West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Apr 1903, p. 5

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ring for Sale : M CAMERON 100 acres A good farm with fine red vyery cheap as Mr. TIO US sful Men tim ber. n Beniinck,. _In excellent ildings and fences, good d Church close at band, i‘hr farm. C wner getting bound to sell. let where they do their men go to ue west. wart Farm, Lot 16, Con. entinck ; 100 actes with } : frame house and other d to hasve a lot of very MILLER, the Hanover uo though it means a few :. They suay that be is .â€"never negligent." that ars experience and that caL wITH HIM. Lou.u"u:x) ps EOCGSI‘ t:). H. MILLER, rawer 28, Hanover, Ont. , 19063 aAV S r_,yiu' VYeeds / . were talking m Separators. reputation has been by their excellence. Dritt, n n 8 cARTHUR thers say anadian Stock Tonle «l feeder of the <wcepsbke Ninter Wair of 191 and 1902 business transacâ€" Market geared ind full lines of Loods in Stock. , DURMAM. . MHOLSTEIN. ton Drug Co., 1. Ont. A A &o t F4 bridge evâ€" day. Orâ€" McArthur‘s rricE,. will L. wade Sarriages, AMES LEASK S d & BELL n Agents. posite Mid ibton St. cutters hipment of upâ€"toâ€"date 1 and test for inspecâ€" aging better is pays to ege. Wor npletely and ne my cows recommend airy man. cattle and e well and is the best ; feading it ruing them ‘ zhe’?fll Show i Carâ€" roved ed for me in m and y one ble to d old which Prices Calder‘s Block, HE SELLS CHEAP. ‘i «+ 42 ** Â¥* °< uk i4 *« _‘ 48 â€" knitted edge "$1.00 & 4 5} a4 * 4+ & + 1.40 Roller Window Shades, each........30p Table Linen,é): in. wide, per yd .... '%‘-’c &# «* #* o uow ) White Bed Spreads each ... .88¢ & $1.28 Floor Oilelotb. 1 ya wide, per yd ... .‘i‘:')c L e PA Y Corded Wash Silk Waist lengths in W bite, Black and Colors each 82 Uup £02.22 ... k.k. .+ ¢ n redesect‘rs ¢57 . 29000 Black Mercerized Sateen Underâ€" sKirty. ... . .. . . $1.40, $150, $1.75. $2.00 NEW PRINTS & FANCY GINXGHAM‘S ; yds long 30 in wide, taped edge pr. Don‘t forget us when yon want A good pair of Shoes as we carry Full Line of Sterling Bros‘, Shoes. 00 08 THE BEST CGROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICHE. W. H. BEAN BIG 4 Nee ts SE SES" C © The Implement Man ‘‘ asks for a continuatian of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found __ AT THE OLD STAND . NOBLE i 1 0 L ANngt CROCKERY w s =Thi B oS k sHibre, 4o \l‘" We can give yOU Bargain‘ . lvefid“ & it o hspecior of o TeR Bd s. sCOTT. : m y Nee y n ‘ _ We k, â€" Durbam. Adam‘s Sleighs. | _ _‘ _ _ .. a :# [ %@ â€"_â€"An active antiâ€"cigarette campaign Forks aSpecia]ty.\’s, being conducted by several agenâ€" s i ue of o_ ts cies having the good of the community % C l2 q siaAs hrandoht , a¢ W edge "$1.00 + ** 140 h:;a} r ya .... 20,, e "aC tir{oenage â€"Shiploads of British immigrants can _ | are arsiving in Canada ana thousands, yes, tens of thousands will be added to ND * | o=" population this year. ; â€"A great bid for peace and harmony in Ireland is being made by the Land § Bill of the British Parliament, whereby Coats, &e. gifts and loans uf money are turnished zhs, o to tenants to enable them to purchase toves, their holdings. _ It centuries of wrong lements can be atoned in this way lt will be lement®. _ | cheaply done & 4 Eoiieliamocvals BA U L 40c Quite a number of the friends and 1t bas become the practice, more OC neighbors of Mr. _ and Mrs. And:e'; leas general, througbout the Anginâ€"Saxâ€" Hunter, Con. 20, Egremont metat his on world to observe vhe