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Durham Review (1897), 2 Apr 1903, p. 7

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-. -e-m- ww ed. I’M-vs 'irm lurcholco ttab Inte' 'hiannIany iiir"ii2h'ltt, Moe pvr pair ' yard'.',, m 'N‘WAX delivered oral“ umNHWL FEE tip, Front an... ' Em“. Toto-Io Plants, Em, Fat ttit -RELI\HLF. LADY an; lieit mun-u; handle-o ”I“. " Panadlun Lady COMO; A PROFESSION P- lum mutt or m ' , in and rl'; . 2 W ft, M. tt.,'a',e'3t',.,,, ‘ammon. Ont. F Station. M.C.gt "trex "(D I . SI}. I Farm. "a... Wat, I" tune our own on ply of the Winn-o a. "a?!” berry w-dny) do I Early, ete. Can mm.) I” "can. Any of tho “all." d and parked h'. 0. B. l. I package mylnx my plant. I manner they ”room blight orrur".wttieh 13.7.!) 'r in Ire?, 't..p.letattoi. "tithe-t M t increase her yield rs feed too, been“ ttod well digested be demands ol the , particle of non:- Loki PURIFIER "I loam!“ arNTr, WANTED WHEN 0W8 U.&A. "w Laid Jilirt ultry Wanted Imon red Cow When tom Dick's Bic Set will Inch and I a Co., A 'REAL "at “WIPE: Rina oe a. Thomas "ut AXLE GREASE Mt " Cure- ROWLE‘I 'r'.s"i','iii'iih 'Rlltd but remedye fl'r'Bifat Io Equal 1tr1trsttttrttritri'i ELL MFG. co m. ou'umo. M ttttet SALE 1 If! GE lk llbby I]?! NO. 14. G.N.W bredri Jersey: " wurr, Poultry and no. my; hrmtorihoieo ud- m-k.-nq_dry RIM; n-r pair. " i'i?ht, '?rtoMau Rf gmt ”nod “a ' key aad I lunch is Milli; toned a Blood f,'dt in give u and as rich has-highly r:,\'r\'.r‘|_\'1;; AcnrEtT per band!“ Strawbe PM“ at that 'gd h LY prepaid. Thu, m rristocratie ycowgivcs upon or. d I I a r y feed, and a Jersey cow when given. Ba r... " per than.“ 10.000. "vain" I Ila. “no 'm m m: TO m I" write MD. MI and hauling or C.P.R. teto. ruo No. IOP. r Plant. at Ker hundred " uGFitie' 0.8% - 'Iory tor 'trow! " MO rod- 411.. G. h ttt If an " “Ii. c, muwnlul'). - Comm'ting Imus. mm ths) mm ttt Ephesus. Paul im- mwlmxrl) left. the city. This tooh Marv, utuuuuiing to Lewitt, in May. I. D. G7. The apostle then spent ten MHIIUIH \isuing the churches he had Minded un his second missionary Frtrntv. Hire first stepping place was Trims Ill l"or. it. 12, 13). Here he “HQ ui,cti.rpointed in not meeting Titus with new. from the Church at Ccrinth. Paul then croucd over to F.uroprw umi probably “Cited Phil- 'ppi, Tusssulouittts and Baron; and p6~rh~xps it Wm: at thie time that he Irrut-tu to lllyrlculn (Rom. xv. 19). While in an-donin, perhaps at Phi!- Lppi. he wrote his second letter to "to Munch at Corinth. Paul then \Mm! ('n.-inth and while there wrote ‘ha ppisllr‘ to the Gnlntlunl and to he "ornate. I. Tho chm-actr-r of mi? ministry Ephesus H‘s. Hal-:21). It was a '=.m.~v.r_v of nuwe‘aried, diligent aer- Rum. Bond Cured "Plum one, you see, is signed, ‘lthm-t Bond. Mt. Brydges. Ont.' You no“ what he says. 'My attend- inc: phmilylun said I was in the last states of Bright's Disease. 1 com- nwmwl using Doukl‘s Kidney Pills in July. 1894. and used in all about mom} Izoxm. and have used no other. w‘mmly or medicine or any um mm“ am! I lee! well, sleep well, and l have a good apps-tiff, ee.' ihrtntN.trt03i.u, LESSON , APRIL B, 190:3. Sanday Show The manager walked over to a safe and produced a bundle of lantern Hokhug them up. he and t "Every- "o" ol those letters tells of a cane of Brahma Disease cured by Dodd'u Kym” Pins. and every case has NV" thomughly investigate] and urn-met. Let me read you a law or "No." was the amwer to the re- porti-r‘s question. “We are not sur~ prism! that the public generally are at Irugtlt being forced to the conclu- sion that Dodd's Kidney Pills will "ter" Bright‘s when”. We hare known in for a long time ourselves. The Par- ker (-uro is only one of many of which um can furnish proofs. A .