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Durham Review (1897), 26 Mar 1903, p. 1

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Nn B % W-; &. d 4 WeKechnic. B 1 rfememberthe place LAIDLAW S Old Stand | fiwxxmxxxmxfififlmxmmflm@mmfifigflfl 3P C3 $ wE PRINT l Aâ€" # WEDPPINC NCTICES and $Hp«= @ ‘ ply Stationery at Reasonable Rates. ] For Samples, Prices and Styles to ’ i select from, _ Call at the REVIEIY OFFICE ! ;['/mne No. 6 & HIAWATHA, The Ojibway Indian Picture Play, In the Town Hall, Friday, at 3 and at 8 p N UUUUUNINNNNNNNNNNNNNEENUEAUEMEEtEmEmNmammmmmmutammmmmmmummummmramentormmmemmmesee 00 OV ) "WOSF__OARV _ 4 V VY kb dikOWALk; BA LUOY 3 Ob 4P OUAELUL Ames Holden Co. Granby Rubbers. _ We have them and are the Sole Agenuts for Durham. â€" Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. sEE OUR DISPLAY, OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MaANU. FACTURED BY THE Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. ‘They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. Remember the place 3 0 O T S THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Rubbers e Lanee nat f oi udn o Nn Lo oi o c ue srare mt on 13 2110 .o 00e t it in e e B e s . : e ce on oc 90 Cl B8 t Atiln Pmas aftet e â€" ith Addeil s eccatad t 160 ids aicls, trs . s hcid Th P e aveiaianliinna lc (Walkiles i. t ces1 n aiionanionrainiin s 1).3. us o in io 4 n i oi hoi it se ies e c a ... THE POPULA®P CASH STORE LAIDLAW‘S O1d Stand oK echnie. Tnrx Wrestwaro MovEeâ€"Is this year about as great as eyer. Every week we see and hear of emigrants "going west," mostly now, happily., going to the Briâ€" tish West. Amongst the number going this week were Mr. and Mrs Geo. Morâ€" rison to Roleau, Assa., Mr and MrsGeo, Matthews to Bagot. Man., Mr.John Beaton to Arrowhead, B. C., Mr. Dunc. McKinnon to Basswood, Man. Mr R.w. Hutton to Antler, Man, Mr. Wmm Watâ€" son, son of Peter in town, to Winnipeg, and Mr. Wimn. Alexander to same place. Mr, Hugh Mcarthur, (son of Jno, Glienâ€" elg), who returned to his Dakota home a few weeks ago, has, we are informed, sold out there at a good price, and gone to Canada. . Day before he crossed over 2000 Americans had gone in. These ! moyements and the fact that shipments from England are hampered for want of | ships, show what a great " Great West" | we are goin‘iJ to have in a few years. | For Ontario the grohlem is a serious one | for without doubt farming operations ‘must this year be greatly curtailed for want of laborers. ‘ WrEatHERâ€"For two weeks past the oldest inhabitant could scarcely claim he had seen better weather. Not only was the snow cleared off, but a mili balmy atmosphere suggested June rathâ€" er than March _ How ever it is over, toâ€" day, Tuesday, the snow has returned with a moderate cold, and underclothâ€" ing will not be removyed yet. Last Thursday, a very pleasant day here. it was blowing and snowing wildly at Mcâ€" Kinley, Minnesota, as a letter written that day by Mr. Jno. Campbell formerly of the Review Staff, tells. It was coldâ€" er in Tennessee last week than in Torâ€" onto, so * Probs" saia. How Cnas. StEwaRT was KInL®EDp.â€" We were favored with a letter this week from Miss Jennie Stewart, sister of Mr. Cha:, Stewart, who was killed in Februâ€" ary lasc. Advices to her from Mr Keith, his employer, say that in falling a tree, it struck a decayed one and that struck him on the head, almost instantly killâ€" ing him, for he died before reaching camp. _ Mr. Keith says everything was done by himself and his men to give him respectable interment, for he was very popular amongst them all, â€" The chief mourners are his two sisters, Jenâ€" nie, of Toronto and Mrs, W. T. Martin, Oakville, _ A _ SPLENDID_ SccIatL.â€"Is being planned by the Presbyterian Guild for Monday evening, March 30. Elaborate preparations are being made by an active comunittee to have everything first class in its line. so 1 treat is in store. The meeting will be in the basement of the church and the admission fee only 10 cts., These events occur during tha year only on months with 5 Mondays so their occurrence is as rare as the enterâ€" tainment is to be excellent. J Parker residence following Mr John McKinnon who goes to Mrs (Rev.) Camerton‘s house on Durham Road sucâ€" ceeding Jas. Smith who goes to the country,. CHANors.