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Durham Review (1897), 2 Apr 1903, p. 2

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n. Ar, has C0tteysqetu to ucccp...n: my tor analstzng detained im- Cigmnts to outer Ignited States. He Hill lo Wportcd to Liverpool. It is announced that tho uniform qAuett is to be adopted for tha To- ronto Mounted Rtrles has not been m Gnu-mined upon. it. than Lorna Jacks llabatza. a Hungar- hm employal an n guard at the gmgration building. It It. John. - h“, mm - _ ' A d a Cana, tho militia Lorna " hm employ hmlgratio‘ N. B., PM my tor mum unless timi- wishes are met within a certain time. The militia bill, which Sir Fred- dick Bordon win introduce thinnes- ‘on. will probably piovido for an Inm in the permanent corps. and also ttiso power cor the appointment (1 a (‘nmuiinu orticet. to command tho militia. V - W- --'-i... “may. - “IV ra- mbmion bill. The Ottawa Typographlcnl Un- km ls ngi’nting tot. an immune in, Che name o.' ~Sinotype men from 818' to 020 a week. They threatened to mum unless their wishes are met! HOL£N -- __ A ' .. Mr. R. L. Borden, tt is understood. " opposed to the demands by local politicians that Toronto be given Mqht or nine seats under the mm: "L Tho will or Mrs. Bolton, who died a: Stand-Ix In Halifax, bequeaths £3,000 to tho Presbyterian Church, no tho Halilax Ladiea' College Bets ‘7,000. ' puma! umpN-tqr of the Bank of Comuuuvep, “Mr. C'., Cambio succrml» in; him as assistant inspector. The Trminkamlng Railway Com- lbloners have only“! four PU- m and am havlng 'rpct"itictttioare ta- oars prepaml. The smallpox patient on the tttea.. m Corinthian. at Halifax. has been not to the quarantine station, and tho passengt'ru have been allowed to kn”! pointed iuirplG-t.r/ Commerce. "Mr, L'. “I him as assist deciric' poker, The Canadian Manufactu ”elation has decided to 1 annual moctlng in Toronto " and IS. Fort William has closed an im.. portant contract with " 0111mm) mummy tor the development of dM|_:.. __-,--, . nan been a inted Division and mum in L/l/at,) to the late hum Burns. Manager A. J. Small. of thc Toronto (beta. House, which has dostroyed try tire, has announced that it will be rebuilt before Smtemer. Ion Charles Fitzpatrick proposes an amendment to tne criminal rode :put a stop to immoral exhibi- no Canada Shipbuilding Company In. Pureharreu a largo tract ot land Door Brklgvport, Out, on which to Rect its plant. Itetpressrntatises of the Dominion hale: and Labor Congress will in- hrvlew the Ontario Government on April Ist. . In the “be! suit; of Schmuck mica: the Guelph Mercury the ;.wapaper got the verdict. 5 , Annie Raaume escaped from the jun at Chatham by prying the lock on ttte woman's ward. _ ' Ahictuto hotelmen are seeking rep- i1"ele,t?/', on the board ot the King ward Hotel Company. Our. James W. Heres. of “'th Lon- "='"" v .uu n‘lus Lunar“ tS0tet, itGiiirYo. ‘:. Ciodng exercises were held at ‘20 Ontario Veterinary college, l ---.., _--- '"."M"A LI’uUIU eaetuB pell- tton for Incorporation was present- ed a! Ottawa. The London. Ont., rolling mills started operations with JG mm. Wm. C. Bailey, ot Chicago. will image the King Edward Hotel, trrramiT""' ._. _ New Lhkcanl has -"e --'""_'eVW-. ‘lw w"! which prmldea for advances money for: thtt_purvrmse or land -Mr. Wyndham. who was heartily amend, rare to speak at 2.40 p. m. At the outset he announced that the Government “bought cash aid was mm! for the fulfilment of the proposed scheme. but it attached III-tar fmportancn to the credit Operation than