week heginning home recently to say goud bye before with the first Lord‘s Day after Easter leaving for the Adams farm near Ho}â€" for the purpouse of .presfilng. at. ane ur atein. which he purchased recently . | Io‘"e religions services hel flmmg this They cheered them and chaired them [3 | week. the claims of the Lord‘s Day upon fullows : ® ! the conscience of ihe Christian people To Mr. and M * for careful observance. Pear mn&\nd uts This year the week hegins on Sunday, w eg",‘ learned d A‘:wil 19. The actention. therefore, of you sreabout to Sever ns n!;"v’.?n'n‘-fi"nm&fifi all ministers, Sabbath School SuperiNe us together, as friends and neighbors for the past tendents, leaders of Y uug People‘s )‘efl‘:‘;e Seute Fou that cil * & Meetings, and orber Christian workers, u ¢ i f , X be easily fi"ed‘: elthe: .’..?‘:fesvg?ffi‘r (‘;rufrelfieg(‘ll;‘l‘n’(: 18 r“""fl.'f““) C"“?d. to: this 'm,“"d ti at you will be much missed by your circle of sc | opportuuity of appealing to the Chrisâ€" quaintances in this vicinity, for through our years | tian eanscience in the®interest of the gm;?‘l‘t)hmt"d intercourse, )"i“‘lh“"ci ‘;“L‘Ul:lfi{iz hetter observyance of the Lord‘s Day. ' y o in n Hiclat and ielfgious ‘qusi blic opinion in the as well as by your exe f and of arousing public of ‘ conduct. y your exemplary moral and religi008 | 1 0; pyuate of its preservation AgANSt the Every cloud, however, has its «ilver lining and | inr« ds of greed, selfishness and irreliâ€" our regret at parting is much lightened by the -‘,‘:" | knowledge that you will not be so far removed w i anch from us but that we can hear of your welfare and The officers of the various Branches occasionally have the pleasure of meeting you. | of the L. D. A. throughout the Domin« (Fal aid Pm on neleit tir constiter whethel It is always pleasant to remember :\:é)p,\' scenes of days gone by and you have our heartiest Assurâ€" ances that, though absent from us, yOUu will always hold an honored place among our esteemed and valued friends. On your departure from amonget us, you carry with you our best wishes for your future prosperity and ha‘)fiflnm and may you not ouly be abundantâ€" ly enriched with temporal biessings, but as new spheres of usefulness open up to {ou. may you also become a power for good in the locality in which you reside. ADDRESS and PRESENTATION. in bidding you farewell, we would ask you to receive as & ;mmi gift these chairs not for their value, but as a token of our estcem aud a trifling memento of "Auld Jang syne.". Robt. J, Matthews, Mrs. T. Brown. Very, very sad was the news last 1 week that Gen. Hector MacDonald had committed suicide in Paris He was returning to Ceylon to answer to charâ€" ges of immorality, which for some time have been hanging over him. Orders went out that he was to be buried in Parisg. but an outburst of feeling trom Scotland had the effect of bringing his body to his native land. He was burâ€" ied in Edinburgh, withont any military s + dfi 34 8 5 O i dvds i. â€" ho AAbinis m dinbtin n * Pnairanne on honor, but with heartfelt grief in many a heart. _ There are not wanting storâ€" ies that the *only General Britain has that rose from the ranks ‘‘ had been a vietim to snobbery in certain quarters, and the fact that he denied the impuâ€" tations on hbis character will forever make his countrymen overiook the charge and bonor the services of one of her boldest and bravest sons. â€"A record has been made in Antarcâ€" ibratfovaiy & flc disc()\~(§r)v' a ref‘urn(.d cxph)ring Bntch«r Catt?eâ€"-Thert) was A taiy r'un of party ha ving reached 82 deg.. 17 min. sloc‘]( offelimu..hnd the ‘lmuluiu‘l (:pnmme;l 2 s poutiest 1t s s good, ant prices were well mainiatnod. d()wrhtti I“%dlfsf.t l‘i)ut.l()n(l)nll‘ t"" be b"‘);‘g?