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Durham Review (1897), 19 Mar 1903, p. 5

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s K nover a feow bhe is ely anct y cows imend s EP 4 thenge Fall ods 10k Mr ADC wa s i0g sley their* ble. elp s0NS We Mre this !.’ iittle the O wS 1aAve The een elve Neil Mrs ach bhey ays alâ€" D fine 1ti d 1009° Ars +ods Por s# of that y% o our ot And look in our Store Window and you will see barâ€" gains for your life. THE SHOEMANX HE SELLS CHEAP. W. H. BEAN with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhope Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Bros.‘ Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton‘s Implements, Adam‘s Sleighs. Proven Caldoer‘s Bleekâ€"Noxt the Post Office ‘alder‘s Block, â€" Durbam. T. NOBLE > nomnettyp }? _ GHIAHRHINLHNCGE I _OwEN soUND, ONT. BEGINS APRIL 13, 1903. Flannellette Blankets, large size,. ~ OeB a pair $1.00 Toilet Soapsâ€"Gem Toilet a cake 2¢ 3 for 5, White Castile and Oatmeal Soap 5¢ for a large bar, Jockey Club and _ Medicatsd Carbolic soap 106c¢c a cake or 3 for 2. GROCERIES White Counterpanes each......85c. Table Oileloth 45 in. wide per yd 25c. Floor Oileloth 1 yd wide, per yd 25c. Fine Table Syrup in 5 10 and 20 Ib Tin«. Salada Ceylon Tea, mixed or black at 25¢, We and 40c a Ib in lead pwcâ€" kets. TWEEDS & YARNS A Fine Line of American fire polâ€" ished Glasa=ware in Preserve Dishes, Cake Stands, Biscuit Jars, Fruit Bowls, Syrup Jugs, &c., Glass Table Set«, each set 30¢, 3b¢ and .... .. 40c. Intending Students should entor at beginming of term, or as soon after a* possible. Staff and Equipment. The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work, under the following Staff Competent Teachers for that Department : THOS. ALLAN, Principal. MISS LICK, B. A., Classics and Moderns. FEES : $1.00 per monthj * The Implement Man *‘ asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found Wm. Johnston, STOP ! Durham School SPRING TERM We can give you Bargain". PEFHJ ,, ¢@ e @ 0 en Steel Hay Forks a Specialty Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. DIG 4 AT THE OLD STAND~® iwe osk Inspection o our THAS . sSCoTT. March 19. T. NOBLE DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, 3N0TS & SHOES, &c., Ot best quality. @0%0@ Call and see us. AT THE C. L. Grant, at beginning GAMEY OF MANITOULIN WAS LAYâ€" ING PLOTS. Wednesday, March 11, sbids fair to be long remembered in Ontario politiâ€" cal history as one ‘of the most sensaâ€" tioval of days. Whether it will mark the overthrow ot the Liberal adminisâ€" tration in disgrace or reveal a dastardâ€" lv plot to discredit it by any means fair or foul will soon be known, for all political business is, or should be, pracâ€" tically suspended till the truth or falsity of the gravest charges ever made in Ontario is known. It will be remembered that some weeks ago, Mr R Gamey, M. P. P.. Manitoulin, causedjit to be known by interviews published in the Globe and other ways that, though elected a Conâ€" servative, he intended to give the Govâ€" erament an independent support, the inference being that by doing so he would secure tavors for his constituenâ€" ey. Hisaction was bitterly denounced by his Conservative friends and papers on buth sides of politics denounced the moye as an unworthy one. This Ganmâ€" ey it is who trom his place in the House on Wednesday of last week, let tall the bombshel! whose explosion is still reâ€" s unding through the provinee. The debate on the address was beâ€" gun by A. G. MacKay and Valentine Stock as mover and seconder, who both made laudatory addresses of the government â€" These tinished, Leader Whitney is supposed to follow, but on this occasion he sat still and nodded to the young stranger at the end of the opposition benches. Mr Gamey rose and after a brief reference to the two speeches began to read a long stateâ€" ment purporting to show that since August last he has been developirg a plot to trap the government in iniquiâ€" tous doings. He listened to approacies by several men, actiog, he says, for Hon Mr. Stratton, the Provincial Seeâ€" relary. ‘‘Good things" were promâ€" ised to be in store for him it he could see his way to change his allegiance. He tell in with the approaches and signed some