West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Apr 1903, p. 2

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I" ----- _ .....,.....uu. lune no clue: I: an Pills, mixtures and Imitation are dangerous. No. l and No. 2 aro sold and Recommended by all draught. in the Do. :Ian of fi"lti'g; 3:131:13] to any Ittgg receipt o ce an our Gwen: nos Me In»: 'dk"'c Cook Company, ' Wind-or. on. C-A .5? : i f _ 'ai l . 3? ttex 'targ, .trtmaer-- rec ladies-ask Cotton Root I 9' an hills. m - - “v. - uuu AV“ 5. - No. 1.-For nrdiuary cases is by far the best dolls: medMno known. No. 2--Por special cases -10 “no 1!a8ttce,ia, dollars per box. at your drugglst for Cook. Cotton Root Conn-III. Take no other I. g" Hula .-8-a-, ___. . -- -- ftt,kh' Cirttort wryr.rtyi.iiriJiiiii." In the mileu or the Hazel; tion a mane, which had il Incomprehen‘wiblv Way M'ad guardians of the Portnls ' Into the room. cast an indi and by no manna respectful at the royalties and made l through the opposite door Ignorant of his during def]; a." court etiquette. On at lam-t: but-unto: 9901: without [gr-lag accrual-y fort tr without th When at last than: seemed poet of mom-s3 at the th Cempt an» mm with u fut: dent in tho hunting field a on the wry day when she have made her courtesy queen. Tho drawing room was over and the royal group wan preparing to make its exit when a sound of voices In dispute was hou rd just outside the door. "But I mus-L go in!" a high- {ntchod voiee was hoard to pxclaim in Posoiute tones. and u moment later In sailed tho- bolatnd owner of the voice, fluuh-ml with hasto and argu- ment. and made hee way toward the roxnl group. With an mmouruging smile tie quvt‘u tux-um] toward her And extended her hand; the lady courteuiod and retired. Jubilant at the thought that she had had hnr way. even in u. royal palace. ( Leas fortunate was a. debutante who on the eve of her presentation Int aimed with an illness which made it impossitrie for her to at- tend the court. Her name was amt In for the next "rawitttt-room,iGi “all: she “may disappointed. for. her ftstheruedcattt Inadv- "ttemlnuceinf pooaihlo for at h-nut u year. and when at last than-1,- smmml a pros- poet ot MH'UI'ES at the third at.. tempt Nllt' mm with n fatal acci-l dent in tho hunting field and (lied! A" ‘1... -----, . . gainer. But an 1011;? out: managtxl to Mare the sltu tour do force. We Passvy, Jan C. C. Rll'11,s|:1,;.5 & co. ac m ”UL ;.L “I: a.” uncommon 01- pericucc for a Icuisrr-relrinsr on the ---....I -_-,_‘1_J . . usual crowded "raiirrd; order to avoid :1 ton, Crush-to put ott her may “I was a com to be was, a house, trodae within Beeswax. Dizh will queen. " of Quum Vic wading m-rw l It A pretty debumnbe, hey ycar. I graceluliy rel genoe found In? M sword so stumbled and on tho "oor m; until he was " the Vera-Ad. " g tutor k certainly tho with; thr, down In a mom on]: In an rust-ma, and and amid at mr at res-tar "ho found her updar at'conntubly arrested The queen‘s drawing-rooms, an the receptions given by Great Britain'tr Qneen are called, are exceedingly tormut ovcasiun‘s, gu:1.ts and anti-na- ants being governed by certain tixmt males as invioluble as the law: of the Medea and Persians. Not long ago a very stout and dignified dow- ager left the royal prcseuce covered with confusion and in anything but ' Christian frame of mind. She hadl sunk low in a deep courtesy before! tho Queen and after kissing her royal I h Ind wan In the act of rising when . queen. who was taking the place Juana Cccorin, when in her ex- Inlg rtf'Pvrtus'iItsr,trr HE'- "cd on her n and would have fallen. had not . V ,7 “awn-Jun gr-lng through any of the r3; s'orttt:tiititui, and certain.. out the approval of the ‘.r{ I“ test-ills otricli middle of the