“ k Quot» tions all round are steady. The best “b 1‘15 \\’(:v cmi. m,.\‘x m. ll'u_t(lJ S1x f stock on the markets sol! at about $4.50 mfm' ers owing to the unequal reiatiye | per cwt. wud the geversl rmmnu of stuff BI“‘lOMh' of clhls tpmvmce z)vu,h égugbe(.:. l ought about $4.10 to $4.40. a 4 > s beli‘l Ir)l m"ldplt: Odhcougt'y oundaries 18 Stockers and feedersâ€"Therae was li tie D& ”g“ Y Â¥ ered to. __| staff offerng, and there is no very great â€"The first bill passed at Ova wa this | demand, Quotations are abont ateady session is one prohibiting obsceneplays. Caivesâ€"Trade was somewbat dull, a} â€"A grans of $50,000 has been mude | though evers thing was seld tetore the to the Toronto Indastrial Fair by the close of the market. Prices have an eas t Ottawa Government. feeling. Quotations are $2 to $10 ench & ts s & a 5 â€"Shiploads of British immigrants and 4¢0 to 54e per It. . _ 2 (dbatmbente Nh linect eneiity . 7 ORA TTE Y CCA Lheep and lamibsâ€"The markets At & ho _ 3. . a. revhlcwas m I GALLANT HECTOR MeDONALD. TOPICS OF THE WEEK e1@e§$ HAYCIUR CPU R C W ols at heart, and pressure is being brought to bear on parliament to grant legisâ€" lation to eradicate the curse of *‘the paper pipe."" We cannot but wish a Godâ€"speed to all such efforts for the suppression of a bod y â€"destroying vice, BUPPY**" / . o> nt ite haneful effects on 1f ygou‘ve got a thought that‘s happy, Make it short and crisp, and snappyâ€" Boil it down. PE efu ieA When your brain its Down the page yont If you want your eft Wrall in ReseWEnt CC Wls Boil it down.« When your brain its coin bas minted, l. customers and it will be ou Down the page your pen has «printed, s s x if you want your effort printed, \ merit a continuance of their Boil it dowa. keeping good goods and sel] Take out every siurplus letterâ€" \ at right prices. T Fewer syllables the betterâ€" | j â€" Boil it down. Your inspection of our Make your meaning@ plain ; express it kindly invited sSo we‘ll know, not merely gues® 5t : * Then, my friena, ere yON address it ; \ Boil it down. l a |0r & Boil out all the extia tcimmingsâ€" y Skim it well, then skim the skimmings Boil it down. t ons inlniinmenana mm esn e en t woaa i snn se tm ORCHARDTO LET oN S When you‘re sure CC k. Cut anothet Send it, On. % A POEM. I No surer sign of spring can there be than the warbling spirit that breaks out in the strangest places during that seaâ€" son. We bare heen favored with a poem ! from which we can regale our teaders with only a few verses : The ders W"" ""° ith the mystery of nothing of its banefal full 4 ce n n CUT 1T SHORT. AHerkE 25 Ee e sure ‘twould be n sin to sentence in two, and we‘ll begin to Boil it down. res@ 34 ; lress it. ; !\ s nings e e canaan LeF 6;;uAaés. tiin enanscience in the hetter ohservyance of t and of arousing public interests of its pre_siel-vminn wwAadss CE ‘ iqrcrds of greed, selfishness and irreliâ€" lod. Â¥ The officers of the various Branches of the L. D. A. throughout the Doiminâ€" on are also asked to consider whether it would not be wise to have, eithoer on the 18th or on one theweek nights following. a Mass Meeting in the futerâ€" ests of the Alliance. at which either new members could be enrolied or an off=râ€" ing taken in the interests