to the cash opera- tion. He then unfoldth the scheme», -boo, up... IA“ ., -- . no icon lntermt felt in this new imatlon. which. it is hoped, will Mow peace and contentment in hound. was midenced by the crowd- d Home. The Ieer.p gallery and the Mlnguisltol strangers' gallery were tUUd, and there had Men no such gathering of memhem of Parliament Mmso tho opening of the session. niclnaol Davin. father of the land luxury, ceiehmtezl his 57th birthday 'ttr m-entering the House for the ftngt time since he ceased to be al -m‘Inr in order to hear the (Neil Ieetary for Ireland unfold his 'otrto, Imdon. 311mb 30.--Titty If”: Sec- lItary, Mr. Wyndham, introduced the (human-M‘s toatr-antietptsted Irish had hill in the Home of Commons 'tttAs afternoon. It proposes a. free Want of $60,000,000 tor the pur- was of the MM. It Provides for a Grant of $60,- 000,000 for its Purposes. IRISII LAND BILL m. '. ___ =='ce IN BRITISH COMMONS. Grand Lint nn, CANADIAN. il Manttraeturersr' As. utrekleu to hold tht True." Pacific peli- Hevey, of West Lon- brewery has been been made a on Sept E3 The weather tr 'told " Villains; conversion. went to tho altar seek- ing 'ranetirietttton and the members of tht, chnrch went forward to pm) for her. When the service was completed Mrs. Kohler was perfectly rigid and in a deep trance. At times she muttered indistin- guishable words and smiles tlitted over her countenance. PM pre- sent sang. and after about three hours Mrs. Kf-hter awoke and said she had seen Jesus and the angels. Mm. Kohlcr is Well known and in perfect health. tor of Zion's Er and titty Witness ler, who had he conversion. went ing 'ranetitieatton South Bend. Ind.. Maren 30-4 remarkable case of a woman (all- ing into a trance while praying in a. church is reported trom Misha- wnka. where on Monday night in the presence of W. S. Tracy, pas- tot. (If 7.3mm: M.--, '. ’ V o t by Ind Una Woman .u- pun-us to that convention. The rush to (‘unmh is bright-r than over. The Canadian Emigration or- fices in London are hourly crumlml with enquirc-rs, and an average or 700 to 800 letters in rm‘oivml daily. asking for information about. tho an.Inxn-. . The customs com-n lsifi'i', Airiean volonir preferential trt'utlllelll I ports. l Mr. John 'lr.. Nahum leader. says tlwycs an {features m tiu, land I these will no doubt m DomGion Tho Ilaw.xiian H , Public Expoxuliturvn other Club-"leompnt Public Works. the C' $100. Replying to " (m D. Rose, tho Cumu Newmarket, Mr. Jc, stated that tho "ee kan tribunal on th submitted to it wm all parties to that ~pr,uuu.UUU m trauma Hon. Clifford Sinful till will assist him in Prt'pit nska boundary cm.“- sail, York for London. Applir,'ations illui‘ h for traction liutti!.'rcr, 1'ottrrstsurg and M u-ow rejocteu'. The St. l’ctcrsbux'g carp“) of " Berlin pupvr sua- Lint is trying to nrntoti:t.te n i 3100000000 in Frnilct. Mr. John H. Hulnmml, Hm Irish leader, says Hut-m: are Uhtjutionabl" features In Urn [and hill, bat ttlat these will no doubt ir, :Itnt'lhit-Ill Tho rpport that " British war vessel had noizm! the Yrunzm-km gun- boat Iletsttturarlor fur a'ilry,vd new of piracy is denim. John Henry Weisse, out, Dutch landscuy painter, is dead. , Mexico's quarantine against. San Franelmso, declared last Docmnbm; has been raised. . Tho North Hrrmun Guzman my! tho Reiclmtag vim-Linus will takn place on June Iii. The Pope has decided in nmke Unis dinal Itampolla Ciee-CltanveItru, of tho Holy Bee. l . There wilt be no more women specter: or incoming p'ash'r'ni',Pr's New York. . Helena, Ark., is