%peetatitst'rs Prescription "Tho troubles in them, cures hare been made by what in termed a 'pat- mt mmiiclne.’ Had they been made by a physician in the regular way. and that physician had been able to tell exactly how he brought them about. they woui-l have been. talked of learn- .‘ny trom one and ot the country to the other. But when people talk about our cures there in a tendency to say, 'Oh, that. In only a patent malicine advertisement.' (From Mail and Empire.) t Sn great has been the interest in Toronto over the cure of Bright’- [mu-use, reported trom Bhubenaauiie, Now" Scotla. that a reporter yester- m.’ anl the head ortlee ot the “was Medicine Co., C2 Yonze street. Toronto. to ascertain the View: ot we management concerning the ease. Ho found the management 'satutied, but by no means surprised. Other Cases in Which the Great Kidney Remedy Conquered. Reliable Men Tell of Victories Over the head Disease. Bright’s Disease lnvari. ably Vanquished by Dodd's Kidney Pills. PARKER (SWEENEâ€" ONLY ONE or MANY ‘Wearing Qualities- I “urn-s tteeeyet18!t2reti Weart That's " the greatest thing 1n the world,"-in anything that's worn. You get style, tit and finish too, in h Gmnhy _ Rubia. is their Fan-xx ell to Ephe~l'.- Arts 3: arel V‘ a“- - B-il-""---" . But the one thing we emphasize Connm'ting links "Et H. Paul's faithfulness (vs. Le.'...'.'." in tho midst of bonds and afflictions, whilu luring "rutth. ttp, did not falter: but tun-nth“! the gostr"l, declaring the wholr counsel of God, with joy. Ht» says-I, "I am pure from the blood of all men." This form of r~\'pres- sicm is Tory striking. It is borrowed from the crime of murder, and the method by which guilt is ordinarily brought home to the criminal. III. The elders admonished (vs. :38- 31). 2tr--lrahe heed-"How unmeak- able the loan of a. soul! He shudders at the thought, and. in order to quicken their diligence when they would return to their labor. he en- deavors to impart some of his own anxiety to the elders He, in effect, imites them to look to their hands and garments. to make sure that there In no blood on them." All the flock-Tho work of these divinely- called bishops, or elders. is to shep- herd the church ot God; to nourish It with truth; to lead it to the war of Christ; to watch over and guard, against the entrance of evil. and to! OUR. Vice. He sorveU the Lord. He served tho prune. He was devoted and faithfui. proneltium pnbiicly and pri- rtttcl.r, and laimriug with his hands. His service was constant and ardu- n cure like that is enough to mnkil tho whole world bvlleve that lhnhl'u Kidney Pills will cure Bright‘s his- case. my Where the Trouble- Ines "The whole trouble is In making: people believe. This is a skeptical age. It up“! to be, 'It you not! it in the pa- perx it'g true.' Nowadays it is Ht you see it in the papers don’t believe it.' " we could bring the people here one nt " time and let “mm read those let- ttuae, or bring them Luce to face with the mt n and women who wrote mum. our struggln would be over, for tiw whole we: lat would admit that Dmld's Kidney Pills will cure Bright's ttite ease. his bed. " box or Doddh Kimmy Pills bought. and the dying man given his first cose. That dose brought an im- provement. gradually the pain ceased and health returned It took m-vs-n- teen boxes to cure him completely. But that's seven years ago. and he's been working every day smog Surely "As a drowning mun grasps at a straw. so this despairing woman swapped at this last chance to save her lllwband'a lite. A mews-agar was procured. a druggis't roused out of ...