â€" Adlianee funds, â€"Lord‘s Day Advocate. Mr. Alex. Smith departed th s life on Friday last and was intw red in Lwtmm‘ Cemetery on Monday. The aympathy of is extended to the sorrowing Chies. ‘ Mr. Werley Follis of Owen Sound spevt a few days in the bury last week. Mr. Wm. Prie! bus opened a »ore in the old property and is doing & auuy busiâ€" uees. ‘Tnat‘smngbt. compention is the life l of uade. Toâ€"day & trade conditions ab the Toronâ€" to Cattle Market were similar to thowe of the la«t murket day. Export cattie sold s»low and easy, and butcher‘s were fairly acuve. _ Otber® live «tvek are about »teady. Toâ€"AQay‘s run of offeringys Was 54 cars. 712 caitle, 208 +beep, 978 hogs aud 84 calves Export Caitleâ€"Trade contintred UUH, with very fow cattle wauted. and tew on the market. There is no space offering. Quotations coutinue unchanged. About $§4.830 to $5.50 was paid for good stock, aud extra picked lots sold na high us $5.60 to $4 65 per owt. 4 0% Mlodn i LORD‘S DAY WEEK. Stockers and {feedersâ€"There \ stnff offering, and there is uo V« demand, _ Qunotations are abont & Caivesâ€"Trade was somewbat though everything was seld L« close of the market. Prices have feeling,. â€" Quotations are §$2 to I and 440 to 54e per Ib \ L VOME N ORV T ce y / JP P., PRLFVRAH/ RA NAAA oC , ( Frederick Shewell, \DROMORE T olz N HOW" â€" / Dorbam Scnool Ne in caned 400 in4. smbne wt nesntil M To ce t ons Lheep and latubsâ€"The markets Ate ubout steady,. Trade in lambs was a litâ€" tle dull, aud sheep were fairly active. Prospects nre steady, 1 D# Nee P EenE elcies o it Hogasâ€"There was a good run of hogs, and prices had an easier tfeeling. Qnoâ€" tutions are unchauged at $6.62§ for selec‘s gud $6.374 for dights and futs, Prospects are lower. TORE THE OQLD STORE We beg to inform the residents of n m Dromore and wicinity that we have Intending Students should enter at beglnuluc‘ ae int busi t th 14 st l ouerm.orusoonuuerupossible. gone into business A ; e o s:‘an Staff and Equipment. the wellâ€"known * Taylor‘s Store, and The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving have opened up a General Assortment and Matriculation work, under the following Staff of Dry Goods, (Groceries, Boots & Shoes C:gg‘ffi;{?ghe;mgr Department : Readyâ€"made Clothing and Hardware. MiSs LICK, B. A., Classics and Moderns. ‘ We will be glad to meet all old FEES : $1.00 per month | customers ar§d it will be our gsim. 16 | * "°"’C‘;:§:\;n. C. L. Gs';:r'::t;ry. \ment a continuance of their trade bYy | ________â€"â€"â€"â€" it Pinpemnieinthamane old t c oant maods: and selling them ancioctockap stop ut #2% gone InLO DL the wellâ€"know have opened : of Dry GoodS, Readyâ€"made ( Live Stock Markets Toronto. e week hegins on Sunday, e actention, therefore, oft Sabbath School Superin« ders of Y wug People‘s _ouber Chsistisn workers, x/ ealled to thw special And that said By â€"law was reRI°U®! 7\ in the Registry office for the South Riding of the County of Grey, on the twentyâ€"first day of March A. D. 1303 Any . motion to quash or to set aside the same Of any part thereot, must be ‘made within one month from the date ot registration, and cannot be made thereaiter. l Dated at Holstein, this twentyâ€"first day of March A. D. 1908. : ..on Arrix Merk ORCHARDTO LET oN SHARES. Dornoch. Prade continued dull, orsâ€"There was 1i tle iere is no very preat s are abont ateady s somewbat dull, wlâ€" was sold tefore the Prices have an eas.tI c are §2 to $10 eiuch. Davinp Amax, Clerk. TUE DUKAGAM REVIEW _ of our values 18 DARLING‘S DRUG STORE ~ pXPak s S < Rusies « ,'11&?"