stately (unc- tut d taught her many we: and her 1 guests at and turn-w ,,,r-_.... ladle-9 Pivot!!!» " the only safe. rename regulator on which woman can depend "in the hour all}: time Af need." d by the Lad: her standing k., would kill - '1eiiiieiiirF%e- at I ",rf,,'Tth,ctt 1 and No. E I A5, I - a... -....ad __--- --_ av way M'adod the the Portnls trottnd ' cast an indifferent mm respectful glance 1nd ON CIS ou ins: t or, Is , must md made his exit mite door. quite ‘uring defiant!» of that one lady the tuncLlon alto..' “wing room and in x long wait and a ks later the young est-nor found them- the same country 1 their singular in- 'l good account that ol 000.15 Pe' ,'. 5!, 2000 4 u midi r; n [.N a debutante Pt' prf‘sontation illness which for her to at.. name was spat d b Law: "uc/ tl. was bum contingen- his arms. Premrntatlor, 4 mixed up with wurdly that he m'd tbits' length grtsrdlr lay there a arrival too on a do- 1.30 t may just ation by a. in some . bulls were V mm M to the res LOP Progress 11”}an 1901 exposure " than this un- ,1, "PA.” said the small 3 i la tho ghost of a smile P' no " A ghost of a smilo," I o plied, "is something- that nupty bottles." ed to u pre- For things that they And wlmn I'm sick of And dull as dull can I shall think how glo some glrl Who didn't marry me. -my a BaChnlor, with Punch. If no can an marries me- Aml Hwy don't her-m very keen, For Irw.n't protend I'm handsome, Am! my pm'a'o ls rather lean-- I.’ no (mo ever max-174m me, I'll gm along all right-- I shall play at golf tho whole day through, .' And at bridge the livelong night. I shall haro a little sailing yacht, Am] n mmn- _., I shall ham a little will And a motor all my O' And lshzm’t ho plagued drnn'n bills For things that they've gnu -c__, -- ' hat the I mprossive ritual Exceptional inducnmenti National reputation Definito benefits Second to none. Full in':ornmtion chem-fully Otguuirsrs wanted. Apply to W. b'. Montuguc, Grand Rec Hamilton: or W. Fl Campbell, Orttnuir.pr, Hamilton. .ay_ ott Tho hen them at or this and with, come again to-n tom]. ASSESSMENT 5715mm "Of course," cannot [emu til you have prom of you] and ability to nit_v:." The mik: at emu rr~~vv~-v - nu: " after tho conventional comp of the day had been name murder yo}: He Tickets on sale March rr, April 7 and 2n, May IG and 19, June P. and 16. 1003. For full information, call on or address H. F. Carter, T. P. A., It Janee Building, Toronto. Canada. F. B. Choate, G. Ae, 126 Wood- wand avenue. Detroit, Mich. " Nu F UNTIL JUNE 15TH. $25.00 to Ban Frunclsco. Log Angeles and many other California points. UNTIL APRIL 30TH $30.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City. Butte. Anaconda. and Helena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wanat- Chee. $25 to Portland. Tacoma. Seat.. tle, and many other Oregon and Washington points. ( Financially sound Reserve Juuluetrtionable as the UNION ' One-Way Colonist DAY at the folk Misaouri River to Careful managnmont Healthy growth Original featurm Superior merit Equitable ratoa Notable record can do :00 l . no 'l,... nnxljtl. Vfry Obtainable Reuwnublo Desirable E nsontial R cgistered Canadian Acceptable Necessary Active Democratic I deal Admirublo None Such Diminutivé Blacker smoke 'em if I was Good Old Lads-l wouldn't smoke Cigarettes ft I were van, liftlp hnv' Had Smiled ever. more mama! age: "Sm t: l, People are learning that com sum tuous ve tae n w c a e w l . . . air?” was not hers and with surnptlon 15 a curable diseye. much difficulty att,', 51100884111311 in ; It IS neglected consymption ettin the coac man to no up. . . 5mm Ema manure? 