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Durham Review (1897), 2 Apr 1903, p. 1

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Week sh ilv ers 26, 1903 ed one thing I \\ te " ew \l so": 6 cu. cu. cts, cu, cu, vo 11 cts cu cts 9‘ n Examxxxxxmmaxsmmwmammgaaflamfi 6% gear in Wind Ames Holden (k, 'ea, Carpets and Curtains Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. SEE OUR DISPLAY.: OF BOOTS NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANU. FACTURED BY THE Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. Will use you Right Try Him. Remember the place LAIDLAW'S Old 7\M mamxgmxmmxgamxmmxxw an”..- d__l-A_A I 3f E‘ 'itthtmy for easter BOOTS This season we are prepared to eclipse all former efforts in Quantities, Qualities and Values. Nottingham Lace Curtains 34 to 60 inches wide, " yds te 3..1 yds long, prices from 60c pair up, INGRAIN CARPIiTS-New designs from 25c yd up. All-wool Carpets, best values from " cts yd up. Brussels Carpets, pretty patterns at So cts yds and up, Axminster Carpet. extra special at $1.00 yard. 1uNoreEvMs---r:ngsish and Canadian Linoldlms, 2 yds wide-Exclusive Designs-best values ever offered in Durham. I Brag ramming s" 1i,'iili",,r'ji,'4ra.,hiig.'ig ttt That if you do not see your ideal Hat or Bonnet dis- played on our stands, there is a large stock of choice Millinery Materials at your disposal. Experts will carry out your own ideas tastefully and economically. Those who place their orders now will not have the worry and excitement of those who wait. Our Easter Millinery Display is at its best. We have on display for Your inspection Imported Model Hats from New York and Paris, a splendid showing from our own work room _ Children's Trimmed Millinery, chic designs, Stylish, Pretty Bonnets for elderly ladies'. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Rubbers raanes: , THE POPULAp CASH STORE 'amos ire/and . N0. 14 LAI DLAW'S Old Stand 'rsRechnie. '01 eehnie, iiiiritittt i?/afiill4fii'dlli?tt “I The Chesley Ent. of last week says: 'il," .. Yesterday Mr. Geddes, a, well-to-do 'ryoung farmer in the north part of ngnrnmnhy Tp., wee married to one of lrTour town girls, Miss Aggie Anderson. E We have known both the bride and i; bridegroom for at least 12 years. and ’ i have no hesitation in saying it is a good >gl‘match on both sides. Mr, Geddes is a P,', i brother, of the popular manager of the gillepworth Manf. :Co." [The Review v. l, extends hearty good wishes to Mr. vl _ Geddes and his hride--Ed. , it; A Toncnmo Gtr.--8undaylast Rev. :iMr. Farquhtuuon announced that Mr. E: R. MacFarlane, Br., had made. a presen- ,; tation to the church of a. crayon por- ;: trait of the late Rev. Wm. Park. Thin A, appropriate gift retieca credit on the 5.donor and will gratify the entire mem- gibership. especially the lessening rnm' 'sr'it'e.!' :who sat under his ministration: “with great delight. The portrait Is a Every good one and adorns the Session ' , room. Miss Fraser, photographer. also a ( deserves credit for her share of the work i.' AN HONORED lame CLOSED. - Last I week's Barrie Advance contains a leng- ;thy notice of John Laird. one of its earliest settlers. who has just passed guwny at an advanced age. Deceased ‘was an uncle of Mrs. Wm. Black. of town, and the. warmth of the references to him by the editor and by the pastor of the Methodist church where he held office continuously for 52 years show him to have been a. man of sterling worth and a. light to the community. He saw active service in the rebellion of 1Err, came to Barrie in 1839, was a prominent contractor and made the first development of the Sault Water power where the Clergne works now are. His motto was "Peace and Pro. gress." He was "slow to condemn.! ever ready to forgive. his life was an benediction. and his noble char-curl leaves its impression on those who mourn his loss.” The funeral services, I otrerintm, to. were very impressive. Get one or our Nice Reudy-to-wear Hats. at Grant's. Gentlemen--You'n want a new suit for Spring wear. Jan. Ireland’s is where you'll get the best styles and values. 5 HOUSE FAsusE.