-.. - uvw uuruu "I the tinet stages ot pains.' G. M. Kent Cured . "I could go on showing you sim- ilar lowers most ot the afternoon. But PII just give you one more-- that or G. “a Kent, of 403 Gilmour street. Ottawa. His was " most remarkable case. indeed, so re- markable that we niterwards got hint to make hie statement under oath before a notary public. "Air. Kent is a printer in the cm- ploy of the American Bank Note Com- pany. Ho arutrered tor tour mouths Iron: Bright’s Disease. and had actu- ally renamed the stage when the doc- tors "eclared he could not live an the next morning. White the sorrow- ing wile waited by his bedsdo watch- ing tor the and Her eye chanced At full on an advertisement which mid that Uodd‘s Kidney 1'iily would cure Briglrt'a Disease. _ - mt In an ht It. "Plus cure in permanent " tar " I know. My general health to good.’ C. A. Barrie Cured “Here b another case. It you’ll take the trouble to look at thi- letter you’ll see it in written by the Deanna-tel- at Lovett, Ont., Mr. U. A,. Harris. Notice what he lays: 'm 1897 I was at the point ot death from Bright’s Disease. and we: a complete wgeck. could not even dress ween or turn in my ','thttyyii"'i%,j'rlli",ei,,'nt well nun and I attribute it all to Boats TrtA.-, w'%P.. ---, ---i'*..... mg or turn in my t'gAitC'"iieiiiT'ilelrgttff,ild,.'nt well ma and I attribute it all to Dodd‘b Kidney Pills. That‘s from a Postmaster. _t. man who undoubt- edly knows what he is talking about. and there's no uncertain sound about what he says. Chas. Ingram Cured “Here's one trom a moronto man. Charles Ingram. 58 Humbert street. He'ts a atonemason. and well known among the working men in the building trade. Bee what He says; ‘For ten years I have been trou- bled with the first stages ot Brlght’s Disease. I tried amoral unuu With the first stages ot Bright's Disease. I tried several other medicines, but could not get cured. A friend of mine told me to rrv Til-4L)!" 1-: ' ---_- memason. and well known he working men in the rade. Bee what he says: years I [gave been trou- .4195. li, Their Paul self-supporting. As a. minister of the gospel he neither had nor cov- eted earthly possessions. He sogght not men's possessions, but their scum. He did not regard it any dishonor to labor with 121531de to supply his ne- cessities when the church was un- able to cupport him. He found it Paul’s charge to the elders. His work was done, and he throws tho rp- sponsibiiity of maintaining the cause "PUD the elders. “Trike heed unto yourselves." He who would save oth- ers must himscli be saved. He must depend upon the aid of the Holy Ghost. Men may he renowned for human learning. and be able advo- cote. ot certain doctrines. rites, ceremonies and ordinances ot the church and you: .be ignorant of per- sonal. afiectionate communion with God. The experience and life of every gospel minister should be an attrac- tion Godward. "To all the flock." The Holy Ghost had placed them In charge of His chosen people, who had been purchued with a great prlee--the blood of Christ. Great " the respon- sibility of those who are made over- seors of God’s elect ones. The doctrine of salvation by faith in Christ is the only cure foundation upon which they could build. Once settled upon that foundation the grace of God is suffi- cient to keep a. soul even though without any human support. For thooe who are sanctified and faith- ful God has provided an inheritance. In the possession of this inheritance tho mnctiried enjoy communion with ( God and with His mints on earth,: together with the assurance of shar- ing Hh glory and blessedness in the world to come. Such a prospect is an inducement to wn,tchNtmvrq, faithful- ness aasd_pertreverttmse., _ . . Paul's-r faithful rPetTrd. He calls upon those among whom he had mingled and laboredvto testify to his fttithtulmrtm. "I am pure from the blood of all