2,t," she lhud I that IS so often incurable. innocently a net t P. Carr age . ' . of a certain duchess, whose name! At thefaintest suspicion of was alums!t Magical with her own. lionsumption get a bottle of with the mp0 ant exception of , . . the title. When she succeeded In Scott's EmuUion and begin finding Pier omn vehilcle ,eheqiultll- regular doses. m mately rave awn n a .nge, . broughazgé twig) yhad evlfenttllly i The use of Scott's Emulsxor; been hir or a occasion. o e ' . u 0 scarcely concealed disgust of the at one, has, m thousands . ducal conchmnn the had been com- t cases, turned the balance 1n polled to aboard. ‘1 f - - - __ WONDERFUL RESOURCES '0 She had not Proceeded tar,howu ever. before she recognized that the sumptuous vehicle in which she was driving was not hers and with much difficulty She succeeded in getting ye coachman to pan up, who-- LL.“ aw..__, ' .. A _ A But those amusing adventures are by no means confined to the royal presence. The present practice In for a. “(LY When she leaves the throne room to give her name to an amend. who telnphonea tor her carriage to be ready for her. On one occasion a lady after giving her name to the omeiat made her way down to the entrance hall. and etttored the waiting carriage. which drove off with her. Important Prvrenoisite in": cal 01w Ever Marries Me." Returning the Comp Harvard Lam roan Otr' THE Wtiti 1' N. Y. Sun. use,“ said ho, coldly, "I ma Jolt to mnrier me un- u'e 'given mH sntisfactory your financial standing 3' to Day a. snitnhln in11nm ‘nwn at once saw the force " withdrew, promising to n Io-morrow with colla- (mum's demeanor altered Mien occrtunr' given uolonist Tickets EiEjif the following rates from l)7.~-7 A _ 'm 'fi" If you are :RFUL looking tor a. ‘UURCES home a n d rMr: \"rlsr Wunt to unit T""'".".".--- the West you . ‘Ynth Very little expense 9&0); ‘PACH‘JC will sell small boy, "what Smile ?" ll my own, plugm-d with “MR: 311131 the heathen pay " suitable indeiii with apologies, in . ipply io Either Hruml Recorder. '. Campbell, Grand Repeatedly. glad I've made /' Pty Wily r0- iouul complimentéi been passed. "to: -tfyaniiat,: i t . . Neglected consumption does t te Compument. not exist where Scott's Emul- rd Lam mun. t . . C . Sion 1s. s-I wouldn't remake.~ ' , were you, little boy! a, Prompt use of Scott's Emul- "tri-pg' I wouhin t F sion checks the disease while it -.-.,=_...., i can be checked. ve outgrown. 1'verrthintr, 9h had evidently hts occasion. to the ed disgust of the the had been com- is rouhd' {a chil- , Made Him. Weep. Judge. G1tulrcs-Papts read your book poems and wept over every line Her Attianced-m, did'? Cr1ttdrgr--Yea. He said he con]. help but weep to think mmw " I -"e-ieHe "u...“ JV“ an to do tt' queried the Youth' "Nest time ask a. widow," the good man, M17111 a mu twinkle In his "re.-Ptttatmre queued the minister ot a. young member of " nook. "Yoa look and." "And I feel and." replied the young man. "I asked Miss Sullivan tobe my wife, and she decllned the honor." “Then! too had," said the par- son. "But tthe in accord with We Scriptures. which says: "Ye asked and received not, because n “In"! Minarw. LinunoiCrT,7 whore. "What'e tho trouble. queued the minister l member of " nook. Same- Old Song. Things haven’t changed Maemionia since St. Paul’: stili In that come-over-z frame of mind. Gray's Syrup Bout IV it waning. mum'- - . WW“..- an... nun nun-non- id, but the old 'eilable remains. The present ll I can? lesson for both old Ind young, an colds Gully club: mare an to ram!