-As was expected :the demand for house accomodation, _ exceeds the supply. Mr. A. Turner has ‘houghr the old Eva property next to Clerk vollert's. Mr. Allan purchased the MacFarlane property, south of his own, it is expected that Mr. A. D. Mc. Kenzie will return to occupy his old home this summer. and it would almost seem as ifthose wanting to live in Dur. ham will have to live in tents till houses‘ go up. A new bunco game is being worked on unwary merchants throughout the country. A man enters the store, displays a government badge and states that he is on the secret service and on the lookout for counterfeit money. He looks over the cash drawer and invari- ably finds four or five counterfeit dol- lars. which he "confiscates." The whole thing is a fraud. ‘ GrrovLs..-- Sometime last Saturday night or Sunday morning some one With low ideas of decpncy. removed the rib. Iron from the flortu offerings at the Ar. rowsmith grave. This is not the tirat time that ghouls have lacerated tender feelings by predatory prowling among the lender tokens. Men's Rubber Ruin Proof Coats-tst Grant's. CURLING ON MARCH 'h5.--Recent Winnipeg papers have accounts of curl. ing matches on above date in one of which Mr J. A. Hunter fligurei In what must. have been an exciting geunm and his side won too on the final. Crucktrr.- Cricket players and ad- mirers of the game are requesued to meet in Telford‘s Otmre, l, riday evening at 8 p. m. Pearcey's Prepared Paints most veGble--try them--.Mael Co. Big snaps m Men's Plough Shoes all sizes. below wholesale prices-at H. H. Heckler“. FOR. tiALtr..--A full ine of Window Sutuies.tt and7ft lengths. Shewell & Lenahan. E Lewis of Berlin, the piano tuner. " in I town, at the Middnugh House. A First Claw Tailorebs wanted, ap- ply to J. A. GLASS, Merchant luilor. Moth Camphor. Moth Bugs. Paris Green. at MacFarlnne’s Drug Store. New Worsteds and Tweeds- -ell, goods for a swell tntit--at Jan. Ireland's. Ready Made Skirts and under Skirts at Grant'.. Still Plenty of Bargains. at Mockler's. Go to Jas. Ireland's for your Easter hat. DURHAM, Tmmodrrrjririiii,- 2, 1903 'repared Paints are the try them--MaeFarhuse & om Newspaper subscribers often wonder why the publisher keeps on sending the paper when the subscription has expir- ed. An exchange thus explains the matter: When a subscription is paid to a certain time, and the time expires and the paper stops, it looks as if the editor doubted the integrity of a sub- scriber, and in nine cases oat of ten the subscriber will give the editor a calling down for insinuating that his credit was not good. Rather than cast any (reflection against a neighbor's honesty, [ to pay a small debt, it has been custom- ary for newspapers to continue sending , the paper after the time has expired. , The city Weeklies and dailies do not generally follow this rule " their sub- I scribers are at a distance. and besides: they are not acquainted with them and 1’ do not know their finaneial standing, One should deem it an honor to knot that his credit is not doubted when the publishers continue to send the paper. I Should the subscriber wish to have the] paper discontinued he should inform the publisher and remit to date. if anyi amount is owing. LAID To 1hrsr.-The funeral of the) , I lute Samuel Arrowamith took place last liited ltr.'" and other matter held Thursday, many friends and neighbors j , paying the last tribute of respect and: The. Methodist Concert on Thursday Rev. Mr. Forquharson conducting ser- [evening last, was one of the mos. sue. vices at house and grave. The floral :cessful yet held. The church was full offerings were exceedingly beautiful, a. fund therefore satisfactory financially, large headpiece, ' Gates aim? being that the character of the prom-uuune very striking l besides there were two fwus tuso first class. The well-known anehors, a spray. and a. sheaf of ripe FJOY “Ste"- Flesherton and Mr. Mid Mrs grain, fastened with purple ribbon. and _'i'hepptrd,--ute latter also a Joy-ttre other offerings all the visible nmnifesta- , "tttactive entertainers. Rev. Mr. Mc. tions at the inward love of deerones. In irrvine, Grand Valley, is an excellent addition to our notes last week. we add , reader and he was a great "ttengtlt to a that Mr Arrowamith was born in Mur- ‘30“ program. clestield, Cheshire, England, Being in I THE Dnowxma AcctDrisr.