the Roya) London Ophthalmic . ospital, En?hnd. and the Golden Square Nose nd Throat Mospital, #a. SPECIALIST EYE, EAR, THROaT & NXos®"® MALDELDLLD3 noommm...... EXCLUSIVELY. Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month from 12 p. m. t®l 4 p. m. OF‘FICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Du nam Pharmacy Calder Block. Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham. W.C. PICKERING D. DS., L. D. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. OfMceâ€"â€"LOWER 10WN. DURHAM. Jompany and priyate Funds teo Loar on Mortgages at lowest rates of interest. Yaluation made by a competent and careful Valumtor. |CAPITAL, Authorized .. .. . ..$2,000,000 ; CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ $50,000 -] AGENTS in all principal points in \Ontario, Quebec, Manmtoba, United \States and England. Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leonses, Agreements &e.correctly prepared. Estates of deceased perâ€" sors louked after and Executor‘s and A€minisâ€" trators‘ Accounts prepared and rnlod Burrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills, Letters of Adâ€" minstration and Guardianship Obtained, gearâ€" chas wade in Registry Office and Titles reported Barristers, BARRISTER, SoOoLICITOR IN SUPREME CCURT NOTARY PUEBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. barristers, â€" Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Offices : Hunter‘s New Block, cp posite Chronicle Office. Garatraxa St., Durham. MOoNEY TO LOAN A. G. MacKay K.C. W. F. Dunn OFFICEâ€"Melntyre Blocek, ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collections of all kinds * Farms bough promptly attended to [ _ and sold} OFFICE.â€"â€"McHKenzie‘s Old Stand Durham STANDARD BAKK 0F CGANMN A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and interâ€" est allowed «t current rates SAVINGS BANX _ .uterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1,00 and up wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at dista ce. J KELLY, Agent. DURMHAM AGENCY OFFICE HOURS 9â€"12 4. m. 2â€"4 p. m. RESIDENC E and OFFICEâ€"O14 Bank UPPFR TOWN, DURAAM. DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. J. G, HUTTON, M. D Money to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. NOATRY PUBLIC _ CONYEYANCER, aC. DENTISTRY. Terms modertate. / to dates, &c., mnst 1 tice, Durham. #=** here or to Hopevill« attended to. Terms Pxysiciax & SurczoX, Office over MclLachian‘s Store NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c, cONVEYANCER, valuaTtor Insurance Agent, HOURS : i 2 to 4 P. N. 7 to 9 r, N. A@~ Special attention given to Diseases 0# Women and Children. ARTHUR GUN, M. D., J. P. TELFCRD. Member College Physicians and Surgeons BARRISTER, SoLIiciTtor,= . McPHMHAIL _â€"â€"~ DR. GEO. S. BURT. Telephone Connection No.‘10 or to MACKAY & DUNN, arrister, otary, Gor veyancer, Qtc., Qtc..... MONEY TO LOAN . LEFROY McCAUL. W. S. DAVIDSON. Head Office, Toronc. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. Charges Moderate D. MePHAIL, Hopeyille P. 0. C. RAMAGE, Durham Private Money to Loan ate. Arrangements for sales as munst be made at the Review Ofâ€" «* Correspondence addressed peville P.O., will be promptly Termson application to Licensed Auctioneer for the County of tirey. 8 to 10 a. M ‘(Over the Bark §. n"r.

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