- ‘or this winter mum promptly cured. No better may an be found than Trvcttr "any" cog-0r .ry.rnt"o"phyrusnan. rah iils, cuts and upl'nihs. n c-mnplnintu in lrdiipen "and. therein last uni. Davis'. :ough Rgmedles come and 30. New salami»? “flay. ted aha-40n- A woman who wekrs a pretty mean opinion of tom‘hm up hm- comm York Press: “We". mat g" ,t,T'att',etr, t/tig',g, “a: uni, on; c o t cum: throughout and: and the United Batu. It Yfrr. was Tore nob-hr pot more ir-im mm: T, flt'st It‘s eiuHw luv, then docto _ --- . l Some: women‘s figures are so dai that when) a. man looks at them thinks of upholhtm-y. Most men carry success as grace- fully as they do too much liquor. When you kiss a girl with freckles thoy nowr taste the way they look thny would. Wim mm: not dvvoted to girls, first it's chnpvrons, Um!) mother-in.. I..." tun“. 4A,; MERIT ALWAYS TELLS Red Spnice Gum iiray's "iyrap By mistake the grace;- gave him granulutM, and Che troy was sent we; to have it chanced. Couldn't he Exchanged. _ -A Philadrdphia boy, five years or agn. Who hart recently become the brother or another little boy, was amt to tho grocery store the other day to gm; some loaf sugar. doth Anniversary ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mlnnrd’s Lintment Cures as A ”some I caucus. cows, "dr-Yea. He said he oouiunrt.! but weep to think such: a 1otr. I was coming- into the family. i Toronto, The use of Scott's Emulsion at one, 'has, in thousands of cases, turned the balance in favor of health. For 'ttreg' Fortr You. W The pt, kind of consump tion to ear is " neglected consumption." ttrHiectionn of' Consumption He Asked :1 Mites, Haven't changed much In in since St. Paul's time. It’s that come-overand-help-ua , chi-A Linlmont Relieves Neural- Send for tree sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, will; $63113: soc. and n.orr, all druzgiztl. of In accord with We ich says: "Ye asked ot, because ye naked would you 1dvime me Dpxmon or one who lure complexion-New, por must often not as a. ruinka-r tor all thr- little M, as well us tor all bowel pr-usuh'o. Avoid substi- nu." "Painklller," Perry a. Bachelor. FOR are so dainty my boy F' sale "ttrr- “rat" has a Burns, ot Ontario -. _.-_....... nun-nu null IN mat he haateaaed a house here Iona. year and has now no (shaken but to May.' '"Oh t.' exclaimrv! my mother, $rraa,tW, relieved, 'Huw delightful ' " 1 "Mr father always took a great in- terest in musical math-rs, and was often the patron of lmpncnnious musicians. Among the hitter I re- member a certain l‘roressor Seinll, a , tine pianist, who Itstsl to visit our; house. The proiensor hid been male, log a. hard but unsuvczvsiul struggle. l had become almost disheartened, and l was seriouva thinking of giving up i and returning to Germany. My ra- I that. who thorOugth liked him. had f tried to encourage him, and had i promised to aid him in finding pupils; ' but still the professor vacillated for _ many weeks. One afternoon he tut-', tered our library. iollowed by my! father, and. walking solemnly up to my mother. said. with an air ot pro- , found gravity- 1 WW. I ha! burnt my breaches behint me.' a "'Good gracious ." niaculated my mother, with an involuntary. startled dance in the dfreetion of the pro- iweor'a coat tails. “My {other interposed tactfully. the profusor meanwhile nodding aw. quiescence: 'You will be glad to haw, my dear, that what Professor , Somali means by saying he has burned his bridges behind him is that I hm '-rg.--a - LA" . - tfe Burnt His .. Breeches." An eminent Chicago lawyer tolls this story. says a writer in Brooklyn Eagle: Continuous Fermi-mauve. lar-when he started kissing didn't you scneam t Mar ..... Oh, I would have lo may kisses while I had my: a: open.