men." His; lite and ox- nmplo were consistent. In hls inter- course with men the minister of the gospel should Jae kind, courteous, upright, sincere and devout. In his devotion to God he had not lmen in- fluenced by the considerations“ of vase. wraith, honor or fume Faith- ful to hls tqaet'rrd calling, he had de- viated unto them nh tho counsel of God. He tpared no man. be sought no man's favor. [In knew no man nftor the flesh. Christ and Him crucified was his theme and his glory. Here we are taught; 1. Our apneml buxineas: Serving the Lord. L' Out. gum-in! work: Taking heed untoonr- when a ml all the flock. .",. Tho tsttb- [ dance ot our doctrine: Ilepentunce mm? faith. l. The places and munn-‘r of our teaching (v. 31). 5. Thefaith- rulncss and Integrity necessary. 6. The selt-denial to be practised. T The patience and t'e9olution to be ex- urcned. B. The mothers we should have. in tho will of God. " go bound in spirit," Ho {Pit an irrvriir.:tiIrirt draw- ing Which mum-mined his ehoiee and hrs must rmnnin 'mrsvnsibie both to his own idea of prudvntm and the i'nmonstrunnos ot his friends. To wuvcerd in tho Christian ministry at pmrson must have settlvd convictions of duty and nipidn by thorn. Ho must hen not or hr will be upset. He had no knowledge of tiw pecu!'.ar trials that he must undergo saw» the Ren- Prni intimntion that in awry city ponds and imprisonment;, awaited Paul's future outlook. Constrained by tho spirit of God and a strong t-nnvivtim: of duty. Paul 11:14de to wo to Jtlrmuxlmu. His. only choiru' Wt”; Thotlghu.-"J. We find in this ad- drma a look forward. Tim eye or the :xpoytlo beholds the time to com". It is a view of his own hum». H" was Ion-M ot Motions and imp” o-zm 'nts awaiting: him. and death at the raid. This pcturo would daunt tho Inquest man. but Paul can lookup- on It not only without tear, but with Y. The closing some (vs. 36-38). 36-3e. Iitl_i--"Tlt" usual atti- tude or prayer, and the proper posi- tion of " suppliurrt. It indicatns re- Terence and humility.“ Wept sore- Wept mach. Kitgtied--'Phit, was the common token ot affection. Sorrow- ing-his was a most tender and ai- fectiomlte parting acme. Mu God grant to every minister “In sTaivit which Paul evinced at this time. 33-35. Uovetod-1 hare not made it an object of my living among you to obtain your property. Paul had Power to demand support in the min- istry as the reward of his labors. but ho did not choose to examine it. lest it should bring the charge of avarice against the ministry.-- Barnes. More bletniPd--"When the Lord intimntnd that tho tslesmeduesu, of giving is the great”: he did not intimate that the Jo.s ot receiving Was small. He proclaims in on" sentence the twofold truth, that the Joy of his people: in obtaining is great, and his own in bestowing it is grm ter." w. The elders exhorted to unself- idhneas (vs. 32-85). 32. To God-- An almighty support to those who "an him. Word ot His ttraee--Trmo trum of the gospel. The gospel or- iginates in grace; reveals grace; produces grace." Build you up- "The foundation ot faith had been laid, and the structure of a, com- plete Christian character was to be reared through the instrumentality ot the gospel." An inheritance-- Eternal life. need not he confrieting. In the Jewish mode of speech. 'three years' need only consist of One whole year and parts or that which preceded and rolloirea."-cani. Bib. With) teeurer--. '1hese show the love, earnestness. humility and tenderness with which Paul preached even the eternest truths. _ ‘7~.°--vu- uvvvllllWo 8t.. Watch-As a. man on guard. Iiememtrer--srf counsel and admoni- tlons. ’IThree Feartr--The history ac- counts tor two years and three month- (chap. xix. 8-10), and to this: may be added the time which prob- ably preceded his teaching in the ttFnagotrtus. “The two statements -'""._F_9... “luau rule In d1vln_el3j delegated. no. and lune Into the church. 