floods. . Postmaster J. A. Johnston and George Chiverton wcre arraigned be- fore the County Court judge at Dal- housrie, N. S. and pleaded guilty to stealing 8-128 from 1m- pom-of- fico on July. 2Oth last, and were remanded tor wnu'ncv. Dakota. was taken from a. train rsuC. faring from cocaine poisoning; and is at Victoria Hoxpitul. Sim is supposed to have takcn the drug In mistake tor medicine. V serge will ho rptninml and a uni- form. as worn by the ulmgomm. will bo adopted for full dross. Mrs. MaetNeeit,9ot Toronto. on Mr way through London to North Dakota. was taken from " train "ot, rue um um prm-Edou that 1011mm; 'wltull pay: " 1-4 per cent. interest on loam: from the 'government, that unteuantml farms, and grazing lands shall he sold to neighboring tenants and that three commission?” shall supervise the sales. SAYS SHE SAW JESUS The bill will become effective Nov- ember list. , Mr. Wyndham saftt 8T:uto,otm.otto ‘could' safely be advanced on Irish land, but he thought the win-mu would not involve $IKXD.OOU.OUO. The Irish Secretary explains-(l that while the maximum charge of 'thn English treasury would not exceed $1,975,000 tn n niulgl» "your. the re- duction in the and of the adminis- tration of Irland would amount to $1.250.000. The bill aim provides that lunahts 'wltull pay: " 1-4 per cent. interest, on loam: from the gown-mun": “mt l can" to , to Le “an unwed 2:1 510:1"; Mr. 000,000 Our It will he 000,000 31 BRITISH AND FOREIGN c, Put)' lo be mixed 1 Woman Has "emu-kn!“e Experience in Franco. I Bend. Ind., Maren 30.--A :able case of a Wumnll full- 1, n A..-.., _ ‘- Iiawaiia {my Weissenirrulvy rch I13 corrvnution of m vulonivs mun-.1116“ treatment m British 1iransejieii ._. aliGr, (“Lydian I?) Mr. C. tnudian manner for Jtcuc'pit' ('hnmberlaiu docitsiml or the Almi- tho ”nautical! to he would b:' binding on '05 has nt in turned bitterly on and those who prvpzu-ing the Al- . sail-"l from _ It o PM in thrnatc-nml by. curx'rsmnulont m tl Ummiltvn oh "irrrtul un- h" hoard ot " lying; 82,- nantn through the Land 7(1). in the coun- $5,000 else- at [hush a loan oi l m-wlcuna ttt St. .:I\ o bran new stock is the turn. marins Ur HIP {or im- If the slightest trouble appears which you do not understand, write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. for he: advice, and a few that]: words from her will show you a right thing to do. This advice costs nothing, but It may mean life or happiness or both. ttt tl., ___ v _-. -._ uuuuavn. arc an. Ohio Bt.. Chicago. Ill. --86tttNt forfeit If original of about letter proving gnu/nun cannot " W u _ --- 'v-"r"'""' ,' “Money seemed but P'f, and pal- itry "t','ta,.'iel to halt , and L" a few dol or: invested in lad a Th _ Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound ,brought me good health. I suffered for several years with general weak- ness and bearing-down pains, ceased by womb trout, e. My appetite was frightful, and I would lie awake for heart, end could not sleep, until I seemed more weary in the morning than when I retired. After reading one of its advertisements I decided to try the merits of Lgdla E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable ompound, and I In: so glad I did. No one can de- scribe the good it did me. I took three 1 bottles faithfully, and besides build- ing up my general health, it drove all disease and poison out of mg body, and made me feel as sprig an active " I young girl. Mrs. Pin ham’e medl- cines are 's.Tttuh1ye11_they are chimed ! I Mrs. Hughson, of Chicago, whose letter follows, is another woman in high position who owes her health to Lydia B. Pinlgham’s Vegetable Compound. 