-Amieago News. by Beware Kansas City Journal. It is said that 25 per car Governors of the various fs Methodists. In most reap; ever. the Methmilsts stand as otter denominations. “mama’s Linunent" C' Vancouver World. Ttttusher-what is the meaning of '"pa.rveau" ' t 1altonr-An upstart. Teachisr--uiv/, a. sentence in which the word ls need. I irohirrnr-wtseit a man slts down on a bout. pin he gives a violent parvenu. In thirty minute, Dr. Agnew’a Cure for the Heart will add strength to that organ. Feeding the body by a full supply of blooc it fills life with the old time vigor. I used two bottd,idf -iirniriGFriiiiiiii.u, Powder. It cured me “may, 1 am now I trell man." FRED H. Hun. Je., the well known dis tiller of Railrcnd, York Co., Pa., states c-- " i have had catarrh of the head and stomach fe, two years in the worst form. I tried ail the medicines I ever heard of, but without relief. 1 Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder Only 50 cents for bottle and tube, Ind is worth-as much as your life Is worth. Catarrh kills thousands through colds, bronchitis, pneu- monia and consumption, and Dr. Agnesr's Catarrhal Powder care: all of them when other prescriptions have failed. It will relieve colds and catarrh and cure headache in ten minutes. tury. They're I The young. whose very nature it u to feet the dinerenccs that dictio- puall them as indriuattis from the rust of mankind, never fancy them- selves so isolated as when they wit- new some of the Omar ones harbor- tad in quiet ports apparently unna- sullen tty tempcats. Then it ts that I by very conunut the young imagine tLtatrscixu, as nontrolzed by unad- wrs: fate which has 85331". th: at adrift and alone on the sea. of wild temptu.. tions over when no respectable old person could ever luvs! been meat to 'suli. In it right to nuke them feel so, I ask ,myself Often. gratifying: as " may be to tus to be 1"c'nL'i'atisu".' Opulent moplo are CCHi-“Cl‘ed " brod who nuke thr: ludiguut n el pay. F erty-strickcn. It :50th to me quiie; as culpublo for the 1irtuous ('ltiex'lyi person to mnke the young stumhhr! feel himself a 'iiniocr.--aprii Can-5 funny One the “I Am Hallu- Than “011”,“ _ . ht, KI K Attitude To“ard Youth. . rl ' I I 3‘- I know no such persistent temp-I Ili! , l - P, I tation tor tho mia'die-agcd, none so* _ 7- ir.d!Rylt3ll% subtle in its nature nor so disas.‘ 5Piii5 -eac> trons in Its consequences, as that! M rr which makes us like to seem to our . . . a jjuniors not only established in 411.; A little Sunlight Soap .till CLar; Itogethcr virtuous ways, but as it we , cut glass and other articles und had been so astabzlsllcd all our lives. . . ll: is not, I think. " very courage-, they Shin? and sparkle. . Sunlight ions attitude, to take, Lapwially be-, Soap will wash other things than Helm u-o.soang., wiio blue no tucansl cl thes " lo; Imowmg what rapids we, their o . l glderts, have enctoumrud gnun§u11-i _.____.__.._.._.___.....â€"________ nu o u mason i, v e J , [wilt-a of 'l2,' annulus}. r; " Bard hecesslty. Wilma Fili1 YOU BEQMSE llillligll,,Tlvl FUR WEE. Ire ot Ointments for Catarrh that Contains Mercury TEMPTATIUNS 0F MIDDLE AGE Knew A n Otherwise A LI Right yi, per cent. ot the various States are most festcttr,how. A bout it. ares Dandruff ve lost so my, mouth a. well 'oo, the IL' when is a dog like the minute iglt l hondt When he is on the watch. 'l'dl Why is the vowel "o" the only one “My sounded? Because the rest are in- tng audible. 3;: Why is the letter d likes sailor? ten It tolloxr.nthec (Bea). A. W? is n pair or skates like an apple? 11. muse they have occasion- ' I an tht fall of man. dis I " Will you got win to heaven P' asitl ll father, who is buhih, " Yes, dear," he rc "And will they p Four trad, too, pf‘pl -Ohlo State Journal - - -...V,..........