/‘3‘!1:‘ '~ ; f11.‘: GxFAWDMPMT] . .A kir l N BXAG Li in aille : ® s J -;.‘ -;_I;;:/"/ y Â¥ 10X fl hev</ â€" s ,:’,i; :-‘ * 2 % 224 -yf(i’z'f’ [e P44 '/‘ 9j<.-â€"»~‘~'-\" --[Aj{.j,.‘”,,";\‘ &) i 1 zn 1\ .("__:\\{( ),-r,,_,.-,-, h ? 4 bt C T Y Nk§k# \‘-w 7w (Fu h “?»".‘h'\ NC } ‘ Rcl.x'ablc Goods, P 1303. ts & hereot, h from 4 inot be | Jt ty â€"first g of 'Gbeinelg. in the GOUQ J CCC imar Farmer, deceased. | thor obred stock, and HD 2""5 0 0a NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. 8. o., | animals, _ Good pedigrees furnished, | â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" i 1897, c&gs, 129, sec. 38, and amending acts,‘that Thorobred Bes kshire Pigs for sale. w all persons having claims against the Estate of the ¢ ~ sai({ John J. Barry, who died on or about the 12th Jorx ECKHARDT, day of March, 1903, are required to send hy’xpost. Bunessan. P, 0. prepaid, or to deliver to J. P. Telfora of the own Pa 4 6f Durham, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before S t Angtnmemiensacnc ce amernmeatame o Nee on "~" * oT eA The 18th day of April, A. D. 1903, THOROBRED TAMWORTH p their names, addresses and descriptions, and a full | statement of particulars of their claims, and the\ BOAR. \ lon% nature of the securfty (if any) held b{ them, duly , j an certified, and that after the said day the Executors OFFIC will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased q 3 among the parties entitled thereto, having regard KING TOM only to the claims of which thcÂ¥ shall then have notice. Dated this 17th day 0 March, A.D., 1903. THE undersigned will keep tor service on lot 41 ' J. p. TELFORD, Solicitor for Executors, con 3, E. G. K.. Glenelg, for semson of 1903, the {Fredeflck Shewell, fine thoroughbred Tam worth Boar * ‘ & Hugh McGann. KING TOM. No. â€"8204â€". HBA indbeeieernenomnns‘s sevine ons se : sniemeencepim e n e + â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€" i bred DK Darid Do;,:f‘“ and Son, Mitchell, Ont., so ___| from the celebra animal ~ Newcastle Lord "â€" e celebrate0 BDN"ML sa v» 1404â€". â€" Full ¢®â€"| NOTAAR stttgatt Pittt® $ s 4# ceds s { . MEA C C ak g We aim to supply 0n &# $ ly the purest Seeds # J and true to name ‘if &# $ quality is a considerâ€" * 4 ation with yonu as it *Â¥ & shouldl be. T * u.1 al ze & medRt 4 6. #) :: Fancy Export Red, #| Mammoth, Alsike, '%’i Lucerne, White %’\ Dutch and Other g Clovers, Q"’ Choice Timothy, Orâ€" fi chard Grasses h "he H s at lowest prices. Come to us. g\ EFâ€"“. per ewt... Calfakine, per ib and â€" Other Stale rugs | YOUuR BREAD supPPLY Be it large or small, will be alâ€" ways of the best quality if obtained of us. Our product is at once pUTC wholesome and toothsome. Can‘t be beat. Made from & superior grade of flour and purcst ingrediâ€" nets. Our bread, rolls, buns. et¢, are baked in absolute cleanliness and are delicious. First class serâ€" vice. T a m lt c 00 Lo cciaevaue S4% 448 £ PBAE CC Dressed Hogs, per eW$ Hogs, Live weight..... Tuttor, fresh roli per Ib Butter, Tuab....â€"==â€"â€"=~ E. A. ROWE DURHAM MARKETS. Tight Treatment Tark@FB. e ce Potatoes, per bag The _three R‘s our Store motto : 1y ol it 3 12006 ds inntantatnad ; TOM. No. â€"8204â€". BARRISTER. Douglas and Son, Mitchell, Ont., )l'lm(f Ahimal â€" Newcastle Lord "â€" SsoLIcITOR iN SuPREME COUuRNY Glanworth Maid " 1494â€". Full exâ€"| NOTaARy PUBLIC, commISssIONER, ETC. caa mav be seen On application. «rnatmy MA T. AN 24e 600 #** ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO .000‘..