declaration to carry out his plot. A ©" Weilfitled envelope " containing $3000 came to his hands, after passing through several hands, but he declares he saw the identical envelope in the hands of Mr. Stratton first : one of the seducers, Frank Sulâ€" livan, ( whose father " Capt." Sullivan, was also into the game ) was to get half ot the spoils, and heâ€"got his Â¥1500, and Mr Gamey promises to tell at the proper time where this money went to. He exercisel the patronage otf the riding to some extent, and subsequentâ€" ly another $1000 came to his hands of which Frank dualy got his half. Only on Tuesday night of last weels Mr Gamey made an appointment with Frank to meet bim in an office in a piano factory at 730 f{ m., but cunâ€" ningly, at 7 p. m. r Gamev had secreted three stenographers behind some piano cases. and these waited for the interview to begin. Frank came and totaliy unsuspecting his surroundâ€" ings, was arttully led into an incrimâ€" inating conversation, which no doubt will in due course appear. Mr Gamey at the conlusion of readâ€" ing all this left his seat dramatically, walkad up the house to his leader‘s desk and laid thereon the documents and $500 in cash, which Mr Whitney at ounce placed under lock and key. Neediess to say the House and almost every member of it was surprised, and the Premier at once said that such charges demanded the most searching investigation, and snch woald be made at once. The house adjourned, and never did mover and seconder of an addross receive less attentioa. A commission of High Court Judges is to be appointed at once to investiâ€" gate charges which should land either Mr Stratton or Mr Gamey behind prisâ€" on bars. It behoves every meimnber of the government to lend itself to the clearing of the air, and if one or moure of its members is guilty to accept the inevitable and insist on letting the axe fall where it may. The good name ot the Liberal party is not to be sacriâ€" ficed to shield men in high places, if they desert principle for policy or party. The good name of the province has already been too much maligned by a continual ery of corruption as a partisan cry when there was little but guesswork at the bottom of it. This charge affects the honor of the province and in common with all true liberals :.au demand a thorough enquiry. 1t is high time that rulers and ruled should set before them in blazing letâ€" ters the great truth that * rightseousâ€" ness exalteth a nation but sin is a reâ€" proach to any peouple." DEBATE ON THE GAMEY CHARGES Mr Pettypiece M. P. P. for E. Lambâ€" ton made one of the best speeches in the debate. He so roused the ire otf Mr Whitney because he wanted to read from the Mail and Empire confirmation of the Globe reports ot his speech, that the leader became violent to a degree as to draw trom the Premier the reâ€" mark : **My Hon. friend is very bold toâ€"day. What does he mean? Is he going to play the role of prizefighter in this House *‘ ? and Mr Whitney said " That is my attitude, " and aceompanâ€" ied the word by shaking his clenched fist in the direction of the premier. Mr Pettypiece wants the epnquiry broadened to investigate every charge and inuendo made by the opposition in recent years, but he insisted the time had come for specific details, and not insipuations which were besmirching the fair name of the province. *«*The time has come when any hon. member A CEA SASMON who has a charge to make should do it definitely. If the hon. member tor Manituulin succeeded in establishing the charges he had made, he would deserve well for coming out straightâ€" ftorwardiv ; it they were shown to be utterly false, then be would be no worse than his leader, who had made similar charges, in an indefinite way, tor the last tour years, withouat having the courage to put them into definite sha pe. The leader of the Opposition had reâ€" I ferred to the opposition whish had been expressed by Sir Richard Cartâ€" wright to a commission ot Judges proâ€" posed to be appointed by the House ot Cemmons. _ But in that matier ( the Caron investigation ), it the hon. genâ€" tleman looked into that question careâ€" ful‘ly he would tind that the circumâ€" stances were entirely different. The Judges who were to be selected by that House were their own