---Bineere delicate health he came out on a. visit to zsympathy is extended to Mr. N. McCal. '; a brother in Glenelg and found the ilum over the death of his son Hugh] changeeo benefieial that he stayed. He I who, with three others. met death at l landed In New? York In 1860._the sax-1e Bass Lake last Thursday, They were; day as the Prince of Wales as it heppen- I in the employ of the 0. S. Basket Fae ed. and came direct to the . bush, , mar- {guy and the party comprised, \Vm. l rying-two years after and has been here :Nichols, Jns. McLellan, Harry Bolton, i ever since Tt the exception of a trip lHuRh McCallum and Wm. Conklin. l to England in 1879. He is the last of leiThey were crossing the lake m a. gale. _ brothers but three sisters survive him. 11nd n... 5,... “at”... L..- .L- ._-__., ,.l , The editor cannot call at your home to enquire if there is news. If you know of any hand it m. We want all the news there is, hut no one man can get all. Just as anxious to mention your company or visits as to mention those of your neighbors. but probably your neighbor gives uq more assistance in securing the facts. Hand m Four news items. We want them. 'he held in the Presbyterian Church.l The maYPl'CRll‘fd a large number of _i:s'.i':i:'.i'i' and recitation hy the "we." jr)';rl,1'i"itellelfnte'et,'t't'cf)ii 'ter,egot,' . t I . h . S it . . . ' yum?” lalk w Rev Ir ml '"! evening, everyone thinking that with [ usuc by mrs. Newton and others will 1 roper guarantees the m ' ition was make an attractive programme. Opens ie'; excellent one ' A £1053er expres- M 8 p. m. Sllve" collection at ""')Gii the sense ofthe meeting that the tloop. :council should submit a. by-law, was CrtawvonD.--Measts Hector McDon- passed unanimously, and this will be old and J R Ledmghum t,rothersitteteti. upon as the council at their own ' . ' . , §mceting with Mr Brpomall, were im- respectiyely of Mr and Mrs Alex. MCWpressed by his candour as well as bv Donald here. left Tuesday for the West. , Ins machine - . - l . Mr. Dan. Mekinnon, of. the nenghhor I There can be no two opinions of the hood. late of the Enterprise staff, left on duty of' the ratepavers when the by- Monday ff’r 1'etltyam. N. Dakg Mr. law is brought before them, in view"ot John White, SR " 90 ill, that his re' the benefit the town has received from covel'y is not expected. {the furniture and cement industries. The editor cannot call at your home tlt?,'ts,,,it "vrrejt2Unt)etreiiryt,ettah; l to enquire if there is news. Ifyou know , inereaslng Our population and our ll- of any hand. it m. We want all the sessment. The debt of the town is not “W's there IB, hut no one ttmtl Ctttt RetlexcessiVe. there is not the least. pros- all. Just an nnvimm on ......_4:-_ ----- l __ - BAND or Hovm--on Friday evening a carefully prepared entertainment will he held in the Presbyterian Church. Mutue and recitation hy the members. a chalk talk by Rev. Mr. Smith and Music by mrs. Newton and others will make an attractive programme. Opens at 8 p. in. Silver collection at the _ NEW Sunk 'arop.--Mr J. S. McIlmith this week makes his how to our readers. He has a fine selection of boots & shoes. and is prepared to do alt kinds of cus- tom work, repairing, ae. We have no doubt that in this growing town he will get a profitable share of the growing trade. Occasional correspondents will oblige themselves and us by attachinz their name to contributions. Recently a. clever article met the usual fate owing to thalack of a voucher. Give name and nddretrs--not for publication. AGENT MuterED..-To take orders for (trel) our Custom Made Skirts. Raglan: and ieab Raincoats. Liberal eommtitmion. le Write at once. Canadian Skirt Uo.. IW,', Guelph, Ont. Ill l The Cement hugging machinery is i now working and shipping is much tae. [ilimted. l, i " tumblers good Baking tTet) lwon't. last. long at this price-ru-r. f l10e--wh0e they 1aat--5e a tumbler. at? Jan. Ireland's ' l M rs. Newton " Concert Pianiste " will ; give a Pmno Recital Friday evening! April 17th, in the Baptist Church [ nsmssted by Talented Vocalists. . We are Headquarters of Window Mudetr-MacFarUne & Co. 3 You can get Ready Made Wrappers and Shirt Wahsttr-at Gum‘s. Money to Loan at 45 per cent. MACKAY & Duxx. Durham Read Mockler’s Ad for fresh list of Bargains. Ladies' Ruin Coats at Grant's, iliilttrit l A BRILLIANT BaCIAL-wag that of :the Presbyterian Guild. Monday eve- ning. The basement Was very prettily iadorned with pictures. ee., and these furnished a basis for it literary rambling guessing exercise, amusing and profit- able. A cleverly rendered literary pro- ,gram followed, and in addition to the delights of an agreeable chairman/witty speeches and excellent vocal and instru- mental selections by the members and others. there was some brilliant piano music by Mrs. (Rem) Newton. Mr. R. Ledmgham also gave an interesting address. Following these came a Ren- eral mix-up for a social hour and sub- stantial repast. . God Save the King ' followed by the benediction closed the meeting. and all went home to look in the almanac for the next month with r, Mondays. The Baptist young people very kindly closed their meeting to give opportunity to fraternize. . 