~ DU" luxnmo. Dr, Chase's Ointment __‘ -_... .v. rm... - - - V V and - form of inching. Hoodlum“! protruding pi leg. the tnattufaetureri have mammal it. Sec tes- timonials irt the ttlr press and ask Tour neigh- bors what they th ofita You out use it and 331;;er Petty? it 'et curM. We a box. at. Piles never [hard of " Cliieusrogournnt Sunday School Teacher ed Abel'.' Bobbyrla strung") ---r don't know ma'am. I just moved here last week ------., _ Why Is a book like a king? has many pages. That burns to lump tb seen Sealing wax. What Is that which Is invisible yet never out or eight? Tho letter "I." Why is the letter A like 12 o'eloeire It is the middle of day. When is a the mm H... min-u» and cock the -iea' have oplys brush them. It a woman asks her blind lovnr the color ot a, flown. what would he say? I have no i-dea. As! was going through a Tlerd or wheat I found something good to vat. it wasn’t fish or flesh or bone; I kept it till it run ulrmn. An "gg. What root ngver keeps out of tho wet 1' The root of tllu mouth. What fruit is on a. cent? A date. Why 3: a solar eclipse Ilka the whipping of a toy by his mother? limause it In the hiding of the sun. Which animal has the most pro- perty to carry with him when he1 travels. and which two have thel least? who elephant the tztdgt bod cause he carries his trunk, the fox, luv-.1 -_-I_ Mi, . - - Why in Why is Jour nose in the middle of Four glee? Because it Is the mentor. Why is Four shadow like u. talso friend? Because it only follows you in sunshine. When was beet the highest I' Th the cow Jumped over the moon What is the difference henna“ yard and two yards? A rem-n. Why is a straw hut Ilka kis through a telr'phonu? Because ther is felt. [our monighck it not aiai.-iiCittk' ,eclers or MA'rBos,BarEe & Co.,Top, Senior-5' Low Rates West. Vin. Chicago and Northwestern Ry.. every day from February 15th to April 30th. Colonist one way Bee. ond-class tickets at extremely low, rates from stations in Ontario and l Quebec, to points In Colorado. Utah, 1 Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon.‘ Washington and California: also Pi Victoria. Vancouver. New Weatmln-l star. Nelson, Rosaiami, iotc. Full l, partieaiartt, rates and raiders can be I obtainod from B. H. Bennett, General l agent, 2 East King street. Toronto. i at. The" is The selfish brute. I am tiuito calm as I write. I mar- vel at my own Imti-enoe. I spoke Var the -mditer to my hus- band to-night. He said he did not gate, that he had felt first-rate an How much longer can I ondum it? This morning my husband run before daybreak. He was too lazy to light a lamp, and bxeakfastod In the dunk. Tho Insult was he ate the vaepamd kindling wood instead of the ptxxir..ansto:1 breakfast food. When the servants got up them was nothing Io build the fine with. or oounge they were angry and left. I do not Hume them. Any ticket agent 'wm contirm the above. New Sorkauul Boston " NOW for): i I PP . enthu- lot of VS” Central. F gtOO er ,'f'irg','n1'lf, 'lhtit'.r _ POW" on cum I! "1 . The numerous trains. the excellent ' glvgfood abroua 33d. J l service. the uniformity. ot it: tram. ml, PM? l',rggTe1'g, mm its tour tracks-and the location at Ut1HouK, “"" .3 Its depots in Boston and New York, ttetl',rtattol,tttWtietr,.tirt make the New York Central the hw- 1p have Marge nutply u! t (We “new those polptts. -. _ ','.",',esytipS,:1,tt,e",.ty.lt.e.T "iiGriiGiaGr-si; "f'lin. But It? is the only way to Show the neigh- 5 bots all my new furniture. St. Jae-6B§'0i1 N Y. Sun. Mrs Gotrox--hrty you really golng to move? I thought you were well satisfied with' your house? Never Hrard _ Framers for: Confusaions of Geraldine. .___.... u... vnuun. "Me lo the Itast because the got wings when asked little Elsi. is paldhmulod. 1ee,g,sytssut1tiigeiatia, _ - ...-n. u: .vuu,ulall UT. Chuck Ointment is ascertain and ubsolute cure for each and st'18tT form of inching. 