creaturas. The Judges in the ease under discussion were not the creatures of the House. It was well enough to talk of patriotism and to use other such highâ€"sounding phrases. ‘They ali knew, however, that any committee appointed would have a majority of one or two members of the Government side of the House ; it would be a cominittee â€"f diverse elements, sentimeuts and teelings, and would view the case from different stand points." The Montreal Herald referring to the Gamey Sensation, says : " ‘There is no other case on record where the head of a government attacked in this way has so promptly, without the least preyarication. taken the stand the stand the public have the right to expect. At Ottawa, when matters of this kind came before the House, there was not a single instance of similar prompt action. _ The colleagues of the minister or member assailed shuffled away from the attack, evaded the direct issue, altered the charges to suit him and themselves, and generally, until forced to it after long and hard fighting, denied the public that reâ€" cognition of their rights in the case which Mr Ross has so prompily conâ€" ceded." â€"The Conservatives are appealing against the judgment unseating Andâ€" rew Miscampbell as member for Sault The Globe says: "So far neither the Liberal members nor the Liberal press have blocked the way to an immediate and searching investigation, nor preâ€" judged acecuser or accused. They will preserve that attitude «antil justice is done, and either the one or the other tound guilty. They know that at least one member of the Legislature of Onâ€" tario is a traitor who should have no pluace among honest men, but whether that one be the meinber ftor Manitoulin or the Provincial Secretary they deâ€" cline to say on any man‘s @nsworn and unexamined evidence." Ste Marie, and are also going to proâ€" test the election of E. J. Davis in N. York. â€" ‘Falk about the cool shades of opposition! _ The Conservative party ought to be warm with the work they undertake During the past week business has been almost at a standstill in our town owing to bad ruads. _ The concessions are bare from one end to the other, while the sideroads are full of snow yet making it almost impossible to get out. Our mail carrier bas to use three difâ€" ferent rigs to reach Holstein. Mr James Eecles moved last week into his new home known as the Leslie tarm which he purchased last year and was lately vacated by Mr. Lochie Mcâ€" Dougall who has moved on Mr. Alex. Pollock‘s tarm which he has rented for a term of year«. We are sorry to lose Mr MceDougaii and family trom our midst, yet welcome Mr Eccles and famâ€" ily, and wish thein both every success. Messrs Wm Lester and James Hay, two of our smart and promising young men, left last week for Carman, Maniâ€" toba, where tkey intend trying their luck in the West. We wish them evâ€" ery success. Mr. Wm. J. Hay bas engaged with Reeve McQueen for the summer at a good wage. Mr. Humpbries, of Uxbridge, father of Rev. Mr. Humpbhbries, wellâ€"known here, is at present visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs J. Wilson, of this place. We are pleased to say that Miss Lizâ€" zie Laugbton, who was laid up last week with grippe is almost herself again. A meeting held in Dromore last week in the interest of the extension of the telephone. _ Great interest was taken by all present and steps will be taken to forward it from Dundalk to Hopeville, from Hopeville to Swinâ€" ton, from there to Boothville, to I Brownsville Dromore, Yeovil and Dromore choir enjoyed a practice with their own organist at the home of Mr and Mrs J Garson last week. ‘The la grippe is having a number of people fast on its clutches just now. Mr Chas McQueen is suffering from the grippe and on Friday night he took a serious turn but is improving now. Dan and Arch Ferguson, Ba‘sam Valley, bad the grippe also and obliged to stay two weeks longer from returning to the West, as they intendâ€" The debate meeting at the school has discontinued its meetings for this year and they were much appreciated and enjoved by all who attended. SOME OPINIONS. Dromore. BOOTHVILLE. THE DARLING‘S DRUG STORE w fil You may firmly count ting the most carefally and weil preserved medicaments here at right prices. have