'l... Pernonal letters addressed to Prof. Mun- T' yon, Philadelphia. l7.S.A.. t-ontalning de. li- tall! of slcknens. will be answpred promin- ill V and tree Advice " to treatment will be 1 given. lb Mnsunic Case of lmpormm'o in New York (tam-Is. New York, March G'0.--ChaNos L. Franklin. tt. "winner a; tlie Excelsior Lodge of Um Masonic- ()Mvr, has brought suit in thr? Slum-Inn Court to rostrum Grand Muslm' l'ilbm't L. ('rmulull, Gram! Smrpuu-y lihlm's: Fwd. A. Rurnhnm, Chm-[PH L, Phipps and olllvr nffivialu of thr, Grand Lohte uf Hm sum- of Now York and of tlw lixt'vismr Lrrdto from taking any Mum in column-lion with our- tain eharttos brought against him as 'l Woman Swept Throtuth n Sewer at l Paisley. Scotland. 1 Paisley, Scotland. March 30. - 'iNartth Rafferty. of this piucr, is [living to-day, after having gmv t through one of the mowl horrihing I "Nptwioiutvi imarr'mabic. I Last night she vvalkHil into HIL- lEthiurt burn, Him-h was floudeql. 1 She mm caught in the swirl of the zhitrnum and mum mm :1 newer [which comma-ts with the Rimr '(‘nut0. She had giren hers-elf up ( for last, when a‘hn mnnngml to gain a hold (tn " ludgc in the sewer. rm which she clung. Hr-r pagilion.‘ 'Il\\|'hrnn- ..'. M 7 . Mason it: I 'arse Artur. clinging; right hours sh" mropt from tlu, the rivnr. . She morning and m: for MT (‘Vllr‘l'im a MOM (tn a ltvditc lo which she ('lum howtrvev, mm: In in the wwm- was awn which :Iltnt'kml hm hoe clothing till it 3futtyon's Rhonmatlsm Cnre "are: tthen. matism Permanently. Price 25e; at all drugglsts. Mnnxon's Dumps“ Cure poulUn-Iy cures all forms or indigestion and stomach tron- ~blel. Price. 25c. Munyon’s Cold Cure prevents 33:1 breaks up a cold In a few h more pain, and J remmmend this remedy to every W,',",',',',', who desires to become cured of r eumatism. It is a wonderful remedr."---3irs. S. Faker. 111 MoCaul street, Toronto, Dec. 12th, 1902. Mrs. B. Fogier writes :--"I hue met. Nted from rheumatism for fifteen years, and my whole system was affected. At intervals I would have acute attacks and my fnlirering would "be terrible. I have received 1benetit from physicians, but only of a temporary character. I ob- tained a sample vial of Munyon’a Rhon- mltism Cure, and it. has relieved me in the most extraordinary war. I have no more pain, and I remmmond this remedv for :11ka Gai, "iiiiii'ii;i' MUNYON. A HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE. SUES GRAND MASTER. 'n ttttttid Iu-r and gnawed clothing till it was in sin-ads. ter. clinging; to “w lodge tor t hum-n- shv \\'l‘:lk(‘ll("l and was n from tlu, lralmr and out into riwr. . She was picked up this Him: and minus little the worse lwr mpm-ionco, CH3 ADVISES MUNYON'. RHEUMATISM CURB. ',rr" CHRONIC M'ltillgu'rmgL In; "mm Rheumatism «Length. mu lot'l'hlnk an. t lould smooth". "There is ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO FREE MEDICAL ADVICE, HUNYON‘S RET’EEDIES. I. M.jsrrtrGrisG,"i'"iri'ii', no ptPitr.hment too severe n') irurwovvu/ont, for swtttmiing: with rats. of this pinch is after having gum the mowl hrrrt'irrmp; woven“ pnoumonla. a few hours. Price the my}; Retailers Should Not Load Up Too r Heavily With Goods. l Montreal. March 30.