-000000.!-0.-. *** s 4e en ues e en 662000# a 4e sn 6 08 * 9 2s suu s 4466066# ue ae4+** ~gr cwt. mo---uocono--.'-ono- m ees sec cce 200 600009# seae ue k60 ++# aes s ue c ae n 20 08 2ea 6e 0 0+# 0*# feailth 44e ea0 660 ##® 24s a0e +# # see 4 08 +*® GEO. STaAPLEsS 440 + »##* aue aae® 1 9o 2 bo 3 26 I Telephone Connection No. 10 _ ARTHUR GUN, M Pxvelctan & SurczON, . Office over McLachian‘s 65 40 J. G, HKUTTON, M. D OFFICE HOURS g~â€"12 4. m. 24 p. 13. RESIDENCE and OFFICEâ€"O}4 Bank UPPFEAR mOWN, DURRAM. _ 17 17 l0 OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF » the Du nam Pharmecy Calder‘: Block. â€" Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham. 10 Member College Physicians and Surgeons W.C. PICKERING D.DS., L. D. MonOoR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surg=ons of Ontario. Rooms Caldér Block over the Post Ofice. Women and Childrer, DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. Wap CX ELIBLIEE 2200 °* eNOTNSEINE MBR IPhawnanvedase.s . o EXCILUSIVELY, M# Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, s l‘lut Wednesday of each month from 12 p. m. p. M. Officeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURH AM. Late assistant to the Royal London Oyhthatmibe ospital, ls‘.nlslwd. and the Golden Square Nose nd Throat Hospital. w.. SPECIALIET EYE, KAR, THROAT & nosk," s ost merv PlV e DENTISTRY. Jompany and private Funds to Loan en Morigages at lowest rates of interest, Valuation wade y a competent and careful Valuator. BARRISTER, soL1cITOoR,*. NGATRY PUBLIC â€" CONYEYANCER, @C. A. G, MacHay | or ‘FICEKâ€"Melntyre Bloek, HOURS : z:z \facility afforded customer « An J KELLY, DR GEO. S. BURT. ]1 Collections of all kinds ‘promptly attended to | C nnnccunnmeerpnparmemint ARTHUR H. JACKSON Rat c0d oFFICEâ€" MACKAY & DUNN, isters, Solicitors, Conveyancers, Ac. Offices : Hunter‘s New Block, cp â€" posite Chronicle Office. Garatraxa St., Durham. MOoNEY TO LOAN StAIARO BAKK 0F CANAIA | Head Office, CONVEYANCER, vVALUATOR Insurance Agent, |CAPITAL Authorized...... . §2,000, 004 [ CAPITAL, Paid up..... «> 1,000,000 ‘RESERVE FUND........>~» 850,000 | AGENTS in all principal points .n |\ Ontario,. Quebec, Mamitoba, United LEFROY McCAUL. arrister, «NYotery, Cor peyancer, Qto., @Qto..... W. S. DAVIDSON. Terms moderate, Arrangements for sales as to dates, &c., mnst be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durbam. * Correspoudence addressed here or to flogvflle P.0., will be promptly sstended to, Terms on application to attended to, AGENTS in all p Ontario, _ Quebec, _| States and England. ; W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. DURMHAM AGENCY MONEY TO LOAN NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c, |_" Arcccdieiedieiietetintn it A general Banking business traneacted Drafts issued and collection :made on all poicts. Deposits received and inte®â€" est allowed «t exrrent rates SAVINGS BANX SAVIIUS 43 22206E ae mt P s savings bank deposite of $1.00 and up warde _ Prompt attention 5?‘6‘ every Cow o 0 d wine t â€"éi.,zge- Moderate or to to Loan at reasonaole rates on terms to suit borrower. . TELFOCRD. .McMenzie‘s Old Stand Durham PHAIL_+# Private Money to Loan, McPHAIL, Hopeville P. 0. C. RAMAGE, Durbam Licensed Auctioneer the County of Grey. w:(?iver the Bunk cu;tjo'l;e_fl'ilflfil .nterest allowed on W. F. Dunn Farms sol for *

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