not served you before, why not try now ? DUKHUAMK Teoliable Qoode, Reasonable Rrofits, Right Troatment The brickyard adjoining the town of Durham on the West, operated for some years lately by Samuel Wright. Apply to H. PaARKER, Durbham Myer‘s Music Method. Adopted by all leading Schools in Toronto. ’l‘hh‘descnx-dl{)o;;opulnr system by means of Chart Drilis, Black board Dinzi'mms and other interâ€" eating devices brings the following topics within the child‘s immediate comprehension. Musical Notation Rhfithmic Motion Piano Work Keyâ€"board Location Musical History â€" Technique For terms apply to Miss Margaret Gun, Teacher, M.M,M. from there to Holstein. John McQueen, who has been sufferâ€" ing with sciatica all winter is improâ€" ving slowly. _ He has sold his farm to Charles Ferguson. his brother John will work at it for a year or two. J McQueen and family are now living on the farm adjcurning his father, lately purchased by his brother Neil Alex Last Sunday morning while waterâ€" ing his horses at the well Neil Alex McQueen had a miraculous escape from drowniug, the side wf the well caved in and he fell in with it, but on falling be caught the pump and with his great strength and presence ot mind he was able to save himselt trom a horrible death. Live Stoek Markets | Toronto. 1 Trade at the Toronte Cattle Market eontinued slow toâ€"day, especialily in ex-‘ port cattle. _ There will be cattle wanted . next week, and dealers say prospects are for a better trade. Total ron amounted to 36 cars, including 3851 cattle, 280 sheep and lambs, 1,289 hogs and 34 calves. Export Cattleâ€"The run offering was very light, there being oply two loads on she markes. The demand showed no imâ€" proyement, but the light run gave a slightâ€" ly firmer feeling to prices. There 13 prosâ€" pect of more shipping space offering in the near furure, and dealers say that some good cuttle will be waunted next weekâ€" Aâ€" bout $4.35 to $4 50 was paid for the few good exporters offering, and in one case §4.65 was paid for extra picked stock. Butcher=‘ Cattieâ€"Plenty of common stuff was offering, and was sold at prices well within quotations. _ ‘The best of the offerings brought $4.25 to $4.35 but better prices would haye been paid for better stuff. Common to medium sold at about §$2.70 ko $3.50. Milch Cowsâ€"Extra good milch cows continue scarce and in demand. Tuere was a light run of other kinds on the marâ€" ket. and not many were wanted. Steady at $35 to $60 each. Calvesâ€"Calyes were fairly plentifal and trade was good. The market is quoted steady at 82 to $10 each and 4} to 6c per Ib. Good yeals continue in demmand. Sheep and Lambsâ€"The run of offerings was rather light and the market was acâ€" tive,. An advance of loc per cwt is noted on the prices of export bucks and lambs. The market is otherwise steady. Hogsâ€"KReceipts of hogs were fairly large, and there was & good trade done all round,. The market is steady at $6 35 for selects, and $6.10 for lights and fats with nos much prospect of a change. Wedding Bells are ringing. BRICKYARD TO RENT. Tarling, dn d 0 v."a"y_(«': Gtale Drugs K lonese To Jfealth They not ounly lose their efficacy, but oftentimes become positively poisonous owing â€" to chemical chauges. IThe RDoeople‘s Druggist. Thorobred Durhams. â€"The underâ€" signed offers for sale, one 2 yr, old bull, firist prize taker during two Fmat years. 2 yr.â€"old bulls, and 1 bull calf, all from thorobred stock, and from first class animals. â€" Good pedigrees furnished, Thorobred Berkshire ?l.zs Jor sale. Joux ECKHABDT, Bunessan, P. O. THE undenl,ned will keep for service on lot 41 con 3, E. G. R., Glenelg, for season of 190%, the fine thoroughbred Tamworth Boar bred x David Douglas and Sam Mischell, Ons., from the celemw! animal **Newcastle Lord "â€" 2429â€". Dam "Glanworth Maid " â€"1404. . Full exâ€" tended Pedigree may be seen on application, Tem. .l .w. wels lore a doY 9m YOUR BREAD SUPPLY Be it large or small, will be alâ€" ways of the best quality if obtained of us. Our product is at once pure wholesome and toothsome. Can‘t be beat. Made from a superior grade of flour and purest ingrediâ€" nets. Our bread, rolls, buns. etc, are baked in absolute cleanliness and are delicious. . First class serâ€" vice. FIOUL.ccrrrrer sesrrsases se OBRLMECRIsccs++s serssruserss WDCUHEâ€"seresiccteb s is serees TCBS. .c cce se6 k66 000 s00 608 668 BArl@y.....c.cekkk .00 .004« ORLG....cxsrrrrrrreersrves es TL BDDS:sextrccrare stsite cce Peas Dressed Hogs, per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Eutter, fresh roll per 1b Buiter, Tub.............. Hides, per ewt.........