-an the course, of an address on insolvency legis- lation before the Canadian Manufac- turers; Association last night. D.M. S-tmvu-t. Manager of the Sovereign Dank of Canada. urged that extra caution should be exercised In the dispensation of credit during the coming year, and that great care be taken to prevent salesmen and traveliers from loading up retail- era with' more goods than they can possibly sell profitably. when a trade reaction sets in. which he thinks we are bound to have bzfore many Bea.- Cons pass. McFarlane had been at the anni- turlnm only two days. He made friends with tho donors and ammcd to enjoy the rest the sanitar'aum at.. ford-ed. He went to had early last night, whilo his nurse was uslrr-n. Early to-day he dropped from the window. and running: across tho 'Jle,1,'."', threw himself into the rver. I mull». He thinks this tho Lund slrvmhr‘s to swim: of wry lofty nu is mumhlocezl ty be I'm Irtrrtunt “worn-ammo” hnrm-tant "menu-rim at” the British Antarctic llzpmiitinn. London, March 3A--l'ris'1iittt Mark “all, ol Luv Hogan 1i"or,riuti.sc:ue 'clts- s"iety, t'iritimi'utiiig ml the “rhino- mr'nts ot the Briti~h Antttretie ship Dim-over); says it has bra-n pron-J eont'lueiv"l.v that the grunt-r part of th" Anturt'liu rug-mu is .n Hist unn- tinent. Cupl. 80011. It. N., thit 1'0!”- mrtv.dm. ot Ae I)iscovrtv.v, [rt-not mind mm humlrt-d mums tuthvr hum]: than an) previous vrmlurmg :m-t uiwuwrt-d New York, March h'H.--iyp. Li'dvtv,ot tha Boar! n: Hmlllll. um“) l'l'pxii‘l- e:l to N:.rtre Low that "tulsrsrculo.. ci, real! tins the grmlrmt {mun c-nuso l ol' Hunt! 'i I'.l thie, city, and one whieh, ill my opinion. dumzlmh um"! attun- tirn [mm the munitupal suiitltopiti-!,. in tim mtorrst of public ln-ulth. The mttn'co" ot 11¢va buff " my: fawn tulst?pculosi, is xariourlx o,t'irg ttol ilt 50000 to 40.06031"! “run of Ill-'42) undoubtedly are infecting Uhix' us- uainuu. thus adding: to tho i'htc'tit ot tho Iii-vase. I lwlivw tit.. (Ema has“ 00111? witrtn thy City n.’ MW Ton: should extend its fiicilitis nu. J')") lrwllnmnt of 1ubrrculouic." He rcoozulnrndw tins c's'ivtion of tt cuuit".rium on tho tot p!;m.'l‘lw i'etttirw foo pul1no.mr_\ tur-tuv.',..., in Nrw York last .u-ur nunmr'rt-xil 7,731. I I Over 7,000 Deaths in er tear. Juxticv ("novnlnmn xxx-mum! pm‘m'y injunotion rrttraininyc furdunts from taking any nut “1-0 granted an order to rho“ rptm'xml I" Mara-h .11, why th" nnvts shonl I not ho rnjoinml In 5m: any “(Minn pr-miim: the tr dvterm‘mnlion of the suit. a mmnhnr of the UN n. Crriu'lt,vrsou, a hrm Franklin. I l rumor 'iprrrill (“at siion was to Cuko pluc WI sohlim's luau-chm] A SOU'I‘HERS CON llihy.Nr. iilfiNEmflTMifi'le ---r--- I RESULTED IN l DISASTER. Helena. B., c., March i.'0.-Ats. cordinp: to “(him-s rvcriw-d from the Orimlt, tn.” grand rm’inw of Chung (‘hi Tungs's mouvrn tlrillvrt soldiers in the Yang-tun Provinvr, was n 1:11.11 1iispla.v, but was dim ash-Gus t, the populace. When thee troun- wm-o uMwmhe] and the sham bulw- 1rrmun thr- nul- ives WPt'e Thrown Hit-u tl gran-It panic. l rumm- sprc 1d that " grunt inn» Victoria. B., c., j cording: to whim-s the Orimlt, tlt," gr Chang ('hi Tungs's sokliérs in the Yul Panic-Stricken People F led or Committee Suicide by Hundred. c0NStjh1pTl0h"s VICTIMS ADVISES CAU'noN Republicans Active. Madrid, Marvin 30.--At a. meeting- ot ttooo Republicans held here, Prof. Salmeron, well known Republican, was elected leader of the Republican London, March M.