1who. with three others. met death at Bass Lake last Thursday, They were in the employ of the O. S. Basket Fac tory and the party comprised, \Vm. Nichols, Ju. McLellan, Harry Bolton, Hugh McCallum and Wm. Conklin. They were crossing the lake m a. gale, and the boat getting into the trough of the sea. was swamped and only Conklin not to shore. On Sunday last the friends of Hugh McCallum placed his‘ body in Lawns. Cemetery. All the] bodies Were found. Vines of thanks toMx: 1359mm and the mayor closed the meeting. - -__'- __.- ""'""""t"s"" Peet of a burden, bat the reverse, and we trust a hearty unanimous vote will result when the time comes. 3 He asks a free site, exemption from ltaxation for 10 years. other" than at present, and a loan of 37000, he or his lcompany to put 615000 into the busi- ‘ncss, and the town to be secured by (iiGi" mortgage on the building and [machinery when in place. The repay- ‘ment of the loan in 81000 instalments to begin at the end of 3rd year. Be lpromises to employ a staff of 30 hands i'to begin with, and every likelihood of linereasing. He threw himself open to jquestions, and did at intervals, answer some satisfactorily. [momma seem to agree that it has matpoints of excellence. A large nun) r for some days back and " the 'g:ipt have had it explained to t em. a r"'" vvyll want: we“ boxes tor shipment. Those .tl1tlittys compared this with other m.“ --.. ----, - ' '; Judging by the interest taken in ”new: to the mayor‘s call for a meet. ,ing Mt consider the proposition of a , Cru.attjeptudiii. manufacturing Ind us- (try in Durham. there is perfect certain- fty ot, it passing the Vote of the rate- ,peycll. The lower Town hall, implqldent in new papering and 'deoontlons. was filled with ratepavers. the layor was elected to the chair and after.: introducing the subject and tell. ing the preliminary steps that had {been taken, called on , r Broomall. ithe expert who is promoting the lechemo. to explain matters further. Wry lucidly he laid before the l meeting the good points of his machine. It has been Cin use for 3 years over in the States, ith made in three sizes and trellummtti5 to $100. Should he Io- cateinDurham it is the intention in _ .e1tey,1r1s every part, even tothe,' A New Industry Assured, mo ’ARCHNE§ TORONTO A IASS MEETING. the least. pros: Also some of the finer lines in Box Calf and Dongola for ladies nnd gentlemen, misses, boys and children which I will sell " lowest possible pri- ces for cash. Will be pleased to have you call and examine stock and prices whether you bay or not. To the people of Durham and surround- ing country : Ibeg to announce that I have just opened up a stock of Boots& Shoes in Jordnn's Old Stand, Durham, which include the well-known Williams make of English Kip, Chrome Kip, grain and split Blutchers, especially adapted for farm wear. Custom work and REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. Remember the place, J ordnn '5 Old Stand next to Campbell's Implement Shop: BOOT O SHOE STORE Containing 131 acres. being the north half of Lots 21 and St, Con. 22, Tp. of Egremont. in the County of Grey. For particulars apply to J. New. R. B. KEELER tl " l(lllltllll'S Everybody Says Keeler must fix my watch. " ”your Wdch or Clock u nick Keel" the Jeweller can m the it tick If you need a pair of Spectacles Keeler can suit you. We guarantee to make you see as good as you ever saw. Hundreds of frames to choose from. For Big Bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles nnd Eye Glasses, &c. l l lllklllllhml, 5“?” at: MacFarlane t (h, Druggists & Booksellers. Mtt faper Uri-mod of Cost. Jack: of We!!! Paper Farm for Sale. CHAS RAMAGE. Punt-tn an Pusan“. Our racks are well; filled with the new.Stock of Wall Paper which comprises many pretty designs in the most pbpular shades of color from lic a roll up. Let us show you them. 31 Coolmme Ave., Toronto, WELERY STORE If] {1‘} "

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