80. or your own Belvetr--tNe enc’ mien are described, on the one hand. u revening wolves, that is, men who are seduce“! and murderer. of souls. and. on the other, as false brethren Who arise in the church itself, and who, with specially words, teach false Mid dangerous doctrines. W. I kttow--Fionr observation, from uperience and from the In- lltht than him Ar the Holy Spirit. Fotrea-ahd enemies of Christ and His church. no” who taught {also doctrines, evil principle- and bad morals, and whtLbrought worldli- no: am} strife into the church. I’RA C'rrcn L SUI!" E Y. rich ml: and discipline " It. G. Dun & 'do. report liabilities of commercial failures in nil-ch 88,- 815.837. against $6,110,458 last year. Failures this week in the United States are 314, against 230 last week. 289 the preceding week, and 20.1 the corresponding week last Fear, and in Canada 26, against 22 Itrgt week, 22 the preceding week, and 22 lint Fear. Of failures this week in the United States 90 were in the East, 50 in South. 01 West. and 18 in the Pacific States. and 83 report liabilities ot $5,000 or more. . I! a man has the right brand of religion My wife doesn't have . to - up the coal. l A Week's Failure. Failures number 16, against 14 Ian: week. and 22 in this week a Fenr ago. Clearings aggregate $503460”. a decrease of is per cent. from last week, but a gain of I.", per cent. over last year. dolittht.................... .8terekerticttttiee....... ........ suckers. common............ Miteueo-eh.............. Shy-norm per cwr.......... iyuelrs.peiont................. hmba,pcrcwt................ dognin fed............... do tatrtuxi.-............ fealvem,pihaad.............. Hon.sclect.Derch’.......... 13erIs_rtqttt.tmrtswt.......... tlo-pda-tSpire-r............. do common. ..... Bulls. expo”. heavy. . io light _...... .... Foods-nu. Ihowkup. . do ptttdimn...A... lorss in a mum)". I will lu'olmbl} be whip to gut 500 this year. Toronto hue Slum: Market Export cattle. "hoiee,per cwt SI 50 to $1 90 tioruerliunc............... 400 to t 2.) do-.................... 330 to 427: Ittfcri0rcows '""".' -.t....... 275 to 325 Buustterti'eartle.piekod....... I 10 to 4 " Butcher; catrler, styriot...... 3 as to I 15 Butrltericsurle, tair......... 275 to 3 w blyrup-h cormspmkllnt writes: Merchants will be Juiappointed in expecting a heavy maple syrup crop. The Prr+ in l-Instc-rn Ontario is the biggt-l-x l'L'iiuw, "iriltlt:'poov- that in quality on t't'P.n. L It will not averagp for upon-t m-m- L0per cent. of What it Would tre in gum] masons. A gnu-1t many Cutuners will not muko whut, Hwy I't-apllrv for home cortotnptiou. The season is practically over um". I have per- sonally shipped “DH”. 5,000 gul- JOHN in a n:-:LH:)n. I will probably be trtrle to get 500 this year. EF,g,s-ltpawipttt are not any hoa- vier, and prints have an almost firm fading. New laid urn quoted at 11% to 13e mm strr.eu. Choeew--Tlte mu rket is quoted Mendy at J/H'hi. Iret' It). for large, and 1414e tor twins. A Ldndon cubic, mun: weak and (may under liber ceipts. T and 14340 tor twins. A London cable Nays: The mur- ket continues strong at the rvcem advance. Canadian “MPH. I'f.h,. to 70's. and fine, cm, to (395‘s. Stocks light. Liverpool is also strung at ttyo lo TOs. . (Yrouuwry prints. 21 to 2121?: ml- ids, ru to Llht; miids hold, 17'a to We. Duh-y. 'test tubi, 17 to 171,212; mmlium, 14 to .150; (summon, 1010 1.20: pound rolls, Chaim}, IN to we; lump roirs choice, 17 to 189. A special cable to the Montreal Trude Bulletin says: The market is firm at late advances, with a good demand; Canadian crnumvr). tinest, 985 to 100s; “no. 925 to 96p. New York ... ... ... ...... --.. 