> Calfskins, per lb........ Sheepskins............»«* THNHV...cerspeerserrnussnre6 Beer, YIF CWt.........._.> EQGGB.. . see e en se es e es e es WOOU.cassresssscse n 66 n00 608 TOTKOYB... 220 .00 k66 066006# Potatoes. per bag......> PDURHAM MARKETS. THOROBRED TAMWORTH KING TOM. No. â€"3204â€". E. A. ROWE Bulls for Sale. 3w ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO The ‘ three R‘s our Store motto : ‘KING TOM ‘ GEO. STAPLE® BOAR. 1 9o 2 bo 65 65 SVS EY on getâ€" selected If we 25 n0 17 17 15 10 8 50 7 10 6B 45 17 17 15 00 13 * the Du nam Pharmacy Calder‘: Block. Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham. W. C. PICKERING D. DS., L. D. S, MHONOR GRADUATE of Toronte University, graduate of Royal Collego of Dental Snrgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Offce. Will 3;" the Middaugh House, Durham, :nt Wednesday of each month from 12 p. m. p. m. OMceâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURKHAK. RESIDENCE and OFFICEâ€"Old Bank J. G, HUTTON, M. D Jompany and private Funds to Lear Moritgages at lowest rates of interest. Yalum made hy acompetentand careful Valuator. Late assistant to the Royal London Ophtha latie . ospital, l.-hl’lnnd. and the Golden Square ; No ud Throas Hospital. #a&. SPECIALIST EYE, KiR, THRoaT & xoanf AMINNDODGmermmims......... EXCLUSIYVELY. smm Barristers, â€" _ Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. OfMices : Hunter‘s New Block, cpâ€" posite Chronicle OfMce. Garatraxa St., Durham. MONEY TO LOAN A. G. MackKay K.C. W. F. Dunn Collections and Agency promptly atterded to Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Lemsen, Agrooments &c.correctly prepared. Estates of deceased Fob soms looked after and Executor‘s and Admizisâ€" trators‘ Accounts prepared and Y“M Burrogate Coutt Business, Probate of Wills, Letter® of Adâ€" minstration and Guardiauship Obtained, gearâ€" chas wade in Registrty Office and Titles reported arrister, Notary, CGo:r veyancer, Qto., étc..... lon%y to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. OFFICEâ€"Melntyre Block, + BARRISTER, SOLICITOR IN SUPRERMEL COURMY NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISBIONER, £TC. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Member College Physicians and Sargeons Collections of all kinds | Farms be promptly attended to and so OFFICEâ€"â€"McKenzie‘s Old Stand Durham STANDARD BAKK OF CANADA Parvercitan & Suremox, Office over MoLachian‘s Stere CAPITAL, Authorized....,...$2,000,004 CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ $50,000 AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. ‘ W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. ARTHUR GUN, M. D., A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. _ Deposits received and interâ€" est allowed at current rates DURMHAM AGENCY SAVINGS BANK â€" .aterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at dista ce. 4@r Bpecial attention given to Diseases of Women and Childrer. DENTISTRY. BARRISTER, SOLICiToRr,= MOATRY PUBLIC COmYBYraANCER, aC. FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CIF NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c, CcONVEYANCER, vALUVATOR Insurance Agent, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey,. Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales as to dates, &c., mnst be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. &" Correspondence addressed here or to Hogevflle P.O., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to UPPFER TOWN, DURAAM. Telephone Connection No.:10 J. P. TELFORD. DR. GEO. S. BURT. . McPHAIL _â€"~ MACKAY & DUNN, or to MONEY TO LOAN W. S. DAVIDSON. . LEFROY McCAUL. HOURS : OFPICRB HOURS 0â€"12 . m. 2â€"4 p. m. Head Office, Torono. D. MecPHAIL, Hopeyville P. O, C. RAMAGE, Durham Private Money to Loan, J KELLY, Agent 8 to 10 1. x. 2 to 4 P. x. Moderate NOver the Bunk

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