â€"Mr. W. D. Mills has moved into his new residence lately the McRae property. Mr. Horsburgh sucâ€" ceeds Mr. Milis, whiie Mr. A. Binnie and his mother follow Mr, Horsburg. Mr. A. 0. Bearton moves into the frame PoSTâ€"PONED.â€"The Concert to haye been hela on Monday last in Priceville Presbyterian Church has been postponâ€" ed till Monday, March 30, with the reaâ€" sonable expectation of having better wenther and passable roads. The proâ€" graimme will be much the same as first planned. _ Rey. Mr. Little will be there Sunday and Monday, Promore choiur, Rev. Finlay Matheson, local singers, &c. CHANGors.â€"Mr. W. D. Mills has A â€" sucerssrur CoxPAxY.â€"There came under our notice this week the 25th Annual Report of the Grey and Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance Coy. The report shows a balance on hand of oyer $3000 with all claims paid, and this secured at very low rates even for a mutual. D. McDougall, President, Duncan Campâ€" bell, Secy. . Pusuisnuenr‘s NoTICE.â€"We bay we ek corrected our mailing sheet date and still find too many who not been paying attention to,the * Yellow Label." Will all such | attend to it this week. There should be a large attendance at the Public Library concert Friday evenâ€" ing Support a worthy Institution. Town Hall, Reserved Seat, 35°, Plan at MacFarlane‘s, Miss Dick, the Milliner, will have her Annual Spring Millinery Opening on Friday, Saturday and Monday, â€"the 27th, 28th, & 30th respectively. Grand Millinery Opening will take place at 8. F, Morlock‘s Friday & satâ€" urday, March 27 and 28 and following days, Additonal Locals on Page 4 } Madame Waltz, Town Hall, Friday i night. For tickets or any information re the West see R. MacFarlane Jr. 4 A First Class Tailoress wanted, apâ€" ply to J.‘A. Grass, Merchant ‘Lailor. Spring Millinery Openings Friday and Saturday Mar. 27th and 28thâ€"at 8. F, Morlock‘s, DURHAM, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1903. â€"~OW TNkH / ZEOPICS _ .â€"We baye this many who have ),the " Little such please m Review. | upâ€"to* Saturpay, Maror 28.â€"Mr. Chas. Mcâ€" Innis, Yeovil, will sell by public auction thorobred Sceotch Shorthorns, Dairy Cows, Leicester Ram and Ewes, Pigs, &c. Stock only. _ Sale at 2 o‘clock. Moxpay, Marcr 30.â€"Mr. Geo. Haw, Lot 25, Con. 22, Egremont, 3% miles southâ€"west of Priceville, will sell Stock and Implements. 10 months credit, 6 5/ discount for cash. Sale at 1 o‘clock. D. McPrHat, Auc. ‘ The time to move is now. _ Ontario, becoming depleted of its youug men by the exodus to the West, is bound to become more than ever a dairying country and this proposition meets the case exuctly. _ We hope to see this inâ€" dustry located in Durham. _ Mr. E. W. Broomall, Philadelphia, the expert in Cream Separators who has been planning with proper encourâ€" agement, to start such an industry in Durham, is in town this week to find out for himself how the land lies. We think the coungil should at once meet with and treat with him and if deemed necessary call a public meeting and get Mr Broomall to lay his plans before it, and illustrate the good points of the specimen machine he has with him. L. K. wreck at Marden, north of Guelph, ‘ last week, came very close to us, a Miss Billings, related to friends here being in l the wreck but not seriously injnred.’ Two Egremont ladies also got off uti Holstein, same night and Rev. Mr. Farâ€" | qubarson, who was on the same train, | informs us that they were still clothed | in wet garments as a result of their| plunge in the swollen creek. Surely the | G. T. R. between morning and night trains might haye made them comfortâ€" | able at Elora or Fergus. Two young | children mei death through drowning. ; and about 30 or 40 are more or less inâ€" | jured. The coroner‘s inquest failed to discover the cause of the derailment, | the track was in good shape, and the ;‘ supposition is something fell from tne :1 train and getting in front of the wheel i‘ caused the derailment. Just the day ll before the C. P. R. had a headâ€"on colliâ€" 54 ison with two killed, the result of a careâ€" | i less operator. I CREAM SEPARATOR INDUSTRY RALWAY AccIDENTS.