77 1-2 Chicago ... ... ... ... ...... -._- 72 3-8 Toledo ... ......... ... t........ T', I-t 74 .3-8 Duluth. No. 1 _ Northern ...... ...... ... TL' 7-8 72 T-ts' British law Stock Marla-lb London, March C'J.-i'rt.tuxs. are un- changrd: Canadian cattle are 10 Io Le 1-20, per ll). tdressed weiiplrtr. Am- erican cattle, I: 1-2 to I." I-te por IV.: refrigerator beef is 'O an 9 1-L'u per lh. Toronto, March ."Ct. >Bultt'r --Tlu, freight blockade walnut” vuntln- lime, and receipts of butter are not heavy. 'rrhe demand 019nm "ev'rry- thiug up us it comes along. and price i nnve u might“ firmer fool- ing, but not 'suificivnt, liowi'stw.to warrant a clmngv in ttuotutiourt. Cttatnery prints. 21 to 2121?: ml- ids, ru to Llht; trriiths hold, 1722 to $6 to 89: straw. per ton, " to tao: apple-R, pm- bbl.. 81 to $1.75; dressed hogs, " to $8.50; eggs. "PW mid. 13% to 14c: butter, dairy. IT to 23e: (-remunry. 21 to 250: "hivkottrr, per Ita., 12 to 14c; dueLt por Ih.. 10 to 136: turkpys, per 1b., 17 to 'alc ; pota- toes, per bag. $1.30 to $1.25. Leading Wheat Markets. Following are tlk? closing quota- tions at important wlwm centres to- day: ' k Hay is easier, with sales ot 25 loads at $12 to $14 a ton tor tim- othy, and at " to $0 for mixed. Straw Ls firm, rive loads selling at $8 to 810 a ton. Whoat. white, hushrl. 71e: red 71c; sprint. 68 to TOC; goose, 651-2 to 661-2: : outs, 3.1 1-3 to M I-LY ', peas. 75 lo 78:: bark-y. 43% to 490: buck- wheat. GO to Me: rye, G2 1-2c ', hay, iimolhy, pm- ton, $12 to 814: mixod. FLEASE BEAR "I MIND that a skin Ileana may be but a. symptom of bad blond. In that case supplement Weaver'. Cerate with Weaver‘s Syrup daily. Toronto Farmers‘ Markets March 30.-Thty receipts ot grain continue» sun", with priees weaker. Wheat is lower. lou bushels of white selling at Tle, 100 bushels or red win- tar at Tle, and 300 bushels ot goose at 65 1-2 to Mc. Outs are also lower, with sales ot 600 bushels at 35 1-2 to :36_1-:.'c. No other grain offered. - -Drrased hogs are weaker. Light brought $8.25 to $8.50. and heavy. 2$8.00. - Following is tho range ot quota- turns: Dairy produce in good Supply. with the usual Saturday demand. Eggs Brought 1.3e per dozen, and butler 181m 23e tor choice tub to dairy myi .8. “more blessed to give than com.” Paul’s affectionate farewell. By his faithtnl labors and unselfish devotion to their Interests he had endeared himself to the little flock. He was now about to take his departure. It was a sad but affectionate parting. H13 brethren gave evidence of the tmderest ufectlon ter Mm. it“; Dunn‘s Review. Country rroduce. Cash. Mar -.. 77 1 theis' to 575 to 625 to cm (01000 to 000 to 000 to 000 al Market to llwmr sixtium unis nu nominal prr-i Ticknts on snlr- March IT. April so” brought to l.'l.'ll. That how ' 7 and LH, May 15 and 19, June a York is not cxwptmnul in the Emmi: and m, 1903, 9133““ “4 shown "A tht' firm-Pu of. For full lnfmmntion. call on or tho Chicago Trihunv, whirl: makes " g mklren special” on" criminal stutisticrhs, nun', H. F. Cart", I'. P. A., ll Jun... which ie "uthorit.t for lin- "tittt'tttetit , Building. Toronto, Canada. that In 190). wlmn London inul F. B. (Innate, G. l., 126 Wood. twenty-four moment, the United! ward “venue. Detroit. Mich. States had 7,852. and only one hun- . -- and and eighteen murderers were ex- -_-------- muted. Inst your there were nearly A Time Att-tor. one thousand more murders, and . , only twenty-nix more emutionn.’ Fliqrnde Bum". Colonel Andrews suggests that the! .M ntlcmn -What celerity and certainty of justice has: 'ft. 9 'r,,'.' M”: a tooth? M much to do with the mall numuoric"t? g , . tr . ot crimes of violence in London, and' ”Wile dentist-AMC dotlnr - " he in doubtless right, for the some hour. . HowCrimeiq Dealt “an In Luz-dun and New York. In " recent Isa-ut- of one: of the magazines appears an lutu'rsting’ stud) o. British pole" method. la Ilt- tietectitm and punt-hunllt ot' 1'suuts's of volume ms rtwvnlml in London‘s criminal record for a,s'itrgle "ttr. The :n‘tit'ls has apt-cud tiipwilicancc, coming from the pen 0. Colonel Avery L. Altman's, totuttor1y police commh- sinner of New \ork, and who wnu Inst your uppointml " special (-mu- miniom‘r to investigate and retort a stain-luv for rcorgauiring tlu. pol co (lvpurtnwnt of that city. During thr cnlr-mlnt' war 19!”, only twe-nu-ruur nun-dun: were repurlHl in London, with its popullthm of mix millions. ln slur-on of lhmw vases, or tV.1p- thh'ds of the wiiul" number. tlw nu- tstrtit% were brought Lu-l‘ort- tho courts; pix of Um rmnulning ought committed auivirle: um,- c'wllpell to italy, and one, " “mun." was not prosecuted Owing to thr pvculinr cir- cumstances of the Cantu The (tantrum. of this rvcotul with that of New York is startling. Lass 3011' about our hlunlrI-d murdm'n wow committed, and in M'Yl'll mounts ElXU'Oll murders “'t‘rl' committed in Ltunrritttnct5tg of the cusp. I To many points in Kansas, Nehru..- The contra»: of this rvcord with kn and Colorado; that of New Yock is startling. Luau To many points in Wyoming. Utah. Ji'.') alum (m0 hunclru-d murdvrn‘ Manhunt. and Idaho; were committed, and in m-wn mumhs i To many points In Oregon and E'tNte6ttt mus-darn wvra- committed in- Washington. the boroughs; of Manhattan and In"! One {are plug 82 for the round Bronx Mum». In no: one mm: of T trip. these Hui-on “2m nu amused per-l! Tickets on sale March IT. April Lands are cheap. water plenty, soil rich, and nowhere can a man more easily "get staked.” The Stateis prosperous, labor in demand, and so rapidly do things grow. that a family's expenses are easily pro- vided. Until June will, rates to California, via Southern Pacific lines. willbebased on 833 from Chi.. cago. Write F. B. Charlie, Gonoml Agent Southern Pacific. Detroit, Mich. Where lands will produce every! thing that grows in the Middles‘ west; and nearly everything that, grows in the taemi-trtrpietr, its ell-g mate is worth any man's coin. Win..', ter vegetables. two crops a your! on the same land. corn and oranges in the same Held; English walnuts and French prunes; Spain’s ollvcs or! Bohemia's hops; to grow wheat or; alfalfa; and as dalrxmen get 850 al your from each cow, to raise sweet potatoes or sugar beottr--that is, to' be able to choose along the line or! you: tastes or your ability, or your experienee. I Cailforttiatttr are accused of selllng climate. Perhaps it is so. It in a. good investment. It pays better than buying coal. Open doors, fresh vegetables all the year, tlowers: and grass all winter and fruits galore ir/l."" is health and happiness and " 0. e Young wtte---Oh, not the slightest. I shall have the dog. Fido, to keep me company. Dear little fellow."' A Pleasant Evening. Young husband (going out for the evoriing)a-You won't miss me, will you Uarlrnq'.' o ANADIAN A C(‘EP'EABLE N RESSARI A CTIVE D WRATJC I DEAL ' A DMIRABLE , N ONE SUCH N ONE SUCH "ts ' - F F INANCMLLY BOUND g. . " BSERVE UNQUES'NONABLE O HPAINABDE a”. I MPRFASIVE RI'DUAL " HAWNABLB Iii,. E ohtFu"PIONAL INDUCEKENIB D NRABLE ' J: 'N ATJO‘SAL REPUTATION I SBENTJAL , D ERNIE BENEFITS " 'i919NIRED . "r" - " ECOND 'm NONE Full Ittrormatiott weerfully given. Organisers wanted. Apply to dtlbr W. F. MONTAGUE. Grand Recorder. Hamilton; or l W. F. CAMPBELL, Grand Organiser, Hamilton. , A tiTARTLlh'u CON TOST. of Delicious "SALADA" Ceylon Tea (Black, Mimd or