32.12223: PP.lhah Dr. Conundrums "w put feathers on p::p t ?" she Iv'rsistet tr...... I no such It." dog yike the minute rvplled. put te and comb betwwh Valium ,hegi tho old surety. Life. When you go u-Who kill.. ot hier secret , co can onta se r ""e". g Wit It I .2 t Use i wash To , it. er l I m I one It You mm as well talk to an echo an to a person who 'alwayn agree- with you. Truth may be u dear as a hell. but it Is not always tuned. Use Lever's Trash woolen. it. Til-Bin. Judge (to witnam0-You say you Inflve known the primer all your u e? ..ritnegrtr--ren, your honor. "are-ttow. tit your opinion, do you think he could be guilty of steal- InE,thur Inque'y , tl tvitueskLiidiv 'rrte.ta_ttfrhisu. mm. co Will] MILE AXLE GREASE It tones up the system, ride stomach of bots, worms and other parasites which under- mine an animal's health. So cu. a package. LEEMING MILES G CO. AFEN". - - - IONTREAL of HAMILTON, 6iriiuiro For sale by all leading dealers. will build up a run down hJrie. I It “as No Equal yaeaotured only by coGider. tluf" Ttediiiid iiafiiGirGriiii, b'isiiit,'ei,') will you - lemme one. My yours. D. F. ”as HIE. It I. u distantly Ruthie remedy tor Spun”. Quinn, Cur ' Rimming; etc. Manon-u the bunclo and have. no sour. Pram Cl ; It: for W, As a Human! tor Timur no! it bu no Mimi. Ask you'drugzlat for KENDALL‘S FPAP N (II'RE, ttgit 1mm on the Rule." the book tree, or a BR. B. t. KENDALL co., ENOSBURG FALLS. W Horse Health DR. B. I. REXDALL co., Gentlemen ..--t have use-d your Bpavtn 1 my not?! for the ma .'et'1rir, ' , a" an Wt '6! MP. _ run u ("'1‘!‘ r I I Aug-have one Vrgd.' book- tttttt I Le yttrttyy'tuCtttht hgve any luv-r m! Ithat6itr'rr Plants. and black, tor sale cheap. Order early. “First cotr Can ship G. T. It. or C. I Dominionlixpreu. G..N, graph eoattoct,iott. Boll rimalay. Addrean W. H. "ITT Excelsior Fruit Fatt - IRE 3152me Huck 11.1.1“ leading varieties to ttell m $1 3.5 'ir 01-510 per tiuttymttd. m umsu, M. Beheaded on Dick's Blood Purifier Strawberry Hams, Eta, For Saié try man no you can mnl 901.141;- f. Day. For par [ISSUE NO. 15.19:); LEMlhnrpriiss'i0s Fe SALE - TWENTY-i good farm land aunnhh gears. mums or ”Mle with . T. W. station and On rods electric nation. Box AG, 15mm Cever'a Dry Soup (a powder) to bolus: and tuuttsels,--rou'u like assured. A London. an?” MrHPie,rdt/tse,.y,ery L, to solicit crrderm; hn gauged. _Apply Canadian L In. Win-lav” booth"!!! art-vii an” be and for Children “Jun-uh: who 919.99% "rtorus Lyceum». m -- w- anna. "1w!!- vacuum. CUN‘M'; . com-ad in that tiest remedy tor warms-A " USED FOURTEEN YEARS WIT?! 6000 RESULTS. 5.85:. can. m? IN HHEEN P., IN St AGENTS WANT; ‘1) P""-' I'll IEQ’AVG Hamilton. Ont. much was It? USE the Amount. Irdt come fir w You XHOI‘SI " w H Di"! pt Ft l Pl" " m xvnte, ala AU “It. ot N: "a " Irtrttt P home ti, Clarke. ll. Tho in tm. 50 Tim ohsarly Um littlon cam] Ciel-nut 'tio in hh [mm-- My. witl and weak lm in um: "ovrng" “Mu: to he able t minus. um Kingdom or t ably omit-i I will reign 13M [not mm; In doth. qrta'..-ou Mood a by " to corruann Umttt and Mn. [BMW of ~-Lias. “It “on “Hm. ami. "JV! eattdidatro; lion. Th" this (‘0qu annu- “mm rt o-xw no t " Per" Tran. Th a n Th lt y tor in (it tion-. mom M". with i an ion "It hm ml Ill lulu tered arm" Int-(w slain. win " l lit r plot" mom awful ' Script p-m rust lion Cirrirti: sun" 1 m has tr' tlm t out. lit' .ny hr H mou- the co Alwuy' porii1tv "bio in that u onsets action which gig ot “new church Slim“; S' y menu nu come ( 'NM" . Irrre the trc but: V.l I00” Th: . mt ll GUI! an Pttt I " trite' lil pr tt ttttt Tl at! Ch ll w tt Tr" Incl ll tit "H 'D Mt Ive M " II weizzhl at abie to ink: ms. mun mm in or (:01 HT walla! Hm kin; ign thr-rv in u [on torvvor -. Mi-our. (ml: h by it. vary Tuition. It k tl Pl n" In Box 36 Will be ad add: an ha rd

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