-Aeeordimr to the Pall Mall Gazette Chancellor of the Exchequer Ritchie ls likely to abolish the grain tax in the forth- coining budget. besides making a re- ductlon or three pence In the in- cOme tax. This belief, however, is hardly borne out by the Chaneelior'ts recent statement to a deputation of grain dealers. . ,; PATIENT ESCAPE" Spain Threatened With a Great Move- _ " ment for a Republic. BRITAIN MAY ABousn . t _ HER GRAIN TM SOON. . tir'olt, It. N. k'-' Discmwry, ittil,ots fulhm' explorer, tttpl "minimum.” "rsluto',y uuk Fl.", drum-vs L links this in H unuu L'TI'HIIU‘II " 10-m- m: rrttraininyc tho 'li- uking any "ution and (mu-r to :how runs“, h 31. why th" (“‘me- ho t'njoinml from luk- )f‘ntiillg‘ the trial :nrl Order by William brullu-l' mmmwr of I tht Yuri. La xt arms-vo- tie ship prawn: I'r part , ___.... __... ...vuuy up IIILU uh: Ill”!- nmwmheli xix-eds. The panic was not nun-val ill thr- nul- 3 for many "ass. fl't‘nl palm-J A oorrwspondent of the North :a-ml il:vn-,' China News trlls of riding through A tho ""lrr-ir dosertml villages and hamlets for ', ugh the miles. f, '"." NP. L‘llllL’ “‘EXE tlo- 1mm, " ml ac'e'.rtttFtuieu by a doctor. prom-MN! to tt proliminary investi- gntiulL No mouvy or pun-rs ot any kind w 'PO funnel in Sir ”00.10in Ing- gagt. Two lmii's written in Elm. I:._:A --- - - ...:- mummy ovt'rlookinp,. tho lobby of the hath]. wind-u mum guestn. in- cluding a mnuhc'r of Indira. wru- nwunhhd. Tho proprietor of the MAN was an first. to reach the ox- pirim: man. Home"! help was: immo- dimob mmnnmml, hut was found to lw [Incl-ms. death running quickly. TI!" Ccmmhworv- of Police was no- lifiml, and necnmp-miml by a doctor. nrnnncAyl an -- F-- .. . l ago, cunnnlttmt suicide to-day at the l [lota'l lirgmn hum. "v shot; hinvmlt in tho right 10mph! shortly ttttor noon, and expired a few minutes lutm'. 'l‘hr Hmwrnl was alone in his small ('lmmlwr on the Mnmmine floor of um howl at the than M the tra- way. One of tlm fc'mule attendant-I heard the pink)! shot. and opening the door. "hw the (innorul‘l figure outetttttrhol on tho “nor. with the‘ blood [rm-hint; from a bullet wound‘ in the lit-ml. She ran svroaming to) thy balcony ovt'rlookitw,. the lobby] of tho hotol, whm-e mum guests. in- cluding a lunnlxrr nr Inna-.. ---- i“Fighting Mac " Preferred I Death to Disgrace. the fortunes: officers In army. nguhml whom ch on immurft; new \vr‘re H!!! Paris cubit‘: Major-General Sir Hrctor Mncdonaid. commanding the British fun-cm in Ceylon, and one of the fortunes: officers in the Brilinh army. nguhml whom charges based on immurft; new “'1‘”? Ii!rut some time SUIGIDED IN PARIS HOTEL GEN. lljllllllgUt / SHUT #illjllililf) Pen Ihnt thpy might not be hamp- "red in their flight. Women killed llmmwelvcs to saw their honor. The uttatlaq will mount up into the hun- dred-s. The panic was not ullnyml in t' um ny I my“. roads the ignorant farmers nban- dolled all and tied. So great was the panic that some committedsui- vide. Parents drowned their child- mroently, my r party. The secretary of the meeting _ announced tnat 20,000 farm laborers had Joined the party. Senor Banner- oo, in a speech, declared his inten- tion to begin the work of establish- ing a republic in Spain immediately, The meeting was followed by a. great Republican demonstration. Fhtattee Minister “Harm-do has resigned. There have been dissensiona within the Cabinet over the budget tor some time past. Both the War and Marine Ministers insisted on important in- creases in the credits for the aer- vice, to which the Finance Minister was opposed. Senor Rodriguez San Pedro, a Conservative, and a. lawyer, has been appointed to succeed Fin- ance Minister Villaverde. tho Winnie attendunfu tol sum. and opening r tho (immral‘l figure e grave charges m, and embel- >nsml‘s portrait " under his at- he lobby, going the pistol shot Home has pro- British officials the hotel who Fir Hector Mac- he showed no anr mamm- Eng". - __ V. -... “v vu a 3610"“ Queen Alexandra In to Ira, same day to spur“ “the n Copenhagen. which in hard Eatible with the mxrgestia in; Edward is in iii-health mm continuation in “all intcrard quarters. Tho King lrcqncnlb ll econ in public. and appart'tttly in v\- (sellout health and mpiin'trc Ile In“. London thls “Hermon to whit tho Earl of Dewy ttt Knowsley mm. 1Astleeurhirm, and Io NW‘ like Krill"! autumn-51‘ lam-1m at leot‘poo! 