Natural Green) will be sent to any pawn filling in this coupon and sending it to as with a 2-cent stamp for postage. Wette PM?! A'drrge',,B""'u Mixed “arms: tack give no cupgérrti. alga-1:6; s ;w:ens;hem and they are up! to ea wen th strai .' l tnmtest Made. Frost Pence :evcr 1);;va m can for Catalogue. FROST ' . Pffr_l1rh"rh'ct' ca LIIITED. Velma. Ont. Winnipeg, In. "h Free Sample Packet" and a Wire Fence is no Stronger mafia Uprights. il Chain is no Stronger than its Weakest Link ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO BI'YING CLIMATE. egssssmrcuf ABvSBnrr'ry arg' Addei..h.....C..C.Y:C.ry.y.."." Addreso "SALADA" TBA co., Toronto. on. 0'5IOOIII... nun-aooocno gage Metal Ornamental Fencq Mme, dunhloand low-priced. Specially caudal. to: hunt Inddlvidon (anew intomt lot-meter), MI.“ - torttO CENTS PER RUNNING FOOT. Jun out the oh-tNnts-sanputtap. ertolu- full m Use Plan rum Fence amt Poultry mm. m M In. You. 00.. mud.me In“ P.0, m " John. " t 1fs.fl!.P.' in place And each cupped Ss".adtLN its own shun of the weight. Light tie wires give no Support Bending to tie weakens them and they are_np1 to break when the strain is seven. Frost Pence never breaks. Um. hr Catalog-o. . 5 Rome one has rugged!“ noun i thing! that marry girl can learnt!» l, fore s.lte in 15. Not may om, cm I learn to May. or sing, or paint Null .enough to mm "unsure to hvr Irriends but the [allowing "tteeong- iplinhments" are within evenings”. I read: l (slut the door and shut it eoflly. l, Keep your own room in taunt-{M ? order. Haro an hour for rte-Mg. and HM». I Learn to nuke Irrorol a9 wvll .m i cake. Never Ict a ‘lllu' any on tummy» , tour hours. i Alwitri know “here your thinza Tickets on sale March IT. April 7 and LH, May Jr, and 19. June 2 and IO, 1903. O AREFUL MANAGEMEN'IL H ICU/THY GROWTH O IUGiN IL FEATURES " UPBRIOR MERIT " QUI'DA BLF, RATES N ONBLE RECORD _ The UNION PACIFIC has also .1- tnndl!‘ ton-awry to which round trip Homwwkers' Excursion tick- et" will be sold. as follow": PROM MISSOURI ll1TEi: TERMINALS From Chicagu and St. Louie pro. portionately low rata- are In et. Ich by New. connecting ‘with the Union PECIUC. $22.50 to Spokane Mid Want! chee. $25 to Portland, Tacoma: Beat- tle, and many other Oregon and Washington points. can do do with very little cxpenr no the UNION PACIFIC will con One-Way (30.0mm. Ticket. EVERY DAY at the following rates from Missouri River terminals: One-Way Comnist Ticket. EVERY DAY at the following rates from Missouri River terminals: Uhrlu' JUNE 1531‘". . $25.00 to San 1eraneureo, Lon Angelou and many other California points. UNTIL APRIL 30TH $20.00 to Ogden. Salt Lake at}. Butte. Anaconda. and Helena. tttts Ns'mr lot a day paw without do- lun sotucthtne to make somebody comfortable. Never come to breakfast without I; collar. Never go along with your who” tutbut1oned. wreak clearly enough for every. holy to ttnuerstand. Never triget or hum '40 as to dru- turh Ol hora-Ex. were of the' law have been oblmd’to confuse ilwmsvlves trtoid.-uMturdar Sight. quulltiea in the admlnhtratton ate 3115mm In I'ttttadtt, have had an mttmttr deterrent orrect, nllhmuzh it Inuit In admlttml that in this cuuntry than havo or late yours beptt some tmbrtut ntitararriaurea of justice as well an a are.“ many mum in which the orti- WONDERFUL RESOURCES OV ’I'Ill-I WEN l' The Frost 'uprigm were. In his: and strong. The Front Lock bold. the. No one should expect I fence to hold up of itself beveelt the posts. DJ. 0.9- DOC-OIOOOOIIOOOO Few .. Avon-n plinhm on“. ', cle-nrlv nmmgll for "hut ttnuerstand. triget or hum so as to dru- If you are looking tor " home a n d want to Theft thoWelt you your (hinza tl lt fl) "

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