â€"No fewer than 16 of these during the last three months, make the most calm and collected among us think of the risk of the rail. The G. DoRrnock AnD ROCKY.â€" Rev. Mr. Graham preached his farewell sermons at his old charges last Sunday to Jarge congregations, and at both places were many evidences that the separation | caused * heartrugs." ‘The Ladies‘ Aid Society are today, Tuesday, bidding Mrs. Graham a fond goodâ€"bye in the Church at Dornoch, and the two workâ€" ers when they go and wherever they go ? will feel that their labors have not been in vain and that a love has been generâ€" ated that will last for long. _ Mr. Graâ€" ham obtains supply for next Sabbath at both places, in yiew of his visiting at Hamiiton and other places before gning ! west. They leave Friday morning on | this visiting trip. The two congregaâ€". tions will, we hope, enteron the reepcn-)‘ sible task of choosing a minister with a | healthy harmony and be blessed in doâ€"| ing so, f , A new postal rate came into force on March 7th, by which all newspapers and ’periodicnls (including those posted from the office of publication) may be sent from any post office in Canada to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland at the same rates of postage and under the same regulations as ap* ply to that class of matter to be adâ€" dressed to post offices in Canada. ‘ Dr. Burt will be at the Middaugh | House, Durham, Wednesday April 1, 12 to 4 p. m., for consultation in Eye. Ear, } Throat and Nose cases. Eyeryone will want to see the famous Snake Dances, the Braves, the Squaws. the paposes, &c at the Ojibway play Friday, March 27th. They will want to lhear Madame Alice Waltz sing * My Bark Canoe, and "Hiawatha‘s Death *Song.” Tickets 35¢ and 25¢c. Plan at MacFarlane‘s. In aid of Public Libâ€" 'rary. | procured a Medical attendant for that purpose, and further there is no case of smallâ€"pox nearer than 16 miles of Durâ€" ham. A FausE Ruxor.â€"We lear n thata rumor has got abroad that Dr. Hutton has been in attendance at cases of smallâ€" pox in Glenelg. This is absolutely wrong as he is not now nor ever has been in attendance, the Board of Health having _ Money to Loan at 44 per cent. MacKay & Duxx. Darham You will Miss it if you dou‘t visit S. F. Morlock‘s Millinery Show Rooms Fridsy and Saturday, Mar. 27th and 23th. SALE REGISTER. 'L{; AXN ABLE LECTURE. â€" On Thursday | ”evening last Rey, Mr. Mitchell, a misâ€" | y :sionury of the Presbyterian Church in / »t , Canada, home on furlough from Hon«n, | _ |China, gave the most graphic picture or | ¢ |Chinese life and the difficulties that / |confront the missionary, that we ever | : Ilislened to. The missionary he showed | , | was introduced to the natives under the | | worst conditions, for no respectable or | ‘ | plous Chinese would either sell or rent | % | to the " foreign devil." 1t was only the | i (reckless, lawâ€"defying class who were | | | open to offers, and the relation between ( llandlord and tenant in China was so , |elose, that the character of the tenant ‘ was judged by his landlord. The Honan | mission â€" territory was triangular in ‘shape, and in size approximating to old | Ontario hetween lines drawn to Sarnia, | [Butfulo and Qiillia, yet this area conâ€"| tained oyer 5,000,000 people, living in | hundreds of villages and divided into 3 | prefectures, each having a chief city, / called a "Fu" town, where the goverâ€" | inor dwelt. The Boxer rebellion, though | |evil in itself, had wrought good, it beâ€" | ! ing now much easier to make head way, | ' His description of the houses to which 1 (Chinese women haye to confine themâ€"| ls(-lves was most graphic, and the sensaâ€" | ltion produced on the populace when he and his wife determined to take some | ! Iwalking exercise was most amusing if | 2 there hadn‘t been in it an element of | t danger. _ The news flew like lightning | 1 | that the sheâ€"devil was out walking with | (her big feet and the further they went | o ‘the crowds got bigger till the exciting | p walk was ended, _ She didn‘t try it ; again, but she and her landlord‘s wife | went out to the country in carts and she ! had agood walk when the coast was | C clear, He praises highly the steadfastâ€" | n ness of the converts, who faced even It death in the late Boxer rebellion rather than _ recant. The _ interruptions, | af the impudence, the duplicity they had to endure at their meetings were graphâ€" :cally told. and only the "patience of l J the sain‘s" could stand_ it. _ Gradually | * however they are gninig{ in public favor, and the plous ing of the present | @ smmhe roots of superstition and g:wej will some day yield a bountiâ€" 1 barvest. And that said Byâ€"law was registered in the Registry office for the . South Riding of the County of Grey, on the Awentyâ€"first day of March A. D. 1903. | _Any metion to quash or to set {aside the same or any part thereot, I must be ‘made within one month from | the date ot registration, and cannot be made thereatter. The Song Service in the Baptist Church Sunday evening was listened to by an appreciative and attentive audiâ€" ence, _ The members of the choir sang the parts assigned to them creditably. The chotus numbers were specially well sung,. Toâ€"night, Thursday, the Methodist church concert takes place. The Misses Joy, Flesherton, aud other talent will make a good programme. Dated at Holstein, wbhis twentyâ€"first day of March A. D. 1903. $ Notice is hereby given that a Byâ€"law T\ was passed by the Municipal Counâ€" cil of Egremont on the eighteenth day ot March A. D. 1803, providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount of $1400.00 for the purpose of enabiing the Trustees of Union School Section, No. 14 in the Townships of Egremont and Proton to erect a School House in said Section, in the said Township of Egremont. Meabers huvihg seed g’min ioidispose of will please notify the Secretary stat‘ i9g kind quantity and price. For further particulars see posters or make enquiries of Pres. Jas. Allan, or Becy. Geo. Binnie. Prizes of $15, $10, and $5 are offered for Heavy draught and Light Stallions and of $2 and $1 for each uf hest exhiâ€" bits of Spring Wheat, Goose Wheat, Barley, Gâ€"rowed and Zâ€"rowed, Oats Black and White, Peas, White and Blue, Timothy Seed, and early and late Potatoes, One bushel of Timsthy Seed, Grain and Potatoes, one bag., Exhibits all to be on the ground by 12 noon. | _ Hiawatha.â€"Indian Picture Piay, ) _ Madame Waltz, the renowned Soloist _ Cary W. Hartman as Indian imperâ€" lioomntor. | Nothing like it this season. â€" Don‘t | miss it. In aid of Public Library, Our energetic Karmer‘s Institute are into a new field and have posters out announcing for Thursday April 2nd. a Spring show of stallions on the Agriculâ€" tural Society‘s grounds, and on sanve day a Seed Fair in the Town Hall. The later date is an improyement on last year as roads will be better, Admission, 25¢ and 35¢ Farlane‘s. TOWN HALL, FRIDAY RORSE SHOW and SEED FAIR <I0O ARCHIVE TOROoNTO PUBLIC NOTICE. Dayvn Amuax, Clerk. m. In aid of Public Library. . _ Plan at Macâ€" NIGHT. Your inspection of our values is kindly invited, We will be glad to mect..,,all old customers and it will be our aim to merit a continuance of their trade by keeping good goods and selling them at right prices. We beg to inform the residents of Dromore and vicinity that we have gone into business at the old stand, the wellâ€"known " Taylor‘s Store,"* and have opened up a General Assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes Readyâ€"made Clothing and Hardware, THE OLD STORE ODROMORE Containing 131 acres, being the north half of Lots 21 and 22, Con.22, Tp. of Egremont, in the County of Grey, For particulars apply to _ J. Muir, 31 Coolmme Ave., Toronto. R. B. KEELBR & SON. KEELER‘S Everybody says Keeler must fix my watch. * If your W atch or Clock is sick Keeler the Jeweller can make it tick If you need a pair of Spectacles Keeler can suit you. We guarantee to make you see as good as you ever saw. _ HMundreds of frames to choose from. For Big Bargains in Watches Clocks, _ Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, &c. MacFarlane & Co., Druggists & Booksellers. SZeeds CHAS RAMAGE, Faim for Sale. ly the purest Seeds and true to name *if quality is a considerâ€" ation with you as it shoul.1 be. Choice Timothy, Orâ€" chard and Other We aim to supply on Fancy Export Red, Mammoth, Alsike, Lmcerne, _ White Dutch and Other Clovers, JEWELERY Come to us. at lowest prices. axp Posursa®Ee. STORE

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