't2trG"rtl,e.""l?df Hagen-v wd. Marl on Honda}! next. tor Lisbon. and “mm tterkitt Em on tt \‘nphlivnv Inn-l _ -__ vi ‘III‘ ‘1I\ King Edward is in sullen from Uepre tind confirmation ftuartfute. Tho Ku WM". ligation o. ‘,_ w... "pane, nut "tc committm nannies snmciont Druid pea- and mu tltrh, while carom”) avoiding making tho propln mun comfortable than in ordinnrp years. and exacts lattoe in wu'mr-nl to.. no ht In. wherever P3tssiUle. MO m: to nut-d nauporiziug the people. An to tho stories of deaths from tannin". ltr Router adds. no such happnningn hm. been reported anywhere. His -- V -e" "".' "mun Dr. water and hire party vitritvu' “My poor cottagesunl found in men one of thou: Menu ur Irread and rup- plilm ot “our. Dr. ilisutau. adds that of comma, there Iruuld have luen untold "uttering" hut for the twain» anon ot 1110 comtttitttse, which was soon largo” helped {by American funds. The committee now bu branches in every village and parish, and ovary can!) of suffering (II-COV- orcd In carefully nunndod to. Pota- toes le. milk are man-e, but the- "rt-- . n- -__---- ., -- St. Pctr‘rnburg. March ao.--Di. Julius, h. “out”, a lewturttr ot tho i'nitersity of Heitsintrtors, who may detailed by the Finnish national tw- lit-f committee to mnkr‘ n tour ot Fin- tuno, positinxi) denim: that his purl] either found or board of any path-h “here there are the thousand Ger tiluto "arson", as has been tstated. During tho mimic trip Ur. Renter was. on'.," "hit- to pruriire one Bit of "hunger bread." which was campaign! ot flour made from Krrum grain mixed with bark. EH-n this had been pre- "orved sinro tho curly part of the winter, be!an tho rviiol committee was able to humid its opvrations to cottagts in out-or-lhv-wa} Macon. ".. "-..i, --_- I . . _ COMMITTEES RELIEF woo Dr. Heater Finds That There is Little Suffering. Jlllllllf jllililllt THE fllllE Comma Med Highland Brigrmo. Pouth Africa. 1899-1901. and w.” wounded at Patsrdeherir. Appoirted to the command of tho Sentient and Belgium: Dlstrim. 112.1311. 1901. and ~ulvzequontly a poiutei cummandox- or the forms t Ceylon. Appointed A. D. C. Queen Victoria in 18'. Toknr. " 18.)6 Le (-omuxz-n:fel tlt, Hr ond Infantn Brigade at [Le banana liuwdltionury Force, van he In. again mentioned In dogma-hwy. Ho commanded the Egyptian me.. guide. 18.:7-1)S. Including tlw f‘gm- ing at Alnt-Hamod, Amara. and Kl-nrtoum In all of th‘h he wan mentioned in despabchea. and ro- valved the thanks of Pnrll-xm'm. Was: in the Nile Eunnuon. law-7.. and was at annual in 1655. when he was mentioned in dogma-hm, and rocniwv! the Klughc'v star. In l8"tt hr.- was again mentioned for up». tirttpulled "'.rxiee, and two y'uz‘s later took part in the capturv of Toknr. Took" [YIN in (he Bovr Will " Present at Majuba Hill, and liqpfxl Jn despatchos. The newspaper: . horn mmm. m sympathetically on the mum-m. slbly pitiful and of n bran mun and any that his countrymen “J" remember him best as the man u a,” on his return from Omdurmnn km“ Edward. than Prince of Wnios. crow _ tug him, said: "In 1875 you “7.7..“ doing sentry in India. and now 5'tiil are a general in tho British an") I am proud to have met you.” Fighting Mnc's War Brawn. Born in 1553, the so" or a p30“... r Urolter. "niistrut In the north“ lic r" lander-a it; ttmt, Promotes to a (‘ommimion in J.rrn Robert~ in 1879. for 2.1mm: cumin“ C in the Afghan war. M'utioitvtitsvd, in timptltchcs. THE KING'S HEALTH Ion " health and we depression from whlch he was suffering arm worse. to such an oxtent that In, m was talk of invalidirqr him from t: " cox-vice. An attack of dysentery and ,1 touch ot aunstroke at Harden”; during the South African cumpalu” loft seriou- effoota. and a “'0qu he received In the leg healed mm.“ It In stated that he often compln't'” od of Mn: let the load, and in c, \, The omen! announcement made hr the Governor of Cryion in the Legal Iaturo Monday that Major-General Wound would be court-mutiay- od, and publicity. given to the alum, were evidently; the determining mo, than tor the suicide. His friends, at. tribute the unfortunate business to his broken health and sham-nu nerves, the outcome of two mm, pawns, in the Soudan and 8mm, Africa. Mn cubic: no We and of "mu: Inc." who. the son or a Highland outta. rose from a pm. i Man of ' M's uni-taut to tm an honored general in the British arm. bu caused great lurpriae “a deep sorrow in London. The nature ot the offences with which he Watt charged but! not become trenerali known to the public, bat had bovis common gossip in military circle; and t1tnt, In the arm; and among " blunder comrades. p..- peciauy. there is keen grief, the:'.- feeling is that It was "better .., die thus than face dishonor.” Slr Ilector was separated from in wife many yam ago. and before l,, trot his commission. He has not lived with her since. He leaves u son, “ ho In being eduutad in an English Pttr. lic School. is” ot excitement or worry. larch 30.-1‘1 I Io m- the w,atrv', chase at LivorpooI Mums” le. hlur't it. tor Lisbon. atrl [ on a yachting tom! It " to lawn tho wnll tun-e wmrkl at fell ire ham!” urn- ". quge-tion the: plies summon! broad, fish, while ettrortMly " tho Poottio mun In In ordinary years, tr in payment roi. in nuiblc, so as to armd Words ot Sympathy. Ilia party visited ttttd found in "very of [trend and n"), Router addr, that evuuld have hue" commimion in Lo for gallant com!" 31'. ll 'nliomu t Wu to the Will of "ts "1"”- I. a: I ,0?" " dams um I Ne haul of F burned qwrsiuwl 111mm We'Pe " " tat Kmrdmlcl; the other in Jum van anybody. um urns who m-ru them. Fanny. only! ttte, ttieete hugger. mm In January - ll" 'vittastnmtttw he of alumna": h mum nth-min". " nrari John W . - . m ' - I "du-, buy Pun. I0 Mm..." mm II . . Rnrlr Ina-us I. -. t. um " ,~..or. MIMI" " . .w.'-KGM “If ANY 10 mraatea; but to excmn I". can]! Inn-Y km- to nude. Luigi. Th UtietR in tho out.“ uwro ware. it in [an the Imam] trel I Cm v0 nnnutea ttie tCLTdLTi', H y t' _,tls.'.),,ir'i'l,st, b, )-fit,'ttli"-itt 13% f , ' C." l fl EL if The ll WWW" __ "6r"ue.reioul - (In foodm; th.’ mi. of tumor. Toni-rd autumn ulmmtomiw i, on! ofmnd ("mew-u tri,UGou, M89. Heal and Poultry DION-Mm u! m not imam"; (SUGAR MEET). than)..." Flat 5...", 8099'90'! TANKARD CR Cow " Luomc I on omen , new " M 'ter lt w Tat" Cf-y" NONE BETTER its TAKE YOUR CNN lazuli!!!- W14 M501. tMSI.m. qua! t on: P M! Pr m dam Ib- "ad. April u - am.) murqu "you M6 pamrrt a round mill W . - _ "m T “k ', _ P "trl ho